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Custom Glass Tea Coffee Cup Soda Beer Can Shaped Glass 16oz Cup Mugs With Bamboo Lid And Straw

Welcome to this great group of people where sharing is always appreciated! Feel free to stop by my closet, leave me a comment, follow me, and invite me to the shopping parties. Happy buying/selling to you my friend!
Dec 05Reply

🎉🎉🎉Hi!!! Welcome to Poshmark!! I’m Hillary & my closet is @designercorp! I’ve been buying & selling on Poshmark for almost 2 years and love it!!!! Poshmark Corporate is fantastic at handling ANY issues/questions that you might have…and any Posh Ambassador will always be happy answer any questions you may have! I really hope you have a wonderful experience and, of course…if you have any questions at all… i’m happy to help! Have FUN & Happy Poshing!🎉🎉🎉
Dec 05Reply
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