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Shipping most likely the following weekend from when item is sold. In the event that an item is unsold for 1-3 months since first made available, item may be given to local consignment/thrift stores, and post marked “not for sale”. Thanks for stopping by 🍉

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Hi there…
….always great to connect to another Posher ☺️ Come give my closet a peek. Its contents has all my own personal stuff. Very eclectic. Some brands you’ll recognize and some you likely won’t. When you shop my closet, you’ll receive my 15% discount if you buy 2 items or more. Please also use my referral code CALL_ME_MOMO for $15 off your first Posh purchase 🥳
All reasonable offers accepted. Pls no lowball offers 😖
Hope to be in touch with you soon. Momo xx
Nov 26Reply
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