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Updated Sep 13
Updated Sep 13

Greetings and Salutations PoshGoddesses!

Meet the Posher



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I monetized my hobby! Fashion is my passion. I’m the opposite of snobby. I share with compassion, please check out all my curated fashion. Ask questions and have fun but don’t ever call me “hun.” I sell everywhere and swear, I will honor all prices elsewhere. So tell me what you like & need and then watch my cross-posting speed. I aim to please and make you happy so you can look fantastically snappy! Tootles.
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_iammarsh Hi. Welcome to postmark!! Feel free to check out my closet. I have some cool stuff you may like 😊
Nov 10Reply
kedybee8 I love your closet! Love that last picture too haha. Beautiful necklace too - I love turquoise. I'm sure you will sell your items fast!
Nov 16Reply
boondbliss Thank you!!! I'm trying to learn all the etiquette and techniques to do good on this app. I posted my first thing Wednesday and it's been so much fun. Have a great week!
Nov 16Reply
lisaloveslola @boruka beautiful closet! Trying to figure out if i can get a few things! Supposed to be selling & listing the tons of items i have (daughter& I built a home, selling for home items)but, this Poshmark is evil, it gets ya!! Awesome taste!
Nov 17Reply
boondbliss LOL I'm supposed to be listing but already bought something LOL - I completely relate. POSHMARK IS EVIL. Funny that you said that because I recently blogged 20 reasons how poshmarking is overtaking your life!
Nov 17Reply
nikkiknackz Very cute closet! 💕
Nov 17Reply
boondbliss Thank you!!!
Nov 17Reply
tiffy521 Love your closet! Very cute! We have similar styles !
Nov 22Reply
skbwardrobe Love your stuff. Great style!
Nov 26Reply
fashionista21 Great to meet you fellow FBer😄💞
Dec 13Reply
redandmoon You have such an awesome closet! Happy poshing! 😊💕
Dec 15Reply
mottsie Ok! I just absolutely love your closet I could spend all day in it and would have to like every single item. You are such a fashionista! I'm in big trouble here because I know I will be in your closet constantly and my husband complains that it's Christmas at our house every day because a package arrives here every day. He says I have to stay off Posh so I have to sneak but I totally love love love your closet.
Jan 13Reply
mottsie I can't even get my items posted for shopping all the great closets like yours. Oh my!
Jan 13Reply
boondbliss @mottsie Thank you so much!!!! I'll be posting tons more by end of the week :) I will check out your closet when I get home this evening and share your items too. Thank you again for your sweet comments. If you want me to do some incognito shipping box to fool your husband, let me know ;)
Jan 13Reply
mottsie You are awesome! Incognito shipping boxes. Never thought of that. Will be waiting and watching to see what new items you list!
Jan 14Reply
shea_monieux Hi Anna! Your closet is RAD! (local lingo *wink) and I think I have a girl crush on you. You are adorable. :)
Jan 17Reply
boondbliss @shea_monieux Dude, thank you so much!!!! I followed you quickly after one glance in your closet. Love your cover photo, the colors are amazing and the playful look you have is icing on the cake. Tootles & Ciao, over n' out I'm 3 hrs ahead of you.
Jan 17Reply
boondbliss @kaiyalove - Kaiya, check out my MEET THE POSHER posting. I wrote a little about what I look like, my pics and on the side you can see the brands I follow :)
Jan 17Reply
veronikoti @boruka I just have to say, your closet is one of the most interesting, beautiful and fun closets to meander through!
Jan 31Reply
boondbliss @veronikoti Wow, thank you. That is the best complement! I like that you called it "interesting." I've been trying to diversify what I post :) Thank you for stopping by and don't be a stranger. Tootles..
Jan 31Reply
matana Very stylish closet. I loved most things and found quiet a few u won myself in deferent colors. 🌷🍃🌷🍃🌷
Jan 31Reply
matana I love lost brands you names , especially Anthropologie, free people and Johny Was. Do you know Biya?
Jan 31Reply
boondbliss @matana Yes, I Love Biya.
Jan 31Reply
matana I know one of her closest friends and I use to sell Biya and Johny Was when she just started with it. I love her choice of fabrics, she is very talented. We do have a similar taste.
Jan 31Reply
boondbliss @matana You are so lucky! How did you sell Biya and JW, wholesale or in a store?
Jan 31Reply
matana In store.
Jan 31Reply
matana Retail
Jan 31Reply
boondbliss @sarsal7 Thank you Sara! What a nice message and complement. I appreciate you taking the time to write it out :) I will be up and running soon and I look forward to adding a little fabulousness to your blue jeans & t-shirt :) If you ever have any styling type questions or want me to tell you more about the brands I'm listing let me know. Thanks and talk to you soon.
Feb 15Reply
lovespitbulls Ive been waiting months for you to come back so i could purchase your red fuzzy pom pom boots and i asked for you to let me know when youre back so i could buy them. Well, i just seen today that you already sold them to someone else. Not cool. Very disapointed!
Mar 15Reply
boondbliss @lovespitbulls I am really sorry Sarah. You are right. I blew it. It all happened so quick, I reopened quietly without any announcements yet and someone bought it on the other site. If there is anything I can do to make it up to you please let me know!!! I'm really sorry.
Mar 15Reply
dlzbth omg. You are darling! So glad I found your closet♡
Mar 27Reply
poppyandvine super fun closet! nice to meet you :)
Apr 19Reply
boondbliss @dolcemiagal Hi there - thank you! likewise :) We are very close, I'm in Folsom. If you ever want to gather up some local Poshers and get together - let me know!
Apr 19Reply
poppyandvine wow - you are very close indeed! would be really fun to have a get together with other local Poshers... I missed Poshfest 2015 but had a great time in 2014 and met lots of lovely Poshers...
Apr 19Reply
summerfield4 Your closet is so unique! What a pleasure looking...Summerfield4
May 02Reply
jtlagrasse72 Hi Anna ! I received the shoes and love them just as I love the top I bought in past. Thanks for the note and hope to continue to see more great items from your closet..😊
May 02Reply
chloe_closet Love your closet and your style! Stunning! 💕
May 05Reply
ez01 Thank you for sharing and being sweet! I'll be back to dig in your closet soon 💕
May 18Reply
bibiblocksberg @boruka hi anna☺️ nice to meet you - greetings from the central valley💐 I also am in live with "Y"SL 💕☀️☺️
Jun 02Reply
foxarazzi Hi! Thanks for all the shares! Love your closet! Stylish 🎁😘
Jun 03Reply
notoriousvog Hi Anna! 🙋🏼 What a lovely closet - I started sharing and I couldn't stop! ☺️💕
Jun 30Reply
boondbliss @notoriousvog Thank you so much Kristen!! I appreciate you stopping by. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful holiday weekend.
Jul 03Reply
theposhypeacock Hi Anna, Your closet is simply amazing!!! Love all your cover shots💖✨ I have sprinkled some Posh Love on your closet and wish you many sales💞💕
Jul 14Reply
tracypeters Love, love, love your closet! Nice variety, well photographed, and reasonably priced. Wish all closets were like this!!! 😊
Sep 04Reply
boondbliss @tracypeters Tracy, thank you so much for your kind words! Feel free to submit offers or ask any questions :) Tootles and happy Poshing!
Sep 04Reply
officestyle Thanks for bundling the dress! If you only want 1 item feel free to make an offer :)
Sep 09Reply
iamwarrior I had politely inquired about measurements on the other site & when I hadn't heard from you when you said you said you'd get back with me, I just commented that I was following up on my inquiries. A week goes by w/ no acknowledgement of my interest & I wanted to use my limited time coupon to buy a bundle from you & you blocked me? I sell here for income for my medical costs but wanted to treat myself. Asking for measurements from a serious buyer is no reason to block someone. Very unfortunate.
Oct 25Reply
boondbliss @Iamwarrior I have the right to refuse to service anyone. Just like you have the right not to buy from certain sellers based on what you read and see. Now I was right to block you because instead of getting the hint you COME AFTER ME ON HERE and ruin in my post. I guess I should have done it your way and left you a nasty gram on your page... but I didn't. I just move on and keep going. I recommend you put on a smile, release your anger, and keep shopping. Thank you darling.
Oct 25Reply
hollylynnsclost Beautiful closet! ❤️
Nov 29Reply
shopbellaboho Oh my!!! I was one of your YouTube subscribers from yesterday. I'm glad you stopped by my Closet. Happy Friday! PS: love your closet 😍
Dec 03Reply
eastendcosign Thank you for accepting my offer. I absolutely love your style and have created a mental note of about 3 more bundles that I would love now, but have to make it through the holidays without purchasing another personal present. Looking forward to your 2017 posts!
Dec 10Reply
boondbliss @eastendcosign You are more than welcome! Thank you!!! If there is anything you really really want, and you need to put it on hold let me know. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
Dec 10Reply
fianet Hi, love your closet. The pictures are so pretty. This is one of my favorite closets. :-)
Dec 20Reply
boondbliss @fianet THANK YOU ♥️♥️♥️ so much. You made my day, I needed a little pick me up!
Dec 20Reply
debbiemalina Hi I'm from You Tube !!! Love all your videos and am excited to check out your closet!!!
Dec 22Reply
boondbliss @debbiemalina Hi Debbie! Thank you for visiting!!!
Dec 22Reply
elevations I have been watching your YouTube videos for the last few days. So informative. Thanks so much for sharing!!! Love your closet too.❤
Jan 19Reply
elevations Sorry to add another comment ... but can I ask you what your opinion is about buying wholesale. Have your tried it and if so, what kind of luck have you had? What do you think about purchasing multiple sizes of the same item? I have been Poshing for 2 months now and have done very well (top 10% seller already). I am hooked! Lol
Jan 19Reply
greenhappysky Hello love your closet and your YouTube pages. I am a subscriber. Would love your critique and I am a follower.
Jan 20Reply
samcan91 Hi! Loved The Limited sweater that I got from you. Thanks so much for the scarf that you threw in! I'm dying to know what the amazing scent is that was on them. Is it perfume, fabric softener or detergent, and what kind??? Please tell me, I need to get some!
Feb 09Reply
boondbliss @samcan91 :) Dryer Sheets from Downy Infusions - "Amber Blossom." Yes I love them so much! :)
Feb 09Reply
chic_magnet I just came across your YouTube channel and I'm in love! I want to watch all of them now! I've only watched one and a half so far but have already learned a few things! Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful source for all of us resellers!
Feb 10Reply
boondbliss @magsxc6 Awhhhh - thank you so much!!! Glad you found me. :) let me know if you have any questions!
Feb 10Reply
chic_magnet @boruka I will for sure! I'm already telling other Poshers about you! 😊
Feb 10Reply
boondbliss @kelibird THANK YOU sooo much :) I appreciate it. Will browse your closet soon as well and reciprocate the love. 😘♥😘
Feb 14Reply
blueb1rds Good morning. Watched your YouTube video from Dec. It was helpful. Like attending a meeting. I am retired from medical community where we could attend meetings where leadership got us up to date on latest info hospital clinic wide ect... So it is nice to have a "go to" like yours. It helped me understand what drives the sales in Poshmark. Thank you. And gave a good day.
Feb 17Reply
kieutique @boruka thank you for the warm welcome❤️
Feb 23Reply
ecolivehappy Hi! I just wanted to say I love your closet and I get so much out of your YouTube videos. Thank you for taking the time to do them, they inspire me!
Feb 27Reply
boondbliss @ecolivehappy Hi Amanda, thank you very much for watching and finding me on Posh! Have a wonderful week :) :)
Feb 27Reply
poshhymes Hi Anna! I love your videos. My little boy and I both watch. Me for your knowledge. My son go GiGi Maria. We laugh so hard with her in the background. Im not sure if I even learn much because she takes the show. Great job. I'm following your closet now.
Mar 03Reply
boondbliss @poshhymes thank you so much. How old is your son? I appreciate you following me on here and leaving a note :) yeah, she is definitely trying to steal the show Lol
Mar 03Reply
poshhymes @boruka I'm watching you right now on you tube. Tylers 8. Whenever I'm watching you he runs in and says Mom can we please watch Gigi Maria ? When she plays with her bouncing toy in the background he laughs so hard. Love you both. Keep the great videos coming.
Mar 03Reply
boondbliss @poshhymes that is so cool!!! I am giving her a hug right now and telling her she has a fan. She will have to say hi to Tyler next time we do a vid :)
Mar 03Reply
poshhymes @boruka oh my god he would've over the moon if Gigi said hi to him. Thanks!
Mar 03Reply
boondbliss @poshhymes So I just finished recording. Should be up in about an hour. I did a little message and then the last 2 min is like a series of pics and video of her playing with a title saying For Tyler :) hopefully that puts an additional smile on his face LOL wish I was a fly on the wall when he sees it. :) Have a great Friday!!!
Mar 03Reply
poshhymes Oh my gosh. He's going to be so surprised. Thank you so much. When he gets home this evening from a party I'll record him watching it. I'll put it on you tube and send you the link. You're awesome
Mar 03Reply
poshhymes Ok. He watched it! Loved it. Thank you so much. He ran downstairs to tell everyone Gigi sent him a you tube message. He feels so special. On cloud 9. I don't know if that's a link. If not. It's Tyler Gigi Maria. Thanks Anna!
Mar 04Reply
boondbliss @poshhymes Oh my god, he is adorable!!!!! Love it. You made my day. That face in the beginning - priceless :) :)
Mar 04Reply
boondbliss @poshhymes and the Awhhhh at :57... love it!
Mar 04Reply
curvycloth Look your pictures!! Following you on YouTube and Instagram. Thanks for sharing all of your great information.
Mar 09Reply
boondbliss @tltreasures Hi Toni, thank you! Are you a hobby reseller or part time/full time? Thank you for the follows on Instagram and YT 😘♥😘👍
Mar 09Reply
perpetualpetals Hi Anna! I can't believe I am just now following you on Posh. Your YouTube channel really inspired me to do Poshmark. I am currently watching a video of yours right now, you are such a fun gal and I just love you style 💛
Mar 09Reply
curvycloth @boruka full time but always learning. I love the thrill of the search.
Mar 09Reply
boondbliss @perpetualpetals hi Bethany, thank you so much for finding me on Poshmark. I love your closet, what great deals. I really enjoyed your description as well. Got to go sure your closet now. Take care!
Mar 09Reply
ettina Really enjoy your YouTube channel, great closet! You're an inspiration.
Mar 16Reply
theposhqueen1 @ettina Hi Anna, You have a nice closet, I have also seen some of your YouTube videos! I'm new to poshmark Feel free to stop by my closet anytime! 😁
Mar 18Reply
bestida2009 Huge fan of yours in YouTube! You're the reason I got into PM! Thx for sharing your knowledge to the community!
Mar 19Reply
boondbliss @bestida2009 Wow, thank you so much! I just saw your closet and shared some / looking great!!! Thank you for watching!
Mar 19Reply
ednlora I just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I LOVE your YouTube videos!! I have learned so much from you by watching them the past few days. Your personality is awesome and you're very funny! I have only been Poshing for a month and I feel like you have given me some great ideas. Thanks so much!! 😘👛👠
Mar 23Reply
boondbliss @ednlora wow, thank you so much!!!! What a nice note to see before I go to sleep. I appreciate you telling me. Thank you for watching!!! Happy Poshing!
Mar 23Reply
mrsareal #closetcrush ❤
Mar 24Reply
seenyadiva Thanks for the shares, Anna. Love your closet and love you on YouTube, as well! Just watched the video anout Instagram Hashtags this are both informative and entertaining! Thanks for that!
Mar 25Reply
saggiegirl Love your You Tube videos. Thank you!
Mar 26Reply
the_foxy_owl @boruka Oh Anna, you are such an inspiration! I've been watching and LISTENING to your YouTube videos on marathon ❤️. Your previous corporate position was something I always wanted to and I see that you have a fabulous personality for it! Wonderful closet, fun videos and beautiful person all around. 💋 Cheers my dear!!!
Apr 01Reply
boondbliss @angiemcb Angie, thank you so much! I appreciate you leaving me a note. What's your username on YouTube? Have we commented back and forth before? What did you mean by the corporate experience? You want to climb the ladder or are you in corp now? Thank you again for watching :)
Apr 01Reply
the_foxy_owl @boruka On YouTube I am Angela McBryar- no content of my own, heck no! Yes, I've commented on one of your videos and you've responded 😁. By corporate I thought you'd mentioned teaching/development, etc. Yes, I am in the corporate world. SO, I think that is another reason I'm drawn to you and your style in videos. Plus you're HILARIOUS 😂 . I fully appreciate you our personality mixed in with stories and tutorials. Perfection to me!!!
Apr 02Reply
jangadd @boruka I was just introduced to you on youtube and you rock! Thank you for the tips and tricks! I love your personality and closet!
Apr 04Reply
boondbliss @jangadd Hi Janice, Thank you so much!!! I love your doggies, what are their names? If you ever want to recommend topics for videos or anything, don't be shy! :) :)
Apr 04Reply
jangadd @boruka My Cavalier King Charles is Iris and my Springer Spaniel is Emma. Thank you for reaching out! I keep running into the 500 character limit so I'll post more below.
Apr 04Reply
jangadd @boruka I am wondering if you think the shipping fee is too high and if it affects sales? As far as removing items, if an item has a like on it I try to give people notice that I'm removing it but that hasn't seemed to get me a sale at all and I end up removing and donating. I don't know if these are topics for a video or just a comment. I LOVE Poshmark and have had a complete ball on this site! I've bought WAAAAY too much, (lol!) and have met some amazing people!
Apr 04Reply
agnesandmary Hi Anna, thanks for following me! I just discovered you on you tube! Love your stuff! You have great material and you make me laugh. I also love that little side kick of yours as well.
Apr 13Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Anna. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 13Reply
styledbymarty Omg!!!😱😲I can't believe you're following me back!! This is the best day ever in posh history for me!! 🤗🎉 🎉 lol I absolutely love your videos and you have helped me out so much in expanding my closet to new brands!! So much love and appreciation from south Texas to you!! Blessings!! 💗💗
Apr 13Reply
boondbliss @mggarza0809 Marty - OMG, you are too cute. I am glad I made your day. But really, no need to put me on a pedestal. If there is anything you need - you know where to find me :) don't be a stranger, let me know what your up to... full time seller? Hobby seller? Cheers beautiful lady! Anna
Apr 14Reply
southerngypsyky Thanks for all the shares!!! I watch all your videos and have learned so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 14Reply
ts_eclectics @boruka Hello to you and Gigi! I just started my closet a few weeks ago after seeing one of your videos. 😊 I have a lot to learn, but am excited about my future in resale and Poshmark! If you get the chance, please visit my closet. Thank you again for the help you've provided!!! Have a great weekend!
Apr 14Reply
styledbymarty @boruka @boruka aww I'm just so appreciative of you taking the time to teach us all, It first started as a hobby and now it's addictive! Lol I'm now transitioning to a full time seller, I'm a stay at home wife so this is my spending money lol you best believe I'm working hard for it! 😜
Apr 14Reply
secondimage2000 @boruka Hello Anna, I'm Candis, nice to meet you. I have watched several of your u tube videos this morning, taking note of some great tips. I'm going to try the 30 min method starting today and see how that works, as my sales have declined, also will try re-listing as I have stale listings. Would you mind taking a quick peek at my closet to see if there is anything else I might try to drum up sales? 💕💕
Apr 14Reply
boondbliss @secondimage2000 Hi there, I would love to help :) Where would you like me to share the feedback?
Apr 14Reply
princess_1977 Hi I follow you on YouTube, you are so amazing love all the info 💕
Apr 14Reply
wisppers2016 Hello I love your YouTube channel I came across by surfing for videos on how to sell on Poshmark and you made my day with Gigi Maria she is so lovely
Apr 19Reply
boondbliss @wisppers2016 Thank you so much! Glad you found me. Welcome to channel and welcome to my closet. Let me know if you have any questions!
Apr 19Reply
jangadd @boruka I love your YouTube channel (as you know) and as I was watching the other day you spoke about the importance of listing and relisting. My concern with relisting are the people who "liked" that item. How important is it to keep the item with the "likes" versus relisting? Thank you for all you do! I had an Urban Outfitters item that I thought was an Anthro until your video showed me otherwise! You rock!
Apr 19Reply
boondbliss @jangadd Janice, if you have already decreased price and your "likes" people have not bit then I would not miss them :) give an entire new crop of Poshmark as an opportunity to see your item. And what I'm going to tell you may not sit well with you but when relisting increase the price.
Apr 19Reply
boondbliss @jangadd If you had any people expressing interest in comments I would tag them when you post your item otherwise don't miss them.
Apr 19Reply
jangadd @boruka I don't have a problem with that at all! I see your point too, that if the "likers" haven't "bought" then they may not want the item anymore and maybe it's just languishing in their bookmarks. Thank you so much! Give Gigi a snuggle!
Apr 19Reply
mishmesh I just wanted to thank you for your video blogs. I have been watching them the past three hours or so while I list and share. It is so motivating. Whenever I need motivation or information - it helps me so much! Thank you for all that you do! You're amazing! Gorgeous closet! ❤️❤️🦄
Apr 20Reply
smolysr I appreciate the shares! I've recently stumbled upon your YouTube channel!! Your videos are so helpful! I've learned so much. Thank you for taking the time to make them! 💕
Apr 21Reply
boondbliss @smolysr THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I appreciate you saying that :) Beautiful closet you have curated there. Enjoy and Happy Poshing! - Anna
Apr 21Reply
ncmcollections Hi there! I just found you on You Tube, you give lots of great info! I'm very new to Poshmark, and selling my used clothing online too. I'm finding there's a lot that goes into selling online. I've made one sale so far, we'll see how this goes. If you have any suggestions for my closet it would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks again, Nina 😊❤️❤️
Apr 21Reply
boondbliss @ncmcollections Hello and thank you for checking out my videos! Are you interested in me reviewing your closet in my video or just here through comments? Thanks! Hope you are having a lovely weekend!
Apr 23Reply
ncmcollections @boruka oh, I don't think I'm ready for a you tube review, haha, but thank you for the offer!😊. I'm new to Posh and just thought a quick look you may see anything that could be improved or changed?? Thanks again, have a great weekend!💐
Apr 23Reply
jangadd @boruka You are my "go-to" for questions about PM and I hope that's okay! I have seen a couple of closets that have information photos about the way parties work and to please share to your followers because once an item has been shared to a party it won't be shared there again. I've been sharing to parties thinking that is the best way to get closet exposure for us all. What do you know? Thanks so much for everything!
Apr 25Reply
boondbliss @jangadd Jan, when you share your listing it will be only visible in the party feed one time. For the item to be shared more than once, someone else has to share it. Thus the activity of sharing your stuff, then someone else shares, then you share theirs, they share more of yours... and the cycle works perfectly :) If they allowed us to share more than once, it would not be good in my opinion. Anything else? Happy to help :)
Apr 26Reply
boondbliss @ncmcollections Hi There, so I've reviewed your closet ;) and have few observations. Where would you like me to leave them?
Apr 26Reply
ncmcollections @boruka That's so nice of you to take the time to do that! If you want to leave them here in the comments that's fine with me. Thank you :)
Apr 26Reply
boondbliss @ncmcollections Nina, of course gorgeous (and I mean gorgeous) but I won't be leaving them in my stream. This is my "meet the seller" thread. Please just point me to another source. Thank you so much. You rock!
Apr 26Reply
jangadd @boruka Thank you for the info! So if someone else shares the same item I have shared to the party it will go into the party feed again is that correct?
Apr 26Reply
ncmcollections @boruka Hello! Oh thank you, your too kind! :) Are you on Facebook? I think a good way to leave me a message could be through my facebook page. Here is the link - Thanks again, Nina
Apr 26Reply
boondbliss @ncmcollections Great! I will send it your way later today :) Have a wonderful day.
Apr 26Reply
boondbliss @jangadd You are correct.
Apr 26Reply
jangadd @boruka Thank you! If you have time at some point, would you like to give me some feedback on my closet? You are great to take the time to help us all out so much!
Apr 26Reply
abkahl I love watching your YouTube videos. Thank you so much for sharing your information and experiences. I have been able to work from home because of Poshmark. I'm happy I found your closet to follow. 💕
Apr 27Reply
boondbliss @abkahl Amber, thank you for letting me know you watch my YouTube videos. And of course, thank you for watching!!! Do you sell on any other platforms? If you ever would like anything from my closet - kick ass discounts for my YouTube friends! Tootles! Happy Poshing!
Apr 27Reply
abkahl @boruka I have been debating posting items on eBay. I haven't started a store, but have thought about it. Just need to be brace and go for it.
Apr 27Reply
abkahl Brave and go for it. *
Apr 27Reply
nancywvnrs Confession ! Girl crush lol, you are amazing and I've watched your you tubes several times, so informative and fun to watch. Very professional also, unlike some others. I am new to posh and would appreciate any tips you have for my closet. I am poshing to pay for my Diabetic daughters needs.
Apr 29Reply
realizeu Love your closet....very similar sizes and taste...and your attention to the brands is inspiring. Im still struggling with how much time I want to give this.....yet here and I am watching your videos and commenting here. LOL. Heading into my 4th years.....and still addicted. thanks for sharing your knowledge. Much appreciated.
May 02Reply
jangadd @boruka Here's another question. How does the "like" button work to showcase items? Is it a good idea to "like" your own items? You da best!!!
May 04Reply
boondbliss @jangadd Hi there, there is no advantage in liking your own items unless (1) you want to organize your favorites for ease of sharing or (2) if you want to see what the sales updates look like or reduced shipping updates - to see what the other people will receive. Besides that I don't see any other functionality.
May 04Reply
jangadd @boruka Thank you!😘
May 04Reply
bynks I absolutely adore your closet. So many wonderful things to ooo and ahh over. 😄 Also, I wanted to thank you for the follow. I hope you have a wonderful day!💕
May 04Reply
ahineg Beautiful closet! I found you on Posh because of your vlogs. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. After watching your closet critique I have some ideas on how to improve mine. Thanks again!
May 04Reply
thingsu2love Thank you for sharing! I watch you all the time you are my favorite! Great closet and thanks again!
May 10Reply
goka0509 You are awesome!
May 14Reply
deyalynch Hi I just wanted to say hello, I watch all your videos and love u ❤!!!! Deya
May 16Reply
shops_a_latte_ Hello - I love your videos! Just started on poshmark about a week ago and wanted to thank you for your informative videos on You tube. The information you have shared regarding Poshmark has been incredibly helpful to me. I am wondering and maybe just haven't found this video yet but how you store your items. I can see this needs to be decided early before having hundreds of items in my closet.
May 17Reply
boondbliss @deyalynch Hi Deya, thank you for stopping by and of course thank you for watching!!!
May 17Reply
boondbliss @dajadoc Hi there. I am glad you find my info helpful! I have to check out your closet and share it. Thank you for watching and stopping by to say hello. Yes, I did share how I store in a video but I forgot which one :) LOL It is in one of my earlier ones. Basically, I converted my garage into storing. I bought z-racks and hang things like dresses, suits, jackets, etc. And then, I have shelves with plastic containers where I bag and tag.
May 17Reply
boondbliss @dajadoc If I had to do it all over again, I would bag and tag from the beginning. Shipping is easier when everything is ready to go. And organized awaiting shipping in plastic bins. Using a control number will help. So if you mark your item A 34. You know it is in bin A, and its the item with 34 on it.
May 17Reply
shops_a_latte_ WOW - I did not expect a reply for days given your level of busy. You continue to impress with your speedy response! Thank you so much. One more question about printing the PDF mailing label. I want to print shipping labels on a self-adhesive label sheet which fits 2 labels per page in portrait if they are horizontal. The only way I have found to do this is by moving it to a word document and I would like to work smarter not harder if you have a better solution :)
May 17Reply
rika91321 Hi, I LOVE your youtube!! It is very helpful information you are giving me as a newbie poshmark seller. Thank you!! Happy poshing!! 💐👜🛍️😘
May 21Reply
boondbliss @rika91321 You are very welcome! Beautiful closet! Thank you so much for watching!
May 21Reply
boogawoogaone Love you on YouTube thanks for all your help I'm just getting started selling! Was excited to find you on here!
May 21Reply
pinkydear Thanks for the share, Anna! 🌷
May 22Reply
boondbliss @pinkydear You are very welcome beautiful lady!
May 23Reply
thrillofthe I just found your Youtube channel and I'm totally binge watching! Your detailed advice and videos are so extremely helpful and your Posh closet is seriously my goal! Thanks for sharing all your wisdom!
May 24Reply
worldcollection Saw your youtube video. Good job!
May 26Reply
lapetitemarie I just discovered your channel and found your live video this afternoon. Thank you for your encouragement!
May 27Reply
takitty @boruka Evening Anna aka BoonDoogleBliss! Or should I write Top of the Morning! I'm finally making my way thru shares/follows. Your YouTube channel is amazing. I can't thank you enough for the 30 mins, listing marathons, and brand knowledge. Would you mind giving me feedback on my closet? My email is My Mom lives not far from you in Lincoln. I finally looked up what BoonDoogle means! Hahahahahahnan Happy Memorial Weekend! Theresa aka Dave's girl. 😃
May 28Reply
buywithgrace Hello 😇 now this is too funny! JUST yesterday I was on YouTube and saw your video. And today I get to see you on PM!!! I feel honored that you spent time in my closet 💖 I Loved your video Btw 🤗🤗🤗
May 28Reply
mustafaali @buywithgrace you like anything from my closet
May 29Reply
boondbliss @mustafaali please don't advertise on my profile page. That's real bad.
May 29Reply
hankypankyvtg The Thrifting Board led me to Texas Gal Treasures on Youtube, where she mentions YOU and the 30 minute Posh system. I am following religiously and made my daughter watch your videos on measurements (Gigi was a sweet bonus!!) Thanks for the follow!
May 29Reply
boondbliss @vintagemama Hello and welcome to my closet. Texas Gal Treasurers mentions me? In what video? I have to go and say thank you :) Thank you so much for watching and if you have any requests please let me know. Have a wonderful rest of your holiday weekend. - Anna & GiGi. (P.S. Who is that gorgeous creature in your picture?
May 29Reply
ruth9m Hi Anna!!! I love your closet! Hope to have a closet like yours one day🙂 Love watching you on YouTube also! You're so inspirational. Love the fashion education😆 thank you so much for all the knowledge! You're simply AMAZING!!
May 30Reply
cricketinnash Girl! I love your YouTube channel! I watch it all of the time. Thank you for taking the time to share with all of us!! 😘❤️💁🏽
Jun 03Reply
mikimakes Hi Anna! Thank you for the shares! I just wanted to say that I watch your YouTube videos weekly and I'm a subscriber. I love when you do the live videos for us to all work together. 😄 Thanks for sharing all of your info with us and Happy Poshing! 🙂
Jun 04Reply
spookyheartsg Thx u very much for the video support 10 things to help lindey ur such a kind good earth friend glad to be browsing ur store again have a great 1
Jun 06Reply
sweetvelvet I'm new here, and just saying HI. I saw your videos on youtube and wanted to make sure I said thank you. They were a real help. :)
Jun 08Reply
matana I just came across a video you did in YouTube of posh analytics over January sales and LOVED IT! Informative, details and so professional. Finally something that don't wait my time telling all I already know. I love the review about brands and what sells etc. would you be doing any new one soon? I'd love to connect with you and learn some more. Also would like your input about my closet if you have the time and would be able to, I'd appreciate that. Thank you for all the insights. 😊🙃😊🙃💃🏾💃🏻💃🏻
Jun 09Reply
aflo777 Good YouTube vids 😎👍🏽
Jun 13Reply
mythreeez Hi Friend!!! 🙋🏻
Jun 13Reply
mythreeez What do you think about my closet???? 😳
Jun 13Reply
redpoppyjune Hi Anna, I recently discovered your YouTube channel and its educating me a lot! Thanks for all your efforts, and nice job on your Posh success! 😊 -Adele from Michigan.
Jun 14Reply
redpoppyjune Hi Anna, thanks so much for your helpful tips regarding my closet. My goal is to add 2-3 items per day, and I'm almost up to 1,000 shares, so it's growing! I have this awesome huge mirror at home I can take pics in front of, but I'll need to add some light. Thanks for the suggestion. I keep getting more ideas from successful Poshers like you. Thank you for all the work you put into your videos! 😊
Jun 24Reply
guusje Just watched your video- lots of good information and it's entertaining too. Thanks !
Jun 27Reply
styledlife @boruka I just have to tell you- I love you!! Found your posh YouTube videos and feel like you are one of my real BFF! Learning a lot from you. So thank you bunches for your free tutorials. ♡♡♡ Love your kitty Gigi too! ;) And of course I love your style AND closet!! Drool!! ;)
Jun 27Reply
faded_pebbles loved your last video! went to go follow you, but apparently I already was! :P Love your closet too! Lots of cute stuff <3
Jun 28Reply
boots_fun I found you! !!!!!!!!! You are the reason I joined poshmark! Love your poem about listing by the way! It probably feels like you are talking to yourself and you feel silly, but I laughed too. You always brighten my day! Know that you touch many lives! Hello from Montana! Love, Wendy
Jun 29Reply
boots_fun @styledlife she's the best! I feel like she's MY best friend!
Jun 29Reply
boondbliss @boots_fun Hi Wendy! Glad you found me!!!! Love your boots and the pics! Thank you for the follow and the appreciation of my poetry... guess what, I wrote a song about reselling. I haven't told anyone yet. Plus I need to get the courage to sing it to you guys. Lol Have a great day!
Jun 29Reply
boots_fun DO IT! Thanks for the reply! You made my day! You have everyone's know the sayings, "eat the cake, dance as if noone's watching, and sing like noone's listening", .... (but we are!!!) Love you, Have am amazing day!
Jun 29Reply
m20lagrl Thanks for the shares lady! I found you through your YouTube channel and have enjoyed learning and following along!
Jun 29Reply
styledlife @boots_fun YES!!! ;) Anna @boruka IS awesome! I thought I was the only one to burst out into sudden song mid sentence at times. Haha! ♡ It's like finding new family here. :)
Jun 29Reply
boondbliss @styledlife Hi again, I just uploaded to Instagram a little snippet of my song. More to come later :)
Jun 29Reply
boots_fun @boruka you're making me join another social platform? ! I'm going to get you to Oregon and have you ride a horse on the ocean! !! big deal!
Jun 30Reply
boondbliss @boots_fun Bring it on sister! Where in Oregon?
Jun 30Reply
boots_fun @boruka Nehalem Bay St. Park-Manzanita/ S Cannon Beach.Used to have horse riding business for tourists. Did half day ride-saw seals , elk, beach, bay, and a lookout, tied up horses,took boat across bay, had fresh crab/oysters cooked on campfire,Took boat back,rode for other half of day. I am in Montana right now, my father still has horses and I have a couple back there and here. In fact, I should quit selling things here and on ebay and go riding! !! My quote:You either have time or money!
Jun 30Reply
annette2213 Thanks for the share I enjoyed watching two of your YouTube videos today!
Jul 02Reply
boondbliss @annette2213 Thank you very much!!!!
Jul 02Reply
missktmoe I just watched your video so stinking cute! I don't know how you keep up with all those platforms! Amazing! So loved it!!
Jul 03Reply
wirequeen @boruka I've been watched your YouTube videos. Thanks for the greAt tips, especially the video about urban outfitters/free people/anthropology brands.
Jul 03Reply
boots_fun You are my number 3 for most interacted with! Thought I would say hi and waste more of your time today! Hello! Hope all is well, let me know when you post song to you tube, -Wendy
Jul 05Reply
oliandme Hello Anna! My name is Victoria and I wanted to thank you! I watch you on YouTube all the time and trying to do the 30MM, but due to some health issues I had to skip a few days here and there. However, Ive been on Posh for a bout a month and have sold 2 things! Yeah me! 🎉🐾. I know it takes time to build ones closet so I'm sure I'll get more sales eventually.
Jul 08Reply
oliandme Thanks to you I feel knowledgeable enough to at least understand how this whole thing works. You are "the cat's meow", "the bomb diggity", "super buena honda" (Spanish!) and an overall great person. You put so much effort into your videos, and you do for free. I truly appreciate you. 👏🎉🐾❣️❤️♥️🌈 Muchas Gracias!
Jul 08Reply
southerngypsyky @boruka AKA Anna, thank you for your purchase and all the ❤️ today!!! I can't wait to see this dress in one of your videos!! 😉
Jul 10Reply
decdesign Have watched all of your tutorials on youtube. Thank you for all the info. I'm still learning every day but would have been totally lost had I not had the benefit of your knowledge before I even started. Thank you!
Jul 11Reply
josielynn99 Love your closet and YouTube channel!!!! Closet and posher goals!!!!! 😍❤️💕
Jul 11Reply
elise_kathryn Hey, I stumbled upon your YouTube videos today.😊 I really enjoyed the ones I had watched! Thank you for taking the time to make them.
Jul 11Reply
gigishanger All you info has been SO very helpful and encouraging!! Thanks for your time & effort, it is greatly appreciated!!Have a WONDERFUL day!!
Jul 11Reply
guusje Your YouTube videos are so helpful! I love your no nonsense approach ! I have learned / am learning so much🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎
Jul 17Reply
bananatrees I found your closet through your YouTube videos. I LOVE them! 💜 so many amazing tips and helpful information. Loved the one that went into analytics and testing (I find that stuff very interesting). It's nice for you to take your time to help others find success!! ☺️
Jul 22Reply
quynhcrotty Hi Anna, I'm so happy to find you on PM . You have inspired me to start selling on PM and eBay. I have learned so much from you. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and tips. I adore you. 💕😘
Jul 23Reply
jordansalmonson Hello lovely! I just found your YouTube channel (and now your closet!) and it's fantastic! I live in Folsom too & would love sometime to meet up over coffee and pick your brain over how you've been so successful on Poshmark. I'm hoping to make reselling my full time job. Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say hi! Much love 💕 Jordan
Jul 25Reply
boondbliss @jreyhac Hello there fellow Folsomite! I would love to! Let me know your availability and lets connect for sure. I have not yet met up with anyone from Folsom. So that is awesome!
Jul 25Reply
boondbliss @jreyhac oh and I have to meet your cat!!!!!
Jul 25Reply
jordansalmonson @boruka I work in Palladio about 5 days a week - I work retail so my schedule is pretty scattered haha! But I could meet up before or after work sometime 😊 I have to meet your kitty too!! Do you want me to find you on FB or vice versa and we can figure out more exact details there?
Jul 26Reply
boondbliss @jreyhac Heck yeah :)
Jul 26Reply
mariangel2217 I feel I'm your new number 1 fan on your youtube channel. I started to sell on Poshmark 2 months ago and your videos helped me a lot! thank you so so much! you are awesome!
Jul 28Reply
evallia Hello!! Just watched one of your videos on my road trip here (hence why my closet is on vaca) and thank you so much for the tips! Will definitely be watching the others as well!! Beautiful closet! I am relatively new to Poshmark so if you have any suggestions for me personally I'd love to have some positive criticism. I need to work on sharing other closets and new closets but I'm slowly getting there :) Thanks again!! 💗
Jul 31Reply
boondbliss @jennifermscott Hi Jennifer, thank you for watching! Your closet looks like you have been doing this for a while!! Great start. At this point I recommend to focus on your lighting and/or wrinkles in clothing as far as presentation goes. Then of course adding new items regularly to keep your closet active and sharing other's closets of course. Are you engaged in any social media forums to engage with other Posher's? Share groups? Are you performing the 30MM? Thanks!
Jul 31Reply
evallia @boruka thanks for the reply! I am currently on one Facebook page and just added another. I share to my instagram and Pinterest as well! I am going to start using the 30 mm now that I've watched your video! Great tips, again thank you!
Jul 31Reply
evallia @boruka also, I need a mannequin! Some items are just NOT good with the flat lays, usually dresses with material that can't be laid to look pretty or unmessy! One step at a time lol.
Jul 31Reply
boondbliss @jennifermscott See my other video about Poshmark 15 Q&A. I discuss mannequins a bit more. Depending on your situation a Dress form is a lot better than mannequin. But if you have time to style with a mannequin it is a nice to have. EBay has great deals with free ship.
Jul 31Reply
chulaart Hi! Lovely closet and great outlook on life! I just saw your YouTube video on growth tactics and wanted to thank you for a very well made video to help other posters like myself! I was very active at first but just had baby # 2 so now getting excited to get back into PM. Wishing you all the best!
Jul 31Reply
mariangel2217 Hi Anna, hope you are doing great :) when do you thing is the best time to do a price drop? I was thinking to do it Friday at 9:00 but I'm not sure.
Aug 04Reply
requisitethread Hi there, I'm from El Dorado Hills. Small world right?! This is long overdue- Thank you for your YouTube videos! I've been on Posh for a few years, but only recently decided to kick it in to high the rolling racks of clothing in my house are taking over 😬 The fashion hoarding struggle is real 🙈 Your videos are great & have been very helpful. I love your creativity & crack up at your cat's antics. I really think you need a Wildfox style seeater that says "Gigi Marie!" 😄
Aug 06Reply
requisitethread PS- Who does your hair? Your blonde is amazing! ✨✨😍🙌🏻✨✨As a faux blonde, I'm forever fighting the brassiness struggle. I need the name of your hairdresser. 💇🏼 I live in AZ now, but come home to visit a few times a year. If only flights to Sac weren't so expensive, I'd come back every 6 wks to get my boondoggle bliss blonde on ha ha 🙆
Aug 06Reply
boondbliss @coledianne Hello :) my hair has been done by Aveda for years. Do you have an Aveda saloon near you? They all use Aveda products. If you come to Sac I will hook you up with my gal. She rocks. When I lived in Ohio the Aveda salon there did my hair the same way. Cheers!
Aug 06Reply
boondbliss @coledianne I'm in Folsom!
Aug 06Reply
boondbliss @mariangel2217 Yes Fridays are a great day to do it in the evening or during party times in the evening or noon during weekends. That is when Poshmark experiences the most traffic.
Aug 06Reply
boondbliss @chulaart Thank you very much! Happy selling and good luck with babies :) Hopefully they don't drain all your energy, soon enough they can be your helpers - free labor! Lol. Happy Poshing!
Aug 06Reply
requisitethread @boruka There is an Aveda salon in Phoenix. 😃 I'm going to have to go over there & check it out 😃 Thanks!!
Aug 06Reply
chezhofs watch/listen to her videos @classyclothes6
Aug 07Reply
classyclothes6 @thehofs Thanks! I saw one but will watch more :)....
Aug 07Reply
luxurylenna Hi! Watching your YouTube videos and wondering about your background re data and analytics and your day job! May I connect with you on LinkedIn - Lenna Bowman
Aug 09Reply
boondbliss @luxurylenna Sure. What are you looking for?
Aug 09Reply
luxurylenna @boruka Your name please. I was just looking to see what you do. I also have a love of fashion, data and analytics and just wanted to connect! :)
Aug 09Reply
luxurylenna Or you can connect with me if you did not want to post your name.:)
Aug 09Reply
boondbliss @luxurylenna let's do that. How do I find you? My profession and past experience has nothing to do with fashion so I hope you are not disappointed. I dabble in it for fun as a hobby :) :)
Aug 09Reply
boondbliss @luxurylenna I did find this guy who can scrub data for me off of here but he jumped on another project and I can't get him back. I gave him exact parameters of what I wanted. Ugh
Aug 09Reply
luxurylenna @boruka That would have been so valuable! Knowing how to get data out of Poshmark seems so much more difficult than eBay. The user interface is it just not there. I suppose we can suggest it to the development team.I used to do data analytics type work a couple years ago but I am currently a stay-at-home mom. I love your video about analytics on Poshmark!
Aug 09Reply
luxurylenna @boruka To find me... Search Lenna Bowman on LinkedIn. Planning and Merchandising Analyst was my last position. I think there is only one other person with my name on there :)
Aug 09Reply
bjcich I just wanted to say hi! I was going through followers and was like yay!!! I'm following you !! I knew you looked familiar as I watched you on YouTube with Lindy!! Love your closet!! Great job! 👍🏼💐💕
Aug 09Reply
sofisticata Hi 😊 I just saw 3 of your videos in YouTube! Thank you for sharing all your tips! I'm still kind off new, so when I came across your videos, these were a treasure! Didn't even know there were videos for poshmark! Thank you again! You have a GORGEOUS closet! 💕 may God richly bless your business and have a fantabulous day! 😜✨✨💫
Aug 10Reply
boondbliss @amanda_clc Thank you very much for all your kind words, Glad it was helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions. I will be making more videos soon :) taking some time off to enjoy the summer☀️☀️👙👙🏊🏊🌊🌊 Happy Poshing and good luck in growing your Poshmark closet and finding new friends 👍😘
Aug 11Reply
sofisticata 😊 thank you! ... i do ha a question and I have tried to do that but can't, ... I try to share in every party and share since I started (and SHOP 😂) . And have done nothing but shared, follow and work my closet yesterday after listening to 3 of your videos, in one of them you mentioned to share on the show rooms... how do we do that? I tried and tried and couldn't figured out... thank you 😊
Aug 11Reply
beaded @boruka Anna I found you on you tube, so much do appreciate you take your time to do those videos... Thank you so much, you are so Awesome :)
Aug 20Reply
yolis1230 Thanks for following and sharing my post!! I love your you tube!! You're a posh celebrity 🤗
Aug 25Reply
thriftgirltx Thanks for the shares! Love your YouTube channel! It has helped me so much. Thanks for your hardwork😀
Aug 27Reply
denisexoxox Hey sweetie thank you so much for selling me the hand bag. I totally understand what your were saying but I was wondering if you ever sell any of the tags separate and if so maybe I could buy them later maybe next week when Like Friday. If you do how much will you sell them for.
Aug 27Reply
andreas_finds Thanks for following. I love your YouTube videos. 😉
Aug 28Reply
rmsnipes Hey just wanted to let you know how much I'm learning from your videos. I just started last week... have a long way to go to build my closet. Thanks for providing such informative videos!
Sep 02Reply
thewhitecat Love you, your kitty & your videos! Thank you for sharing info!!! 😘
Sep 08Reply
boondbliss @dealu THank you very much for stopping by to say that! I appreciate it.
Sep 08Reply
boondbliss @rmsnipes Thank you for letting me know! It motivates me to keep making them for sure :) Happy Selling! :)
Sep 08Reply
boondbliss @thewhitecat Awhhh I will pass on the love to GiGi Maria for sure :) Thank you for the note. I appreciate it.
Sep 08Reply
mrsgtz Ohh My .. I finally found you .. You were my motivation to sell online with those videos 😺😺.. Love it 😍 And Look .. im getting close to 500 listings.. I'll be sharing your Closet .. Have A Great Day 😺😺😺
Sep 11Reply
boondbliss @mrsgtz CONGRATULATIONS!!! Thank you so much for stopping by and saying so. Comments like these inspire me to keep making videos. I just saw your closet and shared some stuff. You look like you've been doing this for a long time! Happy Poshing and hope to catch u on YouTube :)
Sep 11Reply
marilynstuff I just started selling on Poshmark I love it. I've been watching your videos you're great question ???? if I cross post say on eBay and posh Mark what's the possibility of the items selling at the same time and what do I do thanks
Sep 12Reply
boondbliss @marilynstuff Hello and thank you!!! Because I've gotten this question frequently and the answer is a little lengthier than the character allowance, I just now posted a response on my Facebook/BOONDOGGLEBLISS page. Check it out and let me know if it helped.
Sep 12Reply
leahannemae Hi Anna, hope you are doing well! We miss the youtubes and live streams. You have a beautiful closet! Keep up the good work. My husband is sharing today! :)
Sep 12Reply
marilynstuff Thank you very much your explanation was exactly what I thought most of the stuff I have listed on eBay is hard goods so you are the best I enjoy watching your videos and entertain all your wonderful suggestionsMarilyn.
Sep 12Reply
mrsgtz @boruka hi again -- I have a quick question- I just send an item like an hour ago -- and I was gonna send the buyer a msg stating-- Thanks I just shipped your bag - And NOW - She is no Longer Available in Postmark! My question is-- is Posh paying me at the 4th day ? NOW WHO PAYS ME -- What do u think ?? I'M BLANK ?
Sep 13Reply
dcgirlfashions @boruka Hello! Thank you for your purchase! I will be shipping it shortly this morning. I was unable unable to do same day or next day shipping due to my work schedule. Enjoy! 😊🌺😊🌺
Sep 13Reply
boondbliss @dcgirl04 No problem at all. Thank you very much for your note 😘👍😘 Have a beautiful day!
Sep 13Reply
charisa_posh Hi I was wondering what item you received. I'm concerned that the labels were mixed up. Thank you! Charisa
Sep 14Reply
sharon_bk Hi Anna, I'm Posh newbie ~ thank you so much for all your YouTube videos. Valuable and inspirational! Love your closet by the way~ 😘
Sep 20Reply
nikitadoggies Hi Anna! I watch all of your YouTube videos & appreciate them so much! I'm having trouble finding a brand for a label on a dress and don't want to list it incorrectly. I've tried all the search tricks I know (I'm into genealogy so I have quite a few😉). No luck. RN # on the tag is 9301. Pictures a spool of thread & needle poking out. The word "Rag". Any ideas? Thanks!!
Sep 24Reply
classyclothes6 Hi Boondoggle Bliss! Love your videos, thanks for all the work for us!!!! @classyclothes6
Sep 28Reply
boondbliss @classyclothes6 Hello and THANK YOU! I appreciate your kind words. I haven’t been too motivated lately to make vids but comments like yours help me get there :) :) Have a great evening - Happy Poshing...
Sep 29Reply
classyclothes6 @boruka You go girl! Fun to see your personality come out, know we'd have fun together. I have 5 boys so fun to hear your other antics. You help a LOT of people, so always know that even if you can't see them. So sweet that your mom helps you. My mom was close and would pitch in also with anything needed.... Bought 2 WildFox which I had never heard of until you....great find. Do whatever works for you and your family. Greetings and Salutations. ...
Sep 29Reply
plural_aest Hi Anna, thanks for following me back. I enjoyed your videos on youtube and when I looked up your closet, i fell in love!! You have the most beautiful items of clothing ❤️
Sep 29Reply
harperrey Hi Anna! I just finished watching your youtube videos and may I just say they are the best out there. SUPER helpful and insightful. I loved the part where you bring up the analytics of it all. LOVED IT! Thank you so much and awesome closet!!
Sep 30Reply
princezz_m Hi Anna 👋 I absolutely LOVE your closet!!! Now I know where I can buy your great finds! I am learning so much from watching your vlogs! Thanks so much for creating/posting them! XO, Arianne
Oct 01Reply
newenglandpmark Hi Anna! I love your youtube videos. So much positive energy and generous sharing. Looking forward to continuing to keeping up with you! - Grant
Oct 05Reply
christagrady I'm so happy you like them, thank you for your note 🤓 I've been a Posher since 2015 but only started selling in April. I'm still trying to understand things, enjoy!
Oct 06Reply
ringarderevival Hi!!! I just found your YouTube channel! Just wanted to say hello and that I love what you have to say and how you say it! Thanks for all the good info!!!
Oct 09Reply
hpthrifter Just watched your YouTube video on Poshmark growth. Thank you for taking the time to explain the ins and outs. Very helpful!! 🤗❤️ Have a great day!
Oct 10Reply
cecnurse1 @boruka Hi! I’m a subbie to your you tube channel!😊
Oct 12Reply
boondbliss @cecnurse1 hello there :) thank you for watching :) let me know if you see anything you like in my closet or have some ideas for vids :) Cheers
Oct 12Reply
boondbliss @hpthrifter thank you for watching and you are very welcome
Oct 12Reply
eubermarket @boruka Hi Anna! I've been watching your YouTube channel for about 1 week before opening my store (2 weeks ago). I started listing last week and I had my first sale last night, YAY! Thank you for your videos, they're extremely helpful and I constantly re-watch them, especially when you do stats and workflow ideas. I'm a pro photographer, in some of your videos you had questions about photography and lighting so let me know if I can help you with that. Thanks! Jesse Watrous
Oct 15Reply
eubermarket @boruka Gigi is beautiful and charming...when she's not getting herself into trouble, LOL
Oct 15Reply
lindadaisyriggs You are my FAVORITE reselling YouTuber❤️ I listen to your videos hours on end while I work. I lover your personality and your love for cats , I myself am a cat person :)
Oct 16Reply
courtney0602102 The description for the St. John's pants indicates that the top is also available. Where is the top located.....thank you
Oct 19Reply
kaileybeeey I just want to say I love you and your YouTube!!🌼
Oct 22Reply
mandalamoon :)
Oct 26Reply
amyjack0 Hi!! I love your closet!!!! I just saw one of your videos!! I am an established seller on here and M. (600+ sales) Contemplating expanding ;) You gave me a lot of information that I have been needing about shipping. In the real world, I used to run a manufacturing shipping dept with 10 employees for years - I have no idea why I've been so hesitant LOL!!
Oct 27Reply
pennylanestyles Hi! Love your closet and the pics. And of course your videos always have me laughing while learning so much! Thank you for all the content.
Oct 29Reply
mymarket4all Hi!! I have to be honest. When I was researching on youtube to learn about Poshmark, I had to skip your channel because it was too long. But now I have been active for a month, your youtube is most helpful by far. Thank you for the great information.
Nov 01Reply
mymarket4all Hi!! I have to be honest. When I was researching on youtube to learn about Poshmark, I had to skip your channel because it was too long. But now I have been active for a month, your youtube is most helpful by far. Thank you for the great information. Additionally, I love the way you approach your life. I am learning a lot. Thanks.
Nov 01Reply
likenewgear4you Thanks for the follow. Love your YouTube videos. Thanks for sharing your best practices! Continued success!
Nov 07Reply
lulabean21 Hi! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 😀 Please feel free to stop by and let me know if you have any questions 💕
Nov 08Reply
julina1516 Hey love 💜 thanks for the shares .. I love your videos your so sweet 🌸
Nov 10Reply
tasias_dresses Thank You for following 🌺🌸🌺. I’m your biggest fan on YouTube and I love Your style girl ❤️
Nov 15Reply
boondbliss @kacperek thank you very much!!! :)
Nov 15Reply
tasias_dresses Thank You for sharing 🌹🌹🌹 You are the best !!!
Nov 15Reply
mjful_wmb Thank you for the follow. I'm a follower of your You Tube Channel. Hello Hello Hello!
Nov 15Reply
breannemek Hi! When I saw that you followed me, I got so excited! I am such a fan of yours! Your tips and advice have helped me so much. Thanks for everything!
Nov 16Reply
oxen3 Thank you, thank you! I have been watching your you tube videos & they have been so super helpful. I appreciate you taking the time to help anyone interested in reselling; and, of course, you have an AWESOME closet!
Nov 19Reply
ilovethe805 EXCELLENT CLOSET! Classy and beautiful...
Nov 19Reply
rosaliarr Thank you for taking the time to Vlog. You could just be focus in listing and selling your items . Instead you find the time to teach us New Poshers. You’re an inspiration, a fresh breath of air! I love your analytical brain. Thanks be blessed😊
Nov 21Reply
scooterrenee Love your videos! 🤗😉😊❤️
Nov 21Reply
alcjac2324 ❤️ your closet! Fabulous items.
Nov 22Reply
cecay Love your Posh Closet and YouTube Channel!! Happy Poshing!!! 💕💕💕
Nov 28Reply
rosiecrystal Hi Anna! I just wanted to say thank you! I recently started watching your vlog and followed you on instagram. I am learning so much from you. I really appreciate your videos. They are so full of information and are really fun to watch. I think you are beautiful and full of spunk. Thank you for being you. You have a wonderful closet!
Nov 30Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets on posh but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to stop in the say hello. Have a great day!
Dec 04Reply
boondbliss @spreadlove Sure, are you looking for feedback or some shares? :)
Dec 04Reply
boondbliss @rosiecrystal Hi Rosie, greetings and salutations? thank you so much for your sweet words. I appreciate you taking the time to write me. Happy Poshing!
Dec 04Reply
belotek Hello, Anna! Thank you for the shares today. I want you to know that I have been on Poshmark for a year and so much of what I have learned has been from your YouTube videos. Thanks for being a teacher as well as a seller. Have a happy holiday season.
Dec 08Reply
share123 Awesome closet.....beautiful clothing!
Dec 08Reply
sparkandblue Ana, as a new posher I wanted to reach out and say that I have been watching your YouTube series and want to thank you for sharing your vast knowledge with us all! It’s so great not to have to reinvent the wheel💕. Sending you positive vibes, a hug, and success in all that you do!
Dec 11Reply
hellblazerpvg Hi!! I'm another huge fan! Ive been obsessively watching your YouTube videos! I just started my closet and I would be so grateful if you could check it out and give me some feedback?!?! Please! Thanks!!!
Dec 13Reply
aaneeta Love your closet and love the videos!! So much to learn thank you so much 😊 big fan 😊♥️💐💕
Dec 18Reply
emsulli1 OMG I 💖 you, your YouTube videos, and your closet. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! So so much. You are my hero 😍😍😍
Dec 23Reply
iceola38 @boruka hi there! I’ve watch some of your videos, super helpful! if you ever coordinate a Posh meet up I’m local, let me know😊
Dec 29Reply
kagervasi Anna, What a super fun closet. I could share for hours!
Dec 30Reply
buttonandzip Happy New Years!! Miss you on YouTube!🤗🎉
Dec 31Reply
angela_434 Hello!!! I saw your picture and said, "hey, that's the lady from YouTube!" I just LOVE watching your videos because they are sooo informative..... and funny! Thank you for all of the great pointers you've given me and thousands of others to get started here on Poshmark!!
Jan 07Reply
curatedluxury @boruka hey! I just stumbled upon you in you tube and think your awesome! Just wanted to stop by and give you a posher 👋 ! You are so cute and funny and I love your attitude, see,s we share a similar disposition! Would love to chat posh~losophy (posh philosophy) sometime! 💕📦💕📦💕📦
Jan 09Reply
goldendx Hi Anna! Just come by and say hi to you, I watched your videos on YouTube when I first started Poshmark, and you’re the one who inspired me and gave me more motivation in the first days here. Love the way you do it ! ❤️❤️❤️😊
Jan 17Reply
everboutique I just figured out who you are from YouTube! Thank you so much for taking the time to make those - your videos are helpful. Glad I can follow you here and YouTube. Kashi 💕
Jan 18Reply
boondbliss @goldendx Hello 😘 Thank you!
Jan 18Reply
boondbliss @curatedluxury Hello and thank you and yessss... 😘
Jan 18Reply
boondbliss @jenkashi Greeting and Salutations :) Glad you found me. Cheers and HAPPY POSHING!
Jan 18Reply
boondbliss @angela_434 Thank you ANGELA. Yup it’s me. I have to get back to making this videos, I’ve been slacking.
Jan 18Reply
angela_434 @boruka It's understandable. Life gets in the way and tasks are forced onto the back burner. Nonetheless, I will be peeking for that next video!
Jan 18Reply
madnls Thank you for your very informative and helpful videos on YouTube. I appreciate mentors you have a tenacious spirit and love to share. Please continue spreading strength, love, and your positive energy. Thank you. :))))
Jan 21Reply
macooper4 Love your videos - You've inspired me to sell on Posh. I've been Ebaying it for a few years. Thanks for the shares. Any advice on my closet would be greatly appreciated.
Jan 22Reply
iceola38 @boruka hi on your recent thrift haul video you showed a J.Crew sweatshirt sweater that has a light colored knit front panel and dark colored sleeves and back. Was it a size large by chance? If so what colors are in it?😍
Jan 24Reply
boondbliss @iceola38 Hello :) It’s Navy with a gray inset. I will have to get back to you on the size when I get home tonight - I’m in my office right now. Crossing my fingers that it is a Large :)
Jan 24Reply
iceola38 @boruka sounds good thanks!
Jan 24Reply
makinmagic Hey, I found you on Youtube, I really liked your videos. Very informative and a nice sense of humor. I nearly died when you were talking about Siri and Poshmark :D
Jan 25Reply
iceola38 @boruka hey did you find out if the J. Crew cream/navy sweatshirt sweater is a Sz large?
Jan 25Reply
boondbliss @iceola38 It is a M. 20.5” pit to pit.
Jan 25Reply
iceola38 @boruka length laying flat shoulder to hem?
Jan 25Reply
iceola38 @boruka that’s fine what are you offering it for?
Jan 25Reply
boondbliss @iceola38 I’m not sure yet. I will do my research this weekend when I start listing. I’m at work right now.
Jan 25Reply
etaalbi @iceola38 You are such an inspiration to me!!
Jan 29Reply
iceola38 @boruka hi I made an offer on it but no response making certain you saw it🙂
Jan 29Reply
shop_v I love your YouTube videos! They're so entertaining and relaxing.
Feb 03Reply
isoldaooak Thx😘💕
Feb 05Reply
mipsyface @boruka Hi!! I found you on YouTube and I really loved your videos! I was wondering, do you still do closet reviews?? I’m in desperate need 😫
Feb 06Reply
mipsyface I would love your mentorship!
Feb 06Reply
misskimmytou I am addicted to your videos I'm a thrifter like you. I don't always just look for the name brands I look for things I think are unique and will sell and sell well. Love your style I'm Midwest girl in Ohio who everybody thinks I'm from New Jersey when I talk and my style and attitude is more California or South Florida. I travel often as you love to travel! annual pass holders to Walt Disney World so we go to Florida often love the closet love your videos!!
Feb 07Reply
boondbliss @mipsyface Hello :) I’ve stopped doing them for several reasons. Now, I can answer a specific question but I don’t do deep dive reviews. Thank you for watching!
Feb 07Reply
mipsyface @boruka I understand. Do consistent backgrounds on the cover photos really make a difference in the ability to sell items? That’s the only thing I can think of for why my clothes won’t sell. Maybe the price, but there’s definitely room for buyers to haggle 😕
Feb 07Reply
callmedeedee Thanks for the follow, lovely lady!
Feb 12Reply
beccloset I’ve just watched all your videos. I’ve only been on Poshmark for a few weeks but you’ve helped me so much!! I’m just selling my boys clothes, some of my Mom’s and my clothes for now but you are inspiring. You make me want to go shopping ...but I shouldn’t!! That is why I already have so many clothes to sell!! Thanks.
Feb 21Reply
so_lovrie I have learned a lot from you on YouTube! You are awesome!!
Feb 24Reply
talladt83 Thanks so much for your YouTube videos! I have a NWT anthropologie shirt that I can't find anywhere! Any tips on finding the name of the item using the actual Anthropologie price tag?? Thanks so much!
Feb 27Reply
senostar Hello, I just subscribed to your YouTube channel because you are entertaining and funny, as well as very informative. I love your Anthropologie video, learned a lot. I went out of my comfort zone and started thrifting women’s clothing. I get a lot of stares and funny looks, being a the only guy shopping in the women’s section. They can look all they want, they’re not paying my bills or supporting my activities of daily living. Love your videos! Take care
Mar 02Reply
glambynatalie LOVE your awesome youtube advice!! Certainly the best videos I’ve come across featuring all PM tips and tricks!! Naturally, I had to come find you on PM. Heading to check out your closet... 💕💕💕
Mar 06Reply
eriley755 Thankk you for the awesome youtube tips --- one of my faves!! :) <3
Mar 07Reply
eriley755 @senostar i agree - no one else is putting the food on your table so let them stare :) <3
Mar 07Reply
boondbliss @senostar Thank you! How awesome is that - you are now our very own ANTHRO Man! ;) ;)
Mar 07Reply
boondbliss @eriley755 thank you very much! I appreciate your note :)
Mar 07Reply
boondbliss @glambynatalie Hi Natalie, thank you very much for your note. Thank you for sharing and see ya around ;) Tootles
Mar 07Reply
boondbliss @talladt83 Yes, the style # - google it. ;)
Mar 07Reply
eriley755 @boruka yeah your Siri imitation had me cracking up. But it would be AWESOME lol.
Mar 07Reply
missmaddom Awesome YouTube videos, thank you for all the advice! I live in Roseville, CA, it's cool to see someone local doing videos :)
Mar 23Reply
boondbliss @missmaddom Hello - and yes, I’m local :) Maybe I will see you at the bins sometime :)
Mar 23Reply
missmaddom @boruka aw yes! I tend to only stay at the bins, i haven't had the courage to venture out to a regular thrift store! lol.
Mar 23Reply
chick_boutique Hi! I really appreciate your videos on YouTube 😊 If you ever come across Elizabeth McKay please let me know , also what do you think of Elizabeth McKay clothing ?😊
Mar 29Reply
chick_boutique Oh and thanks !!😊
Mar 29Reply
blueskyposh Hi! Love your new name 😍 and your YouTube videos too!
Mar 29Reply
poshativity Thanks for the educational (as well as side-splitting hilarious) YouTube videos. I “signed up” for posh a year ago, but never pursued. Last month I dedicated myself to making a go of it. Truth be told? You get what you give. I have been loving it! Keep on inspiring newbies, GF😍👗👍🏻💋(and take it easy on that mannequin. She has a valid harassment suit 😂) PS: I have a “Gigi” too. Her name is Phoebe.🐈
Apr 20Reply
Apr 22Reply
loriguidryatx I just found you on YouTube! Great videos with lots of tips! Thanks so much! I learned today from you about a brand that I just purchased today from Goodwill...Johnny Was! Yea!
Apr 28Reply
hautevault I am such a super fan of yours! Thank you so much for all that you do. The insights you share on your YouTube channel are well-researched and backed up with cold, hard data. You are amazing and thank you for inspiring me to do my best.
May 10Reply
loriguidryatx OMG I’m so excited that you’re following me!! I’ve been watching your YouTube channel and decided to do a YouTube thing of my own because of you!!! Yea!!! I went shopping this weekend and made some videos so now I just have to get them edited and uploaded. I totally mentioned you in my first one and mentioned you In my new one that should be uploaded soon!! Thanks for the follow & share!!
May 14Reply
boondbliss @guidrygirl Really? Because of me? How cooooool is that! Thank you so much for the recognition 😘😘😘😘 You are the sweetest. Can you leave a comment on one of my vids so I can follow you back to your channel and subscribe? That’s awesome. Hit me up if you ever have any questions. Have a wonderful rest of your day! Tootles
May 14Reply
loriguidryatx @boondbliss just did!! I put a comment on top of one of my other comments on your latest one!!
May 14Reply
loriguidryatx I purchased the green paisley wrap because I wanted my first Poshmark purchase to be from your closet since I follow you on YouTube!! Thanks for your help on your channel!!
May 17Reply
4sailsresale let me tell you had I been in any one else's closet I would have given up looking for this tile after the first 50 or so items. But this is not anyone else's closet. This is YOUR closet! I watch your video's, just love the way you make the mundane come to life as you work. And that cat! hilarious! I stumbled across your closet today from my feed page during closet clean out. How does one manage a closet of this size? ? ? WOW! But it is beautiful!
May 24Reply
mandajane223 Just found you on YouTube, really great information and you have a beautiful closet!! Thanks for the follow! Have a wonderful day 😊🛍
Jun 04Reply
joannawo1212 Cześć! Zauważyłam wiadomość od Ciebie! Miło Cię poznać!
Jun 10Reply
yourelixir I found you through Google/YouTube while looking up what different Free People/Anthropologie tags there are ❤ It was really helpful. Thank you so much! I subscribed to you on there and saw that I was already following you on Poshmark 👍 I love your closet and look forward to watching more of your videos 👍Have a great weekend 🌞🌸
Jun 29Reply
madnls Hi, Anna. Thank you for visiting my closet and for the Posh love. I appreciate the shares and right back at you. Happy Poshing!! :))
Jul 01Reply
closetrevibe Watching your growth tactics video on YouTube!!!! So much goodness thank you so much for sharing! ❤️❤️ love your closet
Jul 10Reply
flybirdsvintage I love your YouTube videos! They help me a lot! :)
Jul 14Reply
berryteacher Hello! I’m so happy with all my purchases from you! Thank you again! Also, there were a couple of additional shirts included. Are those for me? Sorry if that seems stupid to ask but I don’t want someone else disappointed if they are missing items.
Jul 20Reply
boondbliss @berryteacher Yes, they were for you. Wear it or sell it :) And you are very welcome.
Jul 20Reply
berryteacher @boondbliss I am so touched by your kindness! You brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart! They are adorable and pet for me! Thank you! 😊
Jul 20Reply
dahliadressed Hi Anna! Just discovered your You Tube channel. Learning a lot from you! Thank you so much! 😊🌷👗👖👠
Jul 20Reply
boondbliss @dahliadressed Awhhh - thank you so much :) Happy Poshing. If you have any questions let me know. I might be slow in response on Poshmark but I’m pretty active on Instagram if you’re ever in a need for a quick response. Happy Friday!
Jul 20Reply
dahliadressed Thank you Anna! So nice of you to share my listings! I have been loving going through your lovely closet. I’m about to use your instructions to TRY and find a stock photo that has eluded me, lol! It’s a JCrew item, but JCrew UK, which I’m wondering if is the problem.
Jul 20Reply
boondbliss @dahliadressed Give it a try especially if there is a style number on it. :)
Jul 20Reply
madnls Thank you for all the Posh love. I appreciate the shares and right back at you. Happy Poshing!! :))
Jul 24Reply
aclothingco Love your YouTube videos!!! 💖✨
Jul 26Reply
twice_around I am new to Poshmark and have watched you faithfully on Youtube during my early stage journey. Today I was watching one of your videos, and you gave your social media handles, of course I immediately went out and found you!!! Thank you for the immediate shares! Thank you for the help you give! Continue to be blessed and a blessing.
Aug 01Reply
menacesociety You are amazing!
Aug 01Reply
nlsc13 I listened to you on YouTube while I spent A LOT of time listing. I love your closet. It looks like you put a lot of time in to your closet and getting it filled with goodies! I’m rethinking my headless and glossy white mannequin now! OH and I took your advise and share your closet for about an hour!!!!!
Aug 02Reply
nlsc13 Not that it was your closet! I am sharing bunches!
Aug 02Reply
boondbliss @heyjacqi thank you very much :) 😘
Aug 02Reply
boondbliss @twice_around thank you very much! :) glad you found me 😘
Aug 02Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SHARES. Yes, when you get on a sharing binge, not only share for those you follow, but focus on sharing those that are new to you so you can grow your followers and broaden your reach :) :) You rock. I looked at my Posh app and it had so much activity thank to you. I appreciate it! 😘😘😘😘😘
Aug 02Reply
elaine1511 Love your closet and YouTube videos. Thanks so much for your tips. ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 04Reply
winterose21 Just finished watching one of your YouTube videos that you posted about a year ago and wanted to say thank you for taking the time to put all that together! It was 45 minutes of very helpful tips and tricks and I watched from beginning to end! Thanks for the inspiration!
Aug 07Reply
atouchofspice Thanks so much for the you tube videos! They have been tremendously helpful as I started this new journey of being a Poshmark seller!💕😊🤗💕
Aug 07Reply
scrappycavie Your Closet/Boutique is absolutely beautiful❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Also, I love your YouTube videos, your topics and content is so valuable. I just got done watching the measuring video 👍👍
Aug 09Reply
meant2bemine Thank you so much! I watch your show every night! I appreciate all the info you pass on to is! I wish you could come visit me and help me get started! 😄 😘
Aug 12Reply
nlsc13 Hi. Question. I sold Lane Bryant jeans with 4.99 shipping. I packed them and noticed some embellishment was off. It was off on both pockets, so it looks like part of the pattern. I want her to have these, but I will refund her. I wrote a check to put in with the jeans, but I was then afraid she would not release her payment and I would pay twice. It was totally my oversite. I think she can enjoy them, but I don’t want to charge her. Suggestions.? Nancy
Aug 15Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 Yes, don’t send her the check. Contact her and disclose the information right away and see if she wants to proceed with the sale. You can also cancel and re-list with lower price.
Aug 15Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 You can offer her a 50% off on any future purchases. You just shouldn’t give anything away until you know how she rates you. She might give you a horrible writing and open up a case or something. In that case you would have wasted money and or Goodwill that she would have offered.
Aug 15Reply
nlsc13 @boondbliss ok if I cancel, then she will get a refund? I will still send them happily to her. I’m, of course, also not wanting to proceed and get a bad review. 😁
Aug 15Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 Yes, the cancellation will initiate a refund. :)
Aug 15Reply
wrforrest Nice to meet a gal with so much empowerment! We need more examples like you!! I need you too! Your closet is full of treasure! Love it. Thanks for following me!
Aug 19Reply
wrforrest Folsom! I'm in Sac! Coffee sometime?
Aug 19Reply
nubie66 AWESOME closet! I’ve been watching your U tube! So much great information! 😀 Thanks!
Aug 23Reply
jill12872 Best closet! #1!!!! 💋💋💋💋💋💕💕💕💕💕💌💌💌💌💌😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Aug 28Reply
vintage_dresser OMG!! Thank you for following me. I have watched your videos and love them. I am trying really hard to grow here on Poshmark using some of the things you teach. I'm so glad I can THANK you far all you do to help others. 🌸🌸🌸THANK YOU🌸🌸🌸
Aug 31Reply
relovedbylauren Anna, you are awesome! I just discovered you on YouTube, and I am so digging your channel. I have been on Poshmark for a while, and I am constantly learning how to better my game. You are so inspiring, and I love your style and appreciate all of the knowledge you are sharing with the rest of us. Side note, I followed you on PM and you are from Folsom! I am from Carmichael. Small world. Perhaps I will see you at the Goodwill Labor Day sale? Haha. 😉
Sep 02Reply
woraphan Hi Anna, thank you for returning my follow and the shares. I've been listening to your YouTube videos for a while already and decided that it should be the time now to follow you on Poshmark :):) Thank you for useful advices and have a good evening there !
Sep 12Reply
riccik Absolutely love your closet ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 13Reply
boondbliss @riccik Thank you!!! And thank you for your bundle purchase! 😘❤️❤️
Sep 13Reply
nonasnoopshop #ClosetCrush just wanted to reach out and let you know how much I admire you. I’ve learned so much from your videos and refer my Posh friends to them as well!
Sep 14Reply
jolienswindow Great closet 😻💛
Sep 19Reply
nlsc13 QUESTION I have been doing primarily Poshmark. I sold my first pair of shoes on eBay. I do not have a regional A box. I want to print the label. Can I use any box? Do the actual post office ever have these in stock? If I print the label and don’t use it, am I still charged? I may just end up biting the bullet so to speak and send priority.
Sep 24Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 Hello, In order to get Regional rates, you must use the branded boxes provided by USPS for the specific special rate. I recommend you print the label and go to the post office with it. They generally have a large supply of all that USPS shipping materials on hand.
Sep 24Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 Once you print a label, within a certain period of time you can reprint one quite easily. But like I said, print the label just don’t put it on anything until you get the box.
Sep 24Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 I don’t know what kind of shoes they are, but I’ve sent shoes using the bubble flat rate mailers.
Sep 24Reply
nlsc13 The post office is looking for a regional a box. I have had a morning if technical difficulties. They are heels. I’ll see if they will fit in bubble mailer. Thx. So muc
Sep 24Reply
nlsc13 Yea .. it’s gone. Another sold. Another I’ll mail for him afternoon for Posh. It’s my bday so I’m treating myself to a little sourcing!!
Sep 24Reply
nlsc13 You have been so helpful. I just cross listing. When an item sells on another platform, do you just come delete it on Poshmark? I noticed some people have “not for sale” on some items. I pulled about 5 things for my daughter. She would not look at them before but decided to shop mom’s closet while on the bus w college running team. I deleted the items but would rather have left them visible and up.. just not for sale.
Sep 27Reply
nlsc13 Is there a way to keep select items listed but temp not for sale.
Sep 27Reply
nlsc13 I’m working all night. In the wee hours, I’ll be listening to your vids on YouTube!!😁😁😁
Sep 27Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 It’s better to keep it clean in my experience and delete things you are not selling but of course you can do whatever you like. :)
Sep 27Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 So there is vacation mode for your entire closet or placement in “not for sale” status. Those are your only options. The other app you might be on has a “deactivate” feature which is nice but Poshmark does not have that.
Sep 27Reply
nlsc13 @boondbliss thanks so much!
Sep 27Reply
chelseabullock I LOVE your closet! 😍🛍💝👖😘
Sep 29Reply
nlsc13 I found out that if you want to hold a listing - but keep it listed- you can “edit” then scroll down to “availability” then click on that. Then there IS a cool drop down for “item not sale”. Yea - I finally figured this out to hold postings for when my daughter shops my closet for free goodies! Lol
Oct 09Reply
kasbowi @boondbliss Thanks so much for your YouTube videos. I've learned a lot today and really appreciate how you've shared your wisdom. One quick question about "searchability." Why do you repeat your item's title in the description section? Is there a benefit to doing that?
Oct 30Reply
bungalow64 Hey lady! I am LOVING & binge-watching your YpuTube channel & have picked up some great tips so a HUGE THANK YOU for that. Fabulous closet, too! 😍✨🌟
Nov 01Reply
mimis_boutiques Hi there, I just saw your add about you hosting 🎉 a makeup 💄 party 🎉 🎈 , @mimis_boutiques . 💕🍾🎉💕💄💄
Nov 08Reply
polishedthreadz Love that you are hosting tomorrow! You are so much fun! You and Gigi Maria crack me up on YT. Thank you for sharing your tips and making me laugh.
Nov 11Reply
swirlygurl Congrats on hosting Best in Jewelry & Accessories tomorrow! I’ll be there with B҉E҉L҉L҉S҉ 🛎 on supporting you!! I’d be honored if you took a peek at my Posh 🌹compliant 🌹closet for a possible Host Pick. I have a lot in both categories 😊. Thank you and see you there!!! ❤️🌸🧡🌺💛🌷💚🌻💙🐛💜🦋
Nov 11Reply
timeandtreasure Hi! Congratulations on hosting!!🎉🎉🎉I would very much appreciate if you take a look at my closet for a possible host pick 🌺🌈😊 I have lots of beautiful vintage jewelry. Have a great evening and thank you!!🌺😊🌈🎉⭐️⭐️
Nov 11Reply
ladycrackerjack @boondbliss ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party tomorrow !! ❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
Nov 11Reply
spfeifer99 Love your rhyming intro!!!! 💖🤣 congrats on hosting a Posh party today!! I will be there, liking, sharing, and Poshing!! I love it when a party directly matches my vintage brooches and jewelry!! Thank you!
Nov 12Reply
marielys15 congratulations on hosting.. I love watching your Youtube. videos..
Nov 12Reply
caldesign How can I sell on your jewelry Shopping Party now
Nov 12Reply
gidgetmd I'm glad I caught your party! I was watching your video about it a couple days ago!
Nov 12Reply
lemurianmuse @boondbliss ADORE your closet. One of the nicest I’ve seen in a long while. 👍🏻
Nov 12Reply
nlsc13 You have been keeping me company all afternoon via YouTube while I was trying to fix some listings!
Nov 13Reply
boondbliss @lemurianmuse Wow - thank you very much!
Nov 13Reply
boondbliss @nlsc13 Awhhh... glad to be of service :)
Nov 13Reply
crystalmango1 What a fabulous closet! Congratulations on hosting a party and thank you for all your wisdom you share with us!!!
Nov 13Reply
xtinascottsdale @boondbliss Wow! Loved your profile straight shooting❣️ You look familiar...are u the Youtuber I watch on occasion?😀 Anyways, enjoyed sharing your closet and wanted to stop by as I came across your closet sharing other closets. Drop by over the next few weeks to say hi. My winter stock (and some other goodies) are slowly getting up. I also have a weakness for shopping and need to get into this FT just to keep up w my habits. Lol. Take care and I’ll save your closet for future buyers💖
Nov 15Reply
bundlecat Love your videos! Thanks for sharing your insights and experience!!!🌸💜✨
Nov 17Reply
brandib72 Hey there, Love your YouTube channel. Your videos are extremely helpful! But it took a min to find you. Your link to posh on YouTube didn't work and the message said it couldn't find you. Also, couldnt leave a comment on your video (though i may have just overlooked it) 🤔 Just thought you should know. I look forward to learning more from you and others. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Nov 19Reply
buttonandzip Thanks for all the shares! Hope you are having a great posh cyber Monday!!😉🤗
Nov 27Reply
no2br 🙋🏽‍♀️Hi, Your Closet Is Impeccably Organized!! Could You Offer Me Any Pointers? I'm More Serious About Building My Posh Closet Than Ever!
Nov 29Reply
styleitch Hi Boondoggle Bliss! ❤️❤️your YouTube channel and I am happy I finally found you! I must be getting close to the big leagues on Poshmark😉😉I love your closet! Organized & Plenty to choose from. I have only been on Poshmark a few months.Working on increasing inventory! Check out my closet if you can, love to hear your thoughts. Thank You and Posh On!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️ JH @styleitch
Dec 06Reply
thebelladonna Your directness, honesty and straightforwardness is a welcome slap In the face. I love you! Lol. I’m on the Jersey shore. The last YT video I watched of yours got my head spinning. Thank u. 🤗
Dec 11Reply
thelivingthread Just wanted to stop in after seeing your channel. I find you as a excellent resource as I just began this exciting journey with poshmark! I like your closet and will be continuing to stop in and occasionally share and shop!
Dec 24Reply
maximumfashion Stopping by to wish happy new year. back from a road trip to visit family your closet is looking great - Hope all is peaceful and prosperous this new year! Tnx for all your videos too
Dec 29Reply
foundbymaddi @boondbliss found your closet via youtube. Found your anthro, free people, urban outfitters videos about the different tags super insightful. Thank you!! xx
Jan 04Reply
tamarapenrose Hi there. Your closet is awesome. I’m new here to the Posh world and you have helped me so much. I’ve been following you on YouTube this past week for pointers and tips. Your videos are the best I’ve found and you have inspired me. Thank you, thank you.
Jan 20Reply
lottahangups Hi! Miss your You Tube videos. Am I blind, or has it been a while since your last video? Hope you are well😀
Jan 26Reply
twinsdesign @boondbliss Was referred to one of your you tubes. I started last year I am open to improvement. Always open to suggestions. I would like to thank you for taking the time sharing tips on poshmark. Then I found your closet. Very Cute Closet. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. I love how everyone's closet is different in their own way. You may look at my closet and i would be glad to answer any questions or take a tip. Have a great day
Jan 29Reply
alohamimi Congratulations on hosting your party I’m tagging myself here like it said to do on IG!!❤️❤️❤️🌈🙏
Feb 13Reply
dodatdoubletake Would love to come to Posh Party! @dodatdoubletake in Lodi/Woodbridge. 🥰
Feb 13Reply
chante_allday Congratulations on co-hosting fash favorites tomorrow! I have a couple hats looking for a new closet space! Please consider and the best of luck💕
Feb 18Reply
presley523 Hi, I have RSVP’d for the Fashion Favorites Party tomorrow. Could you please review my closet to select an item to post in the Host Picks for this event? Thanks for your consideration.
Feb 18Reply
theresamarieny Congrats on hosting tomorrow! 😊
Feb 18Reply
stylabration Congrats hostess! Fashion Favorites is what this is all about! My closet is filled with hot trending designer brands; NWTS, classics too! Grateful if chosen!@cmadderom
Feb 18Reply
cocobellechic Hi! Thank you for inviting me to the party! If you have a minute please check out my closet for a host pick! I would be honored🙏🏻 Thank you and have fun! Jill
Feb 18Reply
riverbronxshop Congrats on hosting a party! I'll be there to share & shop! I would be honored to be considered for a host pic! Enjoy your day
Feb 18Reply
bellespetites Congrats on hosting! Take a look at my closet if you’re searching for some host picks! It would mean so much to me! Thank you! 😊
Feb 19Reply
2020fashion Thank you for your videos. They've helped me tremendously. Still a work in progress but improving. Appreciate it. :)
Feb 19Reply
sjstelton Yay for hosting tonight! If you have a moment, please check out my closet! I would love to be considered for a HP! Have a great evening! 😘
Feb 19Reply
vanessapaulla 💐💐💐Congratulations on hosting 😬🎉. I hope you have a lot of fun. Could you please consider one of my listings as a HP? Thanks I really appreciate it 😘💕💕
Feb 20Reply
tropicgal_randi @boondbliss Any possibility of getting a host pick tonight?
Feb 20Reply
gigi11155 Congratulations on HOSTING!!🎉🎉I hope to have that honor one of these days!! If you get a chance would you check out my PC for a possible HOST PICK? It tickles me pink when I get one!! Thank you in advance @gigi11155!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉LETS PARTY🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
Feb 20Reply
acelestialsoul 🌛🌞🌌🚀🌟🛰⭐️🛸 🌎✨🌜You're hosting the Fashion Favorites Party? GREAT! I have 🌌🌛🌟🌜🌌Stellar🌌🌛🌟🌜🌌 things in my POSH COMPLIANT closet. Can you please take a look for Host Picks? I bet you'll find a ⭐️ or two for the Party. Thanks!😊 I'm a Poshmark Ambassador & a Top Sharer on Poshmark, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, Pintrest & Facebook. 💕 I'll see you at the party!🌛🌞🌌🚀🌟🛰⭐️🛸 🌎✨🌜
Feb 20Reply
cindylink Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) Very respectfully, Cindy
Feb 20Reply
tbabes12 Heyyy!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Congrats on Hosting! Just wanted to stop by & say hi! ✨ Can't wait to check out your closet! 💞I would love the possibility to be a potential host pick!🤞🏻 Hope you're having a great day!🎉 Xo
Feb 20Reply
vitrineonline Hi and congrats ! If you had time to look at my closet I would be so honored ! I would love for you to consider my closet a host pick.
Feb 20Reply
thebelladonna I’m in love with you!!!!! ❤️❤️😘😘👋💋
Feb 20Reply
janmariescloset Hi, I saw your Posh party and am new to Posh mart. I’m not familiar with how the Posh parties work. For future parties how do you share your closet or items with the Posh Parties? Thanks, Jan
Feb 20Reply
vitrineonline Thank you... Thank you... so much, this is my first host pick... I'm so excited...
Feb 20Reply
janmariescloset I love your closet ❤️ so unique and stylish...Also Love the Manikins...Lol...I’m still learning the ropes but since I joined two weeks ago, I’ve already bought 6 items 🙈...Trying to learn how to get my wears into the Posh Parties
Feb 20Reply
gigi11155 I just need one HOST PICK PLEASE!!!❤️👍😊🎉🎉
Feb 20Reply
luckeelady25 Hey girl, thanks so much for the Host Pick on my YSL’s last night. It’s much appreciated 😉. To show the love back I’d be happy to share your closet when I get off work 😁
Feb 20Reply
curisparxx You are amazing!! Thank you so much for featuring my jacket as host pick. ❤
Feb 20Reply
juststopandshop Hey Gorgeous! I miss your videos!!!😭 I am a HUGE fan of your Youtube Channel and I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to begin my own poshmark journey. Thanks for being so real and transparent. You are truly beautiful inside and out. Keep inspiring others!! Much love! 💋 Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you.
Feb 24Reply
juststopandshop @boondbliss Hey Gorgeous! I miss your videos!!!😭 I am a HUGE fan of your Youtube Channel and I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to begin my own poshmark journey. Thanks for being so real and transparent. You are truly beautiful inside and out. Keep inspiring others!! Much love! 💋 Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you.
Feb 24Reply
girasole57 I love your videos and your closet thank you for the great tips!!!
Feb 27Reply
bootsbotas @boondbliss Hey There ! 😄 Recently listened to your 30min Posh video ! Thank you ! What a much needed outreach to Poshers!! I have a question that for some reason I’ve not put out to anyone and probably is so way overdue lol When I share my closet and and do not share to any other social site , is it automatically shared to Poshmark or is the share in vain if not specified to I.e. Pinterest, twitter , ?
Mar 08Reply
bootsbotas @boondbliss Somewhat embarrassed to ask 🙄😬 since They ve been at this a while ! So appreciate your kindness and that you are so approachable 😉💕
Mar 08Reply
prettypicks673 Hi girl :) Take a look in my closet if you'd like, I'm having a 20% off sale on bundles, I have for love & Lemons, gymshark, lululemon and more ❤
Mar 10Reply
poshcountry Hi there! Love your closet and your videos - so very helpful. Thank you for doing that! Have an awesome week. 😊
Mar 12Reply
nowirehangers_ Aww how wonderfully cool! Thank you for the shares😃. Have a great day
Mar 18Reply
bea_uty @boondbliss Just discovered you yesterday🙂 Thank you for all the wisdom you share!!💕
Mar 27Reply
ashtan2017 💥💥💥Salutations to you. No longer making videos? Laughter is great. Hope all is well. 🥳🥳🥳
Apr 16Reply
kmrothman Thanks for sharing my item. I love your YouTube channel and hope you’ll do more videos soon!! 💕
May 21Reply
kha0ticfashion Hey I’m watching you’re YouTube vids right now! You’re one wild spirit! 😂
May 23Reply
jenmgray Hi! I love your closet and your YouTube videos! I found you while trying to identify pair of FP jeans with a tag I’ve never seen. I didn’t find the tag on the resource website, can you recommend other website for FP Jeans identification? Thank you!!!!
May 25Reply
notablethreads Hi. I’m just actually started Poshmark over the past several months. Looking to do this full time. I’ll be leaving my job in a few months to help watch my first grandchild. I’m really excited 😃. I’ve been enjoying this Poshing, it has been a lot of work but I’m trying to learn the skills. I did watch a couple of your video. They were helpful. ☺️
Jun 06Reply
anakiposh I just discovered your channel on YouTube. I am just watching your video about growth tactics. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me .. ok and with other poshers as well ;).
Jun 11Reply
moonlitmansion Watching your YouTube channel right now! Had to drop by to follow and say hi! 😘💗
Jul 03Reply
skrloverespect I've been up watching your videos for about 3 hours now.... So motivating, especially the about measuring. The real question is, why haven't you uploaded any videos in the past 9 months? Need u girl...❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 28Reply
shelacy I miss your videos Anna :(
Aug 30Reply
kaysuniverse @boondbliss hello 🙋... im Kay (new Posh Ambassador) so i often reachout 2 other poshers and introduce myself whenever i follow or share them. i learned alot the part few months from watching your videos also. 👍 i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet anytime and follow me back please. 😀 happy poshing!
Sep 02Reply
melemch Hi I just wanted to see if you got my messages I left you about the dress I bought I just haven’t heard anything
Nov 11Reply
v_and_e_closet Thank you for sharing my listing! Loving your page... inspiring! Happy Posh-Friday..😘
Nov 22Reply
destanigrace Thanks for the shares girly!💕✨
Dec 09Reply
gray788 Hi- thanks for sharing 💖
Dec 09Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have Happy Holidays and successful Poshing!😊🎄
Dec 11Reply
javc @boondbliss , You made my day by sharing something from my closet, and when I saw your tag, I thought that sounds familiar & saw it was your beautiful face, I was and still am a bit excited as I have watched you on and off on you tube. You give great advice! I love the thrill of the hunt for thrifting, but dislike the time it takes to put up on Posh, can't imagine the time it takes for other sites as well. Have a wonderful day!🤗❤️🤗❤️
Dec 11Reply
saguarostyle Great closet! Thanks for the posh love ✌️❤️
Dec 16Reply
rockin_route66 thank you for the shares!!! i miss your YT videos
Dec 17Reply
stylesalvage Thanks for the shares, I keep watching for more YT videos!
Dec 18Reply
saleallday Happy 2020!🎊 Love supporting another Cali girl!🏖 Wishing you great success in 2020🛍
Jan 03Reply
thetinbarn1 Hi beautiful! I see you have shared my vest from my closet a few times. I would to help you and wondering if you would like a offer on that item? 🛍 I'm always willing to discount or I welcome offers. Have a wonderful day!🌞
Jan 03Reply
casadeanna @boondbliss Happy New Year BDB! to one of my fav Poshers. I have learned a lot from you! :) Anna
Jan 06Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thanks so much for stopping by, and sharing my closet/boutique😊I’m happy to do the same for you🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Jan 06Reply
findurstyle I saw your share from my closet along with your picture and felt it was from an old friend from watching you on YT a while back--in fact I just checked to see if you had any new vids. I learned so much from you before getting on this platform. Thanks so much!
Jan 13Reply
frankiescloset_ Heyyy 👋 Thank you for the shares! I’m loving your closet! If you have any questions about any items my closet let me know. Wishing you many sales! Happy Poshing 😋💕
Jan 13Reply
sewretro Thanks so much for all of the wonderful shares of my closet. I have returned the favor. I love the variety of your items. I would really love to see you start posting to Utube again.
Jan 15Reply
ceeblue56 💖Thank you For Selecting My Shoes Host Pick!!!🦋🌟💖
Feb 03Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Feb 03Reply
time52 @boondbliss THANK YOU for sharing an item from my closet, ALSO A Very HUGE THANK YOU! for making my selling experience so much easier by all the time and effort you so generously gave to is all in you videos. Much Love!!!!
Feb 05Reply
tputr70 Thank you for sharing my posts !!!! I hope they sell 💜
Feb 10Reply
songbirdz Thank you for the shares! Shared back. Beautiful closet! Happy Poshing!
Feb 11Reply
chrmdhrtsbtq Thank you so much for sharing my items! 😊💕
Feb 12Reply
co_spgs_closet shared 17 items from your closet at the Jewelry & Accessories Posh Party today 😉
Feb 19Reply
co_spgs_closet shared 17 items from your closet at the Jewelry & Accessories Posh Party today 😉
Feb 19Reply
maxmaur Hello boondooglebliss! In love your closet, love your very informational videos! I am getting started in the reselling world. Retired from being a Registered Nurse for 35 years. I love clothes and I love shopping, sooo... I'm going to turn my passion into a business.Are you available to hire for mentoring? If not, could you answer my questions, OR direct me to videos that will. I would like to know how to do the split cover pictures, and much more. Thanks, Maureen (Maxmaur).
Feb 21Reply
radfindsforyou omg I just saw one of your YouTube videos the other day and meant to follow you right away but got distracted. So cool to have you follow me! haha. I'm new and love your advice!! Thank you for your content
Mar 09Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Mar 16Reply
donnajunes Love your closet! ❤️
Mar 16Reply
oksurpriseme Thanks for sharing 💕
Mar 18Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌸 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Caring is Sharing!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!!😃
Mar 24Reply
silvergrlfriend I came across your videos while trying to learn "the Poshmark way". I relaunched my closet about six weeks ago. Previously I had sold some items from my personal wardrobe and that was that. Now I know better...Thank you for the good information and your follow. Lovely closet.
Mar 30Reply
midwestcellar Thanks for the share! I recognized your photo right away from YT! I haven't seen a new video in a while though. I started a channel in Nov 2019 and having fun with it! I really appreciate the share! Have a great day!!
Apr 01Reply
secondchancebtq Just here to spread some cheer! Stay well and happy poshing! 😊
Apr 02Reply
duchessdesigns4 Hello fellow Posher🌸. I just wanted to take a moment and thank you so much for taking the time out to share some of the items in my closet as that is very kind of you . As always I will return the favor. I truly hope that you and your family are doing well throughout these very stressful and uncertain times🙏🙏🙏Lisa Michelle
Apr 14Reply
chiaracampanale Hello! Thankyou for checking out my closet! I'm currently running a 5 for $20 & 7 for $27 sale on all items marked🌹 Also I'm offering 40% off total bundle prices of 2 or more, not available to combine with the above offer!!
Apr 15Reply
ringelw Heyyyy my closet is full of Abercrombie and Fitch, Nike, hollister, Aeropostale, Puma, American Eagle, champion, H&M, Vans, Adidas, Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, and Old Navy! I also have juniors things. I’m trying my hardest to sell everything. Please make offers !!Hope you can find what your looking for! Stay safe happy and healthy!
Apr 24Reply
mrsknle Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. I’m doing this social distancing + Poshing from my couch with a glass of Merlot. I fear that this could be a dangerous combination. 🙃 Stay safe, healthy + keep your loved ones close. ❤️Appreciate it + Happy Poshing!
Apr 24Reply
jj_pat Hi: Thank You for your Shares- and for all the knowledge you have shared! I am glad I stumbled upon you here. I learned a lot from you when I was on another platform and was selling fashions adorned with paillettes. I am fairly new here and trying to build up so I have no extra time now but I look forward to re-joining your audience again later. Best Wishes
Apr 27Reply
duchessdesigns4 Hello, I just wanted to a moment and thank you so much for taking the time out to share some of the items in my closet as that is very kind of you . As always I will return the favor. I truly hope that you and your family are doing well throughout these very stressful and uncertain times. By the way I love your closet❤️❤️❤️. I might have to take a break and do a little bit of shopping🌸 🙏🙏🙏Lisa Michelle
Apr 28Reply
retroragz22 if you see anything please make me an offer
May 13Reply
babebear57 Hello_______,🤗 Nice to meet you, I'm Brad😁. I've only been on Poshmark for several months so I don't have a lot in my closet. Maybe soon I will have something you can't live without. LOL 😂. If you could please share my closet and I'll do the same for you! And thank you for following my closet 😋. Be safe, be cool and be happy. Sincerely Bradley A Gill.
May 13Reply
luckyladybug4u @boondbliss Hello there. Just dropping by with an invite to check out an item in my closet you may be interested in. A CAT KEEPSAKE BOX MADE OF WOOD - It was a Host Pick and is soooo adorable. If you like it, I am open for reasonable offers. It's truly one of a kind........thanks and have a sweet day!
May 23Reply
valleygirls333 Hey beautiful thank you so much for the shares 🌺
Jun 01Reply
chai09 @boondbliss Hi there👋🏻 I googled “cross-selling” and found your video on You Tube then found you on M and here😊 Great info, thanks! Happy Poshing😄🛍
Jun 12Reply
retroragz22 I'm open to all offers
Jun 29Reply
myblushcloset I’m watching your pretty face on You Tube right this minute :)))
Jul 18Reply
_caitscloset_ Hi! I am having a Buy One Get One Free Sale and everything in my closet is included. Just bundle the items that you like and I’ll send you an offer. Have a great rest of your day.
Jul 21Reply
kkdollshack Hey, Anna!💖
Jul 21Reply
rjmcgriff87 Are you interested in the handbag?
Aug 25Reply
cheyanne_79 😊 Hello there, welcome to check out my closet. I am having jewelry, skincare, makeup products, nail care system, bags, baby stuffs, stamps, beautiful coral jade, home decor and accessories etc.! Let me know if you are interest, I can provide you a good discount! 😉 ❤️
Aug 26Reply
hhirlinger Hi. Made my first poshmark purchase and still waiting for it to ship (5f7d0d9b29e698f3d7176066). Any way to get this moving or should I try to cancel? It will be too late for me to wear - will be too cold. Thanks! (if there is a private message I apologize - first experience with this)
Oct 14Reply
boondbliss @hhirlinger Hi there, I apologize for the delay. I dropped all my shipments at the post office box Saturday night. I thought they would start tracking Monday morning but I forgot it was a holiday! Ugh. Please except my deepest apologies for the entire delay the next time you buy anything at my store you get the second item free :) take care!
Oct 14Reply
hhirlinger THANK YOU!!! The jacket came Thursday, just in time for Friday when needed. It fits perfect (even though I am usually a 4 and not a 2, the dimensions in the listing really helped). The thank you gift was sweet. Thank you @boondbliss for making my first poshmark experience positive!
Oct 17Reply
ericad007 Hi, sent an offer. Hope it works for you (or we can work something out)! Stay safe and have a good night!
Nov 21Reply
curated_clothes You are awesome! I have learned so much from watching your videos. Really, truly, I am so grateful to you. Thank you. 🤗😊
Dec 14Reply
boromaca Hi! Thank you so much for sharing from my closet!! I will return the favor by sharing some of yours, too! Thanks again! Bobbi 😊
Mar 16Reply
seashell88977 I can’t believe you visited my closet!! I absolutely love your YouTube videos! You are so fun and have helped me learn so much about Poshmark! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Have a wonderful day!
Jun 28Reply
foamgirl Don’t call me hun! 😂🤣#truth
Jul 06Reply
tariqh0202 @boondbliss Heyyy! Thanks for the love❤️. Nice closet by the way! Please Let me know if you have any questions or if you may need any discounts. I’m open to offers. Cheers!
Jul 14Reply
myblushcloset Omgosh i want you to know I started Poshing all while watching your super fun YT videos! Please please make more! I loved seeing you try on the clothes and the happiness it brought you. - It truly blessed many of us! I clicked your story looking for a dance :) hope all is well. Happy Poshing!
Aug 04Reply
mybluecloset Hi! I respect it if you don’t want to accept my offer. If you’re not accepting it please decline the offer so I can make a purchase with another seller. Thank you 🙏
Oct 10Reply
myweedbag Hi 👋 Beautiful Fellow POSHER 😊 ! Just want to wish you Happy Poshing Day! 🤩and let you know there is a 🎁 FREE GIFT 🎁 with every order ❤️. Would love it if you can please check out my closet 👠👝 👜🧣 👖 👕 👚 👔 @myweedbag ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love something?, but not the price, please send me an offer 😊😊😊😊😊😊 Here to posh🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 Sharing some of your items to my followers ❤️🥳🎈 LET’s HAVE a FABULOUSLY Poshing Day ! ❤️ as I hustle from coffee ☕️ to champagne 🍾 ❤️💃🕺 Fifi
Dec 07Reply
straycatstitch @boondbliss Hi! Thanks so much for the shares today! Your closet is absolutely full of gems, so it has been a pleasure to share back. Have a great evening!
Jan 11Reply
marydiane Don’t ever call me “ hun” either. I love that you stated that because I agree, it’s so low class.
Mar 21Reply
gqdrew82 Thanks for the share; super cute too
Mar 28Reply
naturallyunfold Hello! Thank you for your purchase. We will ship out your order today, Friday. Feel free to stop by our closet again, as we add new items daily. Thanks again!
Apr 01Reply
naturallyunfold Hello! We are so happy that you have received your order and that you are satisfied. Thank you so much for the 5 star rating and the beautiful love note. We hope to see you again soon. Thanks again!
Apr 08Reply
ksp33 Hi! I miss your UTube videos ❤️ I’m glad I found you again. Love your closet 🥰
Apr 21Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jun 21Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jun 21Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely smiling pic :) Here I would like to say Hi! Then I can visit your closet and share some of your items too. It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 900+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jul 20Reply
closetforyou1 Miss your your youtube videos glad to find you again
Sep 05Reply
cutehosiery @boondbliss Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 01Reply
minkalamour I missed your content. then I forgot your username. good to "see" you!
Jan 14Reply

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Folsom, CA
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Last Active: 17 hours ago

Folsom, CA
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