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Updated Jul 07
Updated Jul 07

Meet your Posher 🧜‍♂️

Meet the Posher

US$3 US$3


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🌈 Hi! I'm Brandon. If you have any request, send a comment/message 🩲 🧦 Thanks for stopping by & happy poshing! 😜
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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jasminesweet7 Welcome to Poshmark!
Feb 26Reply
moongoddess7 Welcome to Poshmark! U r going to love it here! It's so much more then a regular buy/sell/app, it's a large wonderful community of people helping each other sell their items. If u have any /'s please feel free 2 ask! Take a look @ my closet if u would like some examples on how 2 make sure ur cover photo looks great. I have a post in my closet 4 a tag list (It's a pic of pink roses with black writing) if u like that post I will add u, @ times I will tag u in follow games, followers = sales!
Feb 26Reply
reefa925 Look at you & your sexy self 😘
Mar 06Reply
brandoncici @reefa925 lol! thanks! love you!!! 😘
Mar 08Reply
jklinehan Dude, Thank you so much ❣️I didn't want you to lose money. 😕👎
Mar 09Reply
brandoncici @jklinehan I wouldn't be losing money since they were going to you! 😁😘 Gonna get them ready, packed, and drop off at post office right now!
Mar 09Reply
jklinehan Thanks again ❣️😘😍👍
Mar 09Reply
randarbie Thank you for the recent like!!
Mar 15Reply
kit1974 Hi man thanks for u r like.see if u can add them in bundkes will give u good deal if u still intersting thanks
Mar 19Reply
brandoncici @kit1974 i started one I'll probably add a few more tho so I'll let you know when it's ready. I think ur my favorite closet so far on here since I started. Dope sh!t!
Mar 19Reply
kit1974 @brandoncici thanks for ur complement. And when u ready let me know.thanks
Mar 19Reply
jklinehan Hi Brandon, Thanks for all the shares❣️😃👍I finally sold an item in my closet yesterday. Seems like your doing pretty good, keep poshing❣️Oh, and Thanks for liking my grandoggie❣️😁
Mar 24Reply
jklinehan Hey Hun, Thanks so much for sharing. Your closet is getting bigger every time I check it out. That's Great❣️😃👍
Mar 30Reply
dailydollarpro Thanks for the follow!
Apr 04Reply
brandoncici @jklinehan just a bit huh 😁 thanks Jackie
Apr 04Reply
jklinehan @brandoncici Just a tad ❣️😁 lol
Apr 05Reply
fatkid54123 Cool clothes bro
Apr 07Reply
anthonysalamone Thanks for showing love on my page !
Apr 12Reply
brandoncici @anthonysalamone no prob, check it almost daily! probably one of my top favorite closets the sickest shoes and jeans and now you adding all this RL & Jordan gear I'm just mad none of its a small lol! Thanks for accepting the offer, they'll be just in time for my bday.
Apr 13Reply
fatkid54123 @brandoncici no problem keep up the good work and continue to do what you do plus it was a way for me to get a good sale
Apr 13Reply
fjk369 I am happy to read you liked your purchase. I’m always worried when I sell something that’s flawed. If you do wind up upcycling it please send me photos!!!
Apr 27Reply
brandoncici @fjk369 I get the same way also, but I'm sure it will come out beautiful and will send you photos! Thanks again, very much!
Apr 27Reply
mynahshine How are you feeling handsome! It’s nice to see you back! Missed you
Jun 05Reply
mynahshine Are you ready to start shipping again? Didn’t want to share to much just Incase.
Jun 05Reply
brandoncici @mynahshine stop sharing my closet and let me just share away with yours please! its the least i can do for my long distance posher friend of mine! let's get some sales today! im back home and feeling a lot better! just trying to gain my strength back from being in a hospital bed almost 2 weeks and going nuts! lol i felt like i was locked away in jail for years! Lol!
Jun 05Reply
mynahshine I know that feeling well myself. The only thing I got in trouble for with my doctor recently was being to thin. It always makes me laugh since I was obese until I was almost 40 and started watching & working out. Now I can’t keep weight on. Ironic really. I’m glad you’re home. Take your time. I’ll stop I just missed you.
Jun 05Reply
shanteeswan Happy Poshing to you! ~Shantee👋🌻💛
Jun 15Reply
jimcherrix 💕 Hi. Just wanted to let you know that you have a great closet. 😍😚
Jun 22Reply
echokilofoxtrot You have an awesome closet! I'm so glad I stumbled upon it! 😁
Jun 24Reply
brandoncici @barbcherrix thank you very much, I appreciate it!
Jun 24Reply
brandoncici @echokilofoxtrot thanks very much, I appreciate that!
Jun 24Reply
rdoehrman1983 The sweetest note came with my purchase!!! Will return to this closet before checking any other. Highly recommended and very positive experience!!!!
Jul 12Reply
brandoncici @rdoehrman1983 thank you very much Raelynn! 😘💁
Jul 12Reply
tamieramsey Thanks for the shares. I am still figuring out how to use this app. I will try to share ur stuff also
Jul 20Reply
abetterway2 Great closet!
Aug 11Reply
le_noir Hi! I’ve purchased a few men’s tops from you for my son. If you happen to post any Merrill’s (shoes or boots), or Dr Martens in a 11-11.5 for men’s, PLEASE send me a post, thanks 🇺🇸👧🏻
Aug 21Reply
brandoncici @le_noir thank you so much for your kind words, the rating, and comment. It really does mean a lot and is very very appreciated! I was reading it and I kept saying "awwww" aloud lol! I will definitely let you know if I post any, and if I ever have anything else in my closet you like just make a bundle and let me know when your done and I'll send a lower offer as usual. Again, thank you very much!!!!! Made my day!
Aug 21Reply
brandoncici @le_noir I have Merrill shoes 11.5 for you!
Aug 25Reply
brandoncici Merrill Vibrams Black with Gray Detail? I will post them tomorrow for you.
Aug 25Reply
le_noir @brandoncici hey, thanks! I was just in your closet and I didn’t see them, tag me after you post up the pics 🏆
Aug 25Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Aug 31Reply
thankful108 @tricia77r thank you for the extra gift. All items are in good condition.
Sep 11Reply
tricia77r @gowsubbi hi I think you tagged the wrong person. You may want to tag the original person.Have a good day! 😀
Sep 11Reply
thankful108 Thank you
Sep 11Reply
brandoncici @gowsubbi you are very welcome!
Sep 12Reply
le_noir Hi Brandon! I’m looking for men’s 11.5 waterproof hiking boots, and men’s 11.5 black dress shoes for a wedding. No rush, let me know when you have them 🇺🇸🌸👍🏻
Sep 26Reply
brandoncici @le_noir Thant shouldn't be a problem for me. Any specific designer/brand? Also, when I have them is that when you want me to send an offer for the bundle?
Sep 26Reply
le_noir @brandoncici no brand necessary, just something that looks good 😊
Sep 26Reply
le_noir @brandoncici I adjusted my current bundle. When you get the either of the shoes for my son, (hiking boots getting first priority, because the wedding isn’t until spring) let me know and I will make a new bundle. In the meantime, please send me an offer today for my current bundle 😊 🇺🇸🌸
Sep 26Reply
brandoncici @le_noir sorry few more questions...Boot style/color? Dress shoes style/color?
Sep 29Reply
sarah4thenguyen @brandoncici You have GREAT style and I love your closet! Next goal for myself is to figure out how to sort it so I don’t have to scroll through allll the guys’ stuff at the top to get to the girls’ stuff below. I see you’re in Santa Rosa, way to rep the North Bay! Hope you’re doing okay after all the chaos last fall. I’m in Emeryville and know some folks up by you who really suffered. Glad I found your closet, man!
Oct 11Reply
brandoncici @sarah4thenguyen thank you I really appreciate it! LOL! It's usually more organized but when there's a 'posh party' for all 3 categories, sometimes I'm not able to list all of them like tonight. Also I usually do kids first, men, then women's last so they're usually at the top and sorted by category type. But it's super easy to filter out what you want to see..
Oct 11Reply
brandoncici .for example when you're in the closet at the top, under 'Boutique' there's a little that. Then if it's just women's you want to see, click category and select women. That's how I do it when I browse people's closet. And to make it even easier I click the funnel again and select for it to show me only 'available' items that way it doesn't show all the sold ones since they're not useful.
Oct 11Reply
brandoncici @sarah4thenguyen thank you, luckily I wasn't affected by the fires, was close to being evacuated & had bags packed, but thankfully they were able to put out the fires before they got closer. I knew your name looked familiar 'sarah4thenguyen' I was thinking where do I know that from??? I bought the Tiffany pendant from you for my mom! Lol
Oct 11Reply
sarah4thenguyen @brandoncici that’s right re: the Tiffany&Co. charm! So sweet of you to get it for your mom 💕 Did she like it?
Oct 12Reply
rirandolph You look so sexy
Nov 02Reply
brandoncici @rirandolph lol thank you
Nov 02Reply
rirandolph @brandoncici do you sale underwear too?
Nov 02Reply
brandoncici @rirandolph I do not at the moment. I'm sorry
Nov 02Reply
rirandolph @brandoncici I would love to have yours 😝
Nov 02Reply
brandoncici @rirandolph I'm sure we could work that out lol
Nov 03Reply
rirandolph @brandoncici
Nov 04Reply
ashakma Good morning Brandon. I’m still groggy this morning from being up with the baby.. I see you liked my vtg large Gucci clutch. I thought you had shared it, not liked it lol so I shared back. I’m open to offers. Have a great day!
Dec 09Reply
luneytoons Thank you for liking my Gucci heels. Just got through browsing your closet. You have great taste!
Dec 18Reply
chloemills13 Super spicy ;)
Jan 13Reply
somanyclosets Hi Brandon, I received a bag offer and I declined because there wasn’t a bag strap and I need one. I’m not sure how you knew I liked this item as I’m new to poshmark but I appreciate the efforts and look forward to seeing more! Thank you, L
Jan 16Reply
brandoncici @ronnysussman123 when you 'like' a listing the heart at the top right of the listing will show solid red ❤️ meaning that you 'liked' it. When there's a price drop of 10% or more it will send you a notification. 'Private Offers' are sent to all of the 'likers' by the seller which I had done & as a 'liker' it notified you. Poshmark 101 for the day 👍😁 I totally understand, thank you anyway for your interest in the bag, happy poshing!
Jan 16Reply
somanyclosets Thank you for explaining! I appreciate the time. Have a good evening. L
Jan 16Reply
ladykrc @brandoncici Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for your like interest on the GUCCI Monogram Crossbody Pouch....I truely appreciate it! Ive sent you an offer with discounted shipping. Counteroffers are Welcomed🙌🏼I ship next day after purchases👍🏼Happy Blessed New Years to you and yours🥂
Jan 22Reply
crazysupercute Thank you! For accepting my offer. Can't wait to get them! Happy Poshing!
Apr 07Reply
brandoncici @crazysupercute of course! Shipping out first thing tomorrow!
Apr 07Reply
emilymechler Hey! Does the crossbody bag zip closed at the top? And is it black, or more brown) Thanks:)
May 09Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed before 2pm CST will ship today 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Sep 11Reply
paulpookie492 Hey there Mr. Brandon, Your Package is mailed and Tracking. You Should receive it by Tuesday at 8 pm. Thank You so Much and Enjoy a gift or 2 that I included for you as well.
Nov 29Reply
brandoncici @paulpookie492 thank you for the update as well as fast shipping!
Dec 01Reply
paulpookie492 @brandoncici Absolutely. I ship from home so it's easy peasy!
Dec 02Reply
paulpookie492 Thanks for that Awesome comment and the 5 stars. I've been saving that Foam for a special Order/item. I wanted to b sure it got there as it left here. It's a beautiful box.
Dec 03Reply
donnathuer hello I just purchased the dust bag and the shipping was over $6.79 can you please fold the bag up and ship first class which will save some money and then refund the charge. that shipping charge is excessive. thank you in advance for your integrity and consideration. donna
Dec 04Reply
brandoncici @donnathuer I apologize, but unfortunately I'm unable to do so as Poshmark has a flat rate shipping fee of $6.79 + sales tax. I can ship out first thing in the morning though.
Dec 04Reply
brandoncici @donnathuer good news and bad news. Bad news is I can not find the dust bag, good news I was able to cancel the order for you overall so you don't have to pay the shipping. My apologies.
Dec 05Reply
janedavidson4 If your interested I’ll do both FOSTORIA polar bears for $50
May 04Reply
janedavidson4 Btw awesome pic!!! My pics never turn out like that🤣🤣my girls make fun of me so I just said F$&@@ it!!! Lol
May 04Reply
brandoncici @janedavidson4 omg you're too funny lol thank you though. Packing now and then headed to the post office.
May 04Reply
janedavidson4 Thank you so much for the badass deal!!! My girls will love them!!! You are to kind. If you ever run across a wooden car, equestrian anything, boots 8 1/2b...I know that’s a lot but you had a cat that already sold that I loved. So sorry for the inconvenience but I will definitely be back checking 👌
May 05Reply
brandoncici @janedavidson4 Omg I just might have a old fashion looking wooden car But I have to double check if I donated it already or if it’s in one of the 2 bins I have ready to be donated. But I have a ton, I mean, TON of things to list.
May 05Reply
janedavidson4 @brandoncici wooden 🐈 🐴 murano that’s what we love and my daughter needs size 14 long...sorry for bothering you
May 05Reply
janedavidson4 I cried opening my package, just someone having nothing but great intentions! You truly are a wonderful man! I cannot express my thanks and gratitude enough. I wish I had a son like you. Tell whomever it maybe that raised you did an amazing job!!! Again thank you, thank you...I never buy for myself always my girls so it does mean so much to me, it warms my heart.
May 07Reply
janedavidson4 You know you would be extremely successful opening your “poshmark”...without a doubt. Just a thought!!
May 07Reply
brandoncici @janedavidson4 Omg you are too sweet. It’s funny, it reminds me of something my mom would say, even the way you type lol. Thank you very much I appreciate your words ❤️
May 07Reply
janedavidson4 Well your mother is an intelligent woman!!! Make sure to make this a great Mother’s Day!! I know you will. Now I’m going to send my teenage girls out to you so they can model what a wonderful person can be and mother’s know what we are doing to make successful adults!!! 🤣🤣
May 08Reply
janedavidson4 Are you being want that vase. I’ll send you whatever you want. Honestly the caprice bowl is badass. Just sayin.
Jun 02Reply
janedavidson4 I can’t handle this trade bullshit!!! If you don’t have money, why are you even looking!!!!
Jun 03Reply
brandoncici @janedavidson4 You are too funny! 😂 it is very nice let me think about it though first. What are you talking about with trading? Lol
Jun 03Reply
mstessie thanks for shopping my closet! Bundle to save $$$ or feel free to make me an offer. thanks for being part of the Poshmark family.
Jun 07Reply
ahauthentics Thank you for the wonderful feedback on your purchase. While I was blessed with the piece I would put a small ball of colored yarn in it, swapping out colors every now and again. The moonstone section changed with each new color. It truly is a beautiful creation.
Jun 11Reply
songlady62 Amazing closet ❤️
Jun 13Reply
ruthietoons Good evening and thank you for checking out my closet and making a bundle, please check out the offer I made you if you are interested. Thanks and have a great night 🌙
Jun 15Reply
janedavidson4 Hey love, which vase did you like? Better yet which one do you want?!!
Jun 25Reply
janedavidson4 Hey love, if you want that necklace just tell I owe you a vase so send me a bundle. It will make me feel like I don’t owe you anything. You’ve done and given so much to me!!!🥰😊😊😊😊😊never enough thank you’s
Jun 28Reply
drmichaelcushma I just accidentally purchased a red plaid big shirt from Polo. I dropped my phone, picked it up, and it said I purchased the shirt. I have no idea what to do, as this has never happened before. Thank God, it wasn't a house. But I do not know how to stop sale? Please help me!
Jul 12Reply
billwhitcomb would do any trading for the coin i have a 1934a 1000 bill for sale today only for 650 an the cost of the coin an shipping its in ms63 condition. i have pics of it I have 2 but nerd to sell to make rent an you can check my page I am taking a losr but i don't my family on the streets. But my grandfather owned a grocery store for 70+ years.I got really behind on rent I will take a loss to save my family. an i have. only to so email me for details please
Aug 02Reply
emerald50 thanks for the like and visiting my closet!
Aug 03Reply
onegirlforever Hey Brandon!
Aug 10Reply
felipaupcyclecl glad you liked the Rae Dunn plates and glad they made in to you hope your mom loves her new remodeled kitchen.
Aug 17Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Aug 19Reply
dgstillm @brandoncici hi there—I’m going to list the credit suisse gold bar. Still interested? $1800
Aug 27Reply
brandoncici @dgstillm I am but way out of my price range but I will like it to keep track of any offers or price drops. Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it.
Aug 27Reply
janedavidson4 I owe you... bundle it for me and you do whatever you think is fair. I’ll send a pic if you want of the geode that I just broke yesterday.
Sep 02Reply
rickyratcoonie Hi Brandon, Thanks for the like and the question on the Glass Bowl. The 3 clear oval shapes are even with the outer shape of the bowl. ( when you run your hand around the bowl to clean, you don't feel any bubble or grooves). The inside of the bowl those 3 areas are recessed ( like a pocket) not even with the white glass. I hope this answers your question. Thanks Again.
Sep 15Reply
janedavidson4 Hey stranger, I’m moving and I have so much to list and if I’m going to list better yet if anyone is getting a deal I would rather you flip it then anyone else. I have those Fostoria vases they are heavy but perfect condition. One still I believe two still has stickers and one has the paper of the impression line. Let me know only if your interested. No pressure!!!
Sep 16Reply
nananellasrooms Great closet! Love the variety of items you have 🤗🙌
Sep 24Reply
tchocie2 Hi Brandon, I c u liked the rocks glasses listed in my closet. Make me an offer - or better yet bundle for even bigger discounts...did u c the matching tall beverage glasses? I ship same or next day depending on what time you purchase. Thank you for peeking at my closet. Toni-
Oct 21Reply
hautehomes wonderful closet!
Nov 10Reply
nonnabella All I can say is WOW!!!!! I have browsed your closet as if I was strolling through antique row in the small USA villages. I love vintage and will follow your closet very closely. I think I may be under pricing some of my vintage pieces. It’s difficult for me to see watermarks or signatures on some of my pieces. Any help from you would be greatly appreciated. Wishing you continued success and Posh away ‘🌷👏
Feb 06Reply
ispendstoomuch Wow!! You’ve got some beautiful items !!🤪
Feb 15Reply
brandoncici @nonnabella thank you I appreciate it. I would recommend if you have items that are of decent value and in demand that selling on other platforms is a good alternative since the market is bigger with way more potential buyers :)
Feb 15Reply
brandoncici @ispendstoomuch 😆 thank you, I appreciate that a lot! I can’t wait for the cute little heart for my window sill 🥰
Feb 15Reply
brandoncici @ispendstoomuch btw, I absolutely love your user name 😭😭😩😩💁
Feb 15Reply
ispendstoomuch @brandoncici Aww thanks!! 💕It’s all too true! 😂 I’ll get this out to you in tomorrow’s mail. Thank you so much! 💕🤗
Feb 15Reply
raspado Thank you for Sharing my Closet! Veronica
Feb 20Reply
monkitb @brandoncici You have an amazing closet! Very classy and wonderful taste!
Mar 15Reply
emerald50 thanks for the like and visiting my closet!
Mar 24Reply
basecamp34 Hi Brandon, I absolutely love your posh closet, sensational!!!!!!totally wishing you much much Posh success Warmly Susie-q 💕
Mar 29Reply
jon1981biz Just wanted to reach out and say thank you for your purchase. I’ve already dropped it off at the post office.Have a good day my guy
May 26Reply
brandoncici @jon1981biz damn that was quick lol thanks very much!
May 26Reply
jon1981biz What’s up boss? Hey thank you for the rating and review. I’m glad you got your items good and fast. Thanks for making it an easy transaction. Have a great weekend.
May 30Reply
mommom501 GREAT styles! I love all the silk scarves❤️
Jun 01Reply
brandoncici @mommom501 I appreciate it, thank you!
Jun 01Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne. a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items, including china, books, clothing, DVD’s, video games, jewelry, and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. Hope you’ll drop by (and I’ll visit your closet too.)
Jun 19Reply
kakosi Hi! Please take a look at my Tiffany items. Thanks.
Oct 14Reply
ticklemedee62 hi Brandon they are 12 each but if you want one Iggy and one rainbow I will do the two for 20 dollars😊
Oct 17Reply
suzreseller Love your closet. Lots of great stuff
Nov 01Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to drop in to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items including china, seasonal decor, books, CDs and DVDs, video games, clothing, plush toys, jewelry and religious items. I’m happy to consider all reasonable offers and remember to bundle multiple items to save on shipping. Hope you’ll have the time to check out my closet and I’ll check out yours.
Nov 18Reply
nancyp2222 🎄Thanks For The Like Of My Blue Glass Cut Glass Art🎄I Offer A 15% Bundle Discount With Discounted Shipping On 2 Or More Items🎄. I Also Consider All Reasonable Offers🎄Happy Holidays🎄
Nov 27Reply
mariov713 Can you pls give me a rating?
Jan 29Reply
m_castillo80 Hi all, I’m Brandon’s aunt. I wanted to let everyone know that Brandon has been in the hospital since 1/24 and will remain there for the next 2-3 weeks. Please send positive vibes his way. Thank you!
Jan 31Reply
unclaimed Brandon nice closet happy Valentine's Day..Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50+. Start your closet or replenish your inventory.
Feb 11Reply
mercloset13 Hi, can you please communicate with me regarding the shipment of my order? It has been almost two weeks since I placed it and I haven't received a shipping notification or any update from you.
Feb 12Reply
middlemary Your closet is awesome !
Mar 08Reply
cutehosiery @brandoncici Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 26Reply
brandoncici @cutehosiery Aww thank you that’s really nice of you to say. I hope the best for your closet as well. Happy Poshing!
May 26Reply
jillm141 Hi! Thanks for the awesome review! I’m motivated to sell so let me know if there’s anything in my closet you’re interested in for deep discounts. Thanks for being a great customer!
Jun 04Reply
brandoncici @jillm141 Of course, but thank you! I will definitely let you know what’s next that I like. Thanks again Jill!
Jun 05Reply
jillm141 @brandoncici ❤️❤️
Jun 05Reply
springswings @brandoncici Simply LOVE your closet. J/S❤️‍🔥
Oct 18Reply
ty_law12 @brandoncici Messaged you please check Dm , and respond back
Dec 17Reply
sugarissweet1 Hi Brandon, thanks for liking the brooch lot of 20. Feel free to make an offer if your still interested. I am open to offers on the price and shipping. Thanks again!
Aug 13Reply
ejanebowling thank you so much for the tip on the fire and light glass I have some other pieces I'm not sure what to do.. kind of new at this
Mar 26Reply
brandoncici @ejanebowling no worries, it’s definitely a beautiful piece that could easily sell for $300 at least!
Mar 26Reply
chivy88 Hi , do you mine check a message for you in my order that I need cancellations please
Aug 14Reply
smartstyle009 Hi there - received your offer on the art glass. I would like to accept, however I am going out of town and don’t want something fragile sitting at my post office. I get back next week and hopefully still available 🤞. Thank you very much!
Sep 03Reply
brandoncici @smartstyle009 no worries! I’ll make sure to resend you the offer or an even better one if it’s still there. Whenever you get back and are ready just let me know and I’ll send another offer 🙂 thank you for your interest and for letting me know also! Safe travels!
Sep 03Reply
smartstyle009 Thank you so much! Very nice!
Sep 03Reply
smartstyle009 Hi there - I am back in town and I see that the lovely glass piece is still available. If you can send an offer…that would be great! Thank you.
Sep 12Reply
swiftt22 @brandoncici Happy New Year to you & yours B!!! 🎉🥳🥂🎊🫶💕
Jan 01Reply
brandoncici @swiftt22 HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TAY! ALL THE BEST FOR 2025 💘
Jan 01Reply
gigiposh23 Thanks for all the shares of my closet items, Brandon. You’re the best!!! 🤗🤗🤗
Jan 30Reply

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