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Updated Jan 24
Updated Jan 24

Love is the bridge between you and everything.

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Love is the bridge between you and everything. Rumi
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annick100 I find Rumi so inspirational 💚💗⭐️
Jul 07Reply
pamela_camille I love rumi too a lot and I hope you like my painting. Love Pam
Jul 07Reply
serendipityd Beautiful!! 😎
Jul 11Reply
pamela_camille @serendipityd Thank you. I am happy that you like my painting and the quote. I really appreciate it. Kind regards Pam
Jul 11Reply
annick100 Phone on 2% 😩 must hurry home for power cord. Just got off work. Tonight is graduation party 🎉. Miss you 🥰 Now YOU could teach me something; I don’t know how to style people 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Help! 😉 xo 💚💗⭐️😘Ann (more shares ltr tonight!)
Aug 16Reply
pamela_camille @annick100 Dear Ann I don’t know what you are talking about. I sincerely think you are so cool and stylish . You just need to go with your gut. Lots of love Pam Pam
Aug 17Reply
annick100 @pamela_camille I’m just about to join the part- but what I meant was I truly do not know the mechanisms or what buttons to push to ‘style someone in their closet or in a bundle’ like you did the mini skirt to me!! I just do not know how it’s done on Poshmark. I tried looking it up and don’t ‘get it.’ So when you’ve time maybe you can explain how you did that. Am I making sense now? Must go join the party 🎈 xo 💚💗⭐️🥰Ann
Aug 17Reply
pamela_camille @annick100 Dear Ann I hope that you had a great time at the party. Regarding the styling with the mini skirt. I am absolutely clueless. I must have done it by accident. I am sorry. I will try and see if I can go on line and research too. I really wish that I knew. Best regards Pam
Aug 17Reply
pamela_camille @annick100 Hi I hope that you are doing well. I have been busy trying to organize some of the listed items and adding measurements as I go along. I hope all is well with you. I will try to email again as you didn’t seem to have received the last one. Take care of yourself Love Pam
Aug 18Reply
annick100 @pamela_camille Hi Pam- Not a second to myself but sleeping this weekend. Just shot a bunch of children’s items & hopefully can spend 2-3 hours on women’s now. At this rate I’ll never refill my closet! I’ll look in spam for your email 👍🏼🥰 Sometimes my gmail is fussy like that. If you re-send just send a ‘Hi’ & I’ll write back-
Aug 19Reply
annick100 @pamela_camille Had lots of kids’ issues all weekend which is fine but took a lot of time (mostly middle son 🤷🏼‍♀️) Also had daughter’s graduation 👩‍🎓 party 🎉-was fun. In email can send a pic. Also on instagram under AnnLaughrin. Hardly ever post but... Beautiful days out here in Denver. Walked in parade yesterday for Meals on Wheels. Was fun. Only had one sale since Wednesday-tons of offers that no one took. Frustrating.
Aug 19Reply
annick100 @pamela_camille I already price so low-how low do people think I can go?!? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Ugh. Okay, enough complaining. Tried sharing earlier but had to run. Will try late tonight. XO Love to you 🥰💚💗⭐️Ann
Aug 19Reply
annick100 @pamela_camille p.s. I re-added category headers to my Closet & am remembering why I dislike them!! What a hassle to keep regrouping items 2x daily!! Pulling my short hair out! lol 😂
Aug 19Reply
annick100 Thanks tons for sharing pics. I’m at my mother in law’s doing her hair and it’s a big undertaking. Have family flying in today and big dinner tonight. I’ll NEVER get my closet refilled. I owe you my friend! xoxo 🥰💚💗⭐️
Aug 24Reply
pamela_camille @annick100 Dear Ann You are absolutely welcome. I have been very busy today sorting out stuff for Alex, my son. Have a great time with your family. Lots of love Pam
Aug 24Reply
annick100 Quick good morning! Now running a bit late for work 😩 Will send proper word later today. Just thinking of you & wishing you a lovely day! Sending a hug & love 💕 Ann
Sep 23Reply
pamela_camille @annick100 Dear Ann It is so nice to hear from you and to know that you are well. I have been thinking and wishing you the best but I did not want to disturb as I know life can get hectic. Glad to hear from you and wishing you a lovely day. Take care LOVE PAM
Sep 23Reply
annick100 Oh goodness- I feel like such a lousy friend. In a nutshell, a good friend passed away unexpectedly last week. Life has been crazy since. Helping family in lots of ways plus overall quite blue. Also, work’s not going too well. I am STRESSED! Can’t decide if I should quit or try to make best of it. Then I have clients waiting for pics on several items-including me modeling. Yuck. Also am late w/ 4 orders. Not sleeping well.
Oct 01Reply
annick100 Have I complained enough?!? 🤷🏼‍♀️😉 I’m sorry Pamela- Soon I’ll be back to normal. I sure hope you’re doing better than I am! Want to get something sent off to you soon- — hope I can. Just felt I needed to update you so you understood what’s going on. To top off, MORE family coming in this weekend to see mother-in-law, which means lots of my time. Ugh.
Oct 01Reply
annick100 Life comes in peaks and valleys. Definitely in a valley at moment. Sending love and well wishes. No need to answer or feel badly. It just is what it is. Always improves! xo 🥰💚💗⭐️Love, Ann
Oct 01Reply
pamela_camille @annick100 Dear Ann I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Please hang in there. I am sending you lots of love ,hugs and positive energy. I sent an email. I hope you got it as I am so bad at copying and pasting on Poshmark. Love Pam
Oct 04Reply
annick100 @pamela_camille Dear Pam- Thank you so much for your kindness and well wishes. I shall search for your email! I haven’t been keeping up with it. What does your address begin with? I know it’s different from your name- will help me do a search. Hope all is 👍🏼🌻 by you.
Oct 04Reply
annick100 @pamela_camille Some things are improving while others deteriorate (mainly my mother in law 😞). Ah well. Circle of life 🌱. Family in again this weekend from out of town 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. I need a sunny, warm, vacation-lol. Sending love and a sturdy hug!! 💚💗⭐️ Ann
Oct 04Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dearest Gloria I have been thinking about you and it is so lovely to hear from you. I have not had much time to do Poshmark lately. I do apologize for not sharing your closet more frequently. I have been getting pain in my left abdomen and tests are being done.
Oct 28Reply
pamela_camille I am so glad that you and your family are doing better. Thank God. Sorry to rub it in but it is beautiful and warm here in Florida. My husband would absolutely love to be in Colorado as he loves to ski but I am a beach person. Thank you so much for your message, it really brightened my day. Lots of love Pam
Oct 28Reply
pamela_camille Dearest Gloria, my friend I feel so blessed to have you as a friend. I thank you from my heart for the prayers. It was absolutely answered and I thank God that it is only an ovarian cyst which I just found out. Sending love, hugs and wishing you and your family blessings God bless you Love Pam
Oct 28Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I hope all is well with you and your family. It must be pretty cold your way but also beautiful too. Take care and keep warm. Did some creative work yesterday which felt good. I thought of you. Hope you have time to do some drawing. Love Pam
Nov 07Reply
pamela_camille @annick100 Dear Ann Thinking of you and hoping that all is well with you and your family. Take care Love Pam
Nov 07Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I am sorry to hear that you are going through this at the moment. I will pray for healing and peace for your family. God bless you. Hang in there, it will be alright. Hugs and love Pam
Nov 08Reply
annick100 @pamela_camille Hi Dear Pamela, So lovely to hear from you. Life has been topsey turvey. Due to many unpleasant factors I’m no longer at my job. Big change but will look for new one after Thanksgiving. Have been getting major dental work which was needed (stressful & expensive), eye-exam (problems again 🤷🏼‍♀️🙄), & my MIL continues to decline fast w/ her Alzheimer’s so I’m just tired out! No more complaining!
Nov 08Reply
annick100 @pamela_camille Kids are okay- lots of family in this month (bit stressful-they come to visit MIL), & NOT getting my Poshmark work done at rate need to. Hoping to take a Spring vacation-anywhere-lol. How is your gang doing now? Any relief. Feel free to email. I should’ve & will next time. Just wanted to connect. Sending sturdy hugs & love. p.s. Taking a 2020 online art class & there’s one on words/make work related to Rumi. Thought of you 🥰💚💗⭐️
Nov 08Reply
pamela_camille Dear Ann Glad to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your job but hopefully a better one will come along or Poshmark will do really well for you and you might not need one. How great would that be.Excited for you about the art class, how cool. I have been doing some creative work and it feels good. We are doing well and anticipating family from England soon. Take care Love Pam
Nov 08Reply
pamela_camille @annick100Dear Ann Glad to hear from you. Sorry to hear about your job but hopefully a better one will come along or Poshmark will do really well for you and you might not need one. How great would that be.Excited for you about the art class, how cool. I have been doing some creative work and it feels good. We are doing well and anticipating family from England soon. Take care Love Pam
Nov 08Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I hope that things are well with you.I hope that your ex husband is feeling better . Thinking of you. Sending you hugs and prayers. Take care of yourself Love Pam
Nov 13Reply
pamela_camille @annick100 Dear Ann I hope that things are getting better with you. Take care of yourself. Love Pam
Nov 13Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2Dear Gloria Hope all is well with you l. We are hanging in there. My son has autism and with it also comes anxiety, so staying at home and uncertainty of when all this will be over can be sometimes difficult for him but we are all here so we can reassure him that all will be alright. He is an amazing young man, hard working, kind and determined to be successful in life. He is the reason I started doing Poshmark, to help him reach his goal of attending college. Be safe. Love Pam
Apr 20Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dearest Gloria I hope that it is all well with you and your family.i was going to share from your closet but I couldn’t. Wishing you all the best. God bless you. Love and hugs Pam
May 03Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I was going to check if all is well as I did see that you closed your closet. Thank you for letting me know that all is well. Family always comes first. Take care of yourself and be safe and healthy. Lots of love Pam
May 06Reply
mamaw5172 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my fantastic finds 🛍🤟🏻🌸🌴🌹
May 21Reply
pamela_camille @mamaw5172 Hi You are absolutely welcome. Thank you for sharing from my closet. I wish you all the best with your sales. Take care Kind regards Pam
May 22Reply
erica9570 Hello, you have a girl’s green coat for sale. Please give me the specs regarding this coat.
Jul 27Reply
wallito2 Thanks for the kind words and the shares! Beautiful paintings they warm the heart🌷
Aug 05Reply
pamela_camille @wallito2 Thank you .I love your closet. You have some great clothes. Wishing you all the best. Stay safe and healthy. Kind regards Pam
Aug 06Reply
dreamerdaisy thank you for sharing Rumi's beautiful words. You are a talented artist, its peaceful looking at your work. Much love and light. ❤️
Aug 07Reply
pamela_camille @dreamerdaisy Hi Thank you so much for loving the paintings. I feel very touched and feel what a lovely soul you are just through this message. I love Rumi and his message of love and light which is so needed at this time. I sincerely wish you blessings, love and light. P.S . Your message has made my day. Kind regards Pam
Aug 07Reply
crewjunkie Lovely Waldorf images! ;)
Aug 22Reply
pamela_camille @crewjunkie Hi Thank you, I am glad that you like them. Wishing you the best. Kind regards Pam
Aug 22Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria Nice to hear from you. I am glad that you and your family are fine. We are doing well too, thank God. It really is crazy times at the moment and you are right that we have to keep praying. Hopefully things will get better soon. Keep safe and healthy. Take care Love Pam
Aug 27Reply
pamela_camille Dear Gloria I hope all is well with you and your family. Life has been a bit crazy lately but seems to be settling down. I am absolutely done with COVID . Hopefully things will get back to normal soon. Take care Love Pam
Sep 25Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria It is so nice to hear from you. I did hear about the fires on the news. It is so devastating. My husband has family in LA and they are also dealing with the fires. Please take care and be safe especially from the chemicals in the air. I have been busy with the children but getting through it. Love your new listings. Take care of yourself Love Pam
Sep 30Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow and share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Oct 05Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Been thinking about you too especially after seeing the fires on the news. Glad to hear that you are all well. I have been unwell since last week with severe pains in my abdomen and still trying to overcome with lots of prayers to get through and help my son adjust into college. At the moment I feel like a student again at the age of 52. I suppose learning is always good. Very busy but for a good cause. Take good care of yourself. God bless you and your family Love Pam
Oct 27Reply
pamela_camille Dear Gloria Hope all is well with you and your family. I have been going through tests for the abdominal pain and hopefully it will all be sorted soon Wishing you all the best. Take care of yourself Love Pam
Nov 07Reply
pamela_camille Dear Gloria I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. All the best. Stay safe and healthy. Wishing you all lots of blessings Love Pam
Nov 23Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I am so happy to hear from you. I am glad that all is going well , especially the great news about your heart. We are doing alright but busy ,especially as my daughter is off for Spring break. Trying to balance everything. I do miss my family who lives in England and can't visit. Cannot wait for this Covid 19 to be all over. Wishing you lots of blessings Take care Love Pam
Mar 17Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria So nice to hear from you. Glad to hear that you are all doing well. We are doing well but quite busy. I have been focusing a bit more on my art and even started an instagram account to share my art, which is really not me but moving with the times. It is nice to connect with other artists and see their creativity. Wishing you continued blessings and sending you lots of love . Take care Pam
Apr 20Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I hope that all is well with you and your family. I am doing well and enjoying doing more of my art work. Take care. Love Pam ❤️❤️
Apr 29Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I am so sorry to hear about your son. I am glad that he is feeling better. I will pray for him to get well. Enjoy your grand kids and your daughter. Take care Lots of love Pam ❤️❤️
Apr 29Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I hope that your son is feeling better. I had my second vaccine on Friday and got quite sick for a day as my immune system adjusted and I feel much better today. Please take care of yourself. Wishing you all the blessings. Love ❤️ Pam
May 02Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I know that it must be difficult at the moment. My prayers are with you and your family. Take care Lots of love Pam🙏🏽❤️❤️
May 02Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria Thinking of you. Hope your son is feeling better. Take care of yourself. God bless you and your family. Love Pam 🙏🏽❤️
May 06Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I hope that your son has fully recovered and that you are doing well. My daughter was also not well but getting better and now my husband is not well. Been very busy but hanging in there and making time for myself. Take care Love Pam
May 18Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Hi I am so glad to hear from you as I wanted to know that your son was doing well. So happy to hear that. I am doing fine and both my daughter and husband are better now. My sister might come from England if all goes well with travel in the summer. I really hope to see her as I miss her a lot. Enjoy your vacation. Take care Lots of love Pam ❤️❤️
May 25Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria Hope all is well with you. I was on a very needed vacation with my family for a few days at the beach. After such a crazy year, it was nice to chill at the beach. I hope that you have a great summer. Take care Love Pam ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 18Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria Very nice to hear from you too. Enjoy your vacation. Take care Love Pam 💜💚💙❤️
Jun 19Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Hi Gloria I saw that you are on vacation. Good for you. Have a lovely time and enjoy. Wishing you a great time. Love Pam 😊💚💙❤️
Jun 29Reply
fruitoski I hope you can accept my offer for Ted Baker bundle.I would love it for my son for the beginning of the school year.Thanks a lot
Jul 29Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria So sorry to hear about your sister and her family. I hope your sister recovers fully soon. This Covid situation is such a nightmare especially here in Florida. My daughter started school. She is vaccinated which provide some safety. We are all doing well. Thank God. Please stay safe and healthy. Take care Lots of love Pam
Aug 11Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria Thank you for sharing from my closet. I sincerely appreciate it. I hope that you sister is getting better. Enjoy your laminated floors. We also have them and it is so much easier to clean. Take care Lots of love Pam
Aug 14Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I hope that you are doing well and that your sister is getting better. We are doing well. Thinking of you. Take care Love Pam ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 21Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria So happy to hear that your sister is getting better. I will pray that she recovers fully very soon.Take care Love Pam
Aug 22Reply
pamela_camille Dear Gloria I hope you are doing well and that your sister has fully recovered. Wishing you all the best and many blessings. Lots of love Pam
Sep 07Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I am so sorry to hear about your son. Thank God that lady found him. Thank you for letting me know asI could feel something was going on with you. I absolutely will pray for him and your family. Sending lots of love. Wishing you peace and blessings. Take care Lots of love Pam
Sep 11Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I have been thinking about you and praying for your son. I gathered that you were busy caring for him. I am so glad that he is doing well. I pray for a full recovery soon. So nice to hear from you. Wishing you many blessings . Take care of yourself Love Pam
Oct 05Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I have been thinking about you and praying that all is well. I am so glad to hear your son is better. Thank God. Thank you so much for letting me know. I am doing well ,just dealing with life as it comes ,the best way I can. Please take good care of yourself. Lots of love Pam
Oct 27Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 10Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria I hope you had a lovely Christmas with your family. I have been very busy during the holidays but also making time to enjoy being with my family. I wish you and your family a healthy happy new year. Wishing you all blessings Love Pam
Dec 28Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊   I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry   Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Feb 21Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria It’s so lovely to hear from you. I hope all is well with you. Happy Mother’s Day to you too. Have a wonderful day. Wishing you all the best and many blessings. God bless you and your family. Take care Love Pam
May 07Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria Hope you are having a lovely Mother’s Day. Enjoy. Take care Love Pam
May 08Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear GloriaI hope all is well with you and your family. As for me I wasn’t feeling well for a couple of days and I took a covid test and it was +ve. It has been a rough few days but feeling a bit better today. Wishing you all the best. Take care Pam
Jun 06Reply
pamela_camille @maestra2nd Dear Gloria Nice to hear from you but sorry to hear about you and your son in law not being well. It is not easy, I know. I am getting better but absolutely fed up of coughing and feeling tired. It difficult when you have children at home. Let’s hope things get back to good health for all of us. I will pray for you and your family. wishing you all the good health. Take care of yourself. Lots of love Pam
Jun 07Reply
pamela_camille Dear Gloria I hope you and your son-in-law are feeling much better. I am feeling better but still have a cough unfortunately. I hope you have a lovely summer with your family. Take care Pam
Jun 23Reply
cutehosiery @pamela_camille Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 11Reply

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