Hi, I'm Ashlee!
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Hello, my name is Ashlee! I'm a born & raised Northern California girl 💁🏼♀️ I'm notorious for ruining perfectly great photo opps, never saying no to a margarita, and telling pups how cute they are. I grew up reading all the fashion magazines & I've been lucky enough to work in the fashion+tech world with Team Posh for the past 11 years (& counting!) Find me on Instagram & Twitter: @_ashleedawn 💋

327 others
like this

Adorable💕 so glad posh has you on their team 😊
Sep 02Reply

@biancarenee You are way too sweet!! 💗 that seriously made my day 😊
Sep 02Reply

Absolutely. Seriously could not have accomplished so much on my closet without you there at the very beginning for me! Thank you 😊
Sep 03Reply

Hi from Stockton. Love your closet
Sep 10Reply

@zil221 Thank you! My hometown is Modesto. :)
Sep 10Reply

@ashleedawn cool, not to far from me!
Sep 10Reply

Hi @ashleedawn would love for u to check out my friend @calbanese closet, brand new posher and could use a host pick! Thanks for considering 😊
Sep 14Reply

nice to meet you ashlee! I'm Jennifer! love the picture!
Sep 15Reply

Congrats on hosting the Posh Party tonight can't wait!!! 🎉🎉🎉
Sep 15Reply

Hi! I'm Elizabeth from Santa Monica, CA. Nice to meet you. I spent a lot of time in San Francisco with a client over the past few years. (I'm a filmmaker.) I love San Francisco!
Sep 15Reply

I will be there to share your closet tonight. Have fun!
Sep 16Reply

Hi Ashlee nice to meet you, I'm Karen! You three are adorable! Thought it was a coincodink that I'm also from from central Cali (Fresyes), work on tech in SF, and my child is a chihuahua (or is he/she a pinscher?). Must be so much fun working at posh!!
Sep 16Reply

@jenangel89 Nice to meet you too! Love your closet 😊
Sep 16Reply

@eholder Great to meet you! I love Santa Monica- such perfect weather all the time ☀️
Sep 16Reply

@auchieau48 So cool! I love finding other central valley kids who are working in tech! I'm from Modesto so not too far from your hometown. & yes, she's a chihuahua-- turned 13 this year! 🐶
Sep 16Reply

Totally, I miss the ginormous parking spots but the Bay Area is irresistible. Awwh mine is 10 and it's like they never age right?! Chis are the best 💕💕
Sep 16Reply

You are my hero! Congratulations on 1M followers!!!
Sep 18Reply

@ashleedawn Hi my name is Renee and I am new to Posh! I would love if you would follow me as I am trying to learn from the best! 💕💞💕
Thank you. Have a beautiful day! ☀️🌞
Sep 24Reply

Lovely closet!💕
Sep 24Reply

Hello, Ashlee! 👋🏼I'm Jan! Great party, Girl!😄🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟😄🌹
Sep 25Reply

Congrats on the Co-Hosting! If you're not too busy, do you mind taking a peek at my closet for any possible host picks? That would mean a lot to me! Happy Poshing!
Sep 25Reply

Hello! Love your closet. Cute pup!!
Sep 25Reply

🎉🎉🎉✨✨🎀👑 Congratulations on Hosting the party!!! Time to party and have some fun🎉✨✨🎉🎊🎉🎈🎈 when u get a chance, pls do take a peek at my items;) I'm relatively new too.. Hope u can share some tips on how to move forward on Poshmark. Would love to have more followers. It might take me forever to get me to where u are at! ;) much love xoxo
Sep 27Reply

@ashleedawn hi! You have such a beautiful closet!
Oct 02Reply

Congratulations on hosting ! I have a ton of jewelry if you can take a look I would appreciate it.Thanks @kimgaffen
Oct 05Reply

That's awesome #teamposh! 🎀 hiii Ashlee🙋
Oct 05Reply

Hi Ashlee - i wish I can go to the event in Nov too. I work in downtown SF :-( but nice to meet you here :-)
Oct 06Reply

Hi Ashlee 🎉🌸 i cant wait for the party tonight - its nice to meet you 😘 i am Christine, i also live in the Central Valley :)
See you around soon ☺️
Oct 06Reply

@ashleedawn What a great closet you have and I see most of your items have sold....wooohhooooo!!! Congrats on hosting tonight. I'm sure it will be a huge success!! If you have a moment it would mean so much if you could take a look at my closet for a potential host pick. Please and thanks! ❤❤❤
Oct 06Reply

Great closet! Would appreciate you looking at my closet if you get a chance luv! 👍
Oct 07Reply

Hi Ashlee, ✨Congratulations on hosting tonight's party ! I'm relatively new and I am looking for a mentor if you will to help me moving forward on Poshmark. If you have the time, would love to hear from you and please do take a look at my closet. I will share a few pieces at tonight's party! Much love . Thank you in advance.
Oct 07Reply

On hosting a party. Please review my closet If you get time. Look forward to supporting you.
Oct 07Reply

Omg! @ashleedawn you're beautiful and so are your lovers! Pup obv included😍👻😘💙💛💛God you rock
Oct 07Reply

Btw my fams from the Bay Area! I'm saving up to finally move out there within a year/year and a half tops! 😍😍😍💃🏻🌟⭐️💖💙😘🎀@ashleedawn
Oct 07Reply

@ashleedawn hi! I love your closet! Do you have any tips for selling faster?
Oct 07Reply

@ashleedawn VERY cute pics!!!! 😍
Oct 07Reply

Hi Im Amy !! Would really appreciate if u cud take a peek at my closet for any possible last minute Hp's . Thank u & God Bless 😘🙏
Oct 07Reply

Hi Ashlee! Nice to meet you. Love your closet and your dog. We just got another little dog, a rescue. She's very tiny and we have no idea what kind of dog she is but she's sweet. Congratulations on cohosting the Best in Skirts and Dresses party today. I was hoping you would take a look at my closet. I have some beautiful dresses. Thanks and have a great day!
Oct 07Reply

Good morning @ashleedawn ! I'm from the Central Valley too but originally from the Bay Area! ☺️ Excited for the Best Skirts and Dresses party today... I'm new at Posh (about just a week and a half old Posher) and it's been amazing connecting with fellow fashion lovers! I hope you check out my closet for the party... Thank you so much! 👗
Oct 07Reply

PS: Love your closet and your little cuddle bug! What a cute dog!
Oct 07Reply

@ashleedawn 🎉🎈💫✨Congratulations on hosting your party! ✨🎉🎈💫🎉🎈💫
Oct 07Reply

Hi there.. Where r u from in the valley? I'm a Fresno state grad and my husband has a medical practice in that area as well. However, we live in Monterey/Carmel area. The weather is muchhhhh better here! 😊
Btw, ur lovely! Have a terrific week! Molly
Oct 12Reply

@mollys3 I'm from Modesto! So not too far from Fresno. You're totally right, the weather is way better in the 831 area. Seaside/Monterey was like my home second home for a while- I love it there!
Oct 12Reply

@ashleedawn Havr u ever heard of Stevinson, Ca? It's not far away from Modesto.
Oct 13Reply

@mollys3 Yep! Out by Hilmar where the bullfights are, right?
Oct 13Reply

@ashleedawn oh my gosh! Yep! My last name is Stevinson. My husbands great, great grandfather was the founder of the little town. He thought it would be the next booming metropolis.. Kinda like San Fransisco, haha! We have a golf course and diary near there so we r in the area once in a while. I much prefer the ocean! 😎
Where are you living now? I'm so nosey! 😏
Oct 13Reply

@mollys3 Oh wow, that's so cool! I'm in the San Jose area now. Very different than the slow valley life. :p
Oct 13Reply

Hi there I'm new to posh, and I wonder is there any phone# I can contact Poshmark instead of email? I never had any response from them and my bag is missing after I shipped it to Poshmark headquarter for authenticity approval. Non-shipping status updated after a full week. I need help please ! :(
Oct 14Reply

@ashleedawn Hi Ashlee I am Renee! I have been here on posh for a little over a month now and I just wanted to reach out and say hello! I am trying to follow in the foot steps of some of the most fantastic Posher's and I believe you are one of them! I hope you have a beautiful day! 😊
Oct 14Reply

@luv2ndfashion Hi! The best way to get in touch is by emailing support(at)poshmark(dot)com. They usually respond within 48 hours. If you don't see a response in your inbox, be sure to double check your spam/junk folder- sometimes they end up there. Hope this helps!
Oct 14Reply

Was your pic taken at Natural Bridges in SC?!
Nov 13Reply

Hay doll 🙈 congrats on being tonight's party host 🙈 check out my closet who knows you might find something worthy of a 🎉HP🎉🌚❓
Nov 13Reply

@kedybee8 Close! Its Shark Fin Cove by Davenport.. just north of SC. Definitely recommend it if you've never been. Its just as gorgeous as Natural Bridges but with less crowds ;)
Nov 13Reply

I've been to Davenport and near it (Scott Creek Beach), but I've never heard of that beach! I must try it! Thanks!
Nov 13Reply

Hello and congrats on hosting. Not sure if you're still in need of host picks for the party, but I certainly have some skirts/dresses fitting for the theme. Please and thanks!!! Wishing nothing but success on posh!!!!
Nov 13Reply

Nice to officially meet you at PoshFest this year😊
Nov 15Reply

@gemmas_treasure So great meeting you as well! 😘 Can't believe PoshFest has already came and went
Nov 18Reply

Yes!!! It flew by so quickly!! It was also hard to believe it had been a year between the this year, and the one before!
Nov 18Reply

Hope that you’re surrounded with the love of your family and dear ones on this festive season. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Nov 26Reply

Check out my closet!! :)
Dec 06Reply

Great closet ✌🏼️💗☀️
Dec 08Reply

Your closet is STUNNING!!!!!
Dec 08Reply

happy posh'n closet is gorgeous xO -eatprayluv
Dec 16Reply

Love pictures! Happy Holidays love.
Dec 22Reply

@stregr Hi! Sorry, just now seeing your questions. You can tag a user while leaving a comment by typing the @ symbol before their username e.g. @username and it will automatically be linked to their profile. Just like Twitter and Instagram. Hope this helps!
Jan 04Reply

Love your closet ! I'm from the Bay Area too isn't it beautiful here ? :)
Jan 08Reply

Hi Ashlee and I hope you are enjoying Poshmark so far! If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Stop by and visit me sometimes, too.💜
Feb 04Reply

What the heck! I thought you were selling Tyler for a minute! 🤔🤗😂😂 Love the pics and nice to meet you!😱🤓
Feb 05Reply

@mommagomes 🙄👊🏼😘
Feb 05Reply

@crystalgavin Hi! I only accept payment through Poshmark, which is any credit card. Thanks!
Feb 05Reply

Congratulations on co-hosting!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Would love if you could check out my closet, I am Posh compliant and have great selection 👌🏼 Thank you and see you at the party!! 💃🏻
Feb 18Reply

@ashleedawn beautiful pictures. Please check out my closet for some great finds. Have a great day!
Feb 18Reply

on cohosting
if you have a moment, please check out my closet. i have a few 🛍FASHION FAVES👠 worthy picks. i can't wait to see all of your picks tomorrow!
Feb 18Reply

Hi! I love your closet and just wanted to say a quick congrats on hosting tomorrow!🎉 I have some gorgeous and unique items that would be perfect for your party!
Feb 18Reply

Your pup... so cute! 😊 congrats on cohosting tomorrow btw - have fun!
Feb 18Reply

ADORE your closet! XO ❤️
Feb 18Reply

Congrats on hosting - have a blast. Please take a look at my closet for a possible host pick...today is my birthday, and it would mean a lot:)!!!
Feb 18Reply

Hi, congrats on hosting! Please take a moment to look at my Posh compliant closet for a possible HP. Thank you!
Feb 18Reply

Hi congrats on hosting the party tonight! Please take a look in my closet for possible host picks ❤️
Feb 18Reply

WOOT WOOT!!! 🎉🎉🎉 It's TONIGHT, ASHLEE!!! So excited for your parteeey!! 🍻🎉✨🍸🌼 I hope you have an awesome time. I know I will ❤ If you have any more spots for your host pick, I'd be so honored if you can come and visit my new, Posh compliant closet. Thank you 💕
Feb 18Reply

Congrats on your upcoming party!! Hosting seems like a lot of fun! You have a beautiful closet too!
Feb 18Reply

Congrat's! on your party. Wishing you much success and fun!! Wow you have a lot of sales, that is awesome! I am fairly new and having a blast with the parties. I love to share and see everyone benefit and do great!! Have fun tonight!
Feb 18Reply

Congrats on hosting tonight! Please check my closet for possible host pick; )
Feb 18Reply

IT'S HERE, ASHLEE!!! 😱😱😱 THREE MORE HOURS TO GO!! 🔜🕘 WOO HOOO!!! Can't wait for your party to start!! 🍻🎉✨🍸🌼 I'll definitely be there to shop and share your fabulous Host Picks!!! 🍻😘 If you have any more spots for your host pick, I'd be so honored if you can come and visit my new, Posh compliant closet. Thank you 💕
Feb 18Reply

💕😄🎉🎉CONGRATS ON HOSTING! I'd love it if you could check out my closet for a host pick! I'm excited to see what you pick tonight🎉😍😄💕!
Feb 19Reply

Congrats on hosting a party tonight...!!! please take a lil look in my closet for any possible host picks..! I'll be shopping, reposting and having fun!!! have a great time!!
Feb 19Reply

Hey! I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your closet! So cute. Have a good night.
Feb 19Reply

Gorgeous closet & super cute dog 🐶
Feb 19Reply

🎉❤️🎉Congrats on hosting!!! 🎉❤️🎉
Feb 19Reply

Yay! Congrats on hosting!! Please check out my closet if you get a chance! I have some awesome designer pieces as well as great staples for less! Thank you! Xo😘
Feb 19Reply

💁🏻 I know you are super busy 😊 can you check out my closet for possible HP. PLEASE😁💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Feb 19Reply

Great closet girly! Love the party ur hosting, feel free to check my closet I have shared some of my most liked items :) xoxo.
Feb 19Reply

I'm from the Bay Area too! would love it if you'd check my closet out for a possible host pick! I've been on vacation for a bit so could use some exposure. thanks hun! ✌️💜
Feb 19Reply

Congrats on hosting! I hope you're having a blast 🎉🎉🎉 Enjoy the rest of the party! Woohoo! 🎀💕
Feb 19Reply

Congrats on hosting your party 🎉🎉🎉 Happy Poshing! 💕
Feb 19Reply

Congratulations on hosting a party! I have some pieces in my closet that I'm sure you'll love! 💕 My closet is 100% compliant with the rules and I'm working on it everyday! My goal is to become a posh party hoster and suggested user like you! Way to go! Thanks for being such an inspiration! 💕
Feb 19Reply

Congratulations!!! How exciting!💕 If you're in need of last minute host picks, please take a look at my closet!
Also, take a peek at these gorgeous closets!
Enjoy! 💕
Feb 19Reply

Congrats on being selected as a party host! 🎉
Feb 19Reply

Love your closet😍🐶🐾
Feb 20Reply

Love your closet and I'm looking forward to your upcoming party! 🎉🎉🎉. Feel free to check out my closet for some great NWT makeup! 💓💓💓
Mar 29Reply

Congratulations on co hosting the party today. Please checkout my closet for a possible HP, thank you❣☺️
Mar 30Reply

HI, I think I got to meet you at Poshfest 2013? In LV? Or maybe it was 2012?
Mar 30Reply

@wenrella Yep! At the first PoshFest in Vegas in 2013 :)
Mar 30Reply

@sayysha Thank you! 😘
Apr 29Reply

Hi Ashlee, I am new to Poshmark and am kind of having a hard time with the whole covershot thing. Any tips?
Jun 02Reply

@youngminimalist Hi! Your covershots actually look great! 😊 If you want to brighten them up a bit, I suggest the free app VSCO. Let me know if you have any questions!
Jun 05Reply

@ashleedawn nice to meet you! Beautiful and love your closet.
Jul 12Reply

Go #TeamPosh 👍 Your dog is so cute & CHIC 🐶 lol xoxo
Jul 12Reply

Thanks for the shoutout tonight! -Mo🌵
Jul 13Reply

Nice to meet you! I only started posting on 7/4 still trying to get the hang of it!!! ❤️
Jul 13Reply

Ashlee, Hello, Hello, Hello Love, nice to meet you on PoshMark. 💖💖💖💖
Jul 21Reply

Hi Ashlee, just stopping in to say hello😍💕
Aug 12Reply

I would be honored if you would check out my closet for possible Host Pick ☺ Happy Poshing!
Sep 06Reply

@ashleedawn Hi!! Congrats on hosting! Love your closet and will definitely be sharing during the party ☺️ Will you please consider my closet for a HP? I would be SO grateful 🙋🏻💕🎉
Sep 08Reply

@ashleedawn 🎉🎈Congrats on hosting your upcoming party! Your closet is absolutely fabulous and has some great items. Please stop by my closet to consider selecting a Host Pick! Happy Poshing!!🎈🎉
Sep 08Reply

Love your closet!! Good luck hosting tonight! 😊
Sep 08Reply

Congrats on hosting! I would love a host pick. Happy hosting!!! @ashleedawn
Sep 08Reply

Thanks for the Hp tonight! OMG your dog is adorable ❤️
Sep 09Reply

Party time! I'm new to Posh, and loving it! Would love if you had a chance to look at my closet!
Sep 09Reply

Congratttts on your parrrrrTAY! ✌🏻️🎉✌🏻️🎉 Let me know if u find any HPs in my closet! 💋❌⭕️
Sep 09Reply

@ashleedawn Great party. Hope it exceeded hour expectations 😊🎉🎉🎉🎉❤️
Sep 09Reply

@ashleedawn whooo! how do u get over 1 million followers? that is seriously impressive!
Oct 07Reply

Hi love! Is that a chihuahua in your picture!? I have one too! You have an awesome closet! I Would love it if you could check out my closet for a possible host pick at tomorrow's party you're hosting!!🎉🎉😘😘💕💕
Dec 01Reply

Hi Ashlee! So excited to party tomorrow 😊👯 I would be so honored if you would consider my compliant closet for a possible host pick. I have some super cute designer holiday dresses and as a newbie getting my first host pick would mean so much😍😍!! Wishing you HAPPY HOLIDAYS and HAPPY POSHING ❤️
Dec 01Reply

Congratulations on your party 🎉 I hope you'll have a blast. Please check out my closet for possible HP 😍😘🎉🎊🍾🎈
Dec 01Reply

Congrats on your party 💕💕💕
Dec 01Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. thanks ❤️
Dec 01Reply

Congrats on hosting such an awesome party... I hope you have a great time & wish you many sales. I know you are probably super busy & overwhelmed (I know I was when I hosted). But if you have a minute, i would seriously appreciate if you could check out my closet for a possible host pick :))) I have shared all of my Holiday favorites to the top of my closet to make things easier for you! xoxoxo
Dec 01Reply

@ashleedawn Hi Ashlee, I'm Katie. Just joined in January, but I'm addicted already 👠👗👛 I hear ya on the margarita, but boy would I love to have a good merlot in the middle of Napa Valley someday 🍷😍
Dec 01Reply

@christysfashion Great eye! Yes, she's a chihuahua. 14 years old so she's a bit of a granny these days. Love your closet! Be sure to tune into our live stream of the Posh Party tonight on Facebook at 7pm PT >> Facebook.com/Poshmark :)
Dec 01Reply

@kasohio Ohhh yesss! Nothing beats a midday glass of wine in Napa during the summer!
Dec 01Reply

@ashleedawn awww I have a 13 year old Yorkie too so I understand. My chihuahua is only 5. 🐶 I didn't know it was live on facebook thanks for letting me know!😘
Dec 01Reply

Hello! Aloha <3
Dec 01Reply

Omg absolutely loved the live video tonight ❤️would love to be a part of promoting Poshmark!
Dec 02Reply

Congrats on hosting!! 🎉 If you still need some last-minute host picks, I would love if you checked out my closet! 💕
Dec 06Reply

Congratulations for the party tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Dec 06Reply

Hi! Love your closet!
Dec 06Reply

Congratulations on hosting!! I am a new posher and I would be honored if you considered my closet for a host pick. See you at the party 💖😊🛍
Dec 06Reply

Dec 07Reply

hi! sorry i wasn't sure how to message you after we spoke at the party last night. so i sent you an instagram message. please let me know if today or tomorrow is better ❤️
Dec 07Reply

Hi @ashleedawn , I love your closet! ✌🏾️😍
Jan 21Reply

Beautiful closet!! 🙌🏻😊✨🛍
Feb 05Reply

I appreciate this app so much and I'm so glad to have stumbled upon someone who is a part of the poshmark team! Your closet gets me motivated! 🙏🏻💖
Feb 24Reply

Woohoo! I was born and raised in Fresno and have lived in the Bay Area since 1996. 😊 Your closet is awesome!! 💕
Feb 24Reply

@l2gpopup So happy to hear you're enjoying PM! 😘
Feb 24Reply

@shopsarahkate You're too sweet! I love finding other Central Valley girls on here. My hometown is Modesto ☺️ Love your style!
Feb 24Reply

@ashleedawn That's awesome!! And thank you!! 😘
Feb 25Reply

How do you get started working at Posh?
Mar 11Reply

@aprilfashion101 Check out our Careers pages- we're always growing & hiring! >> poshmark.com/careers
Mar 12Reply

Thank you!
Mar 12Reply

So great to put a face to the incredibly sweet lady!! Oh my goodness!! Look at all your followers!!! I'm so jealous!!💕💕💕
Mar 14Reply

Wanted to stop by and say how much I LOVE your closet!! Such dope pieces! I've got my eye on a few things :)
Mar 31Reply

@brieharding you're too sweet! 😘
Apr 01Reply

Hi there! 👋🏼 So happy to make a new Poshmate with such a cute closet! 😊 Also I am a huge Green Bay fan!
May 25Reply

Love your page! Curated nicely! 👍🏼
Jun 02Reply

Hello! Just wanted to stop by to say that you have a beautiful closet! Happy poshing! 😊🌸❤
Jun 11Reply

@ashleedawn fabulous girl!! 🙌🏼💗💗💗💗😘😘
Jul 05Reply

You are too cute!!! Also go pack go!!!
Jul 31Reply

@ashleedawn haha Modesto!! I'm from Merced.. what a small world. I live in Virginia Beach now.
Aug 27Reply

@fischerfrau @ashleedawn Holy cow! It really IS a small world! I used to live in VA Beach AND Modesto CA! How weird is that?! Ex was stationed on NAS Oceana for 4 years back in the early 90's (I'm really showing my age here). After his enlistment, we moved to CA where he was from (Tuolumne), and we lived in Modesto for almost 4 years. And then I moved back to my Michigan hometown! Small, small world indeed! 😊🌸🐘
Sep 13Reply

@pink_elephants oh wow!! Yeah small world. My hubby is stationed over here a little creek. Def a small world!! Never been to Michigan before. But wow, that's crazy we have that in common.
Sep 13Reply

Hi I'm Shirley I'm loving Poshmark so far
Sep 18Reply

I want to do what you have done with Poshmark! I got to the top of another company, and I recognize that same fire in my gut with Poshmark. Thanks for being inspirational! If you ever want to take on a Posh mentee, pick me! 👋🏽# visionboard #whenigrowup 💞💞
Dec 13Reply

@ashleedawn 💫Hi Ashlee, I reached out to you via IG and sent you a DM. Really hoping you’ll be able to provide some insight. Thanks so much 💫
Mar 02Reply

@ashleedawn Awesome panel! So helpful! Thank you for moderating!
Oct 12Reply

@materialgurl99 Hi! If you are unsure, please have it authenticated by a third party or cancel the order. Selling counterfeit items is a violation of Federal Law and you are liable even if you are unaware that the item you are selling is not authentic. I'm pretty bummed since your listing stated it was authentic.
Oct 19Reply

I saw your name in a 2014 posh event that you participated "With a Smile: Team Posh Shares its Customer Service Secrets:
Oct 23Reply

Hi, I saw that you have knowledge of posh etiquette. I am in a very uncomfortable situation - would love your advice. Seller @ jbier, doesn't want to ship a Tiffany item that I accepted to buy via her own initiated offer.
Oct 23Reply

Instead, she offered another Tiffany replacement, but before I could even consider any item to exchange with - she withdrew that offer and asked me to replace with other non-Tiffany items which I am not interested in. Seems like a bate and switch! Is she obligated to send me the original item I purchased? Should I report the seller for "unsupported item?' This all just seems wrong and doesn't leave me with a positive feeling.
Oct 23Reply

@jens_corner Hi! So sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like there may have been an honest mistake on the seller's end involving the original item you purchased. To make it easier on you both, I would recommend asking her to cancel the order so you can receive a refund. I know it isn't the ideal experience, but I'm sure you'll find something else just as great if not better! If you any additional questions, Poshmark support is a great resource > support (at) poshmark (dot) com
Oct 23Reply

Thanks for the advice. At first, I was very sympathetic but then she kept changing her mind - to any offer she initiated. Finally, I just stopped answering at it seems like she was having her own monologue. Very disturbing. Would hate any other buyer to experience what I just went through. Thanks though.
Oct 23Reply

🎉🎉Congratulations on co hosting tomorrow!!!! Enjoy celebrating together!! ~Claudia 🎉🎉
Oct 28Reply

Why hello, Ashlee! Congratulations on hosting your Best in Bags party tomorrow! Could I invite you to view my Posh compliant closet for a potential host pick? For ease, my bag listings will be grouped by department. Thank you, and good luck for your party!
Oct 28Reply

Congrats on hosting Best in Bags tomorrow! I’ll be there with B҉E҉L҉L҉S҉ 🛎 on!! I’d be honored if you took a peek at my Posh 🌹compliant 🌹closet for a possible Host Pick. If you don’t mind, I’d lie to share ONE item to your closet 😊. Thank you!!!
Oct 28Reply

hi...love ur intro...im kinda new to poshmark and honestly never paid alot of,attention to the invites that have appeared in my memos until i saw Best Bags! i have,a huge bag fetish...id buy s great bag before id buy new clothes. lol...i saw u were a host to this "party " and i hoped u cud help me understand what it means and is it,something that cud assist me in selling my bags and also introducing me to some cute bags, too??
Oct 28Reply

❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕
I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party tomorrow !! ❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕
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Oct 28Reply

Hi Ashlee! Welcome back from PoshFest!! Hope I can join next one...sounds so fun and instructive. Congratulations hosting tomorrow Best in Bags...Best Party!!!💕🎊🎈🎉💃🥂👜 I’ll be honored and grateful you browse my compliant closet for a HP😉😊🤗💕 Thank you so much for your time and see you then to cheer, share and have fun!! 🎊🎈🎉💃🥂👜🎊🎈🎉💃🥂👜💕💕
Oct 29Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉
please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Oct 29Reply

- [ ] Congrats on hosting the Best in Bags party! If you get a chance please consider reviewing my closet for host picks. Thank you so much and I appreciate your consideration. You have an amazing closet 💚
Oct 29Reply

Thank you for hosting another posh party!! Shared some of your lovely items!
Oct 29Reply

Hi there, Great closet! I have many fantastic bags in my closet and would really appreciate if you would consider any for your host pick. Thanks 😊🌸
Oct 29Reply

Your furbaby is absolutely adorable!🐾❤
Nov 08Reply

Gorgeous photos he seem like such a happy person really enjoyed my first visit your closet I will visit often I will bring friends and I will happily share. Keep up the good work and happy new year
Dec 28Reply

Hi, Any pointers on how to gain more followers? I see you have SO many. Love your pictures and closet is nice.
Jan 07Reply

Hi Ashlee, Congrats on hosting the Men’s Style Party!🎉 Please consider anything in my closet as a HP! Thanks! 😄💕
Jan 07Reply

🌵🌸🌵Can’t wait to PARTY with you! Please check out my closet when you have the chance! 🌵🌸🌵
Jan 07Reply

🎉🎈🎊💃🥂Youhouuuuu🎊🎈🎉💃🥂 and Congratulations hosting tonight’s Men’s style Party!!🎊🎈🎉💃😂💕I’ll be there to celebrate, cheering and sharing!!🎊🎈🎉🥂💃💕🎊🎈🎉💃🥂💕🎊🎈🎉💃👍💕💕
Jan 08Reply

Congrats on hosting the closet crush party tomorrow 🎉🎉please check out my closet for potential host pick😊thanks😊
Jan 08Reply

Congrats!!! Please check out my closet if you are still looking for host picks😊
Jan 08Reply

Hi 👋
Jan 08Reply

🎉 Congrats on the party! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Would love for you to check out my closet for a host pick! I have some super cute clothes, shoes and accessories to choose from! Appreciate it! 🎉
Jan 08Reply

@ashleedawn Congratulations! If you have time to look at my closet I would be honored and grateful. Thank you and Posh blessings 💕
Also, please check out my “Closet Crush of the Week” @louannajag 🥰
Jan 08Reply

Hey(: I was wondering if you'd consider choosing me as a host pick for the closet crush party, I have some cute clothes that could be a good choice. Thankyou! And congrats on your party!
Jan 08Reply

I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting Your Very Own party !!!
❤️💕Can't wait to party and celebrate your day! Xo. -Kat
Jan 08Reply

Hi Ashlee! New to Posh. Almost 2 months in and moving right along. I would love it if you would take a peek at my closet. I've added a lot of items over the past week. Would love to be considered for a Host Pick! Thanks so much!
Jan 08Reply

@ashleedawn congratulations on your Co-hosting! 🍾🎉🍾🎉 I can't wait to see all of your pics! You have a gorgeous closet! 🤩 Thank you for making the Poshmark Community so amazing! ❤️
Jan 08Reply

Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉
please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Jan 08Reply

CONGRATS!!! Have a FAB TIME!!! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🎈🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 Please Check Out My Closet if You are Still Looking. THX. ❤️
Jan 08Reply

Please take a look at my closet. I have some fabulous items, most are NWT at fantastic prices. Thank you!!
Jan 08Reply

Hello @ashleedawn Congratulations on hosting! I'm not sure if you are still looking for host picks but if you would be willing to check out my closet ( @projectmode ) I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully you'll find something that qualifies for your host pick. Thank you for your time. Have a great day and congratulations!!
Jan 08Reply

Congratulations on hosting! If you’re still looking for host picks, I would be so appreciative if you took a peek in my closet. I hope you have a blast hosting & Happy Poshing! XOXO -Emily
Jan 08Reply

Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? I really appreciate the consideration and i hope you have a great party!
Jan 08Reply

Hi Ashlee!
Your beach and dog picture look amazing! I would live to have been born, raised, or currently living in California. I would be so appreciative if you would pick something from my closet for a Posh Pick in tonight’s party. I’m an aspiring Posh Ambassador, still working on my first sale. Happy Poshing you wonderful Californian!
Jan 08Reply

Congratulations on HOSTING!! If you get a min. would you mind checking my closet out for possible HOST PICK? I love getting those so much the first time I cried lol!! It’s quite an honor in my mind!! @gigi11155? ❤️👍😊
Jan 09Reply

Congratulations on hosting your party! I absolutely love your closet ♡ if you have time, please check out my posh compliant closet! 😘
Jan 09Reply

Hi Ashlee,Congrats on hosting the Closet Crush Party!🎉 Please consider 7 for all mankind jeans (at the top of my closet) or anything in my closet as a HP! Thanks! 😄💕
Jan 09Reply

Good evening I just shared a few items please return the favor happy poshhing
Jan 09Reply

Congratulations on co-hosting today's party!🎊🎉🎊🎉 Have fun and hope you can stop by my closet for a possible HP😶 Blessings! -Liz
Jan 09Reply

This is the raddest pic I have seen in a hot minute good job
Jan 09Reply

Would love for you to check out my closet as you’re looking for host picks 💕
Happy poshing 🛍
Jan 09Reply

👚👒🕶👗👜👖Hey! Congrats on hosting the CLOSET CRUSH Party...I'll be there. 💕 I've just listed some STELLAR items to share. Do you have time to take a look at my closet to find Host Picks? 💕I'm a Top Sharer 💕 on Poshmark, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, Pintrest & Facebook. 💎✨💎I'm a POSH Ambassador & my closet is compliant; I'm 5-🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Seller.💎💎💎💎💎 C u at the Party!💎💎 💎✨💎✨ 👜👖👗🕶👒
Jan 09Reply

Your pics made me happy. Cute couple, friends, and of course little dogie! :)
Jan 09Reply

Heyyy!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Congrats on Hosting! Just wanted to stop by & say hi! ✨ Can't wait to check out your closet! 💞I would love the possibility to be a potential host pick!🤞🏻 Hope you're having a great day!🎉 Xo
Jan 09Reply

Congrats on hosting! Please check out my closet if you’re still searching for a Host Pick! 🥳💖💖
Jan 09Reply

Congrats on hosting tonight’s Closet Crush Party! 🎉 if you have the time, I’d appreciate it if you browsed through my closet for worthy ⭐️Host Picks!⭐️ Thanks!! 💜 Kaila
Jan 09Reply

Thanks for the pick! I miss you and hope all is well! ❤️
Jan 09Reply

@chicgeek_ Miss you too!! ❤️❤️
Jan 10Reply

Hi, I love your style and charisma. Cute closet too! I I hope to get to that point where I’m on Poshmark for six years and as successful as you are! How does one get invited to the posh fest and all of that? Xoxo And happy poshing!
Jan 24Reply

Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Feb 24Reply

@ashleedawn Hi girl great style💕💕💕Appreciate it u take a peek in my closet.
Mar 08Reply

Yay! Congrats on hosting!! Please check out my closet if you get a chance! I have some awesome designer pieces as well as great staples for less! Thank you! -posh6_threads
Mar 15Reply

🌟Congratulations on your posh party!🌟
Mar 15Reply

❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕
I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕
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Mar 15Reply

@ashleedawn - Congrats on hosting the EVERYTHING PETITES PARTY! Please check out my closet for a Host Pick. I have lots of stylish petite items! Thanks!
Mar 15Reply

🦄!!!!!!Congratulations on co- hosting!!!!🦄
🍾Please check out my PFF’S closets! 🍾
🏆🏆🏆(they are AWESOME)🏆🏆🏆
🥳🥳Whoot whoot! Let’s party🥳🥳
💃🏼Thank you & we can’t wait to party with you! 💃🏼
Mar 16Reply

Congrats on hosting! Take a look at my closet if you’re searching for some host picks! It would mean so much to me! Thank you! 😊
Mar 16Reply

💕💕💕Congratulations on co-hosting💕💕💕Time to PARTY❣️❣️❣️ Please check out my fabulous PFF’s closets😍😍😍 @bwood8🎉 @sarahm021🎉 @kmed2🎉 @ebartles1🎉 @deezshoppin🎉 @seda_carla🎉 @honeyvault🎉@leah78zinkhan🎉 @styleisdun1975🎉 @studioposh🎉 @poshsteph9🎉 We’re ready to party with you❣️❣️❣️
Mar 16Reply

Congratulations girl!!! Goes to show you anything you set your mind to you can achieve!!!! And always set next his higher then the last!!!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Mar 16Reply

Hello @ashleedawn Congratulations on hosting! I'm not sure if you are still looking for host picks but if you would be willing to check out my closet ( @projectmode ) I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully you'll find something that qualifies for your host pick. Thank you for your time. Have a great day and congratulations!!
Mar 16Reply

THANK YOU for hosting the (Your 1st! 🏅 Woohooo!!!!) Everything 👗👚 👖 👙👕 Petite Party today! 💋 Small things – 🎈 🎀 🎈 – BIG FUN! Hope you have a GREAT EVENT! 💕 Cindy from the 🌳 🌳 Forest! Best Wishes from @aclosetdeposit too!
Mar 16Reply

I would love for you to consider one of my items for the party. If not one of my items, then an item from one my PFFs: @mymothersearth @1threadatatime
Mar 16Reply

Wow 😲 you’re a Poshing inspiration 🔝🎉👏 I would be so excited 😆 if you would check out my closet for a possible host pick for the petite party. ❤️ I just started Poshing ☝️ month ago and I’m having so much fun 🍾 How do you get to Host a party 🎈? I would love 💗 to be a host. Happy Poshing 👚👜👠🧢👙👛👗
Mar 16Reply

@ashleedawn Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick. I've moved all of my petite items to the front of my closet to make it easy to see what I have😀
Mar 16Reply

wow...my jaw actually dropped when I clicked on your closet and saw how many followers you have and how beautiful you have made it! Hopefully, some day I'll get to host a party like you. In the mean time, I'm going to be there sharing!!! :)
If you get a chance, check out my petite stuff!
Mar 16Reply

Congrats on hosting ✨ I’d love for you to look at my closet for host picks. Happy poshing!!
Mar 16Reply

Congrats !!! Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks!
Mar 16Reply

Congrats !!! Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks!
Mar 16Reply

Congrats !!! Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks!
Mar 16Reply

Congrats !!! Please consider my closet when choosing your host picks!
Mar 16Reply

🦋Hi! I’m so glad you’re hosting the everything petites party right now! I’ve got darling things that could be used for host pics; could you take a quick look? Thanks so much! I’ll see you at the party.🦋Tricia, Poshmark Ambassador Top Sharer on Twitter, INSTAGRAM, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest & Poshmark!🌹
Mar 16Reply

Happy Saturday! Congrats on hosting a party tonight!! I would be delighted if you would consider my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks so much and happy poshing and hosting!! 💕❤️💕
Mar 16Reply

Hi and happy poshing!
May 21Reply

Hi hon! I’m glad I stumbled upon your closet! I grew up in Lafayette, so a Northern Cali girl, too!
I wanted to take a moment to suggest my daughter and I’s closet to you-
We have a mix of IRO, Maje, Dior, Alice + Olivia, Louboutin, Veronica Beard, Reformation, j crew, kate spade, and so much more. Many of our items are NWT. 🤗
Enjoy the upcoming weekend!
XOXO- Teresa
Sep 26Reply

Hi Ashley, Do you know when and where Poshfest will be for 2020 yet? Please let me know so I can plan accordingly! Thank you!!
Feb 22Reply

STUNNING closet. You are an inspiration! Hope you have an excellent weekend. Happy Poshing. 😊
Feb 29Reply

💕💕🌸Cute closet and even cuter dog ! 🌸🌸💕
Jun 24Reply

@mockingbird49 aw thanks! She just turned 18 yrs old but she still looks like a young pup 😂
Jun 26Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 21Reply

Ahhh! 😍 imma chi mom of two ♥️ love them
Apr 12Reply

👋🏻 Hi, just to tell you that we have art 🎨, an art books 📚, visit us. 👍🏻
Apr 13Reply

Hi! Hope you’re having an amazing day/night.
Just wanted to leave a message saying to check out my closet when you can!💜 any items with a 🌸 can be now bundled for 7/$25! Usually it’s 5/$25 but I have a deal going on until July 21.
Every order comes with extra products like samples, stickers, etc.
Jul 15Reply

Oct 26Reply

Hi Ashlee, Has been on Poshmark for
awhile, just getting a bit more serious now. I'm hoping to learn from you, though. Thank you NaNa
Nov 07Reply
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