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Updated Jan 16
Updated Jan 16

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Hi. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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ajcook50 Welcome to Poshmark! I'm so happy you decided to join this amazing community. I'm a posh mentor so feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need anything anytime! @ajcook50
Aug 08Reply
wearablewhimsy Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! 😊Looks like your closet is off to a great start! When I first joined poshmark I received a warm welcome from poshers and wanted to welcome you to the community as well! Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions about getting started! 💕xo, Courtney
Aug 09Reply
silsprbea Welcome to Poshmark! Congrats on starting your closet. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing! 💕💕💕
Aug 10Reply
noirefox26 Thanks for stopping by my closet and for all of the shares 😊 happy poshing 👗👠❣️
Aug 16Reply
journeyer @ajcook50 thank you Aj! Starting to get a hang of it, fingers crossed!
Aug 18Reply
journeyer @limegreenme22 Thanks for the warm greetings. Loving it so far :)
Aug 18Reply
journeyer @silsprbea Thank you for the warm welcome. You have a nice closet :)
Aug 18Reply
journeyer @kdslack2 Hi Kathy! Thanks for taking the time to share my closet as well. You have so many cute things. Thanks for the tip. As a newbie it is much appreciated. I'm still working on trying to follow as many people. One day I hope to catch up to you :P
Aug 18Reply
thortam Lovely closet! Thanks for all the shares!
Aug 20Reply
campfashion Thank you for sharing🎈
Aug 23Reply
dressfabnow Thanks for all the shares! Coming right back at you! 😊
Aug 25Reply
kagervasi Michelle, Cute closet!
Aug 26Reply
samantha_sf_ca Michelle, it's very nice to meet you and thank you so much for all the sharing. How incredibly sweet and time consuming of you!! I know how much time it really, thank you so much Michelle. I wish you luck with all your sales. Sam
Sep 05Reply
chicychic 🏁⭐️ WELCOME🌟❤️🏁beautiful closet! Thanks for the shares!
Sep 06Reply
buymefast Your closet is so cute! Wishing you quick sales :)
Sep 12Reply
bluewave808 Thank you for the offer. Have to wait😊$
Sep 19Reply
journeyer @bluewave808 No worries! If you like, I can put those 2 Old Navy Pants on hold for you by changing it not for sale. Let me know :)
Sep 20Reply
bluewave808 @flugette Hi, I really appreciate the gesture but no don't. If I can afford it next pay period I will check your closet. I'm sure I want them but you may be able to sell sooner😊Thank you🌸
Sep 21Reply
2xs_trendy @flugette thank you for the follow!
Oct 17Reply
journeyer @rdos1 No problem :)
Oct 17Reply
899ridgeview @flugette 💕Oh my goodness💕💕💕Thank you so much for your kind words. Your closet is beautiful too💕💕In fact, I think we both like the classic upscale fashions😍😍
Oct 29Reply
ketomom101 I love your closet 💕
Nov 05Reply
angreen40 Welcome to Posh!! Please visit my closet for exciting women's and men's styles.
Nov 12Reply
abstractdreams Welcome to Posh!❣I hope it's going well for you so far! I've been here since 2012, if I can help or you have questions, just lmk. I'm on everyday & check in often!👍🏼Lots of additional info in my closet as well!
Nov 14Reply
snyflot Welcome to posh! Thank you for the shares and follow. Very important! Welcome to POSHMARK, I hope you love it. So many really nice people here. If you have any questions please ask!❤️
Nov 15Reply
janajanajana Great closet!
Nov 19Reply
taylor5122 Love your closet!! If you could do me a favor and share my first post!!!💗💗☺️☺️🎉
Nov 22Reply
antrice47 Hello...Thank you for sharing. I have shared back. Happy Poshing!☺☺☺
Nov 22Reply
leafraeanne can you message me please?
Nov 24Reply
drippin_drops Your picture looks like Montana 😍
Nov 30Reply
emc_2rd Hi Michelle!! Thank you so much for all your shares!!!! You are a queen for sure!!!!
Dec 14Reply
heather51504 @flugette Hi! Thank you for your offer but I did find a different pair. Thanks again 😀
Dec 20Reply
journeyer @heather51504 No problem. Thanks for letting me know!
Dec 21Reply
bicyclegirl08 @flugette Hi Michelle! I received the beautiful Boden dresses today and I'm looking forward to wearing them in the new year often. Thank you for your note and your message. Wishing you the merriest holiday!!
Dec 24Reply
blackie99 Amazing collection!!
Dec 31Reply
journeyer @blackie99 Thank you :) You have a cute closet!
Dec 31Reply
blackie99 ty & happy New Year =0)
Dec 31Reply
thriftyb1tch Check out some items in my closet! Don't hesitate to send offers of bundle items for discounts! :)
Jan 06Reply
annasposhalley 🌺🌺Good Morning 🌺You've been Lei'd, enjoy your day 🌺
Jan 18Reply
barrettes_bows L💜ve your closet! 🎀
Jan 21Reply
journeyer @barrettes_bows Aww thanks! you have a cute closet!
Jan 22Reply
gradgirlmhs Hello 🙋🏽Thanks for following me ☺️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️☺️Happy Poshing and have a GREAT week! ☺️☺️🌺🌺🌺
Jan 22Reply
bettys_bags Hi Michelle Thank you for your follow. I followed you in return. Share With Me? I'll share with you! Should you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns, Please free to contact me, anytime. Special pricing ongoing to people of interest. Just let me know which bag/s. No additional discounts on items under $15.00, Unless Bundled. Betty
Jan 30Reply
fabuloes Thanks for the likes and shares! Let me know if you'd like to bundle anything and I'll make you a good deal! Have a great week!
Jan 31Reply
queendezzy123 Hi and welcome got any questions feel free to ask feel free to check out my closet I'm always negotiable and I'm trustworthy and reliable check out what a customer wrote about me I will never let you down I also give free surprise gift with your purchase please pass this around and happy poshing
Feb 06Reply
a1fashions Hi I’m Amy... nice to meet u 💕Happy Poshing 💕feel free to check out my closet for some amazing Plus Sz clothing .
Feb 07Reply
krisfarrell Great closet - awesome use of outfit layouts!
Feb 08Reply
journeyer @krisfarrell Thank you! I love your closet and style
Feb 09Reply
claudiasdeals 💃🕺As a thank you for being a part of my follow game I am sharing at least 7 items in your closet today 💄👖👗⭐️👛🕶 WHY 7? ... Because it's LUCKY NUMBER 7 🍀 wishing you good luck 🍀 and quick sales 💰 📦 Check back often for new followers, follow them and share items in their closet ⭐️🕶⭐️ let's grow together 🎊📦💰💃🕺 💃 FASHION IS WHAT YOU BUY... STYLE IS WHAT YOU DO WITH IT 💃 Coco Chanel 🕶
Feb 10Reply
marndog7 Hi, Thank you for sharing some of my items! I was wondering about your profile picture of the mountains! It's beautiful and wondered where it is? If it's where you live, you are so lucky! :)
Feb 15Reply
martinpere Congrats 🎉 on being chosen as a 😍 Super Posher 😍 today! Wishing tons of follows, shares, likes, and of course sales come your way! Enjoy the explosion of posh love 💕 today. Play all of the super posher games to be Super Posher again in another closet if you like. Cheers and happy poshing to you. xoxo -Christine 😊
Feb 19Reply
mydnight42 Thank you for sharing my picture
Feb 26Reply
funkymomala beautiful closet!
Mar 01Reply
goodgirlclub S U P E CUTE CLOSET! Look forward in stopping by again, you have a great sense of style! <3<3
Mar 01Reply
journeyer @mydnight42 You're welcome!💕
Mar 01Reply
journeyer @funkymomala Thank you! You have a great closet! i love how bright your pictures are
Mar 01Reply
journeyer @goodgirlclub Thanks! You have a lovely closet. So many great pieces to choose from
Mar 01Reply
goldendx Such a awsome closet! can't resist to share !
Apr 03Reply
cocovalli 🌸your cover photo looks familiar ? Are those the Tetons ? Do you live nearby ? If so , I am soooo jealous !!!🌸
Apr 11Reply
sweetym26 I love your closet! 💕
Apr 18Reply
journeyer @sweetym26 Thank you! Your closet is adorable :)
Apr 19Reply
jtinaposh @flugette Hello there we've been communicating through "Offer" - would it be possible to apply discounted shipping with your last counter?
Apr 24Reply
journeyer @jtinaposh Hi, sure I can give discounted shipping with my last offer. It won't let me send it through the private offer though. So I just gave it in the new offer to likers feature. You should be able to purchase it now with discounted shipping. If I can further assistance you please let me know. Thanks
Apr 24Reply
jtinaposh @flugette Great! I didn't receive that offer to likers though....
Apr 24Reply
journeyer @jtinaposh Hi, so I figured out why you didn't receive the offer it because we had a private offer going on between us which made you excluded. I have created a new listing and I am going to tag you in it.
Apr 24Reply
jtinaposh @flugette Thanks😀
Apr 24Reply
jtinaposh Excellent, thank you!
Apr 25Reply
tangoindenim Amazing closet! 😍👍🏻💐
Apr 27Reply
jessyjosh 👀🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following, sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my business. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways. Just be patient. As a reminder If I dont get back to you quickly am not ignoring you, I just cant keep up. I aprecciate everyone. TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome👣
Apr 29Reply
jjlathbury Thanks for sending the jeans so promptly. I love them! They were just as described. Have a great day! Janet
May 04Reply
journeyer @jjlathbury Thank you so much for the rating and your kind words. I am so happy you are pleased with your purchase. Please stop by any time.Repeat customer, get a special discount :)
May 06Reply
kittykayjay @flugette Thank you for all the shares today!! 🌸
May 22Reply
crestlineseller Your menswear is great! Sign up for a Men’s Share group to increase exposure, followers, & SALES! Check out the Daily Share 5 @stanleyshares, M-F Share 6 @shopninjas, Daily Share 8 @shares4you, & Daily Share 25 @shopninjas. @besthombre Share 5 during the Men’s Style Parties, & @realposhwives hosts Spiked Share 10 group Th-Sun. @lems_wardrobe hosts Kings Court Share 5 Fri-Sun. Each has a potential daily reach of >500K followers! For info check out the closets I tagged. Cheers!
May 27Reply
mindygee10 Thanks for all your shares!! I am definitely getting ready to return the favor, your closet is cah-ute!!!!
Jun 08Reply
kissedbycat Amazing photos and items! :)
Jun 13Reply
journeyer @catcatyee Aww thank you so much. I love your closet and your sense of style. We have similar taste
Jun 14Reply
kissedbycat @flugette thank you so much, that means alot to me! Thanks for all the shares! :)
Jun 14Reply
rebirthandstyle @flugette Hey Michelle, thanks so so much for all the shares!
Jun 25Reply
mscolettemarie Hi Michelle your closet is GOALS!! Gorgeous, great pieces. Thank you so much for the compliment on mine :) happy Poshing! xo
Jul 15Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Michelle, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Aug 08Reply
cdmroses Great closet. Had fun sharing many of your lovely listings Wishing you many speedy sales 🛍🛍🛍🛍
Jan 13Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great weekend! :-)
Jan 26Reply
clove_n_caddis Our mountains are neighbors! I miss them so much.
Feb 13Reply
dericalipinski Sorry to bother u I know I follow u but sometimes It takes some getting used to on this site. U have a completely awesome closet and great style I bought a few things recently and I thought they were from you but they weren’t.. I have to realize when I search for things it’s not always coming up under your name so next time I go To your page even if I venture from it I’ll make sure I go to you first cause I love everything u have and you seem very honest & fair !
Feb 20Reply
journeyer @dericalipinski You are so sweet. Thank you so much. Yeah it took me a while to get use to this site.There is alot going on and it can get overwhelming.As always feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Thanks
Feb 22Reply
dericalipinski Ok cool can I ask another question? How do I start my closet ? To sell that is... do I take a pic of an item I have and just post it or do I have to go through a process of contacting posh and signing up and what not or since I’m already a patron of the site would it be as easy as posting a pic and a price? Lol thanks... I don’t need to get back to me ASAP just when u have a spare few mins
Feb 24Reply
journeyer @dericalipinski No you don't to sign up again to sell. It's completely free. Yes you would take photos of the items and write out the description and title. You can list through the computer by clicking on "sell on poshmark" at the top right. Or go on the app by clicking on the sell camera icon. I hope that helps
Feb 26Reply
rachelshelto847 ❤️❤️LOVE YOUR CLOSET, IF YOU HAVE A SEC FEEL FREE TO CHECK OUT MINE! :) I aspire to have a closet like yours!!
Mar 09Reply
pacificwinds Hi Michelle, and thank you for all the closet shares!!
Mar 18Reply
christieee_3 Thank you for stopping by my closet and “liking” an item!! I would love to send a package your way. Feel free to make an offer!
Feb 13Reply
janinag62 💕🌸🌺🌹🌻🌼 Hi Nice closet 💕💕I just shared some of your listings. I would appreciate if you could share mine too? Also Please follow Me... Thank You very much! Happy Poshing Good luck in selling! Blessings 🙏🏻💕🌸🌺🌹🌻🌼
Mar 20Reply
journeyer @janinag62 Hi Janina, thank you for sharing my closet. I have share some listings from your closet and I am following you now. You have a great closet. Have a lovely day!
Mar 20Reply
aysha_h @wongderfulfind Hi there! I’m selling a super similar denim jacket to the one you liked but for less! Happy to accept an offer from you too 💕
Jul 03Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jul 20Reply
brookescott22 Hello! Just wondering on the shopping status of the cup I purchased from you ❤️
Sep 22Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 20Reply
luxurycheaper Welcome to Poshmark! Enjoy Shopping & selling here :). If you have any questions about selling & shopping here we'll try to help. We sell designer bags, wallets & accessoriessuch as LV, Gucci, Chanel, Prada and many more. 10% OFF your first order. Check out our closet and we'll check yours. We are open to wholesale & Resellers. Happy Poshing ❤❤❤.
Jun 28Reply
jenstarcher630 Hey I sent an offer to you for the Frankenstein costume! Please let me know if you’d accept it 😀
Oct 19Reply
missink3383 💐Happy 🌱🌼 Spring 🦋 Hi Michelle😊 Such a Unique & Fun Closet ✨🫶✨ 🌠Wishing u many speedy $ales🌠 🍀🌞🌈☁️🥰🍀🌞🌈☁️🍀 🪷SerahLyn🪷
Mar 22Reply
missink3383 Happy☔Spring 🌧️☀️🌈 🌱🌼🦋 💟🥰 Thank u for Follow 💕 5⭐Miss-Ink's cordially invites u to🛍️ Shop w/Confidence Posh Ambas/ 2➕Posh Mentor 💌Bundle 2+ $ave on shipping📬 📏 Many brands & sizes to choose from.💝 Giving unbeatable deals~ 🪷Thank you🪷💕
Mar 22Reply
larellrodriguez Hi I wanted to check in. You have an item that someone is using your photos to scam. Just want to ensure you have the item before I purchase.
Jul 29Reply
larellrodriguez Hi I wanted to check in. You have an item that someone is using your photos to scam. Just want to ensure you have the item before I purchase.
Jul 29Reply
larellrodriguez Hi I wanted to check in. You have an item that someone is using your photos to scam. Just want to ensure you have the item before I purchase. Thank you
Jul 29Reply
larellrodriguez Hi I wanted to check in. You have an item that someone is using your photos. Just want to ensure you have the item before I purchase. Thank you
Jul 29Reply
larellrodriguez Hi I wanted to check in. You have an item that someone is using your photos. Just want to ensure you have the item before I purchase. Thank you
Jul 29Reply
larellrodriguez Hi I wanted to check in. You have an item that someone is using your photos. Just want to ensure you have the item before I purchase. Thank you
Jul 29Reply
larellrodriguez Hi I wanted to check in. You have an item that someone is using your photos. Just want to ensure you have the item before I purchase. Thank you
Jul 29Reply
vcarrillo51 Hi there! Sadly I had to cancel my buzz pillow. Did not receive any shipping info way over 7 days. Poshmark also reached out along with my pm and didn’t hear back. Not shopping from you. That’s not professional. You need to respond and at least say, item no Longer available…
Oct 11Reply
mloveren64 When will you be shipping the mummy blanket?
Oct 25Reply
mloveren64 Is there a problem sending the mummy blanket? I sent a msg 6 days ago. Please update me with shipping info.
Oct 28Reply
Nov 10Reply

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