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Updated Nov 12
Updated Nov 12

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Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. Have a great day! :)
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labmom05 Welcome to Poshmark. I have been poshing for several months now and find it fun and rewarding. If you have any questions, please ask and I will do my best to help. My closet has mostly women’s clothes but I also have a few men’s, kids and home items. Bundling 2 or more items in my closet is an automatic 20% discount. If your total after discount is $40 or more, I throw in FREE SHIPPING! Happy poshing! 👚👖👟
May 20Reply
diamondb13 Hi. Thank you so much for all the shares. Be safe and happy poshing my dear
May 21Reply
spi333 @takes2. 😁hi, welcome to poshmark 🎈🎈have fun posting, shopping and buying 👗👠👚💄👜📿👙🎒👢🧢🕶👖 share, share and follow. 4 parties a day 🥳🥳 👀look into poshmark etiquette's, do + don'ts 💥💥don't share personal information 💥💥
May 23Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania! New friends 👥 will answer your questions❓ and cheer 👏you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet 🥋 & from the closest (s) of others. 👫 At R bottom of 'About' page, touch 'See all closets.' Touch ea. blue bar 🅿️. It changes to white,. Meaning you are now Following that closet. Share 5-6 items. 💃🥋A large number of Poshers 👥will follow you back, sharing items from YOUR 🙇🏼‍♀️ closet. Stay safe. ❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
May 24Reply
shelbix Super cute closet girl! Wishing you many sales 💗😊🌸
May 26Reply
jean_e Aloha! Thank you for sharing my closet items. God Bless! 🤙🌺😁🏝
May 28Reply
purplechihuahua hi Madi! thanks for sharing my closet!! 💜🐕
Jun 03Reply
allisonmperr_5 Thanks for the follow. I am having a huge flash sale today only! Look for the 🔥- these items are 5 for 25! Bundle any 5 items and send me an offer for $25 and it’s yours! Items include woman’s, men’s, woman’s plus and kids styles!
Jun 08Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for following my closet! Do let me know if you find anything you are interested in, I offer bundle discounts too 😊
Jun 08Reply
happyme518 Hello, just wanna thank you for all the shares. God bless, stay well and happy poshing.
Jun 08Reply
rociodelgado311 Thank you so much for the follow and for the shares. Please let me know if there's anything in my closet that catches your eye. We offer super cool deals and we are open to offers!! Happy poshing!🙋✨💥
Jun 09Reply
eva__g Thank you for visiting my closet and for sharing.❤️❤️👗👗👗🌼🌼💕💕💕
Jun 10Reply
zardiva1 Hi and welcome! 👋😃 Adorable pic - awww! 😃😘🐢
Jun 25Reply
janfast Hi there! Thanks for following my closet!
Jul 03Reply
desi_posher Welcome to Poshmark! If you get a chance, stop by my closet. In addition to the regular prices, I offer bundle prices as 3/$12, 4/$12, 3/$24, 4/$24, 3/$30, 4/$60. Happy Poshing and let me know if I can help answer any questions about Poshmark 😊💕
Jul 03Reply
bgflores4 Hi, Thank you for the follow...just wanted to let you know I’m offering FREE SHIPPING for any item/s over $20 dollars. Also, having a sale on women’s blouses👚 3 for 20, and dresses👗2 for 20. You get 5% off any bundle of 3 or more. If you see anything you like, just ‘like’ the items and I’ll bundle your likes and send you an amazing offer.
Jul 03Reply
treasuredsoul Love your turtle!...and thanks so much for your very generous sharing 💕
Jul 04Reply
elainesapitan Thank you for the support on my closet. I hope you have some time to go through it as I am trying to get rid of many items, as well I have some items listed as FREE with ANY purchase throughout my closet. Hope you find something you like! Feel free to send me any offers and I’d be happy to make business with you. Happy Poshing and safe during this quarantine! 🦋
Jul 04Reply
fairychristine Hello! Thanks SO much for the shares !!!🥰 love your logo— aren’t they magical?!!!🌟💫🧚🏼‍♀️
Jul 09Reply
polka5dots Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Jul 13Reply
ksenyayoung Thank you so much to checking out my closet!!! Just wanted to give you a heads up that we're currently running a buy 4 items for $20 Sale!!! New items added daily:) Happy poshing!!!
Jul 15Reply
nergis73 hi, thank you for the following. I have 🦄⛱💙.
Jul 18Reply
auntsherii Hi, thank you for your shares. Happy posting!
Jul 25Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jul 27Reply
missjezeclectic Hi there! Thank you for sharing our listing. Have a nice evening!
Aug 04Reply
valleygirls333 Thank you so much for the AWESOME shares......🌺
Aug 08Reply
presley523 Hi, thanks for following my closet. I followed you back and shared 6 listings from your closet. Have a wonderful day.
Aug 10Reply
desmith0927 @takes2 Thank you so much for the follow, shares and stopping by my closet!! Poshmark is so awesome and Poshers are such helpful/sweet people! I’ll be sure to keep an eye on your closet and share as much as possible!! Just so you’re aware, I have a bundle discount and will always either accept (reasonable) or counter all offers; also always willing to discuss price! Thanks again 💕💕💕
Aug 20Reply
brandisstyle7 Welcome to poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet
Aug 30Reply
emmjayy3783 Hello, thank you for the share. I appreciate it. Stay blessed and safe
Sep 01Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Sep 04Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you so much for sharing my closet ❤!
Sep 04Reply
noeloo22357 Thank yo so much for sharing my closet and welcome to my beautiful closet
Sep 11Reply
noeloo22357 Welcome to Porshmark and thank you to sharing my closet. If you get a chance to stop to my closets I can give you some discount
Sep 11Reply
ssmith0951 Welcome to Poshmark!! I love your closet already! If you have a few minutes please hop over to my closet and offer if you’re interested i’ll be sure to give you the best deal!💕💕 Happy Poshing🤩🥳
Sep 16Reply
americannwmnn Thank you for sharing my listings! 😁🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️🤸‍♂️ I appreciate the help 😁
Sep 26Reply
diamondgirl1947 Hi. Thx for looking at my closet and the shares. 😍🙏😷🎃🌷🌼
Oct 09Reply
bluewolverine @takes2 love the turtle photo, snorkeled with one earlier this year, amazing!
Oct 18Reply
mariva931 Hi! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet, I greatly appreciate it! Take care and have a wonderful rest of the evening 🤗
Oct 18Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East & hijab friendly clothing 💕Love your listings by the way!
Nov 10Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my listings.... Mel
Nov 10Reply
theprettyrose Hi good morning I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for sharing my item I appreciate it like to share your closet as well thanks.😊👍
Nov 19Reply
viratorres53 hello, thank you for following me you have a great closet! welcome to mine. shared some of yours with my followers. you have so many lovely items. I do accept reasonable offers. I give personal discounts on bundles of 2 or more items. take care and happy poshing!!
Dec 08Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet. I wish you much success and fun. May you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart, giving you strength during these difficult times, and bringing you hope, good cheer and happiness every day of the new year. Stay safe and God bless. 🌻🌞🌼
Jan 04Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following I’m Emily if you like any of my items I lowered the prices so you’ll get a Great Deal! Happy New Year😊🎊❄️❄️☃️
Jan 17Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Apr 10Reply
kidznklozet Thanks for the share just getting the hang of things
Apr 22Reply
mpenn Thanks for following me on posh! Check out my closet for many $5 items. Bundle 5 of the $5 items for $15. Have a great day!
Apr 25Reply
sammyg913 How did you get so many followers- I have tried but just don’t know how and you have only joined last year - what’s your secret?
May 13Reply
takes2 @sammyg913 I don’t know that I have a secret but I do try to be active each day if possible and I share a lot. I joined a couple follow games and when I get new followers I usually try to follow their followers. I’m not a social medial person at all but with Poshmark it seems that staying active, sharing and following really is key. Have a great day!
May 13Reply
smcuster Hello @takes2! My name is Shawn and I got notification you began following my Poshmark Closet. Welcome and thank you! I appreciate you for connecting with me and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you. I also welcome you to find and follow me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where I created a fun introduction game once you begin following the account. May great success be on the horizon with you along the way! Kind Regards~Shawn Marie
May 13Reply
midnightwizard 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢 🐢My spirit animal 🥰🐢 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢
Jun 08Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for sharing. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
Jul 17Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
Jul 17Reply
glassprism70 So sorry PoshMark is messing with the comment sections
Jul 29Reply
glassprism70 yet…Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask.
Jul 29Reply
glassprism70 ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦
Jul 29Reply
glassprism70 in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jul 29Reply
lj61 @takes2 Hi 👋 Thank you for all the amazing shares 🥰
Aug 19Reply
christine1254 Thank you for all the shares! I really appreciate it 😊
Oct 02Reply
pennylane1972 Hi! Thank you for sharing! I appreciate it!😊
Oct 03Reply
jackiesthreads1 Hello and thank you for following my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!💖
Nov 05Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! If I can ever help you, please let me know… Wishing you an awesome new year full of happiness! 😊 ...Lisa
Jan 27Reply
uneekfinds Thanks for the follow, and welcome to UNEEKFINDS. I try to keep something for everyone. Always open to reasonable offers. 💵💵 I ship as quickly as I can.🚚🚚 Feel free to browse and like because I send early notices to my shoppers when I run specials. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!🛒🛍🛒🛍😃
Jan 27Reply

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