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Updated Feb 18
Updated Feb 18

Meet yOuR POSHER!😊⭐️🛍

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Christine. Some of my favorite brands are..Anything Anthropologie, Tory Burch, Free People, Furla...YoU Name iT! My listings will not have holes, rips/stains, unless I mention & show to you. Honesty is so important to me. Columbia College Chicago Alum ‘04. Bundle & SAVE🤑I look forward to shopping with you! Meet my amazing sister@aparker1121😊Great closet! Diagnosed MS ‘07🙏❤️ I am a Pilates Trainer Ig::Christinelparker
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fabthreads 🍷Welcome to Poshmark🍷 A GREAT place to buy, and sell your new/barely used clothing. If you have any questions feel free to ask me anytime. 💋Suggested User/Top Seller/Fast Shipper/2X-Party Co-Host💋
Jul 16Reply
mistle Welcome to Posh! I hope you'll have an awesome time here 🎉🎉 and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Just put @ in front of the person's closet name to ensure they get your message... I'm a Suggested User and I'd be happy to help if I can. 💕💕 Have fun! 👍
Jul 25Reply
christinelp13 @mistle thank you so much. I've purchased something but haven't posted anything in my closet yet. I just wanna do it right :). Thank you again. Take care.
Jul 25Reply
ally_marc Hi welcome to Poshmark. Please visit my closet for new Markdowns and additional off 😊
Jul 27Reply
mshaito Welcome to Posh Christine 😊😊 check out my closet when you get a chance ❤❤
Jul 29Reply
chrissyw81 Hello!!! Welcome to Poshmark!!! I am a top 10% seller and poshmark mentor. I've been a poshmark member since 2013. Please feel free to reach out with ANY questions. Best of luck to you!!!!
Jul 29Reply
reereescloset Welcome to Poshmark
Jul 30Reply
tnelson1970 Just wanted to say welcome to Poshmark take a look at my closet and if you like anything feel free to make an offer have a great day and good luck
Jul 30Reply
stefaniebess Hey im having a free shipping weekend sale on bundles $40 or more so please feel free to check out my closet have a great weekend
Jul 30Reply
blueb1rds Welcome to Posh! Thanks for checking out my closet. If you aren't ready to buy you may bundle or like anything you might want so I can let you know about any specials I may have. You have a great start to your closet. I will share your items to my followers to give them more exposure. Sharing and following are key to success. Have fun sharing, shopping, listing and selling with this great community of people.
Aug 05Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds ok, cool. Thanks so much! It's becoming addicting to me. Lol Are you going to Chicago for PoshFest?
Aug 05Reply
blueb1rds @mmchappyhearts I would if I lived closer. Looks like it is happening close to you. You will learn so much if you go. Have fun.
Aug 05Reply
blueb1rds Or it looks close to where you went to school. You must be in Florida now. I have never been there
Aug 05Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds In Florida, yep! What state are you in?
Aug 05Reply
blueb1rds @mmchappyhearts Montana, and my bluebird flock is all over my yard. They are so fun and playful.
Aug 05Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds how did you get so many followers? Is it all just sharing and liking? I just see so many women with thousands of followers and feel like I won't ever get there.
Aug 06Reply
blueb1rds I am glad you asked because 2 weeks ago I found a " follow game" that totally changed my followers numbers. Up until then I knew how to increase my sharing... I am still new with applying some techniques with this app, so I will try to "tag" that info... I have learned so much using my iPad with photos. O I will attempt to get this follow game over to you.
Aug 06Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds ok cool! Thank you🙏🙏🙏🙏
Aug 06Reply
belotek Welcome to Poshmark ! Please let me know if I can help you. There are some great tutorials on YouTube. One is by Leah Kirchinger and the other is by Nicole State. I would start with Leah first. Browse thru my closet and you can see how I measure my garments. We offer a 20% discount on bundles of two or more items. All of our prices are negotiable! Thank you for visiting our closet and many blessings to you and your family!
Aug 06Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask!😊
Aug 07Reply
jassieboo92 Hi 👋 Welcome to poshmark ! 😃
Aug 07Reply
itsdanika Love your closet!!!!
Aug 07Reply
blueb1rds Wow...I just did the math because I saw yesterday afternoon you tried that share game. I got 1836 new followers for you in the last 24 hours unless I did the math wrong. Hope you get some sales from this.
Aug 08Reply
samantha_sf_ca Hi Christine, you may have a small closet to start with but you have some really lovely pieces. I'm going to bookmark you to come back to because I see great things ahead for you. I love your style. And welcome to Poshmark. I'm sure everyone has offered to help you, so throw my name in there too. I've been at this a while and happy to help you. Good luck with your sales. Sam
Aug 08Reply
christinelp13 @sammmmmmmy Thank you sooo much! How do you bookmark someone? Learning so much! 😄
Aug 08Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds I cannot thank you enough. No sales, but lots of shares. I gained 1,850 followers since yesterday. I hope you are doing well with it all! 😊 Definitely keeps me busy 😉
Aug 08Reply
christinelp13 @donnastreasures Thank you so much😊
Aug 08Reply
christinelp13 @belotek I will definitely check out YouTube. Just been busy trying for followers😊
Aug 08Reply
christinelp13 @chrissyw81 Thank you so much!
Aug 08Reply
samantha_sf_ca @mmchappyhearts I put a like on their posher page if they have one. Like this one. Then or rather now, you are in my likes. So when I'm surfing or if there is s party and I want to share your items. I can. Posh friends I've made. They see that I can't make it to a best of shoes party so they share mine for me. And next time around I share their best of tops.
Aug 08Reply
samantha_sf_ca It's not a rule, it's just something I've discovered. Or else I've just made some really nice friends. I share a lot and it come back around. People are really supportive
Aug 08Reply
christinelp13 @sammmmmmmy ok cool!!! Are you going to the poshfest in Chicago this year?
Aug 08Reply
samantha_sf_ca I've never been to one.
Aug 08Reply
blueb1rds @mmchappyhearts same here. But the first Sunday I did this as I was following, my feed exploded with new followers and 1 sale. It seems slow to me now, but you have some nice things and sometime it takes awhile for the right buyer. It seems like when I am busy and traveling is when things pick up....
Aug 08Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Christine. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Aug 11Reply
christinelp13 @hmsimon1 Very talented! Nice work👍
Aug 11Reply
mysticalblue 🌹Hello 🙋🏻 I'm Carolyn. Welcome to Poshmark‼️You'll find a community of Poshers willing to help, encourage you & share their Posh 💕Love. Remember to Follow 👠👠other Poshers & Share their closets👗which will grow followers to your closet. Check out 🌸YOUR GUIDE TO POSHMARK & POSH ETIQUETTE for Posh compliant closets & other info for Beginners. Also 🌸 for answers to many questions. If I can help, just message me 🦋@mysticalblue🦋. I wish you much success & Happy Poshing‼️👗🛍
Aug 14Reply
happystore Hi PFF I'm doing the shorts Share Group right now and I don't know if it's me or my computer, but I'm not finding any shorts in your closet. Did you want the capri pants shared or do you have shorts? Just let me know;)
Aug 15Reply
christinelp13 @happystore Hi!!! Yeah, there's a pair of nwt sanctuary shorts....I'm sorry!
Aug 15Reply
happystore Thank you so much for letting me know. For some reason on my end it doesn't show up when I look for the category. But when I look up by brand I see it;)
Aug 15Reply
christinelp13 @happystore I'm fairly new; does stuff like that happen a lot? I want to get into this so bad and take it seriously. I use to have an eBay store and did ok, just have never done it seriously. Are you going to poshfest?
Aug 15Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Aug 19Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Aug 19Reply
blueb1rds 🎉you are doing awesome. I have a fun share group if you are interested. I like it because you share 1 item from each person who signs up twice a day for a week. Over 100 people sign up so you get over 200 shares back on that one item. I do it when I know I will be around. I am in and out of internet or cell service in Montana and on the road lots, but have no plans until middle of Sept. so maybe I will get caught up
Aug 26Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds ok cool!!! I'll look into it today. I feel like I'm on my phone alllll the time. My dog probably wants to take this thing and shred it a part. Lolololol It's fun for me, though. Do you travel a lot, Gayle? I gotta figure out how to take better pictures. I'm kinda slow cause I have MS, but it'll happen. Lol Have a great weekend, Gayle!! I will touch base with you😊🙏🛍❤️
Aug 26Reply
blueb1rds @mmchappyhearts how do you manage MS? I have known some people that have accomplished lots when they are in remission... Anyway thanks for sharing.... I guess we have to find a balance so we don't isolate ourselves from those around us. I loved my animals, but have 0 now. I probably would have no time for this if they were still around, but dogs can be so forgiving. What's your dog's name and breed? No hurry to get back, but I love hearing about you
Aug 27Reply
blueb1rds When I said thanks for sharing I meant about your life, not poshing
Aug 27Reply
pamadio65 Great smile
Aug 29Reply
tauna66 Hi👋,welcome to Poshmark. Here are a few helpful tips to help sell your items faster. Remember to share and follow as many closets as possible. So we can share your items too. If you don't share you will limit yourself to only your followers. When I share your items all of my followers will see your items as well. ⚠️BEWARE!! FAKE POSHERS (SCAMMERS) requesting you to correspond with them by email, text or appmercarl. Always direct potential buyers to your offer tab. Your posh mentor Tauna
Sep 05Reply
jmbt Come check out my closet
Sep 05Reply
jmbt I see u shared some items I listen to all offers
Sep 05Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds Gayle, I am so sorry for taking forever to respond!! Life has been crazy😜😜😜 I have pm, substitute-teaching, and a gourmet popcicle shop-part time. I worked corp-world and government for 10 years, then had to stop. Thankfully I finished college before I got MS. My cognition has gone down. It takes me a minute to understand people, my memory is pretty bad. I like pm cause it keeps me busy and mind working😊I get disorganized, I hurt all the time, it's not fun. 😝 what can you do?😉
Sep 11Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds I didn't realize 500 words or less!! Lololol
Sep 11Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds more script later😊
Sep 11Reply
blueb1rds @mmchappyhearts You are one of my fav people... you have been on my mind and I figured you were busy. Sometime we have to step away from our PM goals. I am doing more listing and taking a break from sharing and following, but I appreciate the ladies who are so committed. I follow some that have a share 20 and I will share back. Less commitment but still helpful I saved several in my likes.
Sep 11Reply
blueb1rds @mmchappyhearts I found that spending time with my animals brought distraction from pain relief. Sorry to hear about your pain... but you truly appear to let your JOY be your strength. Fav Bible verse of mine which helped me decide to let the Joy over shadow the pain. Not always easy....Take care and look forward to hearing what I missed when they cut you off after 500 words
Sep 11Reply
oremus I love that your banner/other profile picture has Our Lady of Guadalupe! 👍🏻🙏🏻
Sep 12Reply
juliebunny9 Love love LOVE your header image!!! 😊
Sep 27Reply
seconds2love HI there, came by to show some love, feel free to check out my IG too @Seconds2Love. I show my followers much Posh Love. Wishing you many sales. Have a good one!
Oct 02Reply
prosper82 Beautiful 😘
Oct 03Reply
melfstone @mmchappyhearts thanks for checking out my closet Christine. I post new things every week. Welcome to Posh and have a big time😘
Oct 09Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds How are you doing??? I have been extremely busy. Too busy. I hope you are well!!!😊
Oct 09Reply
blueb1rds @mmchappyhearts Hi good to hear from you. It helps to step away from some of the activities PM. I started reselling things out of my home a year ago like musical instruments and books and my adult children’s clothing left behind... I learned about PM when trying. To learn about photos and bought a few things and decide to try this platform so I am maintaining 2 sites.
Oct 10Reply
blueb1rds Since I retired this has filled up time to where I have become very busy. I made a baby blanket and stuffed patch work dog while I babysat my grandson last week. I made it as a gift for his new cousin. I need to make another dog for my grandaughter from scraps of the blanket I made for her. I use to spend time with my photos making books or cards, but this has used up all my creative juices with the photos. Good to hear from you
Oct 10Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Oct 20Reply
lovedandkurated Hi Christine! Thanks for the shares! I just wanted to introduce myself. You are one speedy sharer LOL. I've enjoyed sharing your items & you have a wonderful closet. Hit me back if you need anything =) Cheers & Smiles
Oct 22Reply
christinelp13 @lovedandkurated Hi!!! It’s nice to see a friendly name this morning!!!!! 😆😊🙏I’m Christine. What’s your name? Thank you, your closet is great, too! I don’t have kids or a family, so my time can be pretty free. I am pretty all over the place with work. I have MS and needed to leave corporate world a few years ago. I’m happy I found poshmark but still learning. You’re in NY?! I love your picture and thought you may be out west😊⛰
Oct 22Reply
lovedandkurated @mmchappyhearts oh, thanks! My name is Kay 🤗🤓 I don’t get out west that much. That pic was taken in MA on a beach camping trip! Im so new to Posh, it’s kinda overwhelming, but has been fun as heck! I’m learning a lot from this great community of girl bosses. Again I’m sincere about hitting me up for anything. Cheers and Smiles, we up today right? 😘🤗😉
Oct 22Reply
bbunny420 Hey girl just saying you shorted me by 1... no big deal. Just making sure you know it’s 4 n not 3 😽
Nov 23Reply
christinelp13 @bbunny420 Hey! I shared earlier. I’m not thinking everyone may not be done, so I’m watching who’s sharing me and just following them. Lol. I can’t stand it when people don’t share....I believe in karma.
Nov 23Reply
bbunny420 Oh my b!! Nm!! 😽😽😽
Nov 23Reply
blueb1rds Happy Holidays!
Dec 04Reply
blueb1rds Hope all is well. I have slowed down a bit on here, but still active. I got to spend a week with a friend in Coronado, Ca enjoyed the friendship and beach and warm weather. Back to snow and cold. Unbelievable ❄️ Another friend is coming to visit next week, and then my daughter will need me sometime in Feb in case her babysitter is called for jury duty. I would love to hear from you sometime
Jan 17Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Smashbox, Nike, Yellow Box, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 08Reply
megan274 Thanks for the support!🤗I hope you enjoy my closet and find something you like. 👠👗👚👢If you do please make an offer I am trying to make sales! 🎉Happy poshing! 💚
Oct 30Reply
surfshoppe Hi Kristine thanks for stopping by!
Nov 07Reply
nicholepruitt73 FREE 3 PK OF MEDICAL GLOVES WITH EVERY ORDER. FROM MY FAMILY TO YOURS Please accept this $3 credit to shop my closet today. If u decide to make a purchase of 2 or more items I will give u 15% off your entire purchase BONUS LIMITED OFFER: FREE GIFT VALUED AT $10
Apr 09Reply
goodgaudy I'm in Jax too. 🌿🌸🌞
May 03Reply
christinelp13 @goodgaudy cool!! I rarely am into possum Im rarely on pm anymore. When I first started, I did insane. Now, ever since the alg change, not-so-much. I’d love to get together and here your thoughts. I’m a Pilates Trainer and spin Instructor @theJCA.
Jun 10Reply
oliviaami Hi @mmchappyhearts , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Sep 21Reply
melanieander922 Hello! I have a variety of brands and sizes that you may like. Also, items that are marked are 4/$15. Please feel free to check out my closet! Thanks! 😊
Nov 06Reply
kriley621 @blueb1rds hi. Could you share the “follow game” with me that you shared with other poshers?
Nov 19Reply
blueb1rds @christinelp13 Good to see you. I am not too active socially since I have dealt with major health issues, but active treatment is keeping me going…. I remember you as being a very kind person back when I was more active. I received a message from someone through your closet, I have 2 different follow games I use occasionally now. I will try to post them to the person. Your closet looks great, as ever!
Nov 19Reply
blueb1rds @kriley621, @christinelp13 You can find the “Secret Poshers” games at @freddiesfind and a photo of several others to pock from. These will increase your followers and hopefully your sales.
Nov 19Reply
christinelp13 @blueb1rds Thanks so much!! I am so sorry to hear about your health. Mine’s gone south, too. The MS I have is now secondary-progressive. I do Pilates often and I’m teaching it. I try my best! Thank you again. I stopped this for a bit but decided to get back at it. 😉😊🙏🏻❤️
Nov 20Reply
tatnaples Hi Christine! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Nov 20Reply
christinelp13 @tatnaples ❤️❤️If you need any help, let me know!
Nov 20Reply
tatnaples @christinelp13 will do, really appreciate your offer, thank you! 💜🙇‍♀️💜
Nov 20Reply
blueb1rds @christinelp13 Pilates must be a great way to condition so you have strength during these changes. My daughter did that for awhile and I think I tried it but didn’t have enough core strength to really follow through. I am able to walk, so do that… 3 years ago I had mouth ear pain that wouldn’t let up and finally was able to diagnose it with cancer. So I am following through with Immunotherapy and chemo after a very severe surgery, radiation and chemo. I am doing pretty good these days
Nov 21Reply
webzito Thanks for the follow! You look great, I may have to try that Pilates!! Take care!!
Nov 21Reply
flyboyforchrist Shopping for hoodies
Nov 25Reply
chellier Christine! Thanks for following!
Dec 06Reply
jenndmills3 Semi New to Selling on Posh and learning my way around but I was reading over this a few minutes ago and saw where you were diagnosed with MS in 07', I got strangley excited because I was diagnosed almost 2 years ago and haven't met or ever spoke to anyone else who has been diagnosed with it yet.
Dec 10Reply
christinelp13 @jenndmills3 Hi Jen! I’m Christine. It’s nice to meet you. Yeah, I was diagnosed @25yo. It’s been rough but I’m making it. I went on disability @30yo. Young professional and it was just ripped all from me. I am sorry you have it. I see you’ve got 2 kids? Are you married? I’m single and no kids. How old are your kids?
Dec 10Reply
jenndmills3 @christinelp13 I'm sorry you have it too, def not a fun thing to live with I'm learning, I woke up 1 day and everything was black. I hate so much was taken from u due to MS, it's was eye-opening for me to see how much life could change in 1 day. I do have 3 girls one is 18 and she is so helpful on really bad days, she is going to take her ACT in the morning for the 2nd time, for a month now she has been doing 4 hrs tutoring after school in preparation. My middle is 16 and my baby is 11.
Dec 10Reply
lmoore840 Heeey, I am happy to say, I am having a HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!I have great Christmas presentsss😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 11Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 22Reply
timwalpole1966 thx for the follow 🙂
Jan 05Reply
awoww55 Hi Christine, thanks so much for the follow. You have a great closet 😃 Feel free to check out mine, I'm having a BOGO sale on jewelry!! Happy poshing 🦋
Jan 11Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi gorgeous just wanted to let you know I'm having a buy-one-get-one-free sale today for a limited time I will let you get buy one get two free only for the next 30 minutes so hurry and get your bid in to take advantage of this awesome deal limit only 3 items allowed. bundle must b $25 or more
Jan 15Reply
kbt777 Thanks for sharing! I hope you are doing well 😍
Jan 16Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 16Reply
trustee21 Beauty Hub!
Jan 23Reply
nysurf9 🔥🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻
Jan 24Reply
lnr829 Hi, thanks for following. I usually add listings on weekends and will consider reasonable offers, so please check out my closet 💐♥️
Jan 31Reply
scorpiomvp I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day, ∞ Sнoppər| ShopSmall ∞,ShopMyCloset for way less ∞ ShopLocal + ✅ Verified Google Business Owner 🌍❤️ follow explore🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛🇺🇸
Jan 31Reply
thrifted_books Hi! Thanks for following me! Feel free to make me a reasonable offer. I have a 4/$20 sale going on books, ornaments, stuffed animals, toys, and jewelry. I have brand new items from brands like Barbie, Thomas Kinkade, Avon, Book of the Month, and more. I mail next day. Happy shopping!
Jan 31Reply
cralldaddy76 Thanks for the follow! Great pics by the way!
Feb 08Reply
timamy21 Thank you for the follow. I will be sharing some of the items in your closet and hope you can return the favor. Good luck with your sales!
Feb 10Reply
brawdcaster Thanks for the follow! I'm looking forward to seeing all of your new posts 🙆‍♂️
Mar 05Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great day and successful Poshing!😊🇺🇸 Helen
Mar 31Reply
christinelp13 @patrickjpainter I am blessed, for-sure. Secondary Progressive. Thank you. 🙏🏻
Apr 08Reply
garydavis809 Hi there! Nice to “Posh” with you. Looking great btw! Nicely done!
Apr 11Reply
willhescobar88 Very beautiful smile 😊
Apr 11Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
May 17Reply

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Last Active: Feb 18

Jacksonville, FL
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Last Active: Feb 18

Jacksonville, FL
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