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Updated Aug 30
Updated Aug 30

Meet the Swimwear Designer, Mel 🌈🌴🧜🏼‍♀️

Meet the Posher



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Aloha🌺 I’m Mel, owner and designer of Hanakini Swim🧜🏼‍♀️ FIDM Alumni Expat once living in Italy World traveler based in Maui, HI🌴 With the love for bikinis on my Poshmark journey I founded the label Hanakini Swimwear in 2018. My designs can be found online or here in my closet along with my wardrobe pieces ✨ For updates visit me on Instagram @melaniegluck @hanakiniswim @poshingessentials Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Ships to: United States

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smadams @melaniegluck Welcome to Posh!! Looks like you have a fantastic start to your closet! Sending some shares and hoping you have lots of luck with sales! Have a great weekend 😄
Jul 01Reply
melaniegluck @smadams I can't believe I didn't know of the community sooner, many thanks 😍
Jul 01Reply
smadams @melaniegluck I know right?! It's amazing (and somewhat addictive!). I hope you have fun with it. If you ever have questions, feel free to shoot me a message on my "meet the seller page" or any of my listings really. Good luck!
Jul 01Reply
anthrogurl Welcome to posh!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉Cute closet will love poshing!!!! 😊I ❤Anthro!!!
Jul 02Reply
melaniegluck @anthrogurl it's amazing already, I can't believe I didn't discover e community earlier, many thanks 😍
Jul 02Reply
anthrogurl @melaniegluck exactly how I felt last year! I used to just hand off all my clothes to great to share with others with similiar styles. And even better finding ISO (in search of) items. Let me know if you have any questions. 😊
Jul 02Reply
stephxred Hi Melanie! Nice to meet you! You have a lovely closet! :)
Jul 02Reply
cupcakeninja13 Welcome to Posh! 🦄💜💕
Jul 03Reply
melaniegluck @stephxred thanks! Looking forward to being apart of this awesome community 😍
Jul 03Reply
melaniegluck @cupcakeninja13 hanks so much, loving it already!
Jul 03Reply
msmith317 Welcome to PM. Great closet!
Jul 15Reply
melaniegluck @msmith317 thanks so much! :)
Jul 15Reply
greenthreads Love your clothes!!! Thanks for all the shares! <3!!!!
Sep 02Reply
greenthreads Ahh! Just realized you're in Makawao! I'm 5 mins away at giggle hill! Small world! Love your clothes!
Sep 02Reply
melaniegluck @greenthreads haha thanks so much! So crazy, I live literally in makwao town! If you ever find something you like in my closet I'm sure we can arrange to bypass shipping if you wanted!
Sep 02Reply
greenthreads Awesome @melaniegluck ! Ty! I'm open to trades and try-ons if there's anything you see of mine that you like lmk. Aloha!
Sep 02Reply
fashionablyff @melaniegluck Thanks for following! Btw, your closet is great. Feel free to stop by my closet anytime, I'm always updating with great items at great prices!! Happy Poshing. 🌸😊🎀
Oct 10Reply
doc_5150 Hello beautiful...
Apr 11Reply
petiteposh3 Hi Melanie I am attempting to contact you regarding the Oneill denim shorts I purchased from you that are a size 3 that I attempted to return thru Posh but they said that 72 hours had elapsed since I filed my claim ... the shorts are listed as a size 3 which would b a 13" waist across or a size 26 but are clearly not ! When measured across they are 15" !! & much tooo big for me!! Am kindly asking - if I pay for the shopping back to you Wupls refund my $??? Wupls lmk thk u
Sep 20Reply
melaniegluck @ptistherapy Aloha, yes it is very time sensitive with poshmark. I can refund you the $7 you paid for the shorts if you want to send back- but because you paid shipping to poshmark I cannot refund that portion.
Sep 20Reply
petiteposh3 @melaniegluck hi Melanie aww thk u so very much for responding & accepting to refund my $7 ... I understand it won't b for the shipping !! I very much appreciate your kindness & doing this for me!! I will pack up the shorts today & mail out & provide you w the usps tracking info ... then Wupls jus lmk when u receive it & are able to refund me ... thank you so very much again!!💕
Sep 20Reply
petiteposh3 Hi - jus mailed out the shorts back to you ... USPS - 9500 1104 3301 7263 2256 04... thx so much again for accepting the return🙏🏼
Sep 21Reply
melaniegluck @ptistherapy Okay great, do you have v-mo?
Sep 21Reply
petiteposh3 @melaniegluck hi - sorry idk what v-mo is??
Sep 21Reply
melaniegluck @ptistherapy v e n m o - it won't let me spell out lol its an app for sending money, if not I can send a check
Sep 21Reply
melaniegluck @ptistherapy Aloha- I got the shorts, would you like me to send through v e n m o or check?
Sep 24Reply
petiteposh3 @melaniegluck hi Melanie sorry Idk what v- mo is ? So Wupls send me a check? Sorry I should've enclosed a self addressed stamped envelope for u! Would u like me to send u one? Pls lmk. Thk u💕
Sep 24Reply
melaniegluck @ptistherapy no worries I sent out today :)
Sep 25Reply
petiteposh3 @melaniegluck Thk u again very much 💕🙏🏼
Sep 26Reply
ohailsyeah Hi Melanie! I just received the black macrame Hanakini onepiece I ordered, but unfortunately it's way too big on me. I noticed you also have the same suit in a S listed, and I was wondering if I'd be able to ship the M back to you and exchange it for the S. This is my first ever Poshmark purchase so I'm not sure if there's an easy way to do this. Thanks so much!
Jan 21Reply
melaniegluck @ohailsyeah oh shoots! Try to request a refund through the poshmark order, I will also submit I’m open to the exchange. (This is so you don’t have to pay shipping) however if they don’t approve refund request then I will happily do the exchange for you. :)
Jan 22Reply
ohailsyeah @melaniegluck you're awesome! I don't mind paying the return shipping, and I don't want it to count against you or your Poshmark account, so I accepted the original order, but am shipping the suit back to you today, USPS tracking # 9405 5118 9922 3412 4397 44. Once it arrives/you have tracking confirmation, would you be able to send the other one (S) out? Thanks for your help!
Jan 22Reply
melaniegluck @ohailsyeah okay thank you! I’ll keep my out! As soon as the medium gets here I’ll swap sizes! Be in touch!
Jan 23Reply
melaniegluck @ohailsyeah aloha! I have your package, I will process the swap today and send over tracking shortly! :)
Jan 26Reply
ohailsyeah @melaniegluck you're amazing! Thanks so much for all of your help and making this such a great experience.
Jan 26Reply
melaniegluck @ohailsyeah hi I’m so sorry! I went to ship today and realized there was a business P.O. box as the address, is that where you would like sent? If another address please provide :)
Jan 27Reply
ohailsyeah @melaniegluck ah! Thanks so much for asking- I printed the shipping label using my business account, so that address is totally fine! Or the original shipping address from my first order works great too. Either way is great! Thank you
Jan 28Reply
ohailsyeah Hi Melanie! I just wanted to follow up and see if there's anything else you need from me. Thanks for your help!
Jan 29Reply
melaniegluck @ohailsyeah no worries! Il shipping to your original address, I will have tracking # shortly! Sorry for delays, I live in Hawaii so I’m some hours behind with mail service! 😘
Jan 29Reply
melaniegluck @ohailsyeah Hi hun! they said it will be there by friday tracking # USPS 9500 1103 6996 8029 1724 64
Jan 30Reply
ohailsyeah That's perfect! Thank you so much for all of your help xo
Jan 30Reply
jsnuggs16 Hi, I just wanted you to know that your closet is AWESOME and you look like such a sweet, fun loving person💖💖So nice to meet you..I'm Julie btw, LOL...
Mar 13Reply
melaniegluck @jsnuggs16 aww thank you so much! Happy posting beauty!
Mar 13Reply
silvi711 Greetings thank you for sharing my listing, I really appreciate it. You’re welcome to stop by anytime, I add things daily. I will share yours as well thank you and happy poshing :-)
May 12Reply
bruceysprucey Thanks for the follow! 🤩❤
Jun 05Reply
melaniegluck @bruceysprucey 🌺🙌🏼💋
Jun 05Reply
fanestqo7g7 Hi beautiful
Jun 08Reply
closetbyq @melaniegluck Hi, Melanie. Awesome curated closet 😍 So glad to connect 🎉🛍️🎉 Happy Poshing!
Jul 02Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Melanie, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jul 08Reply
denadenn Hi Melanie can’t wait to check out your closet as I invite you to check out mine!
Jul 25Reply
julngu4 @melaniegluck Thanks for the follow, Melanie! Love love love your closet! 💕 Makes me wish I lived somewhere warm year round! Have an awesome day! 😊
Aug 02Reply
janfast Hi Melanie! Thanks for following my closet! 💕😊
Aug 14Reply
ddmouton I really enjoyed shopping and sharing your closet this morning. Please visit my closet I really try to find items that spark joy. Happy poshing
Aug 14Reply
Aug 26Reply
melaniegluck @louisvgirly0608 ✨😘💕🤙🏼🧜🏼‍♀️
Aug 26Reply
prof I like your closet
Sep 16Reply
sboothy Thanks for sharing! Love your closet! 💕
Sep 18Reply
quality1only Happy poshing! Have a Blessed day!
Oct 04Reply
karicansell Hi 👋🏼 Thank you for following my closet ⭐️💫😉 Have a wonderful day 😁💕
Oct 12Reply
melaniegluck @karicansell 💋💋💕💕
Oct 13Reply
kfab333 @melaniegluck Hello there 💕😊thank you for stopping by - if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Oct 29Reply
haleyscomet1 Thank you for your Purchase Melanie. I will get this packed up and shipped out. Please check back within the app for shipping status and you have a great year. Peace, love and happiness to you and yours.
Oct 30Reply
melaniegluck @haleyscomet1 🙏🏼🙏🏼💕💕✨✨
Oct 30Reply
mrsdee8876 How wonderful honey. Best wishes in your endeavor.
Oct 31Reply
chuck_peterson Nice to meet u !!! Nice pics ....
Oct 31Reply
nina_131 Thanks for sharing.You are so🔥🔥🔥🔥
Nov 11Reply
designerchic03 Thank you for checking out my closet I appreciate it very much :)  Please let me know if there is anything you are interested  always up for offers! Looking forward to taking a look at your closet as well
Nov 13Reply
ragin500 Beautiful pictures and great closet! You actually live in Maui? I’m so jealous as I’m looking outside at our first NJ snowfall ❄️ ⛄️ Thanks for all of the shares❤️
Nov 17Reply
melaniegluck @ragin500 aw thanks sweetie! I really really do🧜🏼‍♀️🌺 I’m Actually headed to Colorado next week and am excited for a little snow- I miss wearing coats and boots! Haha happy pushing babe 🌈✨
Nov 17Reply
gertietalbert Congrats on launching your own collection, that’s amazing!!! I too love the ocean 🧜‍♀️ but I am currently living in the desert of Idaho. Booo!!! Love your closet, nice to meet you 🤙🏻
Nov 20Reply
melaniegluck @gertietalbert hi sweetie thanks so much! It’s been an amazing and rewarding journey! 💕💕 happy poshing and thanks for stopping by!
Nov 20Reply
babydoll1652 Love your style! See you’ve made your own label! I live to see women succeed! Also looking at your offer ... I live in Florida night just get it. Don’t know if it fits ? I wear size 23 jeans 34d in Vickie’s ?? Don’t know sizing other than Vickie’s can you advise? Sounds bigger but typically xs shirt so the one you let me know about is medium fits like small . I like small though in swimwear bottoms bikini usually ! Thanks for any insight and wishing you much success!
Nov 30Reply
melaniegluck @babydoll1652 awww thanks! I know, can’t wait for the new product line to get here! Which suit is it that your looking at? I’d be happy to advise :)
Nov 30Reply
monicav114 Welcome to poshmark hope you having fun buying and selling...I have to tell you that you are sooooo beautiful....and nice closet...when you get a minute some check out my closet....❤❤
Dec 06Reply
trahman7 You are adorable! Good luck on here
Dec 23Reply
simpsdan Thanks for the likes and checking out my closet ⛄️⛄️
Jan 09Reply
gullprint Hi, Mel! Adorable!!!
Jan 26Reply
melaniegluck @becomewinners thanks so much xoxo
Jan 26Reply
melaniegluck @gullprint thanks so much :) with love from maui!
Jan 26Reply
gabrielliams I love your bikinis!! Such great style! I lived in bikinis pre-children. 😊 definitely will be sharing your brand! Best of luck selling!
Jan 26Reply
melaniegluck @gabrielliams aww yay thanks so much! Xoxo 🧜🏼‍♀️💕
Jan 26Reply
gabrielliams @melaniegluck you shared my whole closet! Girl, You are the bomb! Thank you!!
Jan 26Reply
trendsetterdiva finally got my business registered & got myself a tax id wanted to chat a bit about how to about getting the website up can I give you a ring this week?
Jan 27Reply
melaniegluck @trendsetterdiva yes babe!!! And would love to catch up with you! 😻 if I have time tomorrow I will call otherwise for sure Tuesday morning HST! 💋
Jan 27Reply
trendsetterdiva @melaniegluck Suounds great. Thanks love. Looking forward to chatting & catching up. Xoxo
Jan 27Reply
melaniegluck @pgeffen52 and for me it’s not too late, I’m on Hawaiian time :)
Feb 04Reply
cathyfrangos I wanted to say hello and thank you for sharing one of my pieces. I shared with you a vintage Hawaiian pop that I thought you might appreciate. Alfred Sheehan was a vintage Hawaiian designer who introduced the Hawaiian shirt to the mass Market. If you have any interest in it I'm currently running a 50% off on my entire closet through Saturday. And with this shirt if you would like it you can make me an offer of any type and I would accept it because I know it's going to a Hawaiian girl!
Feb 20Reply
beeluna228 Love youuuuu & HanaKini is amazing
Feb 27Reply
melaniegluck @beeluna228 💋💋💋✨✨✨🧜🏼‍♀️🧜🏼‍♀️🧜🏼‍♀️
Feb 27Reply
juststopandshop @melaniegluck Oh my gosh, thank you sooooo much for sharing my closet 🥰 💕 You’re the best!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ sending lots of posh love your way! 🥂
Mar 02Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😚😙💕💖💔💔💕❣💟💝💜💕💞💖💕💔💖💝💔💔💕💕
Mar 04Reply
firstscale @melaniegluck Hello! Welcome to Poshmark. I appreciate the fact that you shared some of my items. Feel free to browse my closet.
Apr 10Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Apr 11Reply
heidisue608 ♥️Following 💋
Apr 12Reply
lemonandco Love your closet 🌺
Apr 18Reply
j_wright529 @melaniegluck So pretty!..I want to live there!!☀️🌴🌊 😩😭
Apr 26Reply
melaniegluck @j_wright529 🧜🏼‍♀️🧜🏼‍♀️🌈🌈🥥🥥
Apr 26Reply
j_wright529 @melaniegluck You & your girls are so cute too!☺️
Apr 26Reply
cdub1979 Absolutely love your style and your closet Mel! Hope you have a great week!! :) :)
Apr 29Reply
styleguru03 Thanks for following 😊 To show my appreciation please enjoy 20% your entire purchase from my closet for the next 24hrs. Just add item/items to bundle and comment “new follower.” I will then send you offer with discount. Happy Poshing!! P.S. GREAT closet!!!
May 08Reply
wearenabledart Hey Melanie! You are amazing!!! We love your closet soooo much! Oh my goodness! It's so beautiful! I'm amazed at all of your gorgeous designs and photography, too, and just how everything is done. You do an amazing job with all of this. Keep it up!!! Thank you for your shares, too. haha. We just love to share your closet at the top of our list as it just looks so nice! haha! Bless you! 😊🌸
May 22Reply
melaniegluck @wearenabledart Mahalo ladies!! Love your posh too, I always see you in my feed and try to share back when possible (although I don’t get to as much as I’d like) Thank you so much for the support will keep on it babes 💓💓⚡️⚡️
May 22Reply
wearenabledart @melaniegluck Hey!!! You are so sweet! Thank you so much! That means so much to us!!! Ya, we just love your designs and brand so much. It's so inspiring. Keep doing what you do. It's making the world a better place! Ya, we love sharing your photos!!! haha I hope lots of people can get your clothes. And truly haha! no worries/ no need to share our stuff. Honest! haha. There is so much going on. You should just enjoy and keep rocking, doing what you need to do : D
May 22Reply
wearenabledart 😊🌸 Ya, we just want people to hear about ya!!! You are so talented! Thank you for your kind words. Bless you! Keep rockin' on friend 👏😘🙏🏼
May 22Reply
w3r3allbrok3n Hey Great Connecting With You!! Your Closet Is Awesome!! Wishing you many sales, Enjoy your weekend!!
May 25Reply
alexa_jorgenson Hi, thank you for the share! I would like to inform you that this weekend only, I am having 15% off of all denim in my closet! All you have to do offer 15% off of my listing price, and I will accept! Head over to my closet for some great deals!
Jul 15Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 15Reply
creeksidesales Nice closet 🦋🦋 Good luck with you sales🛍🛍
Jul 15Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @melaniegluck hi there - 👋 Happy Sunday- Today is the LAST DAY of our VIP PROMO! Today ONLY! - Buy 3 Get One Free!! 🥰
Aug 11Reply
kfab333 @melaniegluck Hello!🥰 We are so happy you popped in! Please Bundle Your Likes for One Time Shipping- and Gift W/Purchase 💕💕💕 We want your Boutique to be Successful! Let us Help!
Sep 06Reply
bobbett328 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thanks so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Nov 06Reply
bamfshades whatup posh fam!
Nov 09Reply
coffeyplace Love your story and your passion!
Nov 15Reply
melaniegluck @coffeyplace thank you! 😍😭🙏🏼💖
Nov 15Reply
brilldelights @melaniegluck 💖💜💖HEY GIRL!!💖💜💖 I’m a designer too! I used to have a swim line however....that was years ago! I have my own line launching next month 🌻 BOHEMIANARMENIAN 🌻 it’s so awesome to see another designer doing her thing on here!! I will DEFINITELY save your page and gladly direct peeps your way!! ❤️😍❤️MIKA LEIGH❤️😍❤️
Nov 23Reply
desylulu99 Hello, thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing :)
Nov 25Reply
dxbmia Hello my dear and thank you for following me, this is Sam from WPB, Fl. I am a bargain hunter, would love to check out you closet if you come cross brands as Robert Graham, Louis Vuitton, Armani, Gucci, and Versace. Have an awesome day...
Dec 06Reply
mslupev Best of luck!✨Congrats on your achievements 💫
Dec 16Reply
melaniegluck @mslupev mahalo 🙏🏼💖🌺
Dec 18Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, And congratulations many sales, Have a blessed night!
Jan 20Reply
kmk_ambassador Thank you for visiting my closet! Please feel free to ask any questions about an item. I always encourage shoppers to research prices. And a free gift comes with each purchase! Happy poshing! peace and love! ❤
Jan 20Reply
thesunnyone Awesome! Going to check out your designs!!💜🌈
Jan 25Reply
kdalby76 @melaniegluck your closet is AMAZING... I'm 43 so it's a little ( well....a lot) too young for me, but perfect for my daughter ( she's almost 18). Your bathing suits are beautiful and I LOVE how you have all different body types represented!!! One of the best closets I've seen thus far!!!!
Jan 27Reply
dbarnett1977 Highly impressive mam
Jan 31Reply
tj85 @melaniegluck love your closet😍 Looking forward to adding to my swim suit collection💖 Nice meeting you and happy Poshing💎
Feb 03Reply
ronr2g Aloha Mel! Thanks for the follow 😊 You have a beautiful closet! Happy poshing ❤️
Feb 13Reply
melaniegluck @tj85 thank you! Everyone love a good bikini 🦋🌈😍
Feb 13Reply
melaniegluck @kdalby76 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💖💖💖 thank you! I put a lot of love into designing and creating! Many thanks, happy poshing!
Feb 13Reply
melaniegluck @thesunnyone 💖💖🙏🏼🙏🏼🌈🌈
Feb 13Reply
chellier Mel!!!!! Thanks for following! Love your stuff!
Apr 01Reply
oakandfern I love the black and white swim suite in the bottom picture. What brand is that?
Apr 21Reply
melaniegluck @oakandfern aloha babe, that’s Hanakini Pebbles print- designer right here on Maui by me 😌 I’ll tag you in the print!
Apr 21Reply
_aposhmark hey hun I read u re profile and I saw u re insta. u are gerogus. check my closet I have some good stuff I bought in Italy. AUTHENTIC 100%
Jun 26Reply
ssparber Congratulations on your business! Great style!
Jul 01Reply
melaniegluck @ssparber 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💙💙💙
Jul 03Reply
hugsandprayer Great closet. Happy Sunday. I will be moving soon so if you are interested in anything in my closet just bundle up for a great deal. Thank you sooo much.
Jul 20Reply
amaliasfinds I had actually already posted a longer love note but I’m not sure what happened to it.
Jul 26Reply
pochyfancy You look interesting!
Jul 30Reply
stevenb712 Woww. Godspeed ....
Jul 31Reply
brandisstyle7 Good evening, thanks for following, feel free to check out my closet I accept all reasonable offers. Bundle and save + fast shipping, all long sleeve tops are 3 for $20. I ship the same day or the next day. I hope you’re having a great week and staying safe
Aug 05Reply
uppereastsideem Check out my closet and like/bundle any items you’re interested in. All bundles of 3 or more items get an automatic 15% discount. I’m open to offers. Happy Poshing and have a safe and wonderful day!
Aug 06Reply
jvb124 you are beautiful ❤
Aug 11Reply
cntrygrlheart Hello Mel ~ 🌈thank you for the following - Wow Congrats to you~ your closet is amazing ! I followed you right back and will share love the suits🌴💥🌈Eliza
Aug 15Reply
melaniegluck @cntrygrlheart Thank you so much! with love from Maui <3
Aug 16Reply
nialove111 🥳🖖🏽👑💎
Aug 17Reply
closet4crystals ✨ i appreciate you ✨ ✨ 1st time purchasing from my closet?? ✨ ✨ kindly bundle up 2 or more items and receive LOVING discounts not available to the public ✨ ✨ i sell new dainty gold & silver jewelry, as well as preloved items to give them a second chance ✨ ✨ poshers supporting poshers!! ✨
Aug 19Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 19Reply
karlensclassics @melaniegluck Hi Mel, Congratulations on your Love or List Challenge win. Happy Shopping 🛍
Aug 19Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Aug 19Reply
shopalycia the cutest closet i've seen!! love all the pieces babe!! 🤍
Aug 19Reply
sandycupcake P😍sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Love it or List it” Win! Enjoy guilt free shopping Sandy
Aug 19Reply
melaniegluck @shopalycia thank you! 😍🙏🏼💙
Aug 20Reply
melaniegluck @sandycupcake 🙏🏼🙏🏼😍😍💙💙
Aug 20Reply
clayboy70 @melaniegluck You are very stunning!Love the closet...
Aug 24Reply
cheryljackso209 Hey there! Thank you so much for the shares! You rock! Stay safe and well!
Aug 26Reply
21stcbotticelli Hi there!🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ I wanted to thank you for following me, as I’ve followed you back. I also wanted to let you know that I think your closet is FIRE! 🔥🔥🔥 So glad you found me! ☺️💫❤️ I hope you’re staying safe and wishing you many Posh sales! 🛍🙌🏻👛🧿
Sep 01Reply
melaniegluck @marta_basile thank you so much! 🙏🏼💙⚡️
Sep 01Reply
factoryconnect Hi Posher! For discount prices and special offers on my Ray Ban Sunglasses, like the item listing. I will send you an exclusive offer only available by liking the listing. FOLLOWING LIKING = SAVING!!!
Sep 05Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I am looking to reduce my closet so I will be accepting most (basically all) offers! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything you like! Thank you so much & have a great day!
Sep 16Reply
leonardreel Awesome
Sep 17Reply
tuyetvan_1993 Hello and nice to meet you! Please look for the 🌸 sign for sales! Please feel free to check out my closet for the bundle discount! :) Happy Poshing!
Sep 27Reply
fashionpix Thanks for the follow from a fellow swim designer.
Oct 05Reply
fifthandhomeco Hi Melanie! 😁 So good to connect with you on Posh! Also happy the pants made it to you so quickly 😃 You have an awesome closet and great style! I’m bookmarking your closet in my likes lol 😍 Thank you again! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 20Reply
melaniegluck @shareceoneal thank youuu! 😊🙏🏼 I’m so in love with them! 💜
Oct 20Reply
steve4art Hi Mel, thank you for the follow. In this time of Covid I wish you and yours a peaceful and positive Christmas. Be well, and be safe. I followed back.
Dec 14Reply
michaeldilla592 Hey how are you doing beautiful no disrespect you are a very beautiful woman and I ask dat lord continue to bless you 😘
Dec 15Reply
gsap Left you a message regarding the mens suede shoes from Barneys asking if there are any scuffs or rips on the suede like toe area or heels? Thanks!
Jan 04Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!!
Jan 18Reply
lindabak My boots are available I sold one pair and have a pair available
Apr 05Reply
siejmo7734 Hi! Just wanted to know when you might be shipping the coconut by Matisse flamingo wedge sandal?
Apr 23Reply
melaniegluck @siejmo7734 aloha, shipped yesterday! :)
Apr 23Reply
melaniegluck @amyb72 Aloha! So glad you love it! If you type in ci sono rain jacket in Google there’s more listings on Poshmark depending on Size another seller may have 😌💖
Jul 10Reply
oac998 hey thanks for the follow! fyi i am taking down my listings soon. so if you wanna check out my closet and see anything you like feel free to make an offer (price are definitely not set in stone)! i ship fast and have five star ratings!!
Jul 21Reply
thesunnyone Awesome kinis sharing!!!
Jul 25Reply
danettekabe 🌺🌺🌺HAPPY🌺🌺POSHING🌺🌺CONTINUE🌺🌺 WITH🌺🌺 MUCH 🌺🌺SUCCESS🌺🌺 Much Aloha, 🌺
Sep 03Reply
contig Thanks for your interest feel free to make an offer 😊I always accept or counteroffer - check out the rest of my closet to see if you are interested in any of my listings that are free with purchase 💌let me know if you have any questions
Sep 20Reply
jasonfullercrm Hey great closet!!🚾😊
Nov 06Reply
janaemoskwa Hi hun! Just Scrolled onto your Poshmark closet and looove the way you put in time and energy into your post and pics. Very inspiring. When scrolling I saw your on Maui…. Yaaay!!!
Jan 02Reply
melaniegluck @janaemoskwa mahalo! 🥺🙏🏼🏄🏻‍♀️💖
Jan 03Reply
sbmpaia Hi melanie, thanks for sharing my listing with @lovvveee_nicole. She purchased the white Tee, many Mahalo's. I was scrolling down your page trying to thank you and might have accidently hit some weird button and "reported" one of your previous conversation on this page here. Sorry, didn't mean to do that... Anyway, thanks again for the share! Aloha!
Jan 11Reply
melaniegluck @sbmpaia yay! Always spread the aloha, also using my roxy tote currently and it’s my FAVE! 🙏🏼🐝🏄🏻‍♀️💖🌺
Jan 12Reply
rjs34ttl3 Beautiful closet! 💫
Mar 25Reply
bzash Hey thanks for the follow @melaniegluck 👀😏🔥
Aug 18Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Aug 25Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate you follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same Happy Poshing
Aug 30Reply
alllblack 😎🙌🏼🙏🏄‍♀️🌊
Sep 01Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹 I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means I’ll accept anything since I need everything gone as long as it’s not to low
Sep 12Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi and check out my “End of Summer” SALE...I'm offering a 💥Buy One/Get One for $5 💥on EVERYTHING in my closet through the end of the month! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa
Sep 17Reply
waikikirod Beautiful
Oct 03Reply
angelamurphy124 I was just requesting a return and no response
Oct 20Reply
angelamurphy124 I am just trying to get a hold of a real person who can take the return policy to get a generic message Please proceed with the return policy on first time purchase and was given the wrong information this item was smelled so much like mildew .
Oct 21Reply
mendoza1973 💋💋💋🥰🥰🥰💋💋
Nov 16Reply
coltbowman235 You are so beautiful 😍 That smile and those butt cheeks are perfect 🤩 Thank you!
Nov 27Reply
cutehosiery @melaniegluck Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 02Reply
oslandscape7 @melaniegluck ❤️❤️💞
Dec 24Reply
shopmaistyle_ Hi Mel! Fellow FIDM alumn 😍✨ I’m Tauj - Hope you are well in Hawaii Sending much success your way. I plan to visit the island first quarter of the new year! ♥️
Dec 26Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jan 23Reply
johndiaz282 Thanks for the follow, you are absolutely beautiful
Feb 04Reply
chaddkk Hi Mel, Thanks for following ❤️. Awesome pictures 😍
Feb 19Reply
tcofoc I love your style! I love your love and zest for life! Your spirit is contagious!
Mar 24Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂 Best of luck with sales ✨️ Nice to meet you.
Mar 24Reply
cjmfebruary Hello and welcome!
Apr 19Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 05Reply
oldesires Hello 👋 THANK YOU for your interest, (like, share or follow). Please feel free to visit and browse, ask questions or make an offer. May your Posh adventure be fun and successful. 🌟
Nov 20Reply
sukimattubrown Gorgeous closet! I will definitely share your items🌸💕🛍️
Jan 16Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice closet :) I’m having a Moving Sale and just added new items. I hope you’ll check my closet out too.
Apr 24Reply
miguel_fym Hello👋🏽Thank you for the follow and Happy Poshing!
Jun 15Reply
jennyjayfl Hi there our measurements are very similar I think curious what size you typically wear in hanakiko both 2 piece and one pieces ? 34c chest /27 waist and 36” hips with a rather well rounded backside lol . Been looking at size medium or large ?
Aug 14Reply
leatherjacket3 Are you interested buying a leather jacket?
Aug 24Reply

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Haiku, HI
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Haiku, HI
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