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Updated Oct 28
Updated Oct 28

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Top Rated Seller PoshFest 2019 Closet Consultant Poshmark Ambassador Posh N’ Sip + Party Host Allergen + Covid Info: NO scented detergents or shipping products. Historic Home (like State Department seal at the front door OLD) with a renovated smoke-free interior. Highly trained good boy Border Collie + no other pets. Fully vaccinated household. •vintage•handmade•thrift•couture•design• •travel•disney•pastiche•lagniappe• •science•superheroes•konmari•nerdchic• •whiskey•cameras•archaeology•
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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shellartgal Welcome to Poshmark and happy poshing to you 👠👗👜
Jan 20Reply
shygirllove Hey I love your closet !! Please make sure to check out mine !!! I always give bundle deals and everything is reasonably priced have a great day ❤😋🌈💖
Jan 20Reply
ajcollections Hi! Congrats on starting your closet!!! Very nice to meet you!🎉🎀🎉 I'm Jesh. Poshmark is an amazing platform to buy and sell. Hope you are having fun! 😊 SHARING and FOLLOWING are keys to success. The more you share yours and other closets, the more exposure your closet gets and more opportunities for sales. 🎁 When you get a chance, please do visit my closet for some amazing deals. I do consider all reasonable individual or bundle offers. 😊💕 Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!
Jan 20Reply
kelscause Thank you for canceling, but I my end they show sold, so I can't rebundle them for purchase. I'll keep trying. Do you have a preference to how I should bundle for weight purposes? 🎁
Mar 06Reply
artistposhista @kelscause Which other two pairs of shoes were in your bundle (the offer expired & I can't remember)? I could adjust the price on those 2 listings to total $65, you buy both of those & then I send along the items from yesterday's cancelled orders in those 2 boxes. Does that make sense?
Mar 06Reply
vanessabyington @inhsirk did u see my requests under some of your items..I'm wondering if u could hold couple things until like Thursday?
Mar 18Reply
minicoconut Hi Krishini! Hope you are enjoying Poshmark 😍 thanks for connecting I have a women's closet @millicentgar as well
Mar 26Reply
artistposhista @oliviaandgigi Thanks! Following that as well. ps- Millicent is my middle name 😊
Mar 27Reply
abir1977 Hi welcome to poshmark the best place to buy and sale😇Hopefully you love it as much as we all do ❤️💚Very nice to meet you 😘😘Please visit my list and let me know if you interested to buy any thing . I will be more than happy to answer any questions for you . I love to bundle it's the smartest way to shop and save money 💰
Mar 27Reply
artistposhista @abir1977 Thank you! Just shared from your closet 😊
Mar 27Reply
xtinascottsdale @inhsirk Love the look❣️❤ Good to know about your upcoming listings. I just shared this, too🌹
Mar 29Reply
artistposhista @xtinascottsdale Thanks so much! ❤️ I will share from your closet as well 😊 And I really do have a ton more stuff to list so if there is anything specific you are on the lookout for, just let me know!
Mar 29Reply
xtinascottsdale @inhsirk Sounds perfect👍🌺
Mar 29Reply
vanessabyington @inhsirk how did u customize your "about" page like this? I've been on pm for year n half n still learning new stuff everyday!
Apr 01Reply
vanessabyington Ps: thanks for accepting my offer can wait to get my new panties!
Apr 01Reply
artistposhista @vanessabyington There is an edit button in the corner just like for any other listing 👍 And np on the offer, I'll ship it today. Just FYI though no weekend dropped mail from my zip ever seems to USPS scan until really late Mon/early Tues 😐
Apr 01Reply
vanessabyington @inhsirk ok thx for letting me know!
Apr 01Reply
lngrid5585 Thanks for the shares
Apr 03Reply
luvlypnay Hello pretty lady! Welcome to Poshmark I'm having a sale. Check it out! Bundle and save.God bless!
Apr 12Reply
barbloveseattle Thanks! Always good to hear from you! 💕🙂
Apr 13Reply
sandragittleson Hi there! I'm sandra... I invite you to check out my closet, I'm a motivated seller,fast shipper, a top 10% Posher, 😊, if you need any help using the tools please don't hesitate to ask me, I'd love to help! Its better to bundle items you get a discounted price, one shipping fee! Share, share,share, like & follow! 😊❤️Happy Easter & many blessing! 🐰🐣🐇❤️
Apr 17Reply
mscandy906 Very creative closet! You are very talented.
Apr 19Reply
artistposhista @tracynb Oh thank you! I've been back home for about a week & still have a lot of catching up to do. Against all odds (like less than 5%😳) my stepdad survived & his recovery is solidly in miracle/medical-journal territory 😊👏
Jun 18Reply
pinotgrigiogirl Love your closet. It's so fun and funky...pretty too.
Jun 22Reply
artistposhista @zadiemaez Thanks so much! I still fairly new to selling on posh & really appreciate encouraging feedback 😊❤️ Particularly from users w/ closets as lovely as yours!!!
Jun 22Reply
rimayolove Love your closet🌼
Jun 24Reply
callielives Hey 👋🏽 🍾🥂 Thanks for poshing around in my closet 💃🏽 I'll check your items out for potential host picks for my September party. 😘❤️ In the meantime, feel free to make offers. Or just take 20% off on bundles of 4. I'm always willing to give $7 Off for free shipping on single items over $35 or negotiating in some way to help my clients out. 😉
Jul 05Reply
rethreadandroam Love your closet, so unique!
Jul 11Reply
jennifermpace Hii!! Thank you for the follow! Feel free to check out my closet and make any offers!!!💕🌸🌻✨
Jul 12Reply
jozg Hi there! I came across your closet again as I was checking my likes and I have to say I love your closet and pics! I would love any tips from you, if it's possible. They're so professional. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Jul 12Reply
artistposhista @rimayolove Sorry I missed this when you posted it, Thanks so much ❤️
Jul 12Reply
artistposhista @callielives Thank you! And congrats on hosting 😻😻😻 Good luck & I'm sure it will be a great party ❤️
Jul 12Reply
artistposhista @mylivelyday 😊 Thank you for the kind words! They are very much appreciated.
Jul 12Reply
artistposhista @emmakait06 Thanks! I also love seeing items from your closet pop up in my newsfeed ❤️ And I'm super envious of your succulents (the heat + humidity kill like 75% of mine & the ones that survive never really grow?)
Jul 12Reply
artistposhista @jozg Okay so the real secret is that I am a professional photographer. BUT I don't actually use any of my fancy equipment for Posh pics---just Natural Light, a beat up iPhone 6, & the PS Express app (basic not premium)--- and it IS completely possible for anyone to do it. Some other poshers have also asked me for photo advice recently so I've decided to make a basic tips + help guide to add to my closet soon. I'll be sure to tag you when I post it 😊
Jul 12Reply
jozg @inhsirk Great! Thanks! I can't wait! I will look forward to it! It's no wonder why you have great pics! Thanks again for replying.
Jul 12Reply
rethreadandroam @inhsirk those are actually fake succulents I had sitting around the house 🙈 I grabbed them one day to stage pics because I'm not real great at intricate flat lays!
Jul 13Reply
ariannnac Can you please save my bundle for. Next Wednesday thank you I really want this clothes
Jul 24Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 26Reply
artistposhista @hmsimon1 Of course. Your work is lovely! About half the listings in my closet are also my own handmade items 😊 Also, I noticed you have marked the brand as "handmade" but you can actually enter in your own custom name (just type it in under "brand" & click add). For instance all of my stuff is under "phantomk" so people can find it via the search feature.
Jul 26Reply
hmsimon1 @inhsirk all mine say handmade by HM Simon and are stamped with an "H"
Jul 26Reply
artistposhista @hmsimon1 Sorry! I see that now 😊 I clicked on the special order Jasper ring & it just said handmade. Just like to spread the word that it is really easy to do since it can be kinda hard to get handmade listings seen by people on here. So many users only follow/search for specific popular brands on their newsfeed.
Jul 26Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Jul 26Reply
heidimay17 Hello Lovelie!! Super Rad closet!! Love your polymer clay trinket trays a2nd stash box box packages. I make the trinket trays because I love playing with clay and colors!!❤ I haven't sold any in here yet. Keep doing what your doing!!😙
Jul 30Reply
artistposhista @heidimay17 Aww, Thanks! Yes, playing w/ clay is super fun 😊👍♥️ And I highly encourage more handmade items on Posh! You do have to be careful about maintaining a compliant closet though- I do NOT list my trinket dishes/stash boxes for sale individually b/c some users consider them "home decor" (technically not allowed on Posh). However, no one appears to have any issues when I include them with my pre-made bundle makeup/jewelry/accessory kits 😎
Jul 30Reply
seattlesale What exquisite taste! Love everything!
Aug 01Reply
tweetyberg Love ❤️ this closet! One of a kind,handmade items, can't beat that!! Beautiful work, keep it going!!
Aug 03Reply
cle957 Beautiful closet! The photos are fantastic!
Aug 04Reply
cwood008 I love your style, very cool! Your closet is awesome! Hope you love Poshmark as much as I do!! Have a great night! ✨✨✨✨✨☺️☺️
Aug 09Reply
theposhclark Your flat lays are #goals! Love your closet! <3
Aug 14Reply
mskitty15 Is there a way to bookmark your closet?
Aug 23Reply
cesca56 Hi Krishni, thanks for following me😊 I visited Chicago for a week one winter, it took a month for my skin to heal, lol
Aug 23Reply
benliddysmama Hi I submitted an offer to you, then decided with the bundle discount the price was fair and bought it. I'm kinda new at this so I hope I didn't make things confusing!
Aug 24Reply
tanice_jullian Oh my goodness your pics are super cool!😃 #Inspiration
Aug 24Reply
artistposhista @benliddysmama No problem!!! Stuff like that happens all the time 😊 I'll ship your bundle today (although it likely will not USPS scan until tomorrow)! Also if you need any help figuring out how everything works on Posh, just ask! I was new not all that long ago (1st sale was Feb 22nd) & asked A LOT of questions, haha ❤️👍
Aug 24Reply
benliddysmama @inhsirk thank you so much! Super excited!
Aug 24Reply
tetullis Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Aug 25Reply
joyshop82 Hello. Nice to meet you
Aug 25Reply
boomchickaboom Amazing Inventory/Closet!!🌷❣️🌷I could get into a serious financial bind here. Enjoying in Joy!! All the best good fortune to you!!💝
Aug 31Reply
diamond_threads Love the way your closet is styled! Great pics 👍🏻
Sep 06Reply
jsm91562 Your closet is absolutely stunning - dangerously so for a shopper who always spends more than i sell! Please tag me for sales, new inventory , etc!!!
Sep 12Reply
artistposhista @jsm91562 Thanks! I add new items several times a week if not daily. And while I do have bundle sales etc., every so often, it is mainly just to get some momentum going... My prices are always somewhat negotiable so there isn't really any need to wait for a sale, haha 😊😍 I accept or counter pretty much all reasonable offers & send out private offers on recent open bundles at least once a week 👍
Sep 13Reply
boomchickaboom Hi Krishna, you are one of my favorite closets to visit!! May I have your permission to add you to my buddy list for special events and Host Pick consideration? It would be kept private, and I won't overwhelm you. Honest Injun!!🍀🌷🍀🌷🍀
Sep 14Reply
artistposhista @boomchickaboom Yes you may & thank you for asking! 😊
Sep 14Reply
boomchickaboom @inhsirk Thank you so much!!🍀🌷🍀🌷🍀
Sep 14Reply
nvandersloot @inhsirk Hi 👋🏻 Love your closet and I really enjoyed scrolling through. Your flat lays are lovely! 😍💞👌🏻
Sep 18Reply
artistposhista @nvandersloot Thanks 😊 So are yours!!! I found you via that fantastic Efff Cancer listing ❤️ I gave up on the 100% share backs a while ago (it's impossible when your newsfeed really blows up)... now I mainly keep an eye out for original photos/unique items from poshers w/ fewer followers than me & then just sort of blitz attack their closets, haha 😂
Sep 18Reply
nvandersloot @inhsirk That's a smart tactic! 🙌🏻 I have far fewer followers than you, and I still feel overwhelmed at times returning shares. 😆 Feel free to blitz share my closet anytime. 👌🏻 I'm always on the look out for unique items too. "Funny sweater" doesn't quite bring up the amount of items I had hoped when searching..🙃 I love the donut sweater in your closet though, I've got my eye on it! 😍🍩
Sep 19Reply
raecheri Love your closet! Super unique, and so rad! Gonna steal your ideas...your display and use of items is amazing! Nice to meet you! I'm @raecheri...hope to share lots of your items!!!❤️
Sep 20Reply
trandalljewelry You have a really pretty closet!!
Sep 25Reply
tammysbeachwear Great to see you at poshfest 💕
Oct 03Reply
artistposhista @tammysbeachwear 😊 My flight home just landed (I'm on the parking shuttle now, haha) so you'll be seeing me in your newsfeed again soon when go though my stack of everyone's cards to share closets. But, yes it was so great to meet you! And if you ever come down this way to visit Janis, please do let me know! I'd love to meet y'all for lunch (or shopping 😍)
Oct 03Reply
doxygal Hey! Love your closet! Any chance you still have any Vader or Death Star items?
Oct 07Reply
deb_bromley Hi Krishni! :) Thank you for the follow! LOVE your closet! Have a great night and Happy Poshing! :)
Oct 15Reply
queenofentropy I went to share some of your things after you shared me and I saw your flat lays and I smashed that follow button. Keep killin' it.
Oct 20Reply
chicawilson 😃😃😃😃Pretty closet!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nov 01Reply
melissa_anne_83 @artistposhista You have a beautiful, unusual name! (Unusual in a good way, hard to forget! 😉💕) And you've got a gorgeous closet! It's funny because my plan is to first, go to Chicago, the Diamond Institute for Migraines, so will stay awhile, and then to Louisiana or Georgia! I want to experience the different cultures down south, plus it will be better on my body!
Nov 04Reply
melissa_anne_83 I would love if you shared your experience living in both cities/states! I'm trying to narrow down places to visit to see where I want to end up! Thank you! 😊💖💕
Nov 04Reply
jmebackstrom Thank you so much for all of your shares earlier today! I will return the favor stat!!❤️😆
Nov 25Reply
artistposhista @jmebackstrom Was a pleasure! You have a great closet ❤️
Nov 25Reply
amberisabel Hi! Just wondering when my order will be shipped? Thanks!
Dec 16Reply
hannah_g_day Hi 👋 Thanks for following my closet! 🌺💃🏻💐👜👠🌂👒💕👑🌺👗👚👡👑💐
Dec 19Reply
his_pink_angel Hello there, hope u r doing well :) just wanted 2 touch base with u on my purchase. Haven't received any shipping info after the initial confirmation & I just wanted 2 check that u still wanted 2 proceed with the sale? If u had decided against it, that'd b fine. There's an identical pair of shoes 4 sale that I can purchase elsewhere so no worries, just lmk :)
Jan 25Reply
artistposhista @his_pink_angel Hi, sorry! Your bundle was dropped off last night, it just hasn’t USPS scanned yet.
Jan 25Reply
his_pink_angel Okie doke, sounds good. I just wanted 2 reassure u if there was a problem with the order, it would b ok lol
Jan 25Reply
his_pink_angel Would u happen 2 have the tracking info 4 my purchase available? Still no updates ony end & I would figure that if u dropped it off wed, it should've come in today's mail. Was really hoping that by purchasing last week it'd arrive b4 this w/end. Kind of had a specific outfit 2 wear them with
Jan 26Reply
artistposhista @his_pink_angel I have not received a tracking number but did submit a “shipped but not tracking” report to Posh earlier today. I’ve never had a lost package, but I have had several orders take way too long to USPS scan out of Louisiana 😒 I’m so sorry about the delay!!! If you need to send the items back for not arriving on time, I completely understand & won’t dispute the return/refund.
Jan 26Reply
his_pink_angel @artistposhista I will wait until Mon 2 see if they show up. I still need the style shoe that they r, trying 2 pull together the retro 90's Clueless outfit w/ the plaid mini & knee highs, I just was hoping 2 have it by this w/end bc we go into Nashville once a month. Posh usually keeps pretty good track of orders so I was just hoping :/
Jan 26Reply
his_pink_angel My order status changed! Now we're pending usps scan ;)
Jan 26Reply
artistposhista @his_pink_angel YAY, it finally started tracking!!! I was actually getting really concerned b/c 12 other items I shipped AFTER yours were all already in transit & I’m about to leave on a cruise for a week 😳 My closet will be on vacation hold but I’ll still be checking notifications, so if there are any other issues please let me know! Also- omg, those shoes are PERFECT for Clueless 👏
Jan 27Reply
his_pink_angel @artistposhista IKR!? I'm super excited about the outfit (boring housewife doesn't get out much lol) but I just appreciate u keeping me posted! Hoping u have a wonderful time on ur cruise!.xo
Jan 27Reply
mrsspikeb Hey lady! Just wanted to say hi and congratulations, I can say , I need her when she first started kits. Still love my Harry Potter Socks!!!
Feb 07Reply
mrsspikeb Knew*. Lol. Still can't type. Lol
Feb 07Reply
artistposhista @mrsspikeb Aww, thanks so much! Also I finally found more items & have some Harry Potter kits coming next week 😊
Feb 07Reply
frillsnthrills Wow! Love your closet! Your photos are so crisp and clear! & have such fun layouts! <3
Feb 12Reply
kalierosebud Just wanted to say you have a truly gorgeous closet!
Feb 17Reply
lezlie207 I’m absolutely in love with your closet! The Harry Potter sets are awesome! Be buying something soon. Happy Poshing! 🌺
Feb 24Reply
artistposhista @yvonnedygon Thanks! Your closet is lovely as well ❤️
Feb 26Reply
artistposhista @kalierosebud Thanks! 😊❤️ Love your pink hasbeens! Totally not my size, but they are beautiful 🦋
Feb 26Reply
artistposhista @lezlie207 Thanks so much! And I see that you are new-ish to Posh, so Welcome 😊! If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to ask me ❤️
Feb 26Reply
babygirlzcloset Babe, this closet is sikk! C’mn the Van Gogh I’d Poshmark. You rock!!! 😘🔥🔥🔥🔥💯
Mar 02Reply
artistposhista @babygirlzcloset Haha, awesome! Thanks so much!And your closet is off to killer start (looks WAY better than mine did in the beginning). If you have any questions feel free to tag me- some amazing veteran poshers helped me SO much this past year & I want to pay it forward 👍❤️🌈🦄🦋😊
Mar 02Reply
babygirlzcloset @artistposhista Aww, thanks hun. I am sure you will hear more from me. 😘😍❤️
Mar 02Reply
mrsspikeb I don't know how you did it, but with over 5000+ items in my Wonka room, you found something I didn't have,. You are truly amazing.
Mar 03Reply
artistposhista @mrsspikeb Wow 😍 That is incredible!!! I didn’t even know you were a Wonka Collector! Will definitely be on the lookout for more items ❤️
Mar 03Reply
mrsspikeb @artistposhista I have early pics of the room on s "website" if you wanted to check them out.
Mar 03Reply
mrsspikeb @artistposhista Ok love. I've got a challenge for you. Make a stash kit all about trees. No palm or Christmas type trees. You can use wood and bamboo items, or cases for things. Remember, no palms or Christmas type pine trees. Up for it?
Mar 04Reply
mrsspikeb Oh, and help is legal too. Lol
Mar 04Reply
artistposhista @mrsspikeb It may take a little while, but I think I can come up with something! And I’d love to see pics of the Wonka room ❤️ Do you still have my card I stuck in your order? If so send me a link!
Mar 05Reply
saphyr I really appreciate your fine photography, and the effort you put into staging and lighting. Well done!!
Mar 15Reply
artistposhista @saphyr Thanks😊 I’m a photog IRL, but for Posh I do everything using only natural light & my iPhone. If you ever have an photo questions or need any help, feel free to tag me❤️
Mar 15Reply
saphyr @artistposhista Brilliant! I could tell you know what you’re doing. 😊 Many Thanks!
Mar 15Reply
tangoindenim Awesome closet! 😍
Mar 29Reply
lovetodecorate5 Your photo layouts are gorgeous!
Mar 31Reply
paulalozano6969 Hi thank you so much for sharing💞
Mar 31Reply
terrijames75 Love your closet! You're photo's are awesome! Definitely makes me want to work on my closet!! :)
Mar 31Reply
rolleraz Awesome closet !! love it
Apr 03Reply
samoloves I just love your styling 💕it certainly draws your attention to your closet!!! I'm new to the site and so enjoying seeing some of the amazing sites on here!!!! 😊
Apr 03Reply
rowzposie Awesome pic
Apr 04Reply
heartbliss7 Wow, your flat lays photos are amazing! You are so talented! ❤️
Apr 04Reply
samoloves Your styling is just so creative!! I can't help but share and keep scrolling through your closet! Just love it ❤️💕
Apr 06Reply
katielady1982 Your lay flat photos are amazing!!! Beautiful closet ❤
Apr 09Reply
secondhope Your closet is terrific!!! I love your creativity in displaying your items!
Apr 16Reply
gypsybeauty1111 AWESOME PHOTO!!! I have an 8-track player as well, right next to the cassette player and VHS. Not to mention my 800 lb television set. 📺. We’re a unique tribe. 🍃
Apr 17Reply
poshpanda18 Thanks so much for all the shares. I LOVE your closet and photography. I'm always coming to your place for inspiration and motivation 🐼
Apr 25Reply
closetvirtue @artistposhista you have a funky awesome closet! 👋 Thank you for all the share ❤️! 💋
Apr 26Reply
bluehavana Wow Krishni. Fantastic closet! 😍😍😍
Jun 28Reply
kinsandgins Hi @artistposhista ✨ Thank you for checking out my closet and sharing my items!! I truly appreciate it. If you have any questions or just want to say hi, please just comment on any of my listings and I will get back to you! All the best to you! Thanks again and happy Poshing! 💫💕✨
Jun 30Reply
stylebycolor Love how you style your pictures!
Jul 02Reply
myvintagelady @artistposhista Hi Krishni ! I love the way you style your items! Very creative! 👌💕
Jul 03Reply
tracygarrett Welcome to my closet
Jul 03Reply
ocsafshopper Thanks for sharing, btw pretty nifty photo with the rainbow Polaroid, have a great day 🌺😊
Jul 03Reply
jessishaun I love the pictures of ur products! They are so creative and gives us a taste of ur personality! Good luck to u, and happy poshing!
Jul 06Reply
reynolds57 Thank you for following 😁
Jul 11Reply
daniks95 @artistposhista GIRL!! Seriously loving your closet! Thanks for the follow! Look forward to seeing more of your items! 🤗✨💕
Jul 11Reply
classysl Love your closet. Wishing you many sales. Happy Poshing! : )
Jul 12Reply
kundora Congrats on your status! We are posh ambassadors but we are a large online retailer of shoes and have this posh to give amazing deals on brand new retail items. Check our ratings and help push each other. Check out to see some Hp! Good luck tonight in your party :)
Jul 12Reply
jjfaith Love your closet so much!! Not ready to buy right now but liked some items to come back to later 😊
Jul 13Reply
ebby81672 What a cool picture! Awesome closet, btw! :)
Jul 13Reply
msvoiles I have been trying to buy this bra for two days, it says there is a problem with my card, but there isn’t. I contacted posh mark and have gotten no response so far. I used my card twice today with no problem....I am trying....
Jul 17Reply
artistposhista @msvoiles Hopefully posh support gets back to you soon! I still have 2 left but if one sells I can put the other one on hold.
Jul 17Reply
msvoiles I can’t imagine what the prob is....I’ve tried to buy it 10 times....those are my favorite bras!
Jul 17Reply
artistposhista @msvoiles 🤔 Have you tried deleting the saved info & entering it as a new card? I had to do that once on here for some reason.
Jul 17Reply
msvoiles I will try....
Jul 17Reply
msvoiles Ahhh...this is driving me didn’t work...I used my card all day today....I will keep trying...
Jul 17Reply
msvoiles Do you happen to have any other colors in the Waco also bra I purchased? Tell your mother in law thank you and I hope she is feeling better.
Jul 19Reply
artistposhista @msvoiles Sorry, I don’t have any other colors of that bra & only one more left in that size.
Jul 20Reply
msvoiles Thank you...
Jul 20Reply
mydosgatos Love your closet !! You take amazing cover shots💙
Jul 22Reply
bvf617 Follow me on the gram @bostonvintagefresh 🤘🏾
Jul 23Reply
cosmichouse Glad to have found you to follow. By far the most interesting pictures and items and layouts I’ve come across . ❤️👍
Jul 25Reply
mapetitepomme I love your closet! Your flat lays are so fun 😍
Jul 29Reply
niknak661 Thank you for stopping by...hope you enjoyed my closet...HAPPY POSHING!
Jul 30Reply
Jul 30Reply
bruceysprucey Thanks for the follow! 😁
Jul 31Reply
zanesmomoh Hi Krishni, God I hope I spelled that right. Welcome and nice to meet you. You seem like a fun person and I love your webpage. I may readout for some advice. Namaste Chandra zanesmomoh
Aug 12Reply
artistposhista @zanesmomoh Thank you & absolutely feel free to ask me any questions ❤️
Aug 12Reply
qsfarmer Oh my gosh love this closet !!
Aug 13Reply
katienichole00 hello! thank you for your follow! Hope to work with you! share for share?
Aug 22Reply
trinitymv Hello!! I’d love it if ya checked out my page ☺️ if you so choose to purchase anything from my closet, I’ll get your goodies shipped within the day!! I’m totally open to offers as well, so ignore the prices & throw me your offer 💓 I hope you have a great day!!
Aug 30Reply
selling4donna Thanks for the follow 😊
Sep 04Reply
akclosetlove Omg girl! Your closet is SO FUN to shop! I love all the pictures!! I hope you sell everything! 💕💁🏻‍♀️
Sep 05Reply
kaybird17 Hi Krishni! My name is Kay and I’ve been on poshmark for a fairly short time. I LOVE your closet! Very clever photos! If you have the time, could you please look at my closet and critique it for me? I’m not sure if my prices are right. I have a lot of retail jewelry that I want to move. Thanks a bunch!🌷🌷🌷
Sep 05Reply
artistposhista @kaybird17 Hi & thanks for reaching out! I love helping out new poshers ❤️ As far as pricing goes, I haven’t figured out any kind of amazing system. It really is supply & demand. But predicting isn’t an exact process. Some sizes do tend to sell faster, but often it is just waiting for the right buyer to search & find YOUR listing. This is why sharing often & using key words in descriptions is SO important. I’ll check out your closet now & see if I have any suggestions 👍
Sep 05Reply
artistposhista @kaybird17 Your closet is lovely, the jewelry is stunning, & I don’t think you need any of my help w/ cover shots! (unless you want to branch out into flat lays, in which case I can give you some tips). I would suggest adding more details about measurements, fabric content, etc. Also you give the MM for jewelry, but most shoppers don’t think in metric or visualize number size well... I will often stick a nickel or something in one the additional pics for scale.
Sep 05Reply
artistposhista @kaybird17 Basically, the more info you can provide up front, the less hesitant someone will be about purchasing & the more likely they are to buy now or make an offer. Also the default search/feed settings on Posh are most recently shared so you want to make sure people can SEE your item. Sharing other closets helps if/when they share back, but it is also really important to share all your OWN listings as often as possible (3x’s a day is the goal).
Sep 05Reply
kaybird17 @artistposhista thanks so much! That’s very helpful. I’m going to go back thru and edit some of my listings!, I can’t thank you enough. I may get back to you about the flat lays. Yours are fabulous. One thing at a time-(I’m almost a Posh ambassador!) 😂
Sep 05Reply
artistposhista @kaybird17 Aww, thanks so much & I’m glad I could help! One other thing I noticed- On some of your jewelry listings you used style specific key words such as Art Deco. That is excellent & something you should do whenever possible! I’ve definitely made sales simply b/c a Posher searched a phrase like that & stumbled onto my closet 👍 And I’m sure you’ll reach ambassador in no time 😊👏❤️
Sep 06Reply
kaybird17 @artistposhista Wow! Thanks so much! I am going thru my closet now and trying to reword a lot of my listings. That’s a great idea! 😘
Sep 06Reply
jv71 Thankyou for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 08Reply
binnie247 You have a terrific looking closet
Sep 08Reply
feedtheferals Hi Kristin! Absolutely Love your photography & style! Cheers! -Colby 😊❤️🇬🇧🎉
Sep 16Reply
krystenrenee Thanks for the follow hun!♡
Sep 16Reply
drewecoble Thanks for sharing from my closet...🌟
Sep 17Reply
honey_breeze ❤️❤️ Love your closet - your fabulous photography is clever and eye-catching! ❤️❤️
Sep 20Reply
chrissyhousley I’ll do 18 with free shipping!
Sep 21Reply
artistposhista @chrissyhousley That would actually be less money for me after posh fees than your $14 offer.
Sep 21Reply
chrissyhousley @artistposhista oh wow, I’m new to this obvi🙃
Sep 21Reply
ladyred209 Congrats on hosting the Fresh Fashion Finds party! If you get a chance please consider reviewing my closet for host picks. Thank you so much and I appreciate your consideration. You have an amazing closet 💚
Sep 27Reply
shelawyer 👑 Congrats on the Party! If you have time please consider my closet for Host Picks! Thanks!!
Sep 28Reply
leili24 Love your closet 🌹🌹
Sep 28Reply
buyfelicias Your pictures are incredible! If you ever provide photography classes I’m in 💕
Sep 28Reply
seaclass UNBELIEVABLE Closet! ! ! . . .GOAL ! ! ! following and sharing. . .
Sep 28Reply
melrucan @artistposhista Consider one of my items for a host pick? 🙏❤️🙏
Sep 28Reply
shira_15 Hi, Congrats on hosting the Fresh Fashion Finds party!🎉 Please consider anything in my closet as a HP! Thanks! 😄💕
Sep 28Reply
flippintickled @artistposhista Hi, Krishni!! Thanks so much for the wonderful shares earlier today!! It took me awhile, but returned the share-love!!! Have a great week ahead!! :) --Jen
Nov 05Reply
artistposhista @flippintickled Oh no problem! And thank you for the shares as well, but for future reference no pressure, haha!... Some days I miss a lot of share backs (I have so many available listings I just can’t always get through all my notifications after updating). So when I have time I try to mass share closets in case I’ve fallen behind repaying the poshlove ❤️
Nov 05Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
Nov 05Reply
bee_balm Thank you for the shares! Love your closet! 🌻
Nov 09Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ @childrenspalace ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈
Nov 17Reply
myrockinheart Hi, got your message, I'm broke, need to sell some stuff to buy some stuff. But I love your pics!
Nov 25Reply
jopalooza Ohmigosh! I just read this today. How fun & how exciting! Are you still doing all this? I desperately want to carve out time so I can play & create. My dream come true💕
Nov 25Reply
gullprint Awesome!!!🎇
Dec 03Reply
dancingqueen50 Love your closet!!❤️❤️
Dec 04Reply
houndstooth @artistposhista This is so embarrassing! I must have accidentally unfollowed you and I don’t even know when it happened! All I know is that I just went to share your closet and I’m not following you. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I don’t want to re-follow you without asking first and certainly understand if you don’t want me to. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season! ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️
Dec 08Reply
artistposhista @houndstooth Oh don’t worry about it at all! I know it’s really easy to accidentally hit wrong buttons on the app (I’ve done it myself) & in the entire time I’ve been on Posh I’ve only ever noticed 2 people re-following me (only b/c they did it A LOT).
Dec 08Reply
houndstooth @artistposhista I know it happens. I just don’t want to be thought of as a re-follower!
Dec 08Reply
teachermia Hey love! I’m really trying to get rid of my stuff as I am moving so please come check out my closet! If you see something you like make an offer and chances are I’ll accept! Thank you for your time and happy poshing!
Dec 11Reply
5280threads Hi! Love your closet 🥰 I’m from New Orleans, live in Colorado now but when you’re a southern gal it never leaves you. Just wanted to say I think you’re so creative and I love browsing your closet😉
Jan 10Reply
stefania1968 Your flat lays are Amazing!! Were you at the POSH Live Party in New Orleans? Send Posh Love 💕
Jan 22Reply
s117 Thank you for sharing! It’s very much appreciated!❣️
Jan 25Reply
artistposhista @stefania1968 omg! Somehow I missed your comment back in January 😳 Sorry! Yes I was at the Posh Party in NOLA, did we meet??
Apr 19Reply
artistposhista @ggluvbeach Of course! Welcome to posh & feel free to ask me if you have any questions or need any help 😊❤️
Apr 19Reply
stefania1968 @artistposhista No. Their so many people there!! Hopefully if I get to go to posh fest!! I’ll meet you💕
Apr 19Reply
artistposhista @stefania1968 I have been to both PoshFests since I started selling in February 2017 & they were amazing!!! So I am definitely planning on going again this year 😊
Apr 19Reply
kafrady @artistposhista I love your closet and all the handmade items! So neat!
Apr 23Reply
wubblesnugs Hello lovely, I want to learn how to become the best Poshmarkprenuer Possible. If you have any suggestions on what has made you successful, please by all means share! I know I will share my success tips as soon as I get them. What is you’re number one tip to becoming super successful? @simplysinclair
Apr 27Reply
letsbuyshoes Thank you for the shares. It made me feel welcomed , being my first day selling. Thank you! 🤩
May 01Reply
dbarnett1977 Love the picture ;)
May 02Reply
artistposhista @my_own_inspo_ Of course! That’s what the PoshLove is all about 😊 If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to ask me ❤️
May 04Reply
pamelanaccache Had the most amazing time in your closet💓that’s messed up but yes it’s so awesome!Ill be back... and happy poshing!🌻
May 19Reply
eamcostyle What a fun closet!!!! 😁
May 20Reply
victor_mack I have a Gucci loafers listing
Jun 03Reply
o_kaufmannxx34 Lovely closet, and exquisite items!! Hope you have a great week and happy poshing!!!
Jun 05Reply
cindeedeeposh Best. Closet. Ever! Love your style and your photo styling is 💯
Jun 17Reply
heartfindshome Love your closet❣️so creative & fun🌺
Jun 18Reply
bellesbureau I found the item you were looking for and got you a full size one. It should be here in cpl days and then we get it going. Don’t worry, I got a good deal on it! I’m gonna pass it on to you!
Jun 25Reply
artistposhista @qcshannonleigh Yay!! Thank you so much! Just let me know when to purchase 😊
Jun 25Reply
artistposhista @qcshannonleigh Just sent you a + FB... tbh I never check it although I DO keep up with instant messenger notifications. Also I know you said you found my Pinterest but it only exists as linked to my Posh closet.
Jun 25Reply
chrmdhrtsbtq Thank you so much for sharing my item! 😊💕
Jul 07Reply
saltwaterandsun Flat. Lay. Queen. 👑🥰
Jul 11Reply
straycatstitch @artistposhista Hi, I just followed you over on IG. I’m there too @vlbutler42 happy poshing!
Jul 14Reply
artistposhista @vlbutler42 Awesome! Followed back 😊 Also we met at PoshFest, right? You were with Shannon?
Jul 15Reply
straycatstitch @artistposhista Yay! Yes, we did! I realized I wasn’t following you through her 😊
Jul 15Reply
artistposhista @vlbutler42 It’s all good! We are both following now ❤️ Also while I made an Instagram account reserving this closet name in 2017 & did a few posts during PoshFest 2018, I am SUPER new to actually adding content & using it. Like I just turned on notifications & adding multiple hashtags 2 weeks ago 😂
Jul 15Reply
artistposhista @vlbutler42 also are y’all coming to Phoenix?
Jul 15Reply
straycatstitch @artistposhista Yes, I really enjoy IG quite a bit... keeping up as much as I can with the community & using it as a marketing tool I feel is key! Glad to hear you are active!
Jul 15Reply
straycatstitch @artistposhista I am! Shannon can’t make it this year. How about you?
Jul 15Reply
artistposhista @vlbutler42 Yes! Sorry Shannon can’t make it to Phoenix! We had planned on posh to meet up in Dallas then couldn’t actually find each other at the venue until the 2nd day 🤦‍♀️ Am staying w/ @zada0001 @bhoops98 & @closetchemist so if your PFFs aren’t going this year you can always come sit with us 😊
Jul 15Reply
straycatstitch @artistposhista Yay! That’s such a sweet offer....may just take you up on it as I am traveling solo but I will be meeting up with new PFFs, old ones, & my sis-in-law is going too but I will be sure to touch base with you so we can reconnect.
Jul 15Reply
artistposhista @vlbutler42 Wow, sister-in-law? That’s amazing ❤️ Despite having an active closet & lots of extended extended family exactly ☝️ of them buys/sells anything on posh. And she was on here before I was, haha
Jul 15Reply
missshannonny You really are a kind of genius in your listings! What a creative flair--LOVE the earrings on the album covers and old ads, your sweet old dog, and your glowing HiFi.
Jul 22Reply
tinasarmoire Thank you for sharing my list! Wish you so many sales 💕
Jul 29Reply
zada0001 Thank you for your sweet love note! You are the best!
Aug 19Reply
willbakeforshoe Nice to meet you! So glad to have found your closet and to see someone else color coordinate their closet! 😂
Sep 16Reply
notsowarren @artistposhista that's so cool. I'm glad you got a fun option for someone.
Sep 23Reply
artistposhista @notsowarren Honestly there is a good chance I’ll be the one in your dress 😊 I’ve had some amazing donations, but I’m tough to fit & this stretch back should work (short waisted, 30GGish). So far everything that is big enough for me to get into would need to be taken in a lot & I’m already worried about not having enough dresses in larger sizes so I don’t want to waste one altering it smaller.
Sep 23Reply
notsowarren @artistposhista I hope it fits then. If you have an Instagram feel free to tag me. Notsowarren1 on there. I hope it steams out nicely I tried to not smoosh the flowers into an odd shape. I wish I had the stock photo, and better lighting when I originally listed it. It was planned to have photos redone after I get all my new stuff listed. Have just been busy.
Sep 23Reply
artistposhista @notsowarren Just followed you on Insta & I will for sure tag you when I post stuff (the fundraiser is Oct 12th)! And don’t worry about the roses! Might have been different for a buyer who isn’t a seller, but I can steam those out no problem, haha 👍 Am thinking I could add tulle to make it bubble skirt 80’s style? Turn the Sash into an oversized bow or something? Wear with tights? Thanks again! The dress is great 😊❤️
Sep 23Reply
notsowarren @artistposhista it is an oversized bow according to the stock photo. The tulle is a good idea too. I was so happy when you bought it because my old listings are over a year old. My PFF and I thought it might have been a Halloween costume. So you'll have it for 2 events if you want. 😄
Sep 23Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? thanks so much!
Oct 04Reply
canyonandmoon Thanks for the shares! And love your style!!! Sending some posh love your way. 😘
Oct 05Reply
sandy0102 Congratulations on hosting the Cozy Casuals posh party 🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳
Oct 05Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet ✅ Thanks so much 🙏
Oct 05Reply
karlensclassics Congratulations on hosting the Cozy Casuals Posh party. I'll be there sharing many of my listings. I hope it brings you many sales and new followers.
Oct 05Reply
dagmarstone Congratulations 🎈🎊🎉🍾 to you hosting a party! It would be lovely if you would consider my closet, and that of my pff’s @poshstreetluxe @poshmandyz thanks 🙏
Oct 06Reply
robincia 💎 Party time! If not too late I would be honored to be considered for a Host Pick! 💎
Oct 06Reply
hans_gerlich Have fun hosting, and clearing your closet in the process, for your Fall and Winter stock. Best, Hans G
Oct 06Reply
jweezi24 Hello! Congrats on hosting your party today! I’d love for you to check out my closet and would appreciate anything you’re interested in selecting as a host pick!! 🛍💕
Oct 07Reply
acelestialsoul 🍁👻🎃🍂Boo! It's Autumn & time for the Cosy Casuals Posh Party! Thanks for Hosting...I'll be there. 💕 I've got some AWESOME items that would be just right for Host Picks. Could you please take a look at my Poshmark Compliant closet?🍂 Thanks! C U @ the Party! I'll bring the Kona Coffee & the Hot Cocoa! 🍂Here's to a great Fall Season! 👻OOoooo👻🍁🎃🍂
Oct 07Reply
alis_closet_101 Hi! Congrats on cohost status!✨💕 I’d love for your to take a look at my closet for a host pick tonight!
Oct 07Reply
dnapoli Congratulations on hosting!!! 💕💕💕 please consider something from me closet as a host pick! I have a PC closet with lots of great brand name items! I’m a quick shipper and would love to get picked 😊🎉
Oct 07Reply
jtallent1289 Hi! Quick question. How does one of my items get picked by a host? I’ve only had one item picked in a 1 -1/2 yrs. I always share to the parties. I’m just curious if I should be doing something different. Thanks so much!
Oct 07Reply
paigelauren904 Hi!! I would love if you checked out my page for host picks! I have a couple very cozy sweaters and a cute fall tee at the top of my closet! Congrats on hosting! 🤩
Oct 07Reply
noelous1 Congratulations on hosting the party 🛍. Please take a look at my closet. I will love a host pick!
Oct 07Reply
trulyjulee Thank you for the Host Pick!!👑❤️🤗👗👗🎁🎁✌️💞
Oct 07Reply
rlendore Hi!! 👋🏻 I would really appreciate it if you could take a quick look at my closet and consider one of my items for Host Pick!! 😉 Thank you!! ☺️ Happy Poshing!!! 🥰
Oct 07Reply
chrmdhrtsbtq @artistposhista Hi!!! I can't thank you enough for picking my sweater as a host pick and sharing it, I really appreciate it! You made my night 😊💕 Your support has been such a blessing!
Oct 07Reply
dimichl hey there! i was just checking out your page and im just curious how old your house is? I am in love with old homes. When I travel its always part of my itinerary to visit historic districts.
Nov 07Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much.
Nov 13Reply
nroe2415 Hi you have a great closet full of goodies!!! I see you’re hosting a Best In Men’s Fashion party tomorrow and was hoping you might take a few minutes to review my closet for any potential Host Picks!! Thank you!
Nov 13Reply
Nov 13Reply
gayle_wade @nnturn can anyone Help me? I can’t figure out how to sync my iPhone and Poshmark with my MacBook Air Poshmark. When I post something on my phone it does not go onto my MacBook and vice versa. I would be thrilled for any answers as I have tried every which way to get the answer and can’t find it. I’ve even contacted Poshmark but they’re not getting back to me. So after many googles and YouTube’s I’m stuck. Can someone help me?
Nov 27Reply
ladybugshoppe Very creative closet!!! Love ❤️ it!! Happy Poshing!!!
Nov 29Reply
caughtyoustarin I freaking love ❤️ your closet!!! Lol😆
Dec 03Reply
artistposhista @fredacia Oh I have lots of tips for new sellers! I have some guide/demo posts on IG (I’m pretty new over there so a lot more are in the works). But I’m always happy to help, troubleshoot, & answer questions. Feel free to DM me or comment in your bundle (so we don’t have to scroll through comments, plus if I don’t see Posh notifications right away I sometimes miss them later).
Dec 07Reply
artistposhista @gayle_wade Sorry, I’m a little confused by your question... If you post a listing to Posh or save a Draft, it will be viewable & editable on ANY device. If not, those devices must not be logged into the same account. Unless you are taking about pics taken on your phone not being on your Mac photo album... but that has nothing to do w/ Posh, you need to check your device iCloud sharing settings.
Dec 09Reply
feelingurshelf Hi! I just wanted to say I LOVE the colorblocking you’ve with the listings in your shop... it’s so beautiful and one of the best I’ve ever seen! Congrats on such lovely artistry and professionalism 👏👏👏🌺
Dec 10Reply
fantastacy What a cool shop! I love the “kits.” I looked, but in case I missed it, do you have anything for Peggy Carter?
Jan 08Reply
tampakatherine I just wanted to stop by and compliment you on your fabulous closet! Really, really lovely!
Jan 20Reply
racegal Super cute pics and closet!!! Great job! Very inspiring. 👍😇❤️
Feb 10Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 12Reply
mlelliott20 Love your pics and dog 💕
Feb 17Reply
joanne1r @artistposhista Hi there! Did you see my offer on your trinket box? Is it still available? Thank you! ❤️
Feb 28Reply
Feb 29Reply
yogagirl4ever 🎉 Congratulations on hosting a party!! 🎉 Please check out my closet for host picks. Thanks!! 😘
Feb 29Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting the Weekend basics party 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my Poshmark compliant closet ✅ Thanks so much 🙏
Feb 29Reply
sandy0102 Yay! Congratulations on hosting the posh party! Please visit my closet for host pick 👍
Feb 29Reply
lonestarfinds16 Congrats on co hosting the weekend basics posh party! Wishing you much love, and speedy sales! Feel free to check out my closet and see if there are any pieces that match your style! We gave you a follow! Thanks in advance and good luck!
Feb 29Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to selling on Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Feb 29Reply
manslayerchick Hey my name is Nicolle💕😏🔞🔥 come check out my closet for a possible feature in your party. I consider my style🔥💥🖤🔥💥 I have high quality items, all different designers, cheep prices, and great picture quality. Thanks 4 your time
Feb 29Reply
karinhausman COngrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? thanks so much!
Feb 29Reply
dbates14 @artistposhista Hi there! Congrats on being a host! My closet is new and I’ve never gotten a host pick before. I’d love if you would check out my closet! Wishing you all the best in your poshing journey.
Mar 01Reply
masarsky Hey hun, congratulations on hosting a party. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider my closet for your HP! Sharing poshmark love. ❤❤❤
Mar 01Reply
fashionwonders 💕💕💕Congratulations on hosting a Weekend Basics Posh Party, Artist Poshista! 🎉🎉🎉 I am very excited for you! Enjoy hosting and I will be there to celebrate with you! If you consider a host pick from my closet, I will be very grateful! Have a great time and wishing you many happy sales! 💕💕💕💕
Mar 01Reply
demonhunters 💕💖💕CONGRATULATIONS 💕💖💕on HOSTING Posh Party “WEEKEND BASICS” •👗•👠•👜•👖•👔•💄•👛•👙•🕶•👚•👕•🧣• Enjoy your Special Day! I am excited and thrilled for you. Wishing you a Fantastic Party with many Sales and Have a BLAST 🌟💖 🌟I would be Honored to be considered for a possible Host Pick 🌟💖🌟Thank you and Happy Poshing 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Mar 01Reply
dressscore @artistposhista Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
Mar 01Reply
monascollection @artistposhista 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be there and sharing. @anamaral @bonniesailer @legalbeagle922 @flippintickled @mimi447 @heidizme @llporto @matana @cincinpierce @808classysassy @erincavezza @fashionwonders @poshcloset173 @romualdo1 @kreativekristen @joyous1953 @lakewonderlust
Mar 01Reply
monascollection @artistposhista 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be there and sharing. @merri_graceland @modig @beoirem @cathyfrangos @pietta @lmdc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @terri_lynns @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @wildtimefashion @acelestialsoul @poshstreetluxe @fashionicon2020
Mar 01Reply
honigmana Lovely closet🥰. I saw that you are hosting the weekend basics party and would be so honored if you checked out my closet for any possible host pics. I am posh compliant and enjoy being a part of the community. Thanks and best wishes for a great party!
Mar 01Reply
demonhunters Jeans -1 🌟👖🌟CONGRATULATIONS your BIG DAY has arrived HOSTING Posh Party, “BEST in JEANS”•👖•👖•👖•👖• Enjoy your Special Day! I am excited and thrilled for you. Wishing you a Fantastic Party and Have a BLAST! I would be Honored to be considered for a Host Pick. Thank you and Happy Poshing 🌟💎🌟💎🌟💎🌟 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Mar 01Reply
poshbunnystyle 🤩Congratulaltions Hosting🎁Please check out my Posh Compliant Closet for Authentic and High Quality Host Picks🎈👛Thanks in Advance👜Have fun and let's make some sales, Bunny👝
Mar 01Reply
lynda721 What A Great Day For You! Congratulations on Hitting 350K in Followers -and- Congratulations on Hosting Tonight’s “Weekend Basics” Party! Enjoy this unforgettable day! ~Lynda 💕
Mar 01Reply
rposen Congrats on your Weekend Basics Party!🎉 I wanted to tag your announcement but I couldn’t find it!💕💕💕
Mar 01Reply
artistposhista @rposen Sorry! Feel free to tag an old listing! Posh just emailed me a week ago so I think this was a last minute cancellation/replacement host situation & I didn’t get anything posted in time.
Mar 01Reply
rposen @artistposhista Ty for your response!💝 I see! Ok!💝💝💝
Mar 01Reply
terri_lynns ⛄️❄️🥳❄️⛄️❄️🥳 (•_•) CONGRATULATIONS on <) )╯ Your PARTY. I will be there / \ Celebrating and. \(•_•)/ Sharing Host Picks. 🥳💙 ( ( I would love it if you / \ Would check out my closet 💙🥳 If you have time. \(•_•)/ ) ) Let’s Party 🥳💙💘🥳 / \
Mar 01Reply
2ndhandstitches Hi!🎉 Congratulations on hosting!🎉 If you have time and you're still looking for picks please check out my closet. I'd love to be a part of your party.🤩
Mar 01Reply
mommeandmore Congratulations on Hosting a Posh Party!🤩♥🎈 Your closet is awesome! I have shared a few listings. 👕🎽👚 If you still need a Host Pick please consider any item from my closet. I have all NEW boutique fashions and would be so honored to be picked. 🙏🤩🎉Thanks and I wish you so much luck with your party and hope you sell everything in your closet.💥💞🔅 Have a GREAT party! Pamela, MomMe And More Boutique
Mar 01Reply
goopy1 @artistposhista Please check out my closet for a possible host pick! 🙏🤞🙏🤞🙏
Mar 01Reply
kjenkinson1990 Congrats on hosting! If you get a second please check out my closet! I’m currently donating 10% of all sales to those who were affected by the hurricanes and tropical storms on the east coast. We have already donated close to 800$!!! 💕😘 I’ll be by to share some extra posh love throughout the day too! 🎉🥂
Mar 01Reply
huntculture Congrats on hosting the upcoming party @artistposhista 👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉👏🏻🎉 I will be there to support and celebrate with you! Wishing you a very successful evening! 🤗💕 Ana Thank you Mona @monascollection for tagging me! 😘😘😘
Mar 02Reply
secondhope Your closet is seriously A-MAZING 🥰🥰🥰! So inspiring! Congratulations on hosting Weekend Basics! If you are looking for any last minute HP’s, I would love your consideration. PS- Love The picture of your pup in your meet the posher photos 🐾 💗
Mar 02Reply
cesprit_poshbtq Congratulations on your opportunity to host a party 🎉👏👏👏! I'd sincerely appreciate it if you would consider the items in my closet for host picks 💕. Thank you!
Mar 02Reply
acelestialsoul 🥂I'm so excited about the Weekend Basics Party! Thanks for hosting. I JUST LISTED lots of pieces ESPECIALLY FOR PARTY to my Posh Compliant Closet, and I'll be sharing over 500 items to the party (WHEW!) Please pop over & ✅ me out for 🏆Host Picks when you get a sec. TY! I’m a 🦋 Social Butterfly 🦋 & post my Favorite Host Picks on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest. I'll be Power Sharing the party on Poshmark, too! See you at the Party.~Tricia🥳
Mar 02Reply
believer13 @artistposhista congratulations on hosting tonight’s party I would be honored if you need any last minute picks if you could check out my closet - thank you kindly 🥰🥰
Mar 02Reply
trunkshowclass Congrats on the party! I’d be honored if you found something in my small business closet as one of your host picks! I have a really fun closet. Thank you!! @trunkshowclass ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mar 02Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on Party hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Mar 02Reply
hans_gerlich Have fun hosting and clearing your closet in the process. Best, Hans.
Mar 02Reply
kate_stylist Congrats on hosting!!❤️ I would be honored if you would select my items as Host Pick.@kate_stylist😊💓
Mar 02Reply
sharingposh Attending your party now!! Just shared a bunch from your closet too!! 💕💕
Mar 02Reply
more_and_more Congratulations on co-hosting tonight’s Weekend Basics Party. If you are still looking for last minute host picks, I’d be honored if you have time to check out my posh-compliant closet @more_and_more. Thank you! 💖
Mar 02Reply
cassandralpaw ❣️CONGRATS ON HOSTING! ❣️ I would appreciate it if you took a look at my closet for a potential HP! 😍❤️ I have some great NWT pieces that need good homes! Wishing you all the posh success 💕💕
Mar 02Reply
kerrinli Hi there!! Congrats on hosting tonite’s Posh Party! 🎉🎈🥂🍾🎉 What an honor! 👍🏻🤗👏🏻👏🏻 Great closet, I shar Congrats on hosting tonite Posh Party! 🎉🎈🥂🍾🎉 What an honor! 👍🏻🤗👏🏻👏🏻 Great closet, I shared some of your awesome items! Would love for you to check my closet and pick one of my many items for a host pick! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Have a fantastic night and Happy Poshing! ❤️❤️
Mar 02Reply
daintywoods ☕️🍂 Congrats on hosting! It’s always so much fun!! Me & my PFF @shellseabeth have compliant closets to pick from if you’re still searching for HPs Thank you so much, Happy Poshing!! 🙌✨✨
Mar 02Reply
ashley_k071515 I love your closet it's very beautiful and well put together.
Mar 02Reply
quality_outfits Thanks for hosting!! Please check my closet for great Host Pick opportunities. 😁 🎁
Mar 02Reply
catsaboutit I just need to say how amazing your closet is. Your pictures are so beautiful and inspiring! How do you get such clear crisp white backgrounds and lighting on your pictures? Keep up the great work!
Mar 02Reply
secondchancebtq Just here to spread some cheer! Stay well and happy poshing! 🙂
Apr 03Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 14Reply
alexa_brianne I absolutely love your closet! ❤️
May 30Reply
gstyle4u1 Just wanted to tell you that your Posh page looks really nice. Great job! ☺️👍🏻
May 30Reply
elisabethjoy08 Hi there!!! I am doing something new where everyday I ask all my followers to go and follow a person I select!!! Today I have selected DIYdoctor!!! Pls go and follow her, as well as leave a nice comment on her meet the posher page!!! 4 more info check out the new listing on my closet!!! Who knows you could be next!!!😊
Jun 01Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 🥂🍾🌹!
Jul 23Reply
alfieandlulu 🐾cute pup🐾 🤗hello🕶 thanx for the follow ✈️ treasures, true loves, must haves, essentials & new finds to make life FABULOUS 🛍🕶👑
Aug 08Reply
stephanieand741 Loving the vibe of your closet!!! Thanks for keeping it FRESH!!
Aug 24Reply
desertqueen9582 You have an absolutely wonderful shop very eclectic and unique things to found 🤩
Nov 11Reply
artistposhista @desertqueen9582 Aww, thanks so much 😊❤️ I always try to primarily sell things that I personally like! And I’m a HUGE fan of when style meets functionality, haha
Nov 12Reply
kaylamomof3 hey! I really want the boots, if you still have tomorrow I will for SURE buy..! I'm having card issues and my bank is closed for the day so now I can't get anything going till tomorrow! I'm sorry this happened..! hopefully you'll still have em tom. thank you! 😊
Dec 18Reply
sunshine8smiles Love your closet! If you have time feel free to check mine out, I just reduced every item to $5 or under! ❤
Jan 14Reply
cissymatt Hi, I’m Cissy and just purchased your Abeo white sandals. Thank you so much. They are the only shoes my feet are able to wear and I am so glad I found them. If you have a Walking Company store there........
Mar 29Reply
artistposhista @cissymatt It’s so underrated (especially on Posh) but I love Abeo! I don’t live near a walking co. store, but have narrow very high arch feet & 100% understand limited shoe options. So I’m kind of always on the lookout for all the “cute but orthotic” brands sourcing closet inventory... & then basically just keep anything I like that fits, haha 😊
Mar 29Reply
goldenpolkadot @artistposhista Hello gorgeous, im Olga…met you so long ago in poshfest dallas. Recently ran into photos we took Sunday Morning after the Posh Party, i sure miss those days. 💔 Hope your staying well n im glad we are both still here! 💐 Olga
Apr 12Reply
tiffanyboston20 Hi beautiful!! Can you please help me understand how to get more followers? Like you!? Thank you😘❤️❤️
Apr 24Reply
artistposhista @tiffanyboston20 Hey! I am about to 💤 but I do have lists of helpful tips / suggestions from when I was a closet consultant at PoshFest. Are you on IG? If so find me & I can send you some stuff 😊
Apr 24Reply
tiffanyboston20 @artistposhista hi love, i dont have any other social media. Gives me too much anxiety 😓
Apr 24Reply
artistposhista @goldenpolkadot Olga! Of course I remember you & that was a fantastic Brunch ❤️ I’m glad you are still on Posh & am hopeful we’ll all be able to be reunited soon. Also not sure how I missed this 2wks ago but my closet updating has NOT been consistent this past year, haha (2 hurricanes + a snowstorm during a pandemic? I mean, what?)
Apr 24Reply
artistposhista @tiffanyboston20 completely understand (I’m pretty much only active on Posh)... I can send stuff to dressing room comments. And if I forget please just message me again, haha!
Apr 24Reply
tiffanyboston20 @artistposhista i dont even know what dressing room means or how to dress people lol. Yes help me please!!! Thank you!!
Apr 24Reply
dolphinity Thank you for Following me. I shared shoes from your closet to “Best in Shoes” Posh Party. I wish you many sales!
May 26Reply
emilyvenable78 Hii!! I’m new here and was wondering if you could check out my shop?! Anything is appreciated! Bundle to save! If you have any questions just ask! Offers are welcome! Thank you! :))
Jul 15Reply
jerry_holmes awesome pic 😍😍
Aug 01Reply
theedysue Kool kloset!❣️🤓✌️
Aug 31Reply
_pretty_in_posh Hi. It’s obvious that your love of photography and styling makes your items pop. Your closet is fun to look through because it’s almost like gazing at a coffee table book on fashion. Thank you for your beautiful work!
Oct 02Reply
atl14420 @artistposhista Happy Fall 🤗 New Items Just added 🤗 Offers Welcomed 🤗 Fast Shipping 🤗 Top Rated Seller 🤗 Low Prices on Brand Names 🤗
Oct 07Reply
mjanae0422 Checking in on my FAVORITE seller! You’ve been gone awhile and we MISS you! Hope all is well! 💜⚜️💜
Jun 04Reply

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Last Active: Feb 24

Chicago, IL
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Last Active: Feb 24

Chicago, IL
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