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Disease of Addiction stole 12 long years from my life (opiates/cocaine).I never thought I would live ahealthyLIFEagain.I met my now HUSBAND that HELPED get me SUPPORT. Now going on 5 years in recovery I AM ADDICTED TO POSHMARK!I❤️U R all beautiful!Do not EVER let anyone make you think differently!please help change stigmas against the disease of addiction! Addiction is a disease of the brain(proven fact) and we should all be treated like people with any other disease! We do RECOVER!

23 others
like this

Welcome to poshmark! I would love if you could check out my closet! Thank you so much!
Sep 19Reply

Thank you!!
Sep 19Reply

Welcome to Posh🎉I hope you meet some amazing poshers and find some great scores, and have a ton of fun along the way😊
Sep 19Reply

Hello! I hope you enjoy Poshmark and please let me know if you have any questions!
Sep 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😎 All Items are negotiable!!
Thank you
Perfect Your Style Boutique
Sep 24Reply

✝️☮️✝️Welcome to one Great Adventure in shopping 🌷❇️🌷Have Fun, Good Luck buying and selling , I'm sharing you do the same, if you have any questions please ask. Take time to see my closet. Buy one thing get second item half off. Just for you. Remind me when you bundle two or more items. Just good through this weekend. Thanks 💖✝️✳️
Sep 27Reply

Happy Poshing! Have a great weekend! 🐾🐾
Sep 30Reply

Hello Elysia, just wanted to let you know I shipped out your package around 530pm today. I hope you enjoy it and I want to thank you for your purchase.
Oct 10Reply

@nickczellecz Thanks hunnnn!!!! Can not wait!! My friend is going to be so psyched!!!! He loves loves loves Dragon Ball Z!! Appreciate it!! Have a good one! -Elysia p.s. Peace from the northeast!
Oct 10Reply

@elysiaanne1987 that’s so awesome to hear! I grew up watching that cartoon. It is one of my all time favs. What a great idea for a gift. I’m glad I could help you out. You have an amazing day as well :)
Oct 10Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 🎃Happy Halloween!
Oct 10Reply

@elysiaanne1987 once again thank you for your purchase and thank you kindly for the review. I hope it was everything you thought it was. I’m sure your friend will love it.
Oct 12Reply

Hi I seen you shared one of my listings and I will be able to negotiate any price of my listing
Oct 20Reply

Welcome! Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you’ll visit my closet. I’m currently running a sale: 20% off when you bundle two or more items. Happy poshing!
Oct 23Reply

Good afternoon Alicia. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Nov 17Reply

❤️😍💕 sweety ❤️😍💕
What a cutie
Dec 02Reply

Hi Dear I like your blue jacket is anyway you can do with the lower thank you Dear
Dec 18Reply

I m sorry I meant the shipping I missing typing shipping
Dec 18Reply

@helloxhue what blue jacket are you talking about? You can go to the jacket you want and scroll down to send me a comment. If it is the blue pullover jacket for 6$ plus shipping then that is the lowest I can go. Sorry but the jacket is almost brand new and only used twice so 6$ plus sjipping is a really good deal.
Dec 18Reply

Thank you My Dear
Dec 19Reply

Case cancelled! You should have my address from sending me mugs. Let me know if you don’t.
Jan 05Reply

@tcaster awesome! Do you want another mug or the 10? Yes I am sure I have your address. If you want the mug I will make sure to totaly over do the packaging!
Jan 05Reply

@tcaster sorry just saw your message. Yes i will send you the 10$
Jan 05Reply

Thanks and so sorry again that it broke! You are an amazing customer for your understanding and thank you so much for your patience! Send you that asap and I will let you know once it is sent.
Jan 05Reply

@elysiaanne1987 thank you hon!
Jan 05Reply

@tcaster whats your address? Sending that today.
Jan 08Reply

@elysiaanne1987 Hi 💕😊 Do you have IG? I want to give you a shout out, mine is @ sofisticata_on_poshmark ... thank you for all the posh love! 🎉✨💕✨💕✨
Jan 11Reply

@tcaster thankss!!!
Jan 17Reply

Thank you for your sharing
Jan 21Reply

@tcaster sending it today hun!! So sorry I totally forgot. My bad hun. Dont worry Im not trying to stiff you. Text you after work when i send it! I got you 😁
Jan 31Reply

@tcaster just mailed it. Thanks for your patience!
Feb 01Reply

Thank you. The bag will be in Saturday's mail.
Nov 02Reply

@3kidsincollege Awesome!!!’ Thank you sooooo much!! I love vintage bags and was so psyched to see you had this John Romain Bag!! Love it!!!
Nov 02Reply

your welcome. thank you for my 5*s. I'm glad you liked it.
Nov 06Reply

Great caption! Congratulations on your recovery! God bless, such an inspiration.
Jan 06Reply

@ayagisan Oh my God!!! Thank you so very much!! You are the first person to say that to me here on POSHMARK after me putting my disease of addiction out there in my profile for the Posh community to read. It is important to me that we all stop hiding and judging the disease of addiction and recovery! You have inspired me to continue telling my story. Thank you for that. Xoxo. Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 06Reply

@elysiaanne1987 unfortunately, sometimes the survivors of life's hardest tests arent understood to the fullest extent by others unless theyve survived it too. They'll either fall short on the empathy bit or judge too harshly that it could never happen to them (which is scientifically untrue).
Jan 06Reply

I try to bring awareness to such causes on my social media ad well but it has never occurred to me to do so on here until clicking on your bio as I was shopping around for my sister. Continue to make your voice heard, you never know who it may help! This is why I actively try to help/post about topics many people are unaware of about the root causes such as addictions, all types of abuse, and trauma. Thank you for being you.
Jan 06Reply

@ayagisan You have a way with words and everything you said is exactly how I wish everyone would approach this topic and all the others just like it. Thank you again!! Words can not express my thanks, actually. Peace from the North-East and HAPPY 2020 !! -Elysia
Jan 07Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares! I wish I had super speedy internet and I’d share your entire closet! XO
Jan 20Reply

Your a sweet heart ❤️ for the words of encouragement and thank you for sharing my closet sweet friend have a beautiful day. Michelle
Jan 20Reply

@furybabies2love Awwwwwe🥰. You are so kind!! Thanks for commenting and you are so very welcome!!! I will keep sharing it too!!! Thanks and have an amazing day! xoxo
Jan 20Reply

@kdandbibs You are soooooo welcome!!! I totally get it with the slow internet. Thanks for sharing my closet too! Means a lot! Have a great day!
Jan 20Reply

Thank you for the shares 🙏🏼 but first and foremost congrats on kicking that beast’s ass and showing you are stronger than it. 4 years is an accomplishment most never get to see. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Be proud I’m of yourself for sure, and thanks for sharing a piece of your story, the vulnerability in that alone shows how strong you really are. 👸🏼
Jan 29Reply

@siktat2 Thank you for taking that extra time to comment on my story!Means a lot more than you could ever know! 🥰🥰 I just want people to know more about the disease and learn to be positive about addiction, supportive, and encouraging. 🙂🙂. It really goes a long way for anyone that may be suffering from this disease just like if they had cancer or another fatal illness. People do recover and I am one! Who wouldn’t want to share that???? Thanks again!!!! xoxo
Jan 30Reply

Jan 30Reply

@organiccher Thanks for sharing! 🙏😍😍
Jan 30Reply

Hi, my name is Debra. Thanks for following me. WOW! Thanks so much for sharing. Sharing is caring. You are appreciated. Have a great weekend and happy Poshing 🥰
Feb 29Reply

Hello. Nice closet and pics. I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying anew and healthy life/lifestyle. I'm preparing to launch my closet. Good luck.
Mar 15Reply

hi!! I just wanted to let you know that I’m having a moving sale so I have to get rid of everything!! feel free to check it out! I love sharing, offers and bundles! Happy poshing ! Let me know if you have any questions 🥰
Apr 18Reply

You have gorgeous shoes, any 9s?
Apr 23Reply

@robyncantor Not at the moment but if I find some to post I’ll let you know!
Apr 23Reply

@tkcconsignment I totally agree with you!! I work my ass off to this day to stay clean my angel was just what it took to remind me that I am worth saving. It was the push I needed to get into Recovery.
Oct 23Reply

@tkcconsignment Thank you soooooooo much for the amazing comment. I don’t think people realize how important that can be. It’s people like you and I that make this world special.
Oct 23Reply

Awesome story in your Bio! The fact that you overcame all that is did is to be congratulated, had to be tough. You two look Great and really Happy together!! Wishing you continued Success & Happiness!! And your little cat to!!
Jan 04Reply

@1style4u oh my gosh you are the best for taking the time to read about my story here on Poshmark. We are very happy and enjoy making each other laugh as much as possible. I wish I had gotten away from that life sooner but now I just want to educate the public on addiction as a disease of the brain which is exactly what it is and it needs hospitalization and recovery just like any disease. Xoxo hope all is well!! ❤️ ElysiaInVermont
Jan 04Reply

Awesome pics. I’m such a plant lover as well and the photos you shared were Amazing. Thanks have a great one. Happy healthy deborah second Chance Boxer Rescue rescue love repeat 😉👍❤️🐶😘😊😊🍁
Feb 12Reply

@rescuelady3 thank you so much!
Feb 12Reply

@rescuelady3 I also have 3 rescues. They are my children. I would do anything for them as they would for me. You can’t really love until you have a rescue or pet. They are the 3 amigos as I call them. They are:
Reese the golden retriever.
Chevy the Shar-pei Husky mix.
Lou the German Spitz. Thanks!
Feb 12Reply

@elysiaanne1987 that’s the truth rescue is something that truly changes your life. Through the years I’ve told clients rescue animals know they’re rescued and they appreciate everything they get and love that much harder. It’s the complete truth rescue changes the life of the rescue animal and the people who rescue them. Thanks for supporting the cause I’ve devoted many years to. We need as many people as possible to , deborah New York SCBR AABR CHBR
Feb 12Reply

Ps your babies are gorgeous happy healthy long lives. D
Feb 12Reply

Congratulations on your recovery! There is so much addiction in this world that people just do not understand and judge. I am so glad that that you found the strength and the courage to fight!
Your pictures are testimony to the love you found within yourself. ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 22Reply

@gigirob1969 thanks so much!!!! I am compelled to tell my story and knowledge on addiction. There is such a huge stigma on addiction and recovery still in 2021! We need to educate more and more to make a change.
Feb 23Reply

@elysiaanne1987: I fully agree! ❤️❤️❤️.
I wish you all the best on your journey. There are so many faces of addition; ironically a lot of this who do the judging are the very ones who have addictions that they aren’t even aware they possess. 😉🤔.
Feb 23Reply

@elysiainvermont Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 14Reply

Hi, welcome to poshmark love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. I have good deals on everything I have 3/$10, 3/$12, 3/$15 womens deals! Kids 5 for $13 deal and also Mens 2 for $20 deal. Have a blessed day!😊🛍
Feb 06Reply
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