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Updated Feb 05
Updated Feb 05

Happy Poshing!

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Hi! I'm Kate. Thanks for checking out my closet! I live in my jeans and tees! Any questions, just ask :)
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malverts1 Welcome to PM...please check out my closet and follow me! Let me know if you need any help. Enjoy your shopping!!!
May 10Reply
rebelorchid @malverts1 thank you so much! Might take you up on that :)
May 10Reply
haleys_hanger thanks for the follow & shares love 💋💕 let me know if you'd be interested in doing buy 1 get 1 free as a thank you! 😊
May 15Reply
motherof_2kings Hello Katie! I'm Renita! Welcome to Poshmark!.🤗🎀
May 15Reply
motherof_2kings @katrsbliss You're welcome! 😊
May 15Reply
grace4d Hi Katie! 🙋 welcome to poshmark! 🌻Dee
May 17Reply
ses54 Hi Katie & welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do & have a great time selling & buying. Happy Poshing 👍👙👗👛 🌹Sherry🌹
May 17Reply
lilmisspony Welcome to Poshmark! 💕 ~ Ruth
May 17Reply
ppamprrd Welcome to Poshmark. It's a great community 😊😉😙
May 17Reply
vynyssa @katrsbliss 🌺Welcome❣️Feel free to stop by any time if you ever have any questions 🎉🐶
May 20Reply
yourdailyposh You have an uncanny resemblance to one of my bfs from hs! Crazy! Anyways... Happy poshing! 😄
May 20Reply
rebelorchid @ses54 thank you!
May 20Reply
rebelorchid @lilmisspony thank you Ruth!
May 20Reply
rebelorchid @vynyssa thank you very much! I definately will
May 20Reply
rebelorchid @mollyside lol maybe a cosmic twin!
May 20Reply
ses54 @katrsbliss You're quite welcome 😊
May 20Reply
hacsince91 @katrsbliss Welcome, Katie!! If you want anyone to vent to or would like any type of helpful promotion or advice please do not hesitate to let me know!! Happy Poshing!! 💪🏻👻✖️🍍🗯😽🎶
May 21Reply
rebelorchid @hacsince91 Thank you so much!
May 21Reply
cheerup Hello, Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for visiting my closet and spreading love ❤️ from it, it is truly appreciated 😘. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, make an offer, etc. God Bless you 😇💕🌹🙏, and Happy Poshing.
May 21Reply
terri_lynns Hi Katie🙋🏻 Welcome to Poshmark 🛍🛍🛍
May 22Reply
elektric_ave @katrsbliss welcome 🌱just wanted to say hi 👋. I'll share as many listings as I can for you
May 23Reply
rebelorchid @22elektricave thank you so much! I'll do the same for you. You have some gorgeous things xoxo
May 23Reply
jassieboo92 Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
May 23Reply
lt79 Hi, Katie! Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
Jun 16Reply
yigfreedom I love your closet. Have a wonderful sell day. Thank you
Jun 25Reply
rebelorchid @yigfreedom thank you! You as well :)
Jun 25Reply
minedthemanor Thanks for the shares!!!
Jun 25Reply
ashleyandme01 Hi Kate nice to meet you! Your closet looks amazing and so is your style!!! ❤️Love them! I'm also new to Poshmark so it's nice to see someone who got started recently too! You seem to be doing very successful for someone who just started!! 😊✨✨
Jun 26Reply
rebelorchid @ashleyandme01 i have been sharing and following my butt off! Lol i love your pictures btw they are beautiful!
Jun 26Reply
ashleyandme01 @katesbliss thank you that's so sweet! Me too, I've been sharing like crazy all day..posh is too addictive!!😁
Jun 26Reply
gatorgirl868 Hi I'm Sarah!! Thanks for the ad!! Love ur closet! I always share if u share!! Please come visit my closet and let me know if I have any questions at all! Thanks happy poshing! 🛍🛍
Jul 02Reply
santos_celeste Hi! The bralette you've added to your bundle is on sale for today only, finish your bundle and I will send you a free choker as well 😋
Jul 03Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Kate. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 04Reply
ladytaisvintage Hi! Where did you get your mannequin? And how much was it? Ive been looking for one but it seems like nobody has them 😞😞
Jul 05Reply
rebelorchid @ladytaisvintage I got it at about $40. They have all types and colors :)
Jul 05Reply
ladytaisvintage @katesbliss sweet! Thank you so much
Jul 05Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Jul 09Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask!😊
Jul 13Reply
kdtlove @katesbliss thank you so much for sharing❤️
Aug 12Reply
deco120 👍🏻 thanks for the share
Aug 16Reply
cesca56 Hi Kate, thanks for sharing 😊
Aug 16Reply
heavenscent2u Hello Beautiful🥀 I'm Heaven. Thank you very much for the like, share and or following my posh closet & boutique ! I would be ever so thrilled to service your every fashion need. Enjoy discounts of 10-15% off any single item and a hugh 25% off bundles of 3 or more and oh btw offers are always welcomed to bring your lovely selections home to you. I look forward to chatting with you answering any questions you might have. I am just a click away. Cheers. 🤓 Heaven @heavenscent2u 
Aug 17Reply
cthulicia Thank you for sharing my ISO listing! Is there a listing of yours I can share in return?
Aug 24Reply
jmbt Thanks for the following
Oct 12Reply
lulabean21 Hi! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 😀 Please feel free to stop by and let me know if you have any questions 💕
Oct 29Reply
creative_te @katesbliss Thank you so much for the style request! Think of this as an interactive process. I will share with you some items. Like the ones that you like & skip the ones that you don’t! This will help me get a feel for your style & better tailor my shares. I will share more items based on your feedback. Let me know if you have any questions!
Nov 15Reply
rebelorchid @creative_te thank you so much for doing this. I've got to be honest, i didn't know i did a style request. I know this probably took you some time and I'll be sending shares your way!!
Nov 15Reply
creative_te @katesbliss no problem! 😊 I’ve gotten like 10 today, which is an abnormally large amount! I wonder how many were accidental lol. Thanks so much for all of the shares!
Nov 15Reply
rebelorchid @creative_te I've been hearing a lot of people have gotten many requests, hopefully the rest were on purpose!
Nov 15Reply
creative_te @katesbliss haha yes let’s hope! Because it is definitely time consuming! I’ve noticed in my feed that PM started advertising it so maybe that is why.
Nov 15Reply
rebelorchid @spndlrnthegrass thank you. I hate ironing!! But it makes everything look so much nicer...have to do it lol
Nov 16Reply
mfr671 Thanks for sharing my closet! Have a nice Thanksgiving holiday!
Nov 23Reply
jessregelson Hi, Kate. I’m Jess. I received a note from Posh that you shared a vintage cardigan from my closet on Twitter. Thank you SO much! 😘💃💐👯‍♂️👯‍♂️👯‍♂️
Dec 14Reply
claudiasdeals 🎀💞🎀💞🎀💞🎀💞🎀💞🎀 🌺 🌸Sending PO$H LOVE ❤️ to you... 🌺🌸 ⭐️🌈⭐️ $UPER PO$HER $ of the day ⭐️🌈⭐️ 🎀💞🎀💞🎀💞🎀💞🎀💞🎀 🎈🍾🎊🎉 CONGRATULATIONS 🎈🍾🎊🎉 🛍💰🛍💰🛍💰🛍💰🛍 🛍📦💰🎉 sharing now and wishing 🛍📦💰🎉 🛍📦💰🎉you lists of quick sales 🛍📦💰🎉 🛍💰🛍💰🛍💰🛍💰🛍
Feb 15Reply
kristylove0216 Is it anyway you can cancel my purchase? I didn't realize the shirt was juniors.
Feb 18Reply
rebelorchid @kristylove0216 you have to go to-my purchases and click - problems/order inquiry and cancel. Just say it was accidental purchase.
Feb 18Reply
kristylove0216 I tried that and I can't because it was an offer. It's fine, hopefully I will be able to fit it anyway lol....thanks hun!
Feb 18Reply
rebelorchid @kristylove0216 oh no. Ok i can cancel it. Sorry, i thought you had to do it, maybe it's the other way around. Ill try now for you.
Feb 18Reply
kristylove0216 @katesbliss Ok. Let me know if you were able to or not. I appreciate that!
Feb 18Reply
rebelorchid @kristylove0216 ok it let me. Sorry, I've never done that before lol 💕
Feb 18Reply
kristylove0216 @katesbliss Me either. No worries!!! Thanks so much love! I apologize, it's such a cute top that all I saw was medium until I purchased it lol. Thanks so much for understanding!😘❤
Feb 18Reply
rebelorchid @kristylove0216 no problem!💕
Feb 18Reply
juan624 Hi Kate, thank you for sharing 👗👠
Mar 13Reply
rebelorchid @magazinequeen18 Hi! Welcome💕 my biggest tip is to share your own closet. Follow and share others and have fun! Oh and list everyday.
Apr 21Reply
thespeechmom Hi Katesbilss! So...about those super cute Gap shorts...the size 16 ones...wellll my mom saw them and wants to keep them. Can I not send them back and we call it good? I hope so - she has her heart set on those suckers! Thanks Kate!
May 11Reply
rebelorchid @thespeechmom lol that's ok with me! I'm glad they found a home 💕
May 11Reply
thespeechmom @katesbliss You're so great! Thanks!
May 11Reply
vicksfinds Hi Welcome!😀🌹
May 13Reply
harryfarm Thanks for following me. Good luck with your closet.
May 28Reply
secondwinded Great closet!! 👏 I'm sharing & shopping ☺️
Jun 06Reply
blckbutterfly51 Hi Posh Ambassador 😀how to you get 183k shares? Is that one by one? Trying to reach Posh Ambassador but its going to take awhile to get to 5k one by one.😀
Jun 06Reply
rebelorchid @blckbutterfly51 hi there! And yes ma'am that is one by one. It's taken me a year to get there lol
Jun 06Reply
blckbutterfly51 @katesbliss 😬thank you!🤗
Jun 06Reply
breynolds549 Thanks for sharing. 💜
Jun 17Reply
sweetsdeals1 Thank u for the share - and please have a look at all the great items for yourself and for gifts in my closet.
Jun 18Reply
leonorgarcia Ty 4 the share ❤
Jul 15Reply
a_mariev1890 hey girl !!! you have an amazing closet!! I have shared some of your items in hopes of some fast sales for you!! I am having a huge moving sale if you would like to send an offer or make a bundle !!! happy poshing !!! XOXO
Jul 16Reply
rebelorchid @mimi46v💕
Jul 18Reply
hokienclt Hello Posh friend! 😊😊 Thank you for the shares!! 🌻🌻
Jul 27Reply
areyounice ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sep 23Reply
tjackovich Thank you for following me. Happy selling & shopping 🛍 Tina-Silver Jewelry Garden 🌸
Oct 18Reply
melngeeh Hi! Check out my closet when you get a chance.
Oct 21Reply
mmdell11 Hi ! I wanted to let you know that I am trying to clear out my closet! So if you see something you like, send an offer! I'm also having a 3 for $20, or less sale going on as well! Check it out and happy poshing!!
Oct 31Reply
lovefashionyay Hi Welcome! ❤️ I’m Jacquelyn 🌺 new to posh & followed u! I shared ur cute closet! Ty for any and all shares! I have lots of Lularoe & I love it!😍will be adding lots of u Unique clothing in all sizes!!! New buyers get big di$counts & offers!!! ****Plse check out my closet! 👗 👠 👚 👕 👔 👟 🌂 follow me/I’ll follow you! & share plse! I will do the same! Ty! 🌺 🌸 🌺Happy 😃Poshing! ❤️
Nov 14Reply
marigeepz Hello 🤗 thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet. Please feel free to make any offer on anything you like. Wish you abundance of success and HAPPY HOLIDAYS 🤗
Nov 20Reply
unclaimed Kate nice closet and beautiful pictures,best wishes for your success,thanks for your support. Enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more from my closet. Expires 12/18/2018
Nov 21Reply
ccsqna Thanks for following my closet! 🍁 All prices are negotiable and I add new listings weekly : ) I also give deep discounts on bundles and free gifts, so make sure to look around! 🎁
Nov 27Reply
sarajayyne Follow me on Instagram at @sarajirvine and I’ll share items from your closet on a regular basis to my followers send me your Instagram also.
Jan 15Reply
msneverending1 Kate just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listing. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 09Reply
cheryldye Nice to meet you hope you check out my closet
Feb 12Reply
linsrkelley Hi! Thank You for following me! Please visit my closet! I have items that are FREE when added to a bundle purchase! And I ship next day!
Feb 21Reply
nakamoto88 Thanks for all the shares and Following, Happy poshing! 💕💕💕
Mar 03Reply
kmdetty Something happened with the offer you sent me. I accepted it and the jeans are the only thing in the bundle. It charged me 17 dollars. There should be the 2 sweaters and the jeans
Mar 10Reply
kmdetty Please help me find out what happened
Mar 10Reply
rebelorchid @kmdetty just looked at it, I did send you an offer on the jeans. I don’t see any sweaters that you liked or bundled. Do you remember which ones they were?
Mar 10Reply
kmdetty The gray sweater, the black sweater, and the jeans. U gave me the 3 for 15 deal. Unfortunately it looks like one of the sweaters were bought already. That’s why the total was 15
Mar 10Reply
kmdetty Oh my goodness. Did I accept the wrong offer??? Fudge:(
Mar 10Reply
rebelorchid @kmdetty I’m so sorry, but I am confused. I wasn’t doing a 3/$15 deal. I went back and I show that you only liked the jeans and I sent you an offer with discounted shipping on those. Do you want to go ahead with the purchase? Or would you like me to cancel?
Mar 10Reply
rebelorchid @kmdetty oh no! It’s no problem if you want me to cancel!
Mar 10Reply
kmdetty Can u please. I am really sorry. I’m not even sure what happened. I had one offer on my screen and it looks like it accepted the wrong offer. I’m not really sure what happened to be honest. I’m really, really sorry
Mar 10Reply
rebelorchid @kmdetty it’s ok💕 don’t be sorry, notifications on here can get a little crazy sometimes lol
Mar 10Reply
rebelorchid @kmdetty ok, I canceled:) hope everything works out with your other bundle :)
Mar 10Reply
pinkmora Thanks for the shares ❤️ make sure to check out the rest of my closet! I am cleaning out my closet after having a baby ❤️ I need everything gone! Make a bundle! ready reviews i make great bundle deals ❤️ All Offers accepted 👍
Apr 09Reply
absolutelykate Always gotta know other super KATES in your life 😎
May 13Reply
trendycouple Great closet! Wishing you much success! ..😊
Jun 06Reply
familyvipbiz @rebelorchid Thank you so much for sharing my closet 🙂
Jun 06Reply
wingedtomato Absolutely beautiful closet!
Jun 14Reply
aj9063910 Hi & thanks for coming by my closet today. I shared the ❤ by sharing some of your amazing items
Jun 18Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jun 23Reply
samrivera1217 Thank you for the shares 😊
Jun 30Reply
libertylady63 Hi 👋, thanks for liking, sharing, and following my closet! You have a beautiful and fun closet! As Arnolds Schwarzenegger says “I’ll be back!” I am currently adding new items to my closet, so check it often. If you have any questions or are looking for something special, please do not hesitate to ask! Thanks again and Happy Poshing.🥰
Aug 01Reply
creeksidesales Love your white cinder block background in your photos 🌼🌼👏👏👏👏
Aug 05Reply
rebelorchid @pfseac 💕 thank you!
Aug 05Reply
freshrags23 Hello thanks for the FRESH SHARES!! Curious if you have any tips on managing inventory, I see you have way more than me and I find my self over the last 3 weeks constantly moving and trying to organize stuff so if I need to ship or answer a question I can get to it quickly. HOW DO YOU DO IT? THANKS AND STAY FRESH!
Aug 30Reply
rebelorchid @freshrags23 Hi! So I put everything in a gallon ziploc bag. And all of the bags go in Rubbermaid bins. And I put a number on each bag and put that number in my listing so I know exactly where it is. Makes shipping a breeze :)
Aug 30Reply
freshrags23 @rebelorchid wow super freshly organized, ok going to check out your listings and see if this is something I can do, love the organization, thanks for quick response.
Aug 30Reply
freshrags23 @rebelorchid 232.08.3 XE can you explain?
Aug 30Reply
rebelorchid @freshrags23 lol yes, so 232 is the bag #. 08- listed in August, XE- cross listed to eBay. Took me about a year to implement this system, so glad I did!
Aug 30Reply
rebelorchid @freshrags23 oh and the 3 means it’s the 3rd time I’ve relisted. I like to resist a few every day.
Aug 30Reply
freshrags23 @rebelorchid Ok final question, XE, when you cross list, this is manual correct? What if worst case scenario something sells at same time? Or is there a software that once sells it takes off platform? I sell event tickets on Skybox Vivid seats, and they list to and but once something sells it goes off the other platform. As of now I am just XE listings that I have multiple units of and put on mecari. Again I am 3 weeks into this. Thanks for answering questions
Aug 30Reply
rebelorchid @freshrags23 I do it manually. There is a website I’ve heard others use called list perfectly that will cross list for you, but there is a cost. I’ve never used it. I’ve used 2 platforms for a few months and only once sold something on both platforms within minutes, I had to cancel the eBay sale because it sold on posh first. I just have to be diligent with deleting it from the other platform quickly.
Aug 30Reply
freshrags23 @rebelorchid appreciate all the info, happy Friday and happy poshing, many Fresh sales for us all through this weekend!!!!!
Aug 30Reply
bobbett328 Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 😊🌺🥰 Happy Poshing🛍🛍
Aug 31Reply
dee031717 Hi thanks for the follow. Feel free to check out my closet. Open to all offers. HAPPY POSHING!!!
Sep 03Reply
msneverending1 Katie just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing my listing. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Sep 04Reply
corynnster Hi Kate! Thanks for the follow. Stop by my closet anytime to check out what’s new. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 😊 Have a fabulous day!! Corynn
Sep 15Reply
kxy_boutique Thank you for sharing my listings 😀😉
Oct 19Reply
jandjo Hi! Made an order yesterday and need it by Halloween. Wondering if that's possible? Order# 5dafb2495da23da931752392
Oct 23Reply
rebelorchid @jandjo hi there! Thank you so much for your order :) it’s already at the post office, looks like it hasn’t been scanned yet. I’m in Indiana so it should only take 2 days to get to you :) what’s your costume?
Oct 23Reply
jandjo @rebelorchid thank you soooo much for the quick response and mailing! Will put my daughters mind at ease. Her original costume didnt work out so having to scramble to get what's needed for her to be Coraline's doll! Hahaha
Oct 23Reply
rebelorchid @jandjo oh my goodness, that is so clever! I love it ❤️
Oct 23Reply
danielle_gately Thanks for the following 🐾 🌹 and the shares!
Oct 27Reply
j2thel Thanks for sharing!
Oct 27Reply
donnafab morning Posher!! thanks for the follow and sharing!! have a great week!!
Oct 29Reply
1plumeria_closn Orchid lover like me, thanks for the shares. Have a great night.
Nov 03Reply
janetcoss99 Thank you so very much for all the shares 🥰🙏🏻🌺🌺
Nov 03Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my 🚱.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. My New Inventory has come in.  Wooohoo 😂
Nov 11Reply
artistinspired Thank you for the share and for following me - Love your closet!💐
Nov 15Reply
kerry1313 Hey sweetie..welcome to Poshmark thank you for following me and visiting my closet. You have a beautiful closet. Happy 😃 poshing.
Nov 19Reply
gul999 Thank you so much for sharing 😊😊💐🎁
Dec 21Reply
_bryanna_13 Thanks for the follow! Check out my closet and like/bundle any items you’re interested in. All bundles of 3 or more items get an automatic 20% discount and I try to offer another discount on top of that for any size bundle you create. I’m open to offers. I’m just trying to clear out my closet while I’m home! Have a great day!
Dec 21Reply
bkimberly757 Thanks for all the shares! Happy New Year!
Jan 05Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Kate, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a prosperous 2020! Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
Jan 19Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌸 totally appreciated! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!!😃
Feb 21Reply
co_spgs_closet shared 20+ items from your closet with my followers 😉
Mar 13Reply
rebelorchid @co_spgs_closet thank you! Just returned the shares 😘
Mar 13Reply
davidgabriel07 Thank you for the follow🌸🌸 Great closet! Happy Poshing & Brightest Blessings 🌼🌼
Mar 14Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 05Reply
nananellasrooms Hi Kate! I’m Zoraida a fellow PFF! Want to introduce myself and invite you back to my closet. I do try to list items every few days. If there’s anything you like we can work on an offer. I appreciate the shares and thank you for it. Much appreciated! Wish you much success and many sales!! Happy Poshing 🤗🙏🌺
Jun 21Reply
byrdemily 💃50% OFF SALE // ALL ITEMS IN MY CLOSET!💃 Thank you for checking out my closet! 🧡💙***BUNDLE YOUR PURCHASE FOR A GREAT DISCOUNT! I AM OPEN TO ALL REASONABLE OFFERS. ***💙🧡 Sale ends 9/20/20 @ 10 pm central.
Sep 19Reply
pshmrkbaby18 @rebelorchid Hi. Happy Poshing? Thanks for browsing/liking my closet. Please checkout my entire closet. If you spot a great find, I’ll be happy to negotiate a price with you. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Have a great day!
Jan 22Reply
cutehosiery @rebelorchid Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 19Reply

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Last Active: Mar 18

Shelbyville, IN
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Last Active: Mar 18

Shelbyville, IN
View Closet




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