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Updated Jun 26
Updated Jun 26

Meet your Posh Ambassador, Jessica

Meet the Posher



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Hi I'm Jessica! Thank you fellow posher for stopping by! I love receiving offers and bundling deals so don't hesitate if you fancy something! If you have any questions just leave me a comment and I'll get back to you asap! All items are cleaned thoroughly before being shipped the same day from a smoke free, cat (package safety specialist, see above) friendly home! For buyer/seller security all sales will be recorded! New items added weekly! As always have a posh day ❤ positivity is contagious!
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 4+ Bundle

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phoenixsunshine 🌹welcome to the big family ❤️happy poshing 🌸😆
Apr 19Reply
dayanagf Hello, my name is Dayana.Wellcome to Poshmark. Please come to visit I Have a great selection of all fashion style clothes, Jewlery, shoes XS-XXL New & Vintage in my closet. Follow me and share the love.😍😀😸😻🌹🌹😉😸
Apr 20Reply
outfitoverhaul @dayanagf Thank you and will check out! Good luck! ❤
Apr 20Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Jessica. Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 28Reply
outfitoverhaul @hmsimon1 Nice to meet you Hank! You have some gorgeous creations in your closet! Thanks for the follow ❤
Apr 28Reply
53rdandmadison 🌻🌤
May 08Reply
53rdandmadison 💐🦋💐
May 08Reply
53rdandmadison 👩🏻‍🏫🍎📚🙋🏻‍♂️
May 09Reply
53rdandmadison 🍷🍓🍫
May 09Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there’s ever anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask!😊
May 11Reply
outfitoverhaul @donnastreasures Hey Donna! I know as I expand my inventory I'll probably have a few questions! It's good to know I have someone to ask ☺
May 11Reply
outfitoverhaul @gamezzzz Not at this point, but thought I'd share and help a brother out :)
May 12Reply
outfitoverhaul @gamezzzz You're welcome! If you need anything you know where I'm at!
May 12Reply
ycbear22 Hi Jessica, welcome to Poshmark and thank you for following my closet. If you have any questions please let me know 💕💕
May 12Reply
outfitoverhaul @ycbear22 Hey chica thank you! For sure!
May 12Reply
clarence_howard I'm new to posh. However\you stuck out to me. I love your closet.
May 14Reply
outfitoverhaul @clarence_howard Hey I'm so happy you decided to join!! And thank you, I'm in the process of adding more to my inventory so if there's anything I can do for you I would love to be of assistance 😊
May 14Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark! Hi there, I am Gloria. Welcome to a community of great people and awesome sales. I am a Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top seller so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help deals. I am always happy to negotiate as well. Happy Poshing 😃
May 17Reply
outfitoverhaul @soriag Thank you Gloria! Im starting to get the hang of it but nothing better than advice coming from the pros! I'll be checking out your closet soon! 😊
May 17Reply
sebq That message was so nice of you. I try to br strong but going from heart failure in September to now telling us he has lung cancer I don’t know what God is asking of us. I just know I fight tears 24/7. I’m praying but I wonder if he’s listening. My husband is such a good man. Thank you for your kindness🙏
May 26Reply
outfitoverhaul Cancer is such a horrible thing I'm hoping you have a great set of docs out there that can stop it in its tracks if not get rid of the diseased part so it doesn't return. My prayers will always be with you. As busy as you maybe, try to have the local pastors come bless the your yard and pray over your husband. Sometimes inviting God into your surrounding makes positive changes.
May 26Reply
outfitoverhaul Don't ever forget you're human too and need to stop and breathe. The anxiety can hurt a woman horribly. I hear the love you have for him and that's what made me notice
May 26Reply
ladystarli Unfortunately, I can't afford the offer you sent. Hopefully that will change once I get my first paycheck.
May 27Reply
outfitoverhaul @ladystarli no worries, you can come back at anytime! I hope your financial situation gets better :)
May 27Reply
ladystarli @jezebel93 - Considering the fact that I just got a job, I just don't have a start date yet, I see things getting better VERY soon.
May 27Reply
outfitoverhaul @ladystarli that's good news!! I'm off work for the next couple months and I can definitely understand penny pinching where it matters most!
May 27Reply
ladystarli @jezebel93 - I should be getting my paycheck from training in a week or so. But, first checks are often tricky, so I'm not counting on it
May 27Reply
outfitoverhaul @ladystarli yeah I remember my first job thought I would get the full 2 week check ended up getting a one day check 🤣 late start date! I was super psyched like omg I can pay for my phone now!!! Back in the stone age when minimum was 8 bucks an hour
May 27Reply
ladystarli @jezebel93 - I remember those days. I get paid every week, but the first two checks will be mailed to me, so they'll be later than usual, hence my uncertainty.
May 27Reply
outfitoverhaul @ladystarli lucky duck! I wish I could get paid weekly!
May 27Reply
ladystarli @jezebel93 - You can want a referral when you get back to work?
May 27Reply
ladystarli @jezebel93 - Cool. Hit me up when you are ready to get back to work. I work for a global security company so, wherever you are located, especially in the US, you calling likely get a job with them.
May 27Reply
outfitoverhaul @ladystarli Thank you bunches!!! I needed a career change for awhile now!
May 27Reply
ladystarli @jezebel93 - When you are able to go back to work, hit me up and I'll send you all the info you need.
May 27Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Jessica, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
May 28Reply
outfitoverhaul @ladystarli Thank you for being the bestest! I def will!!
May 28Reply
outfitoverhaul @resourcing_rob Thanks friend! Best of luck with your sales ❤
May 28Reply
zardiva1 Hi and welcome! 👋😃 Beautiful 🐈 - awww! 🙂💕💜💕😘🐾
May 28Reply
shopwithshar Thank you so much for sharing my first listing. Feel free to make an offer. Happy poshing 😊
May 31Reply
mvcthree Welcome and Happy Poshing 💕
Jun 02Reply
outfitoverhaul @shopwithshar you're very welcome! I love helping new poshers! If there's anything in my closet or boutique you're interested in, I'd be more than happy to give you a great deal!
Jun 03Reply
outfitoverhaul @mvcthree Thanks girl ❤
Jun 03Reply
neesh4keeps Hey thank you for the shares cute closet too
Jun 03Reply
outfitoverhaul @neesh4keeps you're welcome, if there's anything you're interested in let me know!! I'll try to tag more peeps as well!! @bell1971 idk if you're following her but she's got me clued in on all the follow games! Her dedication is epic!
Jun 03Reply
bell1971 @jezebel93 I do follow her. I have a SUPER connection. She has tagged me from day one. I just cant be on here all the time. Lol. Lol. Lol. Thanks 💖
Jun 03Reply
outfitoverhaul @bell1971 I'm such a dork I tagged you in the wrong part of that message!!! I meant to ask @neesh4keeps if she is following you cuz you have me clued in on everything and your dedication is epic!!! Sorry for my delayed thought process I can't stop laughing at myself right now lol!!!
Jun 03Reply
baseballyogi Why thank you for all the shares & support! 🙏
Jun 09Reply
outfitoverhaul @baseballyogi you're absolutely welcome! If there's anything I can do for you let me know!!
Jun 09Reply
baseballyogi I sure will. Is there a way to favorite you so I can easily locate you in this vast sea which is Poshmark?
Jun 09Reply
outfitoverhaul @baseballyogi yes captain! If you scroll up to my meet the posher profile you will see a like button! Hit that and when you go into your account and view the my likes section I should be visible! You can also tag me on any post @jezebel93
Jun 09Reply
baseballyogi Great thanks! So the heart button is the like button?
Jun 09Reply
outfitoverhaul @baseballyogi yes it'll favorite/bookmark any post for you to review later!
Jun 09Reply
baseballyogi Perfect greatly appreciated. Good night. Sleep is calling me. 🙏
Jun 09Reply
outfitoverhaul @baseballyogi I'm always glad to be of assistance! Goodnight, sweet dreams and sleep well! 🤗
Jun 09Reply
baseballyogi You are just so kind & sweet! Thank you
Jun 09Reply
outfitoverhaul @baseballyogi I try 😊 you're very welcome!
Jun 09Reply
outfitoverhaul @saugust2345 Hi! How are you?
Jun 09Reply
bati_mamselle @jezebel93 hi Jessica. I’m kinda new here. Nice to visit your amazing closet. I’m learning every day a little more about Poshmark.
Jun 09Reply
outfitoverhaul @batimamselle Hi Paige I'm so happy you stopped by!! I've had such an amazing time here so far and I hope that you will too! It took me a couple weeks to understand this platform a long with the help of some posh mentors too! If there's anything I can do for you let me know ❤
Jun 09Reply
lovely_lotus_ Hi Jessica! Your closet is beautiful!!! Thanks for following my closet! I’m currently having a huge sale! Most items have been discounted by an additional 10% - 20%!!! Bundles of 3 or more items automatically receive another 5% off at checkout! Want even MORE SAVINGS? The link in my bio will get you CASH BACK on qualifying Poshmark purchases, as well as purchases from other online retailers! If you have any questions, or need any help, please don’t hesitate to ask! Happy Poshing!
Jun 10Reply
mallku Is always a pleasure to see a beautiful Posher, thank you for following..
Jun 12Reply
outfitoverhaul @mallku aww thank you! You have a great closet! Let me know of you have any questions 😊
Jun 12Reply
mochabarbee81 I appreciate you following me. I always show poshlove so I shared some of your items.🤗 You're welcome to stop by my closet anytime. I'm constantly uploading maybe you'll see something you like. I will make sure to stop by your closet again as well. ➡️@mochabarbee81 #poshlove Mocha💓
Jun 14Reply
outfitoverhaul @mochabarbee81 Thanks for stopping by Mocha! I'll definitely keep posted on your closet too! this site is so addicting it's not even funny!!! Sending lots of love and good vibes to you and the family ❤
Jun 14Reply
mochabarbee81 @jezebel93 It is addictive and I try to respond to ever comment, share, and like. I like looking at closets and items and corresponding with other poshers. Girl buying stuff becomes habit forming. Poshmark is definitely addicting. I don't feel that way about other selling sites I use. Have an AWESOME day!!!!😘😘😘
Jun 14Reply
cnaud1 Hi. Lol
Jun 17Reply
emilycallister Welcome to poshmark! I would love if you could check out my closet! Thanks so much!
Jun 23Reply
outfitoverhaul @emilycallister thanks! Let me know if you find anything in my closet you like!
Jun 23Reply
outfitoverhaul Hey Barbara! @highestblessed I've seen the bundle you created and I would love to give you a discounted price! We'll have to split some of the bundles up to not go over the 5lb limit! Let me know when you're ready 😊
Jun 27Reply
lesmurphy13 Appreciate the offer and it is reasonable, but I just added up how much I spent today and with the add-on of postage, I've overspent. So very sorry. Hope I didn't inconvenience you! Les
Jun 28Reply
outfitoverhaul @lesmurphy13 no worries 😊
Jun 28Reply
tolisha12 Congrats 😌
Jun 29Reply
outfitoverhaul @tolisha12 thank you! It's nice to meet you 😊
Jun 29Reply
jessicaegan Congrats on the win! Happy poshing 🎉🥂🍾
Jun 29Reply
outfitoverhaul @jessicaegan Thank you girl!
Jun 29Reply
savysales Congratulations on being a Make A Deal Day winner! 🎉🎈🎊
Jun 29Reply
sourpoi Congrats on your WIN! Have a beautiful day and Happy Poshing :D
Jun 29Reply
goldenpetal 🎉Congratulations On Your Make A Deal Days Win!🎉
Jun 30Reply
raonow Thanks so much!😊😊
Jul 03Reply
outfitoverhaul @plusclothesplus you're welcome! I hope you're enjoying your vacation! I saw some cute stuff and I'm wondering how it'll fit! Depending on the brand I wear large to xxl but I'm going to look thru again! ❤
Jul 07Reply
outfitoverhaul @raonow you're welcome!!! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help ❤
Jul 07Reply
outfitoverhaul @plusclothesplus when you get back home tag me and I'll check email out! Oh crud the west coast has the same problem today :/ feels almost tropical!
Jul 07Reply
outfitoverhaul @plusclothesplus *them autocorrect lmao
Jul 07Reply
nicholepruitt73 Tonight is your lucky night. You can get a free $15 beauty gift basket for bundling any 2 items no matter the cost of the items.
Jul 09Reply
matatat21 Thank you for the follow feel free to make offers/ bundles!❤️
Jul 09Reply
staceystuff Thanks so much for the shares! 😊
Jul 11Reply
outfitoverhaul @staceystuff you're welcome! You have a wonderful closet! Let me know if I can assist you with anything :)
Jul 11Reply
staceystuff @outfitoverhaul Thanks again! I am still figuring it all out... I may have a ? soon. 😊
Jul 11Reply
billyspride I Love ur closet
Jul 14Reply
outfitoverhaul @billyspride thank you and thank you for showing my closet so much love!! If you are interested in anything or ISO a particular item please let me know. I'm heavily discounting this batch to make room for all the other things that came up!
Jul 15Reply
gloriasgalleria Thanks for your welcome and fOr sharing my first item!! Love your closet and your cat!!😻
Jul 16Reply
outfitoverhaul @groubal you're very welcome! And thank you ❤
Jul 16Reply
gloriasgalleria @outfitoverhaul I know you’re very busy, but if you ever have a few minutes to look at my closet and give me some feedback as well as any tips you have to make sales, I would be most grateful!!!❤️
Jul 17Reply
gloriasgalleria My name is Gloria, by the way😊
Jul 17Reply
outfitoverhaul @groubal Hi Gloria! So far your closet looks great! You've done great pointing out any flaws and good pics! The biggest tip I could give you is share your items like there's no tomorrow aka 3-5x a day! Sharing other's listings also help as most of us return the favor! Every follower is a potential sale too so follow as many people as possible!
Jul 17Reply
outfitoverhaul @groubal signage is also another thing too even I need hone my skills on this! Encourage offers or sales or bundle discounts via some type of sign. You can get something from google or ask another posher if you can use their signs!
Jul 17Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much.❤️
Jul 19Reply
0sleepingbeauty Thank you for all the shares love!!! Love your closet!!! 💜
Jul 30Reply
outfitoverhaul @amanda1508 you're very welcome and thank you!!
Jul 30Reply
baseballyogi Thank you sorry sharing all my listings. Wow! :)
Jul 31Reply
baseballyogi Thanks again. :)
Jul 31Reply
outfitoverhaul @baseballyogi you are absolutely welcome 😊
Jul 31Reply
outfitoverhaul @watchdealer364 I know you updated the pic tho. You still got the silver with the blue face? Before I accept I just wanna make sure
Aug 05Reply
outfitoverhaul @watchdealer364 alright cool I'm asking which one he wants just to be sure. Is that the only 2 you got?
Aug 05Reply
outfitoverhaul @watchdealer364 ok we for sure on the silver and blue. Tag me!
Aug 05Reply
outfitoverhaul @watchdealer364 ok deal ok the blue one!
Aug 05Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Aug 21Reply
outfitoverhaul @spreadlove Hi Melissa it's so nice to meet you!! Thank you for stopping by my page!
Aug 21Reply
outfitoverhaul @sue_sells I definitely will!
Aug 30Reply
jv71 Thankyou for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 03Reply
outfitoverhaul @jv71 You're welcome! :)
Sep 03Reply
jv71 @outfitoverhaul nice to meet you 😘😘❤️
Sep 03Reply
niknak661 Hi Jessica...Thank you for.dropping by and take a p👀k...I update weekly👠👡🧥👚👙👘🕶 meeting new poshers and exchanging fashion tips....💋  HAPPY POSHING❣
Sep 17Reply
outfitoverhaul @niknak661 thanks for dropping me a line Nikki! Super cute closet!! ❤
Sep 17Reply
shellieposch I Love your closet!
Nov 25Reply
nyposhboss Hi! I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I do. It is a wonderful online community. Feel free to browse around my closet. I try to take simple pieces and give them many looks. If you see something you like but don’t like the price, make an offer or bundle it to save 20% and save on shipping! There’s something for everyone 😀Happy Poshing!
Nov 30Reply
outfitoverhaul @shellieposch thank you! Let me know if you have any questions 😀
Dec 22Reply
ladykrc @outfitoverhaul Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy sharing, shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jun 23Reply
amritmohan Guess what day it is....“🐪 day” Wednesday, wishing you speedy sales !!! 🥂😉 - Amrit
Sep 04Reply
outfitoverhaul @amritmohan thank you! Hope your day is as amazing as mine! 😁
Sep 04Reply
amritmohan @outfitoverhaul yes had an awesome 😎 day thanks!!!
Sep 05Reply
hinkypunk Hey , nice to meet ya I’m Mikki! Feel free to check out my closet see if there’s anything you like! Send sum offers & drop sum shares so I can return the favor in you closet !!! ❤️ happy posting!! ❤️
Feb 12Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm looking to reduce my closet so will be accepting most (basically all) offers! Feel free to check my closet out and bundle/offer on anything and it will be accepted! Thank you and have a great night :)
Sep 15Reply
simplymy777 Right, that’s my point. I would have liked to receive some thing stating that they’re gold plated with my item in person. We can all type anything we want on our listings, it’s not necessarily true.
Sep 30Reply
hovig12 Welcome to poshmark! 💗💗😊😊
Jan 26Reply
outfitoverhaul @hovig12 hello dear, happy poshing!!!
Jan 26Reply
hovig12 @outfitoverhaul Thank you Jessica!💗
Jan 26Reply
watsonlilmommy @outfitoverhaul hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer and I will help you out
Jun 27Reply
watsonlilmommy @outfitoverhaul hello how you check out my closet all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets sets you maybe interested in
Aug 02Reply
cutehosiery @outfitoverhaul Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 30Reply
melvi02 Hi there, I would love for you to check out my closet. If you are interested you can make a reasonable offer. ☺️ Please Feel free to make bundles and I will give you a great deal 💕🙏🏻
Nov 28Reply
watsonlilmommy @outfitoverhaul hello check out my closet see something you like send me and offer everything must go lost my grandma is trying to get funds to go towards her tombstone anything will help or bundle up for a discount
Jun 21Reply

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Last Active: Sep 17 2024

Yuba City, CA
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Last Active: Sep 17 2024

Yuba City, CA
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