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Updated May 25
Updated May 25

Hi I'm Rose! So nice to meet you...

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Thanks for stopping by, it's my pleasure to meet you. I live in Long Island, NY. Are you close?? Truly enjoy buying and selling on @Poshmark and am one of the original users. Looking for something to add to your closet? Always check on this app first. Some of my favorite brands are Louboutin, Dior, Chanel, MZ Wallace, Elie Tahari, and Tory Burch. Follow me on IG @bthereasap.


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chictowear You're so beautiful! :)
Aug 16Reply
bthereasap @lorenad_21 Thank you! You're very sweet🌸
Aug 16Reply
marykat 🌹 Beautiful and you have a KIND heart!!! Can't wait until we can actually meet up in person!!!
Aug 23Reply
bthereasap @sherly_sonja Hi🌸 I just discounted the ring this past weekend 10%. I could take it to $22 for 15% but with PM commission at another 20% that would be it. Let me know and I will edit the price for you. Thanks for understanding.
Sep 02Reply
sherly_sonja @bthereasap That would be great. Thanks. Anything helps ;)
Sep 03Reply
bthereasap @sherly_sonja Great changing now.
Sep 03Reply
yellowmacsam31 I love love love love love your closet and I love your taste of style thank you for sharing :)
Dec 27Reply
bthereasap @yellowmacsam31 Thank you for being so sweet Bellagirl🌸😊🌸. It's my pleasure to share. I noticed your comment about the earrings, haha I wish I was able to send the statuette with the earrings. The earrings are a yes but the girl (a small Armani figurine) is against PM guidelines to sell. Any ideas? 💁
Dec 27Reply
gordomom Hey Rose - any chance you will be at PF this year? Would still love to c u in person 💝🎉
Jul 29Reply
bthereasap @gordomom I'm hoping to. If mom is well enough to take my place here I would love it. You're going right?
Jul 29Reply
gordomom That would be so wonderful!! I do hope your mom is doing well and hope to see you there!!
Jul 29Reply
jeanie52 @bthereasap ,thank you for sharing doll..
Sep 01Reply
bthereasap @abstractdreams LOL Linda Hi🌼
Nov 10Reply
kelspride I don't know how to contact you. I just made you an offer and you accepted. I need a K initial. I thought it would give me choices when I purchased it:(((( sorry. Under kelspride
Dec 05Reply
larochelle hope im not missing your party listing --! wow!!super cool theme!!! Style obsessions !!WOOOHOOOO👏👏👏👏👏👏 will tag you w the party line-up within the day💝💝💝 cant wait!!!💝💝🎉
Dec 29Reply
2many Happy New Year!!!!!! I love this picture of you. God's love and blessings to you and family. Love & Friendship forever. Tanya "2016"
Jan 02Reply
bthereasap @2many Hi Tanya😘💕 Happy New Year! Thank you, this was taken at a Poshmark reunion in NYC! I was thinking of you a couple days ago. I haven't heard from you and was hoping you're doing great! Wishing both our families a Blessed and HEALTHY 2016! Love you lots!
Jan 02Reply
2many Hi sweetheart! Unfortunately I've been really sick. My liver levels were so high, I had to go two weeks with no chemo. They put me back on them, but the chemo does cause liver damage. Also my feeding tube has been infecting 3 times the last 2 months. But my family told me they were so glad that I was here and alive. Life and love are the two things we can't live without. 😘😘
Jan 02Reply
bthereasap @2many Oh Tanya! I'm so sorry that happened, and I'm happy that you're doing so much better. It will all work out and you'll be feeling great in no time. How was you week? Is it cold there lately? We've had unusually warm weather here lately.
Jan 02Reply
2many You know it's funny because I was just thinking that we swapped weather. We need rain so bad. We're in a drought. Limited shower times, can't wash your car at your home. It's crazy. The last 4 Christmas's were in the 80's. I always wanted to live in NY. I could never visit and now I'm too sick. But I know it's a great place. You're there 😊☺️😘. Temps in 50's in the day and 25-40 at night.
Jan 02Reply
bthereasap @2many The winters are brutal and so long. As I'm getting older I have less patience. Partly because I don't feel like shoveling everyday. It's dark at 3:45pm which is so depressing especially right after the holidays are over. Also right before Mom got sick they had started spending their winters in Florida. So much easier and warmer. I guess the grass is always greener. But I thank God for this weather we've had this winter!!
Jan 02Reply
2many Well if it was up to me, you guys could have for as long you want.😚🙃😋😍😘
Jan 02Reply
bthereasap @2many Thanks I'll take it! Be well my friend 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💕
Jan 02Reply
gumbob Hi, nice to e-meet you & browse your closet. Wishing you a great day & many sales. Happy Poshing 😊
Feb 21Reply
bthereasap @gumbob Good morning ☀️ It's my pleasure to meet you. Thanks and enjoy a wonderful day.
Feb 21Reply
e_l_e_a_n_o_r Congratulations on being in the new boutique section on Poshmark!
Mar 05Reply
bthereasap @goodchic Thanks so much! I appreciate you taking the time to stop by🤗.
Mar 05Reply
bthereasap @queenmumm Hi again💕💕 So you leave Monday?? Hmmmm... Can you email me?
Apr 17Reply
queenmumm Rose, I actually leave today @noon. When I wrote that it was still my Saturday night (a VERY late Saturday night, haha). Sorry for the confusion!
Apr 17Reply
bthereasap @queenmumm Safe trip home Brenda. Pls lmk when you return. I apologize for not reaching out to you earlier. I was under the impression you had already left. So happy you loved it. Be well my friend 💕
Apr 17Reply
queenmumm Awww, thank you so much Rose! I'm sorry we missed each other. Next time, we don't miss out. Cheers! 😘💕😘
Apr 18Reply
bthereasap @plriley My pleasure Pam! Have fun!
Apr 22Reply
sasyscloset Hi there. I would be interested in local meet and greets. Thanks. Susan
Aug 02Reply
bthereasap @guzmand Terrific Susan! Will let you know!
Aug 02Reply
sasyscloset Excellent. Thank you!
Aug 02Reply
msdburke Hi Rose!! Received my shoes and I'm so heart broken... they're too large...but their gorgeous...thanks for a very beautiful shoe!!
Nov 13Reply
bthereasap @msdburke Hi! They are SO lovely! I'm sorry they don't fit. They're my most comfortable of all. Would an insert sole help, do you think?
Nov 13Reply
bthereasap @msdburke I just noticed the photo in your closet. It's the Cowboys star logo? My son is a huge fan.
Nov 13Reply
msdburke @bthereasap yep it's the Dallas Cowboys star...tell your son to get ready for the 'boys to take this winning streak all the way to the Superbowl!!😊😊 I will get inserts to see if that would help...ty!!
Nov 13Reply
bthereasap @msdburke Believe me he's ready. He takes so much heat for being a die hard fan since he was a teen, especially being from NY. The new QB is his shining light and he's loving every moment. Good luck with the shoes. A cobbler may have a heel cushion as well. Congrats again on the purchase. Best to you always💓
Nov 13Reply
msdburke @bthereasap Hi...just wanted to drop a line to your son...Cowboys rule!! 8-1 for the season...8 straight wins!!! Much trash talk goin on around these parts.. that Elliot fella...the running back is a beast..reminds me of a bygone era...Aikman..Irvin..Smith..triple threat
Nov 14Reply
bthereasap @msdburke He was flippin' out last night. Of course he's surrounded by Giants fans being from NY. When the Steelers score with 42 secs left. He was sweating but kept saying they have plenty of time to get in 3pt range. But when they took it into the end zone he was STRUTTING!! Lmao! It's so funny to watch!
Nov 14Reply
msdburke @bthereasap I bet he's super excited...we are around these son-in-law was kidding with me and told me Romo was starting next week...I told him if Romo took to the field... I'm gonna get n my car and go over to the Cowboys stadium n Arlington and tackle Romo myself... my entire family just laughed and shook their heads...
Nov 14Reply
lapibaboheme @bthereasap Hi! I live in Queens and would love to be involved in some of the upcoming meet and greets/live parties - may I be added to the notifications list? Have a great day!
Nov 17Reply
bthereasap @ashleyyork1 YES! There is one being coordinated right now! Save the date 12/6 7pm in Queens. Will tag you once it's posted!
Nov 17Reply
lapibaboheme @bthereasap thank you so much!
Nov 17Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks, I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Dec 06Reply
belovedsparrow @bethereasap Rose, thank you for all the suer work you did for this party!!! rest those fingers, arms and back. Luv 2 ya ! LA
Dec 06Reply
bthereasap @jmjla7 I had a great time! I appreciate your kind words Bellagirl 💓
Dec 06Reply
stefielouhoo @bthereasap Hi ! Congrats on your party on this very busy day- I hope that you have had a great day with lots of celebration and excitement! I glad to have had the chanc shared your closet for your big day!💓Stevie
Dec 07Reply
dinahadley Hi Rose! I am SO TOTALLY interested in a Posh n' Sip/meet and greet!!We aren't "exactly" neighbors, but we live in the same "region lol. I'm over in Rockland County, NY, by the Tappan Zee Bridge.
May 11Reply
bthereasap @dinahadley HI! Our next one is currently in the beginning phase of being planned. Will probably be hosted in Long Island. How will that work for you? Is a Friday evening ok?
May 11Reply
dinahadley @bthereasap hi. it would depend where on island and which Friday lol. I'm hoping to be able to host one over here for Bergen, Rockland, Westchester, Orange Counties/area
May 11Reply
bthereasap @dinahadley I'd prefer to keep it on the Nassau/Queens border so it's easy for everyone. I'm going to get back to you on the date. Working that out.
May 11Reply
dinahadley @bthereasap ok. Sounds good
May 11Reply
jaywolfe74 Hello. I just wanted to send you a message to tell you how awesome you are. Thank you so much for pointing that out that I could bundle and save. I just didn't think about it. You would figure I would k ow that by now but I am new to Poshmark. It has been great experience so far and it because of people like you. GOD bless you :)
Jun 05Reply
bthereasap @jaywolfe74 My pleasure! I'm here for any help you may need along the way. I've had a wonderful Poshmark journey the past 5 yrs. Blessings to you that yours is the same.
Jun 05Reply
jaywolfe74 @bthereasap 👍👍👍😍😍
Jun 05Reply
vacayholiday Clever!🌺
Jun 05Reply
arshmani Hi Rose, I'm Rose too Nice to meet you🤗 thanks for visiting my closet and the like😍 Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm always open to offers🤗😉
Jul 29Reply
shopopshon 👋🏼 Hi! ☺️ Please notify me! 💌 I live in Atlanta but I'm from Queens and I'm home quite a lot! Would love to attend a Posh event if I'm in the area! 💞☺️
Aug 15Reply
bthereasap @yaznotyazzy Sounds great! You just missed one in Mineola. Will keep you posted❤️
Aug 15Reply
findingdoc1 👑WOW👑 you are amazing💐💐💐
Aug 20Reply
bitsym28 Before you ship Chanel bag I want to be sure it is a shoulder bag as described. There are no measurements listed. Can you verify the drop and size please? Or more pics?
Sep 12Reply
bthereasap @bitsym28 Hi! Thanks for your purchase. The bag has been picked up by USPS and should be scanned in by tmrw. My estimate it is approx 7" Drop, 6" Height, 10" Width. It will be authenticated by PM Support and then forwarded to you asap. Have a great night.
Sep 13Reply
bluenectarine You have an amazing closet! So happy I found you during this party :)
Nov 20Reply
bthereasap @bluenectarine Hello and thank you so much for your kind words. It a pleasure to meet you.
Nov 20Reply
bluenectarine @bthereasap such a pleasure to meet you, too! Your beautiful smile tells a lot about you! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and for the shares, it means a lot <3
Nov 20Reply
lbirkholz4 Awesome closet! <3 Happy Poshing :)
Dec 08Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Feb 07Reply
karlanatale Hi! I just received the kissing whales and my husband just put his (dark gray) on his keys and the wire somehow came undone completely. The gold one on my keychain is fine. Please let me know what I should do... we love them... just seems like a fluke! Thank you ☺️
Feb 08Reply
bthereasap @karlanatale That’s so strange. Can you email me a pic pls. I want to show the manufacturer. TrendyFashions @ icloud .com
Feb 08Reply
jmedwards3 @bthereasap Good am! Could check your side one last time? I just processed for the entire listing price + shipping. Looks like payment processed on my end. 🤗
Apr 05Reply
bthereasap @jmedwards3 It did. Not sure why it wouldn’t offer the discount. I would cancel the order and try again.
Apr 05Reply
jmedwards3 @bthereasap hi there! Received the package and absolutely love the ring! Thanks for extra ❤️ also - beautiful! However, the mood stone isn’t attached securely and I am nervous to fix it myself. Is there a way I could message you a pic?
Apr 11Reply
bthereasap @jmedwards3 Can you post it to one of your listings? I wrapped it well. Not sure how it broke.
Apr 11Reply
kimkay78 Hello Rose, Thank you for the follow. I am already following you. I hope you have a great night! :)
Aug 10Reply
misslaura1969 @bthereasap long island !! interested in local posh meet ups!! xoxo
Sep 08Reply
bthereasap @misslaura1969 Hi! So great to meet you. Will keep you posted only events.
Sep 08Reply
misslaura1969 @bthereasap thanks!! look forward to meeting you in person!
Sep 08Reply
samantharemy @misslaura1969 @bthereasap - hi pretty ladies- I met Beth at one of my first posh parties! How are you sweetie! Laura’s my bff in real life and has been on posh for a couple of years and I’m excited for the next get together especially if my bff goes.Let us know it would be great to see u. Thanks ❤️. Samantha
Sep 08Reply
bthereasap @otot123ot Posting comments like this one above in other user closets (as you call them pages) is highly frowned upon. It will not get you more followers and buyers, it will get you blocked. It’s considered spamming. It’s ok to tag them on your own.
Sep 15Reply
jackham Most of your mood rings I like are sold out, when are you getting more in?
Dec 27Reply
bthereasap @jackham Should be here in a couple of weeks.
Dec 27Reply
aredhousebuy I enjoyed my first visit to your closet I was born in western New York but I am in South Carolina now so that’s a bit too far away for a visit but I’ll come back to your closet and bring friends and I will happily share keep up the good work and happy new year
Dec 28Reply
bthereasap @blondie844 My pleasure! Hope you enjoy them.
Feb 04Reply
kait0123 Love your page!
Feb 19Reply
bthereasap @kait0123 Thanks Bellagirl!
Feb 19Reply
vermillion63 You’re Vineyard Vines sailfish long-sleeve will be Shipped in the morning!! Thanks for the purchase
Apr 21Reply
glesga52 Beautiful closet lots of shares coming your way darlen....👒👢👡👠👖👕👝💍🦋
May 04Reply
jamessimmons35 I am so sorry, but it turns out I am out of the gray shirt in a L. I have a M if that would work. Alternatively, is there any other shirt in my closet you would like instead? I can offer a $5 partial refund for the mistake.
May 06Reply
bthereasap @jamessimmons35 Hi Medium is too small. Anything VV NWT in size L,XL,XXL
May 06Reply
jamessimmons35 @bthereasap no problem, I sent you out a large long sleeve vineyard vines shirt in a different color. It should get there in two days. Thanks!
May 06Reply
bthereasap @jamessimmons35 I don’t want a random top . Please tag me in the listing
May 06Reply
jamessimmons35 @bthereasap if you want you can just look at my listings and pick out whatever you want.
May 06Reply
debsdesigndealz Hi Rose , Nice to meet you ! Happy to have you here ! 😚😙💕💕💕💕
May 25Reply
inspiretoveer Thank you for following my closet💕
May 30Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 12Reply
msneverending1 Rose just happened to discover your wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I love your closet. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Apr 15Reply
bthereasap @msneverending1 Good morning Carol! It’s a pleasure meeting you. Your kind words are so appreciated. Enjoy your day Bellagirl.
Apr 15Reply
lynda721 Congratulations on Hitting 600K in Followers! What A Great Achievement! ~Lynda 💕
Jun 05Reply
ocbenny Hi Rose and welcome. I hope you're staying safe and healthy out there🙂
Jun 07Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your 👜 closet👖 to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👟 with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️ and many 🧾sales 🎉!!
Dec 30Reply

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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Manhasset, NY
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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Manhasset, NY
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