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Updated Jul 21
Updated Jul 21

Greetings from your Posher, Liz. 💕💕💕💕💕

Meet the Posher



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Hello! I'm a night owl. I love bright colors, bold prints, human rights, & genuinely kind people. I am all over the board with my tastes. People whose style inspire me are David Bowie, Grace Jones, Iris Apfel, Baddiewinkle, & Chloe Sevingy. My favorite part of selling is the packing process. Each item is being adopted into a new home where someone will give that item new life. Thank you for checking out my closet. You are super cool for buying pre-loved items.


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libbychai Hey! Welcome and good luck with your new closet! I just shared your new listings and I hope you make some sales very soon! It can feel overwhelming at first but once you get the hang of it it's so much fun! If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try my best to answer! Happy poshing!
Dec 01Reply
mumtah Hi! Welcome to the family!🤓
Dec 01Reply
shopsae Congrats on getting your closet started beautiful ✨✨ please follow me and let me know if you need help with anything at all 🌹
Dec 01Reply
kbsa Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Dec 01Reply
paintbrushbangs @dicksalad Thank you for your purchase! I will ship on Tuesday when the post office reopens! 💗✨✨
Dec 24Reply
beegibbs @dicksalad your closet username is disgusting and foul.
Jan 25Reply
dicksalad @beegibbs No, it's "dicksalad", but "Foul & Disgusting" is my first name. Thanks for looking! Have a nice day.
Jan 25Reply
nuccia13 @dicksalad well I happen to love your user name. Hi Liz I’m nina and thank you for purchasing the lulu pants and the octopus brass bracelet. I wanted to ship this today but I can’t find the bracelet. I’ll look for it more tonight, if I can’t find it, and it’s cool with you, I can send you the razor one along with the pants tomorrow. and if I ever find the octopus I’ll send you that one as well if not we can cancel the order and I’ll relist the pants.
Jan 26Reply
dicksalad @nuccia13 ❤Thank you. Your plan sounds great. Thank you for letting me know. I enjoyed your very well-curated closet.
Jan 26Reply
nuccia13 @dicksalad thank you for your kind words. I’m a tad eclectic. Crisis averted I found the bracelet. I love that you really did make your first and last name d&f
Jan 26Reply
sarahbeans13 @dicksalad Thank you for my first belly laugh of the day 🤣 everyone is so freakin serious on here. I think you're awesome and wish I'd had a spurt of genius like yours when picking my name (I panicked and used a nickname my grandpa called me). Anyway, I might need those David Bowie earrings, just have to see how poor I am. Many sales to you!
Jan 28Reply
dicksalad @sarahbeans13 Thank you so much. I'm glad I could make you laugh. Grandpa given names are very awesome. Mine came from the commentary track on the Anchorman DVD, which isn't as awesome as a grandpa name. Thanks for checking out my closet. I'm slowly building it up. I wish you health and wealth <3
Jan 29Reply
peace_love_posh Love your sense of humor! Happy poshing!
Feb 03Reply
rubywooslipper Love your sense of humor, and attitude 👍💕😂 your response to disgusting and foul is freakin hilarious 😂 witty and clevah as well 😜
Feb 03Reply
widerthanthesky Awesome sauce! 💐💐💐Rainbows come out your ass, don't they? 🌈🌈🌈I can just sense it😉🖖
Feb 04Reply
asitrujillo @dicksalad - LOVE your username! AND great closet.....HAPPY POSHING!!! 💘
Feb 05Reply
lasmada Hey from a fellow weirdo with a crazy all over the place closet and style. Youre adorable. I love packing too.
Feb 09Reply
dicksalad @lasmada Dawwww. Thank you! I enjoy checking out your closet. I appreciate eclectic taste.
Feb 09Reply
iraiscloset Your closet is full of treasures !!
Feb 11Reply
rainbowrabbit Your closet is AWESOME 😝
Feb 11Reply
aphid Your closet is awesome and so are you! 😘
Feb 13Reply
disconap Do you own Snash Jewelry?? Or did you just happen to include that sticker with my order?
Feb 17Reply
dicksalad @disconap I don't own Snash. I love her stuff. She is based out of Brooklyn and is one cool chick. I had a bunch of her stickers from past orders. Her site is definitely worth checking out.
Feb 17Reply
sunnydayvintage Love your closet... and your style 😊 Rock on sister 🌸
Feb 17Reply
gabij80 I love your pictures, your bio, and your taste in clothes! Just thought I’d let ya know. 😊
Feb 27Reply
vtvsn Hey Liz! Your name is hilarious I love it!
Feb 27Reply
leanderandhero Thanks for sharing 💜 Great closet, and I love your pics ;-)
Mar 11Reply
missryleepants I was going to follow your closet for your username alone, but you also have great style! Love your closet!
Mar 14Reply
tatertots135 Bahaha 😂😂Username..Done.. I died 💀💀😂😂 You’re a genius. K, thanks byeeee ✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼🖤🖤🖤
Mar 16Reply
luneleanoreve Good morning! Couldn't stop by without letting you know how AMAZING your closet is! Then I discovered your pictures, and I've gotta say, that porcelain cat cracked me up! Then I scrolled down and saw the giant baby duck, not even remotely fitting in that shopping cart... I almost peed myself! 😂 Thanks for giving me early morning giggles! 😄
Mar 20Reply
fearless_mom @dicksalad Love your username and closet !!🤣🤣
Mar 21Reply
2blkhorses Beautiful! LOVE your closet. I don't say that much. But you have some great stuff!
Mar 28Reply
stevensteph Oh my gosh! Love your name and your stuff!! Wish you had more in my size (large) I need your stuff!! So cool! 👊🏻💀
Apr 08Reply
proysdon Hi sweety, I think your closet is interesting and cool and I think you are too😸
Apr 14Reply
prinzesspixy Hi love your closet and style! Interested in joining a share group? A group supporting your style of clothing? If so please visit us at @wanderinggypsie The 2nd row in the group closet is all informational listings. If you have any ? or concerns feel free to ask away! If interested please let me know! Happy sales! Xoxo-Pixy!
Apr 18Reply
dianasauros I love your closet name!!!!! Lol you’re so cute and cool 💕
Apr 20Reply
issabeaujewelry YOU ROCK! Always love looking around in your closet ;) Your pics above are seriously cracking me up! have a great week! 🎰💞🌈
May 15Reply
dicksalad @issabot Thank you so much. I really appreciate the kind words. I was out of town for Mother's Day, and then my grandmother passed. Seeing this felt good and cheered me up a lot. I'm back in action now. Cheers! 💕💕💕💕
May 19Reply
issabeaujewelry @dicksalad of course & right back at ya! I'm sorry about your Grandmother, it is so hard to lose a loved one, I'm sorry about your loss. Have a relaxing Sunday and take care 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
May 19Reply
wendylanebailey I love your stuff and your item descriptions! So much fun!
Jun 09Reply

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Last Active: 28 hours ago

Atlanta, GA
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Last Active: 28 hours ago

Atlanta, GA
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