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Updated May 03
Updated May 03

Hi I'm Mindy ❤️ Suggested User ❤️

Meet the Posher



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Hi, I'm Mindy & I love selling online , I have done over 10,000 transactions Online in over 6 years with 100% positive feedback & over 10,000 transaction. Love me SHARE me & Like my listings. My goal is to be your GO TO GIRL for all your New & gently Used Clothing, accessories, Shoes & Boots LOVE LOVE LOVE the BOOTS. Look at my huge Selection of Boots, Moto, Lace Up & Over The Knee being my FAVS! You Go GURL! ( thats my daughter talking ) OK I'm Done
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susansupernova 😍😍😍😘
Apr 11Reply
susansupernova Hehehe you crack me up!
Apr 12Reply
richbororiches @sollyluna even in this pic she's wearing my FP hooded fur vest
Apr 19Reply
aprils2ndcloset Fabulous closet! I am happy that we are connected on Poshmark! 😊💖
Apr 19Reply
richbororiches @aprils2ndcloset I'm new here but not new selling online . I found this site by accident I didn't even know it existed . I have tons of FP inventory but I want to concentrate on selling in the plus size market in not plus but I gained weight when I stopped taking medication . Even though things still fit me sorta I realized that I needed more room . I have since lost the weight but the plus size market is def lacking in variety and cool stuff
Apr 19Reply
aprils2ndcloset You are so right! I have so many ladies that request plus sizes and whenever I list them they sell out quite quickly. I think that you are going to be successful with that market. I was a consultant & buyer in international apparel before returning to grad school to pursue my PhD, so Poshmark has been the perfect way for me to still stay involved in the fashion industry. 😊
Apr 19Reply
lauras_boutique 💝💐Hello I'm Laura, and it's so nice to meet you!😘I love poshmark, fashion, shopping and meeting other posher's!😍❤️I live in Michigan with an amazing hubby and 4 sweet kitty furry babies that we adore!😍🐱You have a beautiful closet, and I would love to stay in touch!❤️Have a lovely day and happy poshing! Laura💐💝
Apr 24Reply
richbororiches @lauras_boutique hi Laura Im overwhelmed with love & support, I would love to be friends , I'm bringing all my listings here all 1300 of them stay turned!!!!!
Apr 24Reply
tamaralite Welcome to Poshmark! I live near a Richboro PA, is that near you? I love your closet btw, I am a free people nut.
May 01Reply
wenrella Its nice 2 meet U ✌Love your closet!
May 03Reply
uniquelysherrie @richbororiches .....Well, you're a beautiful 56 year young woman! Proud to know you, even with snags along the way! We all have them. It's just that some of us get snagged a little more/ little less than others, but we all want love, respect & to prosper! Glad we crossed paths! I replied under your listing since we were meeting/greeting one another. (Smile ). ....Well, have a great night! 😉 😇 😙 💞 💟
May 11Reply
richbororiches @uniquelysherrie well it's a wonderful pleasure to meet you , late on the east coast talk tomorrow!!!!!
May 11Reply
trendycutedeals Cute 💗
May 16Reply
cmjla Hi Mindy. I see you've been busy!! Wow so many great new pieces!! Love!! ❤️
May 19Reply
lmalinowski @richbororiches I'm obsessed with your closet! I want to share every piece! I'm here to mostly sell but I'm LOVING that free ppl red kimono 😍 I'll keep my eye on it!
May 29Reply
tat2kitn 💗💗💗
Jun 01Reply
wendy_huber96 @richbororiches Welcome To Poshmark Mindy!! I think you will do well!! Your closet is amazing!!! Have a blessed one! 💕
Jun 04Reply
momo513p Hi, Mindy! Your closet is amazing! You must of put a lot of time into your pictures. Amazing😊👍💖
Jun 06Reply
richbororiches @momo513p thank you so much, it's kinda a passion . If there is anything you want I will work with you for sure ❤️
Jun 06Reply
momo513p @richbororiches Thank you! I will keep looking and let you know. Everything is beautiful! !!
Jun 06Reply
linsleppo So cute!
Jun 08Reply
richbororiches @linsleppo thank you thats my baby girl who is 22 Tay ❤️list complete!!!
Jun 08Reply
inik You 2 are so cute, love the pics!!
Jun 09Reply
richbororiches @inik im the old blonde , you got that?
Jun 09Reply
inik 😊 2 look like sisters😘 my boys are 26 and 19 and i raised my nephew who calls mom 29.. But now, everyone's out on their own and its this old ladies😆
Jun 09Reply
richbororiches @inik thanks, I'm 56 and you?
Jun 09Reply
inik No way!! I would never believe it!! Keep doing what your doing😊 I'm 43 , but i really think this is the most in my life that i have ever done for me.. I felt guilty at first but I'm really enjoying it😆..i had my first very young.
Jun 09Reply
richbororiches @inik TY here's a few tips , stay out of the sun , keep your hair long as long as you can for as long as you can , cover up any gray often and don't wear makeup everyday . For some reason they say make up messes with your skin if you over use ?? Oh , big one : dressing in Boho aka Free People works for me and don't get tripped up with old lady shoes . I wear frye boots a lot . At least I always look young from the back
Jun 09Reply
inik Fantastic advice!!! Will do!! Have a great day my new friend!! 😘
Jun 09Reply
allisonott8520 @inik lol!! Your conversation cracked me up!
Jun 10Reply
richbororiches @allisonott8520 haha join the conversation
Jun 10Reply
515evelyn @richbororiches Amazing closet 😘💕‼️
Jun 12Reply
bellafiore4 @richbororiches mindy you have a amazing closet I love love love it 💞💞💞💞
Jun 12Reply
ddstorm @richbororiches Hi Mindy, I'm Diana. So nice to meet you😍. Happy Poshing💞
Jun 14Reply
meg9813 Nice to meet you!
Jun 17Reply
notoriousvog Hi Mindy! 🙋🏼 Welcome to Posh! You have an amazing closet! 😍
Jul 03Reply
britgirl2 Great to meet you, fab closet💕💕💕
Jul 09Reply
missadee624 I grew up in Richboro! 😁
Jul 15Reply
islegal00 Awesome closet!!!
Jul 20Reply
marianne1106 @richbororiches Hi Mindy! I live in Richboro too, over by Tanner's! I've been selling on here for a few years, and loving it! I love your closet!
Aug 06Reply
richbororiches @marianne1106 hi thats so cool we should talk
Aug 06Reply
marianne1106 @richbororiches Definitely! I was actually laughing as I read your tips to inik in the comments here! I was like yes, yes, and yes! Hahaha. I like your philosophy lol. I'm almost 55, and wear plus size. It's a challenge to stay current and youthful with clothing!
Aug 06Reply
richbororiches @marianne1106 hi I'm in Northampton estates my kids both graduated from South we should have breakfast at Jake's one day soon
Aug 06Reply
marianne1106 @richbororiches Lets do that soon!
Aug 06Reply
slimandfitfab Good morning! Beautiful clothes, super nice ladies & I love the precious little doggies...they are to live for! I'll be back! :0)
Aug 13Reply
richbororiches @slimandfitfab Awe thanks they are so sweet , like them more than my kids LOL
Aug 13Reply
slimandfitfab I understand. All of my children are animals. We love them so very much! :0)
Aug 13Reply
michelleannette @richbororiches Mindy, you are an angel. Thank you so much for the fabulous package. You are a marvel. Thank you soooo much. You are what sellers strive to be. Blessings to you! B very sincerely MichelleAnnette💝💝💝💝
Aug 18Reply
richbororiches @michelleannette omg I'm so happy I wanted to give you more goodies but I was already over the weight and I was scared it would be bounced back . Don't forgot to leave me a love note if you would that would mean the world to me ❤️next time I'll load you up
Aug 18Reply
michelleannette @richbororiches Don't you you worry. You get a 100% in my book. I'm sorry the 338 jacket didn't fit.. You are So kind😊😊😊😊😊😊
Aug 18Reply
hollylynnsclost Mindy you have a PHENOMENAL closet!! 😘❤️😍😍😍
Aug 18Reply
michelleannette @richbororiches hi Mindy, I put together a bundle to trade for the jacket. Will you Take a look and see What you think? You Rock!!!!'
Aug 18Reply
blingu @richbororiches 🙋🏻 so nice to see you too!
Aug 22Reply
susansupernova 😜😜😜😜💚
Sep 03Reply
cmjla Beautiful 🌹🌹🌹
Sep 08Reply
richbororiches @cmjla thank you Pretty, that's me ( the old one ) and my baby girl ! ❤️
Sep 08Reply
cmjla I figured Min!! Both of you are beauties👯💕👯
Sep 08Reply
richbororiches @cmjla Cynthia , she's moving to the city all by herself next month . We are truly empty nesters . Now all I'm doing is waiting for my grand babies . Your are younger right ?
Sep 08Reply
prissycat I Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your closet!!!!
Sep 10Reply
richbororiches @prissycat awe thank you ❤️
Sep 10Reply
remdec21 Such a fun shop!!🌟
Oct 17Reply
mia_pazza_vita Amazing closet!
Oct 17Reply
fanzy_pantz 👋👍👏 nice to see you my friend 👍👍
Oct 20Reply
richbororiches @mkribs omg thank you ❤️
Oct 20Reply
tanyalparker @richbororiches love your closet💖 and wish I could buy a ton😌...just can't afford it😢, but I have no doubt you'll find good homes for everything 😊💖🍀💗 my mom just lost a bunch of weight so I'll be adding some plus size clothes to my closet as well so hopefully I will find some buyers. Let me know if you have any big sales for my water budget 😉😊🍀💗
Oct 26Reply
sharlight01 Awesome closet! :)
Jan 27Reply
lilybee21 Hey girl! Love your closet! I'm really digging Spell and the Gypsy and Free People. I'm looking for the Spell Coyote playdress in a large. If you can ever find one please lmk...I'll buy in a sec n then I'm deleting this app lol
Mar 25Reply
lilybee21 Because I spend way too much money on here...I discovered spell and the gypsy and free people and I'm addicted. It's a sickness!lol
Mar 25Reply
katlynw02 You have an absolutely amazing closet ❤
Apr 27Reply
richbororiches @katlynw02 awe thank you so much
Apr 28Reply
2edgy @richbororiches Hey girlfriend, as much as I have shopped your closet and done biz with you in the past 2 weeks (just then finding you) I never saw this listing & bio of yourself. Great to put a face with a name. So glad I stumbled on you & your closet. You know I just love you! Now a new search for you: FP slouchy sandals and/or the saga lace up sandal, and of course you know in a 6. When I go with boots, I'll even go up to a 7 if I love them, I just sock up - no one is the wiser!
May 04Reply
richbororiches @2edgy you are so sweet. Yea I am a old lady as you can see , I will be 57 0n Sunday. Been doing this for a long time. Follow me on Instagram richbororiches
May 04Reply
richbororiches @2edgy thank you so so so much for all your business I really appreciate it and you know your going to be my 100 love note on PM that will always mean so much to me
May 04Reply
2edgy @richbororiches You're not an old lady, and if you are, then so am I. I'm not too far behind you. I was 56 in January! So there! And yes, the boots should be arriving any minute, I'd think, so when they do, I will get right on that "love note". Belts & buckles prob tomorrow. I can be so creative sometimes when not trying to be & witty even, but now I feel I need to make this one extra special, hope I don't flub it up.
May 04Reply
2edgy @richbororiches But yes, I know what you mean about remembering your 100th - I'm a little quirky sentimental like that too ... I def think our Posh Paths were meant to cross! And don't forget about my "sandal" requests, if anyone could find them for me, it would be you. With your FP connections and your "drive" to please!
May 04Reply
2edgy @richbororiches Well my friend, I hope you were pleased with your latest love notes #100 & #101 and I am more than pleased with my goods! I always 4-get to thank you for my gifts, at 1st tho. Loved the peace trinket box - A LOT! I'd love to have a black belt as well, someday in the not too distant future if you could pull one out of your hat and also - tho I didn't see any in your closet
May 06Reply
2edgy @richbororiches , I'm on the hunt for a LARGE, I mean VERY LARGE hobo style bag. I love 1 strap only. I don't changed bags like most gals and as often as they change their under-wear so when I get one I really like, I wear it until it dies. My current one is almost dead! Please keep me in mind! Have a Happy Weekend, my friend! xox -carla
May 06Reply
richbororiches @2edgy thank you so much for all the kind words, I will be on a hunt for a bag. Enjoy everything and have a wonderful weekend ! Xoxoxox Mindy
May 06Reply
francesgm86 @richbororiches Hi! Thank you for share my list!! ☺️
May 06Reply
2edgy @richbororiches Good Saturday Morning! You're prob not up yet, but when you do and get movin - or even later today or tonight, or WHENEVER, I'd like to know if you happen to have or have access to, let me kind of get this right, it is like a mid-weight, I think, L/S tee "Spell of the Gypsy" in Charcoal - "Call of the Wild"? There are a couple of tanks floating out there but I like the L/S better.
May 07Reply
2edgy @richbororiches I hope you don't mind that, for certain items, especially in FP, you can be my "go to woman" to inquire. Like on those necklaces & belt buckles, had I not asked about more than I wouldn't have them. Doesn't hurt to ask. Now a cool & LARGE hobo 1 strap boho-hobo bag, and this top, are my present requests. Other than a black belt! And thank you, as always.
May 07Reply
lavenderfarm Sorry, my apologies again, I will keep looking, but thanks so much for remembering me and sharing with me.
Jun 05Reply
lavenderfarm I hope you aren't upset at me:( I apologize!
Jun 05Reply
asimonson Cute closet!! 😻😻
Jun 05Reply
fabloot Greetings coming to you from Doylestown! Happy Poshing!
Jun 06Reply
loopholer HI Mindy! I'm Rocksan! Wanted to be official! You know how I feel about your closet! 😍
Jun 13Reply
ronanana_batman Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! Happy poshing! 🍉🐳
Jul 05Reply
Jul 10Reply
special_stuff Super....very cute!!!! I am Down in Montco, off 309....we should get together and collaborate!
Jul 12Reply
richbororiches @surcies ahhhh!!! Thank you !!!❤️😍❤️
Aug 10Reply
awaywardmermaid @richbororiches Hi Mindy, are you retailer for FP? I've been wanting to get into wholesale with. I'm a retired teacher & single mom on disability. I have the time/ ability to do it. Did it cost much to start? I love selling online as well as the extra $$. I've loved FP since HS. I've always loved your closet 😍👗👠👛💍
Sep 02Reply
bsociale You have so many great pieces in your closet! P.S. I have some sublime OTK boots in my closet, if you know anyone that's looking for some in a 10😉. Cheers💋
Sep 21Reply
jenteza I want to sleep eat and bathe in your closet.... but that just wouldn't be right! What a pleasure. So many awesome things! I will visit again soon. Wow!!!
Sep 25Reply
midnightgypsies This is THEE MOST AWESOME CLOSET EVVVVVVERRRRRRRRR!!! #PoshBoss #Bohochic #Closetenvy Much Love!!!!!!😘💜👯🙏🏼😁🎀🎉🎉😘😘😘
Sep 28Reply
buttafly333 ISO free people calamity Jane dress size 12 or large in black or cream . Please consider me if you come across this item. Ty!
Oct 07Reply
janimack7 Hi, MINDY!👋🏽 I'm Jan! Great to meet you and your lovely closet!
Oct 19Reply
ginger_nj Mindy how exciting! I am so happy for you! *¨*•♫♪ⒶⓌⒺⓈⓄⓂⒺ See you there!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!! •*¨*•♫♪ⒸⓄⓄⓁ and ¸.•*¨*•♫♪ⒶⓌⒺⓈⓄⓂⒺ!!!! (╹◡╹) Yesenia
Oct 21Reply
naye1790 Would you take $80 for the blue black maxi dress?
Oct 24Reply
richbororiches @naye1790 hi ty for ur interest in our closet. We have so many dresses. Just use the offer button the dress ur interested. Hopefully will work out. Mindy
Oct 24Reply
ladydaisywilson @richbororiches Fab closet darling! Congrats on co hosting-I'll be there!
Oct 31Reply
glcarlson @richbororiches great closet!!
Nov 05Reply
ginger_nj Mindy Congratulations! 🎈
Nov 13Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thank you. ❤️
Nov 14Reply
swanky_panky Great job tonight! Great party picks! 🎀💕
Nov 15Reply
2edgy @crockell Sharrie, you are SO welcome. You find such quality, and usually new & "in such volume", ships quickly ~ very nice high end closet, in large part FP, but also many other, again "quality" items! I have purchased from them just a little over a year now, in baby steps, as I can. Especially when it is a "must have" "can't live without" "rare" "rad" "so unqiue" piece! Which for me, seems to be at least once a month! LOL!
Nov 16Reply
tahnaa @richbororiches Love your closet! Truly amazing!
Nov 18Reply
richbororiches @tahnaa ty we try, just hard work.
Nov 18Reply
tahnaa @richbororiches 😀I bet! You've got quite the inventory lol! Looks like fun though 😀
Nov 18Reply
tamaralite Hi there, just checking to see how your doing. 😊 and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Jan
Nov 27Reply
lacesk Hello! You guys have an amazing closet!!! 😍 I was wondering if you have the free People military ruffles jacket in size 8 or 10? You seem to have a lot! So I thought I'd ask. If you ever have it and are selling please let me know. 😘❤
Feb 06Reply
ladyphade @loopholer 💕I find u everywhere there is FP
Feb 13Reply
loopholer Mindy you're gorgeous! And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
Feb 13Reply
richbororiches @loopholer haha super sweet of you but I'm old! My daughter is amazing !!!!!
Feb 13Reply
loopholer @richbororiches you ain't the only one! I just like to crop my face out of photos for that reason! Lol
Feb 13Reply
loopholer Same glasses too but mine are an inch thich!! 😜
Feb 13Reply
kkshop88 I love your closet. Gorgeous pieces!!😍😍
Mar 08Reply
finnegan0929 @richbororiches could you possibly cancel the purchase for the Sam Edelman shoes I would purchase them for for more! I wanted to buy them!! So badly!!!🙏🏻
Mar 25Reply
richbororiches @angelmturner I would like too apologize to you. You did not ask me to cancel this transaction. A different members asked me to cancel this order after your purchase. I thought this was you. I have reported this member, If you look at this page the bottom comment @finnegon0929. I do not do business this way and feel bad. If you still want the sandals, I will re list Just for you and through a gift in Kenny
Apr 01Reply
angelmturner @richbororiches I looked very hard for these specific shoes and you blocked me from the listing. I would still like these shoes but would you go slightly lower. To 68
Apr 01Reply
angelmturner @finnegan0929 thats unclassy and rude. I bought the shoes fairly. Please read posh etiquette.
Apr 01Reply
richbororiches @angelmturner hi I am sorry after you asked me to cancel the order my daughter decided to take them
Apr 01Reply
richbororiches I think what happened was the other person asked me to cancel them and my husband didn't realize it wasn't you and he cancelled the order thinking you asked. i am sorry for any inconvenience.
Apr 01Reply
angelmturner @richbororiches I DID NOT ASK YOU TO CANCEL THE ORDER.
Apr 01Reply
richbororiches @angelmturner hi I had good intentions and treat everyone fairly all the time you counter Just too low. Good luck and gave a nice day.
Apr 01Reply
clm334 Love your shop!!! As soon as I saw your name I knew you were a fellow PA lady! :)
Apr 20Reply
kaycee921 I happened upon you here too as well as eBay! :) Yay!
Apr 29Reply
richbororiches @snowangll8 hi I saw your comment. We grow up in philly, home of this brand. We sell strictly E commerce and you can find us on social media. We have a large selection of fp anthro on pm. We constantly get Unique different items. Have a safe flight, if you want the kimono Just re offer, hopefully will still be available hot item Ty for your interest. Mindy & Kevin
May 20Reply
relics @richbororiches. Hello. Hope you can help me out. You are one of my favorite closets and I know you have extensive Posh experience. I had a buyer purchase a coat from my page. Notification came through from a closed account but than they immediately opened a new account. I don't want to be taken by a scammer as I heard they were out there and I actually ran across one with my first item. It is the TOV coat that says sold on my page. Really appreciate the feedback.
Aug 02Reply
richbororiches @relics hi sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I was out of town vacation. I can tell you from my own experience. If somthing feels wrong in your gut, do not proceed. Sometimes the best deals that you make are the deals you do not make. Just not worth the hassel. Good karma and hard work will grow your business. Good luck Mindy & Kenny
Aug 03Reply
relics @richbororiches Thank You Mindy & Kelly. I truly appreciate your kindness in helping me with this one. You are definitely right my best deal may be to walk away from this sale. My gut has always been spot on and I feel very uneasy. I contacted Posh as well. Hopefully they will get back to me with insight on his posher. Thank You for the well wishes with future sales. The two of you are the best. Much Peace, Light & Love. Lisa 💕💕💕
Aug 03Reply
redheadesign @richbororiches hey there Mindy!!,..I haven't heard from you !! How the heck are you!??
Sep 06Reply
deb_bromley Love your closet! 💕Have a great weekend & Happy Poshing! 😊🛍️🍁🍂
Oct 13Reply
richbororiches @deb_bromley hi ty for the kind Words. Have a nice weekend as well.
Oct 13Reply
deb_bromley You're absolutely welcome, and thank you! :)
Oct 13Reply
soulshine_co Your have a BEAUTIFUL closet! You will be hearing from me more in the future when you're taking all my money :-)
Oct 19Reply
richbororiches @ajbonita hi ty for your kind Words. We work hard at finding Unique items. Mindy
Oct 19Reply
lakelover231 Hi. I just bought the tori Burch booties today for 270. Can I purchase through eBay instead?
Jan 18Reply
roxychicago Wow! Incredible selection. After browsing your closet, swore off jeans and tshirts forever! Wishing you many, speedy sales.
Jan 23Reply
lainie079 Hello! I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ your closet! I've never asked to trade before, BUT you have a listing I need and I have an item >\= I'd be willing to trade. LMK if you'd be interested and I can list them! TY!!
Feb 19Reply
richbororiches @lainie079 ty kind words. I just don’t trade. Mindy
Feb 19Reply
martinpere Congrats 🎉 on being chosen as a 😍 Super Posher 😍 today! Wishing tons of follows, shares, likes, and of course sales come your way! Enjoy the explosion of posh love 💕 today. Play all of the super posher games to be Super Posher again in
Feb 21Reply
sunnyrey Love your style, I am still working my way through this app. I do have a question. I know Posh takes 20% but are we allowed to sell over the original price of the item? I noticed several of your items were listed for more on their original price and sold for over that original price. If so I need to change to make more $ than I am. Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to hearing from you😊👍
Mar 12Reply
richbororiches @sunnyrey hi none of our items are listed for over the original price. I think making comments without research and facts is discrediting. We do not by our FP items from retail stores. Like the ones listed in your store. You should be coming to me to be mentored. Not in a sweet manner insulting. I really do not have time for you or your angles and posturing.
Mar 12Reply
charlib3 LOVE this!! 🤗🤗 & Your Closet is #GOALS 😍😍❤️❤️❤️
Mar 23Reply
richbororiches @charlib3 ty for your kind words. Mindy
Mar 23Reply
charlib3 @richbororiches you’re so welcome!! 😊😊
Mar 24Reply
charlib3 I see you’re very popular! I’m hosting my first Posh Party in May... could you do me a huge favor and comment on my meet the posher listing so I can find you easier? Please? I would love to select some things from your closet as a host pick... if you don’t mind?😊
Mar 24Reply
omstone You have the most beautiful closet shocked oh my goodness wow!!❤️❤️
Apr 10Reply
richbororiches @omstone hi ty kind words. Tag me if you have any questions about any items. Tell your friends. Ty Mindy
Apr 10Reply
deerolnik Hi! I ordered a Free People bracelet from your closet. They were trying to deliver it but for some reason now it says that they are holding it at the post office per customer request. How can I get my order? Thank you 💋
Apr 27Reply
richbororiches @deerolnik hi Darina, I just checked the tracking information for your order. The item is at your post office, you can call or pick your order up. This is your tracking # usps 9405 5108 9935 9443 7730 90 Ty Mindy
Apr 27Reply
happynyc1 Hey, keep an eye on my closet as I continue to add more Anthropologie. Let me know if any items would make sense for you to purchase for re-posh into your closet! 💕 Happy to be a middle market as my followers slowly grow from current level of 23k
Jul 29Reply
supercute4u @richbororiches, Hi there! Am thinking about expanding to include Instagram. Any tips? How do you sell and receive payment on it? Thanks so much! 😘😘❤️😘😘
Oct 22Reply
islandbohobabe Hi, Totally diggin' your closet girl! :)
Nov 25Reply
eph1354 What an amazing beautiful closet....absolutely gorgeous!!!
Jan 12Reply
richbororiches @dliberty9166666 hi how are you. I do not have the two items. I will keep my eye out, for you Mindy
Mar 11Reply
binbeau You have the PERFECT closet! 😍
Apr 25Reply
packleader3 Insane closet!!! Love love love 💕
Jun 17Reply
Aug 17Reply
richbororiches @soulcandy hi , ty let me no if you ever have any questions. Just drop by to say hi too. Mindy
Aug 18Reply
secondchancebtq Hey Mindy! Great closet! I invite you to check mine out as it has sizes and styles you may be interested in. Have a great day and I wish you many sales! ☺️
Aug 29Reply
theposhfinds Hi @richbororiches 💕😇 I just wanted to say hello 🤗 My name is Katelyn, it’s always nice to meet a fellow Posher ❤️ If you happen to have any spare time, I was wondering if you could check out my closet? 🙏🏻 I have some great items that I think you will LOVE in my closet for AMAZING prices and I will always do my best to work with you to find a fair price for the both of us 🤗 Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy my closet!!!!!! Have fun on Poshmark!!! ❤️
Sep 03Reply
urspraytan Beautiful shoes!!!!!
Sep 19Reply
leedcandy i love your style and aestethic! please let me know if there are any size 9 shoes you just need off your hands and a loving owner! I am in college right now so I wish i could buy them but sadly cannot afford them
Sep 21Reply
poshveronica Hi @richbororiches I just ordered a scarf from you but I realized it will probably be arriving when I’m out of town, not sure how to contact you on here but want to delay shipping if possible! Contact me please!!!
Nov 10Reply
jdapice1 You have an amazing closet. I have enjoyed my visit to all. That must have taken days to list lol. I have hit like on numerous items for my daughter to check out. I will be in touch if she likes what I chose. Thank you 😊
Nov 19Reply
richbororiches @jdapice1 hi how are you. Thank you kind words. Feel free to browse my closet. My daughter helps me with all of our listings. Actually took a few years. Ty Mindy
Nov 19Reply
kwalk423 Love your closet! Wish I could buy every little thing right up! Quality clothing, beautifully displayed! Happy New Year!!
Dec 28Reply
richbororiches @kwalk423 hi, thank you Kristin have a happy New Years Mindy
Dec 28Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Dec 29Reply
seli_g @richbororiches Hi, I just bought the free people orange coat which is gorgeous! Unfortunately, it’s way too big for me. There’s no way for me to pull it off. Could I use the pictures you used to try and resell it? 🙏🏽🧡
Dec 30Reply
richbororiches @seli_g hi how are you. Sorry to hear the coat does not work for you. Go ahead and use my pictures. Have a happy New year Mindy
Dec 30Reply
enchantedlion Hi Dear! You just followed me on my other account @onedivinewoman , I can only share your items there... can't like or comment, don't know why! I have never done anything to deserve "blocking" haha... will you please see if you can fix on your end? Would love to tag people and share from that account too if I can! TY and Happy New Year! <3!
Jan 06Reply
richbororiches @enchantedlion hi April, not sure what happened with your other account. My kids have helped me out with Poshmark From time to time. I do not always catch everything. You are good to go. Thank you and have a great New year Mindy
Jan 06Reply
enchantedlion @richbororiches Aw, thanks so much! I didn't like being in PM "jail"... lol... it wouldn't even let me send you a message to ask what had happened! When I started this other account it occurred to me to ask. You have such an amazing supply of hard to find FP! LOVE going through your closet! Thanks again and have an awesome day! XO!
Jan 06Reply
brookebailey12 Hi, I ordered the wrong size. I need a queen and thought this was the other listing. I’m sorry, can you please cancel? Thank you!
Apr 01Reply
mmdell11 hi! !! I just wanted to let you know that I’m having a moving sale so I have to get rid of everything!! feel free to check it out! I love sharing, offers and bundles! Happy poshing ! Let me know if you have any questions 🥰
Apr 13Reply
sunnydolo Thanks you so much for the mask! So thoughtful, sorry the delivery was screwed up.
Apr 20Reply
richbororiches @sunnydolo hi looked at your profile and apparently you a health care worker. Thank you for your service, Mindy
Apr 20Reply
sunnydolo @richbororiches thank you 🙏🏼
Apr 20Reply
richbororiches @kaarenschultz Hi how are you. Sorry to hear that you are not happy with your purchase. How does this bandana/scarf not work for you?
May 20Reply
richbororiches @kaarenschultz hi, you can just keep the scarf. You can pick out another scarf, in my store. I can change price for you to 1 dollar. Just pay for shipping. Let me no your thoughts. Mindy
May 20Reply
flowerfairy56 Hello Mindy :) I'd be interested in purchasing your beautiful Free People ombre scarf but my student budget is unfortunately a little tight. I just want to say I am sorry if my offer was offensive to you, I usually try to reach out to sellers first but lately it looks like no one wants to communicate much. Anyway, if you are ever willing to reconsider or further negotiate, I'd be grateful if you could simply let it me know:) Have a wonderful Sunday and be safe! Best, Ophelie
Sep 21Reply
richbororiches @flowerfairy56 hi np, if you can come up a little, I can sell to you Mindy
Sep 21Reply
flowerfairy56 @richbororiches Hello there and thank you very much :) Would $40 be amenable to you? Let me know and I will go ahead and make an offer. Thanks again very much :)
Sep 21Reply
richbororiches @flowerfairy56 hi I would take 45, if you put the scarf in a bundle. I can than send you an offer and discount shipping ,couple dollars Mindy 😊
Sep 21Reply
flowerfairy56 @richbororiches Thank you so much for your offer, I truly appreciate it. Unfortunately my budget may be too small for a bundle 😣 Nevertheless, I just looked through your items and did like the cute Harry Potter bandana :)
Sep 21Reply
richbororiches @flowerfairy56 hi just put 1 item in the bundle. You don’t need to add a second, than I can send u offer. This will include discounted shipping
Sep 21Reply
flowerfairy56 Oh ok, I am sorry I didn't know that -I will do it right away :)
Sep 21Reply
khrystynadority Hello! I bought a Champion sweatshirt from you and I saw that you usually ship out within a day but it has been almost 5 days. So i just wanted to reach out to see if there is a problem?
Jan 09Reply
richbororiches @khrystynadority hi so sorry did not message you sooner. I did not have another medium, I sold this item and forgot, to take down. I went shopping at my warehouse yesterday, hoping to find another. I wasn’t able too. If I happen to get another, I will message you. I will cancel transaction Happy new year Mindy
Jan 09Reply
khrystynadority @richbororiches it's ok! Thanks for letting me know! I have the matching sweat pants and can't find this sweatshirt anywhere lol!! So please!! If you get another one keep me in mind!!😊😊 I could also do a small 😉
Jan 09Reply
richbororiches @khrystynadority I will, when I saw the style I grabbed a few, in size run. They all sold. I buy frequently for my online business. If there is anything, you ever need just message me. I have some many things to list. Mindy
Jan 09Reply
khrystynadority Thank you!!
Jan 09Reply
tbirdtess @richbororiches Hi! I’m new to Poshmark and just learning my way around the site. Your closet is fabulous! I ordered the Free People cardigan but sadly it was canceled. Would you be so kind as to help me understand why it was canceled? This will definitely help me understand the way things work on this site! Thanks!
Jul 12Reply
richbororiches @tbirdtess hi sorry about canceling the sweater. I sold the item last week. I did not mark this not for sale. This is very popular item. There is a pretty good chance, I will get another, in next few weeks. Early August, I will definitely tag u first. I generally have 99% of everything in stock. This was just my oversight If there is anything, you see in my store, I will work with you. I have many repeat customers Sorry again Mindy
Jul 12Reply
tbirdtess @richbororiches Thanks for the info and no worries about the cancellation! I’ll keep an eye out for your notification when you restock and I hope you have a great day!
Jul 12Reply
ashleyvidalis I'm sorry I keep sending offers. I only had a certain amount on my card, but I just ended up with a little more! I really hope you can accept the offer I sent you! I really love that hoodie and have been looking for it lol
Oct 10Reply
richbororiches @ashleyvidalis hi, this is very popular item and sold out f/p website. I am concerned you can not afford, this would correct potential issue. I decided to not accept Ty for your interest
Oct 10Reply
ashleyvidalis @richbororiches I sent you 124$ because I do have it now and that's what you wanted for was the other day I had to send you 9$ less and did the amount I had..
Oct 10Reply
moonlusa did I go too low on Jeffrey Campbell boots or are you listing them elsewhere.
Oct 16Reply
richbororiches @moonlusa hi pretty sure i sold that pair of boots. I do have a few more similar Jeffrey Campbell Tall boots. I can message you on listing if you’re interested. Mindy
Oct 16Reply
moonlusa for some reason but would love to see other jeffrey campbell boots you have in size 9. Thanks if the stella ones didn't sell please let me know. Thsnks!
Oct 16Reply
richbororiches @moonlusa hi I just found pair Boots slouchy to black Suede little heel, sz 39/9 The boots are free people, who actually carry many boots , from Jeffrey Campbell. I will tag you on the boots. Let me no your thoughts, new in box. Can sell for little more
Oct 16Reply
chicfabfinds Good Afternoon, Mindy! 🥰 I don’t often leave “Love Notes” for fellow Poshers; however, I simply couldn’t resist doing so. As you’ll see by my countless “♥️’s” — I’m more than a little impressed with your amazing style!! ~Michelle 👘👠👜👗🧣👛🎒👢🤩
Oct 31Reply
richbororiches @chicfabfinds hi Michelle, thank you for your kind words. We constantly will be adding, new different styles. If you ever interested in any item, or looking for an item. Just message me Mindy ❤️
Oct 31Reply
shoegirl4140 OMG! I just found your closet & I’m in ❤️! Just had to drop a note to let you know. I’ve been on PM for a bit, just dabbling…. I’m just getting started in a more serious direction. Your closet is such a model to follow… GREAT photos. BEAUTIFUL items, GORGEOUS closet! HAPPY POSHING 💐
Feb 08Reply
richbororiches @shoegirl4140 awl thanks if you need help with anything let me know ❤️
Feb 08Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Jun 05Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jun 06Reply
cutehosiery @richbororiches Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 09Reply
tabbytink63 hi 🙋‍♀️nice to meet you, thank you for visiting 😊👖👚🎨🐎🐕🐈‍⬛💙🧡💚💛
Jul 15Reply
jeanettekell440 Your closet is EXCELLENT! Thanks so much for the shares!
Jul 25Reply
richbororiches @jeanettekell440 ty, we constantly adding new items
Jul 25Reply
jeanettekell440 @richbororiches love it! Exactly my taste! Using your closet as a model to aspire to. Outstanding!💕
Jul 25Reply
richbororiches @jeanettekell440 Hi, if you work hard and constantly add new items. Your business will grow. Stay away from any negativity, Just get rid of their comments on your listing. If you ever have any questions reach out to me. Mindy
Jul 25Reply
jeanettekell440 @richbororiches THANKS SO MUCH!! 😍
Jul 25Reply
4mycloset Hello there, I’m from Richboro too! Nice to see a neighbors here! ❤️ you closet!
Aug 12Reply
mackcarringer I am sooooo in love 🥰 with your closet 💯 Gorgeous!!!
Nov 02Reply
prettyredbows Beautiful closet!! 🤩
Nov 08Reply
virb Hi I just bought a shirt. I like a hat but didn’t see until after. Is it possible to buy the hat and get the 20 percent off bundle with combined shipping? I’m not sure how to message you. ☺️
Nov 27Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I returned the gesture and shared some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year 🎇
Dec 29Reply
rad0529 Hello Mindy, my new friend, I pray your day was truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Feb 15Reply
sticklegs Hi. Love, Love your closet. May I take a peek into your success? I was thinking the more followers, the better. And you have so many more than followings. Just the opposite for me. I work at following and sharing a lot, but my followers number isn't that high. Thoughts to share? Thanks.
Mar 23Reply
baconsworld Absolutely LOVE your closet! ✨️💖😊
Jul 08Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 🤗 thank you for following my closet 😊
Jul 20Reply
mackcarringer You have The absolute coolest closet EVER 💫🔥
Sep 01Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Oct 11Reply
mollys3 Great closet!! 💕
Oct 16Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 07Reply
funwithleather You have a great closet! I grew up in Richboro… Walnut Drive off of Newtown-Richboro Rd. 😁🤩 I will share when I can & maybe help out the home team. Best, Lisa
Nov 16Reply
trasyee you by far have my favorite closet on all of Poshmark.
Apr 25Reply
tproyston are you going to sell the fp tulle much skirt?
May 07Reply
richbororiches @tproyston hi I sold the Xs. I have the skirt in size medium if you’re interested
May 08Reply
tproyston medium might be to big according to the reviews. I'm between a 4-6
May 10Reply
jgh284 @richbororiches I understand about gaining weight, getting older and not technology savvy. I have always enjoyed Free People and If you by big big chance find denim skirt free to catch the sun size 30 or 31 I want it. At my age I will wear my cow girl boots and skirt while in Austin, Texas🙃🤣
Aug 22Reply
dulciesdelites Thank you for following me💕
Oct 06Reply
steeney24 You have an amazing closet!!! I definitely will be shopping!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Nov 02Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Nov 15Reply
anothernaomim Hi, i placed an order on Monday and it still hasnt shipped. Can you tell me the status of the order? Ive had bad luck shopping on poshmark lately and never receiving my orders so it makes me nervous. Thank you!
Dec 20Reply
baron126 Hellooooooo & thanks for following my closet❣️ My closet is always buy one get half off the lower price item! Bundle & save with one shipping fee!! 5⭐️rated seller & FAST SHIPPER!!! Happy Poshing!!!!
Jan 27Reply

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