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I live in a small town hence online shopping
I rescue kitties so if you’re lucky you may find a cat hair or 2. 😉 I promise to do my best with the biggest lint roller ever!

12 others
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Hey! Welcome to Poshmark Canada 🇨🇦. Let me know if you have any questions!
Jul 04Reply

Hi Kerry! I live in Canada, hence online shopping... (for brands that are not here 😔)
Jul 16Reply

Hello! You still interested in the jeffery Campbell boots?
Jul 31Reply

@hellobenitay maybe ☺️
Jul 31Reply

@heykayeh I noticed you also tried to buy them about a month back, what's the best offer you can go up to? Alternatively...I'm having 50% off on about 1/3 of my closest...I'll make a deal with you if you purchase more items ☺️
Jul 31Reply

@hellobenitay bless you but sadly I only need boots. I highest I can go is 35 because once I add in the shipping I might as well buy new. Not that I could get those boots new for that price but you know what I mean. Thank you for letting me know about your sale 🤟
Jul 31Reply

@heykayeh ok you still want for $35?
Aug 04Reply

@hellobenitay can I let you know tmr? BIG vet bill looming. Fingers crossed because yes, I’d love them. I’ll know around 14:00 8/5 🤞
Aug 04Reply

@heykayeh oh hope the fur baby is ok! Ok lemme know if you want they're yours☺️
Aug 05Reply

@hellobenitay it cost me a lot of cash to find out she’s old. I may have tipped them off when I said she was 21. Anyway, thank you for your concern, she’s just an old lady that might need diapers. Who doesn’t? 😜 My spending will be haunted for a few weeks but I will track you down 🤗
Aug 06Reply

@heykayeh ❤I know all about elderly pets, we have 3:) ok no problem;)
Aug 06Reply

@heykayeh hi! I can’t go lower on the helmet Lang too because I already reduced it so low sorry.
Jan 29Reply

@kyla_5 no worries Kyla. I shouldn’t be shopping anyway. It’s still snowing 😫
Jan 29Reply

Hi Kerry. Thanks for the shares I really appreciate it.
Apr 03Reply

thank you for your purchase 😊. package has been posted.
Apr 12Reply

@newbfk I saw that, so quick, thank you. Can’t wait to give them to my mom. MK jeans are all she wears 😊
Apr 12Reply

Hi I sent you an offer on your bundle also left you a comment
Apr 13Reply

Hello I just put the boot on clear out for $30 so Poshmark will give you $9.99 shipping if you buy from the new listing price that’s the best deal
Apr 19Reply

@nikjanewood thanks so much. I only sent that 25 to get this rolling again. I have so many friggin vet bills this winter it’s been hard. Yes it’s a snow storm right now(since last night) 😾
Apr 19Reply

Hi there. I just noticed that you’ve bundled several items from my closet. I find that I am unable to make an offer to you but I wanted to let you know that I would accept an $80 offer from you should you care to make one. This represents a very substantial discount. Hope to hear from you. If not Happy Poshing!!!!
Jun 16Reply

@shaibomb hi and thank you very much. When I sort out my cash flow I’ll revisit 😘
Jun 16Reply

@heykayeh Hey welcome to poshmark are you interested in makeup than check out my closet maybe you might find something you like and feel free to make any offer on any item in my closet and have a wonderful day 😊😊😊
Sep 14Reply

@sunitagupta 😎
Sep 14Reply

Hi kerry thanks for the bundle. I made you an offer. Thanks for visiting my closet. Be safe and well.
Oct 10Reply

hi there ! thank you for your purchase ! im so sorry for the delay i will only be able to ship it tonight or tomorrow is it okay? i will be including a free sweater as a gift 😊
Nov 23Reply

@designersstealz 😎
Nov 23Reply

@heykayeh hi there ! just wanted to let you know i just dropped your package 🥰
Nov 25Reply

Good morning Kerry ☺️ Thank you so much for buying these boots! I’m back to work this morning, Holiday is over but I will have them sent off to you tomorrow. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I have. They’re really comfy 😀 Have a great day ☀️
Jan 04Reply

@tanismw hey no worries, we got slammed with snow yesterday so it’s going to be a bit before I can test drive them. I don’t have much luck ordering boots online with my wonky donkey foot but here’s hopin!!! 😘🥳
Jan 04Reply

@heykayeh Hi! I wanted to let you know that the Lady at the Post Office scanned your Parcel for me so it would have been picked up at 5 my time ☺️ Poshmark should update soon. So why do you say you have a Wonkey foot? I sure hope the boots work for you!
Jan 06Reply

Thanks Kayeh! Autocorrect 🙄 Have a good weekend!!
Jan 23Reply

@tanismw I just saw this yikes. The boots are so nice and they fit better than expected. My wonky foot is because my car smashy on Westside rd back in 2010. That was before all the new construction so hopefully it’s been improved. That’s such a bad road.
Jan 23Reply

@lovedwinnipeg 🤟
Jan 23Reply

@heykayeh Hey 😊 That sounds scary, and painful. I’m not sure how much work they’ve done. That road has always been a problem and such a beautiful drive also
I’m so happy they worked out for you! I hope the little click, clank of the giant zipper has grown on you.... I thought of it as little bells saying Here I Am 😃💫 I hope you and your kitties are doing well ❤️
Jan 24Reply

Hey there please feel free to make an offer on anything in my closet I’ll most likely accept 😊
May 30Reply

@eliza11358 🤗 my purse addiction kicked into high gear looking at your bags, but then my bank account hit me upside the head. Negotiations are happening 😂
May 31Reply

@heykayeh 😁
May 31Reply

@heykayeh As you can tell from my closet I too have a purse addiction 😳 it’s bad I have a highboy five drawer dresser and it’s completely stuffed full of handbags that I cannot part with 😂
May 31Reply

two things. Number one: I would love to be as stoned As You Are. number two: show off. remember never too thin no, never too rich. my motto. all good. PS take something else while you're stoned and go for it
Nov 07Reply

Hi there! 👋 Thank you so much for your positive rating! 🤩 I’m so happy you’re pleased with your purchase! 💝 I hope you get a chance to visit the Secondhand Seller closet again soon. 🛍 TTLY✌️
Nov 08Reply

@2ndhand_seller I’m moving in, didn’t I tell you? 😉🤗😘
Nov 08Reply

Thanks for all the shares😊
Dec 13Reply

hey there. sorry about cancelling your order today... I found a tiny tiny snag in the dress and didn't feel comfortable to ship it to you. sorry
Jan 20Reply

@spacec21 poop. Can we negotiate? 😉
Jan 20Reply

@heykayeh I relisted the item with updated pictures of the flaw. I have no idea how it got there... I take good care of my clothes and I barely wore this.
Jan 20Reply

@spacec21 I sent you a message…lol somewhere..now I can’t find it 😂
Jan 20Reply

Hi there! 👋 Thank you so much for your positive rating! 🤩 I’m so happy you’re pleased with your purchase! 💝 I hope you get a chance to visit the Secondhand Seller closet again soon. 🛍 TTLY✌️
Apr 26Reply

@2ndhand_seller 😽
Apr 27Reply

Kerry, thanks for liking my bracelet. Just a friendly reminder that it will only be available until Sunday. If not sold by then I will be donating on Monday. Thanks again for your interest. Have a great day.
Jul 28Reply

@omyeg awww thank you. I usually window shop between vet visits and I see what’s left over. This week is flea prevention 🤗✌️
Sep 20Reply

Hi Kerry,
🩷 It’s always great to connect to another Posher. It would be great if you’d follow me ☺️ My closet contents is made up of all my own personal things. Some brands you’ll recognize and some you likely won’t. When you shop my closet, you’ll receive a 15% discount if you buy 2 items or more. The more you purchase & bundle, the deeper the discount I can offer 😉 ❤️Hope to be in touch with you soon. Momo xx
Jan 27Reply
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