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Updated Nov 15
Updated Nov 15

✨Bookmark Me✨

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Cristina, Posh Top Seller, Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor. Like ♥️ this post to bookmark my closet! ✨I’m always open to negotiation. No price is set in stone. ✨Make an offer, I’ll accept or counter with my lowest. No obligation🥂 ✨Thanks for visiting my closet!
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crp60 and 72 others like this
mbpuravida 🌟🌟🌟 Welcome to Poshmark! 👠👗
Jul 07Reply
itsajonesthang HI there, I'm Brandy🤗. Nice to meet you😊. I'm a Posh Mentor ,SUGGESTED USER, and a Party Co Host💋, so if you have any questions or you need anything at all, please feel free to ask😉. Until then, HAPPY POSHING💞💞
Jul 08Reply
looksbylinna Hey lovely! Welcome to poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions about anything, I would love to help 🙂 Btw you're beautiful!! Happy poshing! 💓
Jul 08Reply
kawther Welcome 🌺🌺🌺
Jul 22Reply
tracyp1474 Come check out my closet! 😍
Aug 12Reply
perfectsplendid ❤️🎉❤️🎉Come check our my "Price Drop (Because exams Make me do things) event. Price drops range from 5 percent to 40 percent of previous listed price!!!! ❤️🎉❤️🎉 I am also still adding some discount to bundles❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️Lots of Love and Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 10Reply
justjackets Cristina Thank you for all the ❤️ Blessings and Joy ⭐️💕🌺 Elaine
Nov 13Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Christina. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Nov 20Reply
hapagear HI Christina, Thanks so much for all your shares! I really appreciate your visit to My Closet! Have a fab weekend.🌺
Dec 09Reply
saguarostyle Hi cute closet!💕🙌
Dec 09Reply
bossladytx Thank you for all the shares! You have a wonderful closet.
Dec 12Reply
mischi302 Hi Cristina! Thanks for all the shares! 💕
Jan 05Reply
vintestry @mischi302 sure, thank you!
Jan 05Reply
uyenwendy You look beautiful 💝💝
Jan 11Reply
vintestry @uyenwendy thank you 😊
Jan 11Reply
tazzyg Good morning, I noticed you tried to bundle zumba pullover, but somehow it didn’t show up in your bundle package. Would you like me to make you a private offer?
Jan 13Reply
ashdickerson Thank you so much for all of the shares!!!!!
Jan 23Reply
vintestry @ashdickerson thank you as well! 😊
Jan 23Reply
hector12123 Hi I’m hector your very beautiful have a bless day
Apr 23Reply
wrforrest Classy closet!
Aug 02Reply
vintestry @wrforrest awww thanks! 😍
Aug 02Reply
wrforrest Thanks so mich for all the shares!! Hope sales are going well. My door is always open.
Aug 03Reply
glamqueen5 Hello! Congratulations on hosting your Posh Party tomorrow! 😀🎉🎈👏🏼 if you have a moment, please browse through my closet to see if you’d be interested in choosing one of my listings for a Host Pick. I’m a relatively new Posher and would be thrilled to boost my sales. Many thanks and I appreciate your consideration. 🥰
Mar 11Reply
monascollection @vintestry Yippee!!!!🥰😘🌸Congrats on hosting the Jewelry and Accessiories Party!!💝⭐️ I would honored if you 🌸🥰🎉considered my hand fashioned designs as a possible host pick.🎊🥰 🌸🎉
Mar 11Reply
cocobellechic Hi! Thanks for inviting me to the party!! If you have time I would be honored if you would look at my closet for a host pick! I have some really great pieces! Thanks so much & have fun!🤩🌸Jill
Mar 11Reply
poshbunnystyle Congrats on hosting your party! Looking forward to a great time! Please check out my closet for host picks. Thanks in advance and Have FUN!
Mar 12Reply
ladycrackerjack @vintestry ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
Mar 12Reply
terbearco hi @vintestry congratz!! I am a newbie posher, still getting my feet wet! I would love it if you would consider checking out my closet and maybe you can find something for a hp! I have tons of jewelry and accessory items to select from!!! good luck!
Mar 12Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Cristina! My name is Ronda and I was hoping that you’d be kind enough to honor me with a Host Pick this afternoon. I am hosting tomorrow evening & surely will return the gesture. Either way, I am truly grateful for your consideration. @cocosverobeach
Mar 12Reply
amandas2ndroom Congrats & Thank You for hosting today’s Party!           👑   🌕🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌕👀🌕🌕      💧👄💧           ⏳    🔑🔴🔴📎 👋     🎀     👇         🔴🔴      🔴🔴🔴   🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴      👠     👠 Our closets are 100% PC and would love to be featured today! Jewelry & Accessories: @amandas2ndroom (men’s, women’s, and children’s) @tractorqueen1 @minkalamour @patriciabolojan @ccampbell41 @poshtessa @americangirl66 @cwillow @lbsmileygirl @rachelmacneill @1girlstrash @dawna114
Mar 12Reply
thesavvy_profit Congrats on hosting a party!!! IF you have any slots left for your picks please consider my closet: @sh0paholic_86. I have loads of jewelry. Thanks & happy poshing!!!
Mar 12Reply
dejaboo951 Heyy Cristina!! Congrats in hosting Best in Jewelry & Accessories Party!! Hosting posh parties are awesome!!. Feel free to stop by my closet for some great Jewelry and Accessories to share :)
Mar 12Reply
gigi11155 Congratulations on HOSTING!! What a great honor!! If you can find a minuite would you check out my PC CLOSET please? Thank you @gigi11155
Mar 12Reply
taniaxshop Yay! Congratulations on co-hosting "Best In Jewelry Party"! I'd love for you to check out my closet for any potential host picks.✧ ♡
Mar 12Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Mar 12Reply
moviebuff2728 Congratulations on hosting the jewelry and accessories today! Please have a look through my closet. ☺️
Mar 12Reply
Mar 12Reply
c_katy Thank you for picking my produce like host! Xoxo
Mar 12Reply
robincia I wished to thank you for selecting my Ellen Tracy watch/bracelet set as a Host Pick. I joined PM a few months ago and this was my very first HP. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I was when I finally figured out exactly what was happening😃. I am now hooked!
Mar 17Reply
vintestry @robincia my pleasure, it’s a beautiful set! And yes, you’re so right, Poshmark is addictive :)
Mar 17Reply
vintestry @c_katy yes, because it’s BEAUTIFUL! 😍😍😍 I see it’s not for sale anymore :)
Mar 17Reply
vintestry @richera137 Thanks! You have a beautiful closet, I could have chosen at least 10 pieces for that party :)
Mar 17Reply
c_katy @vintestry yes, someone else want it, more hot goodies to come before Easter, stay tuned 🎉🎉🎈🎈xoxo
Mar 17Reply
nicolep04 Great closet! Thanks for the shares 😘
Apr 14Reply
ladycrackerjack @vintestry ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party 4/19 !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
Apr 16Reply
ar_is_a_posher Hey Cristina! Congratulations on hosting the Men's Style Party tomorrow! Please check out the selection of men's sneakers in my closet. I have a pair of Nike Air Max 180's, Night Ops, that aren't available in that size anywhere else on Poshmark (or any of the stores here in New York). Congrats again and happy hosting!
Apr 18Reply
demonhunters Congratulation on co-hosting the mens posh party tomorrow. I have just received a new collection of mens wears and hoping for a host pick. Most important, have lots of fun and wishing you many sales...
Apr 18Reply
aclosetdeposit 💥💥Thanks for hosting the Men's Style party tonight! 🧓👨🌾👨🔧👨🏭👨💼Men love to look great, too! Please check out my closet for possible host picks and also the closet of my PFF, @foresttreasures, since she also has great items!🎩🧢👞👟 We will be here buying, sharing and following!!
Apr 19Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much for your consideration and I hope you have a successful party.
Apr 19Reply
believeinhope I wish you enjoy co hosting the party🥳
Apr 19Reply
tiff_thrifts Congrats on hosting ❤️🎉
Apr 19Reply
kundora Congratulations on your Poshmark status. We are a large online retailer and have several things listed on here at amazing steals as we are also Poshmark ambassadors. Please check out our items to promote as a host pick as they really are the best deals online. We are doing this as amazing giveaway price.
Apr 19Reply
acelestialsoul 👋🚶‍♂️👕👖👔👞🥾🎩🌟You’re Hosting the Men’s Style Party? GREAT! I’ll be there My closet is Posh compliant. Can you look for a Host Pick from me? I’m a Poshmark Ambassador, Mentor, 5-⭐️ Seller and Top Sharer on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler and Twitter! 🏆🧦🕶🧢👑🏃‍♂️
Apr 19Reply
lifewithlisag Hi! Thanks for hosting tonight’s “Men’s Style” Party. I would love for you to check out my closet...I have several items that could be great hosts picks! 🤗🛍
Apr 19Reply
breezybazaar Thanks for the host pick for tonight's Men's Style Party! <3
Apr 20Reply
kingofallsoccer Thanks you for picking my item best of luck with your closet it’s a great one.
Apr 21Reply
vintestry @breezybazaar Of course! It’s a lovely piece! I love rag & bone, and I feel it’s getting enough attention here :) I feel like doing “justice” lol
Apr 21Reply
vintestry @kingofallsoccer thank you for all the shares! Good luck with your closet as well!
Apr 21Reply
breezybazaar @vintestry Haha yes! Thanks again xoxo
Apr 21Reply
vintestry @breezybazaar *NOT getting, sorry 😜
Apr 21Reply
mcotto1012 Good Morning Cristina☀️Thank you so much for the shares! Your closet is fantastic! Have a great day!
May 13Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Sep 01Reply
dagmarstone Congratulations 🍾🎈🎊🎉 to you hosting!!! It would be lovely, if you would consider my closet, and my pff’s closets @poshmandyz. @poshstreetluxe. Thanks
Sep 01Reply
kkaytay @vintestry 👠👗👛👚👙👡 🎉CONGRATULATIONS🎉 Hooray I'm so excited that you're hosting the Chic Style Party. I would be honored if you'd take a peek in my closet for one of your Host Picks! Thanks, KayKay
Sep 01Reply
poshlady777 Hi, Congrats🎉 on hosting the upcoming Party. I would love if you would look at my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks much. Happy Poshing! 🛍🌻
Sep 01Reply
daisygirl85255 Hi Cristina! Congratulations on hosting the Simply Chic Party tomorrow! I will be there for sure but hope you will take a look at my PFF’s @abthursday closet for consideration for a Host pic. She has some great items that would be perfect for your party. Wishing your all the very best with your party. 🎉💗🌸👏👍🌺💗🎉😇
Sep 01Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting Simply Chic 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet 🎉 Thanks so much for considering 🎉
Sep 01Reply
tourvel Congratulations on being a host for the simply chic party! I have a decent amount of on trend clothing that are new with tags and second hand. Take a look and see if anything stands out. I would greatly appreciate it.
Sep 02Reply
bitsofbeautiful @vintestry Hey CONGRATULATIONS FRIEND!!!!! I hope you enjoy hosting this posh party!!!!! 🎉 I’d be honored if you took the time to swing by my closet!!!!!! Either way CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!!!!! 💞PFFS @Julissiamonds @poshmosh1013 @Sjbetch80 @Cosmos_goods @value_vintage @Therainbowkittn @Mrj4323 @aBitOfBeautiful 👑 -Msg Me To Be Removed 🛑🚫DO NOT COPY🚫🛑
Sep 02Reply
thriftnmamabear Hi & congrats on hosting!! I would be honored if you took a peek at my closet, thanks so much!!
Sep 02Reply
sisterpie 👠💍💄👜Congrats on co-hosting the Simply ChicParty! Hope you have super sales and super fun!👠💍💄👜
Sep 02Reply
esnider1412 Congrats on co-hosting a party! I know it will be a posh-some affair! I would love for you to look at my closet for a HP! Happy Poshing!
Sep 02Reply
clothandstreet Awesome on hosting! Love your closet. I have a pair of sexy SARAH JESSICA PARKER FAWN LEATHER PUMP HEELS that you can show off at your party. Wishing you many sales!
Sep 02Reply
jasdressingroom Congrats on hosting the Simply Chic party!! Would love a HP if you're still looking. Can't wait 💜🛍💜🛍💜🛍💜🛍💜🛍
Sep 02Reply
kjenkinson1990 Congrats on hosting! South Florida posher here/ If you get a second please check out my closet! Trying to move inventory on the off chance my home is 🌊blown away 💨 by this hurricane. Praying for all of the Carolinas Georgia and Florida 💕🙈
Sep 02Reply
palmbeachvibe Congratulations on hosting a party! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks for looking!
Sep 02Reply
nhark85 Hi! Please check out my closet for a potential Host Pick for tonight’s Simply Chic Party. Thank you!! 🙏🏻🤞✨
Sep 03Reply
acelestialsoul 🌛🌟🌜Yay! The Simply Chic Party! 💕 I've got 🌌Stellar🌌 Listings that are Out of This World. 🌎🏆 I'd be over 🚀 the 🌜moon if you'd ✅ out my Posh Compliant Closet for🏆Host Picks. I'm a Shooting Star🌟 on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest. 💕 I can't wait to share...🌛🌟🌜 Tricia~@acelestialsoul🌌🚀
Sep 03Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Cristina! My name is Ronda and I’ve been following you for awhile now. Been Poshing tonight to keep my mind off the fact that we are under a Hurricane Warning. Was hoping you would be kind enough to honor me with a Host Pick this evening. I’ll be hosting again soon and surely will return the gesture. Either way I’m grateful for your consideration! @cocosverobeach
Sep 03Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹Cristina🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Sep 03Reply
monascollection @vintestry 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my designs and the listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @anamaral @bonniesailer @libzee2018 @legalbeagle922 @flippintickled @ashjesh @ms_penny_posher @mimi447 @heidizme @llporto @wildtimefashion @808classysassy @erincavezza @sluvscats @poshcloset173 @funkyhulagirl @romualdo1 @flghtmedc1907
Sep 03Reply
monascollection @vintestry 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my designs and the listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @cathyfrangos @pietta @lmdc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @lauretoo @terri_lynns @wildcaresalot @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @acelestialsoul @poshstreetluxe @shoevenir
Sep 03Reply
huntculture @vintestry congratulations on josting the upcoming party! 🎉👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉👏🏻 I will be there sharing, supporting and celebrating with you! Wishing you a successful evening! 💕✨ Ana
Sep 03Reply
taniaxshop Yay! Congratulations on co-hosting a posh party and great closet!! I'd love for you to check out my closet @taniaxshop and my PFF @jaccollection for any potential host picks! ♡
Sep 03Reply
lol_princess 💫Congratulations 🎉 on your exquisite party. Would love for you to visit my closet for possible HP. Happy Poshing 💕🥰
Sep 03Reply
talliwalli Love your closet!! Please checkout my closet: @talliwalli @talliwalli @talliwalli 🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊🙊🍊
Sep 03Reply
just1ebby Congratulations on hosting!!🎉I am new here and would love ❤️ if you would take a look at my closet and maybe see a potential host pick!! Thanks
Sep 03Reply
kate_stylist Congrats on hosting!!❤️ I would be honored if you would select my items as Host Pick.@kate_stylist😊💓
Sep 03Reply
rlendore Hi!! 👋🏻 I would really appreciate it if you could take a quick look at my closet and consider one of my items for Host Pick!! 😉 Thank you!! ☺️ Happy Poshing!!! 🥰
Sep 03Reply
casualtwist If you have any host picks left please check out my custom paintings and Puppy paintings!
Sep 03Reply
samjonesposh Congrats on the party, love 😘🥳🍾you’re gonna kill it! 💖You should totally take a peek at my closet; I know there are pieces that you would love 🙌🏻 Please consider for a host pick 🤞🏻
Sep 03Reply
misshall115 Congrats in hosting a party! I hope one day to host a fabulous party like this! ☺️ till now I’ll hope for a host pick! I would Love it if you consider me for a host pick for your party! ☺️❤️ thank you!
Feb 24Reply
beoirem 🌏📀🌎📀🌎CONGRATS on your Party Pff💋💋💋I’ll be there sharing your awesome HP’s🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀💋💋💋📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎💋💋💋📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🧚‍♂️📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀🧚‍♂️🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎 .
Feb 24Reply
palmbeachvibe Congratulations on hosting a party! So exciting! I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks for looking! Wishing you tons of sales!
Feb 24Reply
selenalamode i love your closet. i would appreciate it if you would consider an item from my closet as a host pick for best in shoes tomorrow. i only have one pair of shoes listed in my closet right now but they are really cute!
Feb 24Reply
sandradwheeler Congrats on your party!🎉🎊🥂I hope you’ll consider my closet! Come take a peek at some of my shoes!!🙏🏻
Feb 24Reply
a_styled_life Hi there 👋🏼 and congrats on hosting the best in shoes posh party tomorrow! 🎉 I have a ton of cute new shoes in my closet and I would love it if you would consider one for a host pick! Have a great party!
Feb 24Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to selling on Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Feb 24Reply
yogagirl4ever 🎉Congratulations on hosting a party!!🎉 Please check out my closet for any Host Picks. Thanks!! 😘
Feb 24Reply
ladycrackerjack @vintestry ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party ! ❤️ Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
Feb 24Reply
mistygidget Hi! Congratulations on hosting the Shoe Party!. I'll be there in the corner passing out champagne to everyone LOL! Wishing you many sales. I would be so happy if you could visit my closet for a potential host pic. Have a great party! 🍾🥂🍾💜💚💙💥💥💥
Feb 24Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Feb 25Reply
jeanmcg4 @vintestry Hihi Congrats on your upcoming party!! Hope you make lots of sales! Please feel free to consider my closet (I have a neat pair of teal louboutin booties) for the party if it's not too late. Many thanks and happy poshing!
Feb 25Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? THanks so much
Feb 25Reply
manslayerchick Hey my name is Nicolle💕😏🔞🔥 come check out my closet for a possible feature in your party. I consider my style🔥💥🖤🔥💥 I have high quality items, all different designers, cheep prices, and great picture quality. Thanks 4 your time
Feb 25Reply
msleslied1 Congrats congrats 🎊🎈🍾🎉 on your ‘SHOE POSH PARTY TODAY!!! 👠💋👢👡👞👟🥾👠🥿👑. I WISH YOU MUCH SUCCESS W SALES. I will be there to cheer you one and share away. Would love love if u have time to check for a PICK in my closet. I’ve got all my shoes at the top. THANK THANK YOU, just in case..Leslie w 168K followers! 🛍🛍
Feb 25Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Shies Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💕💕💕
Feb 25Reply
demonhunters Shoes -3 🌟👠🌟CONGRATULATIONS 🌟👠🌟on your BEAUTIFUL HOST PICK, BEST in SHOES POSH PARTY •🥿•👡•👞•👟•🥾•👠•👢• Have a Wonderful Day with many Sales and Happy Poshing 🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟 💎💎Shoes are the quickest way for women to achieve instant Metamorphosis -Manolo Blahnik 💎💎 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Feb 25Reply
upperapparel 🎉 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 on hosting today’s “best in shoes” posh party!! That’s a wonderful accomplishment! I’m looking forward to participating and seeing all of the awesome host picks! Keep up the good work! Much love! 💕✌️
Feb 25Reply
electricmoose Congrats on hosting the Best in Shoes Party!! If you haven’t found all your picks yet,I would be so honored if you checked out my closet and considered one of my items as a host pick! Thank you so much! Have fun and happy poshing!!!❤️❤️❤️
Feb 25Reply
kay_e123 @vintestry Congratulations on hosting today!! I would love if you can check out my closet for a host pick!! I have a perfect pair of NEW Tommy Hilfiger boots and a cute new pair of Walking Sneakers!! I’d really appreciate the Posh LOVE!! Thank you! Happy Poshing! ❤️👢👢👟👟❤️
Feb 25Reply
deosilva19 Congratulations on your hosting party today🎉🎉🎉👏🏻🌸
Feb 25Reply
thj123 Hey girl hey! COngrats on hosting today's party! Please consider my closet for a host pick ... please and thank you!!!!
Feb 25Reply
moudgil62 Congrats on hosting a posh party! Please check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks!
Feb 25Reply
jenniferj30 Congratulations on hosting! Feel free to check out my closet. Hope you find some great host picks during your party. Happy hosting 🤗
Feb 25Reply
cassandralpaw ❣️CONGRATS ON HOSTING! ❣️ I would appreciate it if you took a look at my closet for a potential HP! 😍❤️ I have some great shoes that need good homes! Wishing you all the posh success 💕💕
Feb 25Reply
savannahsaxe Howdy! My name is Savannah and I joined posh recently to help pay for school and if it’s possible I’d love it if you looked in my closet for an hp!! Thanks for hosting!!
Feb 25Reply
hans_gerlich Have fun hosting and clearing your closet in the process. Best, Hans G.
Feb 25Reply
classyjjg Thanks so much for selecting my Pedro Garcia shoes as Hist Puck for the Best in Shies party!! 👍🏼💗🎉
Feb 25Reply
thereddot Thank you for picking my Golden Goose copper booties as a host pick for the Best in Shoes party! I appreciate the support for my closet 😘😘❤️
Feb 26Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you hav a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Mar 24Reply
snicolet Congrats on hosting Best in Home!! I'm so glad we finally have a home decor category for Poshmark now!! I have a lot of original children's/nursery art in my closet that I would love for you to look at if you get a chance!! Sharing your beautiful closet with my followers and wishing you much success!!
Mar 24Reply
demonhunters 🌟🏡🌟🏆🌟🏘🌟Congratulations on Hosting Posh Party “BEST in HOME ” •🧸•🖼•🛏•🪑•🏺•⚱️•🕰•🍽• How exciting and I am thrilled for you. 🎉🎉🎊🎈🎉🎉 It would be a privilege and an honor if you could check out my Posh Compliant Closet for a possible Host Pick 🌟💖🌟Thank you, have a wonderful day and Happy Poshing 🌟💖🌟💖🌟💖🌟 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Mar 24Reply
scsnola 🥂🍾congratulations on hosting the party 🥳🎉🥳I would love if you would please🙏pick an item from my closet🥰thanks a bunch💐see you at the party🤩🥳🥰🤩🍾🥂🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉😘💋
Mar 25Reply
nicole_parr 🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕🌟🌟🌟CONGRATS ON HOSTING!!!! I would love it if you'd consider choosing one of my listings as a host pick for the Best in Home Posh Party!🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕🌟🌟🌟 Happy Poshing !!!💰💰💰
Mar 25Reply
upperapparel 🎉 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 on being selected to host today’s “Best in Home” posh party today! 🕰🖼🏡That’s a wonderful accomplishment! I look forward to participating and checking out all of the awesome host picks! Keep up the great work! Much love! 🌈 💕✌️
Mar 25Reply
esnider1412 Congrats on co-hosting a party! I know it will be a posh-some affair! I would love for you to look at my closet for a HP! Happy Poshing!
Mar 25Reply
1fashionfinds1 Congratulations on co-hosting the best in home posh party today! Please check out my closet for a possible Host Pick! 🌺
Mar 25Reply
one_of_a_find Hello! Congrats on Hosting! I hope you would consider my closet for a potential Host Pick! I appreciate your time! Thank you!
Mar 25Reply
acelestialsoul 🏡🏠Congrats on hosting Best in Home! Please ✅ check out my Posh 👌Compliant Closet for Host 🏆Picks. 🙏 Thanks! See you there. I 🏠🏡
Mar 25Reply
sweetieprincess 🎊🎉🎊Congratulations on being our host for the 🏡Best In Home🏡 Posh Party!! Im selling fun colorful bohemian decor and would appreciate it if you would take a look at them and hopefully consider any for a host pick. Thank you!!🌻🌺🌻
Mar 25Reply
connieavf Congrats on hosting 🌟Best in home 🏡 posh party🌟I hope it will be awesome and that you’ll be able to enjoy every minute.❤️ 🙏🏻Pass by my closet to check the incredible things I have 🙏🏻
Mar 25Reply
kcart827 Thank you for the Host Pick! I really appreciate it! God Bless❤️
Mar 26Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Cristina! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Jul 24Reply
beoirem 💋💋💋 CONGRATS ON YOUR PARTY DEAR PFF. I would love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet ❣️❣️❣️📀📀📀📀🧚📀📀 🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🌎📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌏📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌍📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🎩📀📀🧚📀📀🌍📀 🧚Thank you so much🧚 🌎
Aug 03Reply
shopofthemoment թօՏհ Թɑɾեվ ɑӀҽɾե! 🍾@vintestry®️ Everyday Picks ✌🏻 Its🔛 Fri @10PM 🎟 🎤✨ @alaska42 🎤✨ @brunomars90 🎤✨ @cmlazorenk 🎤✨ @coconut_couture 🎤✨ @dearcarmen 🎤✨ @dressinglauren 🎤✨ @emangino 🎤✨ @from_us2you 🎤✨ @houndstooth 🎤✨ @itsajonesthang 🎤✨ @jadet4 🎤✨ @jlotopper 🎤✨ @jovigraham 🎤✨ @j3nnm76 🎤✨ @ladycrackerjack 🎤✨ @lhaag721 🎤✨ @lucky0718 🎤✨ @modig 🎤✨ @piccadilly_posh 🎤✨ @poshtessa 🎤✨ @sheashea93 🎤✨ @shoplunagrace 🎤✨ @soulcrusher717 🎤✨ @tgavril 🔒 private list do not copy 🔒🔑
Aug 03Reply
ghny Hi Cristina! Congrats on hosting the every day pics party! Please consider my closet for host pics. I'm still pretty new to PM and would really appreciate the support- thanks so much!
Aug 05Reply
fashionwonders 💕💕💕Dear Cristina, congratulations on hosting an Everyday Picks Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I am very excited for you! Enjoy hosting and I will be there to celebrate with you! If you consider a host pick from my closet, I will be very grateful! Have a great time and wishing you many happy sales! 💕💕💕💕
Aug 05Reply
Aug 06Reply
karlensclassics Hi Cristina, Congratulations on being picked to host the Everyday Picks Posh Party! I'll be there, sharing my listings, including a few I just listed last night. I hope you have fun, and make many new sales and followers.
Aug 06Reply
jenmaysuch Hi!! Congrats on hosting a posh party!! 🎉❤️ You have such an amazing closet!! If you have some time I would love if you checked out my closet for a potential host pick! Thank you and congrats again!! 💕
Aug 06Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Aug 06Reply
curatedbyjenn congrats on hosting!! i have some super cute pieces that i'd love for you to consider for host picks!! happy poshing, congrats again❤️❤️
Aug 06Reply
sahibtrends I congratulate you on hosting the posh party. I wish u the very best and much success. I would appreciate if you check out my closet for your host-pick!
Aug 06Reply
vivianboutique1 @vintestry Congrats on hosting a posh party Please consider any one of my items for a host pick
Aug 06Reply
mint_lace Congrats on hosting 🎉💗🤩 I’ll be there to shop & share. 🛍 I’d love if you check out my closet for possible host picks!
Aug 06Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet ✅ Thanks so much 🙏
Aug 06Reply
blingoriginals Congratulations on being chosen to host the “ Everyday Picks Party”. tomorrow night! I will be sharing it to Instagram, follow you on Instagram, and share your closet on Instagram! I just joined Poshmark in May and absolutely love it! If you could kindly take a peek at a couple of items that I tagged you on for possible HP’s I would really appreciate it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 06Reply
txchili Congratulations on being selected as a Posh Co-Host ❤️❤️❤️. I would appreciate it if you would check out my closet @txchili for host picks🎉🎉🎉 in your upcoming party. Looking forward to seeing all the great items. Thanks so much!!! ✨❤️🎉❤️✨
Aug 07Reply
jenniibee HI!👋🏻Congrats on hosting tomorrow! I have a few items that would make great host picks if you are still looking. I hope you have a good party and stay safe!
Aug 07Reply
glitznglam8888 Congrats on hosting the Everyday Picks posh party!! 🎉🎉 I would really appreciate if you would consider my closet for a host pick. 💃💃 Thanks so much for your consideration and have a blast!! 😊😊💖💖
Aug 07Reply
crp60 Congrats on hosting the upcoming Everyday Picks Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event. ♥️
Aug 07Reply
fifuhouse Hello! Congratulations on hosting your Posh Party tomorrow! 😀🎉🎈👏🏼 if you have a moment, please browse through my closet to see if you’d be interested in choosing one of my listings for a Host Pick. I’m a new Posher and would be thrilled to boost my sales. Many thanks and I appreciate your consideration. 🥰We believe every piece of jewelry should be loved over & over again, not to mention it's better for the planet. FiFu.
Aug 07Reply
lele_poshie_btq 🩸PARTY ALERT🩸Hi doll I’m Lisa Congrats on your Posh Party.. I would love for you to consider checking out mine & my PFF’s PA closets for possible host pick selections 🩸@808classysassy @hulagirl29 @doublel680 @lhaag721 @stylish_paige @1kawaii1 @flsnowbunny05 @jenimadedesigns @peppedup @luturnbull @fashionwonders @mdbrodney @shop_essentials @terri_lynns @fryemeup @houndstooth @ladycrackerjack @nuggetchicky @nicole_parr @violetskys7 @cool2beagal @keywestclass @evelinarogers
Aug 07Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!! Please consider one of my listings as a host pick 🦋💖🥳🙏
Aug 07Reply
demonhunters 💕💖💕CONGRATULATIONS on HOSTING Posh Party “Everyday Picks” 8.07.20❣️👗❣️👠❣️👜❣️👖❣️👢❣️💄❣️👛❣️👙❣️🕶❣️👚❣️👕❣️Enjoy your Special Day! I am excited and thrilled for you. Wishing you a Fantastic Party with many Sales and Have a BLAST 🌟💖🌟💖🌟I would be Honored to be considered for a possible Host Pick 🌟💖🌟💖🌟Thank you and Happy Poshing 🌟💖🌟💖🌟 🌟😇Take Care and Be Safe😇🌟 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Aug 07Reply
dressscore @vintestry Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
Aug 07Reply
dagmarstone Congratulations on hosting your party 🎉🎊🙏🍾
Aug 07Reply
flsnowbunny05 🥳🎉🎊🎈CONGRATS ON HOSTING YOUR PARTY 🥳🎉🎊🎈SURE TO BE A SUCCESS. I’LL BE BRINGING SOME FRIENDS ALONG WITH GREAT CLOSETS, WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF YOU WOULD TAKE A LOOK AT THEM FOR A HOST PICK .🥳🎉🎊🎈SEE YOU AT THE PARTY🥳🎉🎊🎈 @a_brown325💜 @ambentzen💜 @jfoxy19💜 @fashion_noveau💜 @mel_sell💜 @abbi_916💜 @crystalco💜 @ashleys_locker3💜 @skbblackwidow💜 @crazysha63💜 @lele_poshie_btq💜 @doublel680💜 @mdbrodney💜 @ambercook19💜
Aug 07Reply
goopy1 @vintestry Please check out my closet for a possible host pick! 🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏
Aug 07Reply
fryemeup 🥳Congrats on Hosting🎉 I am wishing you much success & many sales. I will be there supporting you. I am tagging some amazing PFF's. Kindly ✔️out their closets along with mine for a potential HP💕Thanks🤩 PARTY ALERT 🚨 @fryemeup @denimjunkies @tpk95 @soflolor @808classysassy @haveuseenthis @tarcherscloset @hulagirl29 @justgivemeone @helpmehelpu @1kawaii1 @mdbrodney @stylish_paige @bwood8 @preppyshoppe_4u @absolutlyyumyum @doublel680 @lele_poshie_btq ty @Iele_poshie_btq for the tag
Aug 07Reply
saraegrignon Hi! Congratulations on being selected as a host! I am so happy for you 😊 I would be grateful if you considered one of my listings for your host pick ❤️ Thank you for your time and consideration!
Aug 07Reply
lill4 🥳Congratulations on hosting🥳 🎉🎉🎉 🎉A PARTY!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 🌺🌺🌺So exited for you!!!🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺Please consider my closet🌺🌺 🌺🌺for a potential Host Pick🌺🌺 🎉🎉Thank you🎉🎉Good Luck🎉🎉 🥳🥳🥳🥳 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Aug 07Reply
terri_lynns 👜👠🩱👚🕶👛💍👒👖🧸 (•_•) CONGRATULATIONS on Hosting a <) )╯ Posh PARTY. I will be there / \ Celebrating and. \(•_•)/🍷 Sharing Host Picks. 🥳💙 ( ( I would love it if you / \ Would check out my closet 🙋🏻‍♀️🥳 \(•_•)/ ) ) Let’s Party TOGETHER!! 💃🏻🌺💃🏻 / \ Stay Safe and Healthy 🙏🏻💙🙏🏻
Aug 07Reply
jenimadedesigns ✨🎉Congratulations on hosting!🎉✨ I can’t wait to celebrate & share with everyone! I’d love it if you could please consider my closet or my pff @rachelrose325 for a host pick! Thank you so much & enjoy today! 💕Jeni @lele_poshie_btq thanks so much for the tag!💕
Aug 07Reply
ambarabella86 🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations on Hosting the Poshmark Party! 🎉❤️🎉 Sharing wishing you much success with your closet and many speedy sales! 🎉🤗 HAPPY Poshing! 💕🎉🤗 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Aug 07Reply
caspen @vintestry Congrats on hosting 🎊please check out my closet @caspen if you still need host picks
Aug 07Reply
ess_roc Hi Cristina! As you look for just the right HPs, it’d be wonderful if you’d swing by my closet. It’s compliant & I’ve put effort into showcasing things nicely :). Lots of lovely pieces, but here are some that I think could be especially on-theme: - Adjustable outdoor-friendly sandals - Chaco - 💄 red croc-look wallet - Reusable cotton produce bags w/tare weights - Gourmet slow cooker recipe book - Teal bangle bracelet - Black smock dress - Zara Basic Thanks for considering! Sierra 🔸🔸🔸
Aug 07Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Everyday Picks Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Stay strong & healthy during this time. Thank you & Happy Poshing 💚🌸💚
Aug 07Reply
telitabobita Hi! I see you are hosting a party this eve.I am wondering if you could choose something from my closet to showcase?💫🥴💫 I haven't had a sale in well over 10 days and can really use the help🌞
Aug 07Reply
rachelbtu21 Congrats on hosting! I would love to be considered for a host pick tonight. I've had a lot of difficulty making any sales recently and your pick would mean a lot! TIA and good luck :)
Aug 07Reply
mcw214 Congratulations hosting tonight’s Poshmark party!! ✨✨✨Please check out my closet for possible host picks 🎉 I would greatly appreciate it! Take care!
Aug 07Reply
shaliek Congratulations on hosting! Please feel free to check out my closet. Thank you!
Aug 07Reply
kyliekeinath45 Congrats on hosting the posh party tonight 🎉 I would love it if you could check out my closet for a host pick 😊
Aug 07Reply
icymercado @vintestry Congratulations Cristina! I’d love to be considered for a Host Pick; please and thank you! 🥰❤️
Aug 08Reply
jprushan Hi Christina!!! Check out my closet for the party tonight!!! We have some great everyday picks at awesome prices!!! Thanks!!!!
Aug 08Reply
kadeskicks If you are still looking for a Host Pick, Please consider an item or 2 from my closet! Thanks!
Aug 08Reply
murphybeelove Congrats on your party tonight! If you need some Host Picks, I have some great brands like Anthropologie, Michael Kors, and Lucky Brand ☺️ I hope you check out my closet! Xoxo
Aug 08Reply
Aug 08Reply
amoresaluteblog Congrats on hosting a Poshmark party! I am a social media Influencer & blogger w/ nearly 50K followers on Instagram @amoresalute. I would love to shout out your closet & Instagram over on my IG page in exchange for a host pick about my 50% OFF MOVING SALE! It may help us both to get some new traffic m. If you are interested, please message me on ig @amoresalute or at my closet so that I can get your Instagram handle as well!
Aug 08Reply
irishpaperdoll 👋 Hi! I’m a Posh Mentor and just stopped by to say hello and check out your closet! 🌸 I would love it if you browsed mine as well - I have a lot of new or excellent condition items at great deals and am adding all the time! 🛍
Aug 08Reply
acelestialsoul 👚Yay~The EVERYDAY PICKS party! I'd LOVE a Host🏆Pick. Please check out my awesome Just-Listed Pieces: ❤️Abercrombie & Fitch Plaid Muscle Shirt ❤️Calvin Klein Jeans 026 Slims ❤️WHBM B&w Stripe Cami ❤️Catalina Tropical Print Shorts ❤️Rafaella Comfort Stretch Shorts ❤️Aerosoles Vivrance Heels ❤️Lane Bryant Floral Slit Sleeve Dress ❤️A New Day Gray Plaid Blazer ❤️H&M High-Low Peacock Feather Top ❤️Calvin Klein Black A-line Logo Skirt ❤️Elie Tahari Exposed Thread Flirty Skirt...or? 😊T.Y.S.M.👒
Aug 08Reply
cicherry @vintestry Yay!! Congratulations sweetheart! I’m heee to party with u! Let the party begin! 💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿🎉🎊🎈
Aug 08Reply
veni_vidi_amavi Congratulations on hosting! 🌷💕🌸🌷💕🌸
Aug 08Reply
matunaaa Congratulations love! Hopefully you have the chance to check my closet out in hopes of a host pick! Wishing you many sales and have fun! 🤗🎉❤️ - @matunaaa
Aug 08Reply
moudgil62 Congrats on hosting a posh party! Please check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks!
Aug 08Reply
beclassybebold Love your Items!!!👏👏👏♥️♥️
Aug 08Reply
tkuebel Hi there! Congratulations on hosting! If you need a cute host pick, feel free to browse my closet for a fun find! Thank you so much for the consideration! 🙏
Aug 08Reply
a_brown325 🎉🎉Congratulations on hosting🎉🎉 I would love to be considered for a host pick! @a_brown325
Aug 08Reply
shophb Thank you for the host pick! 😊
Aug 08Reply
thisgirlmarlo Congrats on hosting tonight! If you’re still looking for picks, visit my closet! Thank you.
Aug 08Reply
melaniteshop Congratulations on hosting! Hope you can check out my closet for a potential host pick! ♥️ @melaniteshop
Aug 08Reply
ambyrdawn CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING! 🎉👏👏👏 If you have a moment I would LOVE if you could take a peek at my closet for a host pick 🙏😊
Aug 08Reply
eclectic_cali Hi love, would you mind sharing some of my items to the posh party I would so appreciate it thank you!
Aug 08Reply
bekanell Thank you for choosing my items for host picks. One just sold! ❤️❤️❤️ Grateful 😊🙏
Aug 08Reply
bagsandkicks Thank you so much! 💕💥🎉🥳🥰😊🌹
Aug 08Reply
mulliganresale Thank you so much for the Host Pick! 🤩👏🏻 I appreciate the Posh love! ⭐️
Aug 08Reply
chicnation @vintestry Hi Gorgeous Nice to Meet you from Chic Nation Boutique:)
Aug 16Reply
lolallita Hey there! I am a fellow posher just trying to support other aspiring poshers! If you have a moment please check out my closet and possibly give me a follow! Have a blessed day! 💕Lola
Aug 27Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Oct 08Reply
Oct 08Reply
cscape9 Thank you and congratulations on hosting tomorrow’s party. Please feel free to check out my closet anytime. Again thank you and have a great party🌺🌸👍🎉
Oct 08Reply
coutureasylum Hi @vintestry! I'm new to how the whole host pick process works, but I noticed there's a party at 9am. I wanted to let you know I have some awesome Kate Spade items in my closet, including a rare green & pink Kitt Striped Medium Satchel, a "Main Squeeze" tee, "fancy" lip flip flops and some classic jewelry pieces. I'd super appreciate you taking a look at my closet and considering them for host pick (esp. that rockin' purse) :). Love your closet dear & thanks for your time in considering me! 💕
Oct 08Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Oct 09Reply
kdsigfusson Congratulations on hosting the Preppy Posh Party tomorrow! How exciting!!! I'll be there sharing and celebrating with you:)))) Take a look at my closet ~ I have many lovely Vera Bradley bags. Thanks for looking!!
Oct 09Reply
dressscore @vintestry Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
Oct 09Reply
tiffanyl01 @vintestry 🥳 🎉🎊🎈 congratulations on hosting the posh party. If you are still looking for some great finds, I have some great Ralph Lauren pieces in my closet in all categories as well as a great J.Crew women’s skirt.So if your still looking please stop by my closet. 😊 🎊🙏🎉🥳
Oct 09Reply
needfulthyngs Hi! Congratulations on hosting! 🎊🎉🎈Would love it if you could check out my 100% Poshmark compliant closet for potential Host Picks. Thank you and see you at the party! 😀
Oct 09Reply
msposa87 Thank you for the choosing my boots as a host pick! Happy Hosting!
Oct 09Reply
perfectlyposh12 Happy Friday! Congrats on hosting a party today!! I would be delighted if you would consider my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks so much and happy poshing and hosting!! 💕❤️💕
Oct 09Reply
cydiegirl Hi there! Congratulations on hosting a party!!! 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 Wishing you lots of sales and mad exposure to your closet. I have lots of J Crew in my closet and would love a host pic if you're so inclined.💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 💥💥💥💥💥 💥💥 💥
Oct 09Reply
kayanne_h13 🎉🎉🎉CONGRATS ON HOSTING🎉🎉🎉
Apr 15Reply
jenniefinds007 Congratulations on hosting ☺️🌻💕if you have a chance hope you can check out my closet ! Thank you so much, Jennie
Apr 15Reply
dressscore Hi, hello, just another person asking for Host Pick🙋‍♀️I would love to be considered! - Audrey
Apr 15Reply
hakescakes 🥳🍾🎊🎈🎉 Congrats on hosting! Check out my closet for host picks. Happy Poshing! 🥳🍾🎊🎈🎉
Apr 15Reply
needfulthyngs Hi Cristina! Congratulations on hosting the Activewear Brands Posh Party! I have Adidas, Athleta, Puma, NFL, and Reebok items and would be so grateful if you considered any of them for Host Picks. Thank you, wish you good luck, and see you at the party! 👍 🎉🎈💃🥳
Apr 15Reply
jenmaysuch Hi!!! Congrats on hosting a posh party!! 🎉❤️ You have such an amazing closet!! If you have some time I would love if you checked out my closet for a potential host pick! Thank you and congrats again!! 💕
Apr 15Reply
cloudninecloset 🎉 🎉Congrats on Hosting Activewear Posh Party! 🎉💕🎉 We would appreciate you considering our closet items for your Host Picks! 💗🌸 We shared your closet items with our followers! 🎉 Happy Poshing! 🦄💜🦄
Apr 15Reply
ditooshop @vintestry Congratulations on cohosting today's Activewear Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Apr 15Reply
Apr 15Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Activewear Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. My closet contains Adidas, Champion, Lululemon, Mitchell & Ness, MLB, Nike, North Face, Russell Athletic, Sanuk, Starter, Under Armour and Zella. Thanks for considering. Looking forward to the event.♥️
Apr 15Reply
kylaraynerose Hi there, congrats on hosting!! I would love if you’d check out my closet for any potential host picks 🥳 either way, congrats and have a beautiful day! @kylaraynerose
Apr 15Reply
mymoderncloset5 🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿CONGRATULATIONS ON 🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿🌸HOSTING A PARTY🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿🌿🌸🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿🌸🌿🌸
Apr 15Reply
honestyle Congratulations on hosting today please consider my closet for host pick thank you!
Apr 15Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jun 04Reply

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