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Updated Feb 15
Updated Feb 15

Meet LIsa - ⭐️Posh Ambassador & Top Rated Seller⭐️

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Hi! I'm LH and I have closet full of mostly adorable kids clothes to share with my Posh friends. I am a single mom doing my best to raise these amazing girls I've been blessed with. Poshmark is my tool for saving up for soccer, karate and vacay with my girls! I love coffee, avocado toast, macaroons and shopping. Live for high end designers without the high end price! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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aforsythe7 Hi, happy poshing! Welcome to poshmark, hope you enjoy yourself! 😁
Oct 24Reply
findingdoc1 I went all through school with a girl named Lisa Hannah!!! What a coincidence😊 Have a wonderful night. Lynette 🌻
May 08Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark! Hi there, I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome sales. I am a Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top seller so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help deals. I am always happy to negotiate as well. Happy Poshing 😃
May 17Reply
lisahannah @findingdoc1 That is quite a coincidence! I grew up in the panhandle of FL. XOXO Happy Poshing and thanks for the note!
May 20Reply
lisahannah @soriag Hi! Thank you for the note! I just made Posh Ambassador.... super excited!! ⭐️🎉. Still trying to feel my way through Poshmark and so appreciate you offer for advice! XOXO😘
May 20Reply
khmsd Hi @lisahannah ! I mailed out all items today in one box . . . I had to add extra postage, as it was heavier than anticipated. Looks like I added enough as my tracking shows that it's on its way! Thanks again and Congratulations on achieving Posh Ambassador - I found my sales and Followers increased considerably with the designation!
May 21Reply
lisahannah @khmsd Hi Kelly! Thank you so much for the update and for the pointer! Look forward to continuing to shop your closet. Much appreciate it!! 🤗
May 21Reply
rochelleamber Hey hun, sorry for the delayed response. I have 4 kids 10yr and under, it's end of school craziness AND I'm moving! 😨 Thank you for noticing my hard work in building up those followers quickly. More followers, more sharing and more sales 😎
May 25Reply
rochelleamber I'll tag you in a few of my favorite super posher games that will help build your followers if you play. Will also tag you in an AWESOME share group! I'm taking a break from the group because of the move right now, but i highly recommend it, they're a great group of ladies.
May 25Reply
rochelleamber And finally, I'll tag you in a few of my favorite tag groups that you should definitely join. They'll keep you posted on new follow games, share groups and super posher games. Plus they'll recommend your closet for posh party host picks! Hope these help you like they helped me. And of course I'm here to help! Don't be a stranger, stop by and say hi. Let me know how you're doing 😍😍😍
May 25Reply
lisahannah @rochelleamber No need to apologize!! I completely understand! Us mom have a lot to juggle! There are some nights I can barely keep my eyes open at night catching up on messages... 🤗
May 26Reply
lisahannah @rochelleamber Thank you for the add! I am quickly seeing some incredibly supportive women and am awe struck by the kindness.
May 26Reply
lisahannah @rochelleamber Thank you, thank you, thank you! You too, we'll keep in contact! 😘
May 26Reply
rochelleamber @lisahannah Thank you for your purchase! I'm getting those cute hanna sandals out in the mail this morning. Enjoy sweet pff! 😘
May 26Reply
callielives Thanks for following me & Welcome to Poshmark 🤗 I'm a Posh Ambassador, So Stop by my closet 💁🏽 to get help with anything Posh!!! 😉
May 28Reply
lisahannah @callielives Thank You for the welcome!! My daughter's name is Callie. 😃 Happy Poshing!
May 28Reply
callielives @lisahannah 💞💞💞💞
May 28Reply
kamille_joy What photo apps do you use? I really like how you add the brand names. It looks so clean and nice! ☀️🌵💃
May 29Reply
kamille_joy What photo apps do you use? I really like how you add the brand names. It looks so clean and nice! ☀️🌵💃
May 29Reply
lisahannah @kamille_joy Hi Kamille! I just discovered it! It's called Over. The app symbol is a yellow square and a white "O". It's pretty simple to use. There is an annual fee though. If you decide to get it, let me know and I will walk you through how to overlay the brand over the picture. Still learning how to use, but that I know!
May 29Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a hoot today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 04Reply
brooknoel Thank you Lisa... I will ship these amazing finds tomorrow ❤️ your girls are beautiful 🌹
Jun 06Reply
mons_closet Hi Lisa!!! Thank you for my offer on my bundle. I love your closet. Im checking on my granddaughter to see if she likes the dress....Enjoy the rest of your day! 💗
Jun 07Reply
lisahannah @mons_closet That is no problem!! Sorry for getting the offer out to you after a delay. The notification got lost in the shuffle! I noticed you selected some 7 YO clothes. I have more great pieces I’d like to get posted in the near future. Happy Poshing and thank you for shopping my closet!! 🤗
Jun 08Reply
lisahannah @mons_closet Hi! Thank you for your order!! I think your granddaughter will really like these pieces. You’ve selected some beautiful ones! I will get this out in the mail today or tomorrow. Happy Poshing! ⭐️😘🎉❤️🤗
Jun 08Reply
findingdoc1 Thank You again!!! Keep on working you will be at 50K before you know it!💫😘💝 XO, Lynette🌻
Jun 16Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet!
Jun 17Reply
moongoddess7 Hey there ❤️ I just wanted to thank you for the 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating❣️ It really means a lot to me, and tells me that you are happy with you product & with me❣️I still have 1,000's of brand new items to post, so stop back any time❣️~Amy (moongoddess7)
Jun 23Reply
marielys15 Hi Lisa. Thanks for the rating. I hope you and your family are going well. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Thanks again for the purchase.
Jun 24Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a fairy today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 29Reply
lisahannah @findingdoc1 Hi Lynette! It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. I won’t bore you other the details but I’ve been fighting to protect my 9 year old. I’ve been a bit out of touch but will emerge stronger than ever. Hope you are well and yes, looking forward to hitting 50k hopefully soon!! XOXO
Jun 30Reply
findingdoc1 @lisahannah I will be praying for you and your daughter!!! Stay Strong Beautiful💝💫😘 XO, Lynette🌻☮️
Jun 30Reply
findingdoc1 Just had you on my mind! Hope you are staying strong! XO, Lynette💝☮️
Jul 04Reply
lisahannah @findingdoc1 thank you so much Lynette!! This week, we received some great news. First step in the right direction! I appreciate the thoughts and continued prayers. I am touched by your kindness. 🤗❤️🙏🏻
Jul 04Reply
findingdoc1 @lisahannah Great news!!! Enjoy your Independence Day😘💝
Jul 04Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a lippie today 🌺💜Jan
Jul 09Reply
bell1971 @lisahannah Hey. Hey. Pretty girl. You are a LIPPIE POSHER TODAY 💄💄 Hope you enjoyed all the POSH LOVE💄💋💄
Jul 10Reply
lisahannah @bell1971 thanks for the note hon! I don’t want you thinking I was ignoring you. Got lots going on with fighting for my daughter’s safety. It’s become a full time job it seems, but this too will pass and I will be back in full force! Thank you for understanding. Much ❤️!
Jul 10Reply
bell1971 @lisahannah ♥️♥️ I completely understand !! I know your situation and I have faith all will be good for you !! Much Love hon ♥️💋
Jul 10Reply
findingdoc1 Hope you are doing well!!! I have gone back to work, so I’m struggling to find time to Posh like I would like...😩 However Blessed to have this job💝 XO, Lynette🌻 Oh Congratulations on being featured today!!!🎉☮️💋
Jul 26Reply
lindachris @lisahannah Liked followed shared 🐾
Jul 31Reply
lisahannah @findingdoc1 Hi Lynette! You were one of the first to welcome me to Poshmark and you’ve been an awesome mentor and PFF ever since. Just wanted to say “thanks”! 😉😘❤️👋🏻🙏🏻
Sep 02Reply
adiamondcupcake Beautiful family 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌺 🌺 🌺 🌸🌸🌸 🌸 🌺 🌺 🌺 🌸 🌸 🌸
Sep 06Reply
lisahannah @keriann1975 awww thank you so much! I appreciate it! 🙏🏻❤️
Sep 06Reply
lisahannah @crysdjackson Hi! Thank you so much for the sweet love note! I am sooo happy you love the Janie and Jack skirt! I appreciate your understanding about the P.O. shipping delay. I pride myself in always trying to be an awesome Posher and provide great service but some things are out of our control. Thank you!! 🙏🏻❤️👍🏻🎉
Sep 06Reply
trunksfull Awesome closet!
Sep 18Reply
lisahannah @trunksfull Thank you! Yours is great too!!
Sep 18Reply
adiamondcupcake 🌈Hi Lisa, thanks so much for purchasing from my closet. I will get this shipped out to you today. ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☀ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ ☁ 🌵 🌵 🌵🌵 🌾 🌵🌵 🌾 🌵🌵 🌵🌵 🌵 🌵🍃🌵🌵🍃🌵🌵 🌾🌵🍃🌵🌾🐛🌵 🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂
Sep 26Reply
lisahannah @keriann1975 You are so welcome! My daughter will be so excited. She’s obsessed with unicorns!!! 🦄
Sep 26Reply
adiamondcupcake @lisahannah 🌈 Awe I do too, she will love these!! I also threw in a free gift, enjoy💖
Sep 26Reply
fineqfinds If you like to dress up with fine quality feel free to view my closet.
Oct 10Reply
melngeeh Hi! Check out my closet when you get a chance.
Oct 15Reply
blackaudi1 Thanks for sharing my listing on social media 😄😄🎉
Oct 20Reply
cherryhill Just received two darling pairs of shoes from this incredible seller! I look forward to buying from her again!
Oct 22Reply
lisahannah @cherryhill I am so happy you love them! Thank you again and anytime!!
Oct 22Reply
darlascottage Your reason for Poshing is a good one! Your girls will learn so much from you & getting rewarded for perseverance and hard work. I’m sure they want to be just like you!!! :)
Oct 27Reply
lisahannah @pluswear Thank you sooo much for the kind words. It is incredibly appreciated! My biggest hope for my girls is that they have a good life and that I have been a good role model for them!
Oct 27Reply
esthetician14 Hi ! In that pic looks like Myrtle that place .I was born in Greenville & love the tigers ! Wishing you many sales !
Nov 01Reply
bell1971 @lisahannah 💄💄💄 Hope you are loving your LIPPIE DAY 💋
Nov 06Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Lisa. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Nov 09Reply
mailgirl618 Thank you so much for tagging all those Poshers!! I appreciate it!! I ❤❤❤
Nov 12Reply
jjstylesetter Happy Holidays Lisa! I know gift giving can be stressful-It is my goal to lighten that burden. I’m offering a 20% discount on every; with reduced shipping on all purchases over $50. Please know that you can count on the high quality of each and every item you see. I have posted the pictures and tried to describe each item in detail, but if you have any questions, please send me a note and I will respond right away. I look forward to sharing the holidays with you! 🌲💕 JJ
Dec 05Reply
katrinasutter Awesome closet!!! 🎉
Mar 19Reply
lisahannah @katrinasutter Awwww, Omgosh! Thank you! You made my day! XOXO
Mar 19Reply
debsdesigndealz Hi Lisa , Nice to meet you ! Happy Poshing 😚😙💕💕💕💕💕
Apr 15Reply
lisahannah @debsdesigndealz Nice to meet you too!! Thank you for your shares! XOXO
Apr 16Reply
sunflwer_chic Shared your closet as a 🌻THANK YOU🌻 for sharing my closet and/or follow game 💞❤ please no share backs! Have a great weekend, week ahead and I wish you many sales! 🤗🌻
Sep 15Reply
lisahannah @sunflwer_chic Awww so sweet. Thank you!! ♥️
Sep 15Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🍒
Oct 19Reply
poshgarden Nice to meet you 💞🛍
Nov 17Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 03Reply
rabbit16 Lisa Lovely pic of you and family! Thank you for the share on Twitter! Really appreciate the support. Wishing you the best in Poshing and in life! 😊
Mar 12Reply
msneverending1 LH I was just cruising through the closets and discovered your wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Apr 18Reply
lisahannah @rabbit16 thank you so much! I hope this finds you healthy and safe!!! Happy Poshing❤️😘
May 02Reply
lisahannah @msneverending1 Hi 👋🏻! Thank you soo much for stopping by. We are doing well during this insanity! Please be safe, healthy and happy poshing!!! XOXO
May 02Reply
anx1 Hey Lisa! I love your super cute closet and how everything looked so bright and cheerful! I definitely got LOTS of positive vibes and love how you took the time to style each item uniquely! Wishing you tons of great sales this week, and hope you take care and stay healthy:)
May 14Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 27Reply
lisahannah @tutuwig Back at you! Followed and shared. Thanks so much!!
Aug 28Reply
cutehosiery @lisahannah Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 14Reply

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