Meet your Posher, Adam
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Hi! I'm Adam. True hip-hop head and thrift junkie. LRG is my favorite brand. Adidas, Nautica and Polo in my closet too. Here to respectfully hustle and always looking for great deals on shoes or LRG brand threads.

42 others
like this

Hi. Hopefully your experience in Posh is great. Not sure what all sports you play, but let me know if you have any of these items to post and sell
•baseball sliders,
•compression shorts,
•shock doctor,
•workout shorts,
•workout underwear
Hit me back or email me poshbrewcrewwi at GMAIL .com Thanks.
Mar 11Reply

Hi & Welcome to Posh!
Its a very supportive and social community and if U have questions theres always a Posher to answer them. Or...
...visit my closet & Id be heppy to help U.
More questions?
On anything specific U'd like to know?
Just ask me....
Apr 13Reply

Welcome to posh! Enjoy your stay ;). Share share share to grow your following!
Jun 15Reply

dude I will give you that hoodie for 50 man just shoot me an offer and I will except
Nov 26Reply

⚡️Cleaning out for the New Year⚡️
If you get a chance check out my closet
Offers always welcomed.
Dec 09Reply

Hey man sorry bout that vest I’m surprised that I missed the damage on it. I describe anything wrong with whatever I post, but I should of checked that vest more thoroughly. I have some other LRG items you might like and if you do I’ll hook it up for you. The blue LRG shirt is cool but it does have a little hole on the sleeve which I describe in the description. Just let me know, because I would still like to get a few item off of you.
Dec 20Reply

I hate feeling like I ripped you off man. I actually got that vest when I was living in Norfolk VA to where over my jacket when it got cold. I have some other LRG items that I would like to hook you up with like this hoodie I have that’s in brand new condition.
Dec 20Reply

I want to build a bundle for you and discount it for you. I also wanted to purchase a bundle from you, but I was thinking that I could just charge you the shipping for the bundle I make for you and (if you’re open to this) giving me a good discount on the bundle I want off you. That way you’re still getting payed and some free clothes. Just think about and get back to me.
Dec 20Reply

Hey it’s all good man I don’t feel ripped off. It’s a dope vest. Just wouldn’t have bought it probably with a hole or would have offered less. Don’t sweat it. Last time I got a damaged item they credited me the dough, I’m not sure if the other person got payed or what but I kept the item. It was an LRG track jacket. Anyways you don’t have to hook me up with anything free, we can both resume business as normal
Dec 20Reply

I only try to make enough sales to cover the stuff I buy on here anyways, not like you can turn much of a profit on used clothes. But I know we can move foward and accept any reasonable bundle offer between each other. Don’t sweat it
Dec 20Reply

Hey I sent you five item I think you would like. I’ll sell them to you for whatever offer if I could get a good discount off the bundle you sent me. I also just wanted this discounted offer to make up for the LRG vest you got off of me.
Dec 20Reply

Thanks brother but no need to make up for anything. I feel your sincerity and maybe the site will credit me back the dough I’m not sure
Dec 20Reply

I’m gonna throw in a nice LRG button up that you’ll like and that LRG baseball tee, the vivid blue one. There’s a little hole on the sleeve but it’s barely noticeable, you’ll like both of them and this is my gift to you for not noticing the damage on the vest I sent you.
Dec 21Reply

Hey man I just want to know if you got my package yet and it’d everything is good. Also I think I mentioned in the comment of the back pack that the mesh on the side of the bag for a water bottle is ripped but that’s all that was wrong with it.
Dec 23Reply

Hey I got that bundle I ordered off you and everything is great. I wanted to know if you got the items I sent you like the LRG hoodie and the LRG button up, I also put a blue LRG raglan tee just to see if you like that or not. There’s a little hole on the sleeve but it’s hardly noticeable. I just wanted to make it up anyway I could for the down LRG vest I sent you that you sent back.
Dec 28Reply

@haroldjkoegel yessir got them thanks mane
Dec 28Reply

@haroldjkoegel thanks for working with me through that brother. That’s how things should go we both got good deals and good ratings and turned at least a small profit or bike even. Those ck shirts I got on a thrift store sale for a damn dollar each I couldn’t believe it. If they were my size I would have kept them but hey were a little schmedium for me
Jan 02Reply

@haroldjkoegel I got to the register and they were like everything is a dollar today. I was like shiiiit I was sure hey would have a stain or a tear in them but no they were damn near flawless
Jan 02Reply

@haroldjkoegel I would be interested in buying the vest back actually at a discount even with the hole, I just thought after shipping for like 22 it was a little steep for a damaged item. But it is super cool I love the subtlety of the middle finger in the skeleton design it’s super unique
Jan 02Reply

@adamillmatic05 oh dude I got you, let me look and see if there's anything that I might want to trade for the vest again and even if there isn't I'll send it back to you for free. I wanted you to keep it and wear it out, I was surprised when you sent it back. I get back to you about it later.
Jan 02Reply

@adamillmatic05 yeah the shirts I got off you are great and in great condition. I love finding Calvin Klein polos on the cheap.
Jan 02Reply

@haroldjkoegel well I had to send it back to get my refund I guess
Jan 02Reply

@adamillmatic05 hey you got a FB
Jan 04Reply

Fasho I am on messenger. I disable the Facebook app tho it’s
Just so huge with soapy permissions for something I rarely use. But messenger I am on
Jan 05Reply

Thanks for the Twitter share, I’d return the favor but i don’t have a Twitter lol Luddite. I’ll just share a bunch of your stuff on here 😂 have a good one!
Feb 18Reply

Thank you for sharing! ✌🏽
Feb 24Reply

Thanks for sharing 💕
Apr 12Reply

I will be adding some men’s LRG items to my closet soon! Sizes will be L-XL. Hope you check it out sometime !
Apr 17Reply

@ashleymagnolia unsent immediately sorry
Apr 17Reply

please accept this $3 credit to shop my closet if you find any two items that you would like to purchase I will give you 15% off your entire order you will also get three pair of medical gloves absolutely free and a surprise gift valued at 5 to $10 just for becoming a valued customer
May 27Reply

Hello @adamillmatic05 ,
Thank you for sharing an item from my closet. I do have some men’s wear as well towards the bottom of the page somewhere lol. Take care.
Jun 03Reply

Thanks Adam!
Aug 06Reply

@adamillmatic05 Thanks for the share!
Sep 11Reply

@sunshine5_10 fasho!
Sep 11Reply

Adam, you have a very COOL Closet. Wonderful Collection! Have you seen my Rap T-Shirts?
Sep 29Reply

@kattalestv I'll check them out, trying hard to keep selling and stop's very hard
Sep 29Reply

Wow u have a lot of stuff on here!
Oct 02Reply

I’d still like to see a pic of u in the shirt if u haven’t shipped yet..just to make sure it fits ;)
Oct 02Reply

@cxsangabriel it's on the way homie I hope you love it enough to send me pics of you wearing it
Oct 02Reply

@kattalestv thanks!!!
Oct 02Reply

@adamillmatic05 lol I make a living selling used clothing !
Oct 03Reply

@brewcrewwi LOL
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 lol fasho
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 side hustle for me but I'm persistent with my methods
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 ya me 2
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 I routinely make bundle offers to all likers especially after dropping prices. I dont use the discount all likers button i think this way takes longer but is much vetter
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 I do both
Oct 03Reply

give you a chance to introduce yourself a little bit... allows you to make multiple offers on either different items or different amounts of items in bundles can literally just type out proposals ... also it does not require the $2 shipping discount that the offer to likers button does. That $2 can either be extra profit or can be $2 you can discount off of your listed price. It also keeps the conversations and questions in negotiations off of the comment section of your individual listings
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 sometimes reducing the price and offer to likers , its like double
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 yeah I'll use offer to likers rarely for high ticket items or items with lots of likers but it is no longer my routine. used to start out with that but not anymore
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 I’m here for business not convo. Lol sounds rude but ya. Most of the buyers don’t talk anyways, those are the easy ones
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 every time someone likes something, I send a offer!
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 👍happy poshing. all you gotta do is unlike to get me out of your hair lol
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 one time after dropping prices I went through the whole like history and even rebooted likes that had been unlike but that was only once when I jist couldn't sleep for the life of me
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 naw not like that.. I wouldn’t be talking now if so
Oct 03Reply

Plus you bought some stuff before..
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 if you want the purple.polo sweater for 9 I' can do that it's not in pristine condition. little stretched no stains or holes
Oct 03Reply

You want to customer to come back yassss
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 I'm saying I'll keep offering in bundle format until the item is unliked it's just my method its working
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 oh I have a really good share method too...unique and I have it copied it's over 500 characters but if you'd like to hear I'd love to tell
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 I don’t mind it, I do the same thing... it’s business
Oct 03Reply

So during a party...the key is that those users are likely online at that moment, for the most part active on posh either mobile app or desktop. And I like to share my whole closet 1-2 times a day, usually while a party is going on just to be extra efficient
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 sure I like to see how other people do stuff .. what’s the T?
Oct 03Reply

First I will enter the party and share 3-6 items from each hosts' closet.the times I have gotten a "host pick" have likely been attributed to this,. I then sort the listings by 'recently price dropped' this is because these users are most likely online. I will share 6-10 items from the party. Then I switch to my closet using the bottom tab buttons and share in reverse order my closet 6-10 items. I will go back and forth between my closet and the party pages
Oct 03Reply

The reason this is a great method....all of these 'return shares' that other poshers will give me will be generally right away, they are online and getting notified of me sharing their items. These return shares always come, but it could be hours or a day for some users to log on, this I which focus on users who are online at the same time. So these return shares also generally will only cover the first 4-8 items in your closet. Some people scroll down, many do not.
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 that’s good I do that too!
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 So I am cycling the top of my closet simultaneously while dozens of return shares come in. This 'sprinkler effect' will help propel my entire closet to shoppers and followers of the other poshers who are sharing my listings, rather than spreading my top 12 listings to hundreds of thousands of users' feeds, I am spreading all 200 listings to tens of thousands of feeds.
Oct 03Reply

Yes I try to hit all the party’s up 9am 12pm 4 and 7pm
Oct 03Reply

The late return shares inevitably will come and by then my closet will be back in normal order, items I think to be unique or trendy or profitable will be at the top always. During that process, I will also share any of my own listings to the party if applicable...but mind you even if none of my listings apply to the party, the method still works. It's just about condensing my time sharing into a 20 30 minute period, back and forth, while a party is currently happening.
Oct 03Reply

I organize my closet, post to the party, share other user's listings, and also propel items at the bottom and middle of my closet to more exposure, all at the same time. Then I might spend a minute or two following new users and other ambassadors every few days or if I'm online late when there is no active party
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 lmk what tricks you use it if you try this and it works, or have seen anything similar. besides automation its efficiency and streamlined
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 yes I have my store in order by item. Shoes, shirts, pants, jackets I like to keep them all together
Oct 03Reply

I usually share my whole closet daily
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 right. but I think trying to scatter those return shares helps a lot otherwise you are only seeing the top 12 items get shared generally
Oct 03Reply

I won’t use automation, knowing my luck it would mess up and get me caught!
Oct 03Reply

Sometimes I will follow new users because when they follow me back I know that my items will be featured in their feed. if they just signed up and they might not be following very many people and they might be a buyer if they're not a seller
Following established poshers doesn't really help your more benefited from sharing the closet. I do go ahead and hit the follow button because at least that denotes the fact that I've shared from that person's closet before
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 lol I want to try it actually because aside from sourcing listing and general customer service I could use a break from the sharing aspect. without it I get sales much less frequently
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 I do pretty much the same as you do..share your own stuff more than others.. but don’t share the same item more than once every few minutes.. too much and your can get shadow banned aka blocked because they will think your spamming. You just need to know how to work the algorithm and manipulate it lol
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 but it's good talk. nice shoes
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 430 am just got 5 likes time to bundle. see ya
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 oooo Yaaaa you have good taste ahaha jk.
Oct 03Reply

I’m an actual certified stylist, I went to Fashion School so I know a few tricks here and there... ;)
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 bruh this girl liked like my entire closet she must be screwing with me or unfamiliar with the whole concept
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 oh sweet man
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 maybe she likes u
Oct 03Reply

Take advantage of it haha
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 well put me on one day I'm still just at the end of my prime to model!!! lol
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 I am mostly urban and athletic wear I do have some casual business attire
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 haha yasssss
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 come to Las Vegas!
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 she skipped quite a few it's a slim chance she is serious. any bundle over 7 or 8 items has always fell through for me I've had double digit item bundles maybe 6 or 8 times and they always flake always
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 Yaa I do men’s clothing
Oct 03Reply

They are easier to dress loo
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 so stylist out in Vegas that must be exciting at times. I will reach out when I head west for sure
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 the only way to know is to ask
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 can we posh and date strippers? I'm in
Oct 03Reply

well she had an active single item bundle either she is shopping or she's fucking with me because she gets the same offer every 2 days over and over. lol. buy it or unlike it guurl
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 lol sure why not... I’m in Vegas, this is stripper capital!! I know a few.. they are fun!
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 I style and design yaa. I do tailoring also...
Oct 03Reply

Where are U located
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 she liked 61 items almost all of my sale items. I would looooove to liquidate the bottom third of my closet
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 va
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 Ooo east coast
Oct 03Reply

Ooo Another tip...since we sell nation wide its good to know what’s trending in different parts of the US!
Oct 03Reply

LoL ur funny
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 so what is there or feed that can help me keep up
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 for me it.dosent really matter what is trending it's just me having the eye to efficiently scan thrift store racks for anything that will upsell. no more items I think I can sel. only items I know will sell for a minimum of 13$
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 so that takes time and talent and investment but incant control my sourcing and inventory quite enough to cater to any trend... it will always be years behind. and the women's racks i rarely even scan I'll look through the coats
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 there is value in womens... a ton probably more than mens.. I'm learning the brand by being on here but damn the racks are so dense and numerous and the tag placement is all over and the flaws and stains and tears much harder to see
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 but a mens section of goodwill or any thrift store I will almost always find a gem. I always feel bad for anyone who is browsing behind my scanning route because there won't be any absolute gems left
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 I can finesse those hangers down the line like a damn pro
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 ya just watch my closet... hahah
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 I just know what the basic grl wears..
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 LOL so are you boutiquing buying wholesale luxury items? that's baller
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 well we are opposite ends of the spectrum in many ways my friend. likely an unstoppable team
Oct 03Reply

Here’s my theory... I wouldn’t wear 80% of the stuff I sell..As a business it’s not about me , it’s about finding the target customer... I see it in a total different perspective.
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 yeah but are you thrifting or wholesale or what is the ideal source... I saw mostly 300 $ shoes earlier in see now its rotaed
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 yeah that's smart those women's sections are just intimidating it would take me 5x the time to source one store
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 probably be worth it though. I see boho, maternity, and lululemon just killing shit on here
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 like o tell my girl if you ever ever see anything free people please holler for me its gold
Oct 03Reply

I tend to stay with the trendy stuff. Trends sell...
From my professional perspective, trendy is the last step before tacky -karl Laggerfeld..It’s very true. Just because something is trendy, it doesn’t make it good!
Oct 03Reply

But it sells so I go with it!
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 yeah. I have plenty of stuff I wouldn't wear to try and be diverse. the idea was to downsize my wardrobe and cash out a little now I've got my whole wardrobe plus an entire store like 300 items plus the 30 or so things I bought from here. downsize my ass
Oct 03Reply

There’s a psychology to styling... its not easy but I guess I’m good at it so it’s kool hahaa
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 but to stay up on trends.. is that a stylist community thing, an ear to the street thing, or a Hollywood driven thing.
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 what's the reliable barometer
Oct 03Reply

Also just because I don’t like something , doesn’t make it bad either..just because I can’t pull something off, there’s always someone who can! I think why a lot of people don’t make it in this industry is because they make it about themselves when it should be the opposite!!
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 welllll I love the simple angle you photographed your tops from. on hanger with slight downward angle. I've seen tons of styles and that one is simple but unique. no mannequin needed and no flat lays
Oct 03Reply

Of course.. you can use the media.. but that tends to be designer... not everyone can afford designer and couture! That’s why I tend to be all over the place with the styles.. I get the moderate priced clothing and the designer..
Oct 03Reply

That’s why designers have multiple fashion lines. The bigger your audience, the more $$$ you will make.
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 but gooood to rephotograph my inventory... I dread the cocept... I would be smart to do all of my dress shirts and jackets that way though. add a new cover photo keep the flat lays for detail support
Oct 03Reply

I love designer and high end don’t get me wrong but that isn’t where all the money is at...
Oct 03Reply

You have to forecast and keep track of what sells for you!
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 hell yeah. well in va thrift stores I've found exactly ONE pair of True Religion Jean's, One Burberry shirt, ONE coach bag that was authentic with undamaged lining. in about 18 months of thrifting
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 lots of Columbia Nautica Saddlebreed Izod just redundant shit
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 but where are you Sourcing??? I need hetter source
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 better
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 can't be wholesale because it would be all NWT
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 like your pants section is stellar...I wouldn't miss any of those brands they are all on my radar except Maurices I may have missed once before
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 so I'm pretty good for a VA boy but I need some juice at the top of my closet
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 ok ..there’s ways more than that there im sure... here let me break it down for ya..
Pay attention to the posh partys ...what ever brands they use are brands that are trending, that’s why they make a party for it..if you have those brands your good
Oct 03Reply

Ok the thing about the wholesale market on here is that everyone is selling the same thing so you have more competition. I stay away from wholesale. If you notice my “boutique “ part of my closet is all the clothing that I design and manufacture myself..thats how I get away with it
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 yeah I definitely dont miss any of the mens brands that are specific to the parties....might have learned a small handful of new names but I am hip to all of those brands. I just have to sort through 3 haystacks to find a couple pretty needles
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 so just keep thrifting or is there some other way to source that I may be missing out on
Oct 03Reply

Try to find the smaller hole in the wall thrift stores in your town, they tend to have more and they are also cheaper than your bigger corporate stores
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 yeah I need to make a circuit across a couple counties it's my only hope. hit Richmond Charlottesville Roanoke I bet I would come home with some showstoppers
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 ok good talk man goodnight
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 thanks
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 she said she's in the process of replacing clothing items for her whole family... sounds like maybe she got an insurance claim from possibly a fire or flood or maybe a robbery even and she possibly will be doing serious shopping...we will see
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 Yaa fer sher!
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 that’s kool
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 I'd love to sell every single one of my 5/25;just to liquidate. I used to do 3/20$ and 3/30$ bundle sections apart from my main listings, i just updated to 5/25$ and 3/25$ with minimal reorganization headaches
Oct 03Reply

That’s gooood
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 Heyy continue to share my stuff daily and I’ll do the same !!
Oct 03Reply

That’s how you get exposure !
Oct 03Reply

Yasss :)
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 oh fasho thanks man
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 pair of Kühl hiking pants I got for 4$ just flipped for 29$. they were only posted for 4 hours. never knew how high that outerwear company was until i did a quick price reference search. 70-100$ new.
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 listed at 39 should have maybe started 45 an set the floor at 35. but good sale
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 yassss
Oct 03Reply

@jsdesigns86 won't ever miss that name might keep me on the khaki/slacks section a little longer than normal for a while too because usually it just like Dockers overload and there's no actual fashion stimulation to khakis. Jeans yes khakis shhhhh boring to browse
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 haha yaaa
Oct 03Reply

@adamillmatic05 Hello🌺 Thanks for sharing from my closet and welcome to Posh🦋 Let me know whether you need anything, even though a have very few men’s items, but I have some (lol). Stay safe and take care 🙏🏼💕
Oct 14Reply

Shop my closet anytime for awesome discount! 😊 Like an item and I’ll send an offer. Bundle two items or more for an extra 10% discount ! 🤩
May 30Reply

I see you are closed until January of 2022. Can you ship the shirts I purchased on September 19? I would rather not wait until next year as I have already paid for them. Thanks!!
Sep 29Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing!
Nov 25Reply

Thanks for sharing all my listings! Wow
Nov 26Reply

@elmocunningham 🥳👌👍
Nov 26Reply

@jashawaii SC me @ a_l232323😁
Mar 01Reply

Will you be able to send it out today
Mar 17Reply

@elijahali92 it will go out in the morning and you will get it probably Monday or Tuesday
Mar 17Reply

@elijahali92 I'm also throwing in a bonus banana republic shirt I think you will like
Mar 17Reply

Hi! Thank you for the like on the Pink Victoria’s Secret Ultimate Push Up. I sent you the offer and just wanted to let you know that if purchased I always ship the same day priority mail 😊
Mar 23Reply
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