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Updated Jul 08
Updated Jul 08


Meet the Posher



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sapp12 Welcome thanks for like welcome offers
Jun 30Reply
saralyn_grace Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!! Thanks for liking my shoes ! Place an Offer them!
Jul 19Reply
jared_esparza Thanks for the like 😊 Let me know if you ever consider purchasing the item ❤ If you have any questions, feel free to ask
Jul 19Reply
kat_crain Hey girly thanks for liking my prom dress. Would you be interested in purchasing? I can negotiate pricing! Let me know if your interested. Thanks !!!
Aug 05Reply
avecswan Hello Marisa! I am open to offers. Feel free to bundle the kid items in my closet for a special discount. I also have more I haven’t posted. Let me know what you are interested in buying and at what price and I will try my best to grant the offer/ post more. P.S. Feel free to check out the Women clothes too.
Aug 20Reply
poshsellerxo Thank you for the like😊I accept most offers and give great deals on bundles💖 Free gift with every purchase🎁‼️
Aug 20Reply
josiescloset931 ✨✨Hello ! 🤗 Sending out positive vibes! Peace & Love ✨Happy Poshing ✨✨
Aug 25Reply
cathiv Nice to meet you! Thank you for the like😊🌸
Aug 26Reply
itsajonesthang Hi I’m Brandy😊Nice to meet you!! Come check out my entire closet! I’m certain that you will find something you like and even more certain that I can give you the best deal!! HAPPY POSHING!!
Sep 13Reply
jakesheart Welcome to Posh & Welcome over to my closet !! Ty for your likes💞Feel free to bundle I’ll take 20-25% off any 1st order from my closet of 2 or more items - PluSsss today’s, my B-Day! 10/6🎶🌹🎶& I also have 5/25$ for 10$items🛍😉🌸💞🤗HAPPY POSHING ✌️Adrienne @jakesheart
Oct 06Reply
styledbylhei Welcome to Poshmark, beautiful!! Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!! ♡
Dec 05Reply
convintageous Hi Marissa, thank you for the likes. Because you liked 2 items, I’m also going to send you the bundle offer of BOGO 1/2 off I’m having as another option if you are considering purchasing. It’s nice to meet you🙂💕
Dec 15Reply
jgabra Hi! I have the Nike M2K Tekno in size 8 if you are still interested :) I’m open to offers!
Dec 18Reply
thaitea1120 Thank you for liking and checking out my closet! Feel free to bundle your likes for a private discount! All earnings go toward my college education 💕
Dec 26Reply
poshgarden Nice to meet you 💞🛍
Dec 26Reply
ested22 Hello! if you want check out my closet!!
Jan 03Reply
devynjjanae Hey!! I’m glad to see you on poshmark! Secondhand is best ❤️😁. I have tons on trendy, junior items in my closet that might interest you!! Feel free to send me an offer and ask any questions you have 🌷🌟 Hope you’re having a wonderful day!
Jan 08Reply
andreasstyles I see you like the leggings in my closet if you bundle you can save money 💰 and I will discount the shipping for you 😊
Jan 20Reply
timelinestyle ✨ MARISA ✨thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 excellent service + same day shipping! ✨
Jan 30Reply
annamontanaro hi! i would love if you could check out my closet! thank you so much 💕👼🏼
Feb 01Reply
anikatomlinson_ Hiiii!! I’m listing some American Eagle, Loft, and Hollister! Feel free to check out my closet and do some shopping! I love when people give me offers and bundles!
Feb 17Reply
peytgual Hi! i’m trying to clean out my closet before i go off to college soon- so please check it out and feel free to make a lower offer or bundle up and i’ll give you a reasonable price based on the condition and brand of the items:) thanks so much🤍 i have a VS pink quarter zip for $10 i’m really trying to sell!
Mar 22Reply
1111thrift hey honey!! 🍯🍯 I just visited your closet!! 🦋✨ I would love if you stopped by mine as well & took a look around !! 💗💗 happy poshing 🛍💛
Mar 26Reply
tiffanyy2206 Hi! Thanks for the like! I left an offer for you. Feel free to counter. I can ship it fast! 🙂
Apr 01Reply
ireneyang122 Hey! You’re into Koop right? Message me because I have a lot of Kpop stuff I’m trying to get rid of.. some are brand new!
Apr 01Reply
ireneyang122 I also saw that I liked my teddy bear, want it? If you’re interested make an offer!
Apr 01Reply
sophiecourtt would love if you checked out my closet! I have cute vintage & trendy clothes in your size 🦋☺️
May 16Reply
rissylayne Welcome, good luck poshing!
May 24Reply
sunnytrumpet157 hey! i have some stray kids merch in my closet :) i also have a bunch of bts merch in my closet: albums, bts notebooks, a wall hanging, posters, bt21 shooky socks, a chimmy mirror, photocards, and more! add whatever u want to a bundle and ill give u a discount :)
Jun 12Reply
shopbycarter hey pretty girl!! i post a lot of jewelry, tops, and swimwear in my closet. feel free to check it out! i accept offers on bundles! have a great day girly!🧚🏼‍♀️💖
Jun 17Reply
withlovekatrice hi love! thank you the your like on one of my listings! 🥰 I'm having a promo on my closet for dainty & stylish jewelries! I also have a few branded items for sale. feel free check them out! I offer great discounts for bundles and gladly accept reasonable offers 🧚🏼✨
Jun 23Reply
luvmee40 Customer Alert, My biggest sale ever, 50% additional off ALL Jackets,  Blazers and Suits. Everything from Ralph Lauren to Giorgio Armani. Over 200 to choose from. All other Items are an additional 30% discount. Click the heart under the item you want to buy and I will send you the discounted offer. Come shop till you drop! 
Jun 25Reply
luvmee40 just so you know that fila zip up has matching pants. absolutely gorgeous
Jun 25Reply
emilycrumbo Hi! I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I am. Based off of your likes, I feel I have some listings in my closet that you might like. I sell mostly women’s/juniors clothing. Feel free to check it out! Please ask me any questions you may have, bundle, and make an offer! I am open to negotiations:) Happy Poshing!
Jun 25Reply
itssmateo Hey! I see that you’re interested in Comme des Garçons so I posted a long sleeve for an extremely good price since it’s brand new! I would love it if you could check out my closet and look at it and maybe make an offer! I’m willing to negotiate! I also post other nice brands! Thank you!
Jun 30Reply
kaylarosen10 Hi! I’d appreciate it very much if you took the time to check out my closet Thanks!
Jun 30Reply
kendramurphy18 Thanks so much for the like! Feel free to take a look at the rest of my closet to see if there is anything that is of interest to you! If there is more, I LOVE to give bundle discounts to my customers! 🤗💜 Let me know if you have any questions! ☀️
Jul 01Reply
maengoes Hey love~! ❤️ I have some items that you might be interested in so feel free to check my closet & maybe even shop as well. 🤗 Happy sales &/or shopping~! 🌻❤️🥰
Jul 08Reply
caroline_cc17 Hi! Oh my gosh I love kpop!! Who are your ults?
Jul 09Reply
pinkystorel Hi!!  Welcome to my closet! Feel free to look around and ask me any questions. My prices are super low, so it pays to bundle and save. I’m always adding new items, so come back and visit often! Follow me @pinkystorel  You get automatically 15 % when you add 2 iteams to your cart. When you add 3 iteams to you cart send me a message and I will give you free shipping. Thank you! 🍃🌸🍃
Jul 09Reply
avahumler Hi I see you liked my shoes they are my first ones I’d love to discuss a price!!!
Jul 10Reply
aldcgirls_tho Hi Marisa!! I’m Nina, I would love for you to take a look at my closet🤗 I have some unique items I think you may like!
Jul 11Reply
hj_posher Hello! I am a kpop fan too! What group do you like?
Jul 12Reply
anitastyle Hi! This is Anita! I noticed that you liked some items in my closet. Please feel free to create a bundle and I will offer you a price that is too good to refuse :)
Jul 15Reply
laurene_landon Hi Marissa and welcome to Posh!! You liked an item of mine. I can give you 10$ off if you’d like? It is glorious!! Thank you!! is my movie star website. Thank you!
Jul 16Reply
allyymoore Hi! I noticed you liked a sweater on my page, just wanted to let you know I have it listed cheaper on depop! My depop is allynicmoo if you’re interested :)
Jul 17Reply
Jul 18Reply
mmbene1 hi! i saw you liked my denim dress, if you are interested, please make an offer! i would love to sell it to you
Jul 24Reply
destinyl08 hey! i saw that you liked the oink wallet i have listed, i’m really trying to sell everything i have listed because i’m moving in a week so please let me know if you’d like to purchase it, i can have it shipped in 2 days :)
Jul 25Reply
codestr Maddens are in good condition Feel free to make offer
Jul 25Reply
lofel Thanks for the like on the FILA hat, lmk if you don’t like the price and we can work something out :)
Jul 27Reply
emacmannis Hi! 👋🏻 I’m Emmy, a posh ambassador! I just wanted to let you know if you have any questions you can feel free to reach out to ask me! I would also love to invite you to my closet to take a look around! 👖👙I have a bunch of styles and sizes scattered throughout! Thanks and have a great day!💕🛍
Jul 29Reply
amlpoet Hi Marisa nice to meet you and stay safe and healthy in these uncertain times ❤️🙏😇amlpoet
Aug 02Reply
aqua1995 hello beautiful soul😊 I'm glad you liked the H&M pink ribbed sweater I'm going to send you a good discount on shipping and the sweater. If you are interested you can accept, decline or counter. thank you for stopping by and happy poshing✨
Aug 04Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Aug 06Reply
10daniela11 Hey thanks for the like feel free to send me an offer 🙂
Aug 07Reply
greatdeals493 hello i noticed you liked one of my purses you welcome to make an offer .!thank you:)
Aug 09Reply
nissimarquez Hey!! Lmk if you’re interested in buying the turtleneck and I can also do bundles if you like anything else!! All prices are negotiable and come with free gifts💖
Aug 10Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌞🌞
Aug 11Reply
nissimarquez Hey!! Lmk if you’re interested in buying the Mickey Mouse Crewneck and I can also do bundles if you like anything else!! All prices are negotiable and come with free gifts💖
Aug 14Reply
brandytruitt Hey hey 👋🏼 😄Thank you for the love on my listing.. want to touch base with you and let you know I’m having an end of summer BOGO sale!! Woot woot. Buy one get one FREE everything under $10. 😃💥🌤🔥☀️🦩🎉
Aug 22Reply
lola_321122 hi seen you liked one of my items if you buy 3 or more things you get 10% off and 4.99 shipping
Aug 22Reply
nissimarquez Hey!! Lmk if you’re interested in buying the Mickey Crewneck or sweater and I can also do bundles if you like anything else!! All prices are negotiable and come with free gifts💖
Aug 23Reply
skylight31 Welcome to Poshmark, checkout my closet when you have a chance. Offers are welcome. Happy poshing out.
Aug 26Reply
fleuretamour Hello! Thank you for liking my listing of the London, Paris, New York sweater. If you have questions, please let me know. I also see that you have Hyunjin in one of your pictures. I'm a Stay, as well! Have a beautiful day! 😊
Aug 27Reply
_candy68_ Hello and Welcome to Poshmark!!🤗🤗🤗
Aug 28Reply
fish37 Hi I saw you liked my Tiffany necklace. I would be happy to come to an agreement on the price (:
Aug 28Reply
llathleticwear Hi! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community! I sure am 😁 I would love for you to check out my closet 🌵☀️
Sep 05Reply
1111thrift hi love !!💛💛 thanks for the likes ((: feel free to bundle for a discount!! 🤗🤗 & just so you know, all purchases do come with a free gift & will be shipped out asap !!😇🛍 happy poshing 🌸
Sep 05Reply
lmc175 Hi Marisa!! I would like to cordially invite you to check out my closet💐 . I have some items from Forever 21 and other brands you may be interested in. I'm currently running a name your price sale so please feel free to stop by💗 and ask questions! No price is final always open to negotiate! Thanks :) Have an amazing day 😊
Sep 07Reply
isabelladona32 Hi! I would love if you could check out my closet. All offers welcomed, and I'm currently having a sale! Hope you have a great day❤️
Sep 07Reply
iyania__ Hello👋🏾 I’ve seen that you’ve liked this item in my closet: “H&M orange crewneck”let me know if you’re interested with questions 💕🪐
Sep 10Reply
kierstxnnn Hey! Just wanted to let you know I’m selling a pair of Nike Air Force 1’s. If you’re interested or have any questions please let me know:) 💖
Sep 18Reply
ceedrecee Hey 👋🏽 I’m doing a 3 for 25 sale on my shop! Items marked with a “🎊” is the sale! Just bundle the 3 items! Bundle 2 or more items can give you a big discount! Saving for school! Anything helps! Thank you❤️
Sep 20Reply
danarosefashion hey! are you interested in opening ceremony converse!! send an offer!!
Sep 24Reply
kierstxnnn Hey! I just wanted to let you know I’m selling a pair of Nike Air Force 1’s!! If you’re interested or have any questions please let me know💖💞
Sep 26Reply
maddiesstyles Hi!! I see you’ve liked an item from my closet! Just wanted to let you know I’m having a buy one get one free sale that ends in a few days so buy while you can and let me know if you have any questions! ❤️❤️
Sep 27Reply
erinrileyhy Hey friend! If you make a bundle from my closet of 3+ items I’ll give you a big discount & free shipping! :)
Sep 28Reply
smexybabyz You are now registered into the share game, 🙏🏽I notice you now thank you for following and sharing you would get your shares back nd your follows. I am trying to raise money for my mothers hospital bill so feel free to make offers and look at my listings🦋 God bless💔
Sep 29Reply
bwoverca @marisavilleg129 hey dear! Plz let me know if you have any questions ab anything! Thanks for looking🤗
Sep 30Reply
my_blackheart99 Thank you for the 'Like' love! Please feel free to make offers and bundle with other items for a discount~Happy Poshing!🖤🖤🖤
Oct 01Reply
nala4545 Hi!! 💗 Thank you for the like! Awesome shoes! Pictures don't do them justice. Have a great evening!! 💞💐
Oct 02Reply
aovintage 😌🛍🛍🛍
Oct 03Reply
sweet_zen7 Anyoenghasayo ☺️!! Welcome to Poshmark !! I’m a KPOP FANGIRLING too !!😊
Oct 05Reply
nicolemaria619 Hi ❤️ I have a brand new Fila dress I’m accepting offers on ❤️
Oct 09Reply
sg_sophie Hey, I have some cute clothes, like Adidas and others. Check it out🔥👍🏻😍
Oct 11Reply
universegirl99 @marisavilleg129 Thanks for liking an item from my closet, hope you like my offer ✨
Oct 13Reply
kleewilliams Thanks for the like! If you find anything else you like, you can add to a bundle to save on shipping and I offer 20% discount on all bundles of 2 or more items! Have a blessed day!
Oct 20Reply
amandab0511 Hey!! Please stop by my closet!  I am moving overseas soon and need all of my stuff gone asap!  I'm running out of time so I am accepting almost all offers and can give huge discounts on bundles!  I have both men's and women's clothing.  I'm also offering free shipping and a free item from my closet on bundles of three items or more! Any help is greatly appreciated.  Please let me know if you have any questions!
Oct 21Reply
jasmine_khd Hello love, thank you for liking my listing. Please feel free to let me know if you would be interested :)
Oct 24Reply
tingting_yang 🌞🌞Hey. Mari. Good morning 😃 Thank you for visiting my closet. I notice you liked the H&M jacket from my jacket. I thought it is nice to let you know that any three items in a bundle is 20% off. If you have time, please stop by and have a 👀 look. Happy Poshing 🌻🌻🌻💕
Oct 24Reply
ney7kline Thank you for the Like. The ring is on Sale💍
Oct 25Reply
magstylle Thank you so much for liking my listing. When you bundle three more items you’ll save 15%!!!
Oct 27Reply
pink_lemons942 @marisavilleg129 thanks for stopping by my closet. Lmk if you are still interested in the cropped Brooklyn sweatshirt✨✨✨. I also am selling a preowned BTS album and a cute sprinkles shirt that I got abroad in HK. ✨✨✨
Oct 28Reply
riana_ Hey girlie I am really broke and don’t like a lot of my clothes and are trying to sell them DM me saying what brand you like and I will find something for yea!🍄
Oct 29Reply
precioushyre Hello Love 💖 As a Poshmark Ambassador I would like to welcome you to Poshmark✨Feel free to take a look at my closet. I am moving soon & all must go. I have many items for low prices 💖✨ Happy Poshing ✨
Nov 07Reply
saoirsewollert huge closet clean out trying to get rid of EVERYTHING !! taking offers and discounts on bundles 🤍 check out my closet, hopefully you find something you like
Nov 11Reply
ycgirl808 Happy Poshing 🛍
Nov 16Reply
kaitlynsosa hey! check out my closet. I have shoes, hoodies, swim suits, and more :) if u want to make a deal just give an offer! xoxo
Nov 19Reply
shopvenusrising Hi just wanted to let you know I’m having a 50% off sale and one of the items you liked is included! 😊
Nov 22Reply
vintagelini Yo! I noticed you liked one of my listings. All bundles are 50% off or more at the moment if that’s something that would interest you😈
Nov 23Reply
elisea2001 Hope you take a look at my closet ❤️🙏🏾
Nov 24Reply
saoirsewollert huge closet clean out trying to get rid of everything !! taking offers and discounts on bundles 🤍 take a look at my closet, hopefully you find something you like
Nov 29Reply
bexie_b hey doll! happy poshing! come by my closet sometime and let me know if you see anything you like! all prices are negotiable 😊
Dec 01Reply
rohidaa Hey girly I’ve seen you liked a listing of mine are you interested in buying?
Dec 02Reply
cieloromero12 I’ll be shipping in about an hour. Feel free to send in any offers!💕💕
Dec 11Reply
sparklewisely Hi there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet. I noticed that you ❤️’d one of my items. If you create a bundle of at least two items, then I will send you an exclusive offer or, simply, send me a private offer and I will do my best to meet it. Hope you’re having a great weekend! 🥰
Dec 13Reply
iseo Hi Sending Posh❤️🎅🏼❄️⛄️🎄🌹your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ,Don’t be Shy ☺️ Make me an offer ,I will either Accept or Counter offer .Stop by please 🥰. Happy Poshing and Please Stay Safe . 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Dec 13Reply
amberkarels Hi Marisa! Thanks for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of bundling 3 or more items & receive 25% off your entire order! 😊♥️
Dec 17Reply
closetshopxo Hi☺️ If you wanna check out my closet I have plenty of stuff you might be interested in💓You can make offers and bundles (I accept most) Have a great day🥰
Dec 18Reply
madiyates Hi! I just wanted to let you know I have a 40% discount on all bundles today only! Same/ next day shipping!! Have a great day! 😊🎄
Dec 19Reply
ilovepunkie Hi!! Just wanted to lyk I’m having a flash sale. It’s today only, save 30% on 3+ item bundles from my closet. NO exclusions, but limited to 5pnds per order - or add’l shipping costs will apply (up to a 10# max). Please come visit my closet and check out the item(s) you’ve already liked!! Thanks and Happy Holiday Poshing!!🛍🛒🎁🎅🏼
Dec 20Reply
glam_n3rd End of the year Greetings!! ❄️ ⛄️ 🥶 Just spreading some posh 💙 💙💙 and welcoming you to check out my closet! I have something for everyone! Bundle and save! 😘💋
Dec 22Reply
chrisavi924 Sorry to bother just wanted to say come check out my Etsy shop, SaviDenLee ,when ever you have time. The website link to my Etsy shop is in the about section in my Posh closet. Also I f you see anything you like in my Posh closet, add it to a bundle and you will receive a discounted price or discounted shipping rate. Happy Holidays and Happy Poshing 😊😊🥰🥰🥰
Dec 29Reply
rockermia @marisavilleg129 Hi Beautiful 😃💐I’m Esther☺️Nice to meet you🤲🏻💓🤝If you have any questions or need assistance just let me know the fun begin🤲🏻😉I also extend a cordial invitation to my closet will be very happy to receive your visit🙌🏻If you like something from my Closet, pressing the bottom OFFER🤝or Just ask me! 😄EVERYTHING has an offer!unless it says firm price, we can negotiate in a bundle!👍🏻 All my item are being stored in a clean and sanitized before shipment😷 😃Happy Poshing 🛍Happy Discount👛
Dec 29Reply
ella1227910 hey would you like to purchase the tank top you liked?
Dec 30Reply
serena4957 Hey Marissa I’m Serena4957. You liked my Cow purse. I sent you an offer. Did you get it?
Dec 30Reply
serena4957 Please let me know if you would like to bundle something with the cow purse to get discounts? Please let me know? Ty Serena4957
Dec 30Reply
zkclothez SALE SALE! hey girl! i love ur shop super cute!! i’m running a sale, I have PINK, Victoria’s secret, Brandy Melville, American Eagle, Champion and more ✨i would greatly appreciate if you would come check out my closet 💓 all offers are welcome & most are accepted🥰
Jan 07Reply
amore_amo Hi love, I saw you were interested in an Zara dress. I am currently looking for a home for some of mine. Come by and check it out. Happy New Year and take care 🌸❤️🌸❤️🌸
Jan 12Reply
zkclothez SALE SALE! hey girl! i love ur shop super cute!! i’m running a sale, I have PINK, Victoria’s secret, Champion and more ✨i would greatly appreciate if you would come check out my closet 💓 all offers are welcome & most are accepted🥰
Jan 13Reply
claire5024 Thank you for the like on the H&M cardigan/blazer. I can ship it out tomorrow!
Jan 15Reply
mmdell11 hi there! Welcome! hope you are having a good day! I marked down my prices &&& I wanted to let you know I’m having a big 3 for $25 (or less) sale! & all men’s clothes are BOGO! I’m open to offers, bundles & lots of shares! check it out 💓💓💓 let me know if you have any questions! I’ll be happy to help!
Jan 16Reply
laurabrom thanks for the like! feel free to make me an offer on any of my items :)
Jan 16Reply
hyflex Hi Marisa! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!! Please don't hesitate to ask me anything at all! Thank you! Marissa😌🙏💐💝
Jan 17Reply
hailey1366 Hi! I saw that you liked a pair of blue American Eagle shorts! I have the same pair in my closet for $13! And they are a size 4! Feel free to stop by my closet and take a look! And if you have any questions, feel free to leave me a comment! Thanks!🦋💕
Jan 17Reply
allyfontes Hi! I’d really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, I am open to offers, have a great weekend(:
Jan 17Reply
julius17 Hello and Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions! If you interested, Come check out my closet! I sell accessories, purses, shoes, beauty products, kids, juniors, women’s and men’s clothes. Have a great day and happy poshing! @julius17
Jan 17Reply
bigcityvibes Thank you so much for checking out my closet. Bundle any 3 items marked with a 🌵 for $25. Just Comment OFFER and I will Send you an offer with $4.99 Discounted Shipping. Ship Same/Next Day, Professional Seller,  Offers Welcome, Like for PRICE DROPS
Jan 19Reply
emily_janee hi. thank you for liking my vans wind breaker, bundle 2 and save 20%!
Jan 19Reply
bridgetlee777 Hi! Come and check out my Closet. Thanks 💝💝💝
Jan 21Reply
niaprather1 Check out my closet;) Willing to negotiate prices!!!
Jan 24Reply
chloesilverman1 Hey babe! Saw you liked my Jean jacked was wondering if your interested!
Jan 27Reply
kgb1818 I noticed you liked an item of mine. I’m having a great sale right now with all my items being half off when you bundle two or more items!! Check out my closet!!
Feb 03Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Feb 05Reply
pinkbball18 Hi bundle your likes and I will make you a great offer! Everything must go from my closet!
Feb 10Reply
stacyana818 Hi Marisa, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the red Zara top. I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for it 😄
Feb 15Reply
dancingbee05 Hiiieee!!! Hope you're staying safe and healthy! Thank you soo much for the like - More than happy to negotiate on price :) Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you SO much for stopping by my closet! Hugs from Colorado ♥️ Jodes @dancingbee05
Feb 16Reply
xixixixi Hi there, thanks for liking my listing. feel free to send me offers. Will bundle up for discount. :)
Feb 21Reply
amaliagasparyan Hi love. Welcome to my closet. I have many trendy stuffs to love. Take care
Feb 21Reply
dannie258 Hi, noticed you liked the nude Zara heels. I can drop the price 10% and you’ll also get discounted shipping since it’s closet clear out today! Let me know if you’re interested & I’ll drop it. Will ship it asap!🙂
Feb 21Reply
tiffical01 @marisavilleg129 Hey there- Thanks for checking out my closet. I see you liked the adidas leggings. With closet clear out, shipping is $4.99 and I can do 20% off for $12. Would that be of interest to you? Thanks!
Feb 23Reply
amberkarels Hi Marisa! Thanks for liking some of my items. I am currently running a closet clear out sale of buying 2 items and get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Feb 24Reply
magdalenaidzik Thank you for liked my jeans. Bundle them and I will give you a nice offer. Take care.
Feb 24Reply
coffeebabez hello!!! feel free to check out my account☺️ i'm selling a pink cropped jean jacket i think you might like!
Feb 25Reply
magdalenaidzik Thanks for like my closet. If you’re interesting something please let me know. Take care.
Feb 25Reply
niaprather1 Check out my closet;) Willing to negotiate prices!!! Buy now, I ship tomorrow!!!
Feb 27Reply
rosell15 Hi! Thank you for liking my Listing for the Steve Madden Purse, if you are mreally interested please “Bundle” and make an Offer, Ciao!
Mar 03Reply
tspille11 Hello! My closet is currently buy one get one free! Bundles over $40 get free shipping! Add items to a bundle and I’ll send you an offer!
Mar 05Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Mar 08Reply
pinkystorel Hi, Welcome to my closet!! Feel free to look around and ask me any questions. My prices are super low, so it pays to bundle and save. I’m always adding new items, so come back and visit often! Follow me @pinkystorel You get automatically 15% when you add 2 items to your cart. When you add 3 to your cart send me a message and I will give you free shipping. Thank you🌸 🍩😊🌸
Mar 08Reply
bee_amaziing Hi there welcome to Poshmark. Visit my closet for authentic Louis Vuitton and other items. Reasonable offers are always welcome 😊
Mar 14Reply
mamabearpdx Hi Lovely!! Thank you SO much for visiting my closet! I would LOVE to make that ❤️yours!! My sales help me accomplish my life’s mission of spreading love to our hurting communities and helping kids feel loved and know they matter! Plus I get to give great clothes new life🥰
Mar 17Reply
newyorkfashions 🍍come by my shop for kid masks, funny covid t-shirts, fashion forward adult face masks😷& other items💗🍍 thanks 🙏
Mar 18Reply
krisquinn34 I noticed you liked the cropped brown cardigan from my closet! I will send that one and another tan one for free! You can also add any free items from my closet to the bundle and I will ship those for free! Just trying to downsize!
Mar 26Reply
kayden0506 Hey! thankyou so much for liking my dress!! if you ever consider purchasing it we can definitely negotiate prices, just let me know!! :))
Mar 27Reply
chrisschilling 🌼🌺Welcome to Poshmark!!🌺🌼 Feel free to check out my closet!! Lots of great items and offers always considered!!
Mar 28Reply
lauracieslak Hey if you have a chance I’d love it if you could check out my closet! Thanks and happy Poshing!!
Mar 28Reply
undiscovrdgems Hey Gem ! Welcome to Poshmark. Thanks for the like. Stop by my closet anytime. Offers are always welcomed. Right now i have a bundle deal going for 10% on 2 items. Check it out.
Mar 29Reply
intertwine91 Hey feel free to make me an offer:)
Mar 29Reply
kellycnagna Thanks for the add 🤍 and for liking my shoes! I sent you an offer 🧚🏼‍♀️ respond with a counter if you are still interested :)
Mar 29Reply
trendsavvy Hi, Thanks for liking and following. Happy poshing.🙏💐💝
Mar 29Reply
ccllaauuddiiaa hey girl i’m offering any 2 items on my page for 5% off!❤️
Apr 08Reply
klau108 Saw that you an item of mine. Hi please check out my closet and create a bundle to make an offer! Everything must go fast! Thanks! 🥺😊🙏❤️
Apr 23Reply
jodyert thanks for stopping by and taking the time to like the Zara skirt. all offers are so appreciated
Apr 25Reply
vvintagebabyy Hey! If you are interested in re-purposed designer jewelry like Louis Vuitton, Prada & Gucci check out my Insta: thebrandsocietyy All of my pieces are 100% authentic & created out of high quality materials! 🤍
Apr 26Reply
alesiastarrr hey! i’m alesia!! ❤️ i hope u love this community as much as i do! feel free to check out my closet n make offers, i have some pretty fun stuff, and i’m a posh ambassador so you can shop w 100% confidence! have a wonderful day, and happy poshing! hope ya treat yourself to something nice!🥰
May 13Reply
thestyleglow Hyunjin 🤍
May 20Reply
bbygjailynn hi! i still have those vans slides on my page if you were interested!
May 24Reply
trendycouple Hi Marisa, thank you so much for the like on the Guess top! We really appreciate you visiting our closet! We sent you an offer if you're interested. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Have a great day! 😊
May 25Reply
mmdell11 Hi! welcome to poshmark! I just updated and improved my closet so feel free to check it out! Let me know if u have Anya questions, I’m a posh ambassador & I’ll be happy to help!💓
Jun 01Reply
nancyanne123 @marisavilleg129 hi, thanks for visiting my closet, the green pant suit is gorgeous, I was so upset when it didn’t fit me. I have so much inventory that needs to be listed and almost 600 available listings, I don’t like having more than 300, I feel it’s too much for people to go through, so I am having a HUGE sale. Buy 5 items(most have already been reduced) and get 50% off.
Jun 01Reply
nancyanne123 @marisavilleg129 if u have any questions please ask. Have a great day 💕Nancy
Jun 01Reply
loveejasmiine @marisavilleg129 Hi I sent you my lowest offer for the sweater you liked ! Check it out & accept if interested .
Jun 09Reply
karlyns_closet_ hey! feel free to send me a offer on the vans!
Jun 09Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Moschino, Dior, Wolford, Lululemon, Nike, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jun 14Reply
haileyscloset4 Hello! I’d love to drop the price of just about everything in my shop to a fabulous deal! I can have it packed and ready to go right away and it will ship in the morning. If you order within the next 2 hours, a special extra gift will be included as well! Let me know if your interested!!
Jun 15Reply
mckenna223 Hey come check out my closet
Jun 16Reply
aorkild hey! I have some stuff for sale (Gucci, Brandy Melville, Nike, Pacsun) similar to items I've seen you liked. I would love if you checked out my page I do huge discounts on bundles as well! 😇😇
Jun 18Reply
ksaunders014 Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕🎉
Jun 20Reply
bloom38 Thanks for the like 🌹.Welcome to Posh 😁
Jun 26Reply
jadkyle Thanks for liking my sweater. it is priced to sell. If you have questions please feel free to out
Jun 27Reply
joce90 Thank you for liking my listing I sent you a private offer if you do not like the offer I have sent you reasonable offers are always welcome thank you and happy poshing 🤩
Jul 05Reply
mcardenas457 Hey 👋 stop by my closet anytime☺️
Jul 06Reply
lyliantazi Hi Marisa. I noticed you liked a Tommy Hilfiger blue coat. I have a similar one in my closet for less $$. I’m open to all offers, just let me know. Happy poshing! 🤗
Jul 11Reply
aorkild Hey! I saw some of your likes and I think you would love my closet! I carry a lot of brands such as Michael Kors, Fashion Nova, Nike, Brandy Melville, etc! I'm donating most at the end of the week so if you see something you like make an offer!💕😇🦋✨
Jul 13Reply
aorkild hey! I saw some of the items you liked and I think you would love my closet! I carry a lot of Brandy Melville, Nike, Michael Kors, Pacsun, etc. I'm trying to clean out my closet so if there's anything you like make an offer!😇🦋✨
Jul 16Reply
averiekerr523 Hi, I noticed you liked my purple cardigan. I lowered the price down and im still taking offers! just letting you know :)
Jul 17Reply
_poshlypetite Hi Gorgeous 😘😘😘 I pray during these times you are safe and in good health . Have a Beautiful Blessed Week ❤️ Happy Poshing 🛍 Many Blessings, -Erica
Jul 22Reply
alyssahartle351 Hey!! I have been adding new items to my closet all day today, so please feel free to take a look. If you make a bundle, I would love to offer you a great deal as I leave for college in just two weeks and need all my listings sold ASAP:)) Thank Youu😊
Jul 26Reply
moosescloset 🌸🌸 Hello 🌸🌸 Welcome 🌸🌸 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark and thanks for stopping by! 🌸🌸 My name is Kathy and I work @moosescloset, which is shared with my Mom’s “gift closet” treasures, and my daughter Keely - who decided to join all the fun. Please don’t hesitate to send a comment if you have any questions. Take care, be safe and have fun too.
Aug 09Reply
aseel172 Hi! Take a look at my closet and if you find something you like feel free to offer for a reasonable price!:) ill accept it! Also if you make a bundle of 3 things ill give you 20% off.
Aug 14Reply
vqveenv Hi there! I see you like SpongeBob wear. I have some pj's in my closet! Check it out, I accept offers :)
Sep 01Reply
xaniladoh Hi! ♥️ Please feel free to check out my closet and let me know if you have any questions. All reasonable offers will be accepted! 🥰
Oct 27Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🧤It’s nice to meet you🧤 ⭐️💫Hope you find everything you are looking for ⭐️💫 There are many terrific sellers here⭐️💫 🎄☃️Wishing you all the best of luck ☃️🎄
Nov 30Reply
awoww55 Hi Marisa, I noticed that you liked a few listings from other poshers. I love your style! Based on those likes, I think I have a few items that might interest you. Feel free to check out my closet and leave a comment if you have any questions. Happy poshing! 💜
Dec 25Reply
ar0458919 Hi feel free to check out my closet! I have some items I think you might like!! Happy poshing
Jan 07Reply
revealedcloset Hello 🥰 I hope you are having a good time, don't forget to go through my closet and bundle and save, you never know what you might find.
Jan 19Reply
mmyers14428 Hi there! I have a lot of Nike, VS PINK, A&F, etc. in my closet - would love if you checked it out 🌸 Still feeling lucky and discounting this weekend 🤗 ☘️
Mar 21Reply
iseo Hello 👋, Sending Lots of Posh 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍your way . Feel free to take a peek at my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ,Don’t be Shy ☺️ Make me an offer ,I will either Accept or Counter offer .Stop by please 🥰. Happy Poshing and Please Stay Safe . 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Apr 13Reply
cz128 Wow, you have so many likes. Just wanted to let you know that I’m reposhing a dress you liked from @ holdsilly. I would really appreciate it if you could check it out! ❤️‍🔥💗🐊
May 16Reply
clara130798 Hello! I noticed you liked listings with shein. I have some on my account if you wanted to check them out! I’m open to offers.
Jun 09Reply
bclothes17 Hello! Are you still interested in the item you liked in my closet? 😊 The Steve Madden boots . We can work out a price
Jun 28Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? Here I would like to say Hi! Then I can visit your closet and share some of your items too. It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 900+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jun 29Reply
beckysee02 Hi, welcome to Poshmark! I have a great selection of clothes (including PINK, Victoria Secret, and Forever 21), shoes (NIKE), bags (Micheal Kors), BTS merchandise and other brands you might like! Check out my closet and feel free to bundle for a discount! :)
Aug 06Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 ⭐️hope you find everything you are looking for on Poshmark 🛍 Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you the best of luck 🍀
Sep 30Reply
chantel718 Hi-welcome to Poshmark
Apr 25Reply

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Last Active: Aug 17 2021

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Last Active: Aug 17 2021

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