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Updated Dec 27
Updated Dec 27

Bolana's Boutique! Boutique information.

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Hi! I'm Vanessa!! Welcome!! If you are reading this, I am happy you stopped by to view my boutique! I am constantly adding new listings. I try my best to price my items at 1/3 of what I paid with an additional 10% off, however, most of the time my posh shoppers create their own price and that’s fine with me (if it is reasonable). With that being said, I welcome offers on most listings unless they are boutique or NWT. Happy Posh/Shoping, 😚
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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letty_may24 🌻Welcome to Poshmark!🌻 2/$15 3/$18 or 20% off 3+ Bundle
Oct 09Reply
bolana17 Thank you! :)
Oct 09Reply
jadie @gailsjewels @1hermitcrab @tami_leigh @txan66 @mia_bellavita @shannaplussize @kden_wallace @flylightly @mari1251 @kmariec @mrushing34 @saundie @amocie @partymk999 @dvacante Hey ladies!! Please help welcome my friend Vanessa to poshmark! Shes new with some fantastic stuff! <3 <3 <3
Oct 14Reply
shannaplussize Welcome Vanessa!!!! If you have any questions or need any help please feel free to ask! This is a great group of ladies!! So glad you joined us!!!
Oct 14Reply
bolana17 Aw, thanks Jadie and Shanna. You are so sweet! :))
Oct 14Reply
goldenpolkadot @bolana17 hello it's so nice to meet you I'm now following and sharing your adorable closet! My name is Olga🙋🏻 thanks for the intro @jadie 😘💨
Oct 14Reply
bolana17 It's nice to meet you too! I don't know how to send messages like you guy's do. Hopefully, I will figure that out soon. :))
Oct 14Reply
1smalltowngirl 💙 💚 💙 •°•°•°Welcome to Posh! Hope you have as much fun as we do and enjoy! Can be addicting lol! Great ladies^! •°•°•°• 💙💚💙
Oct 14Reply
gailsjewels @bolana17 Hi and welcome to posh! 🎉🎈💐💕😊 Please tag me when you add items to your closet and I'll share them .
Oct 14Reply
gailsjewels @bolana17 Sorry, I see you have items in your closet. So, I'll share them😊
Oct 14Reply
bolana17 Thank you guy's!! Excited to be a part of the posh world, and thank you for helping me market my closet.
Oct 14Reply
kmariec Hi Vanessa, it's nice to meet you. My name is Marie! 😊🎀 If you ever have any questions I'd be more than happy to help. Welcome to your new addiction!!! 😀 Thank you for the tag @jadie 😘
Oct 15Reply
bolana17 @kmariec Thank you..It's nice to meet you too!!! :))
Oct 15Reply
bolana17 @jadie Hi, wanted to say thank you for connecting me to the posh world and to all your wonderful posh friends. That was very welcoming. You are too sweet!!!!
Oct 15Reply
jadie Absolutely!! 😀😁 hope it helped jumpstart your sales!! Tag me when you post more so I can share for ya 😁😘
Oct 15Reply
bolana17 @jadie Oh sweet! I will definitely do that. :)
Oct 15Reply
tsommerf Hello Vanessa, welcome to Poshmark! Just wanted to say hello and offer to answer any questions that you have. Also wanted to advise that I offer a 20% discount on two items, excludes miss me jeans. If you are interested let me know and I can update the discount for you. Happy shopping!
Oct 20Reply
bolana17 @tsommerf Thank you!! You are too sweet!! @jadie got me hooked to the posh world. I will definitely share some of your discounted items and other items to my followers!
Oct 20Reply
bolana17 @jadie I have a shopper who is interested in a bundle discount/order. She has selected the items she wants to bundle but is having trouble ordering. I keep leading her to a dead in because this is my first experience with a bundle. Do you have any suggestions/advice for us? @asiaticnubian is her closet name. Please help! :)
Nov 04Reply
jadie @bolana17 yes!! Just tell her to use the bundle feature that is attached to each item. It will say "add to bundle". Meanwhile, you can go into your settings under "bundle discount" and lower the discount you want to offer there :)
Nov 04Reply
gumbob Hi, nice to e-meet you, give you a warm welcome to Posh & browse your closet. Wishing you a great day & many sales. Happy Poshing 😊
Nov 05Reply
bolana17 @gumbob Thank you!! :) Nice to meet you too!! Happy shopping & posh-ing!! :))
Nov 05Reply
poshmomto4 What you should do, if you want a Real one from here, ask for the proof. Mine said lokai NY. Also, buy one or two at a time. That way it wont be so overwhelming. But the blue and camo will be fake. If you want a white or pink one from here, get proof. There are some that buy them then sell if its to small/big For some I keep getting a notice when i tried to post this on that listing
Nov 07Reply
poshmomto4 Hi again! Mine are 15 13 10, all girls and my youngest is a 3yo little boy. I stay busy! This site is therapeutic for me also! :) Love to save money and still dress fantastic!
Nov 07Reply
bolana17 @poshmomto4 Aw, you have all girls. I have two boys/ two girls. At first I thought boys were easier but I was wrong. So far my 5 year old son has fractured his forearm jumping off the couch sending him to the ER, and my two yr old son is the sweetest but plays rough and has already had a incident playing rough which landed him two staples. I about had a heart attack those first two ER visits but the nurses told me to get use to it with boys. Ahh! Anyway, yes, Poshmark is the best. I love it!!
Nov 08Reply
poshmomto4 @bolana17 Wow! ER already :) I am always telling my boy to stop jumping on the sofa also. He is sweet but loves to beat up his sisters lol Its their fault though, they are always messing with his cars hahaha
Nov 08Reply
bolana17 @poshmomto4 Hi, I completely overlooked you saying you had a boy. That's what I get for staying up till 2am cleaning :) Boys are the sweetest! They're easy to compromise but play so rough. My girls never compromise ever they're stubborn to the core but play like little princesses. Just too demanding, lol! My girls are currently into make-up thanks to dance. I woke up this morning to my 5yr old girl with red lipstick on her lips, above her lips. It appears she used it as blush too. :)
Nov 08Reply
bolana17 @jadie Hi, My little sister has joined the posh world! She made her first two sales this week and I'm so excited for her! I believe she was friends with your little sister back in the Mac days. :) Can you do that welcome tag for her pretty please? This is her user name @moonstone1514 :)
Nov 08Reply
jadie @bolana17 absolutely!!! I'd love to!! I'm still in San Francisco but when I get back I absolutely will 😁😁(gotta have my laptop to do that) and what a small world!!! I'll be sure to share her items!!! How've sales been??
Nov 08Reply
bolana17 @jadie You're the best girl!! It's such a small world. Now that I think about it you may have known Kevin my younger cousin. He went to Mac too, played football. Cathy is in lub with him, haha! He just got out of the Marines. I'm so Jelly you are on vacation. I'm screaming to get a get away. I want a kid free vaca stat, ha! Be careful traveling back! And thank you again my sister will be excited. :)
Nov 08Reply
jadie @bolana17 who is your cousin????? I'm sure I know him!! Shared your sisters closet. And I've also shared your closet here at poshfest as a new posher ❤️❤️
Nov 08Reply
bolana17 @jadie ommggg.... thank you! That is so sweet of you. :)) And his name is Kevin Schmid.
Nov 08Reply
jadie WHAT!!!!! Haha, yes. I absolutely know him.
Nov 08Reply
bolana17 @jadie bahaha yes, he is the coolest!! :) Okay, so yes it has been confirmed, definitely a small world! lol!
Nov 08Reply
poshmomto4 @bolana17 My girls seem to be always fighting! Ugh, drive me nuts!y My boy love his cars and he just wants to play. But they always seem to make him made instead of letting him do his own thing. Maybe one day they will figure it out :)
Nov 08Reply
poshmomto4 Love your new picture!
Nov 11Reply
bolana17 @poshmomto4 Aw, you're too sweet! That's my football team I speak of, haha! :)
Nov 11Reply
poshmomto4 @bolana17 haha! My husband calls ours a train. Just when you think all the kids are rounded up, here comes another one! :)
Nov 11Reply
bolana17 @poshmomto4 haha that is so true. I love it when they're all on the train then one, two, maybe three decide to venture off. The joys! lol
Nov 11Reply
bolana17 @robana11 Thank you for the kind review!! :)) Thanks again for shopping with me!!
Nov 13Reply
robana11 Beautiful picture and you're welcome, everything was true lol! It was just as nice to see the wrapping and goodies, as well as the actual item! 💕
Nov 13Reply
bolana17 @sbc7386 Thank you for your kind review!! Thanks again for shopping with me!! :)
Nov 13Reply
bolana17 @cdchic Thank you for your kind review!! Thanks for shopping with me and have a great weekend!! :))
Nov 13Reply
bolana17 @buksi Thank you for your kind review!! :) I'm glad you're happy with your purchase. That makes me :)!!!!
Nov 17Reply
bolana17 @jadie Hey!! Can you send me your email? I have question..non-posh related :)
Nov 18Reply
jadie Of course!!!! 😁 jadiemorgan22 @ gmail dot com
Nov 18Reply
bolana17 @jadie Thxs, I'll send shortly :)
Nov 18Reply
bolana17 @fabulous35 Hi, I noticed that you liked a few items in my closet. If you want I can adjust my bundle discount for you. Right now it's set for a 2 item bundle but if you like I can up the discount on 3 item bundle because I love my posh shoppers :))
Nov 18Reply
bolana17 @angelomine06 Just got your review notification, and wanted to say you're welcome and thank you!! Thanks again for shopping with me, and I hope you visit my closet again soon! :)
Nov 22Reply
bolana17 @angelomine06 Yah!! Just received your order, and am excited to package your items!! Thanks for shopping with me again! You're the best! I will ship first thing in the am since ups doesn't run today. 💖🐳🐚🎀💕
Nov 22Reply
angelomine06 @bolana17 You have a beautiful family. Prayers coming your way. 💕
Nov 22Reply
bolana17 @angelomine06 Thank you so much! You're a sweetheart! Your prayers are appreciated 💖 💕
Nov 22Reply
hollyriles Beautiful family!!! 😃😊🤗
Dec 27Reply
bolana17 @hollyriles You're so sweet🍰🍦and definitely put a smile on my face. I'm going to give you an update on my mom on the other listing.
Dec 27Reply
hollyriles Aww...I'm SO glad that I was able to put a smile on your face and give you a good laugh!! 😃😉😊🤗
Dec 27Reply
bolana17 @hollyriles 😍 So sweet!!
Dec 27Reply
sejoursouvenir Welcome to poshmark 😀😀 I have a sister who lives in Texas too, with 2 sets of twins! U go girl! Quite an inspiration. Hope u have a pleasant experience on poshmark. I love ur headbands & hoe to come back & buy!
Dec 31Reply
bolana17 @livefree24 Hi there, Thank you so much!! You're so sweet!! :) It definitely is not easy raising multiples, plus finishing college, and teaching. I was a stay at home mom for years, & decided to finish my degree. I finally made senior status & I will never give up. I'm teaching 7th grade math in the Spring. :) I'm nervous because 6-8th is the most feared age group to work with, but I have a plan & I think I can get through to them. What part of Texas does your sister live in? :)
Dec 31Reply
sejoursouvenir Haha u sound cool 🙏 she lives in Dallas.
Dec 31Reply
bolana17 @livefree24 Also, if you ever want hair wraps, I can give you the sale price (2/$10 on any style including the tie backs). :) I have three styles. I love them so much and it's hard not to shop my own closet, but my 7year old told me "sharing is caring" ha!
Dec 31Reply
sejoursouvenir Haha that's adorable! And sounds good! I will prob come back & buy soon!
Dec 31Reply
bolana17 @livefree24 Aw, Dallas is nice. I'd personally like to move out of Texas to Colorado. Way too hot here. All though we recently had a cool front, and now I'm currently wearing 3 pairs of socks, two shirts, plus jacket, so maybe I'll have to stay in Texas hahaha :)
Dec 31Reply
sejoursouvenir Yea pretty crazy weather all over. I'm in New Jersey & we haven't had a real winter yet. Many days have been 70 degrees!!
Dec 31Reply
bolana17 @livefree24 Aw, That's definitely on my list of places I want to travel too. :) First, Italy. I had an Italian Professor over the summer, and omg, I've never loved a professor so much bahaha gotta get to Italy!!!
Dec 31Reply
deedoeshair That sounds great girl! I really love that outfit so just let me know when you get it posted and what you want to negotiate. 😘
Jan 17Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair Hi, just got your message. In about an hour I will go in "model" mode haha. Since, I can only list 4 pics on each listing. I'm going to create a "not for sale listing" with the jumper that I have that is the same just different pattern. I will then tag you in that image. For the listing you like, I'm going to delete one of those pic and I will have me wearing the outfit in one of the pics. The outfit is big on me, but you will see how it fits to the T in the other listing I post.
Jan 17Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair Also since I live in Texas and it's 55 degrees outside which feels like snow to me lol I probably will have a million goose bumps in the photos, lol but outside lighting is a lot better than in door lighting. :) Once you decide if you like the listing, I will figure out the math on giving you the best price I can...promise!!
Jan 17Reply
deedoeshair You're amazing thank you!!!! 😘
Jan 17Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair I looked up the price for this listing off the website I ordered from & I can give you $8 off of the $34 which will bring it to $26. If I reduce the listing posh will most likely give you a $1.99 shipping rate for one hour, if you liked the listing it will post to your posh/email. If you want to go this route shoot me a message, and then I will reduce the listing after, because I believe the shipping rate will be lowered for one hour only.
Jan 18Reply
deedoeshair Sounds great I can purchase whenever so just let me know when you'd like to set it up! Thanks!
Jan 18Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair Hi, I'm ready when you are. Do you want me to reduce it now? I just don't want you to miss the reduced shipping rate. I will be on stand by.
Jan 18Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair I'm going to go a head & reduce now because I have to complete my profile for a school I'm Teaching at. The deadline is nearing. I'm going to keep my posh open though & juggle back in forth from my school work back to posh. I'm a pro at this now because I posh away during all my lectures ahhh except for when I'm Teaching hahaha.
Jan 18Reply
deedoeshair Ready!
Jan 18Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair I'm not sure why the shipping rate hasn't reduced yet because I reduced it if my math is right 23.16 %. It ship price best reduce soon, if it doesn't I was already planning on sending you a free gift that's valued at $7. In the past it usually reduces fast even if it's 10-15% reduced.
Jan 18Reply
deedoeshair I'll wait a few more minutes but I'll buy anyway. Thank you so much for everything! Best experience yet! 😘
Jan 18Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair Yes, let's give it a few seconds for the system to recognize. If anyone try's to purchase it I will decline it lol
Jan 18Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair What is very peculiar is that when I load a listing, I always like it. Whenever I drop the price, I too get an email of price drop notification, and I haven't seen one in my email..just checked
Jan 18Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair I tried to jump start it buy lowering it to 25 but nothing has happened :(
Jan 18Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair *by* I despise typos not from other people but from myself ahh
Jan 18Reply
deedoeshair I appreciate everything you have done regarding my purchase, especially when you're dealing with your own things personally. Thank you so much for going above and beyond for me as I will definitely keep shopping your closet. Thanks girl you've been great! 😘
Jan 18Reply
bolana17 @deedoeshair Aww, you're so sweet 🙊 and I'm always here to help. Your package is all ready to go except Post offices where closed today for MLK. I'm going to drop off your package tomorrow before I head to school. It should arrive by the end of the week. Saturday the latest, but I noticed the priority packages move fast. I also included the directions for the outfit in your package 😘🐳🐬
Jan 19Reply
tabby1515 @bolana17 i cannot find your email
Jan 23Reply
bolana17 @tabby1515 Okay. Let me tag you in the listing with it. I tried to type it in, and then posh declined my message saying I could not add in my email. Just give give a few seconds to find that listing. If for some reason, I'm mistaken and my email is not on the listing I'm talking about, I will create a new listing with my new business cards so you can see it. Either way I'm sending you a Birthday gift, hehehe :) Smiles,
Jan 23Reply
tabby1515 @bolana17 thank you sooo much
Jan 23Reply
bolana17 @hollyriles Wishing you a happy week!! :)) Smiles~Vanessa
Feb 01Reply
tabby1515 @bolana17 hey vannessa small paycheck this week buying tomorrow hopefully getting money
Feb 01Reply
kloset_konnect 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 🎀HAPPY🎀 POSHING🎀 DOLL🎀 CONTINUE 🎀WITH🎀 MUCH🎀 SUCCESS 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Jul 28Reply
bolana17 @kloset_konnect 🍃🌸Thank you!! Happy Poshing to you too! 🌸🍃
Jul 28Reply

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