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Updated Dec 08
Updated Dec 08

Meet your Posh Ambassador, Bonnie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Bonnie. Some of my favorite brands are MAC Cosmetics, 5th & Love, A2 By Aerosoles, Angel, Bebe, INC and many many more. Thanks for stopping by! I am excited about working on building my closet, and welcoming you all inside! I'm sure together, we will have great shopping days! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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edekayfavething Welcome to Poshing! Wish you PoshFun and if you need any help or have questions, just let me know. Merry, Merry!
Dec 11Reply
yesi_posh good evening bonnie! welcome to poshmark :)
Dec 14Reply
canarygreen Welcome to Posh!😍😘🤣🤗😉
Dec 14Reply
jenya_h Hi Bonnie, please add all puma items in the bundle so you can save on shipping.
Dec 18Reply
tez213 Hey Bonnie, I could come to $20 on the Coljmbua Jacket but can’t go lower..wanted to push out a note because declining seems a little rude.
Dec 18Reply
canarygreen Posh takes 20% hun. Bundle it and u can have it for $10!
Dec 18Reply
canarygreen Ok hun! I see all your likes so I will add one for Christmas!😘😍😗🙂😉🤗
Dec 18Reply
canarygreen Then it was $10 for the robe and $4 for the bra!👍
Dec 18Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen that deal sounds great! I look forward to doing more shopping in your closet, it's just trying to take care of Christmas shopping for our 11 grandchildren! Needless to say, grandma comes last this time of year! Thank you, and have a blessed holiday season!
Dec 19Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber Oh my! My mom has 12! She has been busy too! So...always remember on Posh that you get 5 pounds gor the $6.49. Other sites go by weight. Posh is a flat rate. So when you do shop, fill that box! The more you buy too, Posher's can really work on prices! I see your likes so I will add some for your Christmas " grandma!"
Dec 19Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen thank you so much, sweetie! I can tell that you have a very kind heart! God's blessings to you!
Dec 19Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber You too! You will be so surprised!🤗
Dec 19Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen Good nite, my friend! Rest well!
Dec 19Reply
canarygreen I will try! I send 240 boxes since Nov. 17th. I am looking forward to Christmas! Ok. Sent offer hun!😘😗You sleep well too!
Dec 19Reply
bonnietaber Wow you are a very busy lady! I was wondering if you could help me figure out what I have to do to start up my Posh site? How do I get my money when an item is sold?
Dec 19Reply
bonnietaber My daughter passed away a short time back and she was always the one I turned to, to help me figure these things out! Of all the Poshers, I felt a personal connection to you and comfortable enough to ask! If you are too busy, I understand!
Dec 19Reply
bonnietaber Thank you again for your kind spirit! I feel very illiterate when it comes to things like this! If it is easier to explain it to me via phone, please let me know and I will forward my phone number! Thanks again for your consideration!
Dec 19Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen Wow, you are a very busy lady!! I hate to ask, because I know how very busy you are, but I was wondering if you could help me figure out how to set up my Posh site? Also, how do you receive the money for an item when it is sold?
Dec 19Reply
canarygreen Ok. As soon as I get caught up here I can really help you. Once a person makes an offer, if accepted, it is as it is paid. You ship, then the buyer has three days to accept the order. Usually they accept 8t right away. Once the buyer pushes accept, the money is then put into your PM account. You can then get a check mailed or you can set it up to get deposited into your bank. Make sense?😉
Dec 19Reply
bonnietaber My daughter passed away a short time ago, and she was the one I always turn to to help me with things like this. I felt a connection with you and that is why I felt comfortable to ask for your help!
Dec 19Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen if it is easier for you to do it via phone, please let me know and I can give you my phone number. Thank you so much and please know that if you are unable, I understand!
Dec 19Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen I was wondering if you got three of my previous messages? I was having trouble sending them through!
Dec 19Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber Yes it is so much easier to talk. I can pack and talk at the same time rather than type. You send me your number and I will gladly call you hun!😚
Dec 19Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber I just had a chance to look. Got them! When u send number, I will call!😍😘😗🤗😉
Dec 19Reply
canarygreen Hey there! I have been watching for you! I will call when I see your number!😍
Dec 20Reply
canarygreen I haven't heard from you. Hope all is ok? Terrible to hear about your daughter. So, so sorry. I am here to help when you are ready hun!😘🙄😙🤗😉
Dec 21Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen hi, my friend! Sorry for the delay, Iwas with a friend all night last night and today was with her for a very long doctor's appointment! Here are my numbers: (352)689-2808 Home (517)282-1116 Cell
Dec 21Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen also, Iwanted to let you know that Iwill be running Christmas errands in the a.m. and have a doctor'sappointment at 3 tomorrow afternoon! Probably the best time to reach me would be tomorrow evening, if that works for you! Thank you so much for your time for me! Bonnie
Dec 21Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber ok hun. I will call you this evening!😘
Dec 21Reply
bonnietaber Could you please guide me to where the lipsticks that you are referring to are located, so that I might see the colors? I would greatly appreciate your help on it! Thank you so much for your help!
Dec 26Reply
canarygreen Thank you. Loved it too. Hope you had a great Christmas! We can get your closet going soon!😙😗😍🤗😉
Dec 27Reply
bonnietaber @asussino what was the item that you were willing to take 6 on?
Dec 28Reply
bonnietaber @asussino okay thank you so much! I believe it's the one I already have received and I love it so much. Thank you again for your promptness!
Dec 28Reply
canarygreen Hi there! I sent $6. Since PM takes 20%, it is hard to box up a box for $2.05.😘
Dec 29Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen I understand, sweetie! Let me check with my other half on my spending! I will let you know!
Dec 29Reply
canarygreen Okey dokey. Got a ton to tell ya! I will call ya tomorrow! If you want go for the $5. No biggy hun.
Dec 29Reply
canarygreen You have to decline and offer it again.
Dec 29Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen looking forward to talking to you! Does 9:00 or so sound ok?
Dec 29Reply
gerib1952 Welcome to posh have fun shopping for amazing clothing and accessories
Jan 01Reply
iheart1290 Welcome Bonnie and thanks for the like. If interested in items in my closet add all you like in a bundle and I will drastically reduce most, pinup dresses excluded, I can mark those down some though, low balling welcomed in my closet, good luck, Edie
Jan 01Reply
retrofitrunway Hi there! Thanks for your interest in the sunglasses. The final markdown price was already a huge price drop and I think super fair for these (a price drop I just did for New Years) but I still wanted to work with you. :) Just sent my counter. Hopefully my compromise helps! Normally I'm very open to offers but these were already marked down way below what my rock bottom for them should have been haha. Lmk. Happy New Year!! 💕
Jan 02Reply
ablessed65 Hi Bonnie: Welcome to Poshmark! 💕Thanks for the likes 💕I’ll make you a discount offer if you put the available items in bundle.😊 Happy 2018 🎇 Blessed 😇
Jan 02Reply
iheart1290 Hi Bonnie, I will check and let you know if I have one. Thanks for checking my closet, Edie
Jan 02Reply
iheart1290 Hi Bonnie, thanks for bundling. I discounted further and I will add a couple extras pcs if you accept. Can ship later today or tomorrow., thanks, Edie
Jan 02Reply
iheart1290 Also Bonnie, if you want anything that has a freebie froggie, I'll add to your package too, no additional cost. Will message later today, have to go work a while. I'm a grandmother also with 13, glad or meet you. You seem really sweet. Have a wonderful day. Edie
Jan 02Reply
ablessed65 Hi Bonnie thanks for the counter 💕however I already gave you more than 15% off. These are my own personal items that are barely used; please remember Poshmark gets 20% On any sales $15 up; under $15 the fee is $2.95 you’re countering 2 bags, one leather & a dual Guess bag for $7. Not to put my business out there... I’m a very giving person, God being my only source, however he does not agree with me being foolish. God bless you🙁 Blessed 😇
Jan 02Reply
iheart1290 Hi Bonnie, I summited a new private offer on your bundle, if this is good for you let me know? if not just counter the offer. I will negotiate, I want you to get a good deal too. Thanks, Edie
Jan 03Reply
felecia50 @bonnietaber Hi there, I just gave you a price for a bundle. It should have been $55, because I'm running buy 2 get lowest 3rd item free.😊😊😊
Jan 04Reply
felecia50 @bonnietaber, hi there, I noticed items in bundles of 3 and 5. I gave a price for 3, but I can't seem to put a offer on 5. Maybe you can reset something on your end that will allow me to enter the amt. You also receive a free gift.😊😊
Jan 04Reply
iheart1290 Good morning Bonnie, I'll send you both freebies and a surprise one if you like. Let me know when you want, I can ship today or tomorrow, Thanks, Edie
Jan 04Reply
yslesme @bonnietaber 13 for both the lipsticks 😊 lmk thanks
Jan 04Reply
iheart1290 Bonnie, how much would you be willing to pay for the 5 items you bundled and no charge for others, you can get 5 for 25 in my closet (items must be $10 or less each) that's 1/2 and more off, and items more than $10 I can make you a good deal. (I can ship you 5 lbs (a lot) 1 shipping cost) I always add extra free items, By the time poshmark takes their cut, I can call you later and negotiate further. Good stuff, Just let me know. I'll talk to you later if you like, thanks Edie
Jan 05Reply
bonnietaber Thank you Edie for taking so much time and effort to help me with my bundle! The truth is my finances and the fact that I realized the items that I loved were small and I am a medium! I couldn't squeeze into them, no matter how much I loved them. There once was a!
Jan 06Reply
bonnietaber Anyway my friend, thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into trying to help me! You have been very sweet and kind. May God bless you, and may others love your closet and kindness as much as I do!
Jan 06Reply
bonnietaber I am sorry, but I don't recall either. I am sorry, but right now I am unable to make a purchase. But, I want to thank you for your time and effort that you have put into helping me. May God bless you, my friend! I will return to your closet one day soon, it is beautiful! Wishing you the best!
Jan 06Reply
bonnietaber @gerib1952 thank you! I love to shop and truly get caught up into it! I am trying to get my own closet underway very soon, I hope you will come in and visit when I do!
Jan 06Reply
bonnietaber @fashionpopup Thank you so very much for all the time and effort you have put into helping me with my shopping. You have been so very kind! At the present time I have had to back off from shopping for myelf, I think I might have a personal addictionto shopping, lol.
Jan 06Reply
bonnietaber @fashionpopup I pray God blesses you and that you have much success with your closet! Again, thank you so much for everything! You will hear from me again soon!
Jan 06Reply
bonnietaber @ablessed65 thank you so much for the warm welcome to Poshmark! I'm getting ready to open my closet soon and I hope you will stop by and visit! May God bless you with great success of your closet! Thank you again!😇💕
Jan 06Reply
bonnietaber @felecia50 thank you so much for your hard work and kindness! I won't be doing shopping for a while, as I think I'm a bit of a Shopaholic, LOL I love your closet and look forward to shopping again there soon! I've been busy getting ready to open my own closet and when I do I hope you will come for a visit! May God bless with great success! Thank you again for your kindness!😇💕
Jan 06Reply
gerib1952 I'm happy to here your going to start your own closet of so much fun and ill be stopping but if you need any help with anything please let me know good luck
Jan 06Reply
gerib1952 ☘☘☘☘☘☘☘
Jan 06Reply
bonnietaber @gerib1952 thank you so much for the wonderful offer of helping me out thank you so much for the wonderful offer of helping me out trust me I may be reaching out to you as at times I feel stuck in my own head, LOL. Again that was so sweet of you to offer😗🙄💕
Jan 06Reply
gerib1952 Absolutely no problem I used to just buy on here and didn't want to be bothered with setting a page up to get rid of things that I no longer wear I wish I could go back and start all over cuz I kind of just rushed around and I was definitely overwhelmed I have so many other things I want to put on here but I need to get them ready just don't have the energy right now LOL
Jan 06Reply
gerib1952 But if you do need any help the questions answered please don't hesitate I have a good evening sweetie
Jan 06Reply
bonnietaber @ablessed65 I truly am sorry for not purchasing them st this time. I am very interested in both of them, but right now in all honesty, I don't have $15, plus shipping to spend. I am so down in my checking account, that I don't have it! God is my only source as well, and I pray God truly blesses you!
Jan 07Reply
bonnietaber @ablessed65 I am desperately working on trying to start and open my closet, praying my finances will change. I love those purses, and if they are still available the end of the month, I definitely would like to purchase them! You appear to be a very kind and sweet person! I pray my delay hasn't caused you any problems, and I will pray God blesses you with great success thru your closet and in your life! You are a blessing!
Jan 07Reply
ablessed65 @bonnietaber Hi Bonnie thanks for your response. I understand; 💕this too shall pass, we will keep each other in prayers. However, Do you understand you can start your closet 👗with clothing’s and accessories you have not worn or used in a while. Looking forward to seeing your closet up, prayers for financial recovery. & blessings for a successful year & future success.🙏🏼 please keep in touch if you have questions I’ll be glad to help if I can. Have a Blessed weekend. Blessed 😇
Jan 07Reply
bookie_93 Hey Bonnie it won't let me make a offer but I can sell it for $12
Jan 09Reply
iheart1290 What happened, why cancel, I was going to accept.
Jan 10Reply
cruzerika Thanks for the like feel free to make an offer or do a bundle with other items you may also like 😊💖💕💕
Jan 11Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Jan 11Reply
keepyourjoy Hello- I will do $8 and ship out tomorrow. Please feel free to submit a new offer if still interested. Thank you.
Jan 11Reply
iheart1290 Bonnie, I can't go 18 on this bundle, but I will add you a couple extras at 20. I believe you will like this lot, I'll make sure you get 6 total pcs., or more. No stains no holes etc. just let me know, I'll see if I can send to you with the offer, if not rebundle. All was around $200 new and the dress was worn once for a couple hours. Hope that helps. Edie
Jan 12Reply
bhodge123456 Your order is on the way :)!!!
Jan 12Reply
iheart1290 Hey Bonnie, I sent you a message, I can't share to you because they are bundled already, go ahead and offer the 20, I'll put you nice extras in package. At least 6 total pcs if not more. I believe you will like them, the dress was over $100 and only worn once for a couple hours. I'll also add free that scarf that you liked. I can ship today or tomorrow if you like, just let me know. Tell me what size top you wear and I'll will add a top too 😀
Jan 12Reply
canarygreen Omg! Good. I was worried. My phone will not turn on. Gotta get a new one. So email me. Are u ok? Ready to start when u are.😍
Jan 16Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen I am going to call you later tonite, if that works for you!
Jan 16Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber You can't. Like I said, my phone will not turn on. I do not know what happrrned to it. Email me.😍
Jan 16Reply
canarygreen Don't buy anything hun. When I see you just pick out what ya want. Getting a phone today. They do not think mine is fixable. I think my cat knocked it off counter! She loves to see it light up. Chat soon. Send me your email.😍
Jan 17Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen Did you get my email? Call me tonite, after 9, if you get your phone today! Miss talking to you, and catching up! Love ya!
Jan 17Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber Gotta look yet hun. At p.o. Home soon.
Jan 17Reply
canarygreen Ok hun. Call me. New number. 727.741.6016
Jan 19Reply
bonnietaber @iheart1290 I have to wait until the end of the month, due to my finances. I am so sorry for the delay in responding back to you, I have been really sick. Check with me the end of the month, please! May God bless you!
Jan 20Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber Oh no. Me too. My son and I have had that horrible flu. It was bad. Ok. Call me when you feel better. I will be thinking of you.😍
Jan 20Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber I put your VS nightshirt away. Do not buy anything hun. When you visit, just pick out whatever you like.😍😘😉
Jan 20Reply
iheart1290 @bonnietaber no problem Bonnie, I promise I know the feeling, I'm on a fixed income. I'll work with you, just let me know when you want it and I'll add extras, God Bless, hope you are feeling better, thanks Edie
Jan 20Reply
allisonpettit so glad you love the dress! Have a wonderful time in it:)
Jan 21Reply
sumnerrut @bonnietaber Thank you for the like. I have several boy items in that size. My sale of 30% off is going on now but if you create a large bundle I always give more than 30% off. The more you bundle the bigger the discount. 🌹🌹👍👍
Jan 25Reply
teddyscloset00 Bonnie make me an offer 6 dollars I will deduct $1.50 off shipping I am very reasonable .person ..
Jan 25Reply
teddyscloset00 I will do 5 is the lowest I will go with $1.50 discont on shipping
Jan 25Reply
chicseams Welcome (back?) to Poshmark!!  And congrats on starting your closet - I hope you have great success buying and selling here!  😃            
Jan 26Reply
raderette Welcome to Posh!
Jan 26Reply
ens_fam17 thank you for sharing my stuff ... well from 20 people i have shared multiple items from each and every closet you were the only one who actually returned this huge service ... so a BIG ThumBS UP and keep up the good work.... ☺️😊
Jan 27Reply
canarygreen Hey you. Hope you had a good day. I will email u the doggy pic's!😍😘😗🤗😉
Jan 28Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen great I'm excited to get them. I am still looking for the right picture to send you of Lisa. So as soon as I do I'll get it off to you! Thanks so much Heather for everything you're just an angel! Love you bunches!
Jan 29Reply
xxpozed ❤️🌈Hi😊 Thanks for liking my item👍🏻. When you shop at Xxpozed you’ll know you’re getting the best quality in the latest fashion trends. Please remember to bundle if wanting to purchase multiple items as it will save on shipping costs. 🌺 I also ship within 24 hours✈️✈️ HAPPY POSHING😉
Jan 30Reply
iheart1290 Hi Bonnie, I'm just checking back in with you as you asked re the bundle. I have plenty and can work with you. Also offering big lots of gently worn and NWOT (new with out tag items) as well as mystery lots (you can choose the size if you like), I've also lowered more prices but you are still welcome to bundle and I will sent you a private discount or you can make me an offer. Hope you are having a good week, Edie 🐸🐸
Feb 01Reply
frannie2017 @bonnietaber Hi Hun ThankU for the nice offer but my last 2purchases were complete flops so I’m a little gun shy to purchase right now but I really like the top but I’m a size small😩
Feb 02Reply
frannie2017 @bonnietaber Make that 3 flops, received another flop today lol😳
Feb 02Reply
iheart1290 Hi Bonnie, hope you are having a good week so far. If you are interested in traded your likes for my likes, I'm willing, just let me know, thanks, Edie
Feb 06Reply
canarygreen Doing great! My phone is on the fritz. Yes, the new one! I will call soon. Sending a pic. tonight.😘
Feb 13Reply
kriss10fashion Bonnie, Great job starting your closet. Your colors preset well, with so much clarity presented. The very best to you. Heather shared your extreme hardship, as we are friends. Your daughter is so proud!! All the best to you, special Mom 😍🤗🤗🤗Deb @Kriss10Fashion
Feb 13Reply
littlemisslita Thank you so much for following us! I started in the family business at 7, I am now 10! It’s been a rewarding journey, and my business partner (dad) has been sooo supportive! I hope I can provide something in the future that is of interest. Much love! And god bless!
Feb 15Reply
katyoc64 Beautiful gal; beautiful closet💝💝
Feb 18Reply
canarygreen Hey u! Holding up?🤗
Feb 23Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen I am going to be coming over tomorrow!! Is it ok?
Feb 23Reply
bonnietaber Have you got your phone?
Feb 23Reply
canarygreen Sure! Great! We will feel better!
Feb 23Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen I need to go to bed, so I can get up in the morning! I am so excited to see you!
Feb 23Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber When will you get to my place hun?
Feb 23Reply
vallouise2320 @bonnietaber hello I really like your about page with that angel it talks to me it has a lot of religious value to me I love it . I also wanted to thank you for the like and I sent some things for you to look at I see you like four things if you would like to bundle please let me know I have five star review and I take care of my customers you can look at my page and see how I pack items and I give you the gift to customers thank you so much for stopping by
Feb 25Reply
vallouise2320 @bonnietaber Hello Thank you for the Bundle, Total for Bundle $94 and Auto Check out 2 more get 10% off, would be $84.00 Instead- I Gave you Offer of $60 So that is $24.60 Discount off Bundle Price $94. Now $ 60.00 As Offer Your getting Great Products for the Price I will Also send you some free bundle beauty items, I do this for all customers as Thank you.
Feb 25Reply
bonnietaber @vallouise2320 What is auto check out? Also, I have to wait until my check comes in a couple of days, Sweetie! I am so sorry for any inconvenience to you! I do want the items!
Feb 25Reply
canarygreen Got new phone. Will call u soon. So tired. Long week. Closet looks awesome! Got to get your address. Things to send u. Oh and will be sending u things to post, email. Miss u.😍😘😙🤗😉
Mar 03Reply
katyoc64 Hi Bonnie...I wanted to say thank you for all of your kind words in my profile. I dont always look there and apologize for not getting back to you. I am very sorry for your loss of your daughter. You are a beautiful and kind gal!!!!!!
Mar 05Reply
bonnietaber Hi Katy! Good to hear from you! I sent you an offer on your bundle, let me know what you think? Also, I wanted to ask how your brother is doing? Did he have his open heart surgery yet? Also, my friend, I would like to thank you for such kind words in the loss of my daughter! The heartache of grief is easier to bear when I have people like you expressing their thoughts to you! Thank you, Sweetie!
Mar 05Reply
katyoc64 I thinl this is my fitst order w you
Mar 09Reply
bonnietaber @katyoc64 you're right about it being your first order with me! Mercy, my brain has been hasn't been with it today, and it seems you have been the target of my brain f..ts! Sorry! I am not usually this much of an air head! Oh well, things happen! Thanks for understanding! Love and hugs your way, Sweetie!
Mar 09Reply
kriss10fashion Hi, Bonnie...if you bundle I can give you a much better deal due to PM fees, as you know. 😉 Thanks! Deb
Mar 11Reply
canarygreen Hey hun. Ok $4 a piece. Then they are yours to post if you want or keep plus I can send this other stuff. 😍😘😗
Mar 11Reply
bonnietaber @kriss10fashion I can't remember what the item was?
Mar 11Reply
kriss10fashion @bonnietaber If you are referring to what you bundled.... this would be under the "offers tab" you can pull up. It will also be in "notes".
Mar 11Reply
canarygreen I got u Lucky Brand Lotion!!!😘
Mar 12Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen Yaaa!!! You are such a sweetheart!! I love you so very much!
Mar 12Reply
canarygreen @bonnietaber That bundle was tough. Everyone is fighting over those VS robe and nightshirt. So I put $10 each. Still worth it for all I got to send ya.
Mar 12Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen Go ahead and sell them if you can! I don't know when I can get the bundle, even tho you gave me a great deal!! I love you!
Mar 12Reply
canarygreen I will send some if these in your box hun.😘
Mar 12Reply
katyoc64 Bonnie, thank you so very much for the beautiful box i received today. With each item specially wrapped with beautiful ribbons and bows, just for me, I felt so special! I enjoyed every minute of my purchase w you. You'e a great gal💝💝I do so love Sissy's Closet. The free gifts you included are sdorable! I love the set of coasters. I collect flamingo's. The mini easter basket and face mSk znd lit put all of yourselfcinto this znd I so appreciate it 💝💝💝💝
Mar 12Reply
bonnietaber @katyoc64 thank you my sweet friend for all of your comments! When people like you cross our path, they leave imprints in our hearts forever! I look forward to hearing from you again Sweet Katie! Thank you for everything!
Mar 12Reply
modernowlbtq @bonnietaber Bonnie, Wεℓcσʍε to ᖘσѕʜʍαʀᴋ! ᖘℓαʏ my Super Posher Game at @rachelrbenson for a chance to be ᖴEᗩTᑌᖇEᗪ TᕼᖇEE ᔕEᑭᗩᖇᗩTE TIᗰEᔕ! Ŧιʀѕτ, as a 🆕 Posher (💜), then as a Featured Posher (💚 & ❤️), and F͜͡I͜͡N͜͡A͜͡L͜͡L͜͡Y͜͡, as a Closet to Revisit (💙)! GᗩIᑎ 500+ ᖴOᒪᒪOᗯEᖇᔕ ᗪᗩIᒪY, simply by playing!! Remember to ¢σммєит, "Shine Bright like a Diamond," to be added to the game! Please check out my Q&ᗩ listing for any questions; I'm happy to help ᗩᑎY way I can! Thanks, @rachelrbenson & @jcrewgal81
Mar 18Reply
pennysstuff Hi Bonnie! I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying my purchase from you. It was so beautifully wrapped and your note was so very thoughtful. Thanks again and have a wonderful week!💕
Mar 19Reply
canarygreen Happy Easter hun! Hope you guys had a good day! 😗
Apr 01Reply
iheart1290 Hi Bonnie, thanks but the dress was the wrong size. I thought is was a l and I prefer all cotton, thanks again. I sent you a message re the black long dress. Measurements are in the description and its 60 in long, very sexy too. I need to try on or display better. Edie
Apr 02Reply
misseschic Hi thanks for the follow! 😊 just wanted to pass by and let you know about my YouTube channel. It’s a little bit of a fitness/healthy channel with lots of dogs included! If you like health and/or furry friends give it a try! If you’re interested in checking it out it’s Fit Paws Kitchen. Hope you check it out and enjoy it!!💛🐶 lots more coming soon!
Apr 04Reply
canarygreen Looks great! Yey! Posh Ambassador!🤗🤗🤗🤗
Apr 04Reply
maryrosefox Thank you :)
Apr 07Reply
canarygreen Hey lady! Was worried bout ya!😘
Apr 11Reply
fab_fashionista Hi Miss Bonnie, I came back to bundle but was too late and the item in my bundle sold. I'll lyk if I see anything else in the near future. Thanks again! :)
Apr 11Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 19Reply
thesourlemon happy poshing to you, cheers!
Apr 20Reply
mattiemae2012 Thank-you for the shares! ❤️
Apr 21Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Bonnie, let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Apr 24Reply
valeriasoberani Welcome to poshmark!🌺 Please take a double look at my closet and if you see anything you like add it to a bundle so i can make you a very generous private offer!💕 Happy Poshing!☺️
Apr 29Reply
trishswishes Hi Bonnie! I am so thrilled that you like the hat! Thank you for giving a love note! It is very appreciated! Have a wonderful night and I hope your granddaughter loves it!😊
Apr 30Reply
redsummerell @bonnietaber hello Bonnie. I'm sorry for the delay in shipping your dress. My cousin's house completely burned down on Monday and there is no other family to help her, so I've been dealing with that right now. I will have your dress shipped out asap. Thank you for understanding.
May 02Reply
bonnietaber @redsummerell Please don't worry, Sweetheart! Your family is more important right now! I am holding all of you in my prayers! I pray for God's strength and healing for all of you! God's blessings, my friend!!
May 02Reply
moongoddess7 Hi love, Thank you so much for ur purchase, I will have it out to u first thing in the morning! xoxoxo Have a great night
May 04Reply
karebear51 @bonnietaber 💖Hi Bonnie I’m Karen. You have a beautiful closet and your tribute to your daughter is so precious. Sending since hugs, love and prayers your way😘💖.
May 06Reply
bonnietaber @karebear51 Thank you so much, Karen for your beautifully kind words! My daughter would have loved Posh, and having a closet together! We were best friends and did everthing together! She was my Angel here on earth, and now she is my Angel in heaven! Thank you again, my dear friend! May you have many blessings and love in your life, Sweetheart!
May 06Reply
redsummerell @bonnietaber thank you so much for your patience and understanding! Your package is being shipped today. Please pick an item in my closet anything you want. If you don't get this message in time and I have to ship out your package it's going out today, then I will hold on to your address and ship your free gift separately on my bill I'll pay for the shipping. If that makes sense.
May 07Reply
bonnietaber Hi sweetie! You really don't have to send any additional item as I completely understood your circumstance! If you do not get this message before your mailing, please DO NOT send anything at your cost! I put over into a bundle the Laundry by Shell sandals so you would know what I chose! I pray you and your family receive many blessings from God in the days ahead! With my Love, Bonnie
May 07Reply
karebear51 @bonnietaber 💐😘💕((Hugs))💕
May 08Reply
iheart1290 @bonnietaber thanks Bonnie, I see that most of my likes are sold, we snooze we lose. I just drastically reduced prices this weekend and on that black dress you liked. I need to get better pictures of it. I really need to sell right now, and not buy. I’m sure you understand. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
May 12Reply
iheart1290 @bonnietaber Ohh and Bonnie your closet looks amazing. Congrats on posh ambassador status also. Good going.
May 12Reply
bonnietaber @iheart1290 Thank you so much! I was really happy about it, still am! It happened about 2 months after I opened my closet, so I was shocked and excited! Thanks, Edie, you truly are one of my PFF's! With my Love Always!
May 12Reply
bonnietaber @iheart1290 I completely understand on the sell, not buy right now status! This wedding is draining the budget! August 4th is closing in!!! I have bought a couple of Christmas gifts, and a pair of shoes, only to get the look from my fiancee, if you know what I mean! Regarding the little black dress, Sweetie, I am very concerned that it will no longer fit me, as I have gained some weight, all in the wrong place! I love it, but will have to pass! With my love!
May 12Reply
iheart1290 @bonnietaber thanks Bonnie, you are so kind. I wish the best always.💞💞💞
May 12Reply
iheart1290 @bonnietaber so I see you are a large nighter too 👀
May 12Reply
canarygreen I am so glad I think of you every day! Then forgetting Mother's Day is not so bad! Your always on my mind hun. Every day!💕💟💓💖💌💘
May 14Reply
canarygreen Flood in my bedroom this morning!😣
May 14Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen oh no!!! And it's still raining here! You need to get a hold of your attorney, push your settlement thru! I love you!
May 14Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen Thank you so much, my sweet friend! I love you so very much. Have a blessed day!
May 14Reply
bonnietaber @canarygreen The same here, Sweetheart! I love you so very much!!
May 14Reply
bonnietaber @tricitymerch Thank you so much, Sweetheart! That is so kind of you to say! Have a blessed day, Sweetie!
May 16Reply
sea4emm Thank you so much for sharing. Much appreciated 💛💜😊
May 24Reply
iheart1290 @bonnietaber Hi Bonnie, I know you will love the dress, I really should have showed a pic with it on and the Oscar dela renta gown. Both are beautiful. I just lowered all prices too. Thanks Bonnie and have a blessed day.
May 24Reply
willowsage2 Thinking of you. Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is well. May God's Love surround you and keep you safe always. ~Iris~
May 29Reply
bonnietaber Hi my sweet friend! I have been on a trip to Ohio with my fiance' Tim for 5 days! That's where he is from! His sister was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, and it was the Blossom Festival, as well! We had a wonderful time! I hope all is well with you and your family! I want you to know that I feel so grateful and blessed to have you as a part of my life!! Please always remember that! May God bless you and keep you always, my precious friend!
May 29Reply
lorac2015 Can you tell me how many in are ea if thr coach hangtags I'm wanting to bundle thanks
May 31Reply
bonnietaber @lorac2015 I'm not sure what you're asking, Sweetie?
May 31Reply
iheart1290 @bonnietaber Hi Bonnie, just wanted you to know I’m having a 5/$20 sale if you get time take a look. Hope you are doing well. All items with a ✅ or $10 or less, Edie
Jun 09Reply
iheart1290 @bonnietaber Hi Bonnie, long time no talk lol, I lowered the long black bling dress and added more pics shows more detail, I’m also having a big sale. We like each other’s items we should just trade a few if you want too 😊. Hope you are having a lovely Sunday, it’s storming here in NC so I’m watching the rain ☔️
Jun 24Reply
jeneliteposh Hi there! WOW 😲! Thank you for all the shares! I appreciate it! 🤗
Jul 03Reply
willowsage2 Thinking of you... X0
Jul 10Reply
thrift4smiles Thanks for the share! Your closet is rocking!
Jul 16Reply
willowsage2 Dearest Bonnie...thank you for your wonderfully, kind words. So happy you like your items...I sent you a text because after I got it packaged, I realized I did not put a "thank you" note in it. So you can read it on a text sent to you. Much love going out to you today and always. Hugs, ~Iris~
Jul 21Reply
lovemariac I would love for you to visit my closet. I am very easy to work with and would love to earn your business. I sell quality mens items along with women and children's. Greetings from Nashville, TN.
Jul 23Reply
lovemariac Thanks for all the shares. Just noticed where you live. Work friends of my husband love it there! Have a nice day.
Jul 23Reply
sea4emm Thank you 💗💚 for sharing , very much appreciated 😊
Aug 07Reply
sea4emm Thank you for sharing, thank you 😊
Aug 10Reply
willowsage2 It's not allowing me to get past the msg for some odd reason.You can call right quick, if you'd like.
Aug 23Reply
starherston @bonnietaber Hey hun. I noticed you liked a couple items and then sent an offer in on the dress just wanted to let you know that if you bundle 2 or more items you get a discount plus the dress for free just a thought thanks hun have a great night
Aug 26Reply
willowsage2 Hi Bonnie! So glad you like your purchases. Thank you for the beautiful note! Greatly appreciated. Will talk soon. Much love. ~Iris~
Aug 27Reply
megafashion123 Hi, thank you so much for taking the time to look through my closet and liking an item. I just wanted to let you know I accept all reasonable offers and I give discounts on bundles. Have a great day!😊
Sep 18Reply
totopuff Hello there, I saw that you placed an offer on my Cache jeans and then canceled it. I wanted to make sure that everything was OK.😘
Sep 18Reply
bonnietaber @totopuff. Everything is ok, but my finances ran short, so I have to wait until the 25th when I get my check! I hope they will still be there and that I can remember which one's they were! Thank you, Sweetie for checking with me! You're a doll!
Sep 18Reply
totopuff I completely understand and I will put a hold on them for you if you’d like. Been there😇😘
Sep 19Reply
bonnietaber @totopuff. That would be wonderful, Sweetheart! Thank you so much for your understanding! 🙏💕😇
Sep 19Reply
totopuff @bonnietaber I’ll be glad to do it. I more than understand. If you see anything else you’d like, I’ll give it to you such a great price your head will spin! Sweet dreams 😘🐶
Sep 19Reply
megafashion123 Thank you so much for rating your purchase and leaving me a comment. I'm so glad you liked both items! 😊
Sep 22Reply
aliz41681 Thanks for all the shares it's greatly appreciated 💖💖
Oct 05Reply
findleiza @bonnietaber Your Love Note brought tears to my eyes. I do feel connected to you. And something even more interesting, is the dragonfly was in a drawer in Florida. In Fort Myers and we have a pond on the property and I always see dragonflies soaring above it and butterflies in the yard...this just gave me pleasant chills. God Bless you and keep you safe and bringing thoughts of joy. P. S. You are soooo pretty.
Oct 14Reply
bonnietaber @hummingbirdjedi please cancel both! Thanks!
Oct 27Reply
bonnietaber @hummingbirdjedi I am trying to bundle the denim leggings and the the butterfly capris, but now it won't let me because it is marked SOLD! I was trying to do the bundle at the $4.99 shipping. Can you help me, Sweetie? I don't mean to be a pain, but now I'm lost!
Oct 27Reply
fab_fashionista Hi Ms. Bonnie! Just stopping by to say hello. I hope you’ve been well ❤️
Nov 16Reply
bonnietaber @fab_fashionista. That is so sweet of you! Thank you, I am doing ok! Been under the weather with back problems, but will be going to the neurosurgeon soon, so we will see what happens! Posh has been a little slow, probably due to my lack of sharing and following! Along with Fybro, I sleep a lot! You are such a doll and I'm so grateful to have you as my PFF! Thank you again, Sweetie!🦋❤
Nov 16Reply
fab_fashionista @bonnietaber it’s good to hear that your in good spirits! I hope your back gets better. I was recently accepted into nursing school so I’ll be starting this upcoming January! I’m excited but nervous. If you ever need any shares, please tag me! I’d love to share your closet when you’re not able to be online ❤️😘
Nov 16Reply
bonnietaber @fab_fashionista Congratulations on your acceptance into nursing! I always wanted to take nursing from the time I was young! But I let life get in the way instead of going for it! I know you will be a great nurse, one with great compassion and care! How do I tag you? I already follow you!
Nov 16Reply
fab_fashionista @bonnietaber thanks so much! I hope I do well! Just shared for you 🤗
Nov 16Reply
dolmir_rack Hello hello, welcome to my closet again!!! I see you just made two separate offerts. I would say why you dont bundle this 2 items so you only would pay one shipping fee? Lmk
Dec 23Reply
bonnietaber @dolmir could you tell me what the items are, as I picked them from a long list of my likes! That why, I could definitely bundled them! Thanks sweetie!
Dec 23Reply
dolmir_rack @bonnietaber, yes sure! I will tag you in each item, 😉
Dec 23Reply
dolmir_rack Im very happy that you love your items, thank you so soooo much for your business and for the great rate, can't wait to hear from you again, you have a wonderful rest of holidays and great night.🤗🤗
Dec 28Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet!
Dec 31Reply
michelec54 @bonnietaber sorry...when I send a offer automatically puts you in
Jan 08Reply
ringlady I'm sorry but I dont now how do do this bundle stuff. So ne help u give me is appreciated. Thanks Bonnie
Mar 08Reply
sebrinas_spot I am so happy you love the Capries. Thankyou for the beautiful comment on them and on my closet. Appreciate it so much. 💕
Apr 04Reply
cryelipena Thank you for shopping my closet! I am thrilled to know you love your top and are happy with your experience. Have a beautiful day!
Apr 22Reply
shopswankstyles Hello and Happy Monday! 🤪 New items available in my boutique! Grab your size before it sells out!🥰💕 Have a great week!💜
May 20Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 26Reply
diane_barbero You have a very kind heart and you are always willing to help others. You have many spirits that protect you and surround you when you are sad. They do some silly things but they always make you smile when they do those things.
Jul 22Reply
diane_barbero There is someone that is near you that reminds you of your daughter, and that alone tells you that she is always around you
Jul 22Reply
diane_barbero I can't find your email and I just wrote a long email to someone else (that's my world)
Jul 23Reply
bonnietaber @diane_barbero My email is or you can text me at: 517 2821116 I'm sure someone enjoyed reading your email! Lol wish I had gotten it!
Jul 23Reply
bonnietaber Thank you, precious friend! I look forward to sharing moments with you and developing a long endearing friendship! You seem so sweet and insightful! I am a very true and honest person, that lives and leads with my heart! I look forward to learning about you! I am heading to bed now, as I have a surgical procedure on my back tomorrow, so I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow, Sweetie!❤🙏🦋💕🌴
Jul 23Reply
diane_barbero Hey girl! I wrote you to both of the places you told me, but I haven't heard back from you so I hope they ended up with you and not someone else. Thinking about you and hoping that you are doing okay today
Jul 23Reply
ridinghoodchick Hi Bonnie, I will be dropping prices today for a big closet clearout 🛍 Please either unlike the listings you aren’t interested in, or please disregard any unwanted promo notice - Thank you so much! 💋
Jul 26Reply
fab_fashionista Hi Miss Bonnie! Just checking in to see how you’ve been. I hope you’ve been having a lovely summer!
Aug 05Reply
diane_barbero Bonnie, before you put any more new stuff out check with me because some of the new stuff I would've bought but they were already sold
Aug 12Reply
diane_barbero Hey Bonbon! Hey next time you have any plus size clothes please contact me right away because that's what I'm wearing now Love you bunches
Sep 02Reply
Sep 04Reply
Sep 04Reply
diane_barbero Oh and by the way you're comment about going to fast sounds like you are trolling and I don't swing that way and never have. Remember that you were the one saying that you love me which I thought was strange and I still do.
Sep 04Reply
ameliajane739 thanks for the like. welcome to my closet offer sent. If you have any questions let me know. I do negotiate and offer bundle discount on two or more items. happy poshing 💜
Oct 19Reply
iheart1290 @bonnietaber Hi Bonnie, just checking to see how you are doing. I hope all is well, your PFF, Edie @iheart1290
Oct 21Reply
cutehosiery @bonnietaber Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 20Reply

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Last Active: Jan 08 2020

The Villages, FL
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Last Active: Jan 08 2020

The Villages, FL
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