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Updated 20 hours ago
Updated 20 hours ago

Meet Posher Celeste & Family

Meet the Posher



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Hello I’m Celeste. Brighton, Fossil, Catherines & Torrid are some of my favorite brands. I am a mom of 3 from Orange County, California. Love my family, gardening, quilting, road trips with hubby & Poshing of course. My daughter, Bethany, is also on Posh @suitcasegoals . Helped her for a while & decided to create my own closet. Now in 2023 all my girls have Posh accounts. Check out @hayleybgeorge as well as @luvbug63. 🌼Went to Poshfest 2016. What a wonderful community we have. 💝WOW! Thank you Poshmark for the "Posh Love Story" blog post 2/7/17 about my daughter Bethany & I. 🌸Poshfest 2023 is back in California. Robert & I attended & had fun. Met up with PFFs & met new PFFs.
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celestegeorge @kellyannewinter Hello Kelly. I am usually a crazy sharer. This week I have had an overwhelming amount of Posh love from everyone. A lot of sharing going on. Very nice! I just started selling this past Mother's Day. So I am a newbe as well. My daughter has sold for over a year @suitcasegoals . It has been a lot of fun. Thanks for the compliment on my closet and sharing. 😊😉 Celeste
Jul 11Reply
celestegeorge @delladay @suitcasegoals @dovesofashtrees Hello ladies. I just sent you four more follow games. Let me know if you want more today. I saved about 30 in my likes. 😃😉
Jul 13Reply
dovesofashtrees @celestegeorge Thank you so much for sending those over!! You're the best! 💜
Jul 14Reply
celestegeorge @dovesofashtrees My pleasure. Glad you like them. Let me know when you want more. Thank you. 😉😉
Jul 14Reply
celestegeorge @dovesofashtrees @suitcasegoals @delladay8 Well ladies I guess I did not really know how many follow games I was doing. So I said 30-40. I just counted after sending you 56 I stopped & counted. I have 245 saved in my likes. 😜😂😉😜 Waiting till next week for more. Goodnight. Have fun!!!
Jul 16Reply
dovesofashtrees @celestegeorge Wow!!!! Thank you so much! You're a rockstar! 🕶🌟
Jul 16Reply
dovesofashtrees @celestegeorge Congrats on reaching 10k followers! 🎉😃
Jul 24Reply
celestegeorge @dovesofashtrees Thanks Ashley. That was a lot of work. See you at the party. Started at 7. 😃
Jul 24Reply
thefashionnook Yay for new PM settings!! Happy dance!
Aug 04Reply
celestegeorge @mikelemc Hello Mikele!!! Didn't know you poshed. Nice! Bethany & I both have closets. Pop in and say hi! Celeste @suitcasegoals
Aug 08Reply
infinitelyposh Thank you for always sharing! Have a wonderful week and Happy Poshing!! :)
Aug 08Reply
suitcasegoals @mikelemc 👋🏻👋🏻😊
Aug 08Reply
ovdulce @celestegeorge hi my dear !! Thanks for helping me out with those awesome games !!! I have a question for you actually 2 😁 1 how do u make the bundles for someone ? 2 I see an option that says also buy xxx shares o likes I've given to items I've liked what's that for ?
Aug 21Reply
celestegeorge @ovdulce Hello Raquel. 1. Best to let the customer bundle with a discount. I see you have 10% off 2 + items. You can temporarily change your % for that customer to create their bundle. OR 2. Create a new listing for your bundle & price it like I did with your dresses.
Aug 21Reply
celestegeorge @ovdulce If you choose to do #2 and create a new post then use all your cover shots in the new post. Make sure you change the items to "not for sale". This way while you put the new post together they wont sell to someone else. Make sense? Ask me more questions if it does not. 😝😃Celeste
Aug 21Reply
celestegeorge @ovdulce I am sorry but I don't understand question #2. Can you explain a little more what you are asking? Thx
Aug 21Reply
ovdulce @celestegeorge thanks ok lol so basically to share others listings and give likes is just to help them out right ?
Aug 21Reply
celestegeorge @ovdulce Well sort of. Yes it helps their closet when you share & like their items. However, it also helps you. They will most likely share back. Sharing helps you grow your business. When you share it is shared to all your followers. When they share back it goes to all their followers. We all have a different list of followers.
Aug 21Reply
ovdulce @celestegeorge ahhh okay gotcha !!! Thank you once again you're AWESOME !!!!
Aug 21Reply
celestegeorge @ovdulce So, when you like an item in someones closet it tells them you are interested in purchasing it. When they put it on sale at least 10% you will automatically get a notice that she put it on sale. So will all the other people that liked it. Poshmark also gives $1 off shipping when you purchase that item. Does that make sense?
Aug 21Reply
celestegeorge @ovdulce Raquel you are most welcome. It takes me several posts due to the 500 max spaces for comments. Drives me bonkers sometimes. So I split it up. 😊😉 Let me know if you need anything else. Oh! Did I say go in my closet and check out your post for the dresses I did. Seeing may help.
Aug 21Reply
celestegeorge Ok ladies. That is all of them. Back when I first started sharing the follow games in my "likes" with a couple of you there were 408. It was so much faster once I learned to copy & past your user names. LOL!!! They are all cleared out. I will keep sharing as I find them. Have fun!!! @dovesofashtrees @delladay8 @aemoser87 @ivyellen76 @ovdulce @mbettwy @luluvillalobos
Aug 22Reply
dovesofashtrees @celestegeorge Thanks so much Celeste! You're the best! 💕
Aug 22Reply
ivyellen76 @celestegeorge Thank you SO much! That was a lot of work and you are so sweet to do that for us! 💗💗💗
Aug 22Reply
celestegeorge @mbettwy My pleasure. Have fun and hope you get lots of followers.
Aug 23Reply
thefashionnook God bless you Fairy Poshmother! I appreciate it so much! I will share the love when and where I can😘
Aug 23Reply
celestegeorge @kattmcyou Well hellllo neighbor. My son is in Riverside. No I do not sell. I love little gardening projects. The photo you are seeing is my first attempt at a fairy garden with my daughter. It was fun. About the only thing that has made it through this heat.
Aug 25Reply
celestegeorge @kattmcyou I usually chat with ladies throughout the US & not locally. My daughter & her besty live in La Jolla while going to two different colleges in San Diego. Her roommate sells succulents. She gets her cut offs from me. Another thing moms are good for.
Aug 25Reply
celestegeorge @kattmcyou Thanks for stopping by and chatting. It was nice to meet you Katrina. Please keep in touch. 😊😉 Celeste
Aug 25Reply
celestegeorge @delladay8 You are so welcome. It's been fun. So happy for you & your success in moving forward. Glad I am able to pay it forward on helping. Bethany @suitcasegoals & Nikita @ntaul were my angel helpers. I was talking to at least one of them daily for my 1st month. 😊
Aug 27Reply
dovesofashtrees @delladay8 You are welcome and CONGRATULATIONS!!! 😃 That is so exciting! 🎉🎉 I'm so glad you are finding success here on Poshmark 💜💕 You make beautiful jewelry and it won't be long until you have another HP!
Aug 27Reply
suitcasegoals @delladay8 congrats Sharon!!! Happy to help 😊
Aug 27Reply
celestegeorge Hello Ladies. Very busy Poshing weekend. Needed a break & went to local garden store. Opps!! Shouldn't have. Wanted to share my new addition to the crazy ladies garden. Now all I need are succulents & I will be happy. That is next weekend. @aemoser87 @delladay8 @dovesofashtrees @ivyellen76 @kvasquez63bug
Aug 29Reply
ivyellen76 @celestegeorge That's adorable! I love it! I've had a busy Poshing weekend too - added 50 items today after going to storage to start to pull fall and winter items, and a container of things that don't fit me/I don't wear. We don't have much space in our 750 sq ft city apartment 😜 It's so much fun but a lot of work too! Hope you had a successful weekend though! 💗
Aug 29Reply
thefashionnook @celestegeorge Oh my goodness! That's adorable! I have a garden gnome that is sitting on the iron throne and says 'Game of Gnomes'
Aug 29Reply
celestegeorge @ivyellen76 Hi Ivy. Did my posting during the week. Marked down a few items and then sold about 24 items. Plus Bethany sold about the same amount. I have all her stuff here. She has very little space as well. So I pack & mail for both of us. I tell people if the want to bundle from both closets it is one postage fee.
Aug 29Reply
ivyellen76 @celestegeorge Oh wow, that's great! And so nice of you :) I'm helping my mother in law sell a few items, but it's mostly my items right now. I've changed sizes a lot the past few years and have way too many clothes. I think I sold around 15 Friday night through today, which I'm really happy with since I just started six weeks ago :) I'm happy for you that you had a good weekend! Hopefully you can get some rest now!
Aug 29Reply
celestegeorge @aemoser87 So fun!! I was going to get a gnome for the garden. Not sure which one to get yet. Need to complete one project at a time. Otherwise I end up with a pile of stuff and wish I had time to get it all done. LOL!
Aug 29Reply
dovesofashtrees @celestegeorge It's so pretty! Looks like a fairy's paradise 💖
Aug 29Reply
celestegeorge @ivyellen76 Girl you are doing awesome. Everyone loves your prices and product. 😊😉 I was lucky to sell a few items my first month. You have sold over 200.
Aug 29Reply
celestegeorge @dovesofashtrees Not yet! Hehehe. My neighbor got me started on fairy gardens. My youngest daughter & I did the first one. She loved breaking up the pottery. Have a great evening. 😉😊
Aug 29Reply
thefashionnook I know how that goes!! I love starting 100 projects at once, lol!
Aug 29Reply
celestegeorge @delladay8 Hello Sharon. It is fun & once you start, hard to stop. Can get pricy as well. I use my 40% & 50% coupons at Joann's Craft store to get some of the accessories. Love my craft stores. My youngest, Hayley works at our local Michaels. We are a bunch of crafters here. Like you. 😊😉 Send me a photo when you do one.
Aug 29Reply
babscloset @Hi Celeste, thanks so much for sharing the 💖💞💝💘. You have a really nice closet. 😊
Sep 07Reply
celestegeorge Hello ladies. I get excited about the little things. Passed 30k today 😜 & yesterday I got a host pick. 🎉Yeah!!! @suitcasegoals @ntaul @melllaaa_2011 @elbaradu @kvasquez63bug @hayleybgeorge @dovesofashtrees @delladay8 @aemoser87 @ivyellen76
Sep 14Reply
dovesofashtrees @celestegeorge Congratulations! That's awesome news!
Sep 14Reply
toodlesoodles 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Sep 14Reply
thefashionnook Congrats my beautiful fairy Poshmother!!! That's great!!
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @dovesofashtrees Thanks Ashley. 😃 I have been working hard at that. I am determined to catch up with Bethany by January 1st. 😉 We have a little competition going to keep us both motivated. How are you doing this week?
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @elbaradu Thank you Udara. You poshing right now?
Sep 14Reply
dovesofashtrees @celestegeorge It's so great that mother & daughter posh together! I've been doing well just busy! Haven't had much time for posh but hopefully soon!
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @aemoser87 Thank you Ashley. I like my nick name. 😜
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @dovesofashtrees Do you want me to help share your closet more? Happy to help.
Sep 14Reply
ivyellen76 @celestegeorge That's so wonderful!! Congratulations!! I get excited about the small things too! 😊
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @ivyellen76 Thanks.😊😉 How's it going this week?
Sep 14Reply
ivyellen76 @celestegeorge I was out of town for work from Thursday last week until today, so I just turned off the vacation setting this evening. So it's been quiet but hopefully things will pick back up again! 😊 Thanks for asking!!
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @ivyellen76 I will make sure to share your closet a hunch this week to help get it going again. I know when I take a few days to myself things slow down. It is nice to take a break. Well, it is late. Have to say good night. 😴
Sep 14Reply
melllaaa_2011 Yay!!!! Congrats!!! 💗💗
Sep 14Reply
suitcasegoals Hah! Didn't know you were trying to pass me by Jan. 1st. I think you can do it! Yay for 30K!!!🎉🎉🎉
Sep 14Reply
ivyellen76 @celestegeorge Thank you so much!! :)
Sep 14Reply
girlpride Hello!! ☺ thank you for the follow!! I hope you are having a great day!! ☺I am a representative for a health company and we amazing all natural products that are providing incredible results and helping people feel better💜💜this company also makes it super easy to earn extra cash💵 monthly!! I was wondering if there is anything I can help you with, when it comes to your health goals!!! Or are you interested in making extra money💵💵??? HAPPY POSHING
Sep 14Reply
dovesofashtrees @celestegeorge You don't have to do that! Thanks for asking 💞 You're a great PFF! I hope you are having a good night!
Sep 15Reply
ivyellen76 @celestegeorge Thanks again for helping so much and sharing my closet this week! You are AMAZING!! XO
Sep 16Reply
celestegeorge @joani55 Thank you so much Joani. My daughter has been making them since she was 13. It is great for her down time to just relax and crochet. 😊😉 Celeste
Oct 18Reply
celestegeorge @everybreath I don't want to be rude with an offer so I thought I would ask first. What is the lowest you would be willing to go on a M grey criss cross top? I am working on Christmas gifts. This would be for Bethany. 😉 thanks
Oct 22Reply
cinnamonnsugar Hi Celeste!! I just listed them yesterday so I won't have a sale for awhile unfortunately. My prices are firm unless bundled since they are from my store and Posh takes 20%. 😩 I do try to have sales often but mainly for older items.
Oct 22Reply
celestegeorge @everybreath Okee dokee. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I will look and see if there is something else I would like to get. You find out if you are having a boy or girl yet??
Oct 22Reply
cinnamonnsugar No problem Celeste and I apologize that I'm not more helpful. We have actually decided NOT to find out what we are having this time. We want it to be a complete surprise 😊. It was SO difficult not looking at my 5 month ultrasound😳.
Oct 22Reply
celestegeorge @dovesofashtrees @delladay8 @ivyellen87 @ovdulce @carmac1 @mbettwy @aemoser87 Hello Ladies. Just noticed Poshmark is doing their closet clear out if you want to take advantage of it. Lower (at least 10%) your liked items for messages to go out to customers. Happy sales! Celeste
Oct 29Reply
carmac1 @celestegeorge Thanks sweetie! I just saw that myself. Thanks for having my back! 💕💕💕💕
Oct 29Reply
dovesofashtrees @celestegeorge Thanks so much for the heads up Celeste!!
Oct 30Reply
celestegeorge @dovesofashtrees My pleasure. Hope you have lots of sales. 😊😉
Oct 30Reply
infinitelyposh Celeste!! Thank you so much for my Birthday presents and card from you and Bethany!! I LOVE THEm!! Happy Halloween :)
Oct 31Reply
celestegeorge @infinitelyposh Oh ya!! Its Halloween. 😜😂🎃 Have fun with the boys today. What did they get for costumes?
Oct 31Reply
infinitelyposh @celestegeorge The eldest is a vampire, then theres wolverine, and spiderman, and optimus prime :D
Oct 31Reply
celestegeorge @infinitelyposh Nice!!! Stay away from the vampire. The rest are good guys. LOL! Have fun.
Oct 31Reply
artisticwhit Celeste, your closet is so much fun!! And what a lovely family you have!
Nov 05Reply
celestegeorge @artisticwhit Thank you Whitney.
Nov 05Reply
shopwins Hallo! Thanks for helping me sign up. 😉
Nov 10Reply
celestegeorge @shopwins Hello Crissy!! You are so welcome. When you are ready to photo & post come on over. It will be fun.
Nov 10Reply
celestegeorge @wizardgirl Thank you. Yes, I had fun checking out your closet before as well. I love the way you photo your product with an artistic flair. You do a fantastic job. Happy to share your closet any time. 😊😉
Nov 29Reply
tudie11 Thanks for the likes and shares
Dec 14Reply
poshsweetly We were both at PoshFest!!!! Next year I'm going to find you there to say hello! 🙂
Dec 17Reply
celestegeorge @kwalden01 That would be so much fun. I have to be able to drive or train would be fun too. My health wont let me fly. How do we find out where it will be in 2017?
Dec 17Reply
poshsweetly @celestegeorge not sure when they'll release the info but if I hear anything I'll let you know! We drove for the last one, all the way from Atlanta GA to Los Angeles. It was an experience I'll never forget. I had never been west before and I spent the entire time in awe!
Dec 17Reply
celestegeorge @kwalden01 Oh man you were there??? I wish I knew that. Both Bethany & I were there. Definitely have to communicate with my PFF's next year to find out who is going. 😜😊😉
Dec 17Reply
poshsweetly @celestegeorge Don't laugh, but I spent the whole weekend too shy to go up and introduce myself to anyone. It's easy not to be shy on the app, much different in person! Next time, I'm going to make myself come out of my shell and meet some of my amazing PFF's in person! You'll be one of those I look for!
Dec 17Reply
celestegeorge @kwalden01 LOL! If Bethany was not with me I would not have met new people as well. We will definitely have to plan this next one together. 😉
Dec 17Reply
tracyblue69 HI! And congrats on your party! 🎉 Please take a look at my closet for some amazing items w great prices for consideration 😃👍
Dec 18Reply
born_againbtq You really look like you had so much fun at Poshfest and I just can't wait to go to the next one and have a chance to learn as well as to meet all of the amazing friends that I've grown close to here on Poshmark. I'll be sure to check out your daughters closet, and btw, my name is Dana and hopefully I'll get a chance to know you better!💕💕
Dec 18Reply
misskay235 @celestegeorge I hope to go to Posh Fest one day. 😘
Dec 18Reply
celestegeorge @misskay235 If you do let me know and we will meet up. 😊😉
Dec 18Reply
purplearies @celestegeorge Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Dec 19Reply
smits10 Thank you so much. Totally new here so learning. I really appreciate your kindness. Brian.
Dec 20Reply
kimmmiekim They you so much for the Posh love. I have been here for about 3 weeks and love it. Happy Holidays!
Dec 20Reply
victoria8185 Super cute closet. Welcome to poshmark! 👠💃🏻👡💋👢👒👗
Dec 29Reply
silverspark999 Your closet is just beautiful and your layout is unique! Simply gorgeous! 😊🌷💮🏵🌹🌸
Jan 14Reply
celestegeorge @silverspark999 Thank you so much Lin. I have a lot of fun Poshing. 😊😉
Jan 14Reply
silverspark999 @celestegeorge Me too! So fun! I can't even think of anything to sell yet because I am loving my search all over Posh! There are so many wonderful closets out there. I'm truly enjoying it. 💕💙💚💛💜💞
Jan 14Reply
celestegeorge @silverspark999 LOL! It is very addicting. I purchased my Valentine gifts today. Got both my daughters jewelry. So much better than candy.
Jan 14Reply
silverspark999 @celestegeorge It IS!!! LOL...That's a splendid idea!!!
Jan 14Reply
fashion_cent Just wanted to say thank you for sharing items in my closet. I'm still new to Posh and haven't sold anything yet. But several times a day, I follow, like and share. With a little help from people like you, my small closet gets seen. 🙂
Jan 22Reply
poshsweetly Oh my goodness Celeste. So I checked the PM blog today and who's there? My PFF! I read yours and Bethany's story on the posh blog today and I just thought it was so awesome, I was jumping and telling my husband "I know her, I know her". You're Poshmark famous now! Celeste, you are truly awesome. And you too Bethany @suitcasegoals Hope y'all have an amazing week!
Feb 07Reply
suitcasegoals @kwalden01 we were so excited when they reached out! Glad you liked the post!! 😊😊Happy Poshing!
Feb 07Reply
celestegeorge @kwalden01 LOL! You're so funny. Yes you know us. 😊😉 Caymie had to tell me about the blog. We did not know what the questionnaire was for. Now we do. So very cool. Thank you!!!
Feb 07Reply
violets_closet how fun! hope you ladies had a great time!
Feb 08Reply
celestegeorge @violets_closet Hello Violet!! Noticed you are in LA. Did you attend Poshfest?
Feb 08Reply
violets_closet @celestegeorge yes I'm in LA.. no i didn't have the time to. it was bad timing .. hoping next time
Feb 08Reply
celestegeorge @violets_closet Bummer! Well look for us. Love meeting new friends that Posh. 😊😉
Feb 08Reply
fashion_cent I have a silly question...where do my "shares" go? Where do I see items shared by people I follow?
Mar 02Reply
tudie11 Omgosh, thanks for the share bomb! I will return them soon. Your closet looks great.
Mar 27Reply
celestegeorge @tudie11 Hello Karen. Today was my share & photos day. Happy to do it. I try to get back to all my peeps weekly. I have become so busy. I use to do it daily. Can't do that any more. Wish I could. Please, do not feel obligated. It's my pleasure. Really. It is the way I keep in touch & check out the new items. 😊😉
Mar 27Reply
eccentriclady Hey there!! I hope you'll be able to check out my closet and maybe find something you'd like! I will be listing more things in the next few days! Happy poshing💕
Mar 31Reply
stylee700 Nice variety!
Apr 20Reply
celestegeorge @stylee700 Thank you! 😉
Apr 20Reply
berrysclosett Thank you for sharing my closet!
Apr 23Reply
ivyellen76 @celestegeorge Hi Celeste! I hope you're doing well! Thank you for your shares - I've been MIA due to a family emergency for two weeks, but I'm trying to catch up and don't want my PFFs to think I forgot them or didn't return the favor :) Are you going to Posh Fest here in Chicago? I bought my ticket and would love to meet you in person! :) Take care!
Apr 29Reply
celestegeorge @ivyellen76 Hello Ivy. Never feel you need to share if you are busy. Especially family emerg. I have become very busy & feel bad I am unable to share my PFFs daily like I use to. 😊😉
Apr 29Reply
celestegeorge @ivyellen76 I most likely will not be in Chicago. Although Beth is moving to Chicago that weekend so she may work out the move so she can attend the event. I cant fly due to my health issues. Would have to drive & that would be 3-4 days. 😟
Apr 29Reply
pwall2012 I just love the pictures of you and your family. That's awesome that they all took the time to gather up for them. And be displayed on Poshmark as well LOL. you have a very beautiful family💖❣️
May 16Reply
celestegeorge @pwall2012 Good mornin!! Thank you. We were all together for Mother's Day. Hayley dislikes photos. It was very nice she had patience with me. 😊😉 How was your weekend?
May 16Reply
pwall2012 @celestegeorge I had a wonderful weekend, thank you for asking. Seems like we fall out of touch and then we find each other again. I guess the things that I have in my likes you must be selling them and then they get deleted although now it seems like we can't delete any of our sold likes anymore. Are you having that problem, because I have so many sold in my likes and I can't get rid of them and therefore the bottom of my list, I can never reach it
May 16Reply
celestegeorge @pwall2012 Yes, I can delete items in my likes. Although they don't leave the new dressing room area. All of my sold items are at the bottom of my closet. I share so often so they almost immediately get tossed down there. I just sold those red & green jeans you liked. You have gotten many new beautiful items in your closet. Lookin good!
May 16Reply
pwall2012 @celestegeorge thank you, so much for the compliment. When my items get sold, they stay right where they are and I have to physically move them. And my likes, I can't delete them anymore. Poshmark told me that my likes I guess have reached the capacity but then why wouldn't they let me delete them, I don't know, you never get anywhere when you talk to them
May 16Reply
celestegeorge @pwall2012 Have you tried updating you Posh app again? They put out a couple more updates to fix the glitches. Check it out & see if you have more updates.
May 16Reply
pwall2012 @celestegeorge I didn't even think to try that, maybe it's just that obviously easy. Thanks for the advice
May 16Reply
shaynola Sweet family pic! Was this from Mother's Day?
May 19Reply
celestegeorge @shaynola Good morning. Yes it is from Mothers Day. 😊😉
May 19Reply
cinnamonnsugar Love your new family pics!!
May 21Reply
celestegeorge @everybreath Thank you. Not very often they are all here at once. Just missing Ina. She is in Norway. 🌼
May 21Reply
cinnamonnsugar @celestegeorge Norway sounds like quite the adventure! 😊
May 21Reply
celestegeorge @everybreath Did Beth tell you about Ina. She is our extended family. She was our exchange student & lived with us for a year. Our family & she hit it off so well she was like part of the family & has been ever since. She came home for B's HS graduation. Back when I could still fly we all went to her wedding. B & Ina travel back & forth taking turns visiting. Whenever B's in Europe you know part of it is Norway visiting Ina. 😉
May 21Reply
cinnamonnsugar @celestegeorge No, I didn't know that! That's so nice that you are still so close and able to continue to see Ina. Definitely a good reason for Bethany to keep with the trips to Europe😉. Just like having another sister I'm sure!
May 21Reply
nanamarie95 Hi Posher Friend!!☺ Warm Greetings from San Antonio, Texas. Nice things in your closet, will come back and check again or message me for new postings. Sorry Ima busy bee at this time to post things. Lol HaHa. Have a Great Day. Mari 😀
May 24Reply
suitcasegoals I like the pics you posted 😊
May 25Reply
jgbravo Hi there, so nice to meet you.
May 29Reply
urstyl Thank you Celeste for all the shares 😊. You're amazing! 💋 XOXO
Jun 05Reply
bluegrassbelle4 Lovely posher!
Jun 07Reply
ashleyandme01 Hey there! Just found another great closet! Your pics look gorgeous ✨💕❤️ I kind of got started on Posh a few days ago, do you have any tips for how to get people to like your items? You seem like a great seller! ❤️🌸🌸🌺
Jun 16Reply
celestegeorge @ashleyandme01 Hello! Thank you for all the late night shares. 😊 Have you checked out my help post? That is a great place to read tips in closets. My best advice to new poshers is to share, share , share. If you share they usually share back. Each closet has their own set of followers. The more you can get them to share your closet is helping you. It is like a chain reaction. Their followers will see your items in their feed & share. More who see your closet will "like" items.
Jun 16Reply
celestegeorge @ashleyandme01 Also growing your business you need followers. When you share your closet or other closets it only goes to your followers feed. When they share your closet it goes to their followers feed. More you can get to follow you the more you share to. Did that make sense? 😊😉 Ask questions any time. I am always here. Celeste
Jun 16Reply
ashleyandme01 @celestegeorge alright thanks for the tips! I've been sharing a lot and people share back but I haven't got much "likes" every time I follow someone do I have to share their items? Also, is it that only name/popular brands sell better? Coz I see that sold items are usually from popular brands..
Jun 16Reply
celestegeorge @ashleyandme01 Never "have to" share. However, while building your business I recommend sharing as much as you can. Don't forget to share your own items. I share my closet 4-6 X a day. Perfect during parties. Share your whole closet into your followers or appropriate items into the party.......
Jun 16Reply
celestegeorge @ashleyandme01 All because someone "like" your items does not mean they want to buy it. Might just think it is cute & want to help you share it again later. Holding it in their likes makes it easier to find. Just keep sharing yours & others. It will happen. 😊😉 I have many items with no likes & they still sell. 😁 Celeste
Jun 16Reply
ashleyandme01 @celestegeorge ok so the key is to share! Thank you so much for taking the time answering my question, that's very thoughtful of you 😊🌸 lets hope for the best! 😃
Jun 16Reply
celestegeorge @ashleyandme01 Yes and follow. You want to build your followers. Talk to people as you are with me. "Like" their "Meet the Posher" post. Create your group of friends (PFFs) to work together. Help each other share daily & grow your closets together. I would be happy to be on your list. 😊😉 Celeste
Jun 16Reply
ashleyandme01 @celestegeorge Sounds great! I'll make sure to check out the PFFs😄
Jun 16Reply
freedom2soar Hi Celeste, Thank u for the share!☺️
Jul 04Reply
celestegeorge @freedom2soar My pleasure. Come back often to remind me & I will share. 😉 Happy 4th🇺🇸
Jul 04Reply
wendalia Thank you so much for all the shares!
Jul 05Reply
celestegeorge @denise_family My pleasure Denise. Thank you as well. It is nice we can all support each other with our little businesses. Isn't it? 😉😊Celeste
Jul 10Reply
jenfab2007 Hey there I just realized I've been to your closet three times already so knowing that you know I'll be back bIg hugs😆😘💞🌸🌸💝💖💟
Jul 14Reply
simpsonsl Thank you so much for faithfully sharing my listing! I have another Poshmark question for you: what is the benefit of not deleting items that have sold?
Jul 24Reply
celestegeorge @simpsonsl Good morning Sara. Sold items can only be deleted by Poshmark. A lot of us choose to keep them for several reasons. Shows the shopper the seller has been around and trustworthy, they might see something in the sold items they would like & ask if seller can get it again, keep track of our customers, share customers closets,... The list goes on. Once a sale item is deleted all that is attached to it goes away. Rating, love note and their info. Hope this helps. Celeste
Jul 24Reply
missme02 Thank u Celeste an Bethany for the special handpicked surprise. I love them! An I love u guys! Yur jus sooo awsm! Thnx again! Take care...😊
Jul 26Reply
celestegeorge @missme02 Actually that was the other daughter, Hayley. 😉 You are welcome. Hope you liked them. Celeste
Jul 26Reply
missme02 @celestegeorge Oh sry, thank u Hayley! An yes, I loved them!
Jul 27Reply
mumoftwins @celestegeorge beautiful family
Aug 10Reply
tudie11 Thanks for the shares and nice looking family!
Aug 20Reply
celestegeorge @tudie11 😉 Thanks Karen.
Aug 20Reply
celestegeorge @kiyyah_hereeee This is an example. You can check out other closets to get ideas. Go to the top of a closet, tap on "About at the top of closet, the scroll down just a bit and on the left you will see "Meet the Posher". Tap on it & you can read that closets meet the posher. Not everyone has one. I love it. Great way to communicate so theres not a lot of misc posts in the items you are selling.
Aug 21Reply
cesca56 Hi Celeste, thanks for following me 😊👋🏼
Aug 28Reply
celestegeorge @rebeccahohlt Good morning Rebecca! Yes she is. I wish I could join her. Unfortunately I can not go this year. If you get a chance to go next year it is a great place to meet up with PFFs, meet new ones & LEARN A LOT. We went together last year & it was great.
Sep 03Reply
celestegeorge @rebeccahohlt You have a lot of likes. 😉 Thank you for the compliment. I can do better and offer you one of the 🌞 items for free in addition to the 20% bundle discount. I see you have one in your bundle. Add that item and then I will send you an offer. That would be better value than an extra 5%. 😉 Celeste
Sep 03Reply
celestegeorge @rebeccahohlt Yes! If you still want it. One of your 25 likes is a shirt that has a sun emoji in the description. It is one of my sale items. I will add that for free if you want it. Just add it to you bundle if you do. Otherwise go through my closet & look for a sun🌞 emoji for free.
Sep 03Reply
celestegeorge @rebeccahohlt Do you know how to get into your"dressing room" to see all your likes? I can help you. See the hanger at the top right of your closet? Tap on it. Then to the upper left see the word "shop"? Tap on it. There you will find all the items you have liked & bundled. Tap on "view dressing room" then tap on "likes". 😉
Sep 03Reply
celestegeorge @rebeccahohlt Perfect! So I sent you an offer with 20% off four items & the fifth 🌞 item will be free. Hope that works for you. Celeste
Sep 03Reply
tudie11 Thanks again for the share bomb!
Sep 08Reply
vickyrich You take great pics📸 I'm a newbie and I'm working to get my closet looking better. Good Photos are so important to show off the listing. I love your closet💕
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @vickyrich Hello Vicky!! Thank you for the compliment. I have enjoyed Poshmark. I see you started in 2012. Did you just recently start selling? I started selling Mothers Day 2016. My daughter pushed me to get my own closet. I use to help her. Now, I do both. LOL! I would be happy to help if you have questions. 😉 Celeste
Sep 14Reply
vickyrich @celestegeorge I don't know why it says 2012. I just signed up about 2 months ago.
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @vickyrich That is weird. Well, Welcome to Poshmark girl!!!! 😉
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @vickyrich I like your background you are using. One suggestion I have is to choose "square" on your phone camera when taking photos. When you go to add your photos into the Posh app it will fit perfectly with no side black areas. 😊
Sep 14Reply
vickyrich @celestegeorge thank you👍🏼
Sep 14Reply
vickyrich @celestegeorge I started taking pics on my wood deck. They look better than the ones I took inside. Now I have to go back and redo those.
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @vickyrich Maybe just the cover shot if you are wanting to do that. I am so excited. My daughter just showed up for a visit. 😄
Sep 14Reply
vickyrich @celestegeorge Yay💕💕💕
Sep 14Reply
celash Hi again Celeste. Thanks for the note on hosting Posh parties. Do I send the email to posh customer support or a different email? Also...what are the responsibilities other than picking host Picks? Thanks!!!✌🏻💕
Sep 17Reply
thetullebox Thank you so much for taking time out of your night to congratulate me on my host pick! Enjoy your night.
Sep 29Reply
alexathrifts Hey girl! It was so awesome meeting you at Poshfest. You are a #poshboss. Let's keep in touch!!
Oct 02Reply
alexathrifts I just realized it was your daughter who I met, not you. I have to say she is AWESOME!! So you must be pretty darn great yourself. Happy poshing. xoxox
Oct 02Reply
celestegeorge @aleysunflower Hello Aley!! Thank you so much. I think Bethany @suitcasegoals is pretty darn awesome too. Did you enjoy Poshfest this year? Wish I could have been there to meet you in person. Heard it was a lot of fun. Have a wonderful Monday. Celeste
Oct 02Reply
alexathrifts @celestegeorge oh my gosh it was AMAZING. So much fun and I learned so much. Hopefully I can meet you next year!!
Oct 02Reply
suitcasegoals @aleysunflower thanks for checking out my moms closet! Had so much fun this weekend and it was great meeting you 😊 Also, love that you added a photo of yourself to your closet!! 🔥🔥
Oct 02Reply
alexathrifts @suitcasegoals thanks! And again thank you for all your help. Also, I figured it was about time I put my face in my closet
Oct 02Reply
slinton65 Is that Ok? Or u can close this out now. Your choice
Oct 18Reply
celestegeorge @slinton65 No rush. Take your time. You let me know when you are ready by bundling the items or tagging me in comments. 😉 Celeste
Oct 18Reply
slinton65 Hi I hope I didn't keep you up. I added a pair of jeans to my bundle. I wish I knew what I was doing so I wouldn't be bothering you. If I see anything else I will get in another bundle. I love your closet.
Oct 18Reply
celestegeorge @slinton65 Thank you for the compliment. I can help with any questions. 😉 not to late. Only 8 PM. So to get all your items into a bundle you will need to go into your "dressing room" to bundle them all. Right now only one is in the bundle & rest are in "likes". Let me know if you need me to guide you. Celeste
Oct 18Reply
slinton65 I'm so sorry I have a illness in the family so everything is a mess right now. I didn't mean to take so long with the order. Thank you again for all your help. Susan ❤
Oct 18Reply
celestegeorge @slinton65 Oh stop!!! You were just fine. I ALWAYS take awhile to purchase. Have to make sure we have chosen the perfect items. 😉 Celeste
Oct 18Reply
hollyone Hi Celeste. I love the variety of your great closet 💓 you have a post that says “ use your filter to find all the men’s items “ how is that done? I’m a bit of a newbie and that sounds like a great feature. Thanks
Nov 03Reply
celestegeorge @hollyone Good morning Amy. I would be happy to help. Celeste
Nov 03Reply
hollyone @celestegeorge thanks for all the help 😍
Nov 04Reply
shaynola Happy Thanksgiving, Celeste! Hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by all your blessings. 💐🌸💐
Nov 23Reply
celestegeorge @shaynola Thank you Shay. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. Have a blessed day with your family. Celeate
Nov 23Reply
jeweled_by_elle Greetings!! Just an FYI...I offer bundle deals, accept reasonable offers, & will style you if you'd like 😘 don't hesitate to ask any questions...have a good day 💫 P.S. if you bundle your like(s), I'll send you an offer 🤗
Dec 31Reply
cinnamonnsugar Beautiful new cover photo of you Celeste! I hope 2018 is treating you well so far😊😊.
Jan 11Reply
celestegeorge @everybreath Thank you!!!! It has been rolling along. Beth took that pic & told me to make it my new cover photo. So I added new ones of her too. 😉 2018 has started to be busy. Can not believe it is already the 11th. How are you doing Nikita??
Jan 11Reply
cinnamonnsugar @celestegeorge I agree with Beth and I love the new photos....especially the one with her pointing to her closet name! You are so right...this year is already flying! We are remodeling our entire house and things are so wild right now but it will be worth it. The most difficult part is keeping the kids busy when I can't be in the house due to the flooring being ripped up🤤. I may have to close my closet for a few days but I hope not.
Jan 11Reply
celestegeorge @everybreath Remodeling is so much fun but so much work. Good luck on that. Take before & after photos in addition to in between. It really helps for future issues that come up. We had an architect draw up specs, builders followed it & the beams were not strong enough. We had photos of the open walls & could see the bowing. Got it taken care of before anything bad happened. 😊
Jan 11Reply
cinnamonnsugar @celestegeorge I am so glad you mentioned that...THANK YOU. We've been so busy I forgot about taking photos. The big work doesn't start until Monday so I still have time. I'm so glad your issue was fixed before it really became an issue! I'll be sure to take photos mid-project as well. Never thought of that!
Jan 11Reply
celestegeorge @everybreath Rob is big on photos. Even when we had the outside done. He took photos of all pipes, sprinkler PVC & electrical. Not only for issues if they came up but if we need to change or add something in future we know where to dig.
Jan 11Reply
cinnamonnsugar @celestegeorge Good thinking! I'll pass this info along to Jared. I'll have to leave the house often with the kids but Jared will be here the entire time with the contractors. I'll make sure he takes photos when I'm gone.
Jan 11Reply
rack32 @celestegeorge I am really loving your closet! I will certainly be sharing often 😬. I’m Patricia - it’s great to meet you and I’m just a message away....anytime. Have a wonderful day! 😊🤗
Mar 01Reply
celestegeorge @peppysarge Hello Patricia!! Thank you for the compliment. Be happy to share your closet as well. 😉 I do a lot of share bombing. LOL! Next couple if days I will have a lot of time. Dr assigned bed rest. I am always busy busy so this will be interesting. Share, share , share!!! Celeste
Mar 01Reply
rack32 @celestegeorge I love share bombing lol 😬. I hope you feel better soon and are up and about quickly! Happy posting and I really appreciate all the shares! Have an excellent day! 😊🤗
Mar 01Reply
celestegeorge @mkt81 Thank you!!😉
Mar 03Reply
murray272 Hi! Great closet, there are so many different styles and you offer some good deals! I was happy to share with my followers. I'm new, but my community us expanding quickly! I appreciate the follow, I hope you can take a few minutes to checkout my closet. I have some pretty lularoe items! I'll share with your daughter as well, my mom and I LOVE to wear our Lularoe together. Even if it's a trip to Wally world, if we're both in funky leggings it's always fun. Hope to chat with you soon!
Mar 09Reply
murray272 By the way as soon as I saw your cover photo I knew that you were a gardener. LOL my mother has been a florist for 30 years I know fresh flowers grown with love when I see them. We live on the Eastern Shore and can grow pretty much anything and everything. I'm sure the rest of your garden is gorgeous you should put some more pictures up. I'm so glad spring is finally here I started my seedlings last week :-)
Mar 09Reply
gypsi775 Thank you for the sweet shout out to one of your Customers, regarding my CAbi skirt🙏🤗 lots of Sales to you this weekend. Appreciate your kindness
Mar 10Reply
swak1323 Hey Celeste !! Thanks for the FOLLOW hun !! I am NEW to Poshmark and really appreciate the support. This is such a fun community, having a great time!! Enjoy your day :):) xo, Lips & Lashes
Mar 30Reply
swak1323 ROCK ON with the SHARES ! :) ! :)
Mar 30Reply
celestegeorge @swak1323 😉 My pleasure! Thanks for the note. Looks like you have been poshing for a year now. My daughter got me started on Mothers Day. She helped me list my first ten items. I was hooked. So addicting, isn’t it??? Let me know if you need a share buddy. I have several. We help each other share daily. Really helps with sales. Celeste
Mar 30Reply
swak1323 @celestegeorge buying for a year, LMAO. Selling for a month, hahaha
Mar 30Reply
swak1323 Oh yes, the addiction hath taken over! Beam me up Poshmark !!
Mar 30Reply
swak1323 That would be positively AWESOME
Mar 30Reply
swak1323 Sharing is caring!!
Mar 30Reply
celestegeorge @swak1323 perfect! Added you to my list. 😉 what time of day do you usually share your own closet?
Mar 30Reply
swak1323 @celestegeorge kind of all throughout the day. Any free moments
Mar 30Reply
celestegeorge @swak1323 Same here. Let me know a time of day you would need more help sharing & I will help with that when I can. 😉 Celeste
Mar 30Reply
swak1323 @celestegeorge U BETCHA & ditto!
Mar 30Reply
mmmontgomery How crazy! I live at the end of Portola lol. Small world!
Apr 22Reply
celestegeorge @mmmontgomery LOL! We are by ET High School. 😉
Apr 22Reply
celestegeorge @melsa388 Hello Melissa. Can’t wait to see everyone. I need outfits for the weddings. Like to shop for the girls.... not me. 🤪
Apr 30Reply
melsa388 @celestegeorge wahoo! 27 days! I need a dress for N's wedding too 😬
May 01Reply
josiefredericks Happy Mother's Day to you Sweet Celeste!! XOXO
May 13Reply
colemansh I see that my offer is going to expire sorry I'm at work until late if it is ok I will message when i can set down and finish the order I might put more in the bucket.LOVE your Closet
May 14Reply
celestegeorge @tobm0501 Hello! I have never done that before. I sent a note to Posh support. Thank you!
May 17Reply
marcavon Great collection! Thanks for sharing my closet. #PoshOn
Jun 04Reply
celestegeorge @marcavon Thank Marc! 😉
Jun 04Reply
listbyangie TFTS! They’re greatly appreciated. 💕🤗🐾🐾
Jun 09Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a fairy today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 10Reply
angie41510 Hi! Thank you so much for a fantastic welcoming to your closet! You’ve set a great example of how to turn online shopping into a more personal and fun shopping experience great ads great items Thanx again
Jun 15Reply
celestegeorge @angie41510 Hello Angela! Thank you so much. Very kind of you to say. I have a lot of fun with Poshmark & I want all who visit my closet to as well. 😉 Celeste
Jun 15Reply
causey403 Hi! How much would it be if a bundled 2 of your $15 rings?
Jul 07Reply
celestegeorge @causey403 Hello Lorrie! Thank you for your interest in my boutique items. I can extend a15% discount on 2 items. Bundle the items & send me an offer or I can send you the offer. If you choose to get 3 or more items my closet discount is 20% off entire purchase. 😉Celeste
Jul 07Reply
celestegeorge @jen_is_lost Yikes! At 6:40 am the AC turned on. I think the sun has landed over here.
Jul 07Reply
myvintagelady @celestegeorge Hi Celeste! Thank you for the posh love 💕 muchly appreciate it!! Love your closet! 🌼
Jul 18Reply
celestegeorge @everybreath Tagged you in all of my newest rings. 😉
Jul 27Reply
cinnamonnsugar @celestegeorge Love them!!!! I noticed while sharing last night and they are so cute😍.
Jul 27Reply
celestegeorge @coletteof Thank you Colette. 😉Celeste
Aug 06Reply
celestegeorge @coletteof Yes, you are pretty close. 😉
Aug 06Reply
evsaccents Your closet has beautiful items! Thanks for the welcome!
Aug 11Reply
celestegeorge @evsaccents Thank you!!! 😉
Aug 11Reply
areyounice Thanks for sharing!
Aug 31Reply
kdewald2017 Thank you! No need to hurry on sending as we are treading water and Hwy 95 closed thanks to Florence.
Sep 21Reply
celestegeorge @kdewald2017 & you’re shopping!?! Thank you for your purchase. I will drop it off at the post office tomorrow. Celeste
Sep 21Reply
maryhuhnke Hi!! My name is Mary and I Literally just fell into this site!! 😉💜 I guess you could say I am Interested and VERY curious about EVERYTHING Poshmark..I 💜 shopping and and would like to Sell as well!! Would you mind "Introducing Me to the 🌏 of Poshmark??" Super Excited about hearing from You!! Thanks a Bunch!
Sep 22Reply
grayvioletgirls Thanks for the follow!! 💕💕💕
Sep 24Reply
jv71 Thank you for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 29Reply
jv71 @celestegeorge nice to meet you 😘😘
Sep 29Reply
baggaliciouz @celestegeorge welcome to stop by! Offers always welcome 🎀
Oct 04Reply
prof I am very impressed with your closet.
Oct 16Reply
celestegeorge @prof Thank you so much Dred. I have fun with it. My daughter @suitcasegoals got me started on Mother’s Day a couple years ago. My youngest makes jewelry & scarves. So she has added her items into my closet. Big family fun closet. We are always adding new items daily. Thanks for stopping by. 😉 Celeste
Oct 16Reply
totrish18 I love the jacket...just out of budget ;[
Nov 03Reply
pac55 @celestegeorge hi Celeste Pamm here ... nice to meet you❣️
Dec 07Reply
celestegeorge @pac55 It was so nice to meet you too. Enjoyed chatting with you tonight. I will be buying some ginger root this weekend. Thank you for the tip. 😉Celeste
Dec 07Reply
pac55 @celestegeorge Hi Celeste it was wonderful chatting with you as well and thank you for the tips; wish we could’ve chatted longer. Yes I hope the ginger root helps... that would be so wonderful for you. See you at PoshMark Live this Thursday if you’re there. Pamm💕
Dec 07Reply
pac55 @celestegeorge Hi Celeste thank you for the Posh shares ...much appreciated ...have a great weekend 🎄pamela💕
Dec 08Reply
celestreasures Hi Celeste, I am a Celeste too. Happy 😃 Poshing!
Dec 20Reply
celestegeorge @celestreasures Hello!!! Very nice to meet you. You are actually a Celestine. My 103 year old grandmother was a Celestine. I was named after her. 😉 Love our name. 😊
Dec 20Reply
celestreasures @celestegeorge soooo cool, I love it. Let’s stay in touch!
Dec 20Reply
pac55 @celestegeorge Hi Celeste My sis and I are all dialed in to go to brunch on the 27th and meet up with you guys. It will be great to sit down, chat and catch up. Looking forward to it! See u there? 🎶❣️
Jan 05Reply
celestegeorge @pac55 Hello Patti! We will not be able to attend that event. Have fun though.
Jan 05Reply
pac55 @celestegeorge ahhh sorry to hear that... hope to chat at another event! Stay Posh!! Pamm💕
Jan 05Reply
michele2480 What a Lovely Family my ew dear Friend! I have a Huge Bundle I will Remove somethings to Purchase Later, Ok? But if Possible Would You Set aside for a week for me? I Completely Understand If You Can’t! Thank You I will get to work! 🙃😉
Jan 20Reply
celestegeorge @michele2480 You are so sweet. Thank you. My husband was our photographer. 😉 Love this photo. Not often I can get all my kids home at once.
Jan 20Reply
sundaytosunday Hi, great family photos. I have a daughter named Bethany as well, I obviously love the name. Thanks for the offer on the purple trousers, wondering the length. Also wondering if the teardrop heart ring is sterling or plated, and if the teardrop is acrylic. I was thinking to make an offer for both, wondering about discounted shipping. Kind regards, Carol.
Jan 24Reply
celestegeorge @yadnus Hello Carol! Thank you so much. Not often they are all home at the same time. Hubby quickly snapped a photo as we were ending our day. Love this photo. Only he is missing though. That’s what happens when he is the photographer. LOL!
Jan 24Reply
cweb2015 Highest price item is charged and equal or less item free. On men’s and women’s tops, sweaters, jackets, coats.MUST BUNDLE!!!
Jan 31Reply
cwilf673 Hi 👋!!! Just stopping by to say you have a super cute closet!!! I gave you some Posh loving 🥰 and shared some of it!!! Happy Poshing!! 💕
Feb 13Reply
celestegeorge @cwilf673 Thank you!!!! I have a lot of fun adding items to my closet daily. Keeps me busy & out of trouble. LOL! Have a great week. Celeste
Feb 13Reply
comfycozyswag Hi Celeste! I received your business card in the Posh N Sip swag bag yesterday. Thanks for the gift! 💛 Unfortunately, we didn’t get to meet but hopefully one of these days!
Mar 18Reply
celestegeorge @comfycozyswag Hello Tish! Thank you for sending me a note. So glad you were able to make it to the event. Was it your first? I can not go as often as they have them but I try. Always like to help the ladies out with fun little swag items. Celeste
Mar 18Reply
comfycozyswag @celestegeorge Yes, it was my first event. Loved having the opportunity to network with fellow Poshers. 💛
Mar 19Reply
parisinpearls Hi Celeste, thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful card! I am so touched that you would take the time to send me a card! You completely made my day! i would love to take advantage of your generous discount offer - you have so many beautiful items in your closet! I also want you to know if there is anything else in my closet that you love/need I'd be happy to offer you another discount! I'd love to have you as a repeat customer. You're the Very Best!!!
Mar 25Reply
celestegeorge @styleconfide 😉 Have a great week.
Mar 25Reply
chey_jouan777 I'm very new and I'm only 16 trying desperately to make money for my family and it meant the world to me when you shared my listing a few minutes after I listed it . Thank you so much .
Apr 19Reply
classtiques Thanks for all the shares you sweet Posher!!! I love all the cute animal rings in your closet. May come back and get that Labrador ring when my daughter gets her service dog 🐕!! @classtiques 😘😘😘
Apr 21Reply
celestegeorge @classtiques Thank you. I have gone rather crazy on all the animal rings. They are so fun. Just recently added all the dogs. 😉 Celeste
Apr 21Reply
reallilswole @celestegeorge thank you so much for thinking of me and giving me 2 host picks. That was so very kind and thoughtful. I hope you are doing well!!!!😘❤️
Apr 22Reply
pink_golden Thank you so much for the make host pick!! Super exciting!!!! Thanks a bunch for all the shares. I really appreciate it!! 🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️🎈🎉🎊
Apr 22Reply
iridessegray Thank you Celeste for the generous HP's!!! I hope you are doing well! XOXO- Jane
Apr 23Reply
josiefredericks I hope you have the GREATEST time on your trip!! XOXO
Apr 26Reply
hanahouclothing Mahalo for all your warm Aloha. Wishing you a safe drive and lots of posh sales! I will have your package mailed tomorrow...I understand how it feels I have struggled with weight, blamed the "baby fat" for years until I fell in love with the life style change, congratulations on all of your accomplishments, you have come so far! Beautiful family btw! 💙💜💚🧡🤙🌺
May 05Reply
fourhanger I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
Jun 01Reply
myclassicstash Hi, Congratulations on hosting tonight’s Everything Plus! Posh Party! I’d be so thrilled if you would consider and item from my closet as one of your Host Picks. Thank you for your consideration, Jaqui @myclassicstash
Jun 01Reply
pac55 @celestegeorge hi Celeste I met a Posher last night that has mostly plus size women’s in her closet… You might want to check it out @terbearco. ... her name is Teri
Jun 01Reply
celestegeorge @pac55 Thanks for the assist. 😉
Jun 01Reply
celestegeorge @pac55 All the plus size I liked have HPs already. Remind me before my next party. I will make sure to give you both one.
Jun 01Reply
pac55 @celestegeorge ahhhh thx for checking...will try to keep an eye out. 🥰
Jun 01Reply
poshologie Congrats on being a host! I think the Plus Size Party is really helps us fuller girls find great fashion. Thank you for doing this and I hope you will consider items from my closet for your host pick! Thank you!
Jun 01Reply
liplindy Thanks for following me
Jul 14Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jul 14Reply
chellier Thanks for following
Jul 14Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you for following/sharing😘🥰 I appreciate your support💕💗 Please check out my closet, and I’ll do the same💝💝🎀 Share and care💝🥰💕💐☀️🛍 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 15Reply
mctocco Happy Monday, Celeste. Thank you for getting back to me. I am sure your Virtual Party will be wonderful. I am not sure what a Virtual Party is, but I am sure it has to do with clothes and a fine eye for them. So yours will be wonderful,
Jul 15Reply
celestegeorge @mctocco Hello Martha! You should totally share your closet while the Posh parties are happening. There is a 9am, 12pm, 4pm & 7pm. I am in So CALi so those are my times. Party hosts are allowed 100 Host Picks. Basically show casing items we like. 😉Celeste
Jul 15Reply
mctocco Good morning, Celeste. It is a gray day here in Oregon, and I find that soothing. I though it was time to share shorts and bathing suits because up here, summer is winding down. In California it is pretty year round. I love sharing from your closet. My birthday is next month, and I think shopping in your closet will be one of my presents! Xoxo
Jul 16Reply
celestegeorge @mctocco I am originally from Oregon. What city? Just drove through to see family in May. My niece is in Alsea & we stayed in Corvallis. My youngest traveled with us. She has Celiac so we needed Gluten Free food for her. Corvallis is a perfect city for that. Went to Portland & Beaverton for more visits as well.
Jul 16Reply
celestegeorge @mctocco In Ca it is too hot in the summers for me now. July to Sept I have to have the AC & fans on. Use to be dry summers when I was a kid. Started noticing humidity about 10+ years ago. Love it when it actually rains though. We had some great rain this past season. 😊
Jul 16Reply
celestegeorge @mctocco August birthday? Bethany @suitcasegoals is also August. My daughter is in Chicago. Talk about humidity. Just got back from visiting her. The humidity was bearable. Would not want to be there when it gets higher. 😉
Jul 16Reply
mctocco Celeste, how interesting. We lived most of our lives in Los Angeles. My husband was born there and I moved there from Arizona when I was 4. Our only child moved to Portland for Nike, we were sure he'd be back in 6 months.
Jul 16Reply
mctocco But no! He loves the greenness and the weather and he never looked back. So here we are. We live in Portland on the Beaverton border. Our amazing daughter in law was born and raised in Corvallis and is a proud Beaver. Oregon humidity is not Chicago humidity. I am so glad to be getting to know you. It is one of the pleasures of Poshmark.
Jul 16Reply
celestegeorge @mctocco I have been in OC since I was 5. Always went back as a child with my family to see all the relatives. Now as an adult I try to get back when I can. I have to agree, Oregon is beautiful & always green. It never disappoints. My hubby is born & raised in OC. Don’t think at this point we will ever leave. Chicago is not her settling point. She is our traveler. Wants to see all 50 states before 30 though. 😊
Jul 16Reply
tudie11 Hey honey, haven't chatted to you in over a year-2 I think. What's up with you? I had started some dental work, didn't have the 12k available all at once so he dropped me 1/3 way thru treatment. I have no teeth in front. It's really pitiful. And lost 50lbs so I have nothing that fits me. Sigh....
Jul 21Reply
celestegeorge @tudie11 Oh my goodness. That is horrible & very unprofessional of your dentist. He couldn’t at least put you on a payment plan. Did you need to lose 50 lbs. Bummer way do it. On the positive side if the answer was yes, then yay. Let’s get you into some new clothes. 😉 Hubby lost over 60 last year. I have been slowly getting his whole wardrobe restocked too. It’s a chore.
Jul 21Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Jul 27Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 2 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Jul 27Reply
catpvaughn Beautiful closet and family! Wishing you all the best!
Jul 27Reply
deeeemanda ❤️🎉💃🍾Congrats on Hosting🍾💃🎉❤️ and hello from Mission Viejo😘
Jul 27Reply
chante_allday Congratulations on co-hosting the posh party!! Please check out my closet for dope finds hoping for a HP🎉🎉 Best of luck to you. Please follow me on Instagram I’ll return the favor @chante_allday
Jul 27Reply
bellespetites Congrats on hosting! Take a look at my closet if you’re searching for some host picks! It would mean so much to me! Thank you! 😊
Jul 27Reply
lindseynatay 🌈💖congratulations on hosting the party!! Hope your business is blessed. Love your closet! ☺️🌈💖
Jul 29Reply
presley523 Hi, thanks for following my closet. If you are selling or just shopping, it is a great place for bargains on quality items. For sellers, I wish you the best in sells; I have visited your closet and shared some of your listings. For those shopping, I wish you the best in finding that perfect bargain. Whether new or a veteran to the site, I invite you to visit my closet where you will find fair prices. I accept reasonable offers, discount bundles, and negotiate prices so we’re both happy.
Jul 29Reply
hans_gerlich Have fun hosting and good luck emptying your closet in the process! Best, Hans G.
Jul 29Reply
rlendore Hi Celeste!!! 👋🏻I would really appreciate it if you could take a quick look at my closet and consider one of my items for Host Pick!! 😉Thank you!! Happy Poshing!!🥰
Jul 29Reply
mctocco Hello, Celeste. I want to thank you so much for selecting from my closet for your host pick. Grateful to you! Xoxoxo
Aug 01Reply
celestegeorge @mctocco My pleasure, Martha. 😉
Aug 01Reply
vintage_country @celestegeorge Celeste, thank you for all the posh love with the sharing. 💗 Kim
Aug 10Reply
chuchumeier88 Thank you for sharing my listing 💕😊
Sep 14Reply
celestegeorge @sandynick007 My pleasure!! Woke up at 4 am & could not go back to sleep. Best thing to do............. follow & share. 😉
Sep 14Reply
nursejoonloves @celestegeorge it was so great meeting you and your hubby today. I can't believe how many items you have in your are amazing!!!
Sep 20Reply
celestegeorge @nursejoonloves Thank you!! It was great meeting you too. Had fun today. Yes I have way tooooo much. 🥴 My family gives me items to sell for them. Have friends dropping bags off as well. Have 8 consignment “customers”.
Sep 20Reply
nursejoonloves @celestegeorge Wow...I need to get your listing powers! It is great to see the people behind the closets. Hope to see you at another Posh event!
Sep 20Reply
organicwander Thank you for the size comparison. I hope you feel better soon!
Sep 24Reply
celestegeorge @organicwander You’re welcome. Thank you!
Sep 24Reply
wifeof1man Welcome🌿beautiful family and what a support system you have!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful closet collection with us and have a GREAT DAY!!
Oct 01Reply
thriftykiddies Hi Celeste!! We met briefly at @infinitelyposh event in LA last month!! I didn’t even have a shop then or had never been on Posh website even, but I do now! Learning from some of the best of you guys... I hope to follow what you both have done! Amazing (and massive!) closet!!
Nov 05Reply
celestegeorge @thriftykiddies Hello!! How fun!!!!!! So glad you let me know you started your closet. Be happy to help you share. Let me know if you have any questions. 😊Celeste
Nov 05Reply
thriftykiddies @celestegeorge Thank you for the shares!! So kind of you. ❤️ Will you be coming for the the event Dec 6th?? Hope to see you then!
Nov 09Reply
celestegeorge @thriftykiddies My pleasure! No I will not be able to make it. My husband would have to drive me. We are in Lake Forest. It took 2 hours to get there last time. Have fun!
Nov 09Reply
thr333people Hi. Thank you for following and sharing my closet. Happy Poshing!😊
Nov 12Reply
celestegeorge @thr333people My pleasure!!! Have a terrific Tuesday. 😉Celeste
Nov 12Reply
thr333people @celestegeorge Thanks. You also.
Nov 12Reply
gretelsquirrel @celestegeorge I purchased a romper from you a bit ago. I love it, but it doesn't fit. would you mind if I used your pictures to re-Posh? thank you!
Nov 23Reply
celestegeorge @gretelsquirrel Oh bummer! Which item was it?
Nov 23Reply
gretelsquirrel @celestegeorge it was the long sleeve romper. Black with auburn check design.
Nov 23Reply
paulpookie492 Hi there.  Thanks for Following me!  I'm usually having some type of Special Sale and I have fun following and Sharing my Followers Closets. Join me in having a blast on Poshmark!
Dec 03Reply
diva_502 Hi Celeste! Thanks for the shares. As a newbie to PM I really appreciate it! Happy Holidays and Happy Poshing!
Dec 03Reply
celestegeorge @diva_502 My pleasure Anita. Have a wonderful day. 😉Celeste
Dec 03Reply
maxbradley Thanks for the shares! Happy Holidays! Best, Max
Dec 03Reply
sydneytroi97 Thanks for the shares!! Feel free to take a look at my closet! If you find any items you like, bundle up and send me an offer! Also you save 15% when you bundle 3 items or more! Happy Poshing 😊
Dec 12Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍Wishing you and your family the Happiest of Holiday’s 😍😍
Dec 12Reply
bertads 🌟⛄️❄️Hello Celeste I’m Bertha thanks for following me and sharing ⛄️❄️
Dec 12Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Celesta! Thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🙋 We hope that you have many sales & find lots of bargains!📈 Happy Posh'ing! Be kind to one another & have a blessed day!🙏☮️❤️
Dec 12Reply
celestegeorge @sydneytroi97 My pleasure! 😉Celeste
Dec 13Reply
celestegeorge @bobbett328 Any time! 😉Celeste
Dec 13Reply
celestegeorge @wholesalecloset Hello Mindy. Of course. Any time. Always enjoy sharing fun items. 😉Celeste
Dec 13Reply
_bryanna_13 Thanks for the follow! Check out my closet and like/bundle any items you’re interested in. All bundles of 3 or more items get an automatic 20% discount and I try to offer another discount on top of that for any size bundle you create. I’m open to offers. I’m just trying to clear out my closet while I’m home! Bundle and buy at a discounted rate and keep for yourself, gift it, or resell it. Have a great day!
Jan 03Reply
kmk_ambassador Thank you for visiting my closet! please let me.know if you have any questions. Have a great day! ❤
Jan 09Reply
kmk_ambassador Thank you for visiting my closet! please let me.know if you have any questions. Have a great day! ❤
Jan 10Reply
cmorgan528 Hey @celestegeorge just wanted to remind’re an amazing human being. 🤙🏻
Feb 03Reply
celestegeorge @cmorgan528 Thank you! 😉 Will the other belt work for you? Was not sure if you wanted the same brand. Took a few minutes to look & only found 2. Not sure that the first one I sent would be the right size. Asked her to add size. Good luck. Let me know if I can help with anything else. Celeste
Feb 03Reply
inspirejoy holy moly I'm in love with your closet😍!! If you couldn't tell from the billion likes 😂. I just wanted to let you know I'm on a little shopping hiatus but after I make a few more sales I'll def be jewelry shopping and revisiting your closet! I know it can be frustrating when people like things and then ghost you, so I just wanted to let you know I'll be checking back! For now I'm sharing a bunch of your great items, have a great week with many sales!💃
Feb 17Reply
elly2120r @inspirejoy hi Celeste.. question can I delete comments
Feb 29Reply
inspirejoy @elly2120r I'm assuming you didn't mean to tag me, but since I'm here😊...unfortunately you can't delete comments. Frustrating isn't it?😕
Mar 01Reply
celestegeorge @inspirejoy LOL! She is just learning how to use Posh. She has a lot of questions today. 😉
Mar 01Reply
inspirejoy @celestegeorge @celestegeorge I TOTALLY understand! i just started selling almost 3 months ago to the day and I just became an ambassador! I feel like I've learned SO much and there's still so much more to learn. I love that we can all support one another!😊 @elly2120r you're always welcome to hit me up with any questions as well!❤
Mar 01Reply
inspirejoy whoa I just went to share your closet and saw you've got over 2,000 listings, that is incredible!! #PoshGoals 🤗😎
Mar 01Reply
elly2120r @inspirejoy ty for the support! I would like to know how to get the discount signs,posts,and bundle notices
Mar 03Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow ❤
Apr 20Reply
recca722 Hi there 🥳 Wishing you speedy sales and amazing deals! 🛍 Happy Poshing 💫
Apr 30Reply
the_nyc_guy @celestegeorge Happy Saturday! I see you like two of my Days of Wonder WWII board games. If you put them in a bundle, I will try to give you a price we can both be happy with. Thank you for stopping by and sharing my closet. Please be safe and have a great day 🌟
May 09Reply
inspirejoy What a lovely (and stylish--I love Bethany's outfit in the first pic!) family!😍❤ Your kids all have your beautiful smile!🤗
May 11Reply
celestegeorge @inspirejoy 😉 Thank you!
May 11Reply
mlaurie49 Thank you so much for all the shares!!!😍💃
May 15Reply
celestegeorge @mlaurie49 My pleasure. My way of checking out closets. Look & share. 😉 Have a wonderful weekend. Celeste
May 15Reply
bellanblue Hey sweetie.e
Jun 03Reply
marycherney Just left the Post Office. The shirts are on their way
Jun 17Reply
misshoma Hi sweetheart, you have a beautiful family, please stay safe and God bless, 🙏❤️
Jun 20Reply
misshoma Thanks for sharing my closet, appreciate your time, very sweet of you,❤️
Jun 20Reply
randalljake I just bought the mandarin collar shirt. Is it possiblle to ship it to Vancouver, Canada. I will pay the fees. I use a USA address across the border but it is closed. I couldnt change the shipping address.
Jul 11Reply
celestegeorge @randalljake I just went in to check address changes. You would have had to change the address before you sent me the offer. That way the proper shipping & taxes get added. Celeste
Jul 11Reply
lgcowgirlup You have a beautiful family, wishing your family safety and wellness.
Jul 21Reply
celestegeorge @lgcowgirlup Thank you! Same to you.
Jul 21Reply
4_good_stuff Thank you for all the shares from my closet. ❤️❤️ And I am anxious to see those gorgeous earrings in person. 🥰 Best, Holly
Aug 06Reply
celestegeorge @4_good_stuff My pleasure! 😉
Aug 06Reply
cmf317 Lovely happy family you have! Thanks for the follow - please share any of my closet that you like! I'm going to go visit yours now!! Happy Poshing!
Oct 15Reply
celestegeorge @cmf317 Thank you!!! Can’t wait till this pandemic is over so we can all get together again.
Oct 15Reply
celestegeorge @chelarose Sure! I just accepted.
Oct 22Reply
lisa_casey601 Hi there, robe, wallet and blouse are all brand new and no spots ... all excellent condition. The other items I bought used and never got around to using. I have seen no spots and look to be in great shape! Just cleaning out my closet and my families.
Nov 16Reply
celestegeorge @lisa_casey601 Thank you! Love the offer. I will be accepting. Just needed to know the content of the top please.
Nov 16Reply
celestegeorge @lisa_casey601 Yay! Won’t shrink.
Nov 16Reply
lisa_casey601 Celeste, Thank you so much for your purchases. I missed the post office deadline for today but will definitely get everything shipped out tomorrow! Have a great evening!
Nov 16Reply
celestegeorge @lisa_casey601 Tomorrow is perfect. Thx!
Nov 16Reply
lj61 @celestegeorge 🤩 Thank you 🙏 so much for all the posh shares 🤗.. I so very much appreciate it ❤️ Have a wonderful weekend 🌺
Nov 21Reply
dulciesdelites Thanks for following me🙏
Nov 30Reply
jhusseyzzz Hey girl, I found you!!❤❤ happy Poshing!
Feb 03Reply
kimmarc527 Thanks for the 5 stars and your lovely comments. I am glad you like them! Enjoy!!
Feb 07Reply
jeremy930 Beautiful family! ❤️
Feb 13Reply
mbgillis11 @celestegeorge Celeste Wondering if you need merchandise? Event and Gala dresses? Maribeth. contact me if interested
Feb 21Reply
celestegeorge @mbgillis11 Always interested. 😉
Feb 21Reply
shycon Your closet is seriously incredible!! And your prices are so good too! I love all the silver rings, my gosh!
Mar 02Reply
celestegeorge @shycon Good morning! Thank you for such a nice compliment. 😉 Can you tell I am addicted. LOL! Over 2500 available listings & still have more to list. I see you recently started with Posh. Welcome! How do you like it? Celeste
Mar 02Reply
shycon @celestegeorge I love it! I think it's just the coolest thing EVER! I am still learning but I'd love to quit my day job and resell full time one day! It really makes me happy. 😃
Mar 02Reply
celestegeorge @shycon So glad you enjoy Poshing. My daughter started when she was in college to make a little extra $. She loved it. Her closet got larger than her space so she brought her boxes home & I did all her shipping for her for over a year. Then she got me started with my own closet. Have 9 consignment clients as well. Keeps me busy & mostly out of trouble. LOL!!
Mar 02Reply
roblaw36 Thank you for connecting
Mar 18Reply
celestegeorge @roblaw3🙋🏻‍♀️
Mar 18Reply
emilym892 Hello! I love your closet! So many beautiful things 💗 keep up the great work and wishing you lots of sales! ⚡️🌟💥
Aug 23Reply
celestegeorge @mford945 Look forward to it. 😊
Jan 27Reply
celestegeorge @mford945 Hello! I am always here. I can always use a caffeine boost around 10:30-11.
Mar 21Reply
celestegeorge @mford945 Hello! Fri at 11 sounds good.
Mar 23Reply
celestegeorge @mford945 Hello Melanie! It has been really slow. A lot of sellers are complaining of this problem. Posh made some changes & now everyone’s sales have changed. Or so I have heard. Do what you can. Keep listing. It should get better. 😊
Apr 05Reply
viviennesu hi celeste
May 07Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
May 12Reply
ashleyssclosett @celestegeorge Beautiful closet, wishing you all the sales 😊💜🛍
Aug 01Reply
lavender_hunter Awesome closet great taste !!
Aug 02Reply
celestegeorge @lavender_hunter Thank you!! My closet represents over 20 of my family & friends. They sure do keep me busy. 😊 Celeste
Aug 02Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Sep 13Reply
themeowy54 Sorry about the offer on the jewelry-I forget every time to check if is a party host. Thanks for choosing my piece
Sep 20Reply
celestegeorge @themeowy54 LOL! Not a problem. 😉
Sep 20Reply
charleshamil280 A lot of experience in that picture and a lot of beauty
Sep 20Reply
bohobyhope Thank you for taking the time to visit my closet! Wishing you infinitely many sales & a beautiful day! ☀️🌼🌻🌼☀️
Oct 11Reply
cutehosiery @celestegeorge Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 22Reply
celestegeorge @cutehosiery Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it. I share several times a day every day. 😉 Thanks for stopping by. Celeste
Oct 22Reply
missink3383 🌞Hi darling Celeste 🌙 🖤💕 (& family 💕) 🖤😁🖤 new posh friend 💗 🌟Your closet is so fun & unique🌟 🌙Wishin u many $peedy $ales🍀 🕸 🕷🖤Serah-Lyn @ Miss-Ink's 💙❄💙
Nov 29Reply
avislovesziggy I am sorry I did not answer you in the show. I was at work and trying to multitasking. lol
Apr 03Reply
joannefanale Hi Celeste yes it was me thank you for the shares however I don't think we can buy or sell together because of postage It was lovely to visit your live today 😀 😊 🤗
Oct 02Reply
westcoastthreds Hi, It was so nice meeting you and your hubs at Poshfest 2023 🎉 Thank you for the Posh 💖 Let’s keep in touch and hope to see you again soon 🌸
Oct 15Reply
celestegeorge @westcoastthreds Yes absolutely!!! Would love to get together with some Posh locals. Most of my PFFs are out of state. 🥳
Oct 15Reply
westcoastthreds @celestegeorge will definitely keep in touch 💕👯‍♀️
Oct 15Reply
westcoastthreds Hi, just joined your show and it appears you just ended hopefully I’ll be able to make your next one! 💕👯‍♀️💕
Oct 23Reply
celestegeorge @westcoastthreds oh no!!!! Yes I had an emergency call from my daughter. That was the shortest 37 min show I have ever done. LOL! I will definitely tag you in the next one.
Oct 23Reply
westcoastthreds @celestegeorge I hope everything’s ok with your daughter 😊 yes, tag me if I can hop on I will 💖
Oct 23Reply
msalaska Hi Celeste! It was such a great pleasure meeting you and your daughter in person💕 You have a beautiful family and a closet too! Can’t wait for our next meeting🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄
Dec 10Reply
kirstyscloset Hi Celeste! Congrats on hosting/cohosting tonights posh party! Your closet is sooo cuuuute! Loving all the Valentine’s Day listings! My teenage daughter started selling online and she got me selling on Poshmark too! I followed your daughters closets too! Happy Poshing love! ❤️💕🫶🏼
Jan 12Reply
westcoastthreds Thanks for the Posh 💖my Pff 💕👯‍♀️💕👯‍♀️💕
Jan 16Reply
westcoastthreds Thank you so much 💕🌸💕🌸💕 for your support tonight!
Feb 08Reply
celestegeorge @westcoastthreds My pleasure. Wish I could have stayed longer.
Feb 08Reply
renegade ❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥ ❥ Congrats on hosting the upcoming Big, Tall & Plus party! 🥳 Please peek 👀 my closet for potential host picks! 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🖤🩶🤍🤎❤️‍🔥❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝 ❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥
Feb 15Reply
denisendy I have been looking at your beautiful, organized (and extensive) closet for over an hour now. What a lovely way you have displayed everything. I want you to know I really appreciate the categories: color-coordinated areas, or theme-coordinated areas—like a whole section of lemon themed items—earrings, lemon clothing, and yellow clothing, the patriotic section—red white and blue… etc Pleasure looking through…
Mar 24Reply
celestegeorge @denisendy Hello Denise!! Thank you so much for your lovely compliment. I have too much fun with it. 😊 I love that you are having so much fun browsing through. Yes it is very extensive. My closet represents over 20 of my family & friends dropping their items off to be listed. They keep me very busy.
Mar 24Reply
celestegeorge @denisendy Let me know if you are interest in a bundle purchase today. I am offering 30% to 50% off. I truly need to downsize. ~Celeste
Mar 24Reply
nelliessellies Love your closet! Especially the Halloween items! Happy to share.
Sep 27Reply
celestegeorge @nelliessellies Thank you so much. Running a sale today. Up to 50% off fall & Halloween. Come back and create a bundle for a great deal. 🎃 Celeste
Sep 27Reply
nelliessellies @celestegeorge Sorry I missed your message, yesterday. I went back to your closet to share more items. I love your closet. So many unique items. I'll keep you in mind and continue to share. Have a great weekend! Happy Sales to you!
Sep 28Reply
essieandella Thank you so much for all your kindness! It’s been a rough couple of months and you card was really kind!
Oct 08Reply
celestegeorge @essieandella 😊 Have fun with them. 😉🎃
Oct 08Reply
kjackman11 Did I accidentallyvit that cream sweater during your show?
Nov 21Reply
kambrosenc Your dresser scarf is done in purples right?? Thanks sweetheart
Dec 07Reply
celestegeorge @kambrosenc Yay! Can’t wait. You think you will have the other one done by the 14th. Let me know what I owe you. I will bring it with me to the event. Celeste
Dec 07Reply
ditooshop @celestegeorge Congratulations on cohosting today's Best in Shoes Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks
Feb 16Reply

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Lake Forest, CA
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Last Active: 4 hours ago

Lake Forest, CA
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