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Updated an hour ago

🧸🧸🧸Meet Your Posher, Trixy! 🧸🧸🧸

Meet the Posher

US$3 US$3


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Hi! I'm Trixy! I use Poshmark to clear out my overflowing closets! I also design accessories for cosplay/anime costumes, and cozy winter arm and leg warmers. My dogs are 👽s who love carrots, bananas, and my fuzzy slippers! 🐾. 🦇
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tarbear4 Hi! Welcome to the fun & addictive world of Poshmark! Congrats on getting your closet started. If you have any questions please feel free to follow my closet and ask me anything you need. Goodluck & have fun! 🎀
Jun 09Reply
winsomewardrobe @trixyxchange love this! nothing makes me happier than fire on the playa :)
Aug 01Reply
trixyxchange @reinem ahhah! I agree! That was a fun burn. :)
Aug 01Reply
thriftynista Welcome to Poshmark 💕🎉🎉 🎀🎀👠👠👗👗🎽👟
Oct 08Reply
loopholer Hi TRIXIE I'm Rocksan! 😁 great closet! Tag me for new items!
Oct 29Reply
trixyxchange @loopholer thanks! I love your stuff as well! I'll try to remember to tag you. :)
Oct 29Reply
loopholer Grr if they back out on that dress hmu omg lol I would pay that for a pattern lol. Hubs is a tailor but there aren't enough T hours in the day
Oct 29Reply
loopholer Ps bad at remembering too
Oct 29Reply
trixyxchange @loopholer I'll let you know but so far I haven't had anyone back out of their purchases. If you like my style, I'll be adding tons of new stuff for the next few weeks. I'm trying to clean out my closet at home and my design studio. I'm also a fashion designer if you want to check out my hand made items on my website. :)
Oct 29Reply
loopholer I don't even say that word makes us go backwards on the damn app you end up answering a question and the question came before it dries me crazy it's the one thing I put in for them to try to change. Yeah that's the third dress that I want I was just saying that they don't usually sometimes people lightly will like go behind peoples back and try to get the person to cancel,
Oct 29Reply
loopholer I just think that kind of stuff is dirty completely and totally. I mean you know your stuff but not everybody does but even if they don't even if you told him the difference you're really just telling the difference so you can get it for yourself and that's crappy were supposed be at like a family here a little bit you know at least not be shty to each other lol so I would never yeah hopefully never would have that happen unless it was an emergency or something
Oct 29Reply
loopholer I see you like three people one so we're already down right there I have a white in that one so I'm doing OK but I'm I had to color it or something because it's a little too drab for me if you can't tell🌪⚡️🌪⚡️🌪⚡️
Oct 29Reply
trixyxchange @loopholer I get ya. I honor the original sale since I'd want someone to do the same for me. At least you can rock this dress!! My bust unfortunately is too small for these things. I tried and failed. It's so cute though!
Oct 30Reply
roguehippie That picture looks like a lot of fun. What is that toy?
Nov 27Reply
trixyxchange @roguehippie nope not a toy. A flame thrower. :)
Nov 27Reply
mossandvine @trixyxchange Your closet rocks! 💜 your style and all your upcycled stuff.
Jan 03Reply
trixyxchange @mossgirl007 thanks! You have some cute stuff as well! I make all of the upcycled/patchwork stuff that's listed. I have more of my designs online if you want to look up Trixy Xchange. :)
Jan 03Reply
mossandvine @trixyxchange cool💜✌🏼️
Jan 03Reply
rmc1968 Thanks for all the shares!!😊
Jan 11Reply
trixyxchange @rmc1968 Right back at ya! :) You have some really cute shoes and handbags. :D
Jan 11Reply
beautyfashions Love your closet!
Jan 14Reply
trixyxchange @beautyfashions thanks! You have some really cute accessories in yours! :)
Jan 14Reply
tfilip04 @trixyxchange Hi Trixy! This looks a lot like dancetronaughts!
Jan 18Reply
jerseyginger Aaaaaaaggggghhhh! Awesome pic!
Jan 28Reply
trixyxchange @tfilip04 I'll have to look them up. 😜
Jan 29Reply
trixyxchange @jerseyginger thanks! My friend took it of me at burning man while having fun with his flame thrower. 😍
Jan 29Reply
trixyxchange @thirteensporks Thank you! That means so much to me! I also design clothing and accessories at my website I don't have many of my hand made designs in my closet since I'm trying to sell some of my own closet...since I have way too many clothes! lol.
Feb 03Reply
djartl Thanks for the welcome. You have some hella cool pictures!
Feb 10Reply
trixyxchange @djartl thanks! I guess doing fun things = great photos. Haha
Feb 10Reply
djartl @trixyxchange U couldn't have said it any better doll‼💯👍
Feb 10Reply
lemonposh Hi Trixy! Thanks for connecting
Feb 15Reply
trixyxchange @millicentgar Of course! You have some really cute stuff! :)
Feb 15Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad I found you on posh! Make sure to check out my handmade jewelry! 🍭LOVE OFFERS🍭New items added weekly so make sure to follow me! Happy poshing 😀
Feb 21Reply
trixyxchange @schracl thanks! Cute jewelry! ;)
Feb 21Reply
parkslynn Hi come check out my closet for great deals! 💖
Feb 25Reply
blacksteve Could you accept my order
Feb 26Reply
trixyxchange @blacksteve Hi! I had a rough weekend with my brother being in the hospital. I will try to look it over tomorrow evening and accept it then. Thanks!
Feb 27Reply
blacksteve @trixyxchange could rate my item quick please
Feb 27Reply
debrose Thanks for liking my closet. I like yours as well. Hope we do business together!
Mar 03Reply
trixyxchange @debrose thanks! I love that cache furry jacket that you have. I'll be keeping my eye out for that one once I sell a few more of my furry items in my closet. :)
Mar 03Reply
debrose @trixyxchange I understand totally. That jacket is gorgeous. The back and arms are knit and the fur is excellent quality. Unfortunately it is a little tight on me now
Mar 03Reply
trixyxchange @debrose sounds like my style. :)
Mar 03Reply
vanessal94 Your closet. Omg loveeeee 💗💗💗💋🍒
Mar 11Reply
trixyxchange @vanessal94 Thanks! You have some really cute stuff yourself. :)
Mar 11Reply
shoppershigh Omg !!! That's one bad ass flame thrower !!! Did you make that ? Holy crap
Apr 04Reply
trixyxchange @shoppershigh thanks! It's my friends and I'm not sure if he made it or bought it. He did make one bad ass art car though!
Apr 04Reply
shoppershigh Art car ? What's that
Apr 04Reply
trixyxchange @shoppershigh Google "burning man art car" 😆
Apr 04Reply
shoppershigh Wow ok , that's awesome!! Extra Super Sized steam punk art sculptures!!! I make steam punk art myself , that's great ??
Apr 04Reply
trixyxchange @shoppershigh Some of it, yes! His was a boat attached to a golf cart. haha. That glowed of course....with lasers.
Apr 04Reply
shoppershigh Ok I look looked you up. your not selling on Etsy anymore? Can I ask why ? Because I was going to start selling my artwork and graphic art work that I do on cloths on that site
Apr 04Reply
shoppershigh I have a friend that makes his own costumes for Halloween, and he makes them light up 2. He's really good at it . He got me hooked on putting lights in my sculptures. Now I want to make a costume and get into cosplay . Lol 😝
Apr 04Reply
trixyxchange @shoppershigh you should! Leds are a thing now and really fun. I'm not on etsy much anymore because I'm focusing my time on my website and teaching sewing classes. If I put as much time into my website as I did Etsy it'd be ballin' by now. 😂 And the fact that they're now a huge company and don't offer phone support for their sellers is a big down side.
Apr 04Reply
moonpie2959 @trixyxchange you gotta great closet! The handmades are too cute ❤️
Apr 08Reply
trixyxchange @moonpie2959 thanks!! I have tons more hand made clothing and accessories at my Trixy Xchange online store. :)
Apr 08Reply
moonpie2959 @trixyxchange cool! I definitely will.
Apr 08Reply
ppamprrd Hi Trixy, awesome closet!!! I am a Chicagoan. I wanted you to know that we started a Chicago Poshers FB Group if you are interested in joining us. We are planning a Posh & Sip for June 23rd
Apr 15Reply
trixyxchange @ppamprrd Awesome! I just joined your group. I also have a studio in Wicker Park if you need a space to host your event. Send me a message on FB to discuss if you'd like, or drop me your email address. :)
Apr 15Reply
ppamprrd @trixyxchange Trixy, there are two admins for the FB Group. @mzcubs and @gwenbielicki They will get your request and review your closet. Please hold the 23rd and thx for offering your studio. That is really nice of you. I am working on it with two other women and we likely have purchased location selected already, but thank you for the future. 😊
Apr 16Reply
gwenbielicki @ppamprrd Thanks for the tag! AWESOME closet! I design costumes too, but for stage. I sold my stock on Ebay but am about to head into Ren Faire season so I might try Poshmark. Your request to join is approved; I look forward to meeting you!
Apr 16Reply
trixyxchange @gwenbielicki awesome! Id love to see your handmade costumes! I sell a lot of costume accessories and some clothing on my Trixy Xchange website. :)
Apr 17Reply
ashhollywood @trixyxchange you are my spirit animal. If you still go to burning man, find me at sunset Lounge by Distrikt
May 09Reply
trixyxchange @ashhollywood ha! Woof! :) I'm not going this year but you never know in the future.... :)
May 09Reply
trskras @trixyxchange . I had the same issue with this buyer because I sold her something a month ago and it was delivered. I heard nothing until today she gave me a bad rating and comment that she never received the package. I had no idea and she never contacted me or poshmark. I messeaged her with no response but I noticed your post just before mine. I wonder is someone stealing her packages?What do you think?
Jun 14Reply
trixyxchange @trskras that's why I posted that comment on her profile because I noticed several comments about her not receiving her packages. I talked to her local post office who confirmed that it was delivered and "left with person". I told her several times to contact poshmark. She said she did but poshmark said that they haven't heard from her. Either someone is stealing her packages or she's trying to scam sellers. Ironically she got the $10 item I sent her but not the $160 one....
Jun 14Reply
trskras @trixyxchange Thank you for responding back and leaving that message on her account. I really thought it sounded shady!🤔
Jun 14Reply
trixyxchange @trskras sure! I thought other sellers should know. Hopefully now she will stop commenting on the item she bought from me that got "lost."
Jun 15Reply
candaceskye @trixyxchange thank you for liking items in my closet. Let me know if I can answer any questions on that tunic or any other items in my closet. I am open to reasonable offers through the offer button. Happy weekend!
Jun 23Reply
honeylosangeles 💥Hey Posher! I am accepting offers of up to 50% off. Happy 4th of July 💥
Jul 04Reply
charcoalgirl Hi, I’m not 100% sure but i think a posher is stealing your fur coat pictures and claiming that they’re hers. Her username is brookejahdbs. I’m not definitely sure but I just wanted to let you know
Aug 28Reply
trixyxchange @racheleeng thanks for the heads up! I just left a message on her listing and yes she is using my photos! 😡
Aug 28Reply
charcoalgirl @trixyxchange no prob! She actually tried to scam me to trade my items for the jacket which I’m like 95% sure she doesn’t actually own, and that’s when I figured out the photos aren’t even hers
Aug 29Reply
trixyxchange @racheleeng maaannn! And this is why I don't trade...too many scammers. I'm going to go share some of your items right now. :)
Aug 29Reply
charcoalgirl @trixyxchange you’re too sweet 💕💕 I really appreciate the shares thanks so much. I really love the jacket you have but I’m a medium and I think an xs is too small it breaks my heart 💔
Aug 29Reply
trixyxchange @racheleeng check the measurements because I'm usually a XS/S and bought this for myself but it's huge on me. It's a bit oversized. The bust is 38"
Aug 29Reply
c_qt31415 I'm looking for a deep red leather jacket like the one on Emma from Once Upon a Time... do you have anything similar?
Sep 02Reply
trixyxchange @c_qt31415 I don't have any red leather jackets. :( but I do have a lot of rad stuff in my closet! :)
Sep 02Reply
ambyrmarie Hi! You just recently purchased my mocha colored infinity scarf, I seem to have misplaced it.. so I canceled the order, if I find it I will let you know. I also have two more infinity scarfs that are different colors that I will be posting soon. Thanks!
Sep 07Reply
trixyxchange @ambyrmarie Ok. Sad face. :( Please let me know if you find it. Are the other scarves the same brand?
Sep 07Reply
ambyrmarie @trixyxchange yes they are the same brand, I will post later this evening and tag you in it.
Sep 07Reply
trixyxchange @ambyrmarie awesome! Thanks! I appreciate it!
Sep 07Reply
simplyme1o @trixyxchange I’m very happy I found your closet by accident. I bought a tshirt from you on Etsy 3 or 4 years ago as a gift for my sister. I was wondering if you do custom orders because I’m looking for an upcycled braided headband. I’d make one myself but the only recycled fabric I have that isn’t for a project is denim, loads and loads of denim. I liked a skirt that had a lot of fabric that’s my style but pretty much anything plaid would also work too. Just message me back if it is possible
Dec 05Reply
trixyxchange @simplyme1o hi! Well thanks for buying from me in the past! :) can you upload a photo of what you’re looking for? I have a ton of material in my studio ready to be upcycled. :)
Dec 05Reply
simplyme1o @trixyxchange I’ll make a listing in my closet and tag you in it
Dec 05Reply
sistersclosetgr How have I never seen your closet before?! I love everything!!! I liked a few items so I’ll be back’
Dec 18Reply
aubreyburkhart Hello!!! I’m sorry for bundling things and I’m probably driving you nuts! I’ve basically got a wishlist going and am trying to save up the money ❤️❤️
Feb 19Reply
trixyxchange @aubreyburkhart no worries! ;) ❤️
Feb 20Reply
trixyxchange @lostdog1517 aw thanks! I did a big price drop on a lot of items this weekend and am always listing new things. :)
Feb 20Reply
justsayinsigns Thank you for the offers💕
Feb 26Reply
trixyxchange @justsayinsigns you’re welcome. Thanks for the likes! :)
Feb 26Reply
leahcobb Sooooo... I LOVE WHAT YOU DO! I’m a seamstress, and really appreciate the work you’re doing. My main issue is, I’m a bit busty, 38D, but also short 4’11”. So I can’t actually fit most of your creations. We’re also remodeling our basement, so I’m mostly window shopping. When I can buy some of these sweet deals I will 😍 ty for the private discounts!! Are you going to burning man? I’ve nvr been and am trying to make plans. Good luck with the sales!!
Mar 03Reply
trixyxchange @leahcobb awww thanks so much! Well if you’re in the area I also teach sewing classes. :) I’m not going to burning man this year but have been several times in the past. :) let me know if you need any burning man tips!
Mar 03Reply
leahcobb @trixyxchange thx!! Right now I’m working on what kind of camp
Mar 03Reply
trixyxchange @leahcobb it’s nice to have a camp with meal plans. Less things you’ll need to bring with you. :)
Mar 03Reply
trixyxchange @everyonesyvonne hi hi fellow burner! 😍
Mar 17Reply
justsayinsigns Thanks for the likes😊
May 20Reply
ltfavors Hi there, thank you for your likes. Any interest to make offer? Big discount on bundle sale 😀
Jun 13Reply
dezidol Love your stuff! Let me know if you ever start carrying larger sizes❤️
Jul 07Reply
trixyxchange @dezidol thanks so much!! I’m always listing new things and do have some larger sizes listed, just sort my store by size. :) I also have a few of my handmade wrap skirts listed which are one size! I can also make arm and leg warmers in any arm/leg size. :)
Jul 07Reply
mmegratte Trixy- 🌺 Thanks for following my closet! 🌺 Michele
Jul 28Reply
jenwright9 Are you going to be at Burning Man this year?
Jul 31Reply
trixyxchange @jenwright9 Not this year. :( You?!
Jul 31Reply
jenwright9 Awwe man! I was hoping to meet you! It's my first burn! Do you have any advice? lol I actually found you while looking for costumes! I LOVE your stuff, I'm just on a VEY limited budget.
Jul 31Reply
trixyxchange @jenwright9 that would have been awesome! But I’m taking a break for traveling for awhile. 😆 my recommendation is to sign up for BMs jackrabbit mailing list and see if there’s any BM regional events in your area so that you can meet people. There are ppl in chicago that host events for newbies. I think bm used to have these groups listed on their website.
Jul 31Reply
trixyxchange @jenwright9 I’ll be listing new clothing for BM all month! I need to clear out more of this furry stuff from my studio. :) feel free to send me offers and you also save on shipping when you bundle. :)
Jul 31Reply
mailllle Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Aug 09Reply
alexusgalvan I seen you liked a top😊 I can go down to $15, if not have a wonderful day🌻
Aug 31Reply
wrforrest Say WHAT?? ITS FUNKY!! ITS COOL!! I M hooked!!
Sep 12Reply
twoseptembers Heyyy! I hope you’re having a great day. Check out my boutique I think you’ll enjoy it! I only offer high qualities items and I have great reviews!! 😘😘😘
Sep 13Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Adidas, Nike, Philosophy skincare, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 01Reply
bauer384 How much to add the blue one?
Oct 14Reply
trixyxchange @bauer384 how about $15 for both? If so I’ll change the price of the blue one and then after you purchase it I’ll cancel the sale for the black one. That way you’ll only pay for shipping once. I also have that shirt in pink and white :)
Oct 14Reply
jenwright9 @trixyxchange Did you see that they have released the theme for next year's Burning Man? Metamorphosis! You could make some dope costumes with that them!!!!
Nov 24Reply
trixyxchange @jenwright9 Nice! I will undoubtedly have some cool creations made before Burning Man this year. :)
Nov 24Reply
jtonewo Hello I want to thank you for my fingerless gloves love love them keep up good work... once you get a bit longer then the wrist reach out I will definitely buy a longer pair ... great work
Dec 01Reply
kfab333 @trixyxchange Hello there 💕😊Happy Holidays! if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Dec 03Reply
fineqfinds If you like to dress up with fine quality, feel free to view my closet.
Dec 30Reply
harleyschopshop hey there 👋welcome to Poshmark🧚‍♂️happy poshing 🧜‍♀️
Jan 08Reply
coffeenebulamom I really love your style! These are the kind of clothing I am super into.
Mar 16Reply
trixyxchange @coffeenebulamom aw thanks! I’m always listing new things! Also if you bundle you save on shipping. :)
Mar 17Reply
agalandhermutt2 Hi! Sweet alien furbaby! Thnx 4 the "like" & shares on items from my closet. Just a reminder that my ENTIRE CLOSET is BOGO n prep 4 a cross-country move. Pay 4 the higher priced item only. Y not start a bundle with me? Just let me no when u have "shopped 2 ur heart's content" & I'll send u a price. Purchases $35 or more ship FREE. No other discounts apply if BOGO is used. It's a great time 2 scoop up some deals. 🎁 with purchase 2. Any ?'s...pls ask. Lots more items 2 post. Happy "poshing"! ~Gina
Apr 04Reply
paulahlah )’( ),( )’( ),( )’( ),( )’( ),( )’( ),( )’( ),( )’( ),( )’( ),( ..he’s doing cartwheels! Good to see you here! ❌❤️
Apr 04Reply
agalandhermutt2 Hi! I'm Gina & my "mutt", Woofs, & I want 2 intro ourselves & thank u 4 the "like" on an item from our closet. Just a reminder that our ENTIRE CLOSET is BOGO FREE, so why not bundle your likes, shop all u want, add 2 ur bundle, & let me no when u'r done. I'll do the rest. Purchase $35 or + ship FREE. As a thank u, we'll send u a nice little 🎁 2. It's a great time 2 score big 4 a little bit of $. Any ?'s Don't hesitate. Thanks! ~Gina & Woofs
Apr 09Reply
gabysbags Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet for your next NWT designer 👜 handbag! Like or add purses to bundle 🥰☺️ private offers will be sent to you💕
Apr 26Reply
trixyxchange @geoffreybowman hi! I saw that you liked a bunch of items. If you want to bundle feel free to send me an offer and then you pay shipping only once. :)
May 25Reply
ofstie46 i love your photo & your closet! i'm trying to round out my BM apparel :)
Jul 12Reply
trixyxchange @ofstie46 oooo awesome! I def have lots of great things for burning man! Feel free to bundle so you only pay for shipping once and send me an offer! 😍
Jul 12Reply
whymisssarah Hey there! Thanks for your purchase of the backpack. I've sold quite a few items to people in Chicago, mostly my handmade or old skool raver gear. You must have quite a fun scene out there! Awesome! ❤️😘
Aug 17Reply
trixyxchange @whymisssarah well you have cute stuff. :) we have a decent amount of burner events. I used to help organize them :)
Aug 17Reply
whymisssarah @trixyxchange what fun! Well if you make it out to the playa this year, have a great time! 😊
Aug 17Reply
trixyxchange @whymisssarah not this year...too much going on :)
Aug 17Reply
flowersforher Heyy I love your Posh
Aug 22Reply
trixyxchange @flowersforher aw thanks so much! :)
Aug 23Reply
bfashion1 @trixyxchange Hi Trixy, 💕when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have a great selection of women, men and children items.  I have all different sizes and many different colors choices. Please come back often as I love to shop to bring fresh product to closet all the time. Always taking reasonable  offers. Today sale: Bundle your items and take an additional 50%off the total price today only.  Thanks for looking 💕
Sep 05Reply
lvdoxies 😆😎😸🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧞‍♀️🧞‍♂️👽🎨🎤🛸🎉🎉🎉
Sep 06Reply
brujanegra LMAO, your dog likes carrots? lol I have a question, did I buy a mink custom-made bag from you?
Sep 09Reply
trixyxchange @brujanegra yeh she’s a little bunny with carrots. 😂 ooo Mink purse sounds nice! I don’t do custom orders and I rarely use real fur so it wasn’t me. 😁
Sep 09Reply
brujanegra I really just want to get this over with oh, just have to put in a really bad taste in my mouth kind of what I imagine eating dinosaur 💩 must be like 😣
Sep 10Reply
reaganstewart Hi there ✨ I wanted to share with you that I have a morbid threads corset in size small if you’re ever interested:) enjoy!
Sep 12Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now in my jewelry store and would love to offer you a discount for items you like!! I can do 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! 🌻🌻
Sep 12Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now in my jewelry store and would love to offer you a discount for items you like!! I can do 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! 🌻🌻
Sep 12Reply
trixyxchange @wildflwrnwillow beautiful jewelry! I’m also having a 2 for $20 sale on all of my listings with the 👻 in the title. :)
Sep 12Reply
glittergirl1926 Hi! I’m obsessed! Finally something I want to wear!! I want everything you make!!! Thank you!! Keep being you! Glitter Girl
Sep 15Reply
trixyxchange @glittergirl1926 aw thanks!! I’m also having a 2 for $20 sale on everything that has a 👻 in the title right now. And I’m sending a free gift with every order while supplies last!
Sep 16Reply
pickypachyderm @trixyxchange I was looking for a doggie and got distracted by the flame thrower! 😱🔥 my doggies also love bananas! They go crazy whenever I get one out to cut it up. 😝🍌 Thanks for sharing, he’s super cute! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Sep 28Reply
pickypachyderm @trixyxchange oops! SHE is super cute 😉😉😉
Sep 28Reply
trixyxchange @pickypachyderm she loooovvesss her bananas and carrots! 😆
Sep 28Reply
trixyxchange @pickypachyderm she is the best :)
Sep 28Reply
trixyxchange @erikajoanw aww thanks so much! 😍
Sep 30Reply
misspriceless Wow I love your closet and you seen awesome!
Oct 03Reply
trixyxchange @misspriceless haha thanks so much! :) ❤️
Oct 04Reply
misspriceless @trixyxchange you are most welcome
Oct 04Reply
gothicbutterfly I like these pictures
Oct 11Reply
regitn I just love your closet and your creativity! Happy Poshing.
Oct 16Reply
trixyxchange @regitn thanks so much! ❤️
Oct 16Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we connected in Poshmark. Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 18Reply
style_xpression Hello! I wanted to stop by & introduce myself. I'm new to Poshmark & I think you have an amazing closet! Wishing you great success & happy Poshing!!! 💖🍀🌺
Oct 31Reply
trixyxchange @patriceali hi! If my offer expires please send me a message on Tuesday and I’ll see if I can send it again. :) however I do not hold items.
Dec 16Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Dec 17Reply
onegirlforever Hello Trixy!
Dec 26Reply
xoredbubblegum Hello I’m cassie, I have great offers and you can create cheap bundles❣️ Buy 2 items get 1 free!✨✨🧚‍♀️🌸 #happynewyear #happyfebruary
Feb 05Reply
susanleva Hi there. If you’d like to put together a bundle of what you like.... I can give you a free offer!
Jun 01Reply
trixyxchange @susanleva thanks! Just browsing for now. I really like my LM tank :)
Jun 01Reply
liv_c @trixyxchange you could be right, but I hope you can recognize that you’re playing into the exact system that people are currently protesting and rioting against. If she was white and doing the same exact thing, you wouldn’t think twice about the “dirty street background”, timeline of publishing, etc.
Jun 01Reply
liv_c @trixyxchange You may have noble intentions but it’s specifically mindsets and actions like this that perpetuate systematic racism in this country. As I said, you could be right, but you could also be wrong based off unfair and prejudiced assumptions. As white people, we need to better and (respectfully) keep ourselves in check.
Jun 01Reply
trixyxchange @liv_c I would do the same thing to anyone of any color that looks like they’re posting stolen merchandise. IT IS ILLEGAL. But you know, if you’re ok with purchasing stolen merchandise, do it. Then the cops with come and confiscate it from you. I’ve been seeing a lot of it pop up yesterday on many selling platforms. I’m not going to support people who are looting and burning down our cities. This is wrong and immoral. Our city is a mess.
Jun 01Reply
liv_c @trixyxchange I totally agree that the violence and looting is terrible and is taking away from the real message, but you did say you had a “sneaking suspicion” based on the “dirty street background” and no listing details. So many people on this app don’t include details, as well as all different post backgrounds. You have no other justification or proof, you’re making an assumption based on your opinions which is the slippery slope.
Jun 01Reply
liv_c I also totally agree that selling stolen merch is wrong and illegal, my point is that you don’t have any proof that this is the case, just your suspicions based on your judgement of a photo. Not trying to be accusatory or critical here, just wanted to have a friendly discussion✌🏻
Jun 01Reply
trixyxchange @liv_c I made my assumption by 1) a younger 20 something girl listing a new 2k handbag 2) photographing a 2k handbag on a dirty sheet 3) basically no details for these high end items 4) all new with tags 5) listed in the past few days after only having sold a few things prior 6) her response to a looting comment saying “mind ya business”. I’ve seen stolen merch on other apps with no seller photos that I’ve also reported.
Jun 01Reply
trixyxchange @liv_c maybe just let posh sort it out.
Jun 01Reply
liv_c Honestly young people of all colors have similar accounts and listings, and unless you have proof, it’s important to be hyper aware of unconscious biases in our assumptions.
Jun 01Reply
trixyxchange @liv_c I believe the person who brought it to my attention does have proof. I don’t go around looking at people’s photos and making judgments from such. But again, you do what you think is right.
Jun 01Reply
liv_c I wasn’t even trying to purchase anything from her, just curious as to what made you say that. But yeah hopefully posh will sort it out. I appreciate you engaging with me about this😊
Jun 01Reply
trixyxchange @liv_c if they feel like it’s worth looking into, I. hope they will as it’s against their policies to sell stolen merchandise. Thanks and have a good day yourself :)
Jun 01Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 🥂🍾🌹
Jun 24Reply
rehg you know I never received that jacket..weird
Jul 01Reply
southiebella Hi! I love your dog and your closet! I have a yorkie named Summer. Wish I could get the pattern but I need 22 . Thanks keep in touch Southiebella ❤️👏💃🏿
Oct 28Reply
trixyxchange @southiebella aw Yorkies are so cute! I understand. I’m sold out of the pattern in the larger sizes. :(
Oct 28Reply
southiebella Do you know anyone that has a good guitar for sale (acoustic )??????
Oct 28Reply
muthaluvvintage Great closet.... I have an alien dog too but he weighs 120 lbs so he pretty much runs this shit show. I live a topsy turvy life and love all things vintage. Stop by and say Hi. I’m Alicia. That last picture of you is magical !!
Dec 06Reply
muthaluvvintage I have a huge stash of vintage sewing stuff including some mid century trim that is amazing. All kinds of stuff. I can make a listing and you can see if you are interested. I’ve always wanted it to go to someone that will appreciate it. I have probably a lg priority box full or more.
Dec 06Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm moving in a few weeks so am looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting all offers! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Dec 24Reply
jahmariposa @trixyxchange hi fellow burner and follower of my best friend irl whymisssarah! cute closet!
Dec 30Reply
mbaghdad I'm Sam Truncale! I have Asperger's, and know a lot about cars, skyscrapers, space, aircraft, animals, and geography. Aged 21, and born in Romania. I'm also into Goth and punk and fetish culture, and I love your styles. Just followed you. Let's be friends.
Dec 30Reply
neeshki HI! I have an End of The Year 50% Off Sale going on in my closet today and tomorrow. Check it out! Offer 50% off of asking price on any item, or bundle to combine shipping fee. -Natali
Dec 30Reply
trixyxchange @muthaluvvintage Hi! Thanks for thinking of me! I have so much fabric and trim right now that I don't think I should add to my stash. :D I love your fur coats!
Jan 01Reply
trixyxchange @jahmariposa Thank you so much! :) Dust love.
Jan 01Reply
trixyxchange @mbaghdad Well we def have similar styles! I just followed you. :)
Jan 01Reply
lalulushop Adorable pix! Love your pup!
Jan 10Reply
trixyxchange @lalulushop thanks! She’s the best! 😍
Jan 12Reply
duchessdesigns4 🤔🤔🤔 i’m a little excited and I have to ask you if any of those pictures above especially the first one we’re taken at Burning Man?
Feb 21Reply
trixyxchange @duchessdesigns4 Hi! Yes the first one is from Burning Man and the second one was a UV shoot with my BM friends. :) I'll probably be listing some furry coats soon that would be great for Burning Man soon!
Feb 21Reply
duchessdesigns4 @trixyxchange I already knew before I ask you but I didn’t want to come across as snarky, Lolol. I have been to the past six consecutive times with the exception of 2019. Last year This time last year I bought FOMO TICKETS, but we both know how that turned out.😞 I don’t know how into it you are probably a lot but did you by any chance read the last article the ORG published, smh
Feb 21Reply
trixyxchange @duchessdesigns4 Nice! I didn't read the last article. I saw the headline which gave me the impression that they weren't sure if it was happening this year yet..?
Feb 21Reply
duchessdesigns4 @trixyxchange Let’s just say throughout the whole entire thing I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes. In a nutshell they still don’t know but they’re saying that if they’re able to make it happen there will be far less people and tickets also it will be last minute. So basically they would keep the dates in August but you wouldn’t register until the end of May..
Feb 21Reply
duchessdesigns4 @trixyxchange and of course you’d have to be vaccinated ECT🙈 you should definitely read the article and don’t forget to look at the top of the article where they’re still asking for donations. Anyway that’s depressing in and of it’s self so on a lighter note I can’t wait to check out all of your burning man a tire since I guess we both won’t be wearing ours anytime soon🌺 Dusty Hug my friend❤️
Feb 21Reply
trixyxchange @duchessdesigns4 they want you to be vaxed to attend!? Well then...I wasn’t planning on going again anytime soon but hopefully the regionals will start again soon. I guess I’ll just have a fun fur party on my trips to the grocery store then. 😂
Feb 21Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 22Reply
melissaftl Thanks for liking my NWT Maroon Express Cami tank top. Feel free to send me an offer. :)
May 27Reply
jinnatash1 @jrdire check this posher's closet! one of a kind pieces and very alternative and cute
May 30Reply
trixyxchange @jinnatash1 thanks for sharing my closet with others! I’m glad you love my designs! :)
May 30Reply
jinnatash1 @trixyxchange you're welcome!! 🌻🌞
May 30Reply
sapp12 @trixyxchange Welcome thanks for the like 🌸
Jun 06Reply
jodyert so sweet of you to take the time to stop by and like the Snoopy and Woodstock I DO throw. all offers are appreciated
Jun 27Reply
firstdance 😂 hi dear 🐕🐶
Jul 29Reply
lunatickle I'm so happy with the renewed life it will have with you😊way more deserving than sitting it my closet. Rock it for me love.🤗💗✌
Oct 15Reply
trixyxchange @lunatickle thanks you! I’ve been thinking about this coat since I sold out when my husband needed to pay for his tuition. So glad I got it back again! :) ❤️
Oct 15Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 11Reply
lmoore840 Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Nov 15Reply
girlslikeus28 Trixy. So sorry for late shipment ! I always ship next day. My hubby had surgery. Dropping off this afternoon. Pauline
Nov 16Reply
trixyxchange @girlslikeus28 No worries! Thanks for the update and I hope he's doing well. ❤️
Nov 17Reply
girlslikeus28 Hi Trixy! Thanks my friend for the sweet rating. Happy 🦃🦃🍁. Chat again soon! Pauline 💕
Nov 21Reply
trixyxchange @girlslikeus28 thanks! I love the shirt! I hope your holiday was yummy. :)
Nov 30Reply
girlslikeus28 @trixyxchange thanks my friend ! I’d love to see you post a pic in it! Happy holidays ! Pauline💋
Dec 01Reply
Jan 03Reply
trixyxchange @luvsdanzig82 Awww thanks! ❤️
Jan 03Reply
lovenarf Hi Trixy. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have a few Free People items plus 1000+ new, retro and vintage items that might be of interest to you. Would love for you to stop by.
Mar 21Reply
girlslikeus28 Hi Trixy! Just sent over FP flash sale. Ends in 10 minutes. Pauline💕
May 13Reply
trixyxchange @adoringstyles sure :) thanks for the shares!
May 22Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 28Reply
sabrinawalters Trixie, what's the name of your band? do you have a site for it? 💕 love your style girl🤘
Jul 02Reply
trixyxchange @sabrinawalters hi Sabrina! My band is long gone-that’s ancient history. But thanks for asking! 😍
Jul 02Reply
sabrinawalters @trixyxchange aww damn girl, same. sucks doesn't it? you look like someone i could totally relate to. i bet you were an awesome singer!!! keep singing though girl ❤️
Jul 02Reply
trixyxchange @sabrinawalters aw thanks. I miss writing the music and playing shows, but life happens! It’s nice to be home now more though and get cuddle time my 🐶 and make fun things on my sewing machine. 😆
Jul 02Reply
sabrinawalters @trixyxchange it sure does happen!! i would love to see your stuff that you make! please send me your website info!
Jul 03Reply
trixyxchange @sabrinawalters I have some of it listed on here. Otherwise just add a dot com to my user name :)
Jul 03Reply
cutehosiery @trixyxchange Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 16Reply
trixyxchange @cutehosiery thanks for the shares!
Aug 16Reply
jodyert thanks for stopping by and liking the Ash BO Fringed Hobo Bag Black Suede bag all offers are appreciated have a fabulous day
Sep 11Reply
dsidmore I think you & I could be great friends! Love your photos! Bad arse!
Dec 19Reply
trixyxchange @dsidmore lol thanks! Too bad we live in separate cities!
Dec 19Reply
dsidmore @trixyxchange Yes, a local friend would be so awesome! Alas! But DM friends are great toooo. Is there a way for me to send you a private message? I forget. (If interested. I know my profile looks pretty bland.
Dec 19Reply
trixyxchange @dsidmore I think you can only send private message on posh through orders. Or Maybe bundle messages?
Dec 20Reply
peridot_gypsy Totally in love with your style!!!
Dec 23Reply
alysonmiller212 Hi Trixy, I have a question for you, my bicep measures about 14” Is there a way to get a custom fit? And are any of the styles I am interested in come in that option? Thanks and I love your stuff girl it’s fabulous!
Feb 05Reply
ginabono @trixyxchange OH! Look at u! Ur more fabulous than fabulous is! Lol! Well, I’m sure I’m much older than u but I have soo much fun left in me lol!! I see ur living the life I was meant to have!!! 😜 I am enjoying ur show and I love ur eclectic style, !!!! Nice meeting u sweetie!! Btw, I love ur doggies!!! I rescue animals!!!
Mar 17Reply
hillaryj60 @trixyxchange hi sweetheart ty for the shares in so horrible I have so many clothes that need to list lol still I’m just sleeping 💤 away after that surgery it went really well. I Bc I don’t want to try them on before I decide to list that’s the problem 😂❤️❤️❤️ hope u are doing well and I love love my items muah
Apr 19Reply
trixyxchange @hillaryj60 I'm so glad surgery went well! I'm sure after you rest you'll be ready to kill it again and get to listing! I'm so much more productive when I have the energy. Sometimes you just need to take care of yourself first! I'm so glad you love your items. :)
Apr 19Reply
auvacreations You spin fire haha I love it! Your closet kicks ass.
Apr 29Reply
trixyxchange @auvacreations it’s a flame thrower. :) and thank you! Love your stuff as well!
Apr 29Reply
nutmegthrift Thanks for the Like on the Vintage Tapestry Floral Underbust Corset 🤎 :)  I Sent you a Discount!!  If you have any Questions, feel free to ask me. Bundles of 3+ get a 10% Discount. Feel free to make Offers as well :) 
May 23Reply
marakrystal I love the flame throwing-friggin' awesome! I love your doggie babies even more...absolutely precious! That underbite would get me every time, lol. Sending good vibes and happy thoughts from my dog and chinchilla family to yours.
May 25Reply
trixyxchange @marakrystal Aw thanks! Yes the dogs are so cute. Thanks for the good vibes! I'm sure your furry babies are just as cute! :)
May 25Reply
girlslikeus28 Hi Trixy‼️ thanks for likes 🇺🇸🇺🇸 have a safe and beautiful holiday. Pauline 🌺
May 26Reply
elliana7810 I’m not sure how but can you please take me off your list of people u send alerts to? I tried doing it myself but think u have me added to a group maybe? I just keep getting soooo many messages from your closet it’s overwhelming. If there is something else I need to do on my end please lmk. Otherwise thank u so very much! And ur stuff is AMAZING! Just hope u understand the amount of messages is all! Lol Ty!
Jun 03Reply
trixyxchange @elliana7810 hi elliana! I don’t have any control over the alerts. Poshmark sends those out to you whenever I auction an item that you’ve liked and I’ve been doing a lot of auctions this week. I’ll get the same notification like 5x when someone does an auction for some reason and it can be very annoying. I would just send Poshmark your feedback. I hope at some point maybe they can reduce the alerts or have an option to opt out of them on our feeds.
Jun 03Reply
trixyxchange @elliana7810 You can take the pop up notifications off your phone though. If you don’t want me to send you a message in your bundle about my sales/live auctions, I can do that though! Just let me know if those are annoying you.
Jun 03Reply
elliana7810 @trixyxchange yes please, it’s just so much to go through in my app list.. gets overwhelming and confusing cause there are so many! Lol! Ty so much!
Jun 04Reply
elliana7810 @trixyxchange ohhhh I see what you mean! Okay yes I understand okay well thank you anyway! Yes, it’s so many and I didn’t think I liked that many as I get notifications several daily
Jun 04Reply
trixyxchange @elliana7810 I’ll take you off my bundle messages list that I send once in awhile. But maybe reach out to posh about the notifications. Several people have been annoyed by them. I’d love to get 1 notification when something goes up for auction, but I feel like they send several which can be a bit much. But I DO do great deals in my live auctions every other Thursday if you’re ever able to make one!
Jun 04Reply
pjsattic Hey Chica.... I see you liked the python bag. Did you want an offer?
Jul 11Reply
jmflorida @trixyxchange I absolutely love the doggie pillow. it looks just like your buddy! ❤️♥️💕
Jul 16Reply
trixyxchange @jmflorida Aw thanks! My husband got that for me for Christmas one year! We need to get another one with the puppy on it so we have matching pillows of both dogs. :)
Jul 16Reply
pjsattic How are the doggos doing?
Aug 09Reply
trixyxchange @pjsattic thanks for asking! Our older dog (Hilde) was in the ER a month ago and we found out she has heart disease. But she is on meds and doing well so far. Things were pretty good at her follow up recently. I just ordered her some more supplements so we will see if anything changes in the next few months. She is back to barking and stalking everything with the puppy again! So I guess that’s a good sign. ;)
Aug 09Reply
pjsattic @trixyxchange thank god they are good. How old is Hilde?
Aug 09Reply
trixyxchange @pjsattic Hilde will be 12 this fall. Estimated because they told me she was probably 2 when I got her. :)
Aug 09Reply
pjsattic God bless her.
Aug 09Reply
trixyxchange @pjsattic ❤️❤️ they are both an adorable blessing!
Aug 09Reply
christinaper140 I love your vibe
Aug 22Reply
trixyxchange @christinaper140 aw thanks! ❤️
Aug 22Reply
kaittheegreat cutie pie pupperoos!
Oct 26Reply
trixyxchange @kaittheegreat They are aDOGable. :D
Oct 26Reply
pjsattic Happy Thanksgiving to you and the pooches! I’m on my 14th helping of stuffing. :)
Nov 24Reply
trixyxchange @pjsattic to you too! That sounds yummy! I don’t get my thanksgiving until Saturday. 😂 the puppies say hi…and they want your stuffing…
Nov 24Reply
ellej145 Great Seller! I Highly Recommend Buying From Her!!!
Dec 17Reply
trixyxchange @ellej145 thanks Elle! I always appreciate your purchases! :)
Dec 18Reply
sonysclothes Okay, so about Vitamixes - I saw they now offer stainless steel containers so no need to worry about the plastic!
Feb 11Reply
girlslikeus28 Hi Trixy. Hope all is well. Thanks for visiting again and thank you for the likes‼️ Pauline 💕
Apr 04Reply
thenightfly Hello. When will your next show take place? All the best, Reza.
Apr 29Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly Hi Reza! I'm really not sure yet. I'm working on a lot of new sewing projects right now. I may do a silent show sometime soon, but it might be awhile until I do another live show. :) I have a live show listing if you want to follow it for notifications!
Apr 29Reply
thenightfly Hello again, Trixy. The alacrity with which you responded is much appreciated. Well, my wife Sophia and I always enjoy watching your shows. And given that you are rather occupied at the present with your sewing, we will simply wait until you are able to put up your next presentation. All the best to you. Cheers, Reza.
Apr 29Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly I appreciate that, Reza! Thanks for attending my past shows. I’m juggling a lot of things over here recently and need to focus on getting my piles of sewing projects done over here so I can bring more new and exciting things to my future shows! I will most likely send out a message again when I do my next live show. :)
Apr 29Reply
thenightfly Hi Trudy! I hope this finds you I. The best of health and spirits. How’s the sewing projects coming along? Kind regards, Reza & Sophia. ☺️
May 08Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly hi! To you both as well! I hope you’re enjoying spring so far. Sewing projects are coming along pretty well. I listed some new arm and leg warmers last week and will be posting more new leg warmers and some Upcycled shirts soon. :)
May 08Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly hi! I’m doing a live show tomorrow (Thursday at 8pm CST) with a bunch of $10 bundles and new items! You can bookmark the show in my closet. Hope to see you there! ❤️
May 22Reply
thenightfly Hello Trixie, Good evening. I trust all is copacetic at your end of the world. I simply wanted to drop in to say hello! Au revoir, Reza.
Jun 04Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly hi! Hope you are doing well over there! Things have been busy, but I think hopefully a little better with my fur baby. I’ve been listing new items and hopefully more to come this week. :)
Jun 04Reply
thenightfly Well, it’s a relief to know that the pooch is getting better. Here’s hoping I’ll catch you on one of your shows soon. Take care.
Jun 04Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly I hope you can make the next one! I’m just not sure yet when I’ll have the time for one. She had to go to the vet to get drained last week but she’s been resting and has been perking up the last two days. ❤️ those sedation drugs put her through the ringer!
Jun 04Reply
thenightfly Hey there. It sounds as if the poor pup has been put through the wringer and then some! Also, I can but only imagine what a heart wrenching experience this must be for you, especially being the caring mom that you are. Let us hope for the best for the long, suffering canine. Have a wonderful evening. R.
Jun 05Reply
tijanala Happy belated birthday, my bday twin! 💕
Jul 04Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly ❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you! The last few months have been a bit tough but she’s doing O.k. Right now.
Jul 06Reply
trixyxchange @tijanala hey! To you too!! I hope you did something nice for your birthday! ❤️❤️
Jul 06Reply
ellej145 You had a live stream but it ended within Slightly over 1 hour so I missed it
Jul 28Reply
valerier777 luv the kid🐶🐶
Nov 26Reply
trixyxchange @valerier777 they’re cuties pies! And pests! 😂
Nov 26Reply
thenightfly Hi Trixy. How have you been? How was your Thanksgiving? Also, are you all set for Christmas? As it is fast approaching.
Dec 14Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly we’ve been doing ok. Our dog hasn’t been the best this last month and the super cold weather isn’t helping. :( I’m almost ready for Christmas! I may try to do a show after Christmas, but it all depends on what’s going on over here. I was going to try for a Thanksgiving show but it’s been way too busy with our dog and Christmas orders that need to get in the mail! How have you guys been??
Dec 14Reply
thenightfly @trixyxchange I’m truly mortified to hear about your ongoing struggles with the ailing dog. Let us hope there is some alleviation in sight, and soon. Well, my wife Sophia and I returned from a sojourn in Hungary and Lithuania respectively. Apart from working as a full time cardiologist, she also attends medical seminars both within the United States and abroad quite extensively. And since I retired a few years back, I actually get to accompany her on most of her trips overseas.
Dec 14Reply
thenightfly Contd….Suffice it to say, it keeps us profitably occupied. Well, I hope to catch you on one of your shows before too long. Till then, stay healthy and happy. Cheers, Reza. 😊
Dec 14Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly ah well if your wife is a cardiologist she probably knows a little about what we’re going through. Hilde has been retaining water the last 6+ months. We’re at the cardiologist every 6 weeks for an abdominal drain. I actually think she’s been getting a uti or infection frequently which is contributing to when she starts gaining water. She was doing SO well this last time until the super cold weather rolled in.
Dec 14Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly then she started having signs of another infection and the water started coming faster. It’s just incredibly frustrating. But we’re sticking it out and spoiling her 110%. Always trying new things. Fresh chicken dinner everyday! :) when it’s her time, it’ll come. So anyways! I’d love to do a show soon, but I’ve been very busy! 😂 but I do have a pile of cute stuff that I still start posting after I catch up on Christmas orders. :)
Dec 14Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly I hope you both have a great Christmas!! ❤️❤️ enjoy your travels and holiday together. 😍
Dec 14Reply
thenightfly @trixyxchange Why, thank you Trixy! Conversely, please permit me to wish you and yours an exceedingly salubrious Christmas, and followed by a prosperous New Year. DO stay in touch occasionally. ❤️ P.S. please give a tender pat to the ailing dog on our behalf. 😘
Dec 14Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly thank you! She gets lots of love. ❤️ I hope you both stay healthy and enjoy your holidays as well!
Dec 14Reply
thenightfly Merry Christmas! 🎁🎄
Dec 26Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly Thank you! You as well!!
Dec 26Reply
alphonso13 The corset leg warmers may very well be what i am looking for here in your e'closet? Do you take offers?
Dec 29Reply
trixyxchange @alphonso13 hi! Yes I am open to offers! Although the corset items take me quite awhile to make sure I’m only slightly flexible on the price for those. Thanks! :)
Dec 29Reply
dolphinbay3 Happy Almost New Year’s 🥳!! My closet has discounted shipping and/or free shipping until January 1st 2025. If you get a chance, would love if you’d take a look! 🎄
Dec 31Reply
thenightfly Hello Trixie! A Very Happy, Healthy, and a Prosperous New Year to you and your family. May 2025 be the best one yet. XOXO - Reza. 😊
Jan 01Reply
trixyxchange @thenightfly thank you! You both as well! ❤️
Jan 02Reply

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