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I've had a thrilling career in Marketing & Advertising for 35 years & am now working from home since everything is Social Media! I love to find fashion for my Poshers in all sizes & styles. Great group of ladies! I modeled in the early 80s & my fashion inspiration is my 80 yr old Mom! I was blessed with my only child at 43, Will, who's almost 13. We moved to the TX Hill Country from Baton Rouge 2 years ago to escape the traffic & too many social events. Heaven! Loving my Posh friends so much!

107 others
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What a great profile. I'm going into the marketing and advertising field as well.
Mar 16Reply

@kat_is_cool thank you so much! If you ever have any questions feel free to ask! 🍀
Mar 16Reply

Thank you. I will definitely. :)
Mar 16Reply

Oh my goodness, a 12 yr old. If he looks anything like his momma he is a super handsome young man (not that ur handsome, haha.. Ur beautiful). I will be wearing green tomorrow.. Down to my underwear, haha. My name is Molly McFearin-Stevinson. My brother is Patrick and my sister is Erin. I am a bit Irish .. Like 100% Irish. 🍀
Have a terrific Sunday.
Mar 16Reply

@saundie Saundra, beautiful photos! Just wanted to say thanks for sharing my closet and being such a kind and positive person! Meeting people like you has been an unexpected perk of being on Poshmark!
Mar 16Reply

@mollys3 thank you so much Molly! He is my miracle baby! Dreamed about me holding a baby boy, his name was William and I was decorating my guest room to be a nursery. I was in an unhappy marriage to an alcoholic so I wasn't sure what Gods message was. I divorced him when Will was 17 mos because that baby did not need to be affected by a drunk. We are very close and he is such an old soul. I got to have a successful career first and my child, what a gift! Xxxxoooo to you and Top of the mornin' to you lassie! Im 1/2 Irish on my moms side! Lovely folks! 🍀💚🍀💚🍀💚🍀
Mar 17Reply

@mytherapy you are so sweet! Making me all teary eyed! That is so nice and I feel the same way about you! Posh is such a great way to bond with other ladies who share the love of fashion and it just feels good to have thousands of ladies that will rally for you at a moment's notice! You are very kind hearted and so giving, I truly appreciate all the shares and friendship!! Don't forget to wear green tomorrow!🍀💚🍀💚🍀
Mar 17Reply

Wow!! I'm at the store.. Will message later.
Mar 17Reply

@saundie Your closet looks great! What picture apps are you using? I see some really nice templates I have never seen before. 😍
Mar 17Reply

@saundie You have a very fascinating as well as inspiring life story. Having a late in life baby is a miracle! You are truly blessed. Lovely family pics! 🌹
Mar 17Reply

@marlanap hey there MARLANA! (Sorry!) There are quite a few apps I use & then I also cross them with each other! InstaFrame, InstaCollage, Instastitch, Pic Frame, Frame Magic. TONS! Thank you, wish I had more time to spend on the posts!!
Mar 17Reply

@saundie Saundra, I use the first one most of the time. But your closet's cover pages have inspired me to try more apps. Thanks for taking the time to share so many. I totally appreciate it. 👍
Mar 17Reply

@saundie Correction: The one I use most of the time is called "Frame Ur Life." So you provided me with all new ones. 👍👍👍
Mar 17Reply

@marlanap thank you! I am SO blessed and I could tell you hundreds of miracles & answers that The Lord has blessed me with. We all can do it, just have to listen, hard sometimes. Posh is one of those God things. I have been really down the past few years with my Dad getting older and being difficult, then passing away, bad choices in men, stress from being a community figure, and then menopause!! Gained weight, wearing sweat pants all the time! Posh has gotten this Stella's groove back! In just five weeks of Poshing, I've lost weight, taking vitamins, and dressing up in all my trendy fashions that I was known for years ago. Marketing and Business have helped this grow very quickly and I'm amazed. So I feel that Posh was revealed to me. I was also lead to purchase things from the movers and shakers of Posh but I didn't know they were!! More blessings! I look forward to learning more about you and I appreciate all the kind shares & likes. Be checking my closet, getting ready to post a ton of new things. Very excited about Posh and all the wonderful ladies. What a great support system!💚
Mar 17Reply

@saundie I still believe in miracles too even with my own recent loss of my dear brother in late January (details posted on my page) and countless other losses/disappointments in life. You sound very up now! Love your energy! I will definitely keep checking your closet out periodically. I love hanging with positive people! Posh came into my life last year and it continues to be a great support system. So many lovely and kind people like @cody7150. I already see you are one of them too. 😍
Mar 17Reply

@marlanap you are very welcome!!
Mar 17Reply

@marlanap I'm so sorry about the loss of your brother. It's so hard to lose people we love. I am so tender hearted that I have stopped going to funerals because they upset me for weeks. I just reach out to the family other ways. Can't handle it. Life is precious, enjoy it now! I feel you are a positive energy as well and I have learned to surround myself with those positive lights rather than vampires that suck the life out of me with their negativity. Even people I was friends with, if they bring me down I have to sever ties with them. Most don't even realize they are negative. Gotta pray for them!! 🙏🙏🙏
Mar 17Reply

I am just seeing this and I love it!! You're son is a cutie!!
Mar 17Reply

@poshkristen thank you very much! He's a tween now so he can be a handful sometimes, but we talk about everything so it helps! He's my miracle!
Mar 17Reply

Haha! I bet! But he has an amazing momma so i'm sure he's an amazing boy!
Mar 17Reply

@poshkristen aww thanks for that. Sometimes it's weird to think I'm 55 because I don't think like that. Will forgets I'm that old because I listen to his music and let all his friends hang out here. Thank God I have a detached Game room that they go to so I don't have to listen too all that mouse until they come to eat. Lol I do need an afternoon nap sometimes😜😜😜
Mar 17Reply

LOL! You seriously do not seem like you're 55! You're a hot mama! Haha! And that's good the you're the cool mom who lets all his friends hang out at your house…my mom was always that mom too and I think it's a lot better because you know who your kid's hanging out with and what they're doing!
Mar 17Reply

Thanks a bunch for all the shares. :)
Mar 18Reply

@miriyaparis you're very welcome! Gorgeous gowns!
Mar 18Reply

@saundie Saundra, thank you so so much for recommending my closet to @ aprils2ndcloset. I was so touched by your huge compliment! I just got my first host picks on Saturday and I was on top of the world! I'm just SO glad I met you through Posh. We really need more people like you on here. You are so kind, positive, and encouraging. I have no doubt that you will be a Posh Suggested User in no time. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT! I'm deeply touched. Love, Naz :)
Mar 18Reply

@nerdynerss you are so welcome! I just think it's awesome that someone so young is so ambitious. You are so pretty and smart, you will excel at whatever you do. Blessings to you sweet friend!
Mar 18Reply

Mar 18Reply

WOW!!! B E A U T I F U L!!! ur stunning Saundra!!! u hav amazing eyes, and i see y u were a model :) ur son is so cute xoxoxo
Mar 18Reply

@vanadzor thank you so much Suzy! You are so sweet! I remember looking like that but didn't have near the confidence I do now and way 100 lbs. more than I did 34 yrs.ago. Was I sleeping?! I guess it just kept piling on and then being pregnant at 43 with my first, I just ate everything. But Posh has really snapped me out of my funk I've been in for a few years and I'm dressing up and really on fire doing this Posh thing! You are so sweet and the HP is happening! Thank you very much for your help! I had THREE last night and one was a double! I was overwhelmed! Appreciate you and love you! 💖💖💖💖 please pray for my son Will, having some stomach problems. Going to Dr again tomorrow. Thank you!
Mar 18Reply

@saundie OMG! im so sorry to hear that, i will def pray for him and im sure he's gonna be just fine. and i totally agree with u, posh does help with confidence :) and u look beautiful now as well, not everyone can keep that body until 43:)
Mar 18Reply

@vanadzor 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Mar 18Reply

Gorgeous lady 💖 love ur your cover shots 😍😍
Mar 18Reply

@sakshi9984 thank you very much!! 💖
Mar 18Reply

@beautyblack thank you💕
Mar 19Reply

Hi hun, how's ur son doing? Hope ur well💋
Mar 21Reply

@vanadzor we did more blood work yesterday. He's hot some food triggers so I hope that's all it is. Just hate him being so uncomfortable. Thanks for asking!🌺🌺
Mar 21Reply

Oh I hope it's only that too. I totally understand what u mean. When my son cries my heart breaks into pieces. Well I hope he gets better very soon!💋
Mar 21Reply

@vanadzor thank you sweet friend!
Mar 21Reply

Welcome to Texas! Such a beautiful closet!
Mar 23Reply

@priley you're so sweet Tricia thank you very much! Love yours too!💕💕💕
Mar 24Reply

Hey there! Just wanted to stop by and see how Will is doing! Any news yet?
Mar 24Reply

Saudie, I was thrilled to come across your closet. I'm rather new to Posh and I saw that my Posh friend and Inspiration @rjoneal is friends with you. I LOVE YOUR CLOSET !! Good to know where plus sizes are. I'm still learning and trying to put as many things together as possible. I had a really good start, but haven't done s thing for a week. I work this like crazy sharing and following. Have a Beautiful Week. DIANAH ♥♡♥
Mar 30Reply

@saundie Saundra, how did I miss this post. Love the pics "hot mamas"! @dikacie Thank you for the kind words, Saundra is a good person to know. It has been so crazy lately so I haven't Poshed much. I hope Will is better. 🙋
Mar 30Reply

@rjoneal aww thank you! I have got to get some sleep one of these days! !!💤💤💤
Mar 30Reply

@rjoneal thanks for asking about Will. His stomach problem comes and goes. Drs can't find anything wrong but there clearly is. We are going to a holistic Dr next week can't get in to pediatric gastro until end of April. He def will be in summer school! Poor baby! Thank you for asking. 💕💕💕
Mar 30Reply

@saundie I have a feeling he will improve soon. He is strong and so is our God.😇
Mar 30Reply

@saundie Me too! In San Diego on business went to the hotel and rested. Beautiful weather but I am exhausted! Sessions begin at 9:00 today. I plan to walk to the host hotel which is along the bay so that should be nice. Family is back home dealing with the crazy weather. Have a nice day!
Mar 30Reply

@rjoneal I'm so glad you have some time to get away and be with your own thoughts! I know it's business but you will have some time in your room to pray, watch a movie and room service! Pray for Gods wisdom and guidance. Also I have lost your email. May I have it again? Love you dearly!
Mar 30Reply

@saundie Your closet looks great! I saw that you commented to one of tonight's hosts a minute ago. She is still looking. At the top, she said tag her in/to your closet. Whenever I see that, I tag the host to specific garments, a few like 2-5 if they do not stipulate. I did that! She does not have time to look through all of our stuff at this point. @cody7150 @ej135 @jaismeen 💃💃💃
Apr 09Reply

Apr 09Reply

@marlanap thank you! Which host do you recall? 💕💕💕💕💕
Apr 09Reply

@saundie You are welcome.She is alexinhwood. 😊
Apr 09Reply

@marlanap you are so thoughtful! 💕💕💕😳😳💕💕thank you very much!!!!
Apr 09Reply

@saundie I am Happy to help someone with a great closet get another HP! 😍
Apr 09Reply

@marlanap thank you so very much! I truly appreciate that, been working some hours girl!
Apr 09Reply

@saundie Time to relax now! 😊😊😊
Apr 09Reply

@marlanap you're right I keep staying up til 4:00 am! On a creative roll or need some Benedryl! Lol
Apr 09Reply

@marlanap I just totally skipped over your closet compliments and went right to the party info. I am way past tired. I'm sorry and THANK YOU!
Apr 09Reply

@becbari oh that's great!! Do you handle a specific product or just a variety of clients?
I've worked for big & small companies, learned a ton & then strictly handle automotive for family business in 1986. Been a wild ride!!
Apr 10Reply

@becbari yes automotive is high stress and lots of drama. Harder when you work with your family AND I had some competitors! My Dad thought it was great but it was very hard needless to say. Learned a bunch though!!
Apr 10Reply

@racharora thanks sweet PFF!
Apr 12Reply

Hi honey just being nosey and stalking your closet. I just wanted to ask did they ever find out what was wrong with your son! Cuz when my oldest was 11 he was having stomach problems and it turned out he is not allowed to eat spicy food. His stomach did not like it! Also he was under a lot of stress and did not tell me so I would not worry💕💕
Apr 14Reply

@nkhob you're so kind to ask! He had every blood test done and Drs were baffled. I was referred to a naturopathic Dr and has him on an herb and vitamin regimen. I saw a change in my child in one day!! He's got too much of something in his stomach causing him all kinds of problems. Related to junk food, which is rare, and overuse of antibiotics! chemicals in our food is the big one so we are very careful but it's difficult. I have chemical sensitivity too and that's one reason we moved to the country. Feel so much better! But our motto is if God made it, eat it, if man made it, don't touch it! Thank you so much for asking Nahla. Just love you!💕💕💕
Apr 14Reply

@nkhob I forgot to say that yes stress is part of this too because he feels his emotions (ME!) so trying to help him not take everything to heart. Had one kid bullying him at school and that's when it got really bad! Nerves and stress are bad for all of us!
Apr 14Reply

That is good! I have Crohns so yes you have to stick to a healthy additive free diet! I also love in the country and I love when my husband puts in the garden. What he does not plant I buy from our local farmers! Alexander my son, is the same way with his food he is 23 so he has to watch the heat and the preservatives that are in the foods! Yes it's hard but so is the pain! I had to watch I'm suffer for almost two years before they came to that conclusion! Now my youngest is the same way thank God I knew what it was and caught it in time to help him. There nothing worse then having stomach issues. I love you honey. Your always so kind and sweet😘😘😘
Apr 14Reply

That is my youngest. He got bullied at school and would not say anything! It was his first year in high school and it was a new school and he was just miserable! But he would not tell me! I had to find out from my daughter what was going on with him emotionally! He did not want ME to worry! OMG I'm his mother. That's why we are here! To worry for them! Lol
Apr 14Reply

@nkhob that is exactly what mine told me! "Mom I didn't want you to worry and be more stressed out!" I just hugged him and cried. Kids will touch your heart and break it all in the same day!
Apr 14Reply

@nkhob God bless you sweet friend! I'm sorry you have Crohns, just miserable but just have to stay on top of it all the time. Not fair! I discovered what was wrong with me in my 30s. Chemical sensitivity and food allergies. So I try to tell Will to be happy we caught this at 12 and not have to suffer like I did. Take care of yourself, you are a blessing to me. 💕💕💕💕
Apr 14Reply

@saundie Saundra your closet is so elegant💕such great style & taste💕wishing you many more happy sales & Host Picks to come💖💐💖Demitria
Apr 14Reply

@demitria67 hi Demetria! You are so sweet to say so! I guess you're addicted like the rest of us?! 😳 I've only been doing this a couple of months but I'm having the best time and meeting so many wonderful ladies! Appreciate your kindness and now I'm going to 💣share bomb💣 your closet! Many thanks and I look forward to Poshing with you! 💕💕💕💕
Apr 14Reply

@saundie really you've only been with Poshmark a couple of months?! I would've never guessed that. Your a pro🌹it's very nice to meet you🌹welcome to Poshmark🌹
Apr 14Reply

Thank you honey. Sorry I'm responding so late, I fell asleep. Yes kids are very special. The bond you share with each one is just amazing. Also I believe in to power of God and prayer! God give us all something so that we can appreciate HIM and what we have. We always have to be thankful for what we have! If we forget I feel He is always their giving us a little tap on our shoulder. I never say why are you doing this to me but please give me the Grace and the will to go thru what I'm going through. I will be praying for Will he is too young to go through this. Yes you are right you caught it now instead of later at least you know how to help him. My prayers are with you 😘😘🙏🙏
Apr 14Reply

@nkhob thank you so much Nahla! He does give us the strength to get through the rough patches, just have to not question as you said, but instead pray for steadfastness. Amazing how when you keep your faith and get over the hump how much we are rewarded just for the faith we had in Him to see us through. AMEN & I'm very blessed to know you!💕💕💕💕💕😘😘😘😘😘
Apr 14Reply

I feel the same honey😘😘
Apr 14Reply

@nkhob 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Apr 14Reply

Hi dear Saundra!! How have you been? Thank you for the posh love you showered earlier in the day! How's the sale going?
Apr 23Reply

@jaismeen hey sweet girl! You are very welcome!! Busy day today! How about you?
Sale is going well thank you so much for sharing! Sold 4 dresses today! Yayyy!!
Apr 23Reply

O wow!!! Lucky you! Your dresses and closet do deserve sales everyday! I love them and wish had a body to carry these dresses :( Mine is going slow these days :( Hope it gears up soon! I didnt see you at the party , so thought of dropping by. Though the party is pretty slow. Bored! haha :)
Apr 23Reply

@jaismeen girl I can't wear any of these dresses but many years ago I would have rocked them! So I live vicariously through these young skinny girls! Lol. I have so much stuff to do I haven't done a lot with the party tonight. Last night was crazy so I was tired from the excitement. 😜 hope your sales pick up. You never know when it will be a good day or a slow day!! Will do some more sharing for you!!Love ya loads😘😘😘😘💕💕💕
Apr 23Reply

Aww! Thanks Saundra! Im sure you were one hell of a women during your time , even though I have no doubts about you getting turning heads while walking down the streets!! I really appreciate women who have maintained themselves through ages! I better should not take your time , sort your closet and we ll catch up later! Good Night dear friend :)
Apr 23Reply

@jaismeen if I had known I looked like that I would have been a lot bitchier!!! Bwahhhhh 😜😜😜😜😜
Apr 23Reply

Hey buddy, you good?
Apr 25Reply

@jaismeen hey there. Yeah I'm fine just sad that all of us fell for it.
Apr 25Reply

hmm, I understand. But dont let it come on to you.! Take some rest and hit back.
Apr 25Reply

@jaismeen thank you so much. Pray for valorieann she's the one that really worked so hard. Makes me sick. Love you girl
Apr 25Reply

@saundie hi Saundie! Great profile! I just love your closet!!
May 01Reply

@verdadero thank you so much!!
May 01Reply

Beautiful mom daughter and son! Wow!! Stunning !
May 01Reply

@taraf1717 thank you Tara!! ❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️
May 01Reply

Hello :D I'm Mei. God bless you and your beautiful loved ones. Your closet is so elegant and I have so much fun sharing it! Kind of like I'm at a high class boutique, but the prices are amazingly affordable!! Bookmarked and will be here again. Stay blessed <3
May 04Reply

Hi Saundra! I hope you are doing great! Haven't heard from you for a while (2-3 days has become a while.!! ) I wanted swing by and wish you Happy Mother's Day!!! I'm sure you are rocking ideal caring mother that every kid longs for! 😘😘😘
May 11Reply

@saundie - 💕Just wanted to stop by & wish u a very happy Mother's Day!!! Hope you're having the best one!!💕 xo Rach 😇
May 11Reply

@racharora HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you too sweet friend!! Have a beautiful day!💕💕💕💐💐💐
May 11Reply

@jaismeen it's been just crazy busy! Between PM and my real job there's not enough hours in the day!! Have missed you. Let's text! 2254133032😘😘😘😘😘
May 11Reply

I know how busy it can be! But you are doing so well! Sadly my texts are not free but we can do whatsapp or if you are using iPhone then we can do iMessage. My number is 4086618681 and I will ping you from this number. Let me know if iMessage works for you!! So much looking forward to talk to you!😘😘
May 11Reply

@jaismeen yes I'm on iMessage app yayyy
May 11Reply

@saundie awe your sons adorable!!! I have two and they're little sweeties. ❤️ You look like such a good mom!!! I bet he is so excited for summer? My oldest is seven and just finishing first grade, and growing up waaaaay to fast for me. lol 😊 Does your son do camp? We have not ventured down that road, he still likes hanging out with me and his little brother, and going to the pool.👍 Hope you had a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend!!! 😘😘😘
May 27Reply

@brittanydillon1 hi Brittany I'm just seeing your sweet note! We had a crazy couple of days here with heavy rains. Lots of flooding but no one is complaining because they have had drought conditions for a few years. It was really a scary storm that lasted a while. I had 2 big dogs in my lap scared to death!😳 yes our kids grow up way too fast. I miss those cuddles and those chubby little hands. But it's also nice because he will go fix himself a sandwich and can take out the garbage now. Yay!!! He's been to a few camps and enjoyed it but since we moved to the country it's like camp every day! He's actually going to help build a fence and so some yard stuff. Wants to earn some money! What state are you in? Did y'all BBQ? Hope it was wonderful, I enjoy Poshing with you very much. You're always so supportive! Thank you! Guess I better go to bed. 2:30 here! Night!!💕💕💕
May 27Reply

@saundie we have had a lot of rain here too, nothing too crazy but enough that it's been annoying lol I live in Chicago. (northern suburbs). We went to our family's house in Michigan for Memorial Day (and my bday weekend), and had a blast!!! It was warm and sunny and all the cousins got to play together, so wonderful!!! We BBQ all the time, it is our go to when it's warm outside!!' The kids love to play in the yard while daddy is flipping burgers! 😊 I love how motivated and career driven you are, your amazing!!! I am at home with my boys while they're young and love getting to be there every moment, and poshmark has been such a wonderful way to help my family a little bit. Where are you located ? someplace down south? My dad lives in Florida, and I am sooo jealous of the weather down south!!! We had a brutal winter this year!!! thank god it's almost summer!!! love ya lady!!! 😘😘😘
May 29Reply

I was just reading your bio and the ladies who follow you. It's interesting, we're all looking for something and Posh seems to be the answer for so many of us. I retired from Allstate after 31 years as a claims adjuster last year and the only bumber was my hubby passed away two days later. So I sold my house in Long Beach, CA and relocated to Boise Idaho to start my life over. I also have a rather large closet but don't dress like I did when I worked. I got into a real rut, I had to pull myself out of it and with God"s help he lead me to Poshmark this past Feb. I love it and all you wonderful ladies, and especially you my dear. You have helped he understand Posh a little more. now I realize I have things to look forward to, such as life itself.
Jun 01Reply

@vandendi girl I just saw this! I'm so sorry about your husband! Do you have children? You just never know what curveballs life is going to throw you. I've had a few myself but I am coming out of my funk and Posh has really helped a lot. I'm so happy that we met and look forward to many chats. Heres my number. 2254133032 Text or call anytime. Sometimes it helps to gave a PFF to vent your day too. Posh has become a big sisterhood for me. I never expected it all! Enjoying my hippie friend!! Lol💕💕💕😘😘😘
Jun 01Reply

OMG you are so sweet. Unfortunately I lost my only child 5 years ago in an auto accident. Never thought I'd wind up being a sole survivor of my entire family. Both parents plus I lost my brother and sister three months apart from each other. It's been hard but I've learn to be strong and to move on. This past year has been the hardest but one foot in front of the other is what you gotta do. I plan on living to be 100 year old women to make up for all the time the rest of my family has missed. I do miss my husband Dennis God Bless him. One thing is for sure, I'll never merry again. At my age, why would I do such a thing. Although I wouldn't mind a little boy toy every now and then...LOL just kidding "oh I lie like a rug". You're very blessed to have you mother and that handsome son of yours not to mention the wonderful carrier you have had. Yes life through all of curve balls....I heard this phrase in a movie and it's stuck with me "get busy living or get busy duying". I prefer living and so on and so fourth. Yes I would love to talk with you on the phone. We hit it off from the very first tag. My number is 208 850 5836. I know I type too much. I believe I gave you my email address yesterday.
Jun 01Reply

@vandendi wow you have been through some hell but I totally admire you because you dusted yourself off and rose up. World here I am, bring it on. I'm like that too, I've not endured the losses you have but I have had so much disappointment and hurt from those I cared about. I've thrown out 4 husbands. All just wanted me to work my ass off and they could live it up. Wills dad lasted 9 years before I had to move on. He was a terrible alcoholic and I had a miracle baby I refused to expose to that lifestyle. So damaging. Had no idea he had another life with a mistress, porno you name it. Wow. He lost it when his lifestyle drastically changed. He was either killed or killed himself in Vegas. No one knows but I was scared of him so it was a relief. My Dad and Mom were great parents but became difficult as they got older. My Dad passed away a year ago. My mom is great but she is not an easy person. I haven't seen her in two years because she's so critical. I gained 70 lbs with my pregnancy and still can't seem to lose it. Menopause sucks. So girlene we are different people from all this hurt but it has taught us great lessons and made us strong. I'm so happy we met. Thank you for sharing. I didn't see your email but I will text mine to you. Much love to you boho chick.
Jun 01Reply

We have to talk on the phone. After what you just told me about yourself we have more in common then you know. OMG we're like two peas in a pot.
Jun 01Reply

Hey Saundra! How have you been? Im sorry, I have not been sharing or communicating the whole last week. First, I became an aunt to my handsome nephew on June 10th!! He is so cute! Cant wait to meet him! And then, there were few guests at my place for the weekend! Hence, totally busy and not much of Poshmark. I hope you are doing great like always!! Love you loads!
Jun 16Reply

@saundie hello Saundie, nice to meet you, my name is Laura I was tag by Imfashion so checking in to say "hello" stop by my closet anytime ... 🌹Beautiful Closet 👍
Jun 22Reply

@saundie absolutely love your closet!! Lots of likes.....
Jun 26Reply

@dbrowning58 thank you very much!!!
Jun 26Reply

@laurie2u hi Laura! Thank you for stopping by! Love @lmfashion she's a lovely lady! Glad you are joining us here! 💕💕
Jun 26Reply

Awe! TY for such kind words Saundie! 😊You're a classy, sweet PFF! I'm so glad our paths have crossed! Love your pics! You are a beautiful lady (among many other things) on the inside & out! Your mom sounds like an amazing lady! Still modeling...that's Awesome! Goodnight!! XOXO ❤️😘😘
Jun 27Reply

Oh & TY so much for reaching out to Laurie. She has a fab. closet & she's a beautiful lady. I think she would love our share group! I told her to ck out Laura's post. Hopefully she will join. 😊
Jun 27Reply

@lmfashion I just love you! Sweetest girl ever! Thank you for your kind words, means so much. I hope she will join our share group, it is helping a ton for me. Is it working for you? I have company in so I've missed the past few nights. Will be back sharing hopefully tomorrow! Love ya loads!💕💕💕🎉🎉🎉💏💏💏
Jun 27Reply

Awe! Well I feel the same about you! I haven't been on last few nights either. This is a busy time of year for my hubby. So I've been helping him out at the shop. I do think it's helped w/sales! I hope to be on maybe tonight if I'm not worn out. This heat & humidity is really insane. Love ya too my friend!! Ttys!❤️😘
Jun 27Reply

@saundie nice to meet you Saundie! :D
Jul 25Reply

So glad I found your closet! 😊 You have great style and a wide range of items--I followed & will be sure to stop back soon! ❤️
Jul 27Reply

@kellymaried oh thank you very much! I look forward to working with you. Happy Sunday!💕💕
Jul 27Reply

You're almost there Gorgeous!❤️10k🎉👏👏👯👯@saundie💐Thanks for the tip!😘@marlanap 💕
Jul 28Reply

Jul 28Reply

@t_ms_sincerity THANK YOU MY SWEET FRIEND!! Wow what a share bomb! Fantastic PFFs!💕💕💕💕
Jul 28Reply

Anytime My Lovely PFF sister!💖😘@saundie
Jul 28Reply

Hope you have a great weekend!:) posh luck and love sent your way! Smiles, Diane
Aug 01Reply

I see where you get your beautiful good looks! Good genes!! Your Son is gonna have the girls all over him if not already! Raising 3 boys & being raised not to call Boys, u can imagine my horror when the girls started calling at ten yrs old!
Aug 13Reply

@sassysuzzy lol Sue! Thank you so much! Sweet of you! Will is a trip, just turned 12 and we have a blast together! Not ready for girls calling yet!😳😳💕💕💕
Aug 13Reply

Enjoy 12 my Sweet! Somewhere between 12 & 13 his head will start to spin & you will wonder what happened to my lovely child. Raised 3 of them. Good news it's normal growth & development. He will return :-)
Aug 13Reply

@tinker_bell oh no! Well I hope things calm down for you! Terrible tragedy! We are really looking forward to moving but gotta sell this house first. 😫 prayers to you and your family!
Aug 19Reply

@tinker_bell thank you, it was a fun party! Hang in there, I know things are rough right now but it will get better!
Aug 20Reply

@saundie In love! As I am scrolling down your amazing closet, I realize... I have just found my new favorite ♡boutique♡ byebye Marshalls ;)
Sep 17Reply

@houseoftan aww that's so sweet! Well please let me know how I can assist you!💕💕💕
Sep 17Reply

🙏🙏Ladies could you please say a prayer for Saundra and her mom as she has taken her mother to the ER with dehydration.. Keep them close in your heart and prayers... Love you Saun😘🙏🙏💗@nikongirlrocks @saundie @kimsthings @ej135 @bellafiore4 @bamagirl017 @munci @nkhob @t_ms_sincerity @lorlordeluxe @anoliver @mands13 @missposhtrendy @jakeamom12 @mrsdiva703 @cboyd221 @sophie01 @windylouu @mytherapy @damonk23
@noy2312 @sheerglamour @babyfern @tpreje3 @trendyg @mistyheart @elizabeth3374
@blingbabe10 @demitria67 @bellasbeauties @tammysbeachwear @beautyblack @closetgems2
@brittneyshea @maryhuff1979 @classyvintage @mariaskorner @lmfashion @sherrylgoodman @chuchala99 @ringleader @pamelam @beautyblack @palau_de_nina @katz2 @thebrightside @bellanblue
Jan 06Reply

@valorieann of course @saundie sending love your way !!!🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕 xxoo
Jan 06Reply

My prayers are with your mom💋😘❤️
Jan 06Reply

Saundie thinking of you, sending positive thoughts your way:)
Jan 06Reply

My thoughts are with you 😘
Jan 06Reply

@valorieann Thank you for the tag. Sending prayers for her mom and Saundra, too. 🙏🙏🙏
Jan 06Reply

@saundie I hope everything is alright sending u lots of prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jan 06Reply

Thinking about you beautiful ladies!
Jan 06Reply

@saundie Take care my friend. Saying prayers for you and your mom🙏🙏. Thx @valorieann for the tag😘
Jan 06Reply

God bless you and your Mom.
Jan 06Reply

Oh my gosh! Of course!!! Saund, please know I am praying for you and your mom, and keeping you in my heart and thoughts...❤️Love you sweet friend and hope everything turns out ok!!! @valorieann Thank you for the tag Val, you are an absolute angel and I love you to pieces!😘
Jan 06Reply

@saundie Lots of prayers and positive thoughts coming your way from me, lovely PFF! Hope it isn't anything too serious and your mama gets out of the hospital quickly! 💕🙏😘💕🙏😘 @valorieann Thank you for the tag! 😘
Jan 06Reply

@valorieann thank you sweet Val for posting this❤️@thebrightside @chuchala99 @tammysbeachwear @maryhuff1979 @katz2 @bellafiore4 @classyvintage @sophie01 @cboyd221 @anoliver @mytherapy Thank you for your prayers and good energy. Mom is finally home and thankfully nothing showed in xRays or bloodwork but they did give her an order to eat! She's had IBS for years and she needs fluids after several days of it. Fell today and hit her head, having trouble being steady on her feet. Prayers would be wonderful. Thank you all so much!
Jan 06Reply

So glad she's doing better❤️ You both will be in my prayers!😘
Jan 06Reply

Thanks for the update Saundra! 💖💖 Glad she's ok and will continue to pray.😘🙏🙏🙏
Jan 06Reply

@saundie So glad that everything looks brighter this morning. I just had a chance to read your profile today and it is awesome‼️. Inspiring‼️ What a gorgeous family, what a gorgeous you🌟🌟🌟.
Jan 06Reply

wow not at all surprised you were a model. you are stunning.
Jan 06Reply

@saundie Oh gosh!! Just reading about your precious mom!! So very thankful she is home but will be praying she eats, drinks and regains her strength!! You must have been so worried! Praying for you, too, my sweet friend!!
Jan 06Reply

@tdkbkt6 thank you, so hard to watch our loved ones age
Jan 06Reply

@sobacat aww that's so sweet! Used to look pretty good I suppose, but my brain didn't tell me that. 😳Funny how we don't see ourselves how we are! I way older now and maybe not as cute, but loving how I think! 👏👏😂😂 thank you for your kindness. As we all say "sure wish I had my 20 yr old body to go with this 50 yr old brain!❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋
Jan 06Reply

@sophie01 how sweet are you! Thank you Sherleen! It's so hard to watch our parents age. Love you!💋
Jan 06Reply

How true. I love that!! 😘😘
Jan 06Reply

@katz2 💕💕❤️❤️❤️
Jan 06Reply

@anoliver ❤️❤️💕💕💕
Jan 06Reply

You are such a sweetheart @saundie. Yes, it was terribly hard for me. My mom and I were so close and she was always in perfect health until she started having trouble walking. Long story short, she had a muscular disease that came on later in life. I lost her within a year of her diagnosis (two years ago) and I miss her every single day. I never realized how hard it would be. I can tell you love your mom dearly! Enjoy her:-)))) I am SO happy she is better, LOVE good news!!!
Jan 06Reply

@sophie01 ❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❌
Jan 06Reply

Praying for your mom and family, Saundie
Jan 06Reply

Saundra I am always in your closet but never saw this before. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family. When I joined Posh three months ago I just saw it as an app where I could make a few extra dollars but instead I found a community of wonderful amazing women. You are definitely one of them. I look forward to our continued relationship. God bless. 💗💞💕
Jan 07Reply

LSU fan?
Jan 07Reply

Love the beautiful pictures!
Jan 07Reply

@hrachal thank you Heidi!❤️💕❤️💕
Jan 07Reply

Jan 07Reply

My husband's a die-hard fan from Alexandria, LA. We live in PA. 😜
Jan 07Reply

@hrachal wow! Small world. Ask him if he knows Dwayne Sanburn who owned the haunted house downtown for many years. Across from the newspaper. My family has sponsored his haunted houses in BR for almost 15 years. it's gotten so big he has movies being shot in there in the off season. Amazing. Laissez les Bon temps roulet! Hubby will know this one!🐊🐊🐊🐯🐯🐯🎭🎭🎭
Jan 07Reply

Sorry, he doesn't know of the hunted house. He moved around a lot...his dad was in the military and the reason he ended up in PA. He supposedly moved 19 times before he graduated from Bossier City HS. His family all lives in Alexandria though. My hubby and his brother just went down for Christmas although I didn't go this time. I love visiting the south but couldn't live there. Hate the heat and love snow!
Jan 07Reply

@hrachal I am with you on the weather! It's so damn humid it feels like a wet towel socked you in the face. I moved to the hill country in Texas because there is little humidity. It gets hit in the summer but it's way different. Love the colder weather. Went to college in MO and even went to a few Eagles games when I dated I guy from there. Long ago! 💕
Jan 07Reply

Nice! My mom has season tickets to the Eagles games. 😘 Have a great evening!
Jan 07Reply

Hi lovely, just checking in to,see how your beautiful mama is doing today! 💕🙏😘
Jan 07Reply

@mytherapy you're so kind! She seems better this evening but she is in big denial of what's happening to her. She won't wear the hearing aids she just got. I got her a buzzer to ring so I could help her since she fell yesterday. Won't use it. Has arthritis in her knees the Dr said and she keeps saying it's because she fell on her knees a couple of months ago. My Dad was just as hard headed but it scares me because he broke his back in 7 places by refusing to use his walker. Just gotta pray. Thank you so much for asking!💕💕💕
Jan 07Reply

I modeled in the 80s to💋🙏❤️💕 your son is beautiful My Son is 12 he's my world! I have 5 kids my oldest is a son also. I love all my kids they are all so busy so I feel like if have to get my time in before his social calendar fills up. I just wanted to thank you for being such a supportive fellow posher I feel
Like you are so reliable & always sharing. I'm
Trying to catch up & I think you have done so much I want you to know I appreciate it & I know how hard you work.i hope someday I can get caught up & catch up to all you do for everyone
Jan 07Reply

🙏🙏🙏 It's tough. I deal with similar issues with my parents. It's a struggle, I feel like they are being so stubborn- but then I try to look at it from their perspective and realize how awful it is to feel like your independence is being slowly taken from you. My dad really should not be driving, his vision in his left eye is so minimal- hello, blind spot! - but he won't stop!!! At least you are being the best daughter you can be by helping and supporting as much as possible! 😘💕 Will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers! 🙏🙏🙏
Jan 07Reply

Wow you look stunning dear and your Mom is gorgeous lady dear. I wish to became a model but i guess everything change when u get married. Specially in our culture. It sucks. I thought i could do much more here but things didn't favor me yet. May be when my Kiddos goes little older. Mom are always an inspiration and lot of support. My mom is there for me whenever i need her. Its day or night she can do whatever to help me and support me .Luv moms . Hows your Mom dear @saundie
Jan 07Reply

@julia_rose @julia_rose you are so sweet to take the time to send such a nice message! I truly appreciate it! I always feel like I can never catch up but I think we all feel that way! Poshing takes up a lot of time but it's so wonderful to make such lovely friends like you! I didn't anticipate the friendships at all so it was such a nice surprise. Like a giant sorority or bible study! So many ladies that really care makes a huge difference in this crazy world we live in! WOW! 5 kids, you must have a world of patience! It's never dull with kids around. I feel so blessed that I actually had a child. I was working so much on my career it just didn't happen early. But Gods timing is always perfect you know. He knew I had to have my career under my belt first. My son is so much fun. He's a good kid, just needs to pick up his stuff!😂😂😂 thank you so much again sweet friend!💕
Jan 07Reply

@mytherapy it has to be hard. My Dad was furious when I got him to a doctor and he flunked the dementia tests. We are in the car business and nobody would address him bumping cars and such. He felt like he had a body shop and they could fix it. I saw it differently, danger! It was very hard to stand up but you know a few years later he retook the tests and was better. My brother got him down from 17 medications to 5 and he was much better for a few years. Cancer took him in 2013. My mom is overmedicated too. I could just slap some Drs for overdoing it or mixing them. 😳 I feel so sad for Mom but she can be a handful too so we can get into an argument. I'm just trying to accept what's going on with her age but she's not having it. A Dr told me that your strengths in your youth can become a detriment to you in old age. Both my parents were very strong people so I'm seeing it in my mom. Prayers to your folks and you Mina and yours are surely appreciated. Love you lots!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 07Reply

@sakshi9984 thank you dear! Yes when you get married and especially when you have kids everything changes! I feel blessed that God let me build my career first and then have my child after. I just won't get to enjoy grandchildren. Since I had him so late in life, but I'm just glad he's here and healthy! My mom is doing a little better but she's really having a hard time accepting age related problems. She will be 80 next week and is slowing down. Hard to watch it too. She always encouraged me to take leaps of faith and go for it. I was afraid at first but I went to college away from home and then I loved being independent. So I am happy about my life although a little unconventional, but I guess I wasn't cut out for being married forever. Divorced a couple of times but it was the best thing for me. Thanks sweet friend for the note. Hope you are doing wonderfully!❤️💕❤️💋💋😘😘⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 07Reply

I know old age is a challenge @saundie . But u know when she has a daughter like you to support and care it becomes easier 💕💕💕 I will keep her in my prayers 🙏🙏. Well I wish I didn't had those boys bcoz they are holding me from being separate from him . Although they gave me a meaning to live but they are one I am living for now 👬You know how our culture is . Even if u don't like but u have to stick together 😬😬 It sucks buts that's true 😰😰😰. Well I m waiting for the day when my boys see how I am dealing with him and they support me . Love u girlie 💃💕
Jan 07Reply

@saundie hi babe! Got the sweatshirt and awesome gift! Thank u so much doll face!!! Ur the best!!! ❌⭕❌⭕❤
Jan 23Reply

@sammy ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💋💋💋👍👍😘😘👏🎊🎊👏👏👏love you sweet lady!
Jan 24Reply

Just saw ...sorry have a beautiful family and your son is adorable!! 😊
Apr 20Reply

@matadora1978 💕💕thank you so much! I'm SO proud of your closet! I'm going to redo the invitation with your name on it!👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Apr 20Reply

OMG!! are u sure?! I would be so honored!! Ty ty ty wow this is awesome!😊im so happy!!!
Apr 20Reply

@matadora1978 yes! Your closet is great and so are YOU!❤️
Apr 20Reply

Apr 20Reply

@saundie Hope all is well....I am listing a pair of your Mom's boots that I purchased from you. I wore them to the Houston Rodeo and really enjoyed them but now I am going to let them go. They are the beautiful intricately designed pair. Bronzes, gold, etc. My question is : Were they custom made?? I can't remember. Thanks a bunch. 💕
Apr 20Reply

@dbrowning58 yes ma'am they were made for her. I wish they fit me! Hope you are doing well! 💕
Apr 20Reply

@saundie Thanks......I am having second thoughts. I think that I will sit on it for a while. Yes, all is well here. You keep on Rockin it, girl. Your closet is on fire 🎉🎉. Well deserved ❤️
Apr 20Reply

@dbrowning58 thanks sweet friend! They are some pretty snazzy boots, hope you will keep enjoying them!💕💕💕
Apr 21Reply

saundie- First let me say I am a BRAND NEW Posh shopper, introduced to it by a friend at work. I made my first purchase a couple of days ago. :) I am getting the hang of it. I not sure I want to tackle selling anything so for now I am just going to browse the many closets.
May 30Reply

I was browsing your closet, GREAT BY THE WAY, and wanted to tell you that while I was looking at some of your items, I noticed you had such a positive way about you just in the few words that you respond with to your inquirers. Because of this, I viewed more and more of your items, came to this and it just confirmed what I had noticed in your few words, you are in fact an inspiration. God is good.
May 30Reply

Roughly 8 years ago a spoke on the wheel of life broke and during a 3 year period of time, my family lost roughly 8 people one being my 4 month old nephew. While I was/am most definitely a believer in Jesus Christ, I am so grateful we have a forgiving and understanding God because I went through some various emotions during those three years.
May 30Reply

BUT because of those stepping stones in my life, I look a life allot differently now and I understand completely what is important in life. He allows things to happen in our lives so that we will learn to lean on Him more. He gives us strength when we thought we had no more and He carries us when we feel we cannot take one more step forward.
May 30Reply

I always tell my children, it's not what situations we face in life but how we handle those situations that defines who we are and I have to say, you have defined yourself well. Keep up the great work.
I am sorry so much but felt you deserve to hear that you are exactly who I felt you were. :)
May 30Reply

Love your closet. Beautiful unique items for plus size.
Jun 06Reply

I will be back shopping again soon cat wait
Jun 08Reply

Can you get summer sleep wear
Jun 08Reply

@cindyandrade7 thanks Cindy, just let me know. I don't have any sleep wear at all, I'm sorry
Jun 08Reply

@saundie beautiful profile. I'm fairly new to PoshMark. I'm trying to get myself acquainted with this site. I just came on here because I decided to clean out my closet. To my surprise I have met some wonderful people. I love your closet and liked it so that I can come back to it. Is the clothes you sell on this site new? Do you carry petites? Thanks
Jun 09Reply

@ramonarosario Welcome to Posh! I know you will enjoy it. Easy to get obsessed with it because it's so much fun!! Main thing I will tell you is don't let it interrupt your sleep! Many of us stay up till all hours because it moves quickly but you need your rest! I found out the hard way that I can't keep going on just a few hours. 😁😁 all of my clothes are new and I do have some XS items but prefer to measure for you to be sure of fit. Thank you so much for saying hello!💕
Jun 09Reply

@saundie thank you for the advise. You are so right. I was working on this day and night and not giving it a break. I feel exhausted. I'm trying to balance. I was introduced to you through Emy. (Nami001)
Jun 09Reply

@saundie hi nice to see another Posher on here that is my age! I've worked in wholesale for years & years until I had an injury that grounded me. I love selling online & working from home. I'm Mindy BTW
Jul 15Reply

@richbororiches hi Mindy and thank you for the intro. I think we share together on one of these groups, can't keep up with them all! Yes I'm pushing 60 and it doesn't seem possible!!! Hanging on to youth as best I can!😂😂😂
Jul 15Reply

@saundie right! I'm 56 and my trick is keeping my hair as long as possible for as long as possible , I look great from the back !!! I went to a bridal shower a few weeks ago and I of course sat with the moms and I was the only one not wearing "mom " clothes . So depressing lol . Can't wait for rhe grand babies !!!❤️
Jul 15Reply

@richbororiches lol you are too funny! I buy all these young wholesale clothes imagining I can still wear them, keeps me going! 😂😂😂😁😁😁😘😘😘
Jul 15Reply

@saundie ME TOO , 1/4 of my closet is things I bought for myself and then realized I wasn't 35 anymore, The worst is the high heels boy do I miss them, cause the feet are the only things that look 35!!! I met my 2nd husband 10 years ago and I was wearing Prada stiletto. I tried them on a few months ago I couldn't walk long enough in them to get to the mirror and see how good my legs look...I could go on...if you ever want to talk about the getting old with panic contact me
Jul 15Reply

@saundie we just loved everything you sent I can't thank you enough ! My mom got the ring lol and my daughter snatched up the make up !! The dress is just what I wanted now my daughter wants one !!! Lol you are awesome! !! Thanks again
Jul 28Reply

I'm Susan :) It's nice to meet you ♡ ♡ ♡
Aug 14Reply

Aw Saundra I've never seen this post, or you've changed the pics & desc. You know I think you're beautiful already, but you've just touched on something here that gave me hope that I didn't know. Successfully having a child at 43 & being a "young mom" in every way, I can tell, just warms my heart. I'm so happy for you! I'm 35 & no child for me in the near future, since there's no one I want to have one with in my life either. I'm happy I took care of me first, I am....
Aug 16Reply

Having a degree & career came 1st, so that I never had to count on anyone but myself if need be. Yet, I know the risks & struggles w having children over 35 & it worries me. ♡ I think about having a beautiful family every day. ♡ I love hearing success stories like yours though.
Aug 16Reply

@pre_pa514 I understand how you feel my friend, I was, and am still obsessed with my career. But God spoke & showed me Will in a dream, even gave me his name! I did fertility drugs and nothing happened so I gave up. 5 yrs later, here comes Will. Bad marriage so have raised him since he was 17 months. Always had a nanny, but we spend a lot of time together now that I work from home. Will pray for God's plan to be revealed. Love you sweetie!😘😘😘
Aug 16Reply

Oh Saundra honey. Thank u so much for blasting my closet to the Moon and back;)
Aug 16Reply

@rudenka 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Aug 16Reply

Thank you! ❤️❤️
Aug 17Reply

@saundie what a beautiful family Saun! You got ur looks from mom!!! Will is adorable. Love the cover shot!
Aug 17Reply

@sammy aww thanks girl!💋💋💋
Aug 18Reply

@saundie ur going to make ME cry looking!
Aug 18Reply

@audid thank you Audi!
Sep 25Reply

Haven't read any comments but I'm wondering where the Texas hill country is. I live Fort Worth. And I love Texas. We're about the same age, which is cool. There are a lot of very young Poshers on here so it is always nice to find someone of the same gen and life experiences as I. I'll see how similar your tastes are to mine in a bit. Nice to meet you!
Sep 27Reply

Definitely can tell you are a family! You all look like twins! Beautiful!👑
Sep 27Reply

@ltcwheatex hi Marie! The Hill Country is west of San Antonio. Beautiful area! I'm about a 6 hour drive/1 hour flight from DFW. Nice to meet you!
Sep 27Reply

I've been to SA a lot, but not lately. My job used to take me there but I switched positions and I don't travel as much. Which is nice cause my husband is always up visiting his mom due to her poor health. SOME body has to stay home with the dogs! (But he could take them with, his mom loves our babies!) 💗😍🐶
Sep 27Reply

Now I see the connection w/ you after reading more here about your life… I too am a 50-year-old onetime mom to one beautiful son!! Also did the job completely alone to escape the heartache of a situation that was so very tragic… best left unwritten in this forum, but just know I GET IT, and a mom and a son ARE a complete family with God on their side!! My babe is 22 1/2 and a college senior and the most amazing human being on earth (unbiased mom. ;) Best to you and Will! :) #courage
Sep 30Reply

@fashionweek65 hi Janice, thank you for sharing your similar story with me. I just couldn't allow a drunk to ruin this miracle baby's life! He is thriving and we are very happy. God bless you and thank you so much, means the world to me 😘😘😘
Oct 01Reply

You have a fabulous selection in your closet. Happy Poshing.
Oct 01Reply

@artdiva772 thank you very much!😘😘😘
Oct 01Reply

Yes I'm loving your closet! You have a wonderful family! 😊 I will check in often, you have so many great things!
Oct 12Reply

@bella75baby thank you so much! Appreciate the shares! 😘😘😘
Oct 12Reply

Hey Doll! Wanted to stop by and meet you and say hello!💞✋💝💗👊😁I literally got lost in your closet this morning and Im in love with EVERYTHING _😍!! My husband was talking to me but I was so enthralled I didnt hear a word he saidI 😰😆😟 I love your story and your son is indeed a wonderful blessing! 💞💖It was such a pleasure meeting you!
Oct 13Reply

Also sweetie, I took care of my Dad who was my rock of gibralter until he passed away 6 Years ago. I still miss him so much. His dying wish was that I take care of My mom and I told him he didnt even have to ask. They were literally 1 month shy of their 60th anniversary. I lost him 3 weeks after his diagnosis.😢
Oct 13Reply

Now my husbannd and I I take care of my Mom. She turned 83 this past May. My mom truly is my best friend..but needs care. Sorry for the book doll!
Oct 13Reply

@ambermagick98 so nice to meet you Sandy. Wonderful you are able to care for your mom. My mom would prefer we didn't and I'm so glad because I wouldn't be very good at it, too hard to watch our loved ones suffer. Blessings to you.
Oct 13Reply

@saundie I totally understand. It can be difficult to say the least. I have a sister and I respect her decision not to as well. I was a geriatric nurse for 30 years and love it.
On a lighter note.. Your son is a little cutie! I have two girls one boy and all are married and I also have 3 amazing grandsons and a beautiful granddaughter. My oldest grandson is the same age as your son. You are so blessed to have a handsome son and he is equally as blessed to have you. 😊💞💖
Oct 13Reply

I am in LOVE with your closet!! Wow!! 😍😍
Oct 15Reply

@katibug3 thanks Kati!😘
Oct 15Reply

@saundie I LOVE your closet! I'm new to Posh (just started in Sept) so I'm trying to get the hang of things. Your closet is such an inspiration. Everything is styled and photographed so beautifully. Your story is inspirational as well! Definitely gives me motivation to do some things I put off for a trying to figure out how to stock merchandise to sell in volume. :-) I have to start my day now, but I hope you have a Happy Friday and wonderful weekend!
Oct 16Reply

@asmessentials you're so kind, thank you very much! It can be a little overwhelming but take your time and learn the ropes. My closet looks nothing like it did almost 2 years ago! Please feel free to ask any questions. Have a great weekend and thanks again!😘
Oct 16Reply

@saundie Beautiful family and beautiful closet!! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 05Reply

@cattyo you're so sweet, thank you!😘
Nov 05Reply

@mariabessam 👍🏼👍🏼
Nov 07Reply

Nov 07Reply

You do have a beautiful stylish mother! 💕
Nov 07Reply

@saundie I just read this and was so taken back. My life is a perfect twin of yours. I also was in the same marriage for 25 years. I longed for a son even though I have 2 girls. Well I got him at 42 and He is a bit older. 19 in college but the greatest son ever. My dream boy/man. Isn't life beautiful. Someday I think we shall meet. I modeled for years. Coincidence. I think not. Love you already. 🌹💞
Nov 27Reply

@saundie to clarify. When I say same marriage I mean alcoholic. I suffered much and now after 6 years of freedom I am the happiest I've ever been. Thanks for sharing 💞🌹V
Nov 27Reply

@pzq69854 God always has a plan doesn't He. In His time not ours. I'm glad you got out of that marriage. I don't believe we are to be miserable with dysfunctional people. They make you as crazy as them just trying to deal with their narcissism. Very happy to meet you and please feel free to ask any Posh questions, it's a little cray cray in here and there are a few loons, but mostly wonderful ladies!💐💐💐💐💐💐
Nov 27Reply

@saundie I can so relate to what you're saying getting out of the marriage it was extremely difficult but I finally got brave enough to do it. He was extremely wealthy CEO of a large company that made it more difficult.
Nov 27Reply

@saundie Finding posh Mark really made a change in my life it has brought me much happiness I know there's Cray Cray's I've already found that out but that's OK there's also people like you. You have one of the most beautiful closets on Posh & I admire you and you are truly a woman of substance thanks for your beautiful reply. V
Nov 27Reply

@pzq69854 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💐💐
Nov 27Reply

gourgeous 😘🎅🎄
Dec 22Reply

Me and my hubby moved to Austin 2 years ago and have deep ties to BR and Southwest Mississippi. Nice to meet you! 🤗
Dec 23Reply

@jfarmer_atx hi Jackie! So nice to meet you! Thank you for saying hello! Have a lovely Christmas!😘🎄
Dec 23Reply

Awe, I just saw your "meet the posher" and I can't tell you enough how blessed I feel that I was meant to meet you (in hindsight) so far so to speak since you don't know anything about me. (I hope you understand my point here) you truly truly seem to have such a great heart as my self and I'm looking forward to getting to know you more on a personal level. I truly mean that. AND. Btw, what a adorable son u have and beautiful mom!
Jan 20Reply

@shannondamnit you're so sweet. Thank you, I look forward to learning more about you as well. You're a lovely lady.
Jan 20Reply

@saundie your closet is by far my favorite! I wish I could buy one of everything! And thank you so much for all the shares! I am getting a slow start due to some health reasons, but keep your eye out for me! 😉 Your closet always cheers me up & you are a mentor by the thank you notes I read! Thank you for being such a great inspiration obviously to many Poshers new & old alike! Happy POSHING!❤️
Feb 06Reply

@msuebest what a lovely thing to say! Thank you so much!💋💋
Feb 06Reply

Hello, Saundie!! 👋🏼 I'm Jan! it is great to officially meet you! 🌹 I love your closet...and your helper!🌹😄
Feb 24Reply

@saundie Hi , I went to your posh party last night 👍 great host items to look through. I have a question. How do you get to host or co host posh parties? I would love to co host one . 🎀 thanks you are always so helpful to me.
Feb 26Reply

@saundie Hi Saundie, Could you please give me your plus size site again? Thank you! 🌸🏵🌹💝
Jan 02Reply

@estherdestiny hello! Happy New Year! @saundie2_plus 💋💋💋
Jan 02Reply

@saundie Thank you! I am sending someone your way! I LOVE my Poncho! Happy New Year to You too! 🌸🏵💐💝
Jan 02Reply

So happy for you God bless
Mar 25Reply

@smurf62sh 💕
Mar 25Reply

That's interesting; nice to know a bit about you! -Patty
Apr 09Reply

@clozeho thank you very much!!
Apr 09Reply

Lift in the outskirts of Houston for 30 years, now back in New York and I need a new career from home; as I am a full-time caregiver to my partner who has MS... as I've said before, you are my inspiration! Your mom is beautiful and your son adorable! You are truly blessed!
May 13Reply

@candycane57 thank you so much! I pray your man gets better and I pray for your strength and courage!
May 13Reply

@saundie hello. For most and most important you have the most beautiful closet. I have shared some of your listings to my followers. My Texas family and friends will be thrilled when they see your closet I sent them. They will most likely want to buy a lot like me lol. Lots of POSH LOVE ❤️ YOUR WAY IM VERY HAPPY TO MEET YOU. 💕🌷🌺👠👗😍
Jun 17Reply

@madelrv well you're very sweet! Thank you so very much for your kindness! Have a blessed day!
Jun 17Reply

@saundie My daughter has a year left in her Marketing degree! She studies at U of North Texas 😃 Good to hear you have enjoyed your career in that field!
Jun 27Reply

@rjrkpt it's a very rewarding and fun job! Best wishes to your daughter 💕💕😘😘
Jun 27Reply

@saundie 😀 Thank you! From what she has learned so far she is so excited to graduate and get started. It is good to hear from an expert in the field that the work is enjoyable. Nothing would make me happier than to have my daughter enjoy the fruits of her labor. Life is too short to take a job solely based on money. I have always told my children "do what you love and the rewards will follow". Rachel
Jun 27Reply

@rjrkpt absolutely! You must do what you love and enjoy because then it doesn't feel like work! 🎉🎉💕💕💋
Jun 27Reply

@saundie Exactly! 👌🏼
Jun 27Reply

What a beautiful family!
Jul 10Reply

@makeuppatti thank you so much!💕
Jul 10Reply

Can't believe that I have accidentally found you!!! I too have had many trying times in my life, but God has never put anything on me that did not withstand. After back surgery 3 years ago and menopause I have gained a lot of weight. You do know how it feels. I don't think I'll ever be the same!!! No wonder that people thought years ago that we went crazy!!! Lol. It literally does most days!!!! Thanks for all your inspiration!
Aug 11Reply

@vicssweetie 🎉🎉I'm glad you found me too! Yes! I definitely know how you feel and I make it a point to measure everything myself and ask questions. Most women don't know their correct bust size and that throws off the whole fit. I'm moving right now and a new Posh room under construction, but I will be open soon. Happy to assist or just say hello! Have a great weekend! Chin up! 💋💋💋💋
Aug 12Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jul 16Reply
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