Meet your Posher, Abbey
Not for sale
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Hi! I'm Abbey. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Disney, and Betsey Johnson. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

266 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark! We have a lot of fun here. Feel free to reach out with any questions!
Sep 24Reply

Welcome to Posh!💙🤗
Sep 24Reply

Hello there, welcome to Poshmark! This is such a wonderful community to buy and sell. If you have any questions at all, I am a Posh Ambassador and would be more then happy to help. Enjoy and Happy Poshing - Taryn
Sep 25Reply

🍒Welcome to Posh 🍒
Sep 29Reply

Hello welcome to Poshmark.
Oct 01Reply

Welcome 🙏😀🌺😘🎁☀️
Oct 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Happy Poshing
Oct 04Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Welcome to Poshmark
Oct 04Reply

Welcome!!💐thank u so much for the like ❤️ 🙏plz let me know if I can help!!
Oct 04Reply

Hi, Abbey! I see you shared my listing! Thank you so much, I want you to know how much I appreciate it.
Oct 05Reply

Happy Poshing🤩
Oct 06Reply

Hi Abbey! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet! I appreciate it very much! Have a great day!💕Patricia
Oct 16Reply

❀ Hi Abbey, Welcome to Poshmark ❀
Oct 19Reply

Hello and welcome to the Wonderful World of Poshing. 💞💞💞
I'm Yvette. A Posh Ambassador.
My tag name is @kaitlynsma
If you have an opportunity, I would Love for you to check out my closet.
I'm currently offering 30% off on any 2 or more items. 💖💖💖
If you have any questions on anything, please feel free to ask.
Have a Great day and Happy Poshing
Oct 21Reply

Thank you gorgeous, for all the likes 🥰🥰
Oct 22Reply

Thanks for a lot of likes in my closet.
I welcome offers.
Happy Poshing!
Oct 23Reply

Thank for the like.
Oct 24Reply

hi, thanks for the visit and the like of the bball . glad you stopped in
Oct 24Reply

Hi Abbey welcome to Poshmark ❣️
Oct 28Reply

@iloveshoppingcl hi Abbey! you visited my Closet and left some Likes. Thank you.
Welcome to Posh and my Closet! ~ Carol
Nov 06Reply

Hey!!! Thanks for sharing my closet! You're the best!!!!😁
Nov 12Reply

Thank you SO much for sharing my closet!!💗💗
Nov 13Reply

Hello Abbey thank you for the like 💗☺
Nov 13Reply

thanks for all the love :) hope you're having a great weekend! 😍🔥
Nov 17Reply

Hi Abbey thank you for taking the time to stop by my closet and like my item😊 Have a great day and happy Poshing ❣️ ♥️♥️♥️
Nov 18Reply

Hi Abbey, happy Poshing. Thanks for stopping by my closet and liking one of my pieces. Have a beautiful week.
Nov 18Reply

Hi Abbey! have fun with posh 💎 🌎 ❤️
Nov 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark.
Nov 24Reply

Hi Abbey,
Welcome to Posh. It is a very fun and social site. I am one of the Posh ambassador if I can help let me know. I see we share a common love for Disney.
If you choose to sell on Posh focus on sharing your closet several times a day. Don't decline a low ball offer either counter or let it expire. It hurts your ratings when you decline.
If you choose just to buy. Please be considerate with your offers.
Hope you enjoy Poshing. Happy shopping🤗,
Nov 25Reply

Thanks for your like on the jazzercise tops!
Dec 09Reply

Hi again! Thanks for stopping by my closet again and for the like! I greatly appreciate it!💕
Dec 09Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🥰🙋🏼♀️
Dec 11Reply

Hi, Abbey
Thanks for all the “ likes!”
Dec 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, beautiful!! Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!! ♡
Dec 12Reply

Hey welcome to poshmark! check out my closet and feel free to make me an offer on anything! Bundle multiple items and save lots of money on shipping!
Dec 14Reply

Hello Abbey! :) Welcome to Poshmark!
Visit my closet - ONLY TODAY - If you will buy one item, you can choose additional one from my closet (same or lesser value) and I will send it as a gift :) <3
Dec 15Reply

Hi Abby, thank you for stopping by and for the like on the shoes. My name is Brenda, let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them for you. I ship orders daily and include a giftie with every purchase. Happy poshing. Have a great night. 😊
Dec 16Reply

Thank you so much for the like. Happy poshing .
Dec 16Reply

Abbey thank you for liking the Roasted Turkey Hat, I’m offering a discounted price and postage.
Dec 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💕 💕 💕 I hope you will love it here as much as I do! Please feel free to visit my closet when you have a chance. Happy Poshing!!
Dec 16Reply

Welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Dec 18Reply

welcome to Poshmark ❤️
Dec 19Reply

Thank you for all the likes I really appreciate it!! 💕
Dec 19Reply

Hey :) I would love if you came and visited my closet. You won't be disappointed! <3
Dec 21Reply

Hi Abbey! I invite you to visit my store. I believe our favorite brands are similar and you’ll like what you see😃
Dec 22Reply

Thank you for all the likes!!! I’m so flattered! Have a lovely holiday :) xo Ann
Dec 23Reply

Hi Abbey! Thanks for stopping by my closet. If you want to purchase more than one item, create a “bundle”, I will send a private offer ( you will get more than 20% off) and everything will ship for one amount in one box. Thanks again.
Dec 24Reply

Happy Poshing♥️
Dec 26Reply

Hey welcome to Poshmark! I have a ton of new items for sale including I Love Lucy and M&Ms coffee mugs, makeup, and shirts. Happy Poshing! 😍💖👑✌🏼🥂😄
Dec 27Reply

Hi!! Check out my closet, I am having a closet clear out and accepting all reasonable offers!💗🌸✨ Brands include: Brandy Melville, Urban Outfitters, Nike, Victoria’s Secret, GAP, Vera Bradley, and more!!😊😊 Again, accepting all offers.
Dec 28Reply

Hi there, thanks for all the likes! Please feel free to add some of your favorites to a bundle, and I’ll send over a discounted offer 😊
Dec 29Reply

Thanks for Liking My Listing if you are interested make a offer thanks V
Dec 30Reply

thanks for the like make sure to make your best offer ❤️
Dec 30Reply

Welcome to the Poshmark community!!😘👍
Dec 30Reply

Hi Abbey, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the 2 bags. I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for each. If you were to bundle them, you would only pay shipping one time. if you chose a third item of any amount, I would offer you 30% off of the bundle! Happy Holidays!
Dec 30Reply

Hi thanks for the like! Feel free to send me an offer and let me know if you have any questions 😊
Dec 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet. Thanks, good luck poshing! 🥰
Dec 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark Abbey! :)
Dec 30Reply

Hi Abbey, thank you so much for the likes love. If you do decide to bundle anything I can send you a great offer. Happy New Year 🥂🥳
Dec 31Reply

Hi Abbey, don’t you love Posh?!!! So many unique people with so many unique styles! And we get to shop in our pjs! Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Dec 31Reply

Welcome to posh. Hope you have fun buying and selling. Happy new year☺️🎉
Jan 01Reply

Hello! Please check out my closet when you have the chance. I’m selling many items including Kate spade and vineyard Vines items, suits, shirts, etc that I think you may be interested in. Everything must go since I’m leaving in a few days so im accepting offers :) feel free to bundle, put in offers, and ask questions! I’m very reasonable!! All the best - g
Jan 02Reply

Hi Abbey!!! I would love for you to check out my closet, if you see something you like please don’t hesitate and send me an offer, I❤️offers!!! Happy poshing 👍😊
Jan 06Reply

Hi Abbey and welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions and thanks for all the likes!❤️💕
Jan 06Reply

Hey there! I have a ton of cute listings that you may like! Feel free to check out my closet! 💫
Jan 07Reply

Welcome to Posh😊🎉
Jan 09Reply

Hey Abby💕 thanks for the likes! Would you like a bundle?
Jan 11Reply

Thank you so much for liking my listing! Just so you know my closet is buy one get one 50% off all items with the ⭐️. Happy poshing!
Jan 15Reply

Hi there! Thanks for the likes and taking a peek through my closet!!! Just so you know you can bundle any 3 pieces of jewelry for $20!!! Happy shopping 🛍💄🥰😻
Jan 15Reply

Hi welcome to poshmark! 💖🎀🛍👚👙👗👠check out my closet! I have some items I think you might like and offer discounts for bundling!! Happy poshing ⭐️😀
Jan 15Reply

Hi Abbey, welcome to Poshmark 🌺 feel free to send me an offer for this boots 🌸🌸🌸
Jan 16Reply

Heyyy! Thanks so much for checking out my closet and for all the likes. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me ! I’m open to all offers as well. Thanks again! :)
Jan 16Reply

Hi Abbey!!!! I would love for you to check out my closet, if you see something you like please don’t hesitate and send me an offer, I’ll either accept it or counter to a price we both can agree on, have a great rest of your day 👍😊
Jan 17Reply

Hi! I'd like to give you a great deal on the tennis bracelet you just liked. Did you have a price in mind?
Jan 18Reply

Thank you so much for visiting my closet and all your likes❤️ Bundle up for a great discount if you are interested.
Jan 19Reply

Hi! Just wanted to stop by and invite you to check out my closet, which is mainly career clothing for women - Ann Taylor, LOFT, Banana Republic, Express, The Limited, J. Crew, etc. High quality and low prices! I usually add dozens of items every week. Come check it out if you’re interested! Happy poshing!
Jan 19Reply

Hi Abbey, thank you for the likes love. If you decide to bundle 2 I can offer you BOGO half off. Have a great day💕🙂
Jan 19Reply

hi! i saw you liked my forever 21 white bodysuit listing, please lmk if you’re interesting in buying :)
Jan 19Reply

Hi babe! Happy Poshing, just stopping by to introduce myself. I eagerly invite you to check out my closet and awesome deals! XOXO Love KimmY
Jan 24Reply

Hey Abbey thanks for all the liked and good vibes!
Jan 26Reply

Abbey, Thank you for viewing 4U2 Closet and for the likes. I bundled all your likes and made you a wonderful offer. If you are interested I can mail these items to you tomorrow with a mystery thank you gift that I give to all my customers.
Feb 03Reply

hope your enjoying Poshmark 😊
feel free to check out my closet
Feb 03Reply

Hi Abbey
How are you? That’s for all the likes!
Warmest regards,
Feb 05Reply

Hi!! I would love you to go through my closet !! I accept offers😀
Feb 06Reply

thanks for all the likes! feel free to bundle and I'll send you a great deal!
Feb 06Reply

Thanks for all the 💖 Abbey!
Feb 06Reply

Hi 👋 Thanks for stopping by. I see that you liked an item from my closet. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I offer 15% off bundles of 2 and consider all reasonable offer. Happy Poshing! 💖 I’m open Friday thru Monday.
Feb 06Reply

hello I invite you to my closet I have clothes and shoes sunglasses anything you want to ask me👠🌈🩳😊👗👡🥰👒❤️
Feb 07Reply

Thank you SO much for all the likes and shares!🥰
Feb 07Reply

Hello, I noticed you liked a Necklace in my closet. I am offering 10% off if you bundle three or more items❤️
Feb 07Reply

Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet and all the likes 💖💖💖 if you are interested in purchasing more than one item please bundle & I will send you a private offer. 🛍️🛍️🛍️🛍️
Feb 08Reply

Hi Abbey thank you for the likes 💕🙂
Feb 10Reply

Heyyy😀 thx for the likes, lemme know if I can give you a great bundle discount of just a great deal in general!!
Feb 10Reply

Hi Abbey!! Thank you for visiting my closet and liking a few items! When you are ready to purchase, please bundle for an additional discount!! And just to let you know, the cute Squishmallow friends will be donated on Valentine’s Day if they have not been purchased by then!! 💕💕 have a great day!
Feb 10Reply

Hi thanks so much for the likes! I need to clear inventory so I’m happy to offer you a sweet deal if your interested ❤️
Feb 10Reply

Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet 💞 #poshlove
Feb 10Reply

Hi! Thank you for the likes! Feel free to add items to a bundle, I guarantee great discounts!
Feb 11Reply

Hi Abbey! I think my closet would match your style! Check it out when you get a chance. I have an awesome deal right now. All items with the champagne glass emoji 🥂 are 3/$25. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!
Feb 12Reply

Hey gurl! If you’re still interested please make an offer or check out your bundle you made! I’m donating most of my items this weekend! ❤️✨ so get them while you still can
Feb 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Feb 13Reply

Hello❤! Welcome to poshmark! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. This is a great community. All items in my closer priced less than $25 are included in the 5/$25 SALE!! offers are welcome & bundle for bigger savings! Happy Poshing and God Bless!!
Feb 16Reply

Happy Monday! So excited to see you liked several things in my closet! If you would like to create a bundle , I’ll be sure to ship same day if possible! ❤️ Let me know if you have any questions.
Feb 17Reply

Hi Abbey :) How are you? I would like to invite you to my closet. I have lots of items at low cost. I offer great bundle deals, and next day shipping. Hope you have a great night, and HAPPY POSHING!!!!!! :)
Feb 18Reply

Hi thanks for liking so many items in my closet i will give u great discount!!
Feb 18Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both Men and Women's clothing Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing! @Shopper411411
Feb 19Reply

Hi! Thank you for visiting my closet! 🤗 I noticed that you liked many of my listings, bundle your likes and I will make you an offer plus, you will be paying only one shipping fee! 💕
Feb 19Reply

Thank you for all the likes and shares! 🤩
Feb 24Reply

boho bohemian red casual chic trendy bundle save festival summer Gypsy style fashion
Feb 26Reply

Happy Poshing, Abbey :)
Feb 27Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to check out my closet and if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing!⭐️❤️
Feb 28Reply

Abby beautiful picture ,thanks for your support Please enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more (free shipping on $25). expires 3/29/20.checkout the YouTube videos on Poshmark ,they are very beneficial in helping you to develop your business
Mar 01Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark! I’m selling makeup, skincare, clothes and more! I’m a 5 star posher and would love for you to checkout my closet. Everything must go so please feel free to send my any offers! 😍😍💗💗😍😍
Mar 01Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Thank you for visiting my closet. If you have any questions or need more information about your favorites in my closet, please don't hesitate to contact me. I look forward to welcoming you to a luxe shopping experience. You are welcome to stop in anytime for chit-chat and chai. Best wishes, Annie 💜
Mar 02Reply

hi! i saw you liked some of my items do you want me to make you a bundle? i can do a good price for the items! check out my closet!❤️❤️❤️
Mar 02Reply

Hi Abbey! Thank you for visiting @rosepetalpicks and liking the sneakers. Please visit again soon. u also welcome reasonable offers. Happy poshing. Rose
Mar 03Reply

Thanks for the like on the dream book in my closet. If you buy another book of mine at regular price I will give you this one free and bundle them so you save on shipping. I have a few more interesting psychology books and others that I will be adding soon.
Mar 03Reply

Hey there... I just added some beautiful pieces to my closet. Check it out and follow me on
Mar 03Reply

Hey girl! Just wanted to tell you about an exclusive offer I have for any likers in my closet. Bundle any 2 items 15 or under and get them both for 15 or any 3 items or 15 or under and get them for 20 with the discount on your shipping! ❤
Mar 05Reply

Hey there! I have a ton of cute listings that you may like! Feel free to check out my closet. 💫
Mar 08Reply

@iloveshoppingcl We wish you a stupendous 2020 New Year to you and yours--Imagine this vase filled with Lilacs Lillies and Roses--It makes a gorgeous centerpiece--To assist your joy of Easter or Passover we offer this vintage item for $45 Deacon Ricky
Mar 09Reply

I would love you send you a great offer for all the items you are interested in(: just bundle what you like most! 🥰
Mar 09Reply

Thank you for liking Disney mug. Please make an offer or bundle. I’m always happy to make a deal.
Mar 11Reply

Hello dear posher friend, just to let you know that I have an offer on all my hair accessories
BUY MORE & save more 🥳🤩🥳
3 x 5=BUY 3 GET 5 OF THE SAME PRICE OR LESS PLUS 10% Additional discount and shipping discount too!!
Bundle & Save it’s absolutely awesome 😎
Hope you love ❤️ it!!!
Mar 11Reply

welcome to poshmark :) feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions! Happy poshing!!
Mar 12Reply

Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Mar 13Reply

Hi Abbey! Thanks for stopping by my closet! I’d be happy to offer you a discount if you’d like to bundle any of the items that you liked 😊
Mar 14Reply

Hi thanks for liking my listing feel free to ask any questions if interested or make any offer!
Mar 15Reply

Hi Abby 👋 Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked my newly listed Ariel pin. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I offer 15% off bundles of 2. I’m running a March sale with many items listed 3 for $15 and a few at $15 Sale. Happy Poshing! 💖
Mar 16Reply

Hello sweetie I'm having a Sale for any $12.00 items 2 for $12.00 check out my closet over 400 items on Sale. Have a beautiful day today
Mar 18Reply

If you’re interested in many stuff, you can always ask for a bulk 😊
Mar 19Reply

Mar 19Reply

I might have items in my closet that you would be interested in! Feel free to make any offers❤️
Mar 19Reply

hi thank you for visiting my closet and liking the BRACELET. I sent you an offer if in case you are interested on it any questions just let me know.thank you so much 💞💞💞
Mar 19Reply

Hey girl! Would love for you to check out my closet 😊
Mar 20Reply

hey girl! thank you so much for all the likes! let me know if you want to bundle anything so you get the very best deal ! with every bundle I always throw in a free item!
Mar 20Reply

Hi I see you liked my phone case I’m clearing my racks if you like both phone cases or anything else like them and I’ll make you a great bundle deal
Mar 21Reply

Happy New Year! I saw you stopped by my closet, I just reduced the prices of my jeans, if you are interested in those J. Crew jeans, send me an offer and I'll either gladly accept or counteroffer until it's a price that works for both of us❤️
If you have any questions, please let me know! I always accept reasonable offers! Happy poshing!
Mar 21Reply

I see you liked my red glitter moving phone case bundle or like both phone cases or anything else and I’ll give you a great deal! I’m clearing my store out!!!
Mar 21Reply

Make an offer on the Mickey hat!
Mar 21Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Hi Abbey - I've got an item in my closet I think you may be interested in. A chunky seashell necklace with bling that was a HOST PICK! It's truly a showpiece and I'd love for you to see it. I ship from a smoke free clean home and have 76 five star ratings. Thanks. Have a sweet day :) :) :) :)
Mar 24Reply

Hi Abbey, I'm Dawn.I did see that you liked the Disney classics. If you decide to purchase one I will send you Bambi for free. Thanks.
Mar 27Reply

Also, I just uploaded Fox and the Hound and Lady and the Tramp. Thanks for your interest.
Mar 27Reply

Thank you for the likes and shares! Have a great day beautiful ❤️❤️
Mar 28Reply

Actually if you are still interested, I might as well just throw in any of the $20 or ,$35 one. Whichever you would prefer. Thanks again, Dawn.
Mar 28Reply

hi I'm Rhonda and I saw where you liked my purses. are you interested in buying them? they are really nice ones with no tears or anything. I only carried them a couple of times each. I hope to hear back from you.
Mar 28Reply

Hi. I sell beanie babies!
Mar 28Reply

Happy Poshing, Abbey 💯❤️
Mar 28Reply

All items are buy 1 get 1 half off or buy 2 get 1 free. Orders of $25 or more will receive a gift and discounted shipping to $4.99. Great customer service and no worries. Thank you, Winnfritt
Mar 29Reply

Hi, I lowered the price on the mermaid tape. Can you decline it and I'll make a much lower one for you if you'd like.
Mar 30Reply

hey I saw u liked my Converse Sneakers, I can sell them to you for 10$ if ur interested. thanks for looking in my closet.
Mar 30Reply

Hey, I’m Mary💋
Buying or Selling
New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile
Best of luck to you✨
Come check out my SALE babes😇
Mar 31Reply

Hey! Welcome to poshmark! I have tons of NWT free people,Kate Spade, Madewell, J.crew , Urban outfitters and much more! I'm always open to offers so feel free to check out my closet 🥰
Apr 01Reply

Hi Abbey! Thank you for sharing my closet. 💗😊
Apr 01Reply

Hi! I saw you were interested in an item of my shop! Thank you so much for liking and let me know if there is anything I can do to help guide your purchase! ❤️ I do bundles and can ship today! I also take offers!
Apr 02Reply

Hi there! I wanted to let you know I’m offering buy 2 get 1 free on most items! Hope you’ll check out my closet😊 Happy poshing!🥳
Apr 03Reply

Hi there! I wanted to let you know I’m offering buy 2 get 1 free on most items! Hope you’ll check out my closet😊 Happy poshing!🥳
Apr 03Reply

Hi babygirl! Listed some of your favorite brands you mention 😆 Come check out my page and feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions! 💗
Apr 07Reply

Thanks for the like on the Disney funko I am open to offers!
Apr 08Reply

Hi! Are you interested in the Nike sweater? I’d love for you to have it
Apr 09Reply

Welcome to poshmark 🌸🌸 I would love if you would Take a look at my closet 🛍🛍 I do bundle deals and take reasonable offers to save you money 💰💰my shipping is also usually done the same day of your Purchase or the next day so super fast 📦📦 happy poshing 💕💕
Apr 10Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Hello, My name is Tammy and I wasn’t to welcome you to poshmark and say thank you for liking this butterfly painting. I am from Texas and love painting and fashion. This painting is done on a gallery wrapped canvas and painted with acrylic paint and is ready to be hung up. I also love sharing and adding items to posh parties. Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help. I hope you have a Safe, Healthy and Happy Easter! 🛍🎁🐥👒👗
Apr 11Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and for the likes!
FYI: I ship out same or by the next day , offer 10% off Bundles (2+ items), I’m 5 star rated and always open to reasonable offers!
Happy Poshing! 👖👢💕
Apr 12Reply

hi girly,
feel free to check out my page I have some brands that I think you’ll like, thank you!!!🧚♀️💟💞
Apr 13Reply

Hi! Hope you’re enjoying the Poshmark community! I would love for you to check out my closet 😁
Apr 14Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet if you're interested. Thanks, good luck poshing!
Apr 15Reply

Hi!! I sent you an offer. Please lmk if it works I’ll take anything really
Apr 15Reply

@iloveshoppingcl hi there! Thanks for liking the h&m sweater! Feel free to bundle it with anything else in my closet to receive discount☺️ Let me know if you have questions. I'd appreciate if you could let me know if this item is of interest to
you. Have a nice day!
Apr 15Reply

Hey Abbey 🙋🏻♀️ I want to introduce My closet @Rosepetals3 to you! I have styles for everyone: Women, Men, and Kids. I love offers, and give major discounts on bundles+ Free Shipping🛍Check it out- I may have what you are looking for! ✨I hope to hear from you soon!🌹
Apr 17Reply

hi there! I am currently having a sale
🤍2 for 10
💜3 for 15
❣2 for 20
💚2 for 30
🖤2for 50
- Women(makeup,bag, clothes), Men, Kids, Home, and more! Let me know if you have any questions 😊 I ship as soon as 1-3 business days
Apr 18Reply

Hi welcome to Poshmark! When you get a chance could you please check out my closet? Thanks you, stay safe and happy Poshing!!!
Apr 18Reply

Hi! I think you would be interested in some of the jewelry, accessories, eyelash kits, and other things in my closet. Feel free to make me a reasonable offer. There is no pressure to buy anything though. And if you like 2 or more items I can create a bundle for you, which will make the items and shipping cheaper. Thank you for your time and stay safe!
Apr 19Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet! I know you liked the VS bag and I'm lowering the price plus listing lots more fun stuff❣So come on back to check it out🤗
Apr 19Reply

Hi, Thank you for stopping by! I have a lot of Disney shirts. Let me know if you would like to bundle or see what I have unlisted.
Apr 19Reply

I have legos in my closet 🙂
Apr 23Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Thanks for the 💕Likes💕! Bundle and SAVE! I’ll send you a great offer!
Apr 23Reply

Abbey beautiful pictures ,hope you and yours are well and in good spirits.please enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more ( FREE shipping on $25) expires 4/31/20
l also wholesale , purchase any items in this closet priced $19 or less for $5 each with a minimum purchase of $100.
Apr 23Reply

Hi Babe! i invite you to come check out my closet! i have so many items at unbeatable prices. come take a look :-) XOXO Love KimmY
Apr 23Reply

Heyy🙂 Hope you’re enjoying poshmark🎉 I’d love for you to check out my closet sometime 👀! Hopefully you’ll see something you’re interested in🙃
Stay safe out there🙌🏻🙂
Apr 23Reply

hey! we saw you liked our post for the vans long sleeve t shirt! are you willing to buy it?
Apr 25Reply

hey, please check out my closet!! ☺️☺️
Apr 26Reply

Hey Abbey! I noticed that you liked a gray Hollister cardigan and I’m selling the same one in my closet for cheaper! Feel free to check it out or leave any offers! 💖
Apr 27Reply

hi!!! I just wanted to let you know that I’m having a moving sale so I have to get rid of everything!! feel free to check it out! I love sharing, offers and bundles! Happy poshing ! Let me know if you have any questions 🥰
Apr 27Reply

hey! i see you liked my forever 21 t-shirt, a while ago. doing a sale so let me know if ur still interested;) stay safe
Apr 27Reply

Hi!! Welcome to Poshmark!!
Apr 30Reply

Thx for the shares!😊❤️
Apr 30Reply

Hey girl! I’m selling an urban outfitters flannel super similar to the one you liked but for less! Feel free to send over an offer too, the price is very flexible and I can ship out today ❣️
May 04Reply

I’ve updated your bundle & offered you 50% off. It’s a great deal. Thanks for looking and considering.
May 05Reply

Thank you so much for all of the sheres!
May 07Reply

Hi! 💕I’m having a 3/$30 sale on jewelry in my closet (there is a listing explaining the sale at the top of my closet). I also have other items that you may be interested in; like zodiac sign necklaces, eyelash kits, watches, hair accessory sets and many other items. I’m willing to work with prices; just make me an offer. And if you like 2 or more items I can create a bundle for you making the shipping and price of the item cheaper. Thanks for your time and stay safe!😀
May 08Reply

Thanks for the like on my teal polka dot dress. Feel free to browse my closet for other items to bundle and I’d love to send you a great offer! ❤️
May 08Reply

Hi and thank you for your like and I sent a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
May 08Reply

Hey Abbey! I would love it if you came and checked my closet out, I have a ton of cute clothing. Stay safe and have a great day!
May 09Reply

Hi girl I urgently need to get rid of some clothes, if you make a bundle I’ll send you a lowered offer !
May 10Reply

5% off 2+ bundles, send an offer ❤️
May 13Reply

Thanks for the likes ❤️ feel free to bundle your favorites and I will make you a great private no obligation offer and you’ll only pay 1 shipping fee and get a discount fo sure😊
May 13Reply

heyy it seems like you’d like some of my clothes !! check them out if u have a chance:)) I’m open to any questions!!
May 14Reply

Hey! Stop by and check out my closet. Find the ☆ and bundle to save! :)
May 15Reply

Welcome friend!
May 15Reply

HI Gorgeous 😘😘😘
I pray that during these times you are safe and in good health.
Happy Poshing!!!
May 16Reply

I have two super cute tapestries from Urban Outfitters listed, check it out!!
May 19Reply

HappyPoshing ❤️🛒
May 20Reply

HappyPoshing ❤️🛒
May 20Reply

HappyPoshing ❤️🛒
May 20Reply

Hey girly! Thanks for all the likes! If you want, start a bundle and I would be happy to send some HUGE deals your way ☺️💕💁🏻♀️
May 21Reply

Hey Girl! Start a bundle, so I can hook you up. I have a few people with your likes already added to their bundle❤️
May 21Reply

Hi Abby 👋 Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked one of my Disney Pins. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I offer 15% off bundles of 2 or more and consider all reasonable offers. Bundle and save! 💖 Happy Poshing
May 22Reply

@iloveshoppingcl haha! Thank you for the Posh Love, Abbey :) you're awesome :) 💜
May 22Reply

Hi name buddy :) I see you’ve liked a few items from my closet! Feel free to add them to your bundle and I’d be happy to give you a discount <3
May 22Reply

Hi, Abbey! I saw you recently liked items from my closet! If you make a bundle of 3 or more items, I will gladly send you a 25% off offer on the bundle! Thanks for stopping by my closet! Happy poshing! :)
May 22Reply

Hi dear, thanks for the likes . I sent you private offer. Feel free to counter or text me back with new offer. Thanks
May 22Reply

Hi dear, waiting for your response! Feel free to send me offer on bundle
May 23Reply

Happy Poshing Love! Remember to bundle to save plus a shipping discount! Xoxo
May 23Reply

Hello Abbey ,
i would like to personally invite you into my closet. Scroll all the way to the bottom for I have a variety of sizes and items.i hope there is something that will catch your eye. I usually ship items out the same day as long as there is enough time to get to the post office from when item is purchased, with the exception of Sunday. Have a great day.
May 24Reply

Feel free to bundle and I will submit you a great offer 💕
May 25Reply

hello thank you for the likes .please check out my closet/boundle and get up to 50% off
May 25Reply

Welcome to posh . It's amazing here .I am new myself . feel free to follow my page I and Instagram @travelingtags. I follow back . Also I am excepting all reasonable offers on this beautiful Memorial Day. Feel free to make an offer and bundle as many items as possible
May 25Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
May 26Reply

May 26Reply

Thank you Abby for all the likes you know you can bundle your likes and save on shipping and discount on the bundle.
May 26Reply

Hey! I saw you liked a bunch of my items. If you are interested feel free to make an offer!!
May 26Reply

Hey Abby:) I saw you liked many of my items! Add them to a bundle and I can offer you some GREAT deals! Happy poshing!
May 28Reply

Hi! Would you like to bundle? You seem to be interested in quite a few items and it would be easier and cheaper to do it all together :)
May 28Reply

Hi! Thanks For liking my items. If you bundle I’ll make you a great offer !
May 29Reply

Hi! I know you’ve been getting a lot of comments but I’d love to make a deal with you if you wanna make a bundle out of some of my items that you liked! Thanks and happy poshing!
May 30Reply

Hello! Feel free to check out my closet, im sure you will find something you love!:)
May 31Reply

Hey Abbey! I see that you have gotten many welcomes. It can be overwhelming!!!😜 Just wanted to thank you for sharing my closet and liking every item!😍 I would do the same for you if I could!! Happy Poshing!!!💐🌹🌻🌺🌷🌸💕
May 31Reply

hey hun! happy to bundle all 3 of them! ❤❤❤
May 31Reply

Hi just passing by happy shopping and have a great day. Why not check out my closet too?
May 31Reply

Hi thanks for the like on the leggings! Feel free to send me an offer and let me know if you have any questions 😊
May 31Reply

Thank you for liking all the clothes in my closet I’d be glad to give you an offer if you would like to bundle if not keep window shopping have a wonderful day
May 31Reply

Hi! I saw you recently liked a Jadelynn Brooke shirt and I just wanted to let you know I have several Jadelynn Brooke shirts for sale if you’re interested!
May 31Reply

Hey posher!! I’m having a huge sale goin on, some items are $5!! Come check out my closet !! Happy poshing 😊🛍 makeup, clothes ect...,
Jun 03Reply

@ingram5 I created it a while ago. I have yet to go shopping on it (and put stuff on my closet 😁) Love you too! 💖
Jun 03Reply

Hi Abbey I saw you liked a decent amount of listings from our closet. Do you have anything in particular you wanted to purchase or I can just put it all into a bundle and I’ll offer you a nice discount :) Lmk!
Jun 03Reply

hey! thanks so much for checking out my closet and showing some love!! ❤️ let me know if you’re interested in making a bundle- I offer discounts! ☺️
Jun 04Reply

Thank you for your shares! Thanks for visiting my closet 😋
Jun 04Reply

i would give you a lower price on the items you liked. they are all so low, i can’t give you a discount without earning going into negative. if you put them into a bundle, i’m sure we can figure out an arrangement!
Jun 04Reply

Hi! I saw you liked my Hogwarts jacket. If you see anything else you like on my page and add it to a bundle I can give you a big discount!! 💕🌿
Jun 04Reply

Abby curious what is your favorite closet you like to shop and why? I’ll check it out ❤️
Jun 04Reply

Hey Welcome To Poshmark I Have These Gorgeous Arcopedico brown booties in my closet feel free to make an offer and ask any questions!🌸🤗
Jun 05Reply

Hey :) I would love if you came and visited my closet. I accept all offers! Also, feel free to ask questions :)! 💗
Jun 05Reply

Hey welcome to Poshmark! 😍💖👑✌🏼🥂😄 Check out my shop and let me know what you think! 😍 happy poshing!!
Jun 07Reply

Jun 08Reply

Hi there Abbey! I just wanted to reach out, say hello, and invite you to check out my closet! I am happy to answer any questions and consider all offers, or offer you a private discount if you'd like to bundle :) have a lovely rest of your day and happy poshing!
Jun 08Reply

Hi! 😊 Stop by my closet and check out some great items. I have brand name clothes & and very lightly worn items as well. I am also having a June sale with 15% off + FREE shipping on bundles more than $25! Thanks! 👋🏽
Jun 08Reply

Hi lovely, feel free to check out my closet✨if you see anything you like you can always make an offer! I am flexible with prices.
Jun 10Reply

Are you still interested in the Nike Shirts? Would love to give you a great deal :)
Jun 10Reply

Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark‼️🛍
Jun 11Reply

Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking so many of my items. Please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with. Have a great evening. Sheti
Jun 15Reply

Thank you for the likes. Let me know if you have any questions.
Jun 15Reply

@iloveshoppingcl offers are welcomed 😊
Jun 15Reply

Thanks so much for the likes! I'm currently running a sale of 50% off all bundles under 5lbs. Feel free to add them to a bundle and I'll send you an offer! 💖😊🍓
Jun 15Reply

I have a Kate spade purse in my closet I’d love for you to check out😊 I’m open to any offers and 20% off any bundles!
Jun 15Reply

hey! i saw you liked a bunch of my listings!! 🥰🥰 are you interested in purchasing any of them? Add the ones you are into a bundle and I will send an amazing offer!!!
Jun 15Reply

Jun 16Reply

Hello Abbey🌼When you have some spare time feel free to get lost and stroll my closet and cupboards lots of stuff just very slow at listing, if you have questions ....please have patience as I need to see my mother every few days, we recently lost my father & Mom will be 91 in July🌻 Hope that you and yours are doing well, staying safe & healthy🦋 Cynthia
Jun 16Reply

Hi 👋🏼 Welcome to Poshmark‼️🛍
Jun 18Reply

Hey there!! I hope you’re doing alright. I just wanted to reach out to let you know I have some Harry Styles t-shirts in my closet. Based on your likes, I thought you might be interested!! 💕💕
Jun 19Reply

Hey posher! I have a huge sale going on. Some items $5!!! Come check it out!! Happy poshing 😊🛍 pink, tarte, Michael Kors, Kylie ect..
Jun 21Reply

Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets and Emporio Armani and Gucci puses that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Jun 23Reply

Thank you for dropping in! I live in Cali, too!
Jun 24Reply

Hello from California! 🤗 If you have time to check out my closet, I carry designer Gucci, Prada, Jimmy Choo, Chanel, Burberry, Christian Louboutin, Indah, Nike, VS and more ❤️ Offers always considered & always posting more! Have a BEAUTIFUL week!
Jun 24Reply

Hi love! If you want the Burberry sunglasses, I got you with a good deal ❤️ feel free to send an offer :)
Jun 24Reply

Happy Poshing 😊
Jun 25Reply

Hi there Abbey! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet! 😊
Jun 26Reply

HI Gorgeous 😘😘😘
I pray that during these times you are safe and in good health.
Happy Poshing!!!
Jun 27Reply

hey everything in my closet has to go so remember to stop by and make a offer
Jun 27Reply

Hi! Thanks for the like. I appreciate it! I left an offer for you. Feel free to counter back! I can ship it fast 😊❤
Jun 27Reply

Hey, I saw you liked a listing of some cute scrunchies. I am also selling cute scrunchies sets that are very affordable. I am very willing to give you private discounts as well. Free free to stop by or ask any questions!🎀
Jun 27Reply

Hi, just added new listings to my closet come check it out!!😉 Have a great weekend!
Jun 27Reply

Hi Abbey, Thank you my dear for all the 💖 I hope you enjoyed shopping my closet and if I can be of any help, please let me know. Have a wonderful weekend, Cheers Suzan
Jun 27Reply

hey girl!! I have some popular brands like Nike, Brandy Melville, American Eagle, and Hollister in my closet. make sure to check it out!😊💕
Jun 28Reply

Hi! Thanks for liking the Disney Monopoly game! If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask:))
Jun 30Reply

Hey! I see that you liked a few items in our closet. I sent you an offer on those items but if you bundle 2 or more items you'll get 30% off. If you have any questions for us please don't hesitate to ask.
Jun 30Reply

Hi there!! I saw that you liked a listing for a black and white Alice and Olivia dress that sold, but I have the same one in the same size also listed on my page. Hope you have a great day!!
Jun 30Reply

Hey love~! ❤️ I have some items that you might be interested in so feel free to check my closet & maybe even shop as well. 🤗 Happy sales &/or shopping~! 🌻❤️🥰
Jul 02Reply

Hi! I have tons of great things at great prices and my closet is super organized and easy to scroll through if you want to come check it out and see if there’s anything you like. ☺️🙂
Jul 03Reply

Check out my closet I may have a few things you’d like:))
Jul 03Reply

hey! I think you might like some of my listings! I’d love if you checked it out if you get the chance :) Happy poshing 💞
Jul 03Reply

❤️‼️ thank you for the support! If you love anything, I got you with a good deal :)
Jul 03Reply

hey! i saw you liked some R5 stuff. I have a poster and i will be posting a flag in my closet, please check it out!
Jul 03Reply

@iloveshoppingcl welcome to posh mark 🤗 hope all is well ❤️ happy poshing happy 4th❤️
Jul 03Reply

Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking so many of my items. Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with. Have a great weekend.
Jul 03Reply

hi Abbey, thank u for the Ton of Likes!!! Hope u have a Great 4th of July 🇺🇸❤🇺🇸💙🇺🇸! If I can help you with something, let me know hope to talk to you soon, Cheers Suzanne
Jul 04Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Hey there, thanks for the like! I'm doing a closet closeout, up to 50% off on bundles of three items or more! Happy poshing ❤
Jul 04Reply

@iloveshoppingcl thanks for the likes!! If you make a bundle I’d be happy to make you a reasonable offer!!
Jul 04Reply

Thanks so much for the like! Feel free to take a look at the rest of my closet to see if there is anything that is of interest to you! If there is more, I LOVE to give bundle discounts to my customers! 🤗💜 Let me know if you have any questions! ☀️
Jul 04Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Welcome!🌸My name is Cindi, and I invite you to check out my Posh closet! I sell 🛍 Coach 🛍Bebe 🛍 Betsey Johnson 🛍and so much more!
I Welcome Offers & I Ship Quickly! Happy Poshing!💕🛍💕
Jul 05Reply

Thank you for the likes! I do bundled deals if you are interested in buying, just add the items to a bundle and i will send the offer! I am also open to reasonable offers😄
Jul 05Reply

Thank you so much for sharing!
Jul 06Reply

Abby beautiful pictures ,hope you are well and in good spirits.Please enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more (free shipping on $25 purchase).expires 7/31/20.l also wholesale ,purchase any item in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100
Jul 06Reply

Hey gorgeous! Check out my closet! I sell brands like PINK, COACH, MICHAEL KORS, HOLLISTER, J. Crew, Calvin Klein,CHAMPION, BANANA REPUBLIC, VERSACE, VINEYARD VINES, NIKE, CONVERSE, & much more!!😘😘
Jul 09Reply

Hey love~! ❤️ I have some items that you might be interested in so feel free to check my closet & maybe even shop as well. 🤗 Happy sales &/or shopping~! 🌻❤️🥰
Jul 10Reply

Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 13Reply

Hey there, thanks for the like! I'm doing a closet closeout, up to 20% off on bundles of 2 items or more! Happy poshing ❤
Jul 13Reply

Hi Abbey!! I would love for you to check out my closet, I hope you find something you like, I’m a same/ next day shipper and looking forward to do business with you my friend, have a great rest of your day and happy poshing 👍😊
Jul 14Reply

Thanks for liking a bunch of my closet items. You're so kind! Feel free to add your favorites to a bundle and I'll send you a great offer.
Jul 14Reply

Hi! It’d be awesome if you could check out my closet for anything you might like💕 have a great day!
Jul 17Reply

Hi love! I'm accepting most offers (basically all) tonight and tomorrow! I'm looking to reduce my closet! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like! Bundles are also welcome! Thank You! :)💕
Jul 19Reply

Hi and welcome to Poshmark. If you have any questions,feel free to ask. Happy Poshing! :)
Jul 19Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Hi Beautiful Posher 😃🤝💐I’m Esther☺️Nice to meet you🤲🏻💓🤝If you have any questions or need assistance just let me know the fun begin🤲🏻😉I also extend a cordial invitation to my closet will be very happy to receive your visit🤗🙌🏻If you like something from my Closet, pressing the bottom OFFER🤝🌹
Do not be scared by the prices 😁😄 .. everything has an offer! Let me know!
All my item are being stored in a clean and sanitized before shipment.
Happy Posher😃Happy Poshing 🛍Happy Discount👛
Jul 20Reply

Welcome to poshmark. Best of luck to you in sales, sharing and following. If you have any questions on how to get started just ask and if you see something that you like make an offer to 😊
Jul 20Reply

Hi! I noticed you might be interested in All-Star cheer! My daughter is on level 5 in South Florida. Please take a look at my closet, follow me, and comment if there’s anything cheer related I might have-just haven’t listed yet!
Jul 20Reply

Happy Poshing 😊
Jul 21Reply

Hey beautiful! I saw you liked some pieces from my closet! I just wanted to let you know that I offer discounts for bundles and accept all fair offers! Let me know if you have any questions ❤️ happy poshing!
Jul 21Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐! Thank you for the posh love ❤
Jul 21Reply

Thanks for all the shares and the likes, which I am confused about, frankly. Let me know if you are interested in any of the items you "liked."
Jul 23Reply

@bagnanimous welcome to poshmark! Thanks for the like. Let me know if you have any questions
Jul 24Reply

Hi Abbey! Thanks for the likes! If you’re ever interested in creating a bundle, I’d love to make you my very best offer. In the meantime, please feel free to make an offer on any individual items you’re interested in. Happy Poshing!
Jul 24Reply

Hey, thanks for checking out my closet. Feel free to start a bundle for a discount or send an offer on any items and we can figure something out. 🧁
Also checkout my second closet @lazycupcake for women’s clothing & other items! Happy poshing 🦋🌻
Jul 26Reply

Abbey beautiful pictures ,hope you are well and in good spirits.Please enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more (free shipping on $25 purchase).expires 7/31/20.l also wholesale ,purchase any item in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $100
Jul 27Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Hi there! If you're in the market for some new items, take a look at my closet. I hope you can find something you like :)
Jul 27Reply

feel free to send offers! i accept all reasonable offers! i am really trying to clean out my closet before college! please let me know if you have any questions! 😊❤
Jul 28Reply

Hi Abbey!! I’m Nina, all of the items in my closet are brand new, I would love for you to take a look🤗 I am trying to sell before I leave for college, so feel free to offer any price you feel is suitable. Always open for negotiations!
Jul 28Reply

Hi Abbey!!! Thanks for the like ❤️ Please feel free to bundle any likes for a private offer!! Have a fantastic day 🥰
Jul 30Reply

Hey! I saw that you liked a free people vneck that is now sold— if you are still interested I have a bunch on my page and some other unlisted ones lmk if there is any color you are looking for!!
Aug 01Reply

Dear Abbey 👋 Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked one of my skirts. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. With a 5 star rating, you can be comfortable shopping. Feel free to Bundle as you explore and message me if you would like to buy! 💖 Happy Poshing!
Aug 01Reply

Hi! I’m selling a super similar plaid Free People jacket to the one you liked but for $45 less! Happy to accept an offer too :)
Aug 04Reply

thanks for the like and visiting my closet!
Aug 05Reply

Hi Abbey! Thank you for your likes and checking out my closet. If you would like to bundle both pairs of shoes, I will give them to you for fifty dollars :)
Aug 05Reply

Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! I invite you to visit My Closet! Send me a message for any savings package and to save on shipping! Each and every reasonable offer is accepted let's find the best price for both of us! Have fun shopping!🛍👗👠👚👜👖🥾👔
Aug 05Reply

@ilovepink71991 Thank you for your interest, Abbey! Please check out the private offer we have sent over to you, and contact us if we may answer any questions. 🌸
Aug 05Reply

Hi! I noticed you liked a pair of women’s adidas superstars shoes size 5.5. If you’re a true 5.5, they run big so I highly recommend sizing down. I have a pair in my closet of women’s size 5 for a cheaper price, $25, if you’re interested :) hope you’re well!
Aug 05Reply

Hi, Abbey! Hope you’re well!
Thanks for the Like💝 Please follow & browse through my crazy closet sometime for any other Likes to Bundle & Save
Take Care ❤️
Aug 06Reply

Hi again, Abbey. I lowered the price on the shoes you Liked to take advantage of Poshmarks reduced shipping promotion today😊
Aug 07Reply

Hi Abbey! Thank you so much for the shares. Happy Poshing xo Brie 🌻
Aug 12Reply

Thanks so much for all the likes. Bundle 3 of your favorites for a 20% discount. Love to hear from you, Kathy
Aug 12Reply

Hi Abbey! Thanks for stopping by my closet to share and like. Please feel free to make a bundle and I can send you a great discount :)
Aug 12Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Abbey Hi , I'm Sharon. One of the things I like about Poshmark, meeting new people. I'd like to invite you to my closet. I have a variety of bags & accessories that are NWT direct from COACH, ♠kate spade♠ &✨sterling/gem jewelry✨. No “middle man” so I can keep prices fair and competitive Put your feet up, look, shop or chat (look for the ☕coffee & cupcakes) Until then, 💨"May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face."🌞
Aug 14Reply

hi this is Tracy you like to a few things in my closet it's 30% off all bundles right now so it's a good time to buy
Aug 15Reply

✨ i appreciate you 💛 ✨
✨ i’ll browse your closet and regardless if i do or don’t place an order right away, i’ll make sure that i show my love & appreciation by sharing items from your closet!! ✨
✨ poshers supporting poshers!! ✨
Aug 16Reply

Hello my Poshmark friend please feel free to check out my closet. I have lots of smoking deal great designers. Spend $100.00 get a $20.00 free gift of your choice.
Aug 19Reply

Hi! I saw that you liked two of my Betsey Johnson pieces. If you would Ike to order I’m happy to offer both for $50, and $4.99 shipping.
Aug 23Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and for the”Like” let me know if you’re interested in this item or if you have any questions
Aug 24Reply

Hi Abbey! @iloveshoppingcl Please check out my closet, I think you may find some items you like! Also, I would love to create a beauty mystery box for $10 for you! It includes 5 samples (maybe a full size or 2) and comes with a free makeup bag! 🤗 If you have any questions feel free to ask, I have an ongoing BOGO sale, seller discount and I love making offers 😊 Happy Poshing! 🛍
Aug 24Reply

Hello! I noticed that you liked a sweatshirt in my closet, and I just wanted to let you know that I am taking the listing down today if you were still interested 💕
Aug 26Reply

Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have a beautiful Calvin Klein dress I think you would love! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕🌺
Aug 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and I hope you have much success ! 😊📦💕🛍💐👠📫💌
Aug 29Reply

Hello Abbey......Kindly Allow yourself some RELAXING LEISURE🍷 TIME, Further STROLL💃my Ever so Slowly, yet ALWAYS Expanding CLOSET & CUPBOARDS
🐝 PACKED ,w/Vintage LINENS......Bavarian Beauties,Rare home decor, vintage collectibles, unique Chic' Kitschy Boho Junque 💗
🛍Remember BUNDLES just make sense and even more cents in your 👛
Sep 02Reply

welcome thanks for the like welcome offers🌸
Sep 07Reply

Hi love noticed you liked 3 listings from me. Add to bundle I can send you special discount ! :)
Sep 07Reply

Hello my Poshmark friend I see your interested in purchasing the carmella Christian loubotin Pumps size 5. Feel free to check out my bundle New grey sweater ankle booties Ugg’s.
Size 5. Sale ends tomorrow midnight 9/7/2020
Sep 08Reply

Hello there! I saw you liked both bags I have listed in my closet. If you’d like both I can bundle them for cheaper! Let me know thanks 🙏🏼
Sep 09Reply

Hi thanks for the like on the Mickey Mouse bowls I sent you and offer if it doesn’t work I am open to all reasonable offers
Sep 09Reply

Hello! I see you liked a leather jacket in someone's closet. I can give you a better deal with more selections in your size. Presently, there is a SALE----Buy 1 and get another item FREE for same or less price when you put them in a bundle! Please visit my closet so we can make a deal! Happy Poshing!
Sep 12Reply

Hello Abbey 😊 Welcome to Poshmark. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to help. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of truly cool and unique goodies, including Menswear, Homegoods and YOUnique Handmade items. 😉 I offer a 10% Bundle discount and I ship next day. ✌💚
Sep 12Reply

Make an offer! Buy a shirt on my store!
Sep 14Reply

Hi Abbey! thank you for visiting my closet, I sent you an individual offer for each of the beautiful jackets you liked, I also added them to a bundle in order to give you a greater discount and free shipping... just in case you are interested ☺️ Have a wonderful day!!!!🌷☀️🌸🌺
Sep 16Reply

Hi Abbey💓I saw you liked some items from my closet just wanted to let you know I’m having a 2/$14 on all items with “🦋” you can add whatever you’d like to your bundle and I’ll gladly make you an offer!
Sep 16Reply

Hey I saw you gave me a few likes on my closet so let me know if you want these so I can give you a deal on them
Sep 17Reply

Hi! I totally blanked on how to style the bundle for you but if you want to go ahead and make one, I’ll give you my best possible discount :)
Sep 17Reply

Hello Abbey! Thank you for the like on the Disney glasses. Please feel free to make an offer on them and anything else you like.
Sep 18Reply

Hi there. If you want to bundle anything I'll give you a super deal!!
Sep 20Reply

Hi! I have a variety of items in my closet you may be interested in! And I’m moving so I am motivated to sell :) take a look and feel free to make an offer if you are interested in anything!
Sep 21Reply

Hey!!! Feel free to take a look at my closet, I’m doing 5 piece bundles for $18 w/ free shipping!! (All my orders come with free mini gifts!)
Sep 22Reply

I’m not sure if you meant to share or actually liked over 20 items from my closet, but I’m more than happy to entertain offers on any of those items! Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!
Sep 23Reply

Hi Abbey!! thanks for all of your LIKES!!! I'm going to make a bundle for u!!!
Sep 23Reply

Thanks for the likes. Bundle and save 20% on 2 or more items. Have a great day.
Sep 24Reply

Hi 👋🏻.
I’m inviting you to my closet 🎉!
🌟Take look / see something you like / send an’s that easy.
🛑 So stop by and say,”Hello” -always like to make new friends on Poshmark 😊
Sep 26Reply

I dropped the price on the jacket you liked in case you want to make an offer. LIMITED TIME
Sep 27Reply

Hi, I have 5% off discount when you do a bundle 2 or more items
Thank you for your like
Sep 27Reply

Thank you for window shopping in my closet if there is anything you were interested in I’d be glad to give you a offer, have a wonderful evening
Sep 29Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet and all the likes 💜! Feel free to make a bundle and or send an offer on anything you’re interested in buying! Happy Poshing 💜
Sep 29Reply

Check out my closet and let me know if anything catches your eye 💕💕
Sep 29Reply

Hey, I just wanted to reach out whether you’re window shopping or looking to buy, today is closet clear out! If I drop the price by 10% posh will offer a shipping discount! Let me know if you’re interested. Also, I ship same day! Happy poshing!
Sep 30Reply

Thank you for all the Likes. Happy poshing.
Sep 30Reply

Hey girl ❤️ I have a Yankees tee in my shop you may like! ⚾️
Oct 01Reply

Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I’m selling a pair of Nike Air Force 1’s!! If you’re interested or have any questions please let me know💗💕
Oct 01Reply

Hi Abbey!
Are you still interested in the Converse T?
Make me an offer, I'm flexible !
Oct 01Reply

Hi there!!! Thanks for all the Likes! If you’d like to create a bundle with items you’d like to purchase, I’d be happy to offer you a further discount! Thanks!
Oct 05Reply

Hi! Thanks for all the likes in my closet!! If you add the items you want to your bundle I’ll send you a discounted offer! Thanks and happy poshing 🛍
Oct 06Reply

Hi Abbey! Thank you for shopping my closet! Have a wonderful week, stay safe!!! ⭐️🙋♀️🎤🎸🏈🤹♀️✌️🔮
Oct 07Reply

Thank you for all your likes! Hope you will bundle anything you are really interested in and I will give you my best deal. Have a great day!
Oct 07Reply

Hi there Abbey! I saw that you liked one of my listings!
Feel free to take a look through my closet for anything else you may like and bundle for a discount! 🥳
I ship same-next day & I’m currently including a free gift with every purchase. 💜
Oct 08Reply

Hello I just wanted to offer you a deal, I’ll give you 50% off your entire order if you bundle at least two things ✨🤩🥂
Oct 08Reply

Welcome Aboard and Thanks For Sharing The Love 💕 I Have a Daughter named Abbey Too :)
Oct 08Reply

Please share my items 😊 instead of just liking if you’re not purchasing!! Let’s spread the love 💕
Oct 09Reply

Hi Abbey! I see that you "liked" several of my items. I would love to offer you a discount if you add your items to a bundle!
Oct 10Reply

Hi! Will you decline of my offer, if you don’t want it please?
Oct 10Reply

I think I may have some potential items in my closet that you may like, hope you can check it out Have a Good Day✨
Oct 12Reply

Hey, thank you so much for appreciating my, it feels so great that people still love handmade paintings, please feel free to bundle and offer to buy, trust me you will get good deal from me 💕😊❤️😍🥰
Oct 14Reply

Hello I have a discount going on 20% off 4+ items 😊 check out my closet I have lots of items. Free items as well ❤️
Oct 16Reply

Hey Abbey, Just letting you know I dropped the price on the 2-pc. makeup brush kit you liked in my closet! Poshmark is having closet clear out and you can get discounted shipping on them. Have a great rest of your weekend!
Oct 18Reply

Hi! Thx for the like on the Candies case. If you are interested in purchasing today let me know and I will drop for closet clear out and you will get reduced shipping:) Have a great night!
Oct 18Reply

hi thx for liking my Betsey Johnson make up bags trio , send me an offer to close the deal asap :) annnd I m in California so u receive it probably the same day / latest the next day :) bundle to save I have your size
Oct 19Reply

Hi Abbey!!! Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for the likes!! These comforters are exactly that!! Big and plushy .. bought a couple for my home and how unbelievably soft they are so I had to go back and get more to share!!! Don’t hesitate to Let me know if you have any questions.. happy Poshing 🌸🌸
Oct 20Reply

Wow, thank you for liking so many of the Fall/Halloween items in my closet! Please feel free to make some offers or create bundles for discounts on multiple items.
Oct 21Reply

Abbey, thank you visiting my closet and liking so many items. I would love to start a bundle for you, just let me know which items your are most interested in. 🛍
Oct 21Reply

Thx for your like Abby. This LV wallet is used like new condition. Please feel free to ask question.l🙏🤩
Oct 23Reply

Hello Abbey! Thank you for sharing and liking my closet items. I highly appreciate that. Let me know if you want to buy anything. You can make a bundle and I will accept your reasonable offer.
Oct 23Reply

I sell you like some of my listings. If your ‘like’ means you want to buy them then make a bundle. I give an automatic discount on 3+ items. I don’t make any other offers, but I will consider reasonable offers from buyers
Oct 24Reply

Hi Abbey 👋 Thanks for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked one of my Goofy pins. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I offer 15% off bundles if 2 items or more. Feel free to Bundle as you explore. With a 5 star rating, you can be comfortable shopping. 💖 Happy Poshing!
Oct 24Reply

Hi there 🥰 thanks for checking out my closet if you have any questions please let me know, I will be happy to help you 😁💕 If you make a bundle of 2 or more I Will give you a great discount⭐️
Oct 24Reply

Thanks for the like! Let me know if you have any questions or would like to make an offer!
Oct 26Reply

Hey there! 👋. Thanks for liking my item! I love scoring great deals here on Posh...and I love giving great deals. Please, feel free to make an offer. All of my items need a new home. Happy Poshing😊
Oct 28Reply

HEY GIRL HEY! ❤ Just want to let you know I currently have a 2 for $9 sale and other discounted items! Hope you can check it out when you have time. Happy shopping! 😊
Oct 29Reply

Thanks for all of the likes in my closet feel
Free to make a bundle and I will send you a discount ❤️❤️ happy shopping!
Oct 30Reply

@iloveshoppingcl hello there ! Thank you for coming back and for all
The likes. I wanted to make sure you were aware of my current sale. 50% OFF on bundles of 2 or more items. Happy Poshing!!! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Oct 31Reply

Hello! You liked an item (or more) in my closet. I am trying to downsize my closet. Please bundle and send me an offer and we can figure out an acceptable price. I offer a 15% discount for a bundle of 3 or more items but I’m willing to possibly discount more. Hope to hear from you!
Aloha from Hawaii 🌺, Kathy
Nov 02Reply

Hello 😊 I hope you're doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of truly cool and unique goodies, including Menswear & Homegoods. I offer a 10% Bundle discount and discount shipping too! I ship next day. ✌🧡
Nov 06Reply

💜💜💜💜welcome sweety!💜💜💜💜
Nov 12Reply

Hi! I notice that you like the Converse shoes in my closet. I just wanna let you know I’m running a big sale. You can bundle three items under $10 you like and get them all for just $10, including the shoes you like! Please check my closet for more details. ❤️❤️❤️good night❤️❤️❤️
Nov 12Reply

I saw you liked a few of my items and just wanted to let you know. I’m doing bundle discounts and shipping discounts on bundles. Bundles $25 or more get $4.99 shipping. Bundles of $60 or more get free shipping
Nov 12Reply

Hi! Thanks for the likes. I offer 30% off 3+ items bundle but happy to work on pricing with you. Happy Poshing and let me know how I can help!
Nov 14Reply

Hi There! Thank you so much for visiting my closet! I’d love to make your “LOVE❤️” yours!!! Plus your purchase will help me spread love and hope! WIN WIN!! #LOVEISNOTSHUTDOWN
Nov 15Reply

Hey there! I love your closet!
Nov 16Reply

@iloveshoppingcl hey ms popular! I think I have like, 2 comments on my page 😊. Just wanted to thank you for all the likes @ shares! I’ll send ya offers~ if you want to bundle & save on that crazy shipping fee; lemme know so I can give you some extras💰DISCOUNTS💰! Hope all is well!!!!
Take care,
Nov 16Reply

Hi! I’m trying to clear out my closet to make room for more. Please bundle and make me an offer. I’m accepting incredibly low reasonable prices.
Nov 17Reply

Hi Sending Posh 🍁🤎🍂🌼🤎🍁🤎🍂🌼🤎your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ,Don’t be Shy ☺️ Make me an offer ,I will either Accept or Counter offer .Stop by please 🥰. Happy Poshing and Please Stay Safe . 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Nov 17Reply

Thank you for the like. Reasonable offers are always welcomed
Nov 18Reply

Hello Abbey! Thank you for all the likes. :)
Nov 18Reply

Thank you for the like on the David Yurman watch. Brought it to an upscale jeweler and had it professionally cleaned and a new battery was replaced. The sales person said that it “looked just like new.”
Nov 18Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet and all the likes! Feel free to bundle your likes and make me an offer. Happy poshing!
Nov 18Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Hello 👋 thanks for the like on the Disney bag! If interested make an offer or bundle for discount! 🏰 thanks!
Nov 18Reply

Hi Abbey! Thanks for all the likes in my closet!! If you bundle some of your favs, I’d be happy to send you a great offer with discounted shipping! Have a great day!
Nov 20Reply

Hi there! Thank you for all the likes!! So appreciate that. If you are interested in any of the items you liked please let me know! Thanks again!!
Nov 20Reply

Hi! I saw that you liked some of my items. Would you like me to send an offer on all items? I wanted to check with you first😊Just let me know
Nov 20Reply

Hi, thanks so much for liking so many things from my closet. If you are interested in any of them just bundle them and I will make you a private offer. Thanks again for checking out my closet and have a great weekend!🛍👠👜👢🛍🌸
Nov 20Reply

Hi and thank you so much for the likes!! Would you like me to put together a bundle? Please let me know. Thanks and have a wonderful day!
Nov 20Reply

Thanks for all the likes. Bundle any two of your favorite for a 20% discount
Nov 24Reply

hello Abby i really appreciate you for sharing my listings 🌻🌻🙂🌼🌼
if there is anything you like to get from my closet i will work a deal with you🙂
hey have a great day 🌞
Nov 25Reply

Hi! Thank you for the likes! If you are interested in bundling let me know! Happy thanksgiving 💗
Nov 25Reply

Hey girly I noticed you like my listing:) I’ll be posting a bundle of graphic shirts later today
Nov 25Reply

Hi Abbey, Thanks for all of the likes! Feel free to bundle your favorite items or make an offer. Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 26Reply

hi I noticed you liked several items from my closet bundle 3 and save 20%
Nov 27Reply

Hey, thanks for checking our my closet, I bundled your likes for convenience. I am having a Black Friday sale in my closet. 50% off all bundles of 2 or more and free shipping if you spend $60 after discounts. Let me know if you have any questions.
Nov 28Reply

Hi Abbey! 🥰 Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 Thank you for the likes in my closet 💕 Feel free to bundle your favorites & I’ll make you a sweet offer of 20% off & $4.99 shipping!! 😀
Nov 28Reply

Hi Abbey, Thanks for all the likes 💌 and Best wishes to you 💖
Nov 29Reply

Hi Abbey!!! Thank you for liking my beautiful necklace and please make an offer on this cuz having a closet CLEAROUT!!! Sally posh ambassador
Nov 29Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Thank you again for ALL the generous Likes!! My sale offer still stands, whenever you’re ready to bundle! Let me know if you need any help!😊
Nov 30Reply

Hello! I noticed you liked quite a few of my Harley-Davidson items!
FYY: I’m doing a Cyber Monday Sale today only! 20% off bundles of 3 or more items! So bundle those likes and I will send you a offer with 20% off!
Have a blessed day! 😊
Nov 30Reply

hi my dear thanks for liking many of the items in my closet. if anything catches your eye please feel free to make an offer or bundle up and I will gladly make you an outstanding offer. thanks again 🌷🙂
Nov 30Reply

@iloveshoppingcl hello thanks for all the likes make an offer or bundle for great discount! 🧡
Nov 30Reply

Hello! I have great COFFEE MUGS for the holiday season! Check it out in my closet! Ships out in 1-2 days!
Dec 02Reply

Hey I noticed you liked the green hoodie from my page! Are you interested in purchasing or just shopping around:)
Dec 02Reply

Hi there! I see you have liked a few items in my closet! Feel free to create a bundle and I can you you a bundle discount!💕✨Happy Shopping & thanks for the likes!🥰
Dec 02Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Thank you for visiting my closet. Please check the listing you like for a private offer. Have a great day. 😀
Dec 02Reply

@iloveshoppingcl thank you so much for visiting my closet and for all of your likes :) Please feel free to put together a bundle and I’d be happy to discount the items you’re interested in 🙂🙂🙂 happy holidays!
Dec 03Reply

Hello! I’m selling clothes from Brandy Melville, Zara, and ASOS if you’re interested. I have a 10% off closet discount of three or more items and can always negotiate better prices. :)
Dec 04Reply

Glad you like so much. If you want to bundle anything I can do a lower price ❤️❤️:)
Dec 04Reply

Hi Abbey! It's so nice to meet you! I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute - I have lots of great items for everyone, including darling nutcrackers and other holiday items! Have a fabulous weekend and a Happy Holiday Season ✨
💝 Carol
Dec 04Reply

Hi Sending Posh 🍁🤎🍂🌼🤎🍁🤎🍂🌼🤎your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute ⏰ . Happy to answer Any questions you may have Regarding any item you interested in . And if you Not Happy with the Price ,Don’t be Shy ☺️ Make me an offer ,I will either Accept or Counter offer .Stop by please 🥰. Happy Poshing and Please Stay Safe . 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟
Dec 05Reply

Hello Thank you for visiting my closet and liking items. Please let me know if you have any questions. I accept reasonable offers. Happy poshing.
Dec 06Reply

Hi Abbey!!! Dropped the price of the beautiful CHRISTMAS tree BROOCH!!! Sally posh ambassador
Dec 07Reply

Hi, thank you so much for all the likes I really appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 07Reply

@iloveshoppingcl hi!! Plz check out my closet
Dec 09Reply

Hi Abbey 👋 Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked one of my Got Cookies? T-shirts. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I am having a 💲SALE. Many items are labeled 4/$20. Bundle any 4 of them and message me for the offer😊. I also offer 15% off bundles of 2 items or more. Feel free to Bundle as you explore. With a 5 star rating, you can be comfortable shopping. 💖 Happy Poshing!
Dec 11Reply

Hey 💕 thanks for the like! If you are interested in purchasing the Office T-shirt feel free to message me. Name a price that works for you and I’ll send you an offer 💙
Dec 12Reply

@iloveshoppingcl hey! I notice you were interested in a few items from my closet. Just bundle and send me a fair offer and I will be happy to accept and have them mailed out to you ASAP! Any questions don’t hesitate to ask☺️
Dec 14Reply

Hi ty for the like , feel free to bundle or make offers
Dec 14Reply

Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! I have extended my Black Friday and Cyber Monday SALE to the BIGGEST Holiday Sale Ever! Every single item qualifies for BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! Check out my closet and bundle your likes! 🌲❄️🛍💸
I have some beautiful Tiffany, Louis Vuitton, Tory Burch and Victoria Secret items! 😃
Dec 15Reply

Hi great closet! Just found the yellow Starbucks mug but.... a bit above my budget durning COVID.
Dec 16Reply

@whodat26 stop sucking up she’s not buying
Dec 16Reply

@zarafever ?????😞 not nice at all
Dec 16Reply

Please add liked items to a bundle for a 15% discount for 3 or more items.
Dec 18Reply

Hey, thankyou for looking at my closet. Feel free to make any offers and just to remind you if you but 3+ items tou get 10% off.🙂
Dec 18Reply

Hey everything in my closet is $2 off today and all items come with a free gift!! Just make me your offer and I will most likely accept! The more you bundle the cheaper it is! All orders go out same or next day. Stay safe xoxo
Dec 18Reply

Hi Abbey! Thanks so much for the likes.😊😊😊 I made you some offers. Let me know if you like anything.🌸🌸🌸
Dec 19Reply

Hi there! 💕I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet! I have some items in great condition that I think you might like. Including classic Disney VHS movies. I will be posting more of VHS movies soon! Feel free to send me an offer on any items you’re interested in. Happy Posting! 💁🏻♀️
Dec 20Reply

S ALE SALE! hey girl! i love ur shop super cute!! i’m running a sale, I have PINK, Brandy Melville, American Eagle and more ✨i would greatly appreciate if you would come check out my closet 💓 all offers are welcome!!!🥰
Dec 20Reply

Hi! Thank you for visiting and liking the Disney items. If you want to bundle them, I will give you a discount 🙂. Happy Poshing!
Dec 23Reply

Hey check out my closet for Billie Eilish Beanie Merch
Dec 24Reply

Hi!!!! Happy Poshing!!!! Thank you so very much visiting my Closet. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. Please bundle anything & I am sure we can make a Great Deal that Both of us will be Smiling 😊❤️❤️❤️😊😊
Dec 25Reply

If you want to bundle your likes I can give you a really good discount! I’m looking to get rid of everything!
Dec 28Reply

I saw that you liked a rare lululemon camo speed short in size 4 from another seller. I just added mine yesterday…for considerably less $, and in exceptional condition. Come check out my closet as you may find a bundling opportunity. Shout with questions. Hugs, Jules
Jan 01Reply

Hi👋 Welcome to poshmark! Thanks for visiting my closet 😁
Thank you for the ❤ Make me an offer 😊
Jan 03Reply

Hey everything in my closet is $2 off today and all items come with a free gift!! Just make me your offer and I will most likely accept! The more you bundle the cheaper it is! All orders go out same or next day. Stay safe xoxo
Jan 07Reply

Hi love, I saw you were interested in a Anorak. I am currently selling one from Michael Kors and Macy's Exclusive Brand, Style CO. I am looking for a nice home for it. I can ship out today if you like before 5PM EST. Happy New Year and take care 🌸❤️🌸❤️🌸
Jan 07Reply

Hi there, I have a cute rhinestone top you might like. Check out my closet to see!. Happy poshing!
Jan 09Reply

Hi girly thanks for checking out my shop 🥰🥰💖💖
Jan 09Reply

Thanks for all the love Abbey 🌸🌸🌸🌸
Jan 09Reply

Hi! All of my items are $2 off! If you bundle its another 10% off !! I ship same or next day! Stay safe🤗
Jan 11Reply

Thanks for showing some love to my listing Abbey!
SALE:20% off 2 or more items!
Jan 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you thrive in our community & have plenty of exciting moments from great finds to Bountiful sales. Peep my closet as I shall keep my 👀 on yours! Any questions you have ask me, as an ambassador I will guide u the best I can & give great advice! Sharing + following is the shiny key to success here, tedious yet rewarding work... And we're in it to win it, right?! :) happy posing!
Jan 13Reply

Hi I just wanted to pass you a follow and let you know at my shop 15% of each purchase goes to human trafficking relief. So please check me out so you can make a difference when you shop. Stop by anytime. Likes and comments get discounts. 💜😊
Jan 14Reply

hi there!! hope you are having a good day! I marked down my prices &&& I wanted to let you know I’m having a big 3 for $25 (or less) sale! & all men’s clothes are BOGO! I’m open to offers, bundles & lots of shares! check it out 💓💓💓 let me know if you have any questions! I’ll be happy to help!
Jan 14Reply

Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Jan 15Reply

@iloveshoppingcl thanks for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked several items. Feel free to create a bundle and I will offer you my best price and shipping discount!! Hope you have a great day!!💖🎉🛍💖🎉🛍💖
Jan 17Reply

Hello, I just posted the masks about an hour ago. i really like them, i have both patterns. I got for gifts and it did not work out as I planned.
Thanks for checking my closet out. Stay safe
Jan 17Reply

Hello I’ve seen you liked a few of my listings and I think it would look so cute so let me know if you’d want to follow through with a purchase or offer !!😁
Jan 17Reply

Hello Abby, Just curious, is there a reason you "like" so many items but never purchase? Just trying to figure it out. It seems I'm not the only one!
Jan 18Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 21Reply

Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. Feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Also- if you have any questions or comments on anything, feel free to reach out, and I’ll do the best I can to help out. 😊
Jan 25Reply

Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Jan 26Reply

@iloveshoppingcl you have a new offer on the mother of Pearl caviar spoons! ☺️
Jan 28Reply

Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Jan 31Reply

Hello! I invite you to check out my closet. I am having a moving sale and giving out HUGE deals. Feel free to send me offers on anything you may be interested in. I am very willing to negotiate any reasonable price. Thank you!
Feb 03Reply

Hello, 10 items for $15 on all items $8 or less. A great way to add new items to your wardrobe!!!
Feb 04Reply

Hi!! I didn’t see your offer on the VS Pjs until after I uploaded a few more pics so it canceled your offer! If you would like to re send I’ll gladly accept ♥️
Feb 04Reply

i saw you liked all my jibbitz, if you would like to bundle them together i will give you a deal! have a great day!!🥰
Feb 05Reply

Hello Abbey, I saw you liked the Disney Frozen Olaf Plush and the Minnie Mouse Tin Box. I sent you an offer earlier on Minnie Mouse. I would be happy to send you a new discounted offer on both items. If you want to decline the 1st offer I sent , I can send you a new offer.
Thanks for shopping 🛍 my closet! 😊
Feb 10Reply

Hi! All items in my closet are negotiable. Feel free to send in an offer 🥰
Feb 10Reply

Hello I noticed you liked my list if you bundle it would be cheaper! I can have all the items shipped by tomorrow!😁
Feb 12Reply

Hi! Please check out my closet. I hope you may like some of the items I have to offer :) I have lots of VS PINK items. I accept reasonable offers and if you bundle, you'll save $$! Happy poshing! 💖
Feb 13Reply

Hi sweetie welcome to my closet if you like the top you can make me a resonable offer 😊
Feb 14Reply

Thank you for the like💝🥰⭐️Feel free to bundle your likes for discounted shipping 🎉🥰
Feb 16Reply

Hey, I saw you were interested in one of the items in my closet! Feel free to bundle for free shipping! Also, I ship same day and accept all offers :)!
Feb 18Reply

Hey, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Gucci Cashmere and Wool Scarf liquidation sale as its still cold out for a discount of 50% on Gucci which is normally unheard of. Gucci Wool Scarf at $199 and Cashmere Scarf at $249 which is a steal. Send us an offer and we will accept. Happy Poshing:)
Feb 19Reply

Hello! I have a new with tags Draper James travel set in my closet! Feel free to make an offer! Have the best day!!!
💙 Anna
Feb 20Reply

Blessings Abbey on liking blouse listing from my family ❤️🤟🏻💜. Be great make a deal & send your house to love 🛍🙏❤️🤟🏻💜
Feb 20Reply

Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. Feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Also- if you have any questions or comments on anything, feel free to reach out, and I’ll do the best I can to help out. 😊
Feb 21Reply

Thank you for checking out my closet. I see you liked a belt. Please feel free to send me a reasonable offer.
Feb 22Reply

Hey! I saw you liked some lace panties I was selling if you bundle them I will throw in an offer!❤️❤️❤️
Feb 25Reply

I see you liked my baby yoda socks!
If you want them I can offer free shipping. Happy Poshing, Marly
Feb 26Reply

🌸Hello🌸Thank you for liking my listing !just so you know I 📈lowered 📈the price and everything comes from a 🚭smoke free home🚭and will be packaged carefully 🎁I can also 📦ship next day!📦
Feb 27Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and sed if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Feb 27Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet!! Feel free to BUNDLE those likes and I’ll send you my best Offer💝💝All items ready to ship today😘
Mar 01Reply

I sent you offers that include FREE SHIPPING🎉💝
Mar 01Reply

Thanks for the great likes from my closet. Cmon back. Browse, share and of course, buy. Lol.
Happy poshing 😊👋🛍👏👏👏
Mar 01Reply

Hello! Hope you’ll checkout my closet! 💜 Im currently having a 5 for $30 sale right now! Anything with ⭐️💜 is included! I always ship same or next day. Let me know if you have any questions!!😊
Mar 02Reply

Hi Abbey, thank you for the likes ♥️ if you bundle you receive a 20% discount!!! Happy poshing 😁
Mar 03Reply

I noticed you liked an item of mine. I’m having a great sale right now with all my items under $50 being half off when you bundle two or more items!! Check out my closet!!
Mar 03Reply

I will be reducing the sale of the watches you liked. Be on the lookout for that announcement so you can get the deal! Thanks for looking into my closet! Lin
Mar 03Reply

Hi 👋 feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, ect...
Bundle multiple items to save even more! Thanks and Happy poshing.
**Trying to add new items weekly**
Mar 06Reply

Hi Abbey! Thanks for the likes on the PINK Victoria's Secret Bras! If you are interested in purchasing them, send an offer. I accept most reasonable offers and will give a shipping discount :) Have a great day! -Melissa
Mar 06Reply

Hi 👋 feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, ect...
Bundle multiple items to save even more! Thanks and Happy poshing.
**Trying to add new items weekly**
Mar 08Reply

Hi!! Abbey, Welcome to my Closet!! 🤗
Mar 09Reply

Thank you so much for stopping by our closet🖤🙌🏾
Mar 11Reply

thanks for the like. Bundle any two items and get 15% off automatically. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
Mar 11Reply

Id interested in purchasing the NWT Snoopy tee I can lower to 13 and Poshmark will offer discount shipping today. Let me kniw if interested.b
Mar 12Reply

Hi Abbey, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the Express striped sweater. I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for it 😄
Mar 12Reply

Hi Abbey, just saw you liked an item! Feel free to make offers and remember the more you buy the better the discount :)
Mar 14Reply

You should defiantly check out my closet since you like the Christmas tree there are other cool things in there as well for example a New York jets belt Buckley , mini bowling pin set /game ,unique pins , stickers,patch,jimmy cricket pop figure,etc as well as check out are MoM’s posh mark @harley1972 she was a lot of great clothes on there as well from Victoria’s Secret as well as boys shoes and etc.
Mar 17Reply

Hi! Thanks so much for checking out my closet and for all the likes♥️ If you’re interested in anything, you’re welcome to send me an offer or put together a bundle and I’d be happy to send you one😊😊
Mar 17Reply

Hi Abbey, You liked the rustic dress from my closet yesterday. Just wanted you to know that I was able to find matching thread. Therefore, I sewed the small hole on the side seam. Not sure if that affects your decision to purchase but wanted to pass that info. on. 😀
Mar 18Reply

Hey there! I saw you liked some items in my closet! Go ahead and send me some offers so I can make these adorable pieces yours! :)
Mar 19Reply

Hi Abby, I saw you put a like on several items in my closet, I'm offering a seller discount on 2 plus bundles, and I also discount the bundle, let me know if you would like me to bundle any of these 10 items you put a like on. or if there is any particular items you might like. I also offer a shipping discount. Thanks for browsing my closet..
Mar 22Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 23Reply

Hi Abbey! You've liked quite a few of my items! Let me know which ones you love the most or make me an offer on your bundle! I'd be happy to send a bunch of free quality gifts. I have a lot of unlisted inventory, all great brands in great condition. Check my love notes for more info. :)
Mar 25Reply

hey! i have so much victoria’s secret stuff i don’t want. maybe you’d be interested ?? i’ll post a lot of them! :) just let me know lovely
Mar 26Reply

Thank you visit my closet and like the item! Have a wonderful weekend! Susan🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Jan 08Reply

Hi Abbey. I don’t mean to be rude but you like a ton of my closet which causes the app to freeze on me and you don’t buy anything. Please stop.
Jan 16Reply

@vintagequeen714 serial likers really need to switch to Pinterest!
Jan 16Reply

Abbey beautiful pictures Happy New Year!! nice closet Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item in my closet priced $19 or less for $5.00 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet for $50 or replenish your inventory. Check out poshmarks videos on YouTube: great ideas to increase your sales!!! expires 01 31 23
Jan 16Reply

hi I'm Lori a POSH Ambassador and Personal Stylist here to welcome you to poshmark and to help you find your dream wardrobe pieces and accessories for less
Jan 18Reply

Just reduced drastically the price of an ESCADA 3 piece red suit you had liked ..
Check it out!
Jan 27Reply

Hello, Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2500 items. Bundle a few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jan 27Reply

🙋🏻♀️WELCOME to the Poshmark (Posh) Community. I have been here since 2016. I am an Gold Ambassador II & Mentor. Please feel free to ask questions. I am to happy to help you.
If you have listings, I am sharing them with my 111k+ followers.
Kindly STOP by my HUGE Closet:
- Genuine Designer GEM Rings
- Vintage + Accessories
- Plus Sizes 🚺🚹
- Designer Purses
- Shoes
- Skin Care & Make Up
- Home Goods + Vintage
- Sometimes Electronics & Pet
Happy Poshing! 🙏🏻🇺🇸
Mar 16Reply

Hi, I saw that you liked my Selena Gomez Dream out Loud Black t-shirt Size S listing. Feel free to make an offer. I am willing to negotiate on the price.
Apr 10Reply

Hi Abbey, thank you for all the likes.
If you like you can bundle any 3 $10 items for $20.00.
Thank you again.
Apr 30Reply

You have such a great closet! Make sure to hop on over to check out mine if you want because I noticed you like some of the brands I've posted!! Thanks and happy shopping!
May 01Reply

Hi hi if you like Vera or Kendra free people or other fun stuff pls come stop by 🎉✨mS
May 20Reply

Buy cape now for$25
May 28Reply

Hi there,
I noticed you liked 3 items from my closet. Thank you for stopping by greatly appreciated:). I used to live in Cali.. moved to the East Coast ,
a little over a year ago.. I miss it...Anyhow, I will give you a deal on those items all three for 70??
Thanks again,
denise leanne
May 29Reply

thanks for the item likes! lmk if you would like to bundle these for additional savings!
Jun 15Reply

Why is everything in your closet liked by me? Are you buying fake likes? I haven't liked any of your items. This is super strange! 🤔
Jun 16Reply

Hey!! I saw you liked some from my closet! I just wanted you to know drop prices on bundles!! Also you can always send me an offer!! If you ever need anything I’m here!! Have a wonderful day!
Jun 29Reply

Hi there! Thank you for liking items from my Closet! Were you interested in me curating bubdles for you? It was quite a few items, so I can figure out weight so it works out as far as shipping. Let me know!
Jul 01Reply

Good morning …. Bundle your likes and make a reasonable offer 😊
Jul 03Reply

Hi Abbey, thanks so much for all your likes
Jul 08Reply

Hello! I had a question about the dress you liked on my page. Would you like to suggest a lower price and/or bundle with anything else? I’d love to help! 💕
Jul 11Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jul 17Reply

@iloveshoppingcl if you need golf clothes-come take a look at my closet 🏌️♀️
Jul 17Reply

happy Monday ❤️❤️❤️I am having a sale 💗 add 4 or more items to a bundle get 50% PLUS DISCOUNT SHIPPING, off ENTIRE BUNDLE ❣️❣️💚💚 , THIS WEEK ONLY ❤️🤙
Jul 17Reply

Thanks so much for stopping by! Feel free to bundle we can work out a good deal. Have a great night and enjoy.
Jul 25Reply

Thanks for all the Likes 💕 Make a bundle if you’d like for a Big discount. Have a Great Day 😃
Jul 29Reply

Hi- I have a Kate spade selection you may want to look into 🩷🫶🏻 open to offers 😍
Aug 20Reply

Abbey amazing beautiful pictures ❤!! Nice closet. Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase from my closet with a minimum purchase of $50, l also wholesale ,purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or lese for $5.00 with a minimum purchase of $50. Stsrt your closet for $50 or replenish your inventory. expires 08 31 23 Check out poshmark videos on YouTube: Great ideas to increase your sales
Aug 28Reply

Abbey beautiful pictures nice closet, enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50+(free shipping on a $25 purchase) expires 09 08 23. l also wholesale:purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet for $50 or replenish your inventory. Check out Poshmark''s videos on YouTube:Great ideas to increase sales!!
Aug 30Reply

Hi thank for visiting my closet and like an item, I give you 15% off two or more items bundle,let me know any question ,bye have a great day.
Aug 31Reply

@iloveshoppingcl Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 02Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet. As a newer Posher it’s very nice to have the support 💚
Oct 07Reply

Happy Friday! Feel free to shop my closet today! Thanks!
Oct 20Reply

Hi! Just wanted to invite you to check out my Disney items! Hope you have a great evening!
Oct 23Reply

Hi Abbey, thank you for all the likes. Would you like me to send some offers over to youThanks again!
Nov 14Reply

Hi Abbey , Love your Santa hat and skirt 😍 I would love to get some of this sold and in your hands , I'm not looking to make a ton, Send me an offer on something, you might be surprised what I would accept, or Bundle something and you'll get one free. Robert - Oh and thanks for all the likes 🙏!
Nov 16Reply

Hello Poshers! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I offer a lot of beautifuls and fashion charms for bracelets and necklaces, 18 Gold plated over stainless steel tarnish resistant and S925 jewelry trendy, modern, perfect for fashion girls or an elegant gift!🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Dec 16Reply

Thank you for the likes and follow! ☺️
Dec 21Reply

Hello 😊 Thank you so much for visiting my closet. Feel free to bundle some of your favorite items and send me an offer! I accept all reasonable offers 😊
Dec 23Reply
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