Meet the Posher
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Hi! Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret and Abercrombie & Fitch. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) All my items are gently used not unless specifically noted on the add. Bundle and save on shipping. Feel free to make offers. I wash all items. If they have tags they will be removed to wash the item. Tags will be sent with yr purchase.

65 others
like this

Hello, and thank you for your purchase! You drive a hard bargain! ;)) Happy Poshing!
Oct 07Reply

@vivianhayes welcome to posh 😀
Oct 08Reply

Hi! I see youre new & even though I couldnt accept your offer, Id like to welcome you to Poshmark. One bit of advice- lowball offers are frowned upon. Offering $5 on an item means the seller makes $2.05, which isnt worth it to most. Happy Poshing!❤️
Oct 09Reply

@brookej610 excuse me, im sorry
Oct 09Reply

@vivianhayes Thank you for the 5☆rating! Enjoy! :)
Oct 13Reply

@delilahmorgan yr very welcome i love my item
Oct 13Reply

Thank you so much for your like, if I can do anything for you please let me know.
I would love to hear your offer when you are ready.
Hope you have a wonderful day Sweetheart!:)
Oct 19Reply

@vivianhayes Hi Vivian 😊 Thank You for liking the Pink Guess Handbag 💗💗
Oct 23Reply

@vivianhayes Hi I expected your offer on the Reebok shoes. And Poshmark is telling me that you need to update your credit card information for the sell to go through. So if you still want them you have to go through the Posh app to update that information. Thanks
Oct 25Reply

Hey Girl! Your pink Coach shoes should be delivered on Tuesday. I contacted Poshmark Customer Support through email yesterday because I didn’t understand why it said your package was “pending usps scan” when I shipped I brought it to post office 3 days ago. They got back to me and there was a problem in transit because of there being no mail service today. The absolute latest you will get them is Wednesday. I apologize for any inconvenience. Have a great Monday!
Love, Kristy Gerdes
Oct 30Reply

Hi. Thanks for liking my Levi’s belt if interested please send me an offer 😊
Nov 06Reply

I'm doing free shipping on bundles of three or more items, feel free to let me know if you have questions.
Nov 08Reply

Hi! Thanks for liking my Guess Jeans! If you want them, I’ll accept $10 for them! Just make an offer if interested! :)
Nov 13Reply

Thanks for stopping by and liking my listening. Please let me know if you any questions. Happy poshing
Nov 22Reply

❤️❤️ Hello , I’m Carolyn Welcome to Posh Mark I hope you enjoy your experience here as much as I have. Happy Poshing.
Nov 23Reply

Welcome to PoshMark 😊😊
Nov 23Reply

Sorry about the watch you had commented on, as I was checking battery for you to make sure it still worked, as I pulled little tab out from under the time set button it broke. I removed from listings and didn’t know another way to let you know, since it wiped out convo from there. Littlebear
Nov 25Reply

Thank you for viewing my closet. I will consider all offers. :))
Dec 01Reply

Greetings!!! I accepted your offer for the Nike Tennis Shoes. I can ship in the morning. Can you let me know once you check your account? I want to pack and ship as soon as possible. Thanks!!! I appreciate your purchase!
Dec 08Reply

Good evening Vivian. Thank you for choosing to like my creations 🌹
Dec 21Reply

Thx for like and visiting my closet 😊
Dec 27Reply

Hello 👋 I can do it for 18, make an offer if you want buy thanks
Jan 06Reply

Yes still available
Jan 10Reply

Hello! I saw you liked my listing. I just want to let you know if you bundle 2 of my items at listed price you'll get free shipping and if you bundle 3 of my items or more, you'll get free shipping AND a discount for bundling! This offer lasts until January 15th! Have a great day! xo
Jan 11Reply

Nice closet! 😃 Hi there! I am Gloria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark . I would like to invite you to check out my closet for new items with tags from the most favorite brands. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount and to pay just one shipping charge. And there are even more sales in my closet 😃 If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Jan 18Reply

Thanks for stopping by and liking my listening. Please let me know if you have any questions
Jan 20Reply

Offering buy one, get one free today!!!!! Your like plus an additional item!!!!
Jan 30Reply

Hi thanks for the like! If you’d like to make an offer of $9 I’ll gladly accept 💕
Feb 08Reply

Hi Vivian, I hope you are having a great weekend!! These jeans are so great. Please let me know if I can help answer questions about any of my listings. Thanks so much!!:)
Feb 11Reply

Hi Vivian, I want to Thank YOU very much for following my closet. I have return your gesture. Now, let
us get together and share, share, share each others items. The more we get our items into the
eyes of fellow buyers the more that will sell. Let's host a share party. Starting Right Now.....
So, what are you waiting for? Share, Share, Share.
Feb 16Reply

Thank you for looking at my different items in my closet
Feb 20Reply

did you not see my messages to you regarding the shirt?? I don't understand why I got no response from you. Please check your notifications if fact you haven't read them!!!
Feb 21Reply

Cute, cute, cute closet! I love it! Thanks for the follow, I'll be back soon to bundle! :-)
Feb 22Reply

@murray272 thanku so much, i really appreciate it🌸🌻🌼
Feb 22Reply

Hello gorgeous! Thanks for the follow! Tho I wish you hadn’t, bc your closet is fantastic! I love it! I could do damage to my pocketbook in there! Haha! Thanks again for the follow! Stay fabulous girl!🥂& Happy Poshing!
Feb 23Reply

@ellelle7 aww thanku, yr closet is fantastic as well doll, hope yr weekend is great🌼🌻🌸
Feb 23Reply

@vivianhayes thanks & I hope ur weekend is great, as well!
Feb 23Reply

Hi Boo! Loveee all your items! I looking for a Pair of Nike Mens 10.5-11 is Good condition! I saw you had some sneakers listed. Just wondering if you have any laying about you may want to sell? Cheers babe xo
Mar 02Reply

@brookesble80 i sure dont, i will look around for u though, thanku for asking🌸🌻🌼
Mar 02Reply

@vivianhayes You're a Beautiful Soul in & out! Thank You
Mar 02Reply

@brookesble80 thanku so much, u made my day doll🌸🌻🌼
Mar 02Reply

Keep smiling ... it lights up your face !!!
Mar 03Reply

@cradleonline thanku so much, thats very nice of u🌸🌻🌼
Mar 03Reply

Im going to have to take the size 10 shoes off beacuse my sister is being so picky. Sorry aboutbthat. I really appreciate your time.
Mar 06Reply

HI and WELCOME to POSHMARK🌟 It's a great community of individuals. Getting started is easy with the Poshmark FAQs. Feel free to ask questions. I look forward to visiting your closet. HAPPY POSHING😊🌸
Mar 10Reply

@winstonhernande thanku very much, please shop Find Yr Style anytime, feel free to make offers and ask any questions, ViV🌸🌻🌼
Mar 10Reply

You got a beautiful closet🙌🏼❣️😘😃
Mar 12Reply

@mlwerneck thanku so much, i appreciate that
Mar 13Reply

Please bundle your likes in my closet. 3 items and you get 25% off of your purchase. Thank you!
Mar 14Reply

Greetings!! Thank you for offer and purchase. 🙂 Your package will ship on tomorrow. 📦💨💨
Mar 16Reply

Thanks for the awesome offer! Do you have a pic of them from the side by chance? ⭐️🤩
Mar 18Reply

@beedirt Hi thanks for looking
Mar 25Reply

Celibirty, Princess, to Alaska, 👎 . . . Holland America to Venice, Grt decor. . . Will Hav to look aft I send this to U . . . Thanx Babe
Apr 06Reply

I’ll get bac to U on other ships, I’m havn a hard time gettn into my resv . . . Royal Caribbean has some fantastic ships, I believe it’s MSC, has some beautiful ships . . A lot depends on where U want to go & when, which depends on if ship is going there, for what time U want . . . We’re heading to Venice n Oct, 2018, Greek isles 2019 & 2020 is Antartica . . . I’ll get ships for U later . . . Hav a grt nite Babe
Apr 06Reply

@snazzzer thanku bunches🌸🌻🌼, u have a great nite too doll, thanks for the info
Apr 06Reply

Morning Babe . . . Venice Holland America-Ms Osterdam, Panama NCL -Norwegian Jade, Antartica - Celibirty Eclipse these are the cruise lines that we’ll b using n the future, Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Princess . . . Seem to b a younger cruise lines . . . Depending on what ur looking for . . . Cont . . .
Apr 06Reply

Ok, I’ve found that the ships that cater to the younger set, U get a lot of misbehaved kids, that just piss me off, no excuses for this, I was taken on 3 wk vacations to Miami, many, many years ago, but I was taught manners, that kids now, don’t Hav . . . Go to U Tube & ck out any ship of pics & entire ships . . . Good luck, hit me up for any future questions . . .
Apr 06Reply

@snazzzer aww yr so sweet, good morning to u too, i will for sure look in to these, never know we might take the same one some day, thanku so much for yr input, i will try to find u more shoes🌸🌻🌼
Apr 06Reply

Thanx Sweetie, it’s been Grt conversing w/U . . . Good luck Poshing . . . Ur the best, I went upstairs & started pairing off my shoes w/ cruise dresses, I used to b a Harley Diva of 51 yrs, just hung up my leathers, now my Harley went to my son, now I’m a Cruising Diva . . . What a job being a 👩🏻🎤 Diva . . .
Apr 06Reply

I’m sorry- as noted in the description, the Miss Me jeans in my closet are firm pricing :( I may be able to offer a further discount if they are bundled though! Thank you :)
Apr 22Reply

Thank you for ALL the shares and likes 😁 I love hearing people like my closet😊🤗
Apr 24Reply

@lilkim1982 ur very welcome😁🌸🌻
Apr 24Reply

Hey I noticed you “liked” a “Luxury” Watch ... I’m gonna leave this info here and let you see which price you’d rather pay.
If you don’t have a wish . com account already:
1) Go to Google . com / shopping
2) Search: ”Stainless Steel Quartz Analogue Wrist Watch wish . com”
3) Notice the price of any watch and shipping from wish . com
May 14Reply

Thank you for the share! 🌞
May 25Reply

Beautiful pics !
May 29Reply

Thanks for the follow! 🤩❤
Jun 01Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 12Reply

hey there thanks for saying hi, its nice to meet u, im vivian🌼🌻🌸 hope we can help each other out, its nice to have poshers that love poshing thats for sure, hope u have a blessed day💕 happy poshing!!
Jun 12Reply

Hey Vivian! Thanks for the like :) feel free to bundle items for a discount! If you purchase today I'll throw in a free pair of flip flops or accessory :) your choice❤️
Jun 21Reply

Hello there from Louisville!! 😃🖐🌹✌
Jun 24Reply

@fancy_momma0712 hey there, its nice to know kentucky is on here my friend, hope u have a great day🌸🌻🌼💕
Jun 24Reply

Love the Lion picture. 🤗
Jun 26Reply

@mansbart12 thanku doll🌼🌻🌸
Jun 26Reply

Thank you SO much for all of the shares! I really appreciate it! ✌❤😊
Jul 20Reply

@jamieann1984 same to u sweetie😘🌼💕
Jul 20Reply

Good morning! Welcome to me closet. Thanks for stopping by
Jul 26Reply

Hey! 😃 My name is Collin and I sell clothes on the account @closet213. 👕👖 I hope you find time to check my closet out. I’m new to Poshmark and would love to gain some friends on the app! ☺️ Feel free to share any listing or even make an offer. Any offer is always accepted! 😋
Jul 27Reply

Hello how are you, I was wondering if you may have any more masks for sale 🙏🏾
Jul 27Reply

@bridette813no sweetie i dont sorry
Jul 27Reply

Hi there, love your closet!
Aug 04Reply

@melllyy82 thanku very much🌸😘 happy poshing
Aug 04Reply

Hi! I will do $30 for the Coach Black Wedge Sandals. Please send me another offer. Thanks!
Aug 10Reply

Thank you for the like. I am currently running a sale: 20% off if you bundle two or more items.
Aug 20Reply

Hi thank you for following! If you’re interested in kate spade at discounted price please check me out! Make me offers if you love something :)
Sep 11Reply

Hi, thank you for your likes of my items. Would you like to bundle them up, so I can send a private offer with special discount accordingly? Please let me know. Thank you 😊
Sep 11Reply

Hello! Hope you're doing well! Love your closet! I was wondering if you'd be interested in a bundle trade? Please let me know, and please check out my closet! Thank you!🙂❤
Sep 16Reply

Hello Doll!!! Thank you so much for following my closet!!🤗❣Please don't forget to bundle your item's for the best deals... Also, in honor of Virgo Season( My B-day month🎁)I will be having a sell this week with an additional 20%!!!😝... P.s. These will be selected randomly, so don't forget to like your favorite items to catch the greatest deal of the month(PLS- " Private Likers Sale")!!!! Have a Fabulous Posh Weekend!!!!😉
Sep 16Reply

Hi! Thanks for the follow. If you see something you like send me an offer and I’m sure we can make a deal ✌🏻
Sep 18Reply

Feel free to check out my jerseys and shirts. I'm in the process of posting other jerseys so feel free to follow me too.
Sep 26Reply

Hello! Thanks for the follow. Feel free to send any offers or create a bundle so I can send you special pricing! Always willing to work on the price!
Sep 28Reply

@vivianhayes Hi Vivian, thank you for your purchase. I’m sorry for the delay in shipping, my out of town company left today! I will have your ring out in tomorrow’s mail! 😊
Sep 30Reply

@mneitch. its ok no worries, hey my closet is buy2get1free, happy poshing love💝💕🌼🌻🌸
Sep 30Reply

@vivianhayes Hello! Thank you for the great rating!! So happy you love it! 😊
Oct 04Reply

GM I saw you liked one of my listings fill free to make a reasonable offer. Melissa
Oct 06Reply

Thank you very much for your kind feedback🌸☺️🍇It was such a pleasure doing business with you😊🌺💐🦋
Oct 15Reply

Hello! 💛 Thank you for following/sharing my closet! I hope you enjoy Poshing as much as I do! It can be addicting as you’ve may noticed. Good luck on your sales! Have a good day! & Take Care! Xoxo ✨
Oct 18Reply

Thanks 🙏🏾 I’ll be back soon
Oct 25Reply

Thanks for following my closet! 🎃 All prices are negotiable and I add new listings daily : ) I also give 20% off bigger bundles and free gifts, so make sure to look around! 🎁
Oct 27Reply

Thanks for the follow 👌🏽.
Dec 11Reply

Thanks for all the shares! I truly appreciate it!
Dec 12Reply

Glad you have received your purchase :)
Happy Holidays to you as well! 🌲🙂
Dec 15Reply

Payment issue?
Dec 31Reply

find us on ebay Fashionfinder201417
Jan 07Reply

Hi. I am having a sale and the vs night gown is part of it. Amazing bundle deals. Please see my closet for details. Sale ending Thursday. Just didn't want you to miss out. Happy poshing.
Jan 09Reply

@vivianhayes hi see you liked my listing for the Bebe Hat. Brand new if interested feel free to offer. Thanks and have a great weekend! Geri
Jan 20Reply

@vivianhayes Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Happy Blessed New Years to you and yours😘
Jan 21Reply

Same to u sweetie💕💞
Jan 21Reply

Hi I got your bundle but it keeps coming up $46 with the $6+ shipping price. I’m really looking forward to purchasing it!
Jan 27Reply

Thanks for all the shares ! HAPPY POSHING 🌼🌼🌼
Jan 28Reply

Same to u sweetie 💕
Jan 28Reply

Thank You For Following My Poshmark Closet All Reasonable Offers Will Be Considered! 🛍
Jan 31Reply

Love love love that white lion!
Jan 31Reply

@redhousebuys. Thanku💕💕💕
Jan 31Reply

Hello! I accepted your offer but Poshmark is telling me that you need to update something and they have sent you a notification. It will not mark the items as sold until then. Thank you 😊
Feb 06Reply

Hi Vivian, thanks for your offer! Shipping your bag out today😊
Feb 11Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! My name is Kimberly! Just wanted to say hello and wish you the best of luck on here! I’ve had the most fun on this app and I know you will too! I see that you like some of the same designers as me, like Dereon!!! I’m here if you need anything! Don’t hesitate to ask! Happy Poshing!!!
Feb 14Reply

@juneebear hey there I've been here awhile now I love it, same goes to u I'm here if u need anything, Thanku for ur greeting doll
Feb 14Reply

Hi, we're having a Posh N Sip here in Kentucky, and would love it if you joined us! It's next Saturday, February 23rd, if you're interested I'll share the info to you!
Feb 16Reply

@samantham502 yes I will come
Feb 16Reply

@vivianhayes Awsome! I'll share the info!
Feb 16Reply

Hi Vivian! Thank you for the follow. We appreciate it. Check us out when you have time. 👩🏼💻Justin&Taylor
Feb 18Reply

LOVE LOVE LOVE the white lion! You GO GIRL!
Feb 19Reply

@redhousebuys Thanku💕💕
Feb 19Reply

Are you interested in the item from my closet
Feb 21Reply

Hey thanks for the follow :-) ! I’m trying to clear my closet if there’s anything your interested in let me know I’ll lower the price on any item !
Feb 27Reply

@vivianhayes Hi vivían I think it suits you to buy the 3 is $ 10 and the reduced shipping
Mar 01Reply

Hi!! I accepted your offer...but please contact PM regarding the transaction...thank you!
Mar 19Reply

Hello and thank you for the shares.
Mar 21Reply

Hi!!!!I saw you’re from Shelbyville!! I used to frequent the big Flea Market there-I lived in Sou In over 40 years! Anyway, thanks for following me💗Happy Poshing and selling😁
Mar 26Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions feel free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Mar 29Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing.Have a great day.
Apr 06Reply

Hi! Thank you for your purchase! I will get those out to you tomorrow!! Happy Easter!
Apr 21Reply

@lldporto OK thanku
Apr 22Reply

Thanks so much for the 5 star rating!!
May 22Reply

Thank you for the follow, likewise is done! Happy Poshing!
May 31Reply

@crazycatlady682 let's see, try making sure that at the top of the page where it says closet and boutique that u select closet, second check yr settings I will try to find out more options for u too
Jun 04Reply

Oh and at the top where it says All use that one instead of the closet one
Jun 04Reply

@crazycatlady682 sorry at the top use the All instead of closet
Jun 04Reply

Hi there! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Jun 09Reply

Yr very welcome thanks to u too🌸
Jun 09Reply

Thank you for the follow!! 🖤
Jun 14Reply

thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 same day shipping! ✨
Jun 21Reply

Hello! Thank you for the follow. All of my baby clothing is BOGO free with a 10% discount on top of sale if you are interested. Other Items have a bundle discount of 2/20%
Jun 25Reply

Love your style!
Jul 05Reply

@veutz Thanku so much💕
Jul 05Reply

@marie777333 they sold awhile back, I don't have anymore sorry💕🌼
Jul 05Reply

Thank you for all the shares, I really appreciate it!
Jul 23Reply

@prettyaftr50 same to u sweetie 💕
Jul 23Reply

Plzz check out my stuff as well
Jul 25Reply

Hello! I’m currently running a promotion on selected items. Buy 5 items for $17 including the VICTORIA’S SECRET Bangle. Please bundle 😀😊
Aug 04Reply

Hey. Thank you for the follow! If you are interested in any items in my closet, add them to your bundle and I will send you a deal, or feel free to send me an offer! Happy Poshing!!😄
Aug 23Reply

Hi! thanks for following😊
Sep 11Reply

Hi, welcome to my closet! I bring the best fitness and outfit clothes made in Brazil🇧🇷🍑.Sizes small to plus sizes. Check my wardrobe I will give you great discounts. Thanks
Oct 06Reply

@vivianhayes Hi Vivian, when you get the chance come take a look at my closet I have women, men and children items in all sizes. I have new sales every week on top of my closet as well as new items. This week sale: bundle any items take an additional 50% off your total order. excluding anything marked with a 🍁.if you have items I will share some posh love❤. if you have any questions please ask. I am always here to help. 🤗 Thanks in advance for looking in my closet. 💕
Dec 13Reply

Hi there, thank you for your likes. Any interest to make offer? Big discount on bundle sale. I’m cleaning my closet 😀
Feb 18Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠
Apr 25Reply

Hope you’re finding some amazing deals on Poshmark! 🤗
(My entire closet is BOGO FREE!)
May 16Reply

if you see anything please make me an offer
Jun 22Reply

Hello....Godspeed to you and happy poshing ....
Aug 29Reply

Let me know if there’s anything in my closet you’d like have a great day!
Sep 03Reply

Good morning. I just wanted to let you know that the Kate Spade bag I'm selling is also available on my FB store but with FREE USPS SHIPPING until June 4. Please feel free to take a look.
May 30Reply

Hi !
Great seeing you on Poshmark ❤️
Quick question ~ with Spring and Summer coming what would you like to see me carry more of in my closet?
Happy Spring ☀️🌺
Mar 10Reply

@vivianhayes Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 25Reply
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