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Updated Feb 23
Updated Feb 23

Custom Fashion Assassin

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hello there closet lurkers- I sell a bit of everything, but a lot of jeans, some vintage. I invite anyone who's trying to find a particular piece of clothing to drop me a description of it and I will try to find it for you at a very good price. no obligation to buy the item. if I find it and you don't want it, I'll just add it to the closet. I go out sourcing quite a bit and can sometimes get some crazy deals which I have no problem sharing.
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latashavaughn08 Thanks for following me. Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jul 04Reply
gersgems Love your puppy...I call all dogs puppies...good luck selling
Jul 06Reply
brindleboutique @gersgems thank you, he's such a good boy.Yours is super cute too. I have a question, I contacted support to ask how one goes about finding a mentor because I have so many questions. Did you start that way (mentor) or did you just keep trying different things until something worked? Thanks for any help--Stef :)
Jul 06Reply
gersgems @brindleboutique. thanks she is a handful. Actually it has been learn by the seat of my pants but I'll be happy to help and there is a super group on Facebook where I have learned a ton. Posh is pretty simple compared to other sites but ask away and I will get the info on the group
Jul 06Reply
gersgems @brindleboutique. Ok on fb try poshmark!!! As you can see I'm still learing
Jul 06Reply
brindleboutique well my main difficulty is pricing. I like to sell jeans and I see the same styles listed for vastly different prices by different sellers. were I live it seems very easy to get really good brand name jeans for very little. I'm not sure if I should price according to the perceived demand or by my costs in sourcing them, because they would be vastly different. btw I am on the facebook poshmark site also. thanks for any help as always--Stef :)
Jul 08Reply
grammytata2012 Hi, Nice to meet you. Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am a Posh Ambassador too, if you have any questions. I am here to help. Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :) Check out my New Home Market.
Jul 24Reply
lovelikebutta Peace and light! Wishing you an abundance of prosperity on your posh journey 🌻💕
Jul 27Reply
brindleboutique @twaneetaw thank you. you too :)
Jul 27Reply
fadeaway2020 Thanks for the follow! I love your beautiful doggie!!
Jul 28Reply
punkiepinkies Gorgeous pit! I was totally un-Favoring if them due to one viciously attacking my older brother rt in front of me as a child, my one yr anniversary gift from my husband was of all things a blue nose Louisiana breed he is the very best gift and probably will forever be!!!! Super protective of his two human sisters and just all around best companion EVER!
Jul 29Reply
brindleboutique @punkiepinkies yeah we got him from the SPCA when he was maybe 3 and he is the sweetest, and protective of the kids. he just snuggles up along (or on top of ) the kids and my wife. we think someone tried to train him to fight other dogs because he will try to go after them,so we walk him later to avoid other dogs. but w/ people he has the best personality of any dog I've ever had
Jul 29Reply
punkiepinkies @brindleboutique that's terrible and we have an issue with ours going after other dogs now mind u we have him since he was 6weeks but my sister in laws dog once attached him and ever since he is same way towards other dogs or animals period but absolutely best pet I've ever owned they really are amazing! Thanks for sharing ur story though, have a blessed week!
Jul 29Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜 🐶 your baby is adorable🐶
Aug 01Reply
kathykay57 Hello...I received your message re; my disappointment of my recent top purchase. Appreciate your reply. I am not looking for a replacement...I just wanted to give an honest feedback and make you aware. Enjoy your time away. Thank you. Kathy K
Aug 03Reply
brindleboutique well not a replacement but a top ( or jeans ) that would if anything make me feel better. I will be switching entirely to jeans/denim soon because I seem to understand them a bit better. for instance I have a top from "Miss Me" that has a very ragged, almost tattered look to it,which I thought was no good and my wife says "no that's what it's supposed to look like" lol.
Aug 03Reply
brindleboutique anyway I go out sourcing every week, except this week of course and it really would be no trouble at all to find something and I would at least know that I tried to correct my mistake. I won't bother you again, just something to consider and thanks for the help--Stef :)
Aug 03Reply
bamfshades sweet doggo!
Aug 06Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark 😃Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this great community of wonderful people and amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top rated seller, fast shipper and a Poshmark Mentor. Feel free to contact me with any questions about Poshmark, I’d be glad to help .Also I invite you to check out my closet, i carry men’s and women’s items in all sizes. I have a sale now 5 pieces for $29, feel free to browse. I also give discounts on bundles 😃
Aug 07Reply
roses_formillie Hope you find something you love in my closet
Aug 13Reply
illklubhead Why does your dog look like mines😋👍🏽🥰
Aug 13Reply
mw_online Welcome! May you be blessed with much success. (Beautiful fur baby!)
Aug 14Reply
chenahisintj Isn't he( or she) beautiful. My Neela( Cherokee for: "blue") looks very much like this except for the eyes, she's a Catahoola- Native American Wolf mix.check out my page and you'll see a post of her!happy poshing.
Sep 03Reply
brindleboutique @jessieschlicht I will be on the lookout.
Sep 04Reply
klees306 What a great simulation. Is this his name? Love this breed.
Sep 08Reply
brindleboutique @klees306 He is named BJ after BJ Penn but he is a lover not a fighter 💕❤️
Sep 08Reply
klees306 @brindleboutique It's the owners that make them fighters, otherwise very loving breed.
Sep 08Reply
brindleboutique @klees306 I totally agree.
Sep 08Reply
brujanegra Checkout the awesome dog leashes in my closet. 😍😍
Sep 11Reply
jaimgirl01 Thank you so much for the 2 pairs of jeans! I love them! I appreciate your good business! I will definitely shop with you again 👍💕😊
Sep 23Reply
brindleboutique @connie_posh that's very kind of you and thank you for the advice :)
Oct 01Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐶
Oct 12Reply
sargebill Hi there and thank you for the kind follow, love the smile, lol a happy puppy indeed, mine had a litter of 8, kept 3, the 5 went to good homes, I know all the families, so I know they're being spoiled, one comes over regular for his little visits and snacks, lol. Have a great night, Bill
Oct 31Reply
brindleboutique @sargebill hi Bill thanks so much. his name is BJ , he's the sweetest dog you could meet. I'd love to have 3 but I think the wife would make me sleep in a dog crate :)
Oct 31Reply
sargebill @brindleboutique Good name, I like that, it all depends how we raise a pet on how they act, like us, they're human too. Maisie's the mom, a mix beagle/jack Russell, Chuck's the dad, my boy, lol he's a chi-weenie, mostly dachshund but think's he's a Doberman. Buster's the only male we kept, the tub baby, loves a bath, Bella's the smallest and a little thief ! MayBell's the boss. A dog crate, lololol
Oct 31Reply
upstairs_attic I Love your Brindle Baby Let 🌻
Nov 01Reply
brindleboutique @upstairs_attic thanks he's a sweet dog
Nov 01Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😀
Nov 01Reply
brindleboutique @jocole96 thank you so much
Nov 01Reply
dressempire Omg your pit is so cute! We have one almost identical and he’s such a good boy. Happy Poshing! 🌻
Nov 23Reply
brindleboutique @dressempire yes he's the best dog I've ever had and such a sweet boy. I was walking him friday and we walked by a lady who was holding her heart like she was having a heart attack. I said "are you alright? do u need help?" she said " I'm just deathly afraid of that dog!" --he was just merrily trotting along. I was so pissed. meanwhile my 6 year old daughter wrestles with him and puts princess tiaras on him and he just plays along lol
Nov 24Reply
brindleboutique @dressempire you should send a pic :)
Nov 24Reply
dressempire @brindleboutique I’m not sure how to share a picture with you.
Nov 25Reply
wildflowerszz 👋😀beautiful furbaby!!❤
Dec 01Reply
brindleboutique @wildflowerszz Thanks. He is our snuggle buddy.
Dec 01Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Twitter....@SquareVt and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together is the best!❤️
Dec 04Reply
brindleboutique @vtsquare I'll try but I don't remember my password etc. I actually completely forgot I had a twitter account lol
Dec 04Reply
vtsquare 🤗🥰
Dec 04Reply
dreamsofhorses Love that face!❤️
Jan 30Reply
jkwnrw my dog looks just like this dog
Feb 05Reply
brindleboutique @jkwnrw what's his name?
Feb 06Reply
dreamsofhorses @brindleboutique live these beauties!!
Feb 06Reply
brindleboutique @dreamsofhorses he's like our 3rd kid lol
Feb 06Reply
jkwnrw @brindleboutique Max he is the most spoiled
Feb 06Reply
dreamsofhorses @jkwnrw I was just saying the same thing today about Bella. They are pure ❤️ love!
Feb 06Reply
mrslong01 Oh my goodness, your baby is so handsome!! Pitties are the absolute best!! ♥️🐾
Feb 27Reply
thestyletrade what a cutie 😍
Feb 28Reply
spady103 Thankyou for adding me my good friend, if it has anything to do with dog stuff.. I’m totally down like 311 fasho! Look at that beauty, reminds me of my female Mystic 😘😘😘
Feb 29Reply
brindleboutique @cherrychicyy Gabby, he is a cutie and he is such a big snuggler.
Mar 01Reply
brindleboutique Sorry, I meant Gabbi 🙂
Mar 01Reply
brindleboutique @spady103 He is a cutie. He loves to snuggle. When I sit down he is always close by.
Mar 01Reply
thestyletrade @brindleboutique Awww glad his is in you're life 💞💞
Mar 01Reply
charlciecagle What a beautiful brindle baby!!!!! ❤️
Mar 04Reply
brindleboutique @charlciecagle Thanks!! He is such a lover.
Mar 04Reply
2clotheswhores Your pupperoo is absolutely adorable; I love his smile lol! :) Happy Poshing!
Mar 12Reply
brindleboutique @2clotheswhores Thank you. He is as sweet as he looks 🐶
Mar 14Reply
booba6291 what a sweet face and beautiful pup
Mar 15Reply
brindleboutique @booba6291 Thanks. He is a sweetie 💕🐶
Mar 15Reply
retter Cute cute cute doggo❤️
Mar 18Reply
brindleboutique @retter Thanks. Your dog is a little cutie too
Mar 19Reply
moodyjudy1 luv ❤❤ your pooch!! so sweet!!
Mar 23Reply
manrosscar thx for ur Twitter share it's greatly appreciated , I don't have an account only Facebook , but I will always share here as I desire to be successful ! I'm still a Newbie Lol so any tips or advice would also be appreciated !
Mar 23Reply
brindleboutique @moodyjudy1 Thanks. He is our big baby 🐶
Mar 23Reply
littleblondebee ☞ Hey girl! 🤩 Thank you so much for following me! As a thank you I’m sending you 50% off on any bundle of 2 or more! 🙏🏻 Also I’m having an everything must go sale as I am moving and am in need to get rid of items FAST. 🔥 So that means I’m also accepting low offers! Be sure to get in on this awesome deal while it lasts! 💕
Mar 26Reply
babsgilbert Stef, Hi, I'm Barbara. Thanks for following me. It's March!☘So many things to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 27Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi pretty girl😍 please accept this $3 credit to shop my closet today. If u make a purchase of 2 or more items I will give u 15 % off your entire purchase and give u a FREE gift valued at $10😍 LIMITED TIME OFFER FREE 3 PK OF MEDICAL GLOVES WITH EVERY ORDER
Apr 24Reply
mikenyc23 love the name have a brindle myself. fun loving dogs.
Apr 25Reply
copperfox1847 Hi there. Just wanted to tell you that you have an adorable dog! He looks so much like one I used to have, a real lover, named Bubba. I'm sure.that your's is, too. Marianne 🦊
Aug 17Reply
brindleboutique @copperfox1847 Thanks. He is a huge snuggler . I have had many dogs and he is the most loving one I have had. He is always there for you. It is a shame they have such a bad reputation. That perception is not indicative of how they truly are
Aug 18Reply
nancylfunk That is one good looking pitty!❤❤❤
Aug 19Reply
brindleboutique @nancylfunk Thanks. We saw a picture of him at our local SPCA and we couldn’t resist. He is an awesome dog.
Aug 20Reply
kelflalew Sale An item that you have liked in our store has been added to the 🌴3/$20 sale. Palm Harbor Resort October Sale. Bundle 3 items marked 🌴 3/$20, and we will send you a offer for $20. Or like 3 items marked 3/$20 and we will bundle them and send you the offer. Over 150 items to choose from.
Oct 18Reply
talley87 So cute looks just like my baby
Jan 10Reply
riverkimmy Hi, your dog looks so happy and smiley! What a cutie
Jun 19Reply
brindleboutique @riverkimmy Thanks. He is our snuggle buddy ❤️
Jun 20Reply
tryformore 🥳Thanks for sharing my listings‼️ I love the dog!
Jun 20Reply
brindleboutique @weloveclothes2 Thanks. He is the best dog. We love him so much ❤️
Jun 27Reply
organicbeinginc That face!!! What a sweet baby! I ran a pit and rottweiler rescue for many years... never met a bad dog... just bad humans that treat the dogs savagely. Thank you for following me! I wish you wealth and abundance in all facets of life as well as your endeavors here on Poshmark!!!
Aug 07Reply
brindleboutique @organicbeinginc I agree completely :)
Apr 10Reply
cutehosiery @brindleboutique Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 23Reply
crabfam Love Brindle! Gorgeous.💝
Oct 16Reply

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