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Welcome Poshers!
I am Lngail (Native New Yorker) living a wonderful
life in So Cal with my very handsome husband.
I never dreamed I would be starting life over
with fun and adventure in my late 50s. I was a
Widow, and I never imagined I would find my
soul mate and remarry at the age of 61.
I am an adoptive parent with two adult children ages 30 and 24
In addition, I am retired and a full-time Posher!
I love fashion, and I am very service oriented.
"It's all about Relationships!"

73 others
like this

Welcome to PM. Love your introduction.🥰
Mar 14Reply

@kumruk Thanks so much! I appreciate it! Have a great weekend! Lngail
Mar 14Reply

I love your bio 💐 and Congratulations on your up and coming wedding 👰 day! I am also a full time posher! You shared something from my closet or followed me and I was coming back to return the love and fell in love with your story! Stay bless my posh sister 🙏🏾🥰
Mar 15Reply

@pinklady17 Thank you so much!! I appreciate it Sister. Happy Poshing and Blessings to you always!!! Lngail
Mar 15Reply

Hi 👋
I’m Nazanin
I’m Persian Icelandic living in USA 🇺🇸 California
Happy poshing 💕🛍💕
Mar 21Reply

@nazaninaskari67 So nice to meet you Doll! Stay safe. 💕
Mar 21Reply

Thanks for purchasing these adorable cherry earrings! Ill ship today, thanks!
Mar 23Reply

@tondinikathy I am a repeat customer and you’re welcome 💗
Mar 23Reply

@lngail yes, you are and I really appreciate it!
Mar 23Reply

@tondinikathy My pleasure Posh Sister!💕
Mar 23Reply

welcome to poshmark I am a posh ambassador if you need help or have questions just ask I would be glad to help you. Happy poshing
Mar 25Reply

@regine1946 Good morning from So Cal☀️
How kind Posh Sister! 💗 Same here. Stay safe. Lngail 💕
Mar 25Reply

Good morning: Thank you so much for the shares and welcome to poshmark take care stay safe.
Apr 01Reply

@ph55delva Thanks so much! I appreciate the welcome and the shares as well!
Stay healthy and safe as well 💕 Posher: Lngail from So Cal
Apr 01Reply

@riverrun696 My pleasure, and I appreciate you reaching out. Stay safe as well!💕
Apr 02Reply

Thank you for the lovely note that came with the package! I'm so exited to try out nail art, and I'm grateful for accepting my offer! Stay safe!
Apr 19Reply

@adrithegreat Totally my pleasure!
Enjoy and stay safe!!💗🌈💜
Apr 19Reply

Beautiful Congratulations! Lovely family, I love love and so happy you found love. Never too old, you are so beautiful and I think it’s awesome 👏🏽 🌹💕 Happy Poshing 🌹
Apr 20Reply

@eekane Thank you so much!🥰
You totally made my day! 🌈💗
Stay Safe
Doll! 💕💕💕
Apr 20Reply

@lngail You also stay safe also you and your family 🌹💕
Apr 20Reply

@eekane 💗💗💗💗🌈
Apr 20Reply

@peepdeep You are so welcome Peepdeep! Love the name. Fun to Posh Together and Cheer each other on! Stay Safe as well! Lngail from So Cal
May 04Reply

@jkwposh Thank you so much! Such a magical evening! We won two costume contests that Halloween. Hoping the new date will work out for our wedding!!! Have a blessed day and wishing you much happiness as well Posh Sister!!!
May 04Reply

🧶 Welcome & Best wishes on your upcoming wedding 👰🏻 🛍 Awesome
closet 🎉 Best regards Deborah @believer13 , and Gil LI NY 🧵
May 31Reply

@sinystylin Good Morning: You are super sweet!😍💕Thanks for all the shares and your wedding wishes!
We had to postpone our Wedding to September. Hopefully we will reach Phase 3 by then.
Pinterest has some great ideas for Poshmark closets.
Lngail from Matzopizza, LI aka: Massapequa 😂
Stay Safe Sister Posher!💝🌈☀️🌸
May 31Reply

@sinystylin Ellen Decker Berozofsky on Facebook.
Nickname is Lngail on Poshmark, etc.
May 31Reply

Missed my gift...will go back through the boxes and giftwrap. I’m a huge LLR fan, love their leggings, thought I’d try the dress. Too hot for leggings right now!! Thanks!
Jun 05Reply

@tabbi2or3 I am a huge LLR fan as well! I love the dresses, leggings and jean jackets! I hope I enclosed the gift. Please let me know when you go through the box again. I like to give gifts with every order. Wishing you the best Lngail
Jun 05Reply

I searched the boxes and packing materials and found no gifts oh well. Robin (tabbi2or3)
Jun 05Reply

@tabbi2or3 Oh no!😢
This day just keeps getting worse.
My fur baby passed away today.😭
I cannot recall off hand what you liked?
Didn’t you like the teal cami in my closet?
I was certain I packed it in the tissue with your dress.
I will send you another gift at my expense the next time I go to post office or UPS. I feel terrible!
💕 Lngail
Jun 05Reply

Oh I’m so sorry yes I did receive the teal top!! So sorry to upset you!!! So sorry you lost your fur baby!! I know from experience it’s like losing a human you love. Take care and thank you!!! Love, Robin 💙💔💝
Jun 05Reply

@tabbi2or3 Hi Robin☀️🌸
So glad you found the teal cami!
Whew! Not losing my mind.
I appreciate your compassionate
words. Have a beautiful weekend!
💜 Lngail
Jun 05Reply

@shopnowandagain Thanks so much Posh Sister, and I love yours too!
Jun 19Reply

Hi hun! I'm accepting most (Basically all) offers today and tomorrow! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like/make a bundle! It will be accepted :) Thank you!!
Jun 28Reply

@lngail thank you so much for following me check out my closet from time to time to see what's unit thank love and light ❣️
Aug 17Reply

@jerybone ❤️ Sending love and light back atcha! Lngail
Aug 17Reply

So very nice to meet you! Your family is beautiful ❤
Nov 11Reply

@mmbigham Hello Madonna, so nice to meet you as well! Thanks for the compliments. My Fiancé is from NJ. I am from NY. Living in Southern California now. Sending you good wishes for health, happiness and prosperity! Stay safe . . . Your Posh Sister Lngail
Nov 11Reply

@lngail I am originally from SC. I moved to NJ 8 years ago. Enjoy your new life sweetie! You deserve it ❤ MaDonna
Nov 11Reply

@mmbigham How sweet Madonna, thanks so much! I will save your closet name and share for you whenever I can. Sending my best! Lngail
Nov 11Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I have your item packed and will send tomorrow. Please note as stated on USPS & Poshmark websites shipping/delivery times may be longer than normal🌺
Nov 12Reply

@msleiday59 Thank you so much!💙
Nov 12Reply

Hello! You liked an item (or more) in my closet. I am trying to downsize my closet. Please bundle and send me an offer and we can figure out an acceptable price. I offer a 15% discount for a bundle of 3 or more items but I’m willing to possibly discount more. I’ve been accepting some very low offers. Hope to hear from you!
Aloha from Hawaii 🌺, Kathy
Nov 28Reply

@katokumura Thanks for reaching out. I will check out your closet. Aloha from So Cal.
Nov 28Reply

👋 Welcome to Poshmark.... Where “Poshing is Easy"...
Dec 05Reply

@hit111 Thank you 💙
Dec 05Reply

@mamoojoy Totally my pleasure Posh Sister 💗🫂🎈
Feb 10Reply

Have a blessed year!
Feb 17Reply

@rhonda_anne You as well beautiful Posh Sister!
Feb 17Reply

Thank you for your lovely shares. You have a 👍 wonderful looking closet. I wish you much continued success 🙏 and many sales 💰. Best, Anthony.
Feb 26Reply

@loud_luxury Totally my pleasure! Your closet is quite unique, and I wish you the very best, Anthony! Lngail from So Cal
Feb 26Reply

You are the BOMB! Thanks for your purchase and for the gazillion shares!
Mar 04Reply

@payday113 You are so welcome!😀
I enjoy supporting my Posh Sisters 👯♀️
Happy Poshing 🥳
Mar 04Reply

@lngail - and I can't believe I was explaining shipping to a prof posher! Sorry about that! Enjoy the cookbooks!
Mar 04Reply

@payday113 No problem. I did not understand at first so it's all good!
Mar 04Reply

Thank you so very much for sharing my closet! Shopping Poshmark is an awesome experience! Everyone is so gracious!
Mar 08Reply

@jaekay806 Totally my pleasure! I love Poshmark! I am retired and do this full time. I agree with you. Have a wonderful week! Lngail
Mar 08Reply

Hey, I think someone blocked me? I wanted a pair of boots they had but they didn’t respond for a few days. Meanwhile someone else listed an identical pair and I purchased them so when the first posher made me an offer I declined it. I then tried to comment to tell them thanks but no thanks but couldn’t. I can’t follow them or share their listings either. Did I go about it wrong?
I still haven’t sold anything. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or just have poor taste.
Mar 18Reply

Hi, you didn't do anything wrong. You as a consumer, wanting a specific pair of boots, are free to purchase from anyone you please. Especially a Posher who responds to you in a timely manner. I would be happy to look at your closet and make suggestions to help you. How long have you been on Poshmark? I learned a lot over the past year. Happy to assist you. Lngail - Ellen Berozofsky on Facebook.
Mar 18Reply

Thanks for the shares!
Mar 18Reply

@jaekay806 💗
Mar 18Reply

@imjenchen My pleasure and nice to meet you. I will check out your closet. Thanks and Happy Poshing Back. Stay safe as well Posh Sister! Lngail from So Cal.
Mar 20Reply

Love the pictures... especially Beauty and the Beast! Thank you for the Posh love neighbor🥰
Mar 29Reply

@jordan2013 Totally my pleasure! Loved your pics as well! Happy Poshing 🥳🎈🌈💗
Mar 29Reply

Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!!
Mar 31Reply

@spreadlove Hi Melissa, Nice to meet you. Check out my closet as well and Happy Poshing! Have a wonderful day Posh Sister! Lngail from So Cal
Mar 31Reply

Great to 'meet' you! I'm Mary Beth, from Texas. Nice to hear your love story... Have a wonderful wedding and enjoy the day! Come check out my closet, my new hubbie, and our 2 dog babies! I'll match you, share for share. Happy Poshing and all the best in 2021! 🙋
Apr 10Reply

@janehathaway Hi Jane 😊💗🌈🎈🌺☀️
Very nice to meet you as well! Wishing you good health, happiness and prosperity!
Happy Poshing and many more! Lngail from So Cal 💗🫂🌈🌺🎈☀️
Apr 10Reply

Hello! Thank you so much for your purchase! I will ship out tomorrow for you🤗
Apr 19Reply

@truly_doos Thank you for carrying larger sizes. You have very cute items💗🌈🎈
Apr 19Reply

@lngail Awe thanks! I hope eventually to carry a wider variety of sizes:)
Apr 19Reply

@truly_doos Wonderful I am a 16 which I noticed is an XL. I also noticed a cute pair of star lounge pjs. Next time.💗
Apr 19Reply

@lngail Yes! Awe ok! Yea its hard for me not to want to keep items bc there so cute! haha
Apr 19Reply

@truly_doos 😀🎈❤️🌈
Apr 19Reply

Hi Thank You for your purchase of denim skirt it’s shipping out today with my 11:00 pickup, I hope to do business with you again soon. TY😊😊
Apr 19Reply

@crpumpkin02 Good Morning Carol, Looking forward to receiving it. Check out my closet as well when you have a chance. Have a wonderful day Posh Sister! Lngail from So Cal.
Apr 19Reply

Thank you so much for the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating and awesome Review! So happy your package arrived and that you loved it! Thanks again so much!🤗
Apr 23Reply

Glad you’re happy with the skirt you’re so welcome and Thank You for the awesome review, I’m adding lots of new items so hope to do business with you again👍👍😊😊💕💕
Apr 23Reply

@crpumpkin02 My pleasure and feel free to browse my closet as well. Wishing you the best Posh Sister, Lngail
Apr 23Reply

thank you for sharing my items dear, it helps so much! I wish you a pleasant week of Spring bloom 🌷🌷🌻🌻
Apr 30Reply

You are absolutely adorable. I’m excited for your new adventures. Big hug🌼🌼🌼
Jun 09Reply

@mrs_posher Ahhh thanks 😍❤️🌈
Jun 09Reply

Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jul 28Reply

Hi there! Thanks for sharing your amazing story! Wishing you a wonderful wedding with your beautiful family🦋
Sep 04Reply

@trendilee Thanks so much Posh Sister!💕
Sep 04Reply

ALOHA! I hope you can stop by my closet! Im selling women/girl clothing.I also have many types of accessories. ALL in preowned or NWT condition!! Much love from HAWAII :)
Sep 20Reply

Absolutely love this! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding 🥰 Ps- NJ here 🎉🎉😻😻
Oct 15Reply

@angelique1020 Thank you so much! Hooray for Jersey! If you were from NY, I would AWFER you some CAWFEE -- LOL!
Oct 15Reply

Thank and your very welcome!!! Good luck with your sales!! Feel free to take a look for a item you may like and make an offer! 😉🛍❤️ Hope everyone gets well fast, Happy holidays!! 💕🎄🛍😊🌸🌺😁🍀
Dec 05Reply

@tiggerts21 Thanks so much!
Wishing you a prosperous and joyous holiday season. Will look at your closet again soon!
Dec 05Reply

Thanks for your purchase all help for the foundation is greatly needed the youth send their thanks. Let us all 🙏 for world peace n a human ONENESS !
Thanks 🙏
Feb 08Reply

@stressfree466 Always happy to do my part! Thank you. Lngail
Feb 08Reply

Your Welcome
Feb 09Reply

@stressfree466 😀
Feb 09Reply

You're so cute! Love your memes. Fun closet with your terrific personality shining through! Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 28Reply

@vtrollingstone Good Morning from So Cal! Thank you so much. What a nice message to wake up to on Manic Monday.. I will check out your closet again and share, share, share! Have a beautiful week, your Sister Posher, Lngail
Feb 28Reply

@lngail awww! thanks so much for the shares! I really enjoyed your humor, and had to let you know! I hope you have an AMAZING week, friend!!
Feb 28Reply

@vtrollingstone Thanks! 💕I have been enjoying the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Prime. I hope to follow in her footsteps one day as a bold woman and comic!🤣
Sending hugs 🫂 and wishing you a fun and prosperous week!
Your new Posh friend, Lngail
Feb 28Reply

@lngail that's fantastic!! I have NO DOUBT you have the talent, the brass, and the FUNNY to achieve all your dreams!! Big hugs and lots of smiles, friend!!
Feb 28Reply

@vtrollingstone Thank you so much. I need to work on my confidence level and recreate myself a bit. This Pandemic has really taken a toll on me, and life in general,, the past two years. Finally getting married on May 14th! Feel free to find me on Facebook: Ellen Decker Berozofsky aka: Lngail
Feb 28Reply

@lngail You are just the cutest!! The past few years has done a big number on me, too, but I think you are gonna re-emerge even better and stronger than before for sure! LOVE that you are getting married in just a few short weeks. How fun! How lovely! Yay!!!
Feb 28Reply

@vtrollingstone Thank you so much!😍
Here’s a toast for both of us . . .
As my Peeps say, “L’Chaim!”
To Life!🍷
Feb 28Reply

Thanks for your purchase ill ship them out tomorrow
Mar 05Reply

@tirico Thank you so much! I will be gifting these to family members during our upcoming wedding weekend in San Diego. Lngail
Mar 05Reply

Thanks for a positive feedback !😊
Mar 08Reply

@tirico Absolutely! Happy Poshing! Sister Posher, Lngail
Mar 08Reply

Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 25Reply

@zardiva1 Thank you so much!
I truly appreciate it!💜
Mar 25Reply

@lngail You’re welcome! 🤗
Mar 25Reply

Thank you for your purchase and review. I’m glad you liked it ! Good luck with your upcoming wedding, wishing you all the Best!
Mar 30Reply

@sashikalaqueen thank you so much!
I appreciate it!💜
Mar 30Reply

Oh My every time I look through your pictures I am just blown away at the love.
Thank you for the like on the Star Wars towel💝I see that your started a bundle. Please explore my closet...I have so many treasures just waiting to be found...I Tagged you on a few small items though there is so much to look at lol. Please enjoy your shopping, indulge and go for the FULL retail therapy. You have SUCH a beautiful family. Mommy deserves a shopping trip! one mom to another
Mar 31Reply

@jennifereveart Hi Jennifer😀
Your sweet note made my day!
Thanks for the compliments.
Getting married in May at a
Resort and looking to purchase one
Last pool towel to gift to a guest.
I enjoy connecting with Sisters 👯♀️
Thanks for reaching out!
Lngail from So Cal.
Mar 31Reply

Mar 31Reply

Good morning my posh sister 🙂 your fantastic Star Wars towel is on the way!9405511109349445407889
tracking!!! I believe this should arrive on Monday 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Apr 02Reply

@jennifereveart Woo hoo! Can't wait! Have a great weekend Posh Sister. Have a cawfee for me. When you have a chance, have a slice or a pie! I can smell it from Cali.
Apr 02Reply

Hiya posh sister🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗hooray your precious towel being delivered today🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤸🤸🤸🥰🥰🥰
Apr 04Reply

@jennifereveart Hello, you are adorable and I can't wait! Thank you so much!! Have an awesome and prosperous week! Hugs, Lngail
Apr 04Reply

Apr 04Reply

@jennifereveart 🥰
Apr 05Reply

Hi, Nice to meet you !
🌸. ☘️. 🌸.
Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask.
~ Happy Spring 🌷
Apr 10Reply

Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime.
I have something for everyone!
Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Apr 29Reply

Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. I send a 💝Free Gift💝with every order. Follow if you like 🤗 Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💜 Jaime
Jun 06Reply

Beautiful!!!! Congratulations and wishing you both happiness, health, joy and LOVE💜💜🌟🥳🌺🥰🥰❤️❤️🌈🌈💜💜🥳🥳💜
Jun 09Reply

@adoringstyles thank you Doll! Shared back. Good luck 🍀 with your sales Sister Posher 💕
Jun 17Reply

@lngail Beautiful wedding Princess.. Best Wishes to Both of you❤️❤️,your sister in Posh.
Jun 18Reply

@pursezombie Thank you, Ellen! Hope you are doing fabulous. Hope to meet up one day! Happy Poshing Posh Sister!
Jun 18Reply

@lngail Me too 💞
Jun 18Reply

@lngail 🎈🎈⭐️Items $10 and under🎈⭐️🎈15% Off 2+ items⭐️🎈⭐️🎈Offers Accepted❤️🤩🎈🤩Stop by and Save🌸😊🤩 Sending Posh Love 🥳🎈❤️
Jun 26Reply

@lngail Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 28Reply

@cutehosiery Hi and thank you so much for your kind and inspiring compliment. Your closet has some really unique and lovely finds. Wishing you the best as well Posh Sister! Happy Poshing and Happy Sales to You! Lngail from So Cal.
Jul 28Reply

Aug 07Reply

@melody28k 💜💜💜
Thanks for noticing
Aug 07Reply

@lngail hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted also have some beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in hope you see something you like have a wonderful day 😊
Aug 08Reply

Hey there! Welcome to Poshmark :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Sep 22Reply

@lauracieslak Thanks. Check mine out as well. Happy Poshing!
Sep 22Reply

I wanted to thank you for the extra gifts. That was kind. I had left it at bottom of steps and just unpacked this morning. I been skidish Bout going down cause I fell down them cleaning a few weeks now. THANKS🌹🦋
Sep 23Reply

Hi darling Posh sister 🩷
Thank you again for your purchase!of the Star Wars Beach towel🎁☮️💞💎💞🐆🌺
Please drop by my closet for some fabulous Mother's Day and father's day treasures and plenty of choices for some self pampering I have added MANY more items ❤️🎁❤️ With the best prices for return customers like you❤️🥰🙋♀️🩷xoxo
Jennifer Eve
Apr 28Reply

@jennifereveart Hi Gaw-jus 🥰🧡😂
(Barbara Streisand voice)
I will check out your closet and share your items soon!🎈
Hope all is well in New Yawk!
Ellen Gail aka: Lngail
Apr 28Reply

Thanks Dah-ling🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Apr 28Reply

@jennifereveart 🥰♥️
Apr 28Reply

Beautiful story! So glad I got to see it here, I love happy 😃 stories with love and happiness such as yours! I’m thankful you came to my show and look forward to seeing you on yours next! What a beautiful bride you are ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 01Reply

@coachgrl2015 Thank you so much Doll!! I am blessed, happy and living my best life. Wishing you the same. Your Sister Posher, Ellen Gail
Nov 01Reply

@lngail ❤️❤️❤️👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💋💋💋
Nov 01Reply

Hi! Please take a look through my closet. All prices are negotiable! Bundle and save or make an offer!
Sep 10Reply
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