Meet your Posher!!
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Hi ALL ❤

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Welcome to Poshmark 🌷🌻🌹
May 11Reply

Greetings to you from the state of South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offers.
May 14Reply

Hi. Brittny & WELCOME to Posh!
Its a very supportive & social community where if U have questions theres always a Posher to help! Or just visit my closet & I'd be happy to help U
When U SHARE an item to Ur FOLLOWERS they see it in the FEED
The more Followers U have the more the item is seen
So....the more Followers U have ...the more POTENTIAL SALES U will have!
More questions? Just ask me
May 14Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
May 15Reply

Welcome to Posh, Brittney!!! I hope that you love it here!!! 😊💖💋
May 16Reply

Hello! My name is Angelia and I just wanted to welcome you to the community! These are great info closets to check out and may be of value to you if you'd like to read up on them! @official_forum , @poshuniversity
, @nic39 , @sfvhotmess , @bohogirl93 , @vickyss , @alluck1210 , @lauras_boutique , @shopnaway, @molinda25 , @stylenu , let's welcome!
May 16Reply

@restlessangel Angelia, thank you for the tag.
Hi Brittney. I'm Allison. Welcome to posh!
May 16Reply

Hey Brittany!! Welcome to Posh!! You will love it😊💕💕 thanks @restlessangel 😘💕
May 16Reply

@alluck1210 , totally! Awesome ladies!! 🌈
May 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark Brittany, I'm Nicole. If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know. @restlessangel Thanks for the tag.
May 16Reply

Welcome to Posh! Your off to a great start! I'm Kim. I can answer any questions you have!
May 21Reply

@bonnijean Hi Bonnie! I want to Welcome you to Posh!! My name is Renee. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Check out @poshuniversity For lots of helpful tips. It's important to have a Posh Compliant closet to fully benefit. Also, sharing to parties & from parties. The best way to say "Thank You" is to share. Here are some of my favorite closets & Ladies that have really inspired me. @nami001 @kellidavis05 @kookc @elizmul @kmb42 Most of all Have Fun!! 😉😊👗💕🛍
May 27Reply

Hi Brittany! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Great pictures sell. 📸@nazer95 🛍🛍
May 27Reply

Hi. Thanks for the follow. I have a great bundle deal today. 😞
May 28Reply

Hi, I'm Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! It's definitely addicting! 2 tips : 1 ) Follow your fellow Poshers & share their items. They'll do the same. We all try to help one another sell. If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me. If you're interested, I belong to a Facebook group of other sellers. We have lessons to help us further our business & support one another. You can go to: tell them I sent you!💖
Jun 01Reply

Thank you for taking a peek at my closet. I have additional sales and discounts availabe today please let me wknow if you need any help. Happy poshing!😊
Jun 10Reply

Thank you for sharing my iso listing!
Jun 14Reply

Thank you for sharing. 😆
Jun 24Reply

Hi friend, I can sell that loft skirt for $20 if interested! Just make the offer 🙂🙂
Nov 15Reply

Thanks for the share honey!
Dec 07Reply

Hi sweetie I did a lot of sharing to help you out but you have to share too so I think you need to know that you have to share in everyone's closet very important that's how we all get noticed by following sharing it and liking it doesn't mean that we're going to buy it or just sharing it and if I like it then I don't put in follow that means I might get it usually people look at the things I like to and they buy it
Dec 12Reply

@bansera Thank you for your input. I am CONSTANTLY sharing other people's listings so it can be hard to keep track of what is an origional share vs. a return share. I also happily share without expecting a return because isn't that what sharing is all about?
Dec 12Reply

Thanks for sharing 💐💞
Dec 12Reply

@bonnijean thanks for checking out my closet. I post new things every week.? Welcome to Posh and have fun 😎
Mar 13Reply

Hello pretty lady! Welcome to Poshmark I'm having a sale. Check it out! Bundle and save.God bless!
Apr 12Reply

Noticed you liked the leopard converse, I have a similar pair; why not check out my closet?
Apr 26Reply

Oh my gosh. Your cat is super cute. 💕🐱
Jun 10Reply

@emilu005 Thank you!! It's a dream of mine to get her into cat modeling lol
Jun 10Reply

@bonnijean she's so adorable, she might have a future in viral internet cat-ing 😊
Jun 10Reply

Hi Brittany, I'm Sally. I just became a posher in Feb. All of these wonderful women are so helpful. They have taught me so much do feel free to reach out to any of us. Just love tbe pic of you and your gorgeous kitty. I have 3 myself. My furbabies.
Jun 27Reply

Thank you so much for the positive rating ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 15Reply

Hi Brittney! Nice to meet you 🌻🌻 your closet is terrific! 💕
Jul 31Reply

Thanks for following my closet!!☺️ this weeks bundle 3items for 25% off!! :)
Aug 22Reply

Hello and thank you for liking my free people skirt! If you want, feel free to bundle and I will give you an awesome personal discount:) good luck buying and selling!
Aug 23Reply

- Gorgeous kitty baby😻 Happy Happy Monday!!!😁🎶🎷🐛😜
Nov 07Reply

😊Hi Britney, I wish I had found your closet before now. I see a lot that I like but it’s sold🤪
Dec 04Reply

Just wanted to say thank you for the amazing 7FAM jeans and for being a stellar Posher! I was so excited when I opened them, just what I imagined and wonderful condition. I have another pair that are also size 26 that fit well, but these are too small unfortunately :( I will likely re-Posh or give to a friend. Really bummed they don't fit but wanted to make sure to say thank you because they are really a great find.
Dec 07Reply

Hi there! I was wondering if you ever traded?
Dec 11Reply

Thank you for sharing my item, I really appreciate it! Hope you have a great weekend 😃
Jan 25Reply

Hi I’m so sorry but I’ve been traveling all week. Haven’t been able to ship the top and won’t be home until Monday the 19th. If you don’t want it, I understand. Will ship Tuesday the 19th.
Sorry again - lisa
Feb 15Reply

Hi! I got the notification that the black shoes were delivered. I had a long shift today and didn't get to my apartment complex office on time. As soon as I get them on Monday I will accept the purchase. Thank you for shipping them so quickly, I appreciate it! :)
Feb 18Reply

Hi Bonnie- I was traveling the last week and couldn’t ship the top. I left you a message and got delayed shipment.
I’m so sorry. They cancelled the sale but if you want it please message me and I will sell it to you for 25. I feel bad This happened! I shouldn’t have posted and honestly didn’t expect it to sell so quickly knowing I was going on vacation...
Feb 20Reply

Hey girl! Thanks for visiting my closet:) Let me know if you have any questions. I am always open to offers :)
Feb 22Reply

Hello! Nice Photo!💓
Mar 11Reply

Happy Sunday! 😘
Mar 11Reply

Bonni!! For the first time in over 8 years of employment, my housekeeper mistakenly threw away two of my shoes!!!! I left the green and red Revas on a ledge to be put in the box, and she thought I wanted her to get rid of them! I don’t know what to say. I’m soooo sorry. I only have the three pair now. We can cancel the sale, or I can offer you a much more expensive 9.5 Reva flat in their place. Probably worth $70+ alone. Please forgive me and let me know.
Apr 16Reply

@culdesacgirl oh no!! Let's cancel. ❤
Apr 16Reply

@bonnijean okay, I’m so so sick about it, but she didn’t truly understand. I was excited for your excitement about the deal! My apologies. Let me know if you’re ever interested in the other three. Not sure how to cancel, you might have to initiate.
Apr 16Reply

@culdesacgirl No worries! Things happen! I've had to cancel a couple of my own. Just go to "my sales" click on ours and then follow the "problems/inquiry" link
Apr 16Reply

@bonnijean You’re so cool! Thanks for understanding!
Apr 17Reply

Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow ❤️👑
Jun 18Reply

such a cute coset!!
Jun 18Reply

Hiii!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Congrats on Hosting! Just wanted to stop by & say hi! ✨ Can't wait to check out your closet! 💞I would love the possibility to be a potential host pick!🤞🏻 Hope you're having a great day!🎉 Xo
Jun 18Reply

Congrats on being a party host! Please consider me for a host pick! Thank you, have a lovely day, girl!❤️💙🎊
Jun 18Reply

❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕
I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party tomorrow, Monday, July 2!❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕
Jul 01Reply

Congrats in hosting a party! Please check out my closet for Possible host picks! Thanks 😊
Jul 02Reply

Hi, CONGRATS on hosting the Men's Style Party! Please come check out my boutique where I offer a range of unique suit accessories for men including floral neckties! I hope that if you like my items, you would choose one as a host pick for the party :) Thank you!
Jul 02Reply

Congrats on your status! We are posh ambassadors but we are a large online retailer of shoes and have this posh to give amazing deals on brand new retail items. Check our ratings and help push each other. Check out to see some Hp! Good luck tonight in your party :)
Jul 02Reply

Hey, congrats on hosting the party tonight! If you need any quality menswear items for host picks, please check out my closet. Thanks and see you at the party!
Jul 02Reply

Congratulations on hosting the men's party tonight please take a look at my page and honor me with a host pic thank you and have a blessed day
Jul 02Reply

Great closet! Take a look at mine too if you get a chance:) sending you lots of positive vibes to make quick sales!!
Jul 02Reply

I sent you a bundle suggestion- don’t feel obligated it was just a thought after reviewing your style card. If you love it then I will happily ship them out to you first thing in the morning. If not and you just want to offer on the shoes then that’s great too. Just let me know!
Sep 07Reply

Hi Bonni - your closet is fab
- I just had so much fum browsing and sharing it! Love the mix of brands and styles - great job! Cheers - Cynthia 👍💖🛍
Sep 21Reply

Congrats on hosting 🎉🎉🎉 sharing and supporting now! If still looking for host picks I would love it if you considered checking out my closet 💕💕 Happy Poshing !!
Sep 22Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Nike, Philosophy skincare, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 26Reply

Great closet! Thanks for the share💕
Jan 01Reply

Great work today!
Jan 20Reply

Hi Bonni, thanks for sharing. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers-Tim
Apr 10Reply

Hi I love your closet!! You should check out mine, feel free to make offers on anything you like! Thank you & happy poshing💕
Apr 20Reply

Congratulations on winning!!!!! 🎊🎉🥰
Just a small tip, the shipping costs eat into your winnings 🤦🏼♀️! Special offer for winners only: anything $20 and above in my closet, 50% off! Just send me the offer and I’ll accept it 😁😁! Happy shopping!!!
Jun 14Reply

Congrats on your “Deal Day Win”
That’s amazing and you deserve it. Now you have been gifted prize money from Poshmark, sometimes it can take a few hours, just keep checking your balance. Now I’m running a special for a week for all winners, HALF OFF my ENTIRE closet 🙌❤️❤️❤️please just make a BUNDLE and use code word WINNER. Congrats again and happy posting 👏👏👏
Jun 14Reply

Congrats on your WIN! Have a beautiful day and ENJOY your well deserved shopping spree! HAPPY POSHING!
Jun 14Reply

Hey gorgeous, Congratulations on winning "Make A Deal Days"! You deserve it 🎉 Feel free to check my closet anytime 💞😊
Jun 15Reply

Great store. Looks like we sell similar stuff. Thanks for sharing
Aug 25Reply

Your closet is just great. #closetgoals
Oct 03Reply

Love your closet! Beautiful 💝🛍
Dec 12Reply

Bonni just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing My Vintage Swarovski Butterfly Necklace! With Iconic Swarovski Swan Crystal Charm. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Dec 17Reply

Hi Bonni, thank you for sharing my listing! You're very kind. I wish you continued success and sales. Have an amazing and blessed rest of the week.
Dec 18Reply

Hi there! I purchased those 4 days ago 3/12 and the next day Poshmark notified me that it was delivered. Obviously there is some kind of mistake. Can you please update me on my order.. I got pistola green maxi skirt in small. (Sorry I don’t know where to write about this, when i open the order it sends me straight to rate the delivery...which I don’t have)
Mar 17Reply

@sanjatratar I would contact your post office. :/ I shipped it out and that is the only "update" I can give. It seems like something went wrong at the delivery end and I would have no way of speaking to that. I hope it turns up for you!
Mar 17Reply

Thank you again! I love your closet!!
Apr 08Reply

@kaz55 Thank YOU! These will go out tomorrow :)
Apr 08Reply

Thank you for accepting my offer can wait to use my dickey !! 💗💗
Apr 10Reply

Hi Bonni!!! Love your bundles and not so mystery bundles! Will you be doing any more anytime soon?? 💞
May 03Reply

@srw987 Aww! Thank you! Maybe in the next week. I'll tag you for sure! ❤
May 03Reply

@bonnijean awesome!! I appreciate that so much!!! 🥰
May 03Reply

Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jun 20Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet! It is very.much appreciated. I have shared some of your amazing items as well. Happy "Poshing" today!! 🌺🌸🌻🎉
Jun 25Reply

Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know it there’s my closet anything that’s catches your eye. I offer super cool deals and I am open to offers. 👍⭐️👌Happy poshing ... regards
Jul 01Reply

50% off everything in my closet now through July 4th! 5+ items gets $4.99 shipping! Have a blessed day!
Jul 04Reply

Thanks for the Shares 🌺 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!! 😃
Jul 16Reply

Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. I’m doing this social distancing + Poshing from my couch with a glass of Merlot. I fear that this could be a dangerous combination. 🙃 Stay safe, healthy + keep your loved ones close. ❤️Appreciate it + Happy Poshing!
Jul 30Reply

Thank you for sharing my listings 💕💕💕
Aug 07Reply

Hi! Thanks for the shares! I’m getting ready to close my closet and have some sales going on this week. Lots of items 5/$25 and 3/$30 and I’m open to offers on anything else. Please take a look and add any likes to a bundle for discounted prices!
Aug 30Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing the love 💕☺️
Sep 14Reply

Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Sep 22Reply

Thank you 🙏 so much for sharing, my items I feel honor, that you stop by to take a peak@ my closet & tickle pink that you share a thing or two...Thanks 🙏 🙏🙏 4 the POSH ❣️Luv❣️& support. You have a super day & happy 😇🥰😋 posh😎. I shall return the shares!
Oct 03Reply

Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great week and successful Poshing!😊🇺🇸
Oct 13Reply

Mahalo for sharing my item🌺
Oct 18Reply

Hi there! Welcome to check out my closet 😊. Happy New Year🎉🍾🎊 ~ all the best for you!! ❤️
Jan 01Reply

Hey there you purchased my beauty bundle lot and I am out of state until the last weekend in Jan so you still want it then?
Jan 18Reply

@britney1010 Yes, please!!
Jan 18Reply

Love your closet!💕
Feb 11Reply

Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Feb 13Reply

Nice closet!!! especially with so many postings!!! looks well curated! :)
Feb 13Reply

Hi I shared some of your listings. Good luck with selling 💕🌺🌸🛍🌸🛍🌺🛍💕🛍💫💕🌸🌟⭐️
Feb 13Reply

hi, congrats on cohosting a posh party! i would love it if you would kindly consider choosing one of my items as a host pick!
Feb 13Reply

I love your items!👏👏😃♥️
Feb 13Reply

Hi Bonni thx for visiting my closet .. i left you a note on your bundle .. i can give you a great $!offer if you add another item .. but i m at rock bottom on price for the jacket alone ... i m sure you can understand?!
Just no profit . 🧐 Thx again ❣️❤️😎
Mar 16Reply

Hi Bonni , thx for bundling your silky bomber jkt❣️ i left u new msg on your bundle.. $9 for jacket @ 4.99s&h , IF you add another item &I will send offer
Mar 17Reply

Thank you! These will ship in the morning 😊
May 31Reply

Someone fraudulently stole my card, I did not order this item!!! I’m working with my bank on this charge. I can see that it has been shipped, again I did not order! Help!!!
Sep 07Reply

@ronafuller Oh no! Yeah I have shipped it just like I would have any other order. You’re going to have to contact Posh support because there’s nothing I can do on my end now that it has shipped. Good luck! ❤️
Sep 07Reply

Thanks for the share my friend. Have a blessed day.
Sep 22Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Dec 19Reply

Hello wanted to let you know I have a Medium Canada Goose Kinley Jacket for sale I just posted! Feel free to check out and send an offer 🤗 Saw you were interested in one similar so thought I’d reach out
Jan 18Reply

Hi. I countered with the best I can do.
Thank you.
Feb 02Reply

@sandraco2 Thank you for your offer! I’m going to hold tight for now but I appreciate your interest!
Feb 02Reply

@bonnijean No prob! Good luck
Feb 02Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Aug 06Reply

Hi, you sent me an offer I can do $25 w/ Discounted shipping. Thank you, Rosalie.
Mar 23Reply

Hi! Nice to meet you. I’m having a Moving Sale. I just added a lot of Urban Outfitters and Madewell items to my closet at amazing prices!! I hope you’ll check it out.
Apr 17Reply
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