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Updated Feb 22
Updated Feb 22


Meet the Posher



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I'm Chelsea! WELCOME to my closet! Any questions about my items just ask!!! I am CONSTANTLY adding new, brand name, and luxury items to my closet so check back on the regular!! I also rarely drop my prices to participate in closet clear outs so if you like something, make me an offer! But if you REALLY like something, make a reasonable offer! I try to price my items fairly and competitively. ***I accept or counter most offers!!*** Happy Poshing, Lovies!
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spreadlove Hi I I know there are soo many amazing closets on Posh but I would love if you would check out mine if you have a moment! I'm currently offering a free sheet face mask and 20 % off bundles! I also just listed new items, have great reviews, plenty of sizes and many items new with tags! Either way thanks so much for your time and have a great day!
Apr 17Reply
sequinstiletto Welcome to Posh! Please let me know if I can help at all!! ✨💐✨
Apr 20Reply
2twice_as_nice Welcome to Poshmark! Great people to network with and always willing to help a fellow Posher. Please stop by and check out my closet. Warning...Poshing can be addictive 😊 Have fun! Tiff
Apr 22Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected! Hope you check out my closet and find things you love (I do really good pricing for bundles). 👀my handmade jewelry✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 12Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Jan 29Reply
dezidol Nice closet!
Jun 17Reply
aforeverlylove Hey Chelsea! Thanks for the like on my Burberry Jacket and fur jacket as well. Are you interested? Obviously willing to negotiate especially if you like them both!! ❤️ Let me know, babe! 😘
Dec 17Reply
raraluiz Hi , congrats on hosting! I have a great faux fur jacket that would be perfect for a host pick for the Best in Jackets & Coats party tomorrow. Check it out here: Thanks!
Dec 20Reply
ehoranpe Hi! Congratulations on hosting!! 🎉🎉🎉 your closet is amazing!!!
Dec 21Reply
seaclass Hey party host. . .I've been searching around this morning for some help - I'm newish to Posh and have a question? A buyer made an offer yesterday that I want to accept that I just saw now BUT the only response button option I have is "counter" . . .I don't want to counter, I want to accept her offer - but there is no "accept offer" button for me to make the sale??? How can I accept her offer without that option visible to me??? THANKS - I know you're busy with the Party!
Dec 21Reply
lizm543 Congratulations on hosting the Best in Jackets and Coats party! I have some wonderful items in my closet that I’d love to have taken into consideration as a host pick! All items in my closet are Posh compliant. Thank you so much and happy holidays!
Dec 21Reply
rerooted Thanks for hosting! Have fun!!🎉💕
Dec 21Reply
monascollection @chelseah3118 Yayy!!🥰😘🌸Congrats for hosting the Men’s Style Party!!🎉⭐️I would be honored if you visited my closet and considered any of my hand created designs as a host pick.🌸🙏😍 I’m set to share posh love!!!💝
Jan 13Reply
aclosetdeposit 🍾🥂🍻 Congrats on hosting the Men's Style party tomorrow! Please check out my closet for possible host picks. Happy Poshing! 👚👗👕🧥👛👜👡👠👟
Jan 13Reply
shan880 Congrats on hosting. Would love for you to check out my closet if you are still looking for host pick. Thank you😊
Jan 13Reply
reace28 Good evening I just followed you and shared a few of your items please return the favor happy poshhing
Jan 14Reply
Jan 15Reply
thecrispcollar Thanks so much for the host pick 💗💗
Jan 15Reply
tonlok Thank you for the hp🥳
Jan 15Reply
oszo_boutique Hi Chelsea. I never bought lululemon. I’m 5’8” and weigh 155 lb. What size would I need for this brand? Ty
Jan 24Reply
chelseah3118 @sealover5 Hi! So lululemon sizing is tricky. It’s basically whatever feels right and is comfortable, and normally I would advise to “size down” (example: a size 2 lululemon is equivalent to an xxs). Based on your what you said I would say to try out a size 6 or 8. I’m not sure if we can post links on posh but if you go to their website they have a general sizing guide that might help you out a little bit more! I hope I was able to help a bit! :)
Jan 24Reply
oszo_boutique Oh yes thank you. I will check their website for sizing. Ty again for your response. 🌺
Jan 24Reply
aspirerunner I have the Vince camuto block sandals and I love them. My favorite shoes. My car got broken into and in their rush they took one shoe leaving me with just the right heel. I just bought these and I’m really hopping they fit and look as amazing as the pair I had.
Jan 26Reply
chelseah3118 @aspirerunner I’m so sorry to hear about your shoe! I hope they didn’t do much damage your car! But these shoes are absolutely gorgeous! I know you will love them! The post office is already closed since it’s Saturday but I will be able to ship them out first thing Monday!
Jan 26Reply
poshlady777 Hi, Congrats🎉 on hosting the upcoming Party. I would love if you would look at my closet for a possible Host Pick. Thanks much. Happy Poshing! 🛍🌻
Mar 17Reply
stardustcloset Congratulations on being a Party Host.I would really appreciate it if you could look at my closet when you have a chance for a possible host pic. Thank you for your time. Once again congratulations
Mar 17Reply
believeinhope Congratulations for co host tomorrow party👍😀🌸🦋💝⭐️🍰🌸🦋💝⭐️🍰🌸🦋💝⭐️🍰🍵💕🔆🧸🐶🎀💛🦄☂️🍬🥗🍡🍧💜🔶🔆🧸🐶🍬🍵🌸👍⭐️🍰
Mar 17Reply
h_to_z_fashion Congrats on hosting a party! How exciting! 🌻 I have some blouses and a couple blazers that I think could be really great for the Work Week Chic Party. I would love if you could take a look 💕
Mar 18Reply
guppyt Congratulations to your party! Please take a look at our closet for an host pick @guppyt @orangemom76!!!!!
Mar 19Reply
mkbonbon Thanks for the host pick! It was my first one ever, so I really appreciate it. Happy Poshing!
Mar 19Reply
chelseah3118 @mkbonbon you’re welcome! You have a great closet :)
Mar 21Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we connected on Poshmark. Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 15Reply
leopardgehl Hi Chelsea, I just want to thank you for your help to purchase these shoes, I’ve wanted them for years..they pop up in your closet. haven’t even purchased them because of difficult times, but you have gone out of your way to help me. Thank you for sharing my closet, I wish I knew the trick to selling more, I guess I have to keep adding things and be patient. You are a LOVE! ❤️. I just wanted you to know how very much i appreciate your effort to complete this transaction. 💕🌹🙏🏻🦋
Aug 06Reply
leopardgehl So, I must share, I met Chelsea when I found a pair of shoes in her closet that I loved when I saw someone wearing them, a long while ago and found them in her closet! She has been so beyond accommodating and truly a gem, besides having an awesome closet. I hope I can learn what she has learned through this process of Poshing, because Chelsea definitely has the ticket to success!! Thank you Chelsea so very very much! 🌹💕🙏🏻🦋
Aug 09Reply
leopardgehl Lol, I didn’t even know I had written all the love 💗 before, clearly Chelsea is very deserving of it! 💕🦋
Aug 09Reply
chelseah3118 @leopardgehl you’re so sweet haha that’s like the nicest anyone’s ever been to me!! 💗
Aug 09Reply
nroe2415 Hi Chelsea! You have a wonderful closet! I see that your hosting a Best in Bags party tomorrow and was hoping you might take a few minutes to look through my closet for possible Host Picks 😊 Thank you!
Dec 18Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to selling on Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Dec 18Reply
kjenkinson1990 Congrats on hosting! If you get a second please check out my closet! I’m currently donating 10% of all sales to those who were affected by the hurricanes and tropical storms on the east coast. We have already donated close to 800$!!! 💕😘 I’ll be by to share some extra posh love throughout the day too! 🎉🥂
Dec 18Reply
masarsky hey. congratulations on hosting a party tomorrow. I would appreciate if you can consider my closet for HP. thank you. sharing poshmark love 😊
Dec 18Reply
travel_closet Congrats on hosting! If you're still looking for host picks, feel free to check out my closet. I have some good bags for sale! Happy Holidays!
Dec 18Reply
marilgay Thanks for visiting my closet and liking Hot pink Dooney and Bourke handbag. If interested, please make an offer. Happy Holidays ‼️
Dec 18Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Bags Posh Party🎉!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Thank you & Happy Poshing! 😊💕💕💕
Dec 18Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow! Make holiday shopping easy this year🎄🎁🧸
Dec 19Reply
beachbunny_nsb Is this picture in NSB?
Dec 19Reply
chelseah3118 @beachbunny_nsb No it’s actually in St. John! 🥰🌴
Dec 19Reply
chelseah3118 @bigclosetfull Hi! I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner! I have no idea why you wouldn’t be able to share Men’s items to the party. I just checked and there are others listed in the party. Are you sure you have your sizes marked correctly? I know if something doesn’t meet the criteria for plus size (I don’t think XL is considered plus size) then it won’t be able to be listed. As far as the XXL I think that should be able to be shared. I’m sorry I can’t help more!
Feb 14Reply
chelseah3118 @bigclosetfull My advice would be to contact Poshmark through the help tab and write them and explain your issue, I’m sure they will be able to help you out more than I can haha! I’m sorry that happened to you!
Feb 14Reply
vkdelarosa Love your closet saving it for later and I want to say congrats on being a co-host this week! Enjoy it and have fun. If you need a host pick feel free to browse my closet.
Jun 09Reply
keinathk14 Hey there! Congratulations🎉🎉I’d love my closet to be considered for a special host pick! Have a fantastic day! 💗💗
Jun 11Reply
chloe_annelise Hi! I love your closet and congrats on cohosting the Fashion Favorites Posh Party! It would help me so much if you considered one of my listings as a host pick. Thank you! ❤️
Jun 11Reply
kyliekeinath45 Congrats on hosting the fashion favorites party!! 🎉🎉🎉 I would love it if you could take a look at my closet for potential host picks 😃
Jun 11Reply
curatedbyjenn congrats on hosting!! i have some super cute pieces that i'd love for you to consider for host picks!! happy poshing, congrats again❤️❤️
Jun 11Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Jun 11Reply
southtxstyles Hi Chelsea 🌺 LOVE your closet! Congrats on hosting a posh party tomorrow. I’d love for you to take a peek at my closet for a host pick 💜👗👙👚 I will be attending. Cant wait to see all the beatiful picks!! 💕💕💕
Jun 11Reply
akiecker Hi 🙋🏼‍♀️ I’m about a year old to Posh, still learning the ropes— I love looking at your closet for inspiration ✨ If you have any tips to share, I’d appreciate the pointers! I just posted some new summer items to my closet, I’d be absolutely flattered to be considered for one of your host picks 💕 Thank you in advance!
Jun 11Reply
dshollack4 Congratulations on hosting!! I have a great closet that I hope you'll check out for a host pick, I'll definitely be shopping the party. Happy Poshing!!
Jun 12Reply
lill4 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺Hi, Congratulations on Hosting🌺🌺 🌺🌺🥳🥳🥳a Party!!!!🥳🥳🥳🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺So exited for you!!!🌺🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺Please consider my closet for a 🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺potential Host Pick.🌺🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺THANK YOU🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Jun 12Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Jun 12Reply
poshspice2000 Congrats on hosting tonight! Have a great time! :)
Jun 13Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 14Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Aug 14Reply
amyakc congrats 💗
Aug 14Reply
myaddedsparkle 🌺🌺🌺Hi Chelsea!🎊🎊🎊Congratulations on your MAKE A DEALS DAY win!!✨✨✨You’ve won $50 worth of posh credits🎉🎉🎉Now it’s time to shop guilt-free and treat yourself🛍🛍🛍Come check out my closet for jewelry and hair accessories🦋🦋🦋3/$30 SALE going on!🤩🤩🤩Happy Poshing💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻~My Added Sparkle🥰🥰🥰
Aug 14Reply
sandycupcake P😍sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Deal Days” Win! Enjoy guilt free shopping Sandy
Aug 15Reply
trishlopez1 Hi! I’m new-ish to poshing but am having trouble obtaining followers. I’ve followed 11k people, shared their items, always make offers to likers....any other suggestions? (I’m not on social media). Thank you for any ideas you can offer.
Nov 29Reply
triciamariets @chelseah3118 OMGosh! Thank you for all the shares! 🌷💕💕
Mar 04Reply
chelseah3118 @triciamariets you’re welcome PFF!!!🥰🥰🥰
Mar 05Reply
cinderella927 Hi Chelsea‼️I see you liked The RUNWAY👠‼️Welcome‼️We are a great group of Poshers who share each other's closets while having fun‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured this week and have Mon. 3/8 through Thurs. 3/11 open. Let me know if you would like to "walk" The RUNWAY👠‼️Please let me know what day works best for you Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs.
Mar 07Reply
chelseah3118 @cinderella927 Hi Cindy! Thank you so much for the chance to be featured! I would probably prefer Thursday but I am flexible! How exciting! I have never had the chance to do anything like this so I am very much looking forward to it!😁😁😁
Mar 07Reply
cinderella927 @chelseah3118 Thursday it is‼️We may be on Group #29 by Thursday so like that group‼️
Mar 07Reply
chelseah3118 @cinderella927 Great thank you so much!!
Mar 07Reply
xela8art Hi Chelsea, thanks for ypur generous shares at the Fair 🎪 today! Be well & Best wishes for 💲peedy 💲ales & J💞y along the way 👠👖🎽👗👚 Posh On! 🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈 Alex
Mar 12Reply
makeyoulaugh67 🌻Happy Spring 🌻 I'm Cora wanted to Wish you a Wonderful Day filled with lots of Sunshine and Blessings. Also I really enjoyed sharing your closet ♥️ Happy Poshing
Mar 31Reply
pugsinparadise Nice closet. Saw you over at VampieKitty. Followed & Shared.😊
Apr 02Reply
nice_matters11 🌵🙋🏻‍♀️🧩 🌵Wow 🤩Thank you for 🌵Celebrating with me and 🌵ALL the shares 💖 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🌵Keep Safe & Healthy💕 ❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙 🌵❤️🧩Monica in AZ🧩💙🌵 🌵🧡🧩🌵💚🧩🌵💛🧩🌵 Spreading Autism Awareness
Apr 06Reply
sinsofcyn 🐶👗🦔🎣❤️👜🐦🐳🐛🛍👡... THINGS THAT MAKE ME 🐴 SMILE ............... & then.......THERE WAS YOU CHELSEA ........... 💃 STROLLING 💃 MY CLOSET & STUFFED CUPBOARDS 🛍Cyn 😏🛍
Apr 22Reply
cachendosa Thank you for sharing items from my closet. As a new seller I really appreciate the shares and support. I will do the same for you. Happy Poshing😊
Apr 25Reply
delcie11 . 🎵🎸🥁❤️✌🏻 Congrats @chelseah3118 🎉 I've chosen you to be Ringo on 4/26 for 🎵The Beatles🎵 a share game 💞 so get ready to sit back, relax and collect those shares and posh love 💞 remember NO SHAREBACKS 🤗 have an amazing day full of shares and posh sales 👜👠🛍️💖 (will post at midnight) 🎵🎸🥁❤️✌🏻
Apr 26Reply
buffylars Good morning! Thank you for the shares! Love your closet and your whole vibe. ❤✌🌻☕😘
Apr 27Reply
cinderella927 Hey PFF!! Thank you for your participation on The RUNWAY!! I would love to feature your closet tomorrow, Wed. 4/28! Does that work for you??
Apr 27Reply
chelseah3118 @cinderella927 Yes it does thank you so much PFF!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰
Apr 27Reply
designerd Great closet!
May 04Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow and all the shares ❤! Happy Poshing 🛍!
May 10Reply
dianabrown47 Thank you for inspiring me during my walk on the Runway today!❤
May 14Reply
delcie11 @chelseah3118 🤘🏻🎵🎸🥁❤️✌🏻 Congrats @chelseah3118 🎉 you are George for the Day on 5/27 as the Poshoholics Daily Team Pick 🤩 so get ready to sit back, relax and collect those shares and posh love 💞 remember NO SHAREBACKS 🤗 have an amazing day full of shares and posh sales 👜👠🛍️💖 🤘🏻🎵🎸🥁❤️✌🏻 (will post at midnight)
May 26Reply
designerd I’ve got to tell you, every time I come in to your closet to share, I want to stick a post-it to my screen and remind myself that I’ve got to stay focused and do my job. So I’m sharing, not shopping. But coming in here feels like ducking into a store and browsing between meetings. Thanks for the break. ❤️🤓
May 27Reply
ashleys_locker3 @chelseah3118 Hi Chelsea 🙋‍♀️ Hey 👍 I just wanted to say “thanks” for the great review!! I’m so glad you’re happy with the jacket!! See what I mean about it looking new!? Nice, huh?? And more than anything, I love sharing my dough buddies with people like you who appreciate them & can tell how much love goes into each one!! 🥰🥰 if you ever want anything special made with clay, let me know!! I’ll fix you right up!! 🥰🥰
May 30Reply
alhopki Hi Chelsea love the pics
Jun 03Reply
chelseah3118 @designerd I’m so sorry I just saw this but THANK YOU so much pff!!! I actually was JUST browsing your closet and I’m jealous of all your cool vintage items! Like you said, I keep having to tell myself to focus while also reminding myself I have no money😁 also I wanted to tell you I enjoy your witty attitude! Your comments make me smile!
Jun 03Reply
chelseah3118 @alhopki Hi Ann!!! Thank you so much PFF! I always hope people think that’s my everyday life haha but it is definitely not! A girl can dream!😉
Jun 03Reply
jenn3981 @chelseah3118 thanks for sharing The RUNWAY 👠 Your closet will be featured Saturday 6/19 🎉🎉 Enjoy the Posh love 💕
Jun 14Reply
foughty I am making my way through a huge stack of my sisters skirts. It is taking me some time. My 86 year old mom had heart surgery and is needing round the clock care. Getting there. Will keep you posted
Jul 01Reply
revivedchic thank you for the host pick! It's my first one.😀
Jul 04Reply
celestestu I don’t think I ever said thank you for the host to fix. Thank you and I really appreciate it. Celeste
Jul 08Reply
momhustlebustle 🔥Congratulations on being selected as our CLOSET OF THE DAY in the Borrowers to Followers Poshmark Telegram Game!!🔥 You were nominated by @poshkimmie83 Sit back and enjoy some extra shares from our players! If you would like to join us, lmk and I can tell you how <3
Jul 09Reply
coachandtrunk @chelseah3118 Hi Chelsea! I wanted to take a minute to say hi and introduce myself, especially since we're in some of the 'share games'. Always nice to put a face with the closet.😊 Which by the way, I love your closet and the variety you have. Hope you're having a great day, Sharon
Jul 15Reply
chelseah3118 @dwalkera Awh thank you so much!🥰
Aug 21Reply
walkfreee Congrats 🎈🎉🎊🍾!!!! Check out my closet in hopes of choosing a host pick!!!💕💕💕
Aug 22Reply
emilym892 Hallo! I love your closet! So many beautiful things 💗 keep up the great work and wishing you lots of sales! ⚡️🌟💥
Aug 22Reply
cinderella927 Hello Chelsea‼️Hope you have been having a good summer‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured this week on The RUNWAY and have openings on Mon. 8/30 Tues. 8/31 Wed. 9/1 and Thurs. 9/2‼️ Let me know if you would like to "walk" The RUNWAY👠 and what day works best for you‼️ Happy Poshing👠‼️
Aug 29Reply
chelseah3118 @cinderella927 Hi PFF! Thank you so much for thinking of me! Any of those days work! Im totally flexible so just put me wherever works best! Thank you!!!🥰
Aug 29Reply
cinderella927 @chelseah3118 Wonderful‼️Will put you in tomorrow Mon. 8/30‼️
Aug 29Reply
macysmom02 Hello! I left a question for you on your listing for the Fostoria wine glasses. Thank you!
Sep 15Reply
jenn3981 @chelseah3118 hi! Thanks for sharing The RUNWAY! Your closet will be featured Saturday 10/23/21. Enjoy the Posh love!
Oct 19Reply
shopwisteria <) It’s your special feature on The Bachelorette ! Wish you many sales! (>
Nov 03Reply
obsidianxbelle ~~~✿ Thank you for your order ✿ 🎄💎🎄💎🎄💎🎄 I appreciate you shopping my closet 😍 I just wanted to stop by & let you know I will be shipping out your item tomorrow. 🎄💎🎄💎🎄💎🎄 ~~~ミ★ 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 ★彡
Dec 09Reply
obsidianxbelle Thank you for your review ✨💕
Dec 12Reply
foughty I’m so glad you liked the shirt. Hope your family is ok. Take care
Dec 12Reply
shopwisteria 🌹♥️🍾Today is your special feature on The Bachelorette! Please stop by and grab your “I’m featured “ slide. I wish you many sales and a blessed day! Thank You for your ongoing support! Irina 🍾♥️🌹
Dec 14Reply
fashionolympus hi there! Please check out my closet! I accept all reasonable offer 🥰 -All Purchases help fund my education 📚 - Women(makeup,bag, clothes), Men (bandanas, clothes and accessories) , Kids, Home, and more!I ship as soon as 1-3 business days -💎Affordable 925 Sterling Silver 💎 -If you are interested in any of my items please SEND ME AN OFFER 😊I have many Fellow Poshers who are satisfied with items from my closet, so don't be afraid to stop by and take a peek 😄💘 Thank you💕💕
Jan 04Reply
cinderella927 Hello Chelsea‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured this week on The RUNWAY and have openings on Tues. 4/12, Wed. 4/13 and Thurs. 4/14‼️Do any of these days work for you to have your closet featured⁉️
Apr 10Reply
cutehosiery @chelseah3118 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 17Reply
xtinamtfer ♥️👻♥️ Let’s Get Spooky Sales! participant 72 here wishing you a Happy Halloween 👻 Posh Love & Hugs ♥️ -xtinamtfer ♥️👻♥️👻♥️👻
Oct 31Reply
7sisters_nebula Hi! I sent you an offer for your Sam Edelman sandals… if you can let me know please 💕 thanks!
Dec 31Reply
degas3011 HUGE Sale --> Just LIKE 3 items from my closet and a $25 offer will be sent to you! YES - It really is that easy!
Nov 29Reply
xtinamtfer PFF♥️love to the tune of Bobby McFerrin's Don't Worry Be Happy ::::: Here's an event poem I wrote Will share your closet as I quote Don't Worry, Be Happy On Poshmark we may have troubles But when you worry, you make it double Don't Worry, Be Happy ::::: Ain't got no cash, has it been awhile? Ain't got no sale to make you smile? But Don't Worry, Be Happy 'Cause when you worry your face will frown Your next sale will turn it upside down So Don't Worry, Be Happy Don't Worry, Be Happy Now :::::
Feb 17Reply

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Last Active: Mar 15

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Last Active: Mar 15

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