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Updated Oct 08
Updated Oct 08

Meet your Posh Ambassador, Brandy

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Hi! I'm Brandy. I originally started selling items here to cover Vet bills for 2 rescue dogs. Betsey had Cancer (Tumor between eyes and on 1 side of mouth) and Riley had a brain tumor which caused seizures. Both Required several Daily Medications which were very expensive. Sadly both have since passed away. I am still selling as I have taken in 2 more rescues in need and still accumulating vet bills with them. I have a total of 4 rescues at the moment. Your purchase is still GREATLY APPRECIATED!!
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alexk97 Welcome to Poshmark!
Oct 01Reply
pickmeupforless Welcome to Poshmark 🎉🎉🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️
Oct 01Reply
tweetyrm Welcome to Poshmark Brandy Poshmark is a fun and exciting way to make money and also save money on great merchandise was yourself and the family I shared some of your merchandise also I invite you to stop at my Poshmark closet. Good luck if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
Oct 02Reply
barneysbargains @210bran Hi 👋 Brandy - I’m Janelle!!! Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark where the shopping 🎁 is always fun 👗 & the selling is easy💞 For men's items please ask me about my other closet! Ask for anything you're looking for but don't see! Both closets are always 100% Posh compliant! I'm an avid "closet sharer" - I hope that you'll return the favor! Sharing is caring! Watch for the parties 🎉that get posted to your feed daily & post to them. You get greater visibility that way! HAPPIEST POSHING💞
Dec 30Reply
creativeangel19 @210bran I shared a lot in your closet because I hope you make tons of sales to help your doggie. I lost two dogs within 2 weeks of eachother this past Ocotber and November. The one I had to euthanize in November had stage 4 lymphoma. I have not been right since my first dog passed Ocotber 30th. They were like my kids. I am a wreck and hope that you can avoid having to lose your baby. Sending good vibes and love your way. ❤
Feb 08Reply
210bran @creativeangel19 I am so very sorry for your loss. Losing 1 "kid" is hard enough but losing 2 so close together has got to be devastating. I feel so bad for you! I never had human kids so my dogs are my kids and losing 1 hurts. I hope your heart heals soon. Perhaps , when time is right, you can provide a loving home for another deserving soul who is sitting in a shelter. Thank you for sharing my items and your kind words. Wishing you the best with healing of your heart. ♡
Feb 08Reply
pixie_glitter Hi my dog was very very sick too and I took him to a holistic vet and she saved him, trust me it’s worth the trip . Praying for your fur baby ,hope u sell out of everything.
Feb 27Reply
210bran @pixie_glitter I am so glad to hear that your baby is better now! I will definitely look into a holistic vet for this baby. Thank you for your purchase, positive feedback and prayers. ♡♡♡♡
Feb 27Reply
pixie_glitter @210bran yes they had him with cancer I went to hollistic vet he had stomach issues hes on hollistic powders the rest if his life n special diet of only turkey breast I cook in oven , his meds n bone marrow cooked with turkey shw saved his life ! praying for your lil. babe ! let me know if u go see hollistic sooner the better n way cheaper than a regular vet n life saving🤗
Feb 27Reply
valerier777 Love what you're doing. Glad to see you carry the larger sizes like xl xxl
Mar 12Reply
210bran @valerier777 Thanks for positive comment! I appreciate it . Have a wonderful week :-)
Mar 12Reply
juliah90 Hi Brandy! I was wondering if you have a GoFundMe for your dog?
May 04Reply
210bran @juliah90 yes I created 1 approx 6 months or so ago and had a few donations.
May 04Reply
juliah90 @210bran do you mind sharing the link? I'd love to donate :)
May 04Reply
210bran @juliah90 that's very sweet of you! We appreciate it more than I can Express. Link is.
May 04Reply
210bran @juliah90 THANK you so very much Julia for your donation!!!!! It will help a lot with Betseys care. Many blessings to you and yours! Have a great weekend. ♡ Brandy and Betsey
May 04Reply
juliah90 @210bran you're welcome! I hope they get well soon ❤️
May 04Reply
210bran @juliah90 ♡♡♡♡♡
May 04Reply
guavadazed Aloha from Maui, Hawai’i, Brandy! I just want to send my prayers and positive vibes all the way to you and your sweet fur babies. I’m an animal lover myself, I have three dogs and two cats. I don’t have much funds to spend at the moment but I like a bunch of things in your closet, so I’m hoping to purchase in the near future, in the mean time I will share as much as I can all in hopes to sell your items to provide the care you need for your animals. 🍍💕
May 06Reply
210bran @jessicaleahk Thank you so much for your prayers and positive vibes. I appreciate your kind words and your shares in effort to help my babies. Wishing you and yours many blessings ♡♡♡
May 06Reply
jilldrake1980 You have an awesome closet, Brandy! I’m following you, and am about to share your closet to my followers. Hope your pup is doing okay. I’ll be back after payday. 😊
Jun 02Reply
210bran @jilldrake1980 Thank you very much for your kind words and your shares. We appreciate it! ♡♡ Brandy, Betsey and Riley.
Jun 02Reply
halmaroposh Yesterday I came across a ten thousand dollar vet bill for my rescue dog Duke,It was one of many.His cancer was in the back of nose between eyes.My mom had died that week also of cancer.WOW I feel for you.Will shop your closet soon.Keep you in our prayers.God Bless you and for helping fur children. P,S. no human kids either.MRS.H
Jul 21Reply
210bran @halmaroposh I am so sorry for your losses. Cancer is such a terrible thing. I appreciate your prayers and kind words for my rescues. Many blessings to you and your fur babies
Jul 21Reply
halmaroposh They Look so sweet and comfortable.We can see they are happy and well loved.
Jul 21Reply
kayhdo Aww sweet babies.....I will help all I can :)
Aug 28Reply
210bran @kayhdo Thank you that is very kind of you 😍😍😍🥰
Aug 28Reply
happy_vegan I lost my chihuahua to breast cancer a year ago. She was my best friend, soul mate and shadow. I am now lost without her. It has taken a huge toll on my health and spirit. Diagnosed in 2015 and had 2 mastectomies. She got Artemisinin & Artemix it kills cancer cells & MyCommunity Host Defense Comprehensive Immune Support, apricot kernels crushed up in her food from . Only organic fresh food I made I swear by this method, it works.If you have any questions please let me know.
Oct 27Reply
210bran @happy_vegan I am so Very sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend. I can understand feeling lost without your baby as it's a fear that I have when I lose Betsey. Of all my animals over years, I have never been closer than I am to her. I will try anything to help as she is not strong enough for the chemo (per vet) I have had her on many RXs as well as Apocaps (someone suggested it several months ago) willing to try Artemix, which brand do you recommend? What recipe do you use for food?
Oct 27Reply
happy_vegan @210bran Artemix is the brand it comes from Hepalin The Artemisinin comes from the same place it is pharmaceutical grade. I spoke to Dr. Henry Lai one of the two researchers that discovered the cancer killing benefits of this supplement. It must be given Without IRON containing foods None! Which is almost nothing. 2-4 hours before eating normal food. I gave it to my girl in organic cheese.
Oct 27Reply
happy_vegan This will help You can also contact Dr Lai directly for more info dr. hlai @ No spaces. :-) You give her the artemix and or artemisinin for 14 days, then off 5 days. That is how I did it. I also fed her Butimix with the pills it helps with digestion and it stinks and smells like something dead. I finally had to give that up lol it was terrible.
Oct 27Reply
210bran @happy_vegan Thank you so very much for the information! I am about to order now!
Oct 27Reply
happy_vegan Oh and I used the 100mg artemisin capsules. You cannot overdose on this stuff. I gave my girl 300mg a day alone and when combined with artemix she got 200mg. It is expensive but for a reason. The Hepalin version is the one that Dr Lai and Dr. Singh used in their research. If you Google artemisin kills cancer you will learn a lot about it But I do recommend you Google artemisinin and artemix dogs for more information. I researched medical journals, google, everything every day for hours.
Oct 27Reply
happy_vegan One thing I failed to mention is Yunan Baiyo. It is a chinese medicine that stops bleeding. Tumors bleed which is why they spread. This prevents that. This is where I got mine My girls holistic vet prescribed it to her. Lots of research you can find about it online. I you don't buy it there be sure it is the real deal. If the box doesn't look like those on the site it is not real.
Oct 27Reply
happy_vegan And for food. I being a vegan had a tough time with this. Whew! But she was worth it. I purchased only organic beef, chicken and for a treat organic bacon (whole pork belly) that I cut up into pieces. I would boil or seer it in organic olive oli. I also gave her an organic egg a couple times a week mixed in with the meats. She got lots of veggies. Kale, spinach, broccoli, squash, green beans, lentils.
Oct 27Reply
happy_vegan Stay away from sugary veggies like corn & potatoes. I did give her a tiny sweet potato once a week as a treat. If you Google veggies for cancer patients it will help you choose the best kind. She also got fruit, melons, strawberries, blueberries, etc. Just avoid the high sugar fruits. Sugar is crack for cancer. Also, fresh mushrooms whole foods has tons of different kinds of organics available. I cooked those in the olive oil
Oct 27Reply
210bran @happy_vegan Thanks for all the information. I am ordering the products you mentioned and will start adding some fruits and the egg. She already gets greens, chicken, organic beef and other items. I am hoping these added products will help prolong her life. Thanks again, I really appreciate it. Sorry again for your loss. 🐾
Oct 27Reply
happy_vegan I didn't mix foods together much. I just made her a human plate and separated everything just like my plate. Also, I kept her away from all chemicals. That included no burning of candles, laundry detergent and dish detergent was changed to natural options like ECOS brand. I didn't wear lotions or perfumes since it can lower her immune system. It is crazy how much in our environment can help cancer grow.
Oct 27Reply
happy_vegan You are very welcome! I do believe they will prolong her life just stay organic and be very picky what you give her and you will be fine. I am here if you ever have any other questions. Big hugs and kiss those little ones for me. :-)
Oct 27Reply
210bran @happy_vegan I can no longer use perfumes due to my own health issues so chemicals have already been eliminated around her. I do not own candles, Scentsy, plugs ins etc. :-)
Oct 27Reply
thisnthat78 Those furbabies are so lucky to have you. I hope they get well with your help. They are precious!! I'll be sharing your closet and pray it helps to boost many sales for you. Give those furbabies hugs for me.
Dec 12Reply
210bran @thisnthat78 Thank you so very much for your shares of my items and your kind words. I will give them plenty of hugs for you and me both 🥰🐶🐾😍
Dec 12Reply
thebeesneezmom Your rescue babies couldn't be in better hands. What a mission of love. I'm very happy to share your closet. <3
Dec 14Reply
210bran @thebeesneezmom Thank you so much for your kind words and your help with exposing my Closet. Happy Holidays 🐶🐾
Dec 14Reply
bkb1 Your dogs are so cute And blessed to have you 💕 🐕 🐶 Wishing you many sales
Feb 17Reply
210bran @bkb1 Thank you so much for your kind words, shares and blessings. Happy selling to you as well.
Feb 17Reply
sinystylin 🧵 Welcome & Happy Poshing 🎉
May 02Reply
hot_joyride Your dogs are adorable Brandy!! How much are the vet costs total?
Apr 18Reply
210bran @hot_joyride Thank you for your kind words. They were absolutely adorable w/amazing personalities. To answer your question, the cost for these 2, for 3 years, was between $8k and $9k. Sadly I lost Riley in Nov and JUST lost Betsey. I have been so devastated (Betsey was my baby) that I have not spent time needed to update my listings. Funds for any future items will still go to paying off their bills. In honor of Betsey & Riley, I will be adopting again. I also have 2 other rescue dogs. 🥰
Apr 18Reply
alansmith120451 Dear Brandy how are your little dogs doing ? My heart goes out for you and your little sweeties. Are you hanging in there ? I hope all goes well real soon and you make a lot of sales to help with the expenses. God blesses those who have compassion for the innocents. Will be thinking of you and your babies daily. Terry
Dec 08Reply
210bran @alansmith120451 Thanks Terry for asking about Riley & Betsey. Sadly both passed away. In their memory, I have rescued another soul in need. Olive was born & confined to a cage the 1st 2 years of her life. NO WAY FOR AN ANIMAL TO LIVE! Previous owner, despite her birth defects, breed her & ended up needing c-section. Because of this, she was "rehomed" to a family. Olive is scared of humans & not potty trained, so they give up on her too.. Now she is with me for the remainder of her life.
Dec 21Reply
alansmith120451 @210bran Dear Brandy , I am saddened to hear that news about your sweet little dogs . It made me cry . They were so beautiful and fragile. I know you have been been greiving about. I feel your lost. I feel a close affinity to all of God's creatures and I do as much as I can to save as many as I can. Always remember that God blesses those who have compassion for the innocents. Terry
Dec 22Reply
vermillion2 Thank you so much for the bundle offer but unfortunately I no longer need the jacket
Mar 06Reply
sweetnsaltygirl Hey! I have rescues also! Thank you for helping them. I’ll be watching your closet! ~Michelle
Jun 16Reply
hmc_art_crafts Hi, my name is Holly. I am new to Poshmark. I am starting out with my art 🖼️ in my closet. Have no idea what I am doing but jumping in with both feet. Come look at my art and leave me a comment with any advice 🙏❤️ thanks.
Jan 07Reply
jillandmitzi Thank you for having a ❤️ for rescues. Loved your photos.
May 19Reply
210bran @jillandmitzi Thank you for your kind words.
May 19Reply
atomicnumber29 oh no, saw this and read the dog with the tumor between her eyes has passed. was she able to get her surgery?
Jun 01Reply
210bran @atomicnumber29 She did have a surgery but vet was not able to remove tumor. She was on many RX as well as holistic items in attempt to keep the tumor from growing. In the end, a stroke got her
Jun 01Reply
janeta888 Love the variety in your closet! Fun to stop in and see. And your rescue friends are adorable (and adored, I think). 🌸🌺🌸🌺
Oct 27Reply
210bran @janeta888 Thank you so much for your kind words. My rescues are definitely adored (and spoiled :-)
Oct 27Reply
janeta888 @210bran as they should be!
Oct 27Reply

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