Kindness and Consideration
Not for sale
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Many many thanks for all of your purchases and for many who have offered me the same amazing deals! I so appreciate you! Keep smiling, stay positive and help someone have an amazing day!
We are a smoke free, dog friendly home. Please forgive me if a stray hair makes its way into your shipment despite my obsessive cleaning and inspections.
"Take me home country road"
☆country life,♡country music,◇campfires, *cornfields,☆boondocks,♡family, *kindness*

13 others
like this

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jul 08Reply

@samanthadoc Thanks so much for reaching out! This is literally my first day and I am slowly finding my way around ☆
Jul 08Reply

@cherifagan16 yes both bottles would be great - thank you so much. I just seen your messages in my news feed (I have been busy this evening) thank you again 😃 have a great week 👍
Jul 11Reply

Thank you so much for stopping in! I truly hope you find something you like! Blessings!
Jul 11Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🌻🌷🌹
Jul 11Reply

@poshgarden Awe thank you! Loving every second of it!
Jul 11Reply

Thanks for being my 18000 follower !! I am now offering you 10 percent off any item in my closet with free shipping over 100 dollars !! 😆💥💞🎉🎊🎀
Jul 14Reply

@jewelrytolove Awe thanks so much! You're closet is amazing! I see you sell retail and I just completed my retail certification (it seemed too easy) and clicked on shop wholesale. Is the price shown for the item for a pack or is it per piece? Also how do you determine the price to sell it at? Double what you paid? Hope you don't mind me asking about it, I've looked in the FAQS and they didn't offer much. ♡♡
Jul 24Reply

@jewelrytolove It really is confusing and seems pricey for wholesale :\. Thanks for the quick response ♡
Jul 24Reply

@jewelrytolove hi ladies! It is very nice to meet you Cheri. The price you see in the wholesale portal is for the group of items so maybe 5 items so maybe 3 or 6 it'll tell you how many comes in what sizes. As far as the MSRP a lot of them will tell you if you ask for it. It is also written on there sometimes. Otherwise they tell you that it's 2.5 - three x what you paid. When I did look around and did some math most of them are the three X what you paid.
Jul 24Reply

@jewelrytolove one thing to keep in mind is some people will go and lower the price quite a bit. When you think about it, that does hurt the market on the other retail poshers. My biggest advice would be start out slow maybe only a couple retail items at a time to see how you're going to like it first of all and second of all to see how well you do. You basically need to decide who your Market is going to be or your Marketing Group who you were going to identify with or Target for your sales.
Jul 24Reply

@jewelrytolove I purchase two retail items several months ago and to date I have not sold a single item. You have to realize that there are several other people out there that are buying the same items as you and some of those people might be lowering the price which causes a lot of competition and possibly a lack of profit. There are other avenues I'm not sure how to do them yet because people are selling retail on Posh but did not buy their items to the wholesale portal.
Jul 24Reply

@cajt62 wow great advice and I agree to try something small and see how it goes. I only started 2 weeks ago with Posh and love it! I need to slow down, I'm just so excited about it ♡:). Thank you both!
Jul 24Reply

@jewelrytolove I hope this helps in some way I would look at @bellanblue and see if she'd be willing to answer some questions for you. But I definitely wouldn't jump into it full force through the Poshmark portal because you could end up losing a lot of money. That is just my opinion and that is just some of the things that I have seen. If you have anymore questions give me a holler if I can't answer your questions I will find somebody that can. You all have a blessed day! 💙💙💙💙
Jul 24Reply

@cajt62 thanks so much and you do the same! I will try 1 small item that I like using my Posh credits and see how it goes ♡♡♡♡
Jul 24Reply

@cherifagan16 Good luck hun.
Jul 24Reply

@cherifagan16 oh i understand! Very easy to get excited and carried away especially in the beginning. I would take a look at other retail stores like the one I gave you and you can find other ones very easily and just study there closets and ask questions and see if they freely give advice or give you any answers. I would also get online and try to do research I don't know where to tell you to start
Jul 24Reply

@cherifagan16 but I do know somehow these girls are doing retail with popular items such as Miss me and Free People.
Jul 24Reply

@jewelrytolove anytime especially for you and your pff's!
Jul 24Reply

Hi. & Welcome to Posh! It's a very supportive & social community & if U have any questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or visit my closet & I'd be happy to help U!
When u SHARE an item with Ur FOLLOWERS they see it in their FEED
The more they Share it to THEIR Followers they more exposure they get
So...the more Followers U have the more POTENTIAL SALES U'll have!
More questions?
Just ask me
Jul 25Reply

@katzkoz thanks so much for your advice and I will definitely take it! I do love the support I've received and am addicted to Poshing! ♡♡♡♡
Jul 25Reply

@cherifagan16 Me too.....still! Love the photos U took too!
Jul 25Reply

@cherifagan16 thanks for sharing my listings! I'm addicted already and I've been on posh for about a month. I'm slowly starting to add things to my closet to sell since I just recently moved and went through all my clothing I donated most of it since I didn't know about this app.
Sep 08Reply

Welcome to Posh & nice to meet you. I'm Sherry also. 👍
Oct 17Reply

@ses54 thanks so much! loving it and the amazing support from amazing women!
Oct 17Reply

@ses54 thank you thank you! endless thanks for sharing so many of my items! 😍😘
Oct 17Reply

You are welcome! 👍💐
Oct 17Reply

Yes it is, Cherie! You will make many friends sharing & following, which IS the key to sales! To ensure you have a "Posh compliant" closet, Your questions are best answered here: @PoshUniversity & @official_forum. There are many things we can't sell on here which could possibly remove your account so I would read up on all those.
Oct 17Reply

If it still says men & children, no...that's changed. It's welcomed now. And if you have a non compliant item on your site, believe me someone will report it. It happens every day. Just a heads up. 👍 We want to keep you on here a while. 😀
Have a blessed day &
Oct 17Reply

Thank you for all the shares also! It wasn't necessary but appreciated! 😘💨💋
Oct 17Reply

Im sending some more friends your way! Love your puppy btw! 🐶🐶
Ladies, Welcome our new Posher...
Oct 17Reply

Love da puppy! 💞 Welcome! 💐 thank you for the tag, @ses54 💐
Oct 17Reply

Welcome and have fun!!
Oct 17Reply

YW @turbokickqueen 😘💨💋
Oct 17Reply

Welcome Cheri! Happy Poshing!
Oct 17Reply

@ses54 wow that is soooo awesome and soooo appreciated ❤💗💝💞
Oct 17Reply

@turbokickqueen thanks so much! We love 🐕 too! Lots of work but worn it.
Oct 17Reply

@elliejo503 thanks a million! It has been fun and addicting!
Oct 17Reply

@lisabeththomas thank you for the welcome! Loving it 💖
Oct 17Reply

@turbokickqueen I mean worth it 😂
Oct 17Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Oct 20Reply

@jassieboo92 thanks so much! loving it! Also thanks a million for the shares!
Oct 20Reply

When you get some free time lmk what size clothes & shoes your daughters wear & I'll see what all I have & will give you a good deal to return the favor. They are all name-brand & in new cond. too! Make sure you tag me in it.
Nov 01Reply

Hi Cheri! Thank you for the follow! I just want to ask, would you be interested in learning about Rodan and Fields? You can email me at
Jan 25Reply

@hdupere you are very welcome! Someone from my church actually approached me about that and I will follow up with her 😀 as needed. thanks just the same!
Jan 25Reply

I understand! Thank you for your kind response!
Jan 25Reply

I apologize for any inconvenience you had with your purchase. I hope it still works out okay!!:)
Apr 27Reply

Welcome to POSH 🌺💄Happy POSHing🌹😜🤑💋
Jun 08Reply

@samanthasmiling Awe thank you so much!!! I actually already have your bundle package up and ready to go to ship out on my break during work tomorrow morning. I so appreciate your perfect offer, I actually have a little surprise in there for you that I hope you like LOL. If you ever consider future bundles I will always give you the best deal because I have way too much stuff😁😙
Aug 07Reply

thank you for the likes! I am open to offers on all my items! : )
Sep 03Reply

Thanks for reaching out with the offer! We were out of town for the holiday weekend & I received an order that I have yet to review. Once I’m able to see what will work with that purchase, I will finalize my bundle and send you an offer. :) You have cute stuff & I ❤️ your meet the posher info.
Jan 02Reply

@flxfit Awe thanks so much! Take your time and Happy new year 🎉
Jan 02Reply

HI Cherie, My brother lives in Bloomsburg! He the singer for the band " Video Daze" Small world, huh!!! Happy Poshing!
Jan 03Reply

@jerseygirl_29 that is amazing! I don't get out much with having two daughters LOL but I will keep an ear out for that band!
Jan 03Reply

Thank you so much for the shares!
Jan 21Reply

Hubby bought an awesome Dooney purse for me from this posher and didn’t know to accept the sale and leave feedback. A little late, but ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌟. Awesome condition and my new favorite purse! As of Christmas when he gave it to me 😉 Thanks!
Feb 24Reply

@mjnblake Awe thank you soooo much! You are so very sweet and I really appreciate the feedback regarding the purse! Have an awesome weekend 😚
Feb 24Reply

Hi Cheri! Thanks so much for your offer on the hats, and I'm interested in buying them, but I have to wait a few days before making a purchase. I'm a self-employed, single parent of 2 and have to be very cautious when indulging myself☺️Give me a few days and I should be able to buy them😊
Mar 08Reply

@carolinaluv Awe thanks so much and I completely understand, I rarely indulge, mostly trying to purge and sweeten the offer for a possible sale. Please no worries and take your time. You are an inspiration being a single parent and keeping your kiddos priority, have a great evening ☺
Mar 08Reply

@cherifagan16 Thank you for the kind words and for understanding! I didn't want you to think I was ignoring your offer, as I am interested in buying the hats😊
Mar 08Reply

@cherifagan16 Have a blessed evening☺️
Mar 08Reply

Happy Poshing! Have a great week! 🐾🐾
May 28Reply

@blkcatfashions thanks so much you do the same 😃
May 28Reply

@becomewinners Awe thanks so much! So very sweet and kind 😍
Jun 26Reply

Hi Cheri, thank you for sharing my listing! You're very kind. I wish you lots of continued success and sales. Have an amazing and blessed day!
Aug 02Reply

Thanks Cheri ❣ I'll ship your bracelets out first thing tomorrow morning. Have a great weekend!
Sep 07Reply

@divaslimited1 Awe thank you so much, I didn't respond in time to the leopard wrap bracelets I wasn't going to miss out on this pack LOL you also have a great weekend!!! 💗
Sep 07Reply

@cherifagan16 ❣ Glad you got them!!! I'll have more of both of them in a week or so. They sell great during the Holiday season. 😎😎😎
Sep 07Reply

Thanks Cheri ❣ I'll ship your order out first thing tomorrow morning. Have a great weekend!
Sep 14Reply

@divaslimited1 Thank you for shipping so quickly, I saw in the one listing you authorized using your photos is that the same for all of your listings even if not stated? Just wanted to be sure 💖
Sep 14Reply

@cherifagan16 ❣ Absolutely! You can always use our photos. Sometimes I just forget to add it to the description. Have a great weekend!!!!
Sep 14Reply

I’m not sure if this posts publicly but I need to contact you about your bundle. One ordered item had already sold on February 16th- could have sworn I deleted it as I always do on the spot per sale 💁🏻. Please contact me to take that item of your total purchase. Thanks and I’m so sorry 😞 Jennifer’s
Feb 21Reply

@jschadler63 I responded in the bundle, what item isn't available? I looked for a substitute but didn't find anything, probably need to cancel order, remove item not available and resubmit an offer.
Feb 22Reply

Ok - will do! They test is packaged and ready to ship out. Disregard letter of explanation- it’s already inside and taped out - so sorry- I’m canceling now. Re order when your ready!
Feb 22Reply

@jschadler63 okay! so which item was not available or did you already remove it?
Feb 22Reply

@cherifagan16 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 05Reply

Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS for the holidays ✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing & Happy Holidays 🎉 🎉
Nov 16Reply

Beautiful property and family! 🦋🦋🦋. Have a beautiful day!
Sep 06Reply

@allnew2u2 you are so sweet! thank you! 💗💖❤️
Sep 06Reply
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