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Updated Nov 12
Updated Nov 12

Lou 🐺 & Bee 🐝

meet the posher



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Britt ➖ New England girl with a Pomeranian BFF (Lou) and a taste for fun, beautiful brands and vintage treasures. Your purchase will arrive in the most eco-friendly or recycled packaging I can make possible. ♻️ I'm always open to offers, so please have a browse and send me one if you see anything that catches your eye! 💫
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muadisole hi Posh Friend! I noticed you sell Ray Ban sunglasses 😎. By listing them with a case and cloth you will be able to attract more viewers and potential buyers. Check my case out by visiting my closet. I❤️offers so do not be shy💋💋Happy Easter🐰🎀
Apr 15Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are so many great closets on Posh but I would love for you to take a moment to check out mine! I am currently offing a free sheet face mask, 20% off bundles, and low prices! I have great reviews and plenty of sizes and many items new with tags too! Thank you so much for your time! Have a great day!
Apr 18Reply
louandbee @spreadlove Hi! I'm not in the market to buy at the moment, but I shared a few of your listings. I hope you get some sales! Good luck 🍀
Apr 18Reply
louandbee @muadisole Thank you! 💕
Apr 18Reply
thehairprofessr Hello Love nice closet
Apr 19Reply
louandbee @thehairprofessr Hi! Thank you, yours is so fun to scroll through! Great stuff.
Apr 19Reply
thehairprofessr @bitty603 thank you 😎😎😎💖
Apr 19Reply
thatgirl1964 Welcome! I'm Brenda. I am a single mom/teacher and do PM to help pay expenses for my son. It's awesome! I made 600.00 last month!
Apr 25Reply
sitpretty Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to visit my closet! I like to offer 10% off any one item to new Poshers, no need to bundle! If you have any questions about buying or selling let me know. Have a great day! 😀🌼😀
Apr 28Reply
aries_boutique Hi Britt, Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to share my listing, so sweet of you! Nice closet, cool stuff, love your sense of style! So, I’ve returned your kindness by following your closet and sharing your things with my followers. Hope you will do me the courtesy of following my closet in return. Thank you and have a great day!
May 04Reply
amy_mac Is that a custom painting?! I love it! And I need one of me and my pup!
May 07Reply
louandbee @amy_mac Yes! Search "HypnoticTeapot" on Etsy! She does amazing portraits. I believe her shop may be on hiatus right now, but she's worth the wait!
May 07Reply
amy_mac Thank you so much! I need this in my life!
May 07Reply
sejoursouvenir Hey just saw you on Instagram! I'm Rachel.livefree24 on Instagram! So nice to meet u! Hope ur sales keep coming!
May 09Reply
louandbee @livefree24 hey girl! Thanks for finding me on here. I love Posh friends 💕
May 09Reply
sejoursouvenir @bitty603 ✌️ same here! When I meet new people I usually tell them to feel free to ask me any questions as I've been on here a while but wow with ur rate, I should be asking u advice! 🙈
May 09Reply
louandbee @livefree24 no way! I'm definitely still learning and will absolutely keep you in my circle! Thanks so much 💕
May 09Reply
sejoursouvenir @bitty603 haha but wow that rly is impressive tho that u made so much in one month!! U go girl 👏 do u find u need to be on the app alotnof the day to really make sales? I used to be on a lot more but now don't have as much time ☺️
May 09Reply
etcbysarah Beautiful closet!! 😍
May 12Reply
dearhope Thank you for the shares angel! 💕
May 24Reply
louandbee @dearhope Thank YOU for all your support/tags - it means a lot to me!
May 24Reply
hbfcloset Hey there. I saw the 603 & wondered if you were from NH and I see that you are and felt the need to say hi because I'm also from NH and I feel like there isn't many of us haha. Just recently moved to Colorado this past fall but spent all my 23 years back in NH. 👋🏼
Jun 03Reply
louandbee @hbfcloset Hi! Yes, I am. So good to see another NH girl. I swear sometimes it feels like half of Posh is from California. Nice to meet you!
Jun 03Reply
louandbee @somethingxgood Thank you so much! I've been feeling discouraged recently because there is so much I want to improve on, so that means a lot.
Jun 08Reply
louandbee @somethingxgood Yes, absolutely!
Jun 08Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected! Hope you check out my closet and find things you love (I do really good pricing for bundles). 👀my handmade jewelry✌🏻💎 Happy poshing 😀
Jun 10Reply
aclotheshorse2 Hello! Thanks for "liking" the great Betsey Johnson "cherry" dress! Let me know if you have any questions. Have a happy day!
Jun 16Reply
angreen40 Thanks for visiting my closet.😀
Jun 26Reply
eastof18 I line in new england and have a black pom as well! He even has the white on the bottom of his muzzle! Old age I guess, but he's still by best buddy <3
Jun 30Reply
louandbee @eastof18 Small world! Poms are such a great breed! My Louie is just awesome ❤️
Jul 01Reply
jennxxoo I LOVE the deal you sent...I'm just waiting for funds to clear . Hopefully by Wednesday ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 15Reply
louandbee @jennxxoo oh good I'm glad! Thanks for your interest :)
Jul 15Reply
tevelyn love your closet!
Jul 22Reply
louandbee @tevelyn thank you! Yours is lovely!
Jul 24Reply
tevelyn @louandbee Thanks! 😊
Jul 24Reply
imagine101 So Sweet 💕
Jul 30Reply
rachelrask Great pics. Good curating also! 👍👍👍
Aug 08Reply
louandbee @rachelrask thank you so much!
Aug 09Reply
karenmgw Love your profile picture! How did you sketch it out? Is there an app for it or you are truly gifted ?
Aug 09Reply
louandbee @karenmgw thank you so much! I wish I were that talented - I actually had it done by a portrait artist I found on Etsy. Her username is "hypnoticteapot" but I believe her store is closed at the moment.
Aug 09Reply
karenmgw @louandbee Thanks for the info! It's beautiful
Aug 09Reply
genindesign83 Hey! I just listed some vintage items you may be interested in 😍
Aug 09Reply
louandbee @genindesign83 Thanks for the heads up! I might just take a browse :)
Aug 09Reply
wearablewhimsy @louandbee hi Britt! Thanks for following me! I've been following your instagram posts and love them 😊 While I've been on posh for a while, I'm still an instagram newbie haha. Love your closet! xo, Courtney
Aug 16Reply
louandbee @limegreenme22 Hi! How could I not?! Your closet is GOALS! Completely drop dead gorgeous, seriously! What's your IG username? I want to make sure I follow you if I'm not already! ❤️
Aug 16Reply
wearablewhimsy @louandbee aww, thanks--so sweet of you! My IG username is the same as my closet (limegreenme22)! I just started it the other day as a way to expand my posh audience so don't have much content yet. but, definitely looking forward to reading more of your posts! xo
Aug 16Reply
amck1016 Hi. I just got a golden lularoe dress size s from you, but I did not order or pay for it. Let me know how you want me to handle this. Thanks! -Allison
Aug 23Reply
louandbee @amck1016 I'm so sorry for the mix up! I'm going to email Posh support and see if I can figure out what went wrong with the labels. Thank you for letting me know!
Aug 23Reply
amck1016 @louandbee ok. Just let me know. I love my shoes BTW!
Aug 23Reply
louandbee @amck1016 I'll let you know when I get a response :) And I'm so glad you like them! They're adorable and so pretty for Fall!
Aug 23Reply
amck1016 @louandbee I have the box and packaging so I am happy to just send it to the intentional buyer if you can email me the label. If that's even an option. Thanks!
Aug 23Reply
louandbee @amck1016 hi again! It looks like Poshmark emailed you a shipping label to forward the package to the correct address. Were you able to do that? Thank you so much for offering! I very much appreciate it!
Aug 29Reply
amck1016 @louandbee yes. My mail carrier took the package today:)
Aug 30Reply
jasminesalesxo Welcome to Posh! I'm Jasmine 🙂✊🏼. Hope you start your closet soon! Can't wait to see what's in store. For any questions, just ask me💖 See you soon!!🤗✨
Sep 02Reply
amykppar I'm sorry about not accepting the offer. The day got away from me. I just rebid on them.
Sep 04Reply
louandbee @amykppar Not a problem! Thanks so much!
Sep 04Reply
britlynnjohn What I want to know is who drew that amazing picture of you and your pup
Sep 05Reply
louandbee @britlynnjohn Thanks! The artist is "hypnoticteapot" on Etsy, but unfortunately I don't think she's currently open.
Sep 05Reply
samm_iaamm Thanks for all the shares your closet is beautiful 💕
Sep 07Reply
jmebackstrom Thank you for all of the shares! Your closet is amazing 😍 I found your IG and it’s always so fun to hear your thoughts and see the great things you find! 💕 •my IG is jamjambackstrom•
Oct 19Reply
louandbee @jmebackstrom thank you for finding me here! Your closet is lovely, it was a pleasure to browse through as I was sharing :)
Oct 19Reply
frannie2017 Good Morn, I put an Offer in on your Uggs, I hope U will consider it, ThankU!!
Oct 26Reply
amplifyart7 That illustration of you guys is amazing. Did you do that?
Oct 28Reply
louandbee @amplifyart7 thank you! An artist I found through Etsy did it for me!
Oct 28Reply
amplifyart7 @louandbee so awesome. Would you mind sharing their Etsy. name? I Want one! 🦋🌸🐶
Oct 28Reply
louandbee @amplifyart7 of course! Her Etsy shop is called “HypnoticTeapot”, but last I checked she was taking a break to do some college courses. She’s amazing though!
Oct 28Reply
gema02 Hi:) Thank You for sharing. You have an amazing closet. Happy poshing and happy holidays!!!
Nov 20Reply
michalrokah Hi there! Thank you for purchasing the Yoga pants bundle, I just accepted your offer, and I'm sure your going to enjoy them! 🕉️ I am heading to a yoga retreat this afternoon so I will be able to ship the items on Monday, just wanted to give you this heads up! ❤️ Michal.
Jan 05Reply
louandbee @michalrokah no problem at all. Thanks for accepting my offer. I’m excited to put them to good use!
Jan 05Reply
michalrokah Hi! Just dropped your box in the mail today, I am so sorry for the delay. Please do not cancel the order, the items are on their way over! Namaste 🍭
Jan 11Reply
1183k You have great stuff! I started following you and also shared some of your listings that unfortunately (fortunate for my bank account?! ;) don’t fit me. :)
Jan 26Reply
louandbee @1183k well thank you so much! I’ll share some of your listings back when I get to my desktop!
Jan 26Reply
krisshott Can I just say... your closet is addicting and this is by far my favorite closet i have EVER SEEN!
Jan 31Reply
louandbee @krisshott thank you so much! I put a lot of work into it so it really makes me happy to hear that you’re enjoying browsing it!
Jan 31Reply
krisshott I’ve been on Poshmark for a year and your closet scares me bc I could drop so much money! Lol! Would you mind just sending the original bundle for now? As I have no idea what else I want. Lol BC I LIKE IT ALL! HAHAHA
Jan 31Reply
louandbee @krisshott oh my gosh I know what you mean! I only sold on Posh for the first little bit, but once I started’s addicting! Let me re-list those items. I’ll tag you to repurchase in just a minute,
Jan 31Reply
krisshott Ohhh you are too nice!!! Thank you!!! It is very addicting!!i think my husband is going to have a cow! Bc I’ve spent way too much money on here but when you think of the deals.... it’s like why not?!?;) lol! Although not sure he sees it in that light 💡! It’s definitely an addiction!
Jan 31Reply
krisshott Btw your hair is REALLY pretty 💜
Jan 31Reply
krisshott Sorry for the inconvenience.
Jan 31Reply
louandbee @krisshott Not a problem :) I just tagged you over on the listing. Go ahead and purchase that one (I cancelled the first). Thanks again!
Jan 31Reply
darcykc Did u draw that pic of you and your dog? So cute :)
Feb 03Reply
louandbee @darcykc I wish I were so talented! An artist I found on Etsy did it for me :)
Feb 03Reply
alexusgalvan Love your picture with your dog😊
Feb 14Reply
shoediva79 @louandbee I definitely want to accept your offer can I do it tomorrow I get paid tomorrow and will definitely accept thank you
Feb 15Reply
srivetti The vineyard vines top will b shipped with the shipping discount. Correct?
Feb 17Reply
srivetti I wanted the lower shipping rate!!!!!
Feb 17Reply
louandbee @srivetti you would have needed to accept my original offer which included the shipping discount in order to get a shipping discount. If you have changed your mind about your purchase, please let me know.
Feb 17Reply
srivetti Cancel this purchase if u will not accept the shipping discount.
Feb 17Reply
srivetti Cancel this purchase. Thank u
Feb 17Reply
louandbee @srivetti I can absolutely do you that favor. Have a wonderful evening...
Feb 17Reply
jewelsie @louandbee hi hunny I wanted to ask if you’d consider $25 on the IRO sweater. I’m tight with shipping included and I can cover the total at $25. For the sweater Can you lmk please. You just sent a offer a $30. Thank you kindly ☺️
Mar 02Reply
louandbee @jewelsie hi! Go ahead and counter my offer :) I’ll get you to my lowest price.
Mar 02Reply
jewelsie @louandbee thank you just did ☺️
Mar 02Reply
lunanova_love I absolutely love your stuff! I’m in the process of moving, so trying not to buy things...super tempted though!!! When I get to my new place be sure to check your closet out❤️❤️
Mar 05Reply
louandbee @lunanova_love thank you so much! I feel your pain! I feel like I’m in a constant state of cleaning my closet out. It’s amazing how much we can accumulate! Luckily, I circulate a lot with Poshmark. Happy to have you follow along :)
Mar 05Reply
redshoes00 Love your closet! 😍
Mar 13Reply
rnoelleb I love your painting!! Did you do it yourself??
May 12Reply
louandbee @rnoelleb I wish I were that talented! A digital artist on Etsy did it for me 😊
May 12Reply
tracyalexandra @louandbee Awww I can tell your Pommie, Lou must be a Gorgeous Puppers judging by the beautiful painting. I have a red headed Pommie, he looks like a Fox ❤❤❤🐺❤❤❤ Lovely Closet 😉😍
May 15Reply
louandbee @tracyalexandra so sweet! What’s your baby’s name? I’m so glad I adopted a Pom, they’re such a great breed. And thank you for your kind words!
May 15Reply
tracyalexandra @louandbee My Pommie was rescued from the street, & he had a name tag (it had a phone #, which I called & it was a disconnected number) the name on his tag said, "Amoroso" which in Spanish means someone who's very Loving, so I kept his name, since it is so much him & so cute!!!
May 15Reply
tracyalexandra @louandbee You're Furry Welcome ❤❤❤🐶❤❤❤
May 15Reply
trendypenny I love this picture
May 23Reply
mrsmeyers93 Shipping out your free people top tomorrow and just wanted to let you know I had it listed as without tags. It has the tags attached and is brand new. Just a heads up! Enjoy!
Jun 08Reply
louandbee @mrsmeyers93 thank you so much! That’s such a nice surprise ❤️ I’m so excited, it’s so pretty!
Jun 08Reply
veejewels Hi - your rainbow sweater will be shipped out on Monday. Thanks
Jun 08Reply
mercuryshadow You have a beautiful closet! 😍
Jun 26Reply
louandbee @mercuryshadow thank you so much! 😊
Jun 26Reply
marina2585 Thanks a lot!!!!❤️❤️❤️🤗
Jun 29Reply
louandbee @marina2585 thank you Marina! I’ll get your dress shipped out ASAP ❤️😊
Jun 29Reply
posh_whale Thanks for all the shares! 😁😊🙏🏻
Jul 10Reply
foundlovelies Love the way you’ve styled your closet and items!
Jul 27Reply
louandbee @foundlovelies thank you so much! ❤️
Jul 27Reply
gabrielamilotte Hello, love! I'm Gabby, a Poshmark Ambassador and Mentor. If you ever need help/have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me! ☺️ I am so happy to have you apart of the Posh Community! 💗
Aug 29Reply
lhhughes @gabrielamilotte Hi there! I’ve put a bundle together and you’ve given me a very nice offer. I love the items but am going to hold off buying them at this time. Thanks! Love your closet!
Sep 10Reply
hit111 Welcome 🙏 welcome,welcome, to poshing which is easy.......checkout my closet, if u see something u like just make an offer......
Sep 10Reply
monroeam @louandbee amazing art! 🌸
Sep 30Reply
hillary592 Hi! I’ll do $45 if you cover shipping on the Free People loafers. I just bought another pair for the same price 😬
Oct 03Reply
kcrewfive Hi! Welcome! I am originally from Gilmanton before we moved South! Beautiful town!!
Oct 24Reply
arenzelli111 Hi, thank you for your purchase from my closet! You are going to love your new Rothys! They shipped this morning!
Nov 27Reply
louandbee @arenzelli111 thank you so much! I have a printed pair and have been wanting a solid color for work!
Nov 27Reply
katelynbc11 Hello! I am trying very bad to clear out my closet and am accepting any and all reasonable offers !!! Will be totally down to negotiate on anything! Check it out please , thank you!!!:)
Feb 19Reply
andreainak Thanks for the shares! 💜
May 13Reply
i4styleshay happy poshing
Jun 19Reply
quesaraho New England pups and gals are the best! Although I may be a bit biased 😶 (masshole)
Sep 29Reply
louandbee @quesaraho love that you call yourself a masshole 😂😵 I’m a New Hampshirite, we’re neighbors!
Sep 30Reply
quesaraho @louandbee love love lovee your closet and colors and your whole vibe by the way ✌🏻❤️ and I saw! Im from andover! Small little world here on posh!
Sep 30Reply
louandbee @quesaraho thank you! Hope to run into you at a Posh event sometime in the future!
Sep 30Reply
bamfshades whatup posh fam!
Nov 09Reply
modnaya_koshka Hello, I hope you have a beautiful day and find some time to check on my closet. I am work in the fashion industry and I get a lot of really cool unique items for sale after our photo-shoots. If you see something you like, please feel free to send me an offer. Thank you and have a blessed Holidays )))
Dec 17Reply
free2beyou Hey Lou and bee :) I'm Michelle, nice to meet you! I'm next to you in MA, been sick for a month but it's given me a lot of Posh time ;) silver lining gal I am ;) I wanted to come say hello and ask Did you create the print for your Posher? I like it either way, if so, you're super talented! Love your style <3 Thanks for liking the woman power sweatshirt <3 I'm sending out offers all weekend so as always feel free to accept, counter or decline :) Have a great weekend and a happy, happy 2020!!
Jan 25Reply
bamfshades What's up posh fam!
Feb 07Reply
juliaanne1030 hello! Sorry for delay! Will be sending out the jacket this week
Mar 24Reply
louandbee @juliaanne1030 no worries! I know things are a bit crazy for everyone at the moment 😊
Mar 24Reply
juliaanne1030 @louandbee thank you! Yes crazy times!
Mar 24Reply
grojivxatu Good Morning! how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade. I always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
May 17Reply
anx1 Cute, colorful closet!
May 18Reply
doriehg Hi there Britt!! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet 😊 Happy Independence Data, by the way 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Aug 08Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Aug 13Reply
sarahhuntzinger Ahhhh!!! My daughter’s name is Lou 💕😊
Sep 23Reply
louandbee @sarahhuntzinger Great name! Is it short for anything?
Sep 23Reply
sarahhuntzinger @louandbee yes, Louise☺️
Sep 23Reply
pattersong916 @louandbee your profile pic illustration is stunning! did you do it yourself or commission an artist for it?
Mar 19Reply
seagirl123 You have a great closet
Apr 11Reply
seagirl123 Love your closet
Apr 11Reply
seagirl123 I’m thinking of a bundle
Apr 11Reply
louandbee @seagirl123 thank you so much! I’m happy to send a discounted offer once you’ve completed your bundle.
Apr 11Reply
louandbee @pattersong916 I found a digital artist on Etsy! She’s wonderful, though I’m sad to say that her shop is currently closed.
Apr 11Reply
seagirl123 Oh thank you doll
Apr 11Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️It’s nice to meet you. Hope you are loving Poshmark. I’d 💕 love it if you would visit my closet and follow me…and, I will follow you. Wishing you all the the 🍀 luck in the 🌎
Jul 05Reply
klegyrl Thank you for your purchase! ❤️ I’ll get your item shipped out no later than tomorrow. Have a wonderful day! 🙂
Dec 22Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! when you shop my closet, 100% of earnings go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. more info on my page. -peach ♡🎗
Jan 09Reply
the_art_place Hi, if you like art and art books, visit us.
Jan 20Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely painting pic :) Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 800+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Apr 03Reply
cutehosiery @louandbee Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 23Reply
unclaimed Britt beautiful pictures , Happy holidays, Nice closet.Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet for $50 or replenish your inventory. expires 12 06 22
Dec 03Reply
sellingthings19 I declined because daughter no longer wanted but would have taken offer if she still did. Thank you! She wants the crop version.
Jul 09Reply

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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Concord, NH
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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Concord, NH
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