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elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed as FREE with ANY purchase throughout my closet. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Jun 09Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing! @Shopper411411
Jun 30Reply
mamasarahk Hey! Thanks for the share 😘 I checked out your closet, and "liked" a couple items! You have some neat stuff!! 😁 Happy Poshing!! 💙💚💛
Jul 01Reply
514lenab Thanks for the Shares, wishing u much success!😁📦🍾
Jul 03Reply
ladybugfrogger thank you for the follow I followed back. welcome to posh. feel free to look in my closet and send me offers would make a bundle I'll send you an offer. happy poshing
Jul 20Reply
jkez36m Hi Brandin my name is Angela Welcome to Poshmark
Jul 20Reply
thebeanz @jkez36m Hey Angela! Thank you so much! I hope you are well! Cheers
Jul 20Reply
jkez36m @thebeanz You are welcome. Same to you!! If you have any questions let me know.
Jul 20Reply
thebeanz @jkez36m That's great! I am just getting started but I will keep your help in mind Angela! have a wonderful day, hope it's nice in TN!
Jul 20Reply
jkez36m @thebeanz Ok. Very hot. Nice!!
Jul 20Reply
projectrelove Fabulous closet! And thanks for all the love ❤️
Jul 21Reply
teddy_b_goods @thebeanz Thank you for all the shares!! I'm sorry I can't reciprocate fully -- Almost all of my shares are preppy-ish basics!
Jul 23Reply
maybellemabelle thanks for the shares! lover of vintage music... I have a whack more LPs to list so stay tuned
Jul 24Reply
cblackbubblegum Love your shop, style, and detail put into everything!
Jul 24Reply
forget_me_nott Hello Brandon. Browsing your shop makes me want to wear jelly shoes and Aquanet me some mall bangs. ahh trippin down memory lane. Thanks for the shares.
Jul 24Reply
kassandracm Thanks for the support and shares on my closet! 🤗
Jul 26Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Jul 27Reply
ouaazizsa Thank you so much sweet friend for your consistent shares really appreciate, hope you the best sells ever and good luck with your closet😊😍❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 29Reply
stephaniegames You have such amazing items! 😍
Jul 30Reply
saltwater_joys Hi! Thanks for all the shares, ALL the time! I can't keep up! You're awesome.
Jul 31Reply
the_shinycloset Hi thank you for sharing! I wish you a blessed journey on Poshmark. 😊
Aug 01Reply
snow_clover Cool closet!
Aug 02Reply
rachelsfind Thank you so so much for all the shares 🙏 I really appreciate it.♥️
Aug 02Reply
sofiedabishire i love your stuff!! i am in Toronto as well do you have a brick and mortar store? I named my shop after my Dog Sofie love that you named yours after your cat.
Aug 02Reply
sherlockshops Hi welcome to Poshmark. If you have any questions, don't be shy, just ask. Lots of people here to help
Aug 02Reply
camelia41 Hi Brandon! Thanks so much for sharing my listing! All the best!
Aug 04Reply
brittany0280 Thanks for the shares... I will continue to do the same Hope you have a good day 🌸
Aug 05Reply
essential_ladie Thank you for the shares and I will continue the love.
Aug 06Reply
happytime604 Cute shop haha 🥳🎉
Aug 07Reply
kweenzee6 @thebeanz thanks for the posh ❤️🥰and Twitter share 🌺
Aug 10Reply
homedecoandmore Thank you for always sharing my listings :)
Aug 11Reply
caitlynjean230 hey! I keep seeing you in my feed. Just wanted to say you have good taste! great stuff 🙃
Aug 11Reply
oh_pish_posh thanks for all the sharing! hope you have a great week!
Aug 19Reply
514lenab Thanks as always, wishing u much success!😉✌❤
Aug 19Reply
blackoly Thank you so much for sharing my closet items, God bless.
Aug 21Reply
goulets_closets Thanks for the shares Brandon. You're the best!
Aug 21Reply
del_leandro Hello! I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for the “Posh Love” you’ve shown with your sharing of my closet, thank you so much, it’s so generous and it’s great appreciated! Wishing you every safe, Delia. 😊🤗💞💞
Aug 23Reply
lady_louise thanks so much for all the shares. really appreciate it 🙂
Aug 23Reply
kbellas609 thank you ❤️ for sharing
Aug 26Reply
baliaboutique LOVE love love your store!! 😍
Aug 26Reply
xomaritime Love your closet, so much nostalgia ❤️
Aug 26Reply
power2charm Thank you for all of the shares! I love the items in your store-- so many great memories for this 1970s kid and 1980s teen! I am always on the lookout for Bowie-- let me know if you have/get anything! 👨‍🎤
Aug 28Reply
sj1726 Thanks for the shares😀
Aug 28Reply
bigfunfashions Hi! Sorry I couldn’t accept your offer because I changed my mind about the school bag. Maybe you can put together a new offer for me with my likes? Thank you!! ✨
Sep 06Reply
whisk99 Hey there! Just wanted to say thanks for all the shares, I really appreciate it! You've got a great closet😊
Sep 09Reply
dianahd06 Hi there! I wanted to invite you to check out my closet full of beautiful clothing and accesories! I have various luxury and designer brands, as well as everyday amazing clothing! There is something for everyone! I am open to any offers, and have great deals on bundles:) Please let me know if I can help you with anything😊 Happy Poshing!!
Sep 09Reply
eyelettdreams Cool stuff! Happy Poshing. 😃😃🌺🌺
Sep 11Reply
juliedaignault Thanks for the shares! Count on me for sharing back!
Sep 12Reply
yulfinds Hi Beanz! Thanks for your support in sharing my items. Love the look and feel of your closet 😎. Surely will take some ideas from those backgrounds 😋. Hey, could you spill the beans (pardon the pun) on your pictures. Are those taken with a DSLR by any chance? Much love and Posh success 💕
Sep 12Reply
jujuju77 Hi Brandon. Thanks for all the sharing. Your items are soooo beautiful!!!!
Sep 15Reply
hannahmanuel19 Thank you for being so awesome and always sharing my postings!
Sep 16Reply
nicoleekwon Please check out my closet! I love your vintage collection 😊
Sep 18Reply
docspot I must say you have a very interesting closet I really like it . if you'd would be so kind, could you take a look at my closet and tell me what you think? I also have a YouTube channel that I am really proud of .its called doc at the barn Snyder. please go to that and  subscribe. thank you very much and happy poshuring! !
Sep 19Reply
alice_stella Thanks for the follow 😍 I’m still building my closet and have many more great items to post so I hope you’ll pop in again soon. In the meantime, take care and Happy Poshing! ~Jessica
Sep 20Reply
sherlockshops Thank you for all the shares, really appreciate it.
Sep 21Reply
ryansarah1 Hey Brandon, I've been following you for a while now and I have one question for you don't you ever sleep? I love seeing all your new items every day.
Sep 25Reply
baliaboutique Does anyone else find themselves visiting this closet daily?! LOVE The Beanz.. the Cat, the closet and the owner! Thanks Brandon for the daily shares & love! Hands down the best closet on Poshmark! ♥️
Sep 27Reply
frenchieluvva Thank you for sharing the items in my closet and for the support😊
Sep 29Reply
mepetites hi! thank you for sharing! sincerely appreciate all the support and posh love! will keep sharing your beautiful closet, too! take care and have a great evening!☺️
Sep 30Reply
josyannescloset You must have the most fun sourcing! I just love scrolling through your whimsical and perfectly merchandised store 🤗 👏🏻👌🏼
Oct 02Reply
thebeanz @josyannescloset Sourcing is the BEST part, I just wish I had more time to list haha
Oct 02Reply
lindosa30 Hi, Thank you very much for sharing my closet. i notice that everyday! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :)
Oct 05Reply
prelovedvibes are you and thebandteeshop one in the same? or partners?? Tootsie is the feline shite disturber of my 3! Leonard my handsome ragdoll, Bella my skittish calico🙂
Oct 06Reply
lefrip Hey cool closet! Are you on IG?
Oct 07Reply
mom2mermaids I was transported back to childhood browsing through your closet! Cups and dishes I’d long forgotten that we had used. Thanks for the nostalgia!
Oct 10Reply
shilin20 Thanks Brandon 😀👍👍🍷🌺
Oct 20Reply
caitlynjean230 thanks for the shares🥰
Oct 22Reply
poshtinabobina Thank you so much for always sharing my closet 💕💕💕💕💕🥰
Oct 23Reply
haileymitch You got some really cool stuff in your closet. I just love the retro feel 👍🏻
Oct 27Reply
branded_signed hi there! thank you for sharing 😊 Best of success to you!
Oct 29Reply
carolinelepage Wow, U have Cool Stuff in Ur closet !! 👍😄
Oct 30Reply
denisejason Hi Brandon, thank you for all your shares ❤️ And I LOVE your closet! Have a nice day and stay safe! 😁
Oct 30Reply
aquarianna24 Hi Brandon, thanks for all the ongoing shares! Love your closet!
Oct 30Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize 🤗
Oct 31Reply
fourgails Congratulations on the win! 😀
Oct 31Reply
innaor thank you for all the shares and congrats on your win, good to see someone who you actually "know" getting rewarded 💕
Oct 31Reply
twicelucky Hey there .... congratulations on your always share things from my closet and I saw you on the winners list. Hope the prize is decent. Again congrats 😁
Oct 31Reply
metisangel Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing something. Sharing, the Poshmark way
Nov 01Reply
purplepark Hi - I just wanted to say thanks for the sharing that you do. I appreciate that you take the time to share items from my closet. I also wanted to let you know that you have a great collection of items. it is always a pleasure to see want you add on a regular basis. All the best!!!
Nov 05Reply
outthedoor4more Hi there - thank you soooo much for sharing my blankets YOUR AWESOME!!
Nov 05Reply
dcalquisada Hi Brandon thank you for sharing my closet . Love .love your closet, its kind of a store that when i get in, i will be just reading or looking around meticulously, i won't know the time when i get out, lol! i go trendy and into vintage, and i can always pick up the best.I will be visiting your closet once in awhile, and thanks for visiting mine too. Be safe and well.
Nov 10Reply
copperglazed Hi Brandon, I want to thank you for all the shares. I am fairly new to PM and building my closet slowly. Your support is greatly appreciated. ⚘Alli
Nov 15Reply
kevinyoung22 Thanks for all the shares!!
Nov 15Reply
anzhelagb Thanks for the share 😘Happy Poshing!
Nov 18Reply
poshtinabobina Thank you do much for cosistently sharing my closet 💕💕💕
Nov 24Reply
shannonshops265 Hey Brandon, I’ll be looking at using one of your home items Dec. 2nd for Posh Party I’m hosting at 7. So if I like anything it’s for that purpose 😊 Shannon
Nov 25Reply
jennilee_xo hi there, do you ever come across old Sears catalouges? I would be interested if you do......anything before 1978 and earlier
Nov 26Reply
missreminisce @thebeanz Hi there Brandon! Thank you so much for sharing some of my vintage treasures! It is truly appreciated! Your closet is awesome! And I completely agree with you; sourcing is the best part! It’s like treasure hunting for adults! Thanks again! All the best! (PS: I hope, I have sent this message to the correct area. Brand spanking new to Posh & still getting my feet wet! )
Nov 30Reply
valleystyles appreciate all the shares ☺ cheers 👊🍻
Dec 01Reply
thebeanz @shannonshops265 Amazing! Good luck hosting <3
Dec 01Reply
thebeanz @jennilee_xo I will keep an eye out as that would be a fabulous find! It's exactly what we look for so we will make sure to let you know :)
Dec 01Reply
thebeanz @missreminisce Welcome! We hope you have a good time on Posh, a lot of great people and so many cool items! Let us know if you have any questions :)
Dec 01Reply
thebeanz @valleystyles NP! Love the closet, Cheers mate!
Dec 01Reply
cblougouras Hey hun, I was wondering if you have black panther comic book?❤️
Dec 02Reply
thebeanz @cblougouras We are ALWAYS on the lookout for Black Panther so when we find something, we will let you know! Have a good day!
Dec 02Reply
cblougouras @thebeanz thank you so much, you too & be safe
Dec 02Reply
sarahbalanoff hey! I'm cohosting a posh & sip tomorrow and we're doing a small segment where we will mention 'advice from top sellers" and mention the closet names. So it's an opportunity to promote various closets. I'd love to mention your closet! So, what is your best advice you can give for success on Poshmark? feel free to promote the event; there will be a $50 posh credit giveaway and 2 prizes given out during the event. 🤩
Dec 03Reply
alantaylor57 Hi Brandon. Thanks for the shares, I appreciate it.
Dec 06Reply
thebeanz @alantaylor57 No problem! Love the closet! Have a good and safe day!
Dec 06Reply
courtneyp2210 Hi!!! Thank you for your support! You have so many cool vintage items! I love your collection!!
Dec 07Reply
thebeanz @courtneyp2210 Thank you so much Courtney! We LOVE your closet! We hope you're doing well and keeping safe! Cheers!
Dec 07Reply
f_darocha Hi- I was going to make an offer for the Tag. Saw it earlier today. Has the price changed?
Dec 07Reply
thebeanz @darochf It was part of our Black Friday sale, but please submit your offer :) We would love for it to go to a good home! Cheers!
Dec 07Reply
f_darocha @thebeanz Thanks- it’s very tempting as it’s a lovely watch!
Dec 07Reply
thebeanz @darochf it really is :) let us know if you have any questions! A lot of interest now :) cheers!
Dec 07Reply
copperglazed You have the most interest and diverse closet of items. So many of them bring back fond memories for me. Would love to see a photo of your tuxedo kitty Bean 😺. Thank you for all the shares. ⚘Alli
Dec 09Reply
littlebellas Love your store! So many treasures ❤
Dec 10Reply
faithquietlux Thank you for sharing my item on Twitter! I really appreciate it 🙂
Dec 12Reply
cherryglen Thank you so much for all the support and shares!! I really like your closet too! Cheers😊
Dec 17Reply
bohovintagefabs I love your stuff!
Dec 18Reply
ashleyresale I love your page SOOOO MUCH. It is so gorgeous and amazing
Dec 20Reply
vilmak Thank you 😊
Dec 20Reply
daisy_a_day Thanks so much for your continuous daily shares!😊Wishing you all the best over the holidays and beyond❤🎄🎄🎄
Dec 23Reply
ashleyresale Thank you soooooo much for your support. Also I LOVE your page so much, may actually be my favourite looking page
Dec 31Reply
calendula2015 Hi. I just wanted to reach out and wish you a Happy New Year and personally thank you for your continued support in sharing my closet.
Jan 01Reply
514lenab Happy New Yr, Brandon!! Just wanted to let u know how much ur support is appreciated, you're a real gem!! Hope 2021 will be a Prosperous year for U & your family! Stay Safe & Blessed!!😉🤟❤
Jan 02Reply
vilmak Thank you 😊
Jan 03Reply
lennier Hi there! You have an awesome closet 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Just stopping by to say hey and let you know you can name the price of the Dennis the Menace Comic if you really like it 👍🏼 Happy New Year and stay safe 👍🏼
Jan 03Reply
laura1804 Hey thanks for sharing my listing !
Jan 08Reply
platinumtash WOW! You have an Amazing collection!!!! 🤩🙌🏼😊 thank you for the consistent sharing. You’re awesome! Happy New Year! 🥂❤️
Jan 09Reply
pendejoh Thanks for the shares. I sent out your great hoodie this morning!!
Jan 10Reply
mika2565 Hi! Thanks for sharing my closet. Let us all enjoy this journey of sharing and selling in Poshmark, its like a separate world, away from the pandemic even just for a moment. Be happy, be healthy Happy poshings! All the best to you an happy New Year! You have a lovely closet:):)
Jan 10Reply
mineandmore Hey Brandon! Thanks for always sharing my closet! Love the silk scarves. Amazing collection and listings. 🥳
Jan 12Reply
purrrmeows much love champion💕 thx for all the shares, as you know, I share as much love as I can!!
Jan 13Reply
curationstn Hi! Sorry for not accepting my order yet. I have a cast on my leg and my partner gets back today, so will finally get the mail! 😊
Jan 13Reply
jennie_monty Thanks for sharing my closet. Absolutely love your vintage scarves....I will definitely be back!
Jan 16Reply
neenu_bains @thebeanz Hi there - thanks for sharing my few listings. Really appreciate it! Would really appreciate it if you could help support me and share my MAKEUP listings with your followers. I'm selling BRAND NEW luxury makeup from high-end brands. As I'm fairly new to Poshmark, any support would be greatly appreciated. I'd be happy to return the favour by sharing your listings with my followers too. Thanks so much. PS - cool profile pic! :)
Jan 19Reply
2nd_chance_01 2nd_chance_01 Hi there thanks so much for the shares ..... Love your closet .... happy poshing
Jan 24Reply
joyfulradish Thank you very much for all of your time sharing my closet! I most appreciate it--happy almost February! :)
Jan 26Reply
alisonluvs2shop @thebeanz - I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for sharing my closet. I am new to Poshmark and I am absolutely loving the community. You just made it even better. Be well and stay safe 🙏✌️🛍💜
Feb 03Reply
redlightrelove Heya Beanz! Thank you for all the wonderful sharing, mucho appreciate❤❤ Hey, by chance do you have a Forest green scarf or T-Shirt available in your collection? If anything is as such, please forward in my direction, thank you kindly!! I'm feeling like a little treat, and I'd love to support your shop!! Thanks
Feb 04Reply
9freebies You're too kind. Thanks for all your sharing of my closet.
Feb 06Reply
caroline_hagen Thank you for sharing items from my closet. Have a wonderful day.
Feb 07Reply
purrrmeows Just wanted too let you guys know, mom absolutely loved her gifts!!! Thanks again ❤😄
Feb 09Reply
mmeminou ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ congrats on your 1m share!!! I will try to follow your lead! Share the Posh!!!! Great accomplishment 👍🏻🥳🎁
Feb 09Reply
cathnobes Hi there. Thank you so much for all of the shares. It is very appreciated. I really like your closet name - my first cat was named Beans!
Feb 10Reply
thenorthcloset Hi! Thanks so much for the shares! Love your closet ❤️😀👍
Feb 13Reply
jjleenew Hi Brandon, thanks you for sharing my closet. Happy Poshing in the new year !
Feb 14Reply
scak thanks so much for sharing:)
Feb 16Reply
duchess_consign Thank you for sharing my listing on Twitter! I don't have a Twitter account but I will share your listings on here.🤗💕
Feb 18Reply
duchess_consign Also, congrats on your over 1 million shares👍😊
Feb 18Reply
duchess_consign Thanks Brandon for putting my listing on Twitter again! Let's keep sharing! 🤗👍
Feb 19Reply
jackie_ri Thank you so much for sharing my closet. ☺️
Feb 20Reply
essentialnature Hey there beanz, Thanks 🙏 for all the your closet and will purchase from you for sure when I can make some $ 😊
Feb 24Reply
fashion_rp Thank you!
Feb 26Reply
shartery Don't suppose you have any issues of the Amazing Spiderman 0-100?
Mar 05Reply
chltglss99 Hi,thanks for all the sharing. I really appreciate it. Have a wonderful day 🌞
Mar 06Reply
zanfel Thank you for sharing my listings
Mar 08Reply
estherius5 Thanks 🙏 for all the shares! 💕👍happy poshing
Mar 08Reply
auntiemskeswick Hi there!! Thanks so much for the generous shares . I'm new to Poshmark so I apologize in the delay in saying thanks :) You have a really cool closet!! Best of luck
Mar 11Reply
yvonnemrdavie @thebeanz Thank you for taking your time today to stop in my closet and share. I truly appreciate it! Enjoy the rest of your day. 🌿🌹🙂
Mar 14Reply
duchessposh Hi Brandon. Thanks for all the shares you’ve been giving my closet! I’m looking for some silk pocket squares to dress up my fabulous blazers with breast pockets. It looks like you’re listing bigger sizes, but have you got any? I’m seeking autumn colours, primarily.
Apr 12Reply
kellysten17 Thank you for the shares!!
Apr 22Reply
twa0 Thanks for sharing the poshlove🥰. I post on my closet every day, feel free to swing by. In the meantime , take care and Happy Poshing 😌😌
Apr 25Reply
mika2565 Thank you for sharing my listing on Twitter! I don't have a Twitter account but I will share your listings on here!😍😘
May 09Reply
alessentials Hi! Thank you kindly for sharing. Receive a complimentary gift with each purchase.😊
May 14Reply
kdcharmed Hello, please feel free to check out my closet😊
Jun 16Reply
call_me_momo Hi Brandon UPDATE ON MY CLOSET❗️ When you visit my closet, kindly note: Changes to bundles: if you purchase 2 items or more from my closet, you will receive an automatic discount of 15%. I also encourage offers from potential buyers. Don’t be shy. I’m sure we can always reach an agreement on an offer 🤗 Have fun Poshing and if you have questions, pls feel free to ask. 🛍️🎁♥️ Thanks. ☺️ 🇨🇦 Momo xx
Oct 15Reply

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Last Active: 27 hours ago

Toronto, ON
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Last Active: 27 hours ago

Toronto, ON
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