Louis Vuitton’s
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Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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like this

Gorgeous family 😍🎉💞💝🤝happy Poshing & happy new year🎆💐🌹
Dec 29Reply

Thank You for your offer I just dropped price
Oct 16Reply

Please submit your $165 offer for LV Trocadera again. I will accept. Thx
Nov 14Reply

@lily740 awe I have already purchased another ... short on dollars, I could offer $150 but that it’d be it . Let me know thanks
Nov 15Reply

@teeleei1 I’ll just keep it. Thx
Nov 15Reply

Hi! this weekend only my entire closet is 40% off (Including ALL LOUIS VUITTON and CHANEL items!), submit an offer for up to 40% off and I will accept!
Nov 28Reply

Hey there ,I just wanted to let you know that I just sent your package off. I also wanted to thank you for your business too. Happy Holidays!
Dec 14Reply

I’m so excited for you to receive your LV bag. Fingers crossed it arrives this week! Thank you so much! 😊
Jan 18Reply

@dimi57 me too!! Thank you:)
Jan 18Reply

I had the bag at $750 initially. And lowered. So I’m kinda firm on the price😌
Feb 21Reply

Hey hun I seen you were Interested in a Louis Vuitton Neverfull mm. I currently have one listed and it comes with its matching pouch, dust bag, box and tags. Feel free to take a look. And message me if you’d like to discuss a decent price for us both as well as receive more detailed pics 😇
Richcatlady51 @ g mail . Com (cell#413.308.4015)
Feb 27Reply

Hello👋🏼 thanks for your purchase. I’ll ship your bag first thing in the morning.
Feb 27Reply

Hi Terri! Thank you so much for your like! I’m offering a sale currently- Buy 5 items, get 6 free! Feel free to bundle 11 items, and the 6 lowest priced items will be completely free! This will also come with a free gift and free same day shipping. Let me know if you have any questions 🙂 Have a great week!
Mar 08Reply

@auniquevintage awesome thank you!
Mar 10Reply

So I just listed the wallet yesterday, let me give it a week and a half and then we can work something out
Mar 12Reply

Hi! You put an offer in for my LV Damier bag and I cannot go that low. I’m sure your aware of what Poshmark takes and I’m already very low. The bag is in very good condition.
Mar 20Reply

@alliechav88 it fine:) & yes they take 20%..I can only offer maybe a little more
Mar 20Reply

Hi I just saw your next offer but I have my LV bag listed for &621 and I cannot go lower then what I have offered, which I’m second guessing that. I’m sorry.
Mar 21Reply

💐Hi there welcome to Poshmark. Visit my closet for authentic Louis Vuitton and other items. Reasonable offers are always welcome 😊
Mar 31Reply

Hi there I paid $375 and just don’t want to lose too much to posh fees. I can’t go that low :/
Apr 15Reply

@teeleei1 Hello fellow Posher!! Stopping by to say hello👋🏼☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕I would like to invite you to visit my closet store🌈OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
May 14Reply

Hey girl, you bought the LV duffle bag from me! Did you ever receive that item?? It’s the only thing I’ve sold that has not had a tracking? I spoke to USPS and they have told me
It was sent out but the guy was new and didn’t scan the item.
May 16Reply

Hi Terri, I will be shipping your LV bag in the morning. We were out of town for the holiday... So sorry for the delay !!
Jun 02Reply

@itravel4ace ok Np thanks for the update
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for you offer but my LV it’s really good condition
Jun 20Reply

@654nila 850?
Jun 20Reply

@teeleei1 ok but I’m out of town right now I’m not coming back till nexts Sunday I will ship to you on Monday that is ok to you
Jun 20Reply

@654nila yes can you put it on hold for me
Jun 20Reply

@teeleei1 ok I will
Jun 20Reply

@654nila thank you :)
Jun 20Reply

@teeleei1 are still interested on my LV
Jun 26Reply

@654nila yes what the great deal your gonna give me:)
Jun 26Reply

@teeleei1 ok I’m home now
Jun 26Reply

@teeleei1 The lowest I can do is 850
Jun 26Reply

@654nila I thought we agreed on $825??
Jun 26Reply

Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jul 03Reply

Hello, it's raining here, but I will ship it out to you as soon as it let's up🥰 Hope you have a great day!
Jul 09Reply

You canceled your offer for the LV palmero. Did you change your mind? I can come to an agreement with you
Jul 13Reply

@dmoyer78 really can only afford the $550:(
Jul 13Reply

🤎 thank you for your purchase I hope you enjoy 🙏🏽 shipping ASAP
Jul 26Reply

Aug 19Reply

@corazon8 ok thanks
Aug 28Reply

Hi Ms Terri
Just shipped your bag. Thanks so much for your purchase. Also, I’ll be listing another LV Handbag tonight. Thanks so much and enjoy the day!
Sep 15Reply

thanks for your purchase! I'll have it sent out this week!
Sep 22Reply

@williamshaw123 awesome thank you!!
Sep 22Reply

@paulajo which one??
Oct 09Reply

Hello !! Thank u for purchasing I will
Out today happy Friday !! 😊😊
Oct 15Reply

@roonie73 ty
Oct 15Reply

Hello @teeleei1 thank you for your offer on my LV wallet. I countered your offer. It’s such a beautiful wallet. And since it’s older it’s made so well and canvas is so nice and thick. I hope understand. You won’t be disappointed with the wallet. It’s beautiful.
Oct 17Reply

Good Morning! You counter-offered recently. Would you consider just a little bit more? Maybe fifteen more? Just wanted to reach out. Thank you! ⭐️
Oct 17Reply

@teeleei1 hi! How about you meet me at $175 and it’s yours. (For the LV wallet) thank you.
Oct 18Reply

@lolitarandle ok
Oct 19Reply

@lolitarandle it’s not even there!!
Oct 19Reply

Hi you bought lv clutch from me and I can’t force myself to get rid of it however I have another I will sale same price. Tell me if you wanna see it or return money?
Oct 24Reply

Hello Terry. you are a very nice person and I see you are interested in my LV bag . I would add a LV scarf as gift but I can't go lower then 380.00 I am sorry. I apologize 😔. I appreciate your interest.
Nov 07Reply

@dasa1962 free ship??
Nov 07Reply

@teeleei1 what is your offer?
Nov 08Reply

hi . not sure if you getting this message. it is about the LV . you offered 355 how about 375
Nov 09Reply

hi Terry. I had an 382 offer. but I am new with this selling. I wanted to ask if you are still interested in the LV bag or not. Thank you for letting me know
Nov 10Reply

@teeleei1 hey there you just made me an offer of $275 on my LV can you do $300 and it’s yours?? I like your page and purpose by the way cause everyone can’t afford brand new 🙏🏽😊
Nov 14Reply

@juschay sure and can you include dust bag too:)
Nov 14Reply

@teeleei1 yup
Nov 14Reply

@teeleei1 thanks for the purchase I will be shipping first thing Monday am , blessings to you and your beautiful family 🙏🏽😊
Nov 14Reply

@teeleei1 Hi Terri!💓 I can do $260 if you’re still interested hun! Feel free to send over a counter offer🥰
Nov 30Reply

Hi this bag was listed in the 400 originally I’ve dropped it a lot in past week as I have some new ones to list. We aren’t that far off it’s a stellar deal
May 28Reply

I Teri,
Unfortunately I can only sell the LV bag without the pouch for $500!
Jul 06Reply

Sorry that offer was too low. Lowest is $125 higher than you offered.
Aug 06Reply

Hello. I sent my best on the LV Case. If you decide to get it I can ship today for you. She’s stunning 😍
Thank you
Sep 02Reply

Hi, thanks for the offer! I have someone else slightly higher which is why I counter-offered. I'll try one slightly lower but but it's the best I can do.
Sep 26Reply

Hi I have reposted the Louis Vuitton bag that you liked, if you are still interested I’m willing to make you a better offer
Oct 13Reply

@elenashalom which bag?
Oct 13Reply

@teeleei1 I just tagged you in it
Oct 13Reply

Thanks for following! 🦋
Would you like any 💯 Authentic designer bags please make and offer, i can do best for you! Don’t miss out bcz off price.. 👜
Oct 27Reply

Hi! Thanks for the offers on the LV petit bag I really need the $135, thank you.
Nov 04Reply

Hi. Can we discuss what is not as described ? I’m sorry you feel that way if you are feeling this way.
Dec 02Reply

@laurak7474 You stated it was an excellent condition the inside is terrible outside monogram is good but all the leather has darkened and is dirty watermarks etc. not worth what I paid for it
Dec 02Reply

Hi. I will accept your offer for the Louis Vuitton Dust bag. But I want to make sure that it’s ok that I cannot ship it till Monday. It will be coming from FL. Please let me know if that is ok and I will accept your offer. Thanks.
Dec 16Reply

@suzcat12 yes that’s perfectly fine:) TY
Dec 16Reply

Thank! I will ship Monday. Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Dec 16Reply

@suzcat12 ty and Happy Holidays!!
Dec 16Reply

Still trying to send other pics of the verification certificate last week on a different site
Feb 10Reply

What was I thinking, you will know it is authentic as soon as you see and feel it, lol, you have more LVs then I do, so obviously know authentic. i can not believe all the fake LVs on Posh and they are getting big $$ for them. Such a shame for the buyer. Have a great weekend,
Feb 10Reply

@eyecandyshop yes I will hun:) no worries as I’ve owned one like this before:) and yes the scammers are out there everywhere! Poshmark is not supposed to be allowing them to list but everyday under new listings there’s hundreds of them!! Makes me mad!
Feb 10Reply

Good morning Terri, I saw you like my storage box Luis Vuitton, if you still interested try to make an offert , but I already drop several time, you will find other maybe in better condition or better price. Have a nice day
Feb 13Reply

Hello Terri, I saw you like my storage Luis Vuitton box, please make an offert, I use to drop any like, but at the end nobody buy, now is 22$ less posh fee, if someone is interested not just to drop the price, is better make the offert, happy poshing
Feb 15Reply

WHOMEVER said above this seller is a scammer is RIGHT ON, SELLS SO MANY FAKES, I am a lawyer and reported her to all venues, & law enforcement. BUYER BEWARE. She is returning a bag she offered from me WITH FALSE LIBEL UNTRUE , FALSE CLAIMS, will ATTEMPT TO keep my new strap, but won't get away with it. READ ALL THESE MESSAGES BEWARE.
Feb 15Reply

@eyecandyshop are you ok or did you forget to take your meds lady? Your the one whose deceiving buyers!
Feb 15Reply

I am going to list the bag now under new site. Tje6569. Put in a bundle screen and I'll lower the price to 550 for you if you still want it.
Feb 21Reply

@tje6569 I just put offer in for $550
Feb 21Reply

Hey! Wanted to let you know the speedy does have a vintage odor to it. Before you buy
Apr 10Reply

@christinals21 is it really bad??
Apr 10Reply

@teeleei1 no I have let it air out but wanted to let you know before I accepted your last offer. I updated the description as well
Apr 10Reply

@christinals21 can you do better on Merca?
Apr 10Reply

@teeleei1 yes , and I have it listed there
Apr 10Reply

@teeleei1 kat007 is my name there
Apr 10Reply

Hey, I wanted to drop the price on the LV clutch a little more but couldn’t really, as I’ve already dropped from $1200 to $875 in the last couple of days. Sorry about that.
Apr 24Reply

@terrell0920 take $700:)?
Apr 24Reply

@teeleei1 I wish I could do that for ya, im sorry. Wife wants what we have it listed for to be the bottom line
Apr 24Reply

@terrell0920 ok no worries:) if you change your mind please let me know:) Thanks!
Apr 24Reply

Hi I see you made an offer on my LV bag. I accidentally accepted the person who was in my email below your name by mistake- so if you want the bag I’ll have to cancel their offer then you can send the offer again abd I’ll accept it. I should have been wearing my glasses but they were hurting my ears so I took them off but I really can’t see well without them. Thanks -cristy
May 29Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for your purchase !!! It was a free gift to me so I decided to sell it cheap for extra cash. I hope you enjoy it !!! 💕 I will ship it out tomorrow
Jun 11Reply

@kayladdawn ty hun
Jun 11Reply

I didn’t sell my Louie bag in case you’re still interested I posted it again - your offer was missed by mistake but if you send it again I will accept it
Jun 13Reply

Hi! So Poshmark did not tell me they were returning the item. I haven’t used Poshmark in years and they shipped it back to my old address states away. I have no idea who lives in my old house and now I will not receive my pouch. I live in Texas and it’s already been shipped to Philadelphia. I wish someone would have reached out to ask where to ship it back to.
Jun 23Reply

Hey if you want to submit the offer for $275 againI will accept it! @teeleei1
Jun 26Reply

@emberger4294 I would but I noticed there’s cracking on the strap:( usually means the leather is pretty dry:( Ty anyways:)
Jun 26Reply

@teeleei1 ok no problem! There’s no damage besides that small crack but no problem!! Just thought I’d offer! Have a good night!
Jun 26Reply

Ur cat is cute and thanks for liking my listing , and if ur interested don’t be afraid to make an offer .
Jun 28Reply

@smstof52 Ah thanks it’s my mom’s she just got him… he’s a gorgeous rag doll kitten:) What’s the best you can do on your LV?
Jun 28Reply

Your cat is beautiful btw !!! I will go lower if u r really interested !!!
Jun 28Reply

Come on sell me that cat it’s gorgeous!!! I can come down a little lower on the price !!!
Jun 29Reply

Hey! Are you interested in my LV?
Jul 17Reply

@clairerobby1122 it nice but can’t afford it:(
Jul 17Reply

@teeleei1 we can negotiate!
Jul 17Reply

@clairerobby1122 best price?
Jul 17Reply

@teeleei1 bundle the item so we can chat!
Jul 17Reply

@teeleei1 Thank you so much for your offer, I countered at my absolute lowest! I hope it works for you 🥰💕
Jul 17Reply

My I G is T h e b a g b a b e s s
if you want Dm me there
Jul 21Reply

@teeleei1 You’re the best buyer ever!!! Thank you so much!!! 🥰♥️
Jul 24Reply

@teeleei1 Hi! Thanks for the offer on the LV bag. Would you consider buying it for 450?
Aug 01Reply

@madisynlane209 can only do $400 sorry I’ve bought too many bags recently lol
Aug 01Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Sep 16Reply

Hi! I’m Melissa! Please check out my closet too if you're in the mood to shop! 🙋 🫶
Sep 29Reply

Morning! Sorry the lowest I can go for 2 Louis bags is 775
Nov 28Reply

Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Dec 10Reply

Will you be listing anymore LVs?
Dec 17Reply

hello! if you love authentic designer bags please check us out 🤗✨ happy poshing!
Feb 21Reply

Hello ,
Poshmark Is A Great Place For
Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝
Stop By and Shop🛍️
Our New Selections Of
Beautiful & Unique Items
🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗
@enchantedshores 👑🏰💖
Enchanted Shores
Feb 21Reply

Hi Terri, I had to delete my listing and re-add at the new price. It’s in there, if you still want. If my other buyer accepts first, I will have to take hers.
Mar 05Reply

Thank you for your purchased, I will send the item to PM. Headquarter to be authentication tomorrow and after that should be on the way to you soon. Have a great day.
Mar 17Reply

@gini103 ok ty
Mar 17Reply

Hi.. I'm sorry sweety, I can't go that low, it cost me a bit more and with Posh taking 20%. I will lose money..xo
May 23Reply

Hi, I'm the posher u made an offer on the Louie Vuitton. I am willing to accept ur offer if ur still interested?
Jul 25Reply

👋 Hellow fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Something for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. Happy shopping 🛍
Aug 21Reply

Hi! My closet has tons of NWT finds like the viral beaded bags, 🇬🇧 UK exclusive & US Juicy Couture Bags, 🍒styles from Coach Crystal & Cherry Collection! Peanuts, Disney Stitch Pooh & Hello Kitty homewares ✨ House of Harlow 1960 matching sets, jewelry dresses and more NWT designer items! Bundle whatever you like for an offer ✨ items will be shipped same or next day depending on when you order! Happy Poshing!
Sep 30Reply

Hey there. Emi here. Feel free to visit my closet and check out some beautiful Vintage items. I hope you love owning a unique piece of Art of Antique and Collectibles, and you can feel good about saving something beautiful from being discarded and forgotten. Happy Poshing!! 💕
Nov 10Reply

Hello! Please take a look @ the comment that I left on your bundle 💖🛍️💖 hope to be doing business with you!
Nov 27Reply

Hello from Washington State and welcome to my closet where I see the LV Soeedy 35 Caught your eye. I have this on sale but I did make an offer with free shipping on an already reduced item. She s a beautiful bag. LMK if I can answer any questions.
Feb 09Reply

I’m sorry I priced these wrong they were a lot more than listed, I got the at George & Co.
Feb 11Reply

Hi Terri, sorry $440 is an amazing deal on the LV pouch. My girlfriend paid retail and never used it. She has a lot of money and therapy shops. If interested I am going to the post office in about an hour and can send today. Thank you and sorry about that and hope you understand ❤️
Feb 22Reply

@rebeccaann1115 hi yes I get it but can’t go that high:( ty anyways:)
Feb 22Reply

I have a Ragdoll boy!!
Mar 01Reply

@vdeola it’s my mom’s kitty. His name is GG:)  he’s a beautiful kitty cat :-)
Mar 01Reply

@teeleei1 GG is beautiful too! My Ragdoll is named Pickles! Let me know if you want anything in my closet. I’m happy to work with you.
Mar 01Reply

Hello from Washington State. Thank you for the offer on h the Speedy 35. I countered and presented a bundle for you including the LV box which I would send as a gift if you can reach my counter. Thank you again LMK if you have questions.
Mar 02Reply

You my love drive a hard bargain. ☺️❤️🌷 I love your perseverance!! I accepted your offer there was a hiccup with your payment once fixed I will get this shipped out today.💐🌷💐🌷❤️
Mar 05Reply
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