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Updated Apr 16
Updated Apr 16

Meet Posher, John. If you heart this u will be informed of every live event.❤️❤

Meet the Posher

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LOVE THIS AND YOU'LL GET NOTIFIED. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👗👗👗👗👗👗👖👖🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️ my nights I go live are very random I am super busy with life, at this point. I'm so very sorry I can't give you a certain time or day but push the heart so you'll get notified when me and Tonya, my beautiful gall, go live. also we love this new share feature so if you want to go live yourself make sure you have 2 devices and share 3 items. and be ready to accept the invite we think that's one of the coolest things pm has done to help y'all out Hi! I'm John and my fiance tonya. ❤️, love, heart this, To be notified of upcoming and future shows. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment. we have everything you could ever want xxs-4xl, in our shows please please please speak up and tell me what you want me to show. you are our lifeline and our heartbeat to our family, without you guys none of what we do with clothing sales would be possible we love all of you even though we've never met. my mother passed just recently from breast cancer., so it's been hard for me to find the motivation, come shop with us, we might not have what you want, if you tell her in our live auctions, what your looking for she will try her hardest to find it... ty we love pm and all the pm family, last and most importantly thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
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unclaimdbaggage Love you sweetheart!
Mar 21Reply
bend_the_trend2 @tmaegar86 love you more!!!!
Mar 21Reply
angela2435 Welcome to Poshmark!
Apr 11Reply
_actuallysarah_ Poshmark Note: Hi Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Mary and I’m a posh ambassador! I’m here to help you if you have any questions, concerns, or comments you may have to help achieve the most success! Please don’t hesitate to comment on my wall if you need anything or of course if you like something I’m selling! Shares will really help your closet this is from experience! Happy Poshin’ also make sure to check out my closet!
Apr 11Reply
mrbb Hi John, saw part of your live presentation this morning. it looks like you made some sales. I've not paid much attention to these live shows, was it worth your while? How were you able to set up your presentation? Do you plan your own time and day or is it assigned to you through Poshmark? Appreciate any info you can provide. I'm trying to beef up sales which right now have been very slow for me. Thanks Brad
Nov 13Reply
bend_the_trend2 @mrbb going live is the only way to go. it's amazingly easy to get setup. and it's a steady picture Poshmark me you know honestly I probably hadn't looked at my parking over a year, but my wife was accepted to be a live seller on what not. were she sells on there as well as posh. now that they are doing lives it is much better to sell your clothing it's more rewarding. want to ask you why do you ask.just curious
Nov 13Reply
mrbb @johnnymulderig Resaons are my sales have been way down for awhile, I also sell on sites and have done poorly this fall which is usually a big sales time for me. i watched your presentation today it appeared positive for you and I'm looking for a way to ramp up sales/interest. as I said I've not paid attention to the live sales before. Happy to hear it was an easy process. Poshmark does all the promotions for them? Thanks for your time
Nov 13Reply
bend_the_trend2 @mrbb once you get to ambassador then? basically boosts every aspect of your platform they push a lot of people towards you. it is quite difficult to make it to potion ambassador if you have a large inventory. due to shipping shipping is very difficult when you have 50 plus items ship to multiple places. if you are trying to get involved with Poshmark and their lives I recommend being an ambassador first and then applying for the lives
Nov 13Reply
mrbb @johnnymulderig Thanks. Good luck with your sales
Nov 13Reply
danadin14 Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewelry, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jan 17Reply
shirlscreations Very nice photo of you two.
Mar 16Reply
makersmarket918 Hi guys!!!! I’m Maker24 from Whatnot! Thanks for following me! I didn’t know you guys were on here! ❤️⭐️❤️⭐️
Mar 17Reply
bend_the_trend2 @makersmarket918 hello hello!!! oh that's so awesome your on here too. yeah this is John and I run off of this platform and tonya does whatnot. are you doing lives on Poshmark? if so tell us when so we can watch and buy things from you we see that you have a lot of nice stuff in your closet that's awesome that's cool we hooked up on here as well.
Mar 19Reply
bend_the_trend2 @shirlscreations thank you that's very kind of you. my mother passed from breast cancer a couple yrs ago and that's why we took the picture there.
Mar 19Reply
makersmarket918 @bend_the_trend2 no lives yet. Not sure how to apply for those or you just get selected?! Not sure! But I’m glad to see you guys on here! I’ll check your lives out. Just let me know when! Thx’
Mar 19Reply
bend_the_trend2 @makersmarket918 yes we definitely will, to apply you just need to email them or go to there blog at the very bottom of the customer support page, there a link in there that leads you to the sign up area. by looking at your closet you would do really well. let me know if you have any other questions I'm more then happy to help.
Mar 19Reply
makersmarket918 @bend_the_trend2 thanks so much! I was able to fill out the form! Hopefully I’ll get approved! 🙏🏽
Mar 19Reply
bend_the_trend2 @makersmarket918 yeah Tonya applied. months ago, and she hadn't heard back from them either. but keep your fingers crossed one of the ways I went about it, was I kept on emailing after email. and finally. they let me start. so I'll pray for you because they are fun. when I run my next show if you want to throw some of your stuff in and we'll try to get it out there even more we can do that if you'd like let me know
Mar 19Reply
makersmarket918 @bend_the_trend2 you’re awesome! I’d for sure like to throw some things in a live and see how I do. Thanks so much!
Mar 19Reply
bend_the_trend2 @makersmarket918 yeah of course, when works for you I'm free to do it when ever so I'm going to make it about you me and Tonya my wife it's going to be us three selling our stuff all together. Tonya shares her items. with me and you'll share yours with me and I'll take it from there. if you get what I mean you've seen people share or auction other peoples stuff right so you know how it works?
Mar 20Reply
bend_the_trend2 @makersmarket918 but just tell me a day and time and that's when we will do it and I'll get it up a few days ahead of time so people can see what's going to be going down. we're excited ttyl
Mar 20Reply
makersmarket918 @bend_the_trend2 yes I’ve shared my stuff a couple of times on some auctions. Not much luck. Lol but yes I understand how it works! You guys are so nice! I really appreciate your helping me out!
Mar 21Reply
bend_the_trend2 @makersmarket918 we are having a show tomorrow evening at 11:45 p.m. if that's too late for you that's okay but I just want to let you know so if you wanted to share like 20 items just bundle it all up and send it to me and I'll add them to my show our show excuse me can you usually mods for me and help me talk while I show the clothing off on the Poshmark
Mar 22Reply
makersmarket918 @bend_the_trend2 ok cool! I’ll send a bundle! I’ve a busy day tomorrow so if you don’t see me it’s my daughter’s bday dinner. So I may get busy. But I’ll try and be in by that time. So exciting! You guys are so awesome! And thank you so much for trying to help me! 🙏🏽
Mar 22Reply
Mar 22Reply
makersmarket918 @bend_the_trend2 sorry I missed the show! Thanks for the invite! I will definitely try to make the next one! How did you guys do?!
Mar 25Reply
bend_the_trend2 @makersmarket918 eh, we did ok it's tough I see now why a lot of new faces are showing up all the time, because this is tougher than it looks. people complaining which we expect you can't meet everyone's standards or how they think things should be done. but we're not quitters and we're going to get there wherever there is lol. but I hope your doing well I promoted your closet told people to go check out@makersmarket918. just so you know do you use the app poshsidekick??
Mar 25Reply
bend_the_trend2 @makersmarket918 it's a game changer it's an app they give you free 7 day free trial check it out link your posh account. and sales will go through the roof unbelievably fast it shares your closet on auto mode it's great give it a try hold on let me give you my code so you can get it easily. and free for a time being. 0454 is my code to you try it it's seriously a game changer. you'll have so many sales
Mar 25Reply
makersmarket918 @bend_the_trend2 I downloaded it. I put in your code. It then it wouldn’t let me log in. So I had to back out and it never asked for the referral code again. So I hope you got it! I’m still trying to figure it out. I did go to a posh and coffee zoom meeting today and they the attendees will have access to live shows in 10-12 days!!! So that’s exciting! And scary at the same time! Lol
Mar 25Reply
bend_the_trend2 @makersmarket918 its all good well be there to help you out ill admit the first few times are kinda scary. but we will help you if you want it
Mar 26Reply
bend_the_trend2 @mrbb hey I know this is out of the blue but you commented on my lives back in November I wanted to share an app called poshsidekick check it out for more sales
Mar 26Reply
lydiadan1 Hi love your picture. Njce to see haply couples. I’m Linda. I haven’t done a show yet kinda scared. Any chance you may share some of my items ?im not even sure how that works. The best to you. What’s the sidekick is it a bot ?
May 15Reply
bend_the_trend2 @lydiadan1 yes of course i will share some of your items, and you ask what poshsidekick is? it is a bot it will get you many many sales but it's kinda pricey. let me know when you want to do a show.
May 16Reply
lydiadan1 Yes I know the bot. Thanks so much how very very kind. I would,love to have you out some of my items in your show but have no idea how. Yes the sales do come with that item. I’m happy with my sales just would like a few more lol. Please tell me how do I do that with you. And how do I mail items if you sell them ? Do you get a commission I’m a dummy with the shows. Don’t know how to do them thanks so very much. You are adorable🤗👍❣️
May 16Reply
bend_the_trend2 @mylovejewelry thank you so very much I really appreciate your kind words, my wifey and I go on and do the live auctioning at night time . she's actually live right nowadaysbut I will do the same if you don't have access to lives I'd love to do a share show with you.. basically I'd invite you to auction your stuff and on your end you can be live as well it really helps with making sales when the person can show the item and see the person auctioning it
Aug 25Reply
momof3bouys Of course I’m sitting here crying like a baby after reading that! Y’all are awesome and I’m so thankful to have found y’all on here. Helped me in more ways than one and brought a lot of the light back into my life that’s been gone for a long long time. Will always be grateful for that! And love you to @unclaimdbaggage y’all just don’t know
Dec 13Reply
unclaimdbaggage @momof3bouys your the best amber!! I’m so happy we found each other! Keep that head held high and never let any one bring you down!! Your amazing and always remember that!
Dec 13Reply
unclaimdbaggage Looking at this pictures or pictures and the description make me very sad. Wish times could be like the good old days for real. Makes me literally want to cry…😢😢 @bend_the_trend2
Apr 29Reply
momof3bouys Please one of you contact me
Jul 10Reply

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Last Active: Mar 02

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