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Updated Aug 04
Updated Aug 04

Meet your Posher, Adrienne

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Hi! I'm Adrienne, "The Vintage Vampira". I'm also known as Vampiravet, because I'm a nightowl veterinarian. I retired some years ago due to health problems, but lately I've been donating my time and skills to Saving One Life Cat Rescue in Gilbert, AZ. Your purchases support this work in many ways! Some of my sales go directly to the purchase of vet supplies for rescued kitties, but ALL of them enable me to donate my time to the health and welfare of the kitties of SOL! When you shop my closet, you are SAVING LIVES!
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emboodie Welcome to Posh!!!
Jun 16Reply
judavi143 Hello there!!! Welcome to Poshmark!!! Happy Poshing 🌸🌸🌸
Jun 17Reply
thexmworld @vintagevampira Hello Thanks for the follow . I am following you back. Welcome to poshmark. Happy poshing !!
Jun 23Reply
vintage_vampira @thexmworld thank you! I'm just a beginner, so I'm just getting the hang of it... I've been real busy with my sick kitty, so not much time to share listings, but I'll ramp up, lol
Jun 24Reply
midoa Welcome to Poshmark Adrienne 😊 feel free to check out my closet for something u might like, I give great discounts! Happy poshing my friend 🤗🤗
Jun 26Reply
unocalswar What a fun closet!
Jun 26Reply
eriferlu Hi, I received your tote bag today! Oh my God! It’s so beautiful, better that I expected. I’m sorry for your loss.....hope I was able to help in any way. Much love, your fellow Posher Erika.
Jul 27Reply
vintage_vampira @eriferlu Great! Glad you love it! And thank you for you kind words and for your business!
Jul 27Reply
iseals1 Hi there Adrienne, Thank you so very much for sharing some of my closet I appreciate you! Have a great weekend 😀
Aug 04Reply
vintage_vampira @iseals1 you're welcome! You have some nice purses and other items! Just trying to be a good Posher! Thank you for returning the favor!
Aug 04Reply
iseals1 @vintagevampira If you could give me any tips on being a good Poshmark That would be appreciated I’m new at this not very techy
Aug 04Reply
vintage_vampira @iseals1 I'm kind of a newby myself, lol... I've sold on ebay for a long time, but poshmark it's way different! The main thing is networking to get your stuff seen by as many people as possible, so following people typically gets them to follow you, and sharing their stuff usually stimulates them to share yours, etc...
Aug 04Reply
iseals1 @vintagevampira Thank you so much for the advice I’ve been trying to learn how to share in a way it’s helping others is what I like about it
Aug 04Reply
vintage_vampira One thing I do is when following people who follow me, and checking closets to share stuff, when I find sellers who have sold a LOT of stuff, I click on their followers, and go down the line following as many as I can and randomly sharing some items along the way...
Aug 04Reply
vintage_vampira @iseals1 thinking that her followers might be people who actually tend to BUY stuff, lol and if I follow them, they'll follow me!
Aug 04Reply
iseals1 @vintagevampira OK I’ll start doing that usually when people share with me I share with them whoever following me I tried following them how can you find out how much sales they’ve done
Aug 04Reply
kerri7764 Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you’ll visit my closet. I’m currently running a sale: 20% off when you bundle of two or more items. Happy poshing!
Aug 24Reply
jtcr455 Thank you for sharing
Aug 27Reply
vintage_vampira @jtcr455 nice closet! I can only window shop at this time, so I'm enjoying looking and sharing!
Aug 28Reply
jtcr455 Thank you for sharing and the compliment. Good luck poshing.
Aug 28Reply
latviankeira Love your tag name 🖤🦇🔮
Sep 03Reply
chrisfinds Welcome to Poshmark great closet!
Sep 03Reply
tinamsb Great closet!!
Sep 05Reply
vintage_vampira @tinamsb thank you! I'm juggling a lot of things in life right now, so I don't always get to all my messages in a timely manner, but thanks for visiting!
Sep 06Reply
vintage_vampira @chrisfinds thank you so much for visiting!
Sep 06Reply
vintage_vampira @latviankeira thank you! I'm a veterinarian, but haven't worked in 8 years due to health issues... so I took up ebay and now poshmark... but I'm about to go back to work. To get relicensed, I have to take the huge national test again, yuck! And I'm a nite owl...
Sep 06Reply
vintage_vampira @tinamsb you have a beautiful closet too! I love furry things, lol
Sep 06Reply
tinamsb @vintagevampira thank you! Life can definately get crazy!!!
Sep 06Reply
dolly127 Thanks so much for sharing 🤗💙
Sep 10Reply
vintage_vampira @dolly127 my pleasure!,Happy poshing!
Sep 10Reply
vintage_vampira @beckyhuss78 thank you for making such a generous offer! I'm on a spending moratorium at the moment... I spent about $5000 trying to save my kitty, and my husband wasn't pleased... so I gotta sell, not buy... it's difficult, lol
Oct 03Reply
vintage_vampira @beckyhuss78 I saw that picture, so cute!!! Exciting! Life is meant to be shared with pets!
Oct 03Reply
vintage_vampira @lbartuccio oh yes, that's my sweetie pie, Saki... he is a velcro kitty AMD just HAS to be involved in whatever I'm doing.
Oct 05Reply
vintage_vampira @lbartuccio oh, I will! I have been very busy studying for a test I have to take Nov 12... I'm a Veterinarian, but haven't practiced in 8 years due to health issues... I let my license go because I didn't think i'd ever practice again. Now I want to get it back so I can work part time, and before I can sit for the state board testing, I have to take the national one again...
Oct 05Reply
vintage_vampira @lbartuccio it is the one we had to take as we were graduating vet school, back when I KNEW about cows, horses, pigs, and chickens... but I only ever practiced small animal med, so I really have to bone up on the other critters!
Oct 05Reply
vintage_vampira @lbartuccio so I haven't been able to post a lot more things lately, always studying. But I still share other people's listings, and chat with other poshers! And put new things up when I can...
Oct 05Reply
vintage_vampira @lbartuccio Thank you!! It cost me like, $750 to take the test... and getting relicensed will be another $450, so poshmark sales are REALLY needed right now. On disability that makes a huge dent, lol! So please share share share for me, the farther my closet travels the better! and THANK YOU!!
Oct 05Reply
vintage_vampira @lbartuccio the best part is, I may be working for a cat rescue! I have gotten involved with a group that does great work... they don't euthanize unless it is the only option healthwise... they spend a lot on vet care. So the person who runs it is planning to rent space from a vet clinic at night so I can do their spays, neuters, and any other surgeries needed...
Oct 05Reply
vintage_vampira @lbartuccio and they can pay me a salary that doesn't exceed what I can make on disability. And maybe some cash under the table, too... it's a win win win!
Oct 05Reply
vintage_vampira @lbartuccio I see tpu sold that nice black and white dress, congratulations! I shared it, and I hope maybe I helped, lol! 😉
Oct 06Reply
vintage_vampira @howlie OMG! My kitty cat that just passed away and broke my heart was named Howlie! Short for Howler Monkey... when I saw your user name, I freaked! I loved him SO much!!!!
Oct 15Reply
thriftbitten @vintagevampira aww I'm sorry to hear about your cat, hope he's having a great time over the rainbow bridge. Thanks for the <3<3<3<3
Oct 15Reply
vintage_vampira @howlie I hope he comes back to me soon... actively looking for him...😍
Oct 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I have another white dress for you, new with tags! Hurry up and ask that guy for his hand!!!
Oct 21Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira that one is cute too. But my heart is still in that other one. Lol maybe I should ask him. How are you. Haven’t talked in awhile.
Oct 21Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I've been really busy studying for my test... arrgh! And my husband got the flu and gave it to me, so I was busy taking care of him and now I'm sick and can't rest like I need to...
Oct 21Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip but I'm doing ok. How are you?
Oct 21Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira I’m good too. When do you take the test?
Oct 21Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira oh wow that’s coming up soon. Keep me updated. Your gonna do great!
Oct 21Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I better! The kitties need me!
Oct 21Reply
amycf74 Thank you so very much for sharing my closet! Have a great week!💗💗💗
Oct 21Reply
vintage_vampira @amycf74 you're welcome, happy poshing!!!
Oct 22Reply
rkayskloset Thanks so much for all the shares 💕😊
Oct 24Reply
vintage_vampira @rkayskloset I think you shared mine first, lol! Thank you for all the support!
Oct 24Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip ugh... someone just made me a low ball offer on "the white dress" on eBay... $20 and free shipping! Can you believe that???? For that gorgeous dress, new with tags, shipping INCLUDED???? Pisses me off. It's a bargain at $39! I flat out declined...
Oct 29Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira are you kidding me?!? Why would someone low ball if it’s a amazing price. If they want it bad they will pay your price.
Oct 29Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I agree... it is so insulting when people give really really low offers on things that are brand new and worth way more than the asking price. I don't mind negotiating, but it needs to be fair to both sides!
Oct 29Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira yea I would tell that person it needs to be fair on both sides.
Oct 29Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I'm just savin' it for you..😉
Oct 29Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira well thank you I appreciate it. But if someone gives you what your asking for and not a low ball go for it. You’ll always have another dress for me 😉😊
Oct 29Reply
angreen40 Welcome to Posh!! Please visit my closet for exciting women's and men's styles.
Nov 07Reply
cocovalli 🌸love those kitties Adrienne! Have a beautiful day! 🌸
Nov 15Reply
vintage_vampira @cocovalli they are my angels! Thank you!
Nov 15Reply
vintage_vampira @jburney3 I'm sorry I can't accept your offer, I buy to sell for a living and I have too much in these to let them go for that. Since Poshmark takes 20%... the lowest I can go is $25. Sorry! They are brand new, you know!
Nov 17Reply
amm976 Truly an amazing seller! Does not disappoint and beyond sweet! Highly recommend!!!!
Dec 21Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip hey, did you see this Siamese handbag?? Check it out! (I hope this works, I wasn't sure how to best message you about it...)
Dec 26Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira no the link doesn’t work. Do you have another social media account?
Dec 26Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip well, Facebook and messenger is all. I will send you the seller's name you can maybe search her
Dec 26Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip km4083846 is the seller
Dec 26Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira yea I actually follow her lol is it that triangle bag?
Dec 26Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip yep... it's SO cute!
Dec 26Reply
lostlily Your kitties are gorgeous! 😻😻😻
Jan 03Reply
vintage_vampira @lostlily awwww, thank you! They like to be in the limelight, so I make them model for me! Saki is the blue eyed stunner... he is a total ham. He loves to model things and get photographed, I swear!
Jan 03Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip hey girl, check out my new arrivals! Got some beauties!
Jan 27Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira I definitely will. Thanks for letting me know. How are you?
Jan 27Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I'm good! Been really busy lately... nothing new, just seems like I have a lot going on all of a sudden, a lot of things pulled up at once. How are you? My phone is dying and I gotta feed cats... I'll get your message later...
Jan 27Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira I’m good. Did you get any new sales?
Jan 27Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip no, everything slowed way down for me last week... EBay too... I had a really good weekend left weekend and then splat... nothing. 🙄
Jan 27Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I think it's the government shut down affecting everything. And my husband works for TSA, so we've been feeling it too
Jan 27Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira yea it definitely slowed down and then it picks up. It takes that one person that loves a item. I hope you get new sales for your new items. I have a lot to post this week like 30 dresses.
Jan 27Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip wow! Where do you get your things?
Jan 27Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira mostly coming from my closet. I’m trying to downsize and I also gained weight so my small dresses don’t fit anymore.
Jan 27Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip oh wow... I've never had that many dresses!! LOL!
Jan 27Reply
thepickinpeach Thanks for the shares! 😊🌼
Feb 12Reply
vintage_vampira @castawaykarma just trying to help; you have a lot of cute things!! Happy Poshing!
Feb 13Reply
thebabythrifter Thanks for the shares! Love your cat rescue mission ❤️ I have 3 rescue cats myself ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 14Reply
vintage_vampira @annh362 awesome! Rescue kitties are the best!
Feb 14Reply
txcouture Thank you for all the shares and love. So sweet!!!🌼❤️🌼❤️
Feb 16Reply
vintage_vampira @stylishlytx thank you too! You have such a cute closet!
Feb 16Reply
txcouture @vintagevampira thank you. you do too!! I want all your bags. 🥰
Feb 16Reply
vintage_vampira @stylishlytx LOL, I do have some cool bags... my favorite is the Jenrigo... that's why the price is high... Secretly I don't want to part with it... sigh but everything has a price, lol!
Feb 16Reply
getbusyforhim19 You are quite the encourager!! With all of my 💜, I appreciate the shares. I’m in my 3rd week on Poshmark, and I’m still sharing items one-at-a-time. I have Multiple Sclerosis, so I’m a bit slow with my sharing for others and myself. My thumb’s is cramping. 😮 ha-ha. Thank you
Mar 02Reply
vintage_vampira @getbusyforhim19 is ok, I share other people's things because I love helping everybody find buyers! I don't expect anything in return, but I do know that what comes around goes around! Don't feel pressured to share a bunch of mine! Just do what you can, it's all appreciated!
Mar 02Reply
vintage_vampira @getbusyforhim19 and if all you can do is a couple, pick dresses or bags or whatever you think is the most attractive to buyers... quality over quantity! ❤ to you dear, I know that MS is an awful thing to live with! 🤗
Mar 02Reply
getbusyforhim19 Your kindness is definitely noticed & I appreciate you! 🙏🏻👏🏻👍🏼❤️
Mar 02Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Mar 04Reply
vintage_vampira @vpl1116 you have lovely things! Unfortunately I can't fit into them... lol! I'm not much of a buyer, but I love to share people's closets!
Mar 04Reply
vpl1116 thanks so much for sharing!! If you like anything, please let me know, I’ll be happy to make a special private offer as a way to say thanks! ❤️
Mar 04Reply
vintage_vampira @vpl1116 the best thank yous are shares... we are all in this together, and the more we help each other sell, the more blessed we will be ourselves! Plus, the more we sell, the more we can afford to buy 😘! Lol!
Mar 04Reply
tommyposher Thanks so much for the shares! 🤗
Mar 22Reply
vintage_vampira @tommyposher I got way behind... I usually try to follow and share a little bit for each new follower I get... but I've been really busy the last few days, so I went back and got caught up tonight, lol
Mar 22Reply
jilleensthings Absolutely Love ❤️ the Kitties 😍
Mar 27Reply
vintage_vampira @jilleensthings thank you! They're my angels. They always want to be on my work table, and I don't have the heart to shoo them away... so I put them to work, lol!
Mar 27Reply
kherivstariwat Thank your for all the shares :)
Apr 01Reply
vintage_vampira @kherivstariwat Mama always taught me "share and share alike...", lol! Happy poshing, good luck with sales!
Apr 01Reply
nkassie Thanks for sharing my posts!🤗
Apr 03Reply
vintage_vampira @nkassie you're welcome!
Apr 03Reply
soonerdeals Love the name
Apr 12Reply
vintage_vampira @soonerdeals ty! I'm a veterinarian, and I've long been vampiravet, but when I went to poshing fashion, I had to evolve! I'm a night owl that is proficient at blood draw... lol
Apr 12Reply
soonerdeals @vintagevampira that's great. I try to only sell vegan leather purses. I love animals too!
Apr 12Reply
vintage_vampira @soonerdeals that's awesome, I respect that! Good luck and happy poshing! I browsed your closet, but I'll come share some of yours again... I've been very sick and in the hospital for a few days so I couldn't keep up...
Apr 12Reply
soonerdeals @vintagevampira I hope you feel better! Thanks.
Apr 12Reply
yamiil506 Thank you for sharing my items 😇
Apr 19Reply
vintage_vampira @yamiil506 share the posh love, that's what it's all about! Good luck!
Apr 20Reply
debbiesilva31 Thanks for the shares 🥰 you have a great closet Cheers to us & Poshmark 🥂🥂🥂 Best Wishes Debbie
May 02Reply
vintage_vampira @debbiesilva31 you have a great closet! I enjoy browsing and sharing, I'm kind of addicted, lol good luck to you!
May 02Reply
debbiesilva31 Thank you 😊
May 02Reply
awesomestuff100 You rock! Thanks for many shares.
May 02Reply
miimii2014 Thank you for sharing my lists 🤩🤩🥰🤗🤗
May 02Reply
vintage_vampira @miimii2014 my pleasure! Pay it forward (and backward, lol! ), and good luck to us all!
May 02Reply
vintage_vampira @awesomestuff100 the more we help each other, the more we all prosper! Good luck and God bless!
May 02Reply
jwturns Hello! Thanks for following me! I’m having a sale in my closet if you’re interested in checking it out 😊🌼🎉💕😱👠👗👔👡🥿👚🥼🧥👕🧤👞🥾👟🎩🧢👒🧣
May 05Reply
d3brahb Thanks for the follow! I love cats too 😻
May 06Reply
vintage_vampira @d3brahb you have a really cute closet! Lots of great tops and dresses! I usually share a lot of other people's things, and I will do that, soon, I just got busy listing some things and my phone died, lol. Cats are the best!
May 06Reply
shvitz Hey VV I absolutely love your closet, and your cats.☺
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 thank you! You have a really great closet too! My kitties just insist on helping me work, lol!
May 08Reply
shvitz @vintagevampira I see you went to NC State, I work for Duke University. Poshmark helps supplement my income, North Carolina is getting very expensive. The rents have risen so much! I can barely keep up with it. I see the Poshmark is coming to Arizona will you go to the poshfest there?
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 wow! I worked for Duke for several years in Cardiology research before and during veterinary school... I worked in a lab at the VA, but for Duke. My boss was Dr. Fred Cobb; he passed away several years ago, sadly.
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 I don't know about Poshfest, I hadn't really heard much about it. If it doesn't cost too much, I might go!
May 08Reply
shvitz @vintagevampira I'm not sure how much Poshfest is... I do know that it is a team building experience, or so I've heard. Meeting and greeting lots of different people within the industry. I currently work in MRI ...
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 I guess I'm too late, already sold out!
May 08Reply
shvitz @vintagevampira seriously? I didn't think he would sell out that fast. That's amazing
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 I went to the buy tickets site and it said sold out, so I guess so! Darn, I might have gone!
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 I tried to get some poshmark supplies, just stickers, for crying out loud, and they all sold out too fast!
May 08Reply
shvitz @vintagevampira that's crazy, so how long have you been selling on here? I've been selling for almost 2 years. I'm getting better at it, there are Lowe's and highs I have a friend that does amazing she's been mentoring me. It's just hard sometimes you just can't find good quality items to sell
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 I've just been selling since last summer... and it took me a while to get the hang of it.... how to get your things out there and SEEN by enough people... but lately I have been doing ok. But I want to do better, that's for sure!
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 I'm lucky to have a REALLY good Goodwill close to me... on half price Saturdays I get a LITT of items that are new with tags. I've learned how to really look them over to make sure they are truly in new condition...
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 oops, that should have been LOTS of items new with tags
May 08Reply
shvitz @vintagevampira now that's the trick, I share during a party my whole entire closet, eX daily during parties..offers and constantly taking new pictures and listing at least two items a day. It's 2 a.m. and I'm still sharing right now and I already worked a 10-hour shift. It's 2:40 in the morning East Coast time
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 I had a funny experience... last saturday I bought these Anne Klein dress pants and when I got them home I saw that the tag said they were part of a suit. I went back today and found the coat part in the blazer section! The price was on the coat, it is a $280 suit!
May 08Reply
shvitz They don't have that here, wish they did I shop a lot, and I'm way too picky
May 08Reply
shvitz @vintagevampira that is great that you found the whole suit.
May 08Reply
vintage_vampira @thecloset305 that's what I do, I work till 2 in the morning too! But not tonight, gotta get up early tomorrow. I'll chat with you later! Nite!
May 08Reply
shvitz @vintagevampira outstanding have a great evening catch you soon happy poshing
May 08Reply
venyouvixen Great closet! Thanks for taking care of all the kitties!
May 10Reply
vintage_vampira @venyouvixen thank you! I just took in another beautiful special needs kitty... a senior siamese diabetic kitty... I hope he will get along with my other kitties...
May 11Reply
venyouvixen @vintagevampira That's wonderful, I hope they get along well too. I had a beautiful asthmatic cat for a couple years
May 11Reply
vintage_vampira @venyouvixen asthma can be tricky! But cats are worth the love! Dogs are great too, but after my last Chow Chow passed away last summer, my husband and I decided to keep it simple with our two cats... but now we have 5, lol so much for simple!
May 11Reply
vintage_vampira @1llmatic happy mother's day to you too! Sharing is what poshing's all about! I share yours, you share mine, and it's like doubling our followers! Cheers!
May 12Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip hey, Are you having a hard time sharing anything? Everytime I try to share anything, I get one of those "I'm not a robot" recatcha thinks where you have to check boxes with a bus in them, or bicycle, or something... even when I get it right it brings up another over & over
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip like a loop I can't get out of and it never lets me share anything!
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I emailed poshmark but who knows when I'll hear back
May 15Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira hmmm no I’ve never had that happen to me. I am using my phone not a computer. Are you using a regular computers. Maybe you need to refresh the page?
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I'm using my phone
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip have you shared in the last few min?
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I'll try reloading the app.
May 15Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira yes I just shared and I have it to. I’ve never seen that. That’s really annoying. Maybe they are updating it.
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip so you can't share either?
May 15Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira no I can’t share either. It’s kinda annoying. I have to post 3 new items I wonder if I should wait till they get this fixed.
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I couldn't even put anything into the menswear party
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip apparently SOME people can share... there are things in the mens style party
May 15Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira maybe this situation didn’t happen till after the party. Is there anyone sharing to the party now? This is crazy. I’m glad I’m not going through this alone. 👯‍♀️
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I heard back from them... they are implementing it as a security measure... you better email them and complain... even when it WORKS, it will slow down our sharing! It already takes me a half hour to share my closet, and if I have to do that every item, it will take an hour! I will stop using pm... we all need to complain!
May 15Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira I’m sure they will fix it there’s no way they can leave it like that. I’ll email them too.
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip even if they fix it, would you want to go through it even ONCE every time you post an item? I can hardly see those stupid pictures!
May 15Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira yea true I wouldn’t wanna do that every time. It would cut my sharing.
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip imagine as you share your closet, having to look at all those pictures and figure out what's what, just to get cleared to share ONE item! It adds precious seconds to EVERY item shared!
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip and decreased sharing means decreased sales. People really need to complain. It will make it so much less usable!
May 15Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira I’m able to share again. I only did the photo thing once. Now I can share any many things.
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip ok, I can too, but I had to do the picture thing like 6 times... even when it was obvious that I got it right, like the was only one fire hydrant, it still made me do more.
May 16Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira yea same with me. That was crazy I’ve never seen that before. Are you doing the poshmark affiliate program?
May 16Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I haven't heard of it, what is it?
May 16Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira go to my seller tools then my campaigns. They will pay you to post on social media. I just did my instagram post.
May 16Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip oh, I'm not on any of those things. I don't even tweet, though I have a twitter account. But not enough followers. I'm on pinterest, but I don't do anything on it
May 16Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip Oh, I guess I could do Facebook... I'm reading up on it now
May 16Reply
paintchip @vintagevampira yea you should totally do it. You can message me if Facebook if you need help I can talk you through it. I do more Instagram posts.
May 16Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip so, do I have my husband take a picture of me poshing? I don't quite get how you get the picture, when you are poshing from your phone
May 16Reply
vintage_vampira @paintchip I'm going to message you in messenger to talk more about it
May 16Reply
mariasant Hi. So cool that you are a veterinarian!!! Positive vibes and prayers going your way :)
May 23Reply
catsdraggeditin Hi Adrienne. Thanks for stopping by and looking at my closets and cats. We both have our hands full w them, since you have 4 then the feral outside and you saw mine. The pictured cat is gorgeous! And, you’re a veterinarian - you go, girl! I see you went to school in Raleigh. My son was stationed in Fayetteville at Ft. Bragg. We went to the mall in Raleigh when I visited him. I’ll be sure to visit you again. Stop by anytime. 😸😁❤️🌻🙏🐾
May 24Reply
vintage_vampira @something2see Hi! I went to vet school in Raleigh at NC state... it's nice there! Check out my new closet headings, I've been working on them all day lol!
May 24Reply
catsdraggeditin @vintagevampira The headings you created are fun! You have pretty, cool, and unique finds in your closet plus cats. It doesn’t get better. It may sound odd but looking at cat pics (dogs too) brings me joy. All you effort sent a smile my way. Thanks, Adrienne. I feel like I should be calling your Dr. bc you are one. ❤️😸🐾🌻
May 24Reply
vintage_vampira @something2see thank you SO much for looking at my closet! It's so nice to chat with other cat lovers! And thank you for the shares!!!
May 24Reply
vintage_vampira @hildahanx for what? Thank YOU for the lovely feedback note! So many people don't leave a note, just stars... and 5 stars is wonderful, but it is SO nice to hear how my items make people feel... even constructive criticism is great, because it helps me improve! I enjoy sharing the posh love!
Jun 03Reply
clearout368 @vintagevampira 💐 Thank you so much for visiting my closet and for all of the shares, I appreciate the Posh love shown. I wish you lots of success with your selling and purchasing ventures. Happy Poshing! 🛍
Jun 07Reply
tikimcdougle Welcome to posh! I have been selling since Nov 2018 I love this sight easiest sight to use and they have a lot of reading material that you should read so you know that you are selling the right items I have also bought a lot of stuff and never disappointed Happy poshing! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😋😋😋
Jun 08Reply
vintage_vampira @tikimcdougle thank you! Welcome to you, too! I've been selling about a year now, and I'm addicted! I was a little slow at figuring out how to get followers and at first I didn't realize I could share my items as often as I wanted... but once I got the hang of things, sales started rolling in...
Jun 08Reply
vintage_vampira @tikimcdougle I'm very addicted to Poshmark! You have a great closet, nice jewelry and accessories... jewelry is the one thing I seem to have a hard time selling... I think because of the shipping. If they would do first class package, I think it would sell better.
Jun 08Reply
vintage_vampira @tikimcdougle I got a ticket to Poshfest! I'm really excited about going and learning new things! Anyway, good luck and happy poshing!!🤗😘
Jun 08Reply
astridcompany Hi Adrienne, thank you for sharing my listing! You're awesome. I wish you lots of success and sales. Have an amazing and blessed week!
Jun 11Reply
vintage_vampira @astridcompany you have a really cute closet! Keep up the good work and happy poshing!
Jun 11Reply
jtposhplane Hi Adrienne, Thank you for the follow and the shares! Shared back, please visit my closet anytime anytime soon! Living in Raleigh , always happy to know an NC State grad😊🌸🌸🌸
Jun 23Reply
vintage_vampira @jtposhplane happy to share, hope you get sales from it! Yes, fellow Raleigh neighbor, nice to meet you! I worked at Duke university in research prior to going to vet school at NC state... lived in NC from 84 to 93.
Jun 23Reply
rthiel4676 Love the hat!!! Looks stunning! Just stopped by to thank you for sharing my listing!!!
Jun 29Reply
vintage_vampira @rthiel4676 thank you hon!!! And thanks for checking out my closet! I enjoyed browsing yours!
Jun 29Reply
rthiel4676 Thank you for checking my closet too! Right now its small but im adding new things daily!!! Love your hat!!!
Jun 29Reply
vintage_vampira @rthiel4676 your pictures are cute! Btw, my hat is for sale, it is listed in accessories, in case you are interested!
Jun 29Reply
rthiel4676 I love your hat. I have thick hair so hats make me look goofy and I have no idea what size i would even ware! Lol! Thank you for offering!! If it would look good like in your picture, id do it in a minute! I need one of those housewives that makes hats to fit your face!
Jun 29Reply
vintage_vampira @rthiel4676 lol!😂😂😂
Jun 29Reply
angie140466 Welcome to Poshmark 💕 I’m so happy that you found us and decided to be here If you need any help to set up your new page please feel free to ask and we all here to help each other out. If you want you can go oand check out my closet, I always give discount and even better once on bundles. Every package I send out comes with a surprise Gift 🎁 to my customer for there Buisness with me. Happy poshing and I wish you a lot of success
Jul 05Reply
leann888 Hi Adrienne! Thank you so much for sharing my closet ❤️
Jul 10Reply
vintage_vampira @leann888 my pleasure, you have a cute closet! I hope you get sales from it!
Jul 10Reply
leann888 @vintagevampira Thank you! You too, I hope you get much sales!
Jul 10Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😚😙💕💕💔💕💕💔💔💔💕💕💔💖💕💖💕💕
Jul 17Reply
vintage_vampira @debsdesigndealz thank you! You have a cute closet!
Jul 17Reply
amber2286 Congrats on your deals day win!! That’s so exciting!! I won a few months ago and was excited. So I’m running a huge special “HALF OFF my entire closet for winners this week!” Please bundle your likes and use code word “winner” to receive your special offer. Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself with this awesome win! Happy Poshing!! ❣️❤️💕❤️💓
Jul 17Reply
savichick Nice closet! Wishing you speedy sales! Happy Poshing ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jul 17Reply
vintage_vampira @savichick thank you! Same to you!!
Jul 17Reply
mysusieque @vintagevampira I was going to comment on your amazing cat (love, love, love) when I noticed this post. I volunteer for a cat and dog rescue (cat adoptions) and I wanted to thank you for your valuable vet services. Rescues depend on good vets and vet techs to continue in assisting animals. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for what you do. Is your cat a Himmie? I had a blue point Himmie and a seal point Balinese, both wonderful and now, sadly, over the Rainbow Bridge.
Jul 18Reply
vintage_vampira @mysusieque thank you for your sweet note! Thank you for your rescue work! Working with this rescue has actually rescued ME, and I'm SO grateful for the opportunity.
Jul 18Reply
vintage_vampira @mysusieque See, I lost my practice and my whole career in 2010, when I became very ill. I thought I'd never practice again. It has been a long hard road, but I am much better now, and I wanted to work but not full time.
Jul 18Reply
vintage_vampira @mysusieque I began the hard work of getting relicensed (I had to take the national board exam again, as well as the state board), and about that time I met Carrie, with Saving One Life. It gave me a way to ease back into practice, to have a flexible schedule, and to get paid just enough to not lose my disability. And to get paid in other ways like supplies for my cats and help with my own vet bills. Anyway, it was a match made in heaven, and I'm so very grateful.
Jul 18Reply
vintage_vampira @mysusieque As for my kitty, Saki, he is Balinese, an applehead... I've had 4 beautiful Balinese and I adore the breed! If you scroll down to the bottom of my closet, you can see Howlie, my precious wedge head guy that passed last summer and broke my heart into a million pieces... He and his brother, who passed early at 9, were my support and constant love as I went through my personal hell that began in 2008.
Jul 18Reply
mysusieque @vintagevampira what a fabulous ending to a sad tale. So very glad that all have been rescued. God bless!
Jul 18Reply
mysusieque @vintagevampira so sorry you lost your fur babies at such an early age. It is devastating when we lose them. I have had Himmies, Persians, Siamese, Balinese and DSH. Love them all. Love all animals but cats have always been my favorite and cannot imagine life without a cat. 😻
Jul 18Reply
5new Thanks for the follow! Here's a gift: Get 35% Off with coupon code THIRTY at Sivana Spirit
Jul 19Reply
vintage_vampira @crazycatlady682 not in THIS pic! This is a restaurant!
Aug 02Reply
eachey17 Thank you for the shares!!
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @eachey17 you're welcome! I used to be able to keep up with sharing each posher's things that came up in my newsfeed... But lately there are just too many to keep up with, lol, and I'm busy most of the time listing things and trying to share my huge closet... Arrgh! Ha ha
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @eachey17 but when I get time, I try to share as many posher's as I can... So you got me at a lucky time, lol, good luck! Hope you get sales!
Aug 08Reply
eachey17 Thanks! I’ve sold a lot of items using Poshmark for 3 weeks. I love packing things and wrapping them for buyers. I get a rush when I get a notification lol
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @eachey17 it is very addicting. I've been at it for a year, and it's pretty much all I do. I love packing things up too, and I have this box of vintage jewelry that someone gave me, and I put a little trinket in with most purchases... It's crazy!
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @eachey17 I love in Phoenix area, and I managed to get a poshfest ticket, so I'm so excited for October to get here!
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @eachey17 oops, typo,I live in the Phoenix area not love, lol
Aug 08Reply
eachey17 @vintagevampira Oh wow, that is awesome! I live 30-45 minutes west of Phoenix! I should look into Poshfest, that sounds like fun :)
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @eachey17 unfortunately, tickets sold out within an hour or so the first day, then they released another batch and I got on line early and got one. They sold out fast too. I have no idea how to get a ticket now, but if you get one let me know and we can meet up!
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @eachey17 also, if you ever have any questions or want help with anything, let me know!
Aug 08Reply
eachey17 Oh darn! For sure, I’ll let you know if I’m able to get a ticket :)
Aug 08Reply
eachey17 Thank you!! I appreciate it 😊
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @eachey17 there are definitely strategies and such, it took me a while to figure out how to really make it roll!
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @lady_snowblood same to you! Good luck with sales!
Aug 24Reply
mrhgoolsby Hi 👋 Adrienne!! Thanks 🙏 for taking the time to share the items from my closet, I truly appreciate the Posh Spirit🛍, it means a lot to me 😌!! Wishing you lots of sales your way!!!! Mimi
Aug 30Reply
vintage_vampira @mrhgoolsby sharing is what makes the posh world go round! Thank you for your shares too!! Good luck with your sales!
Aug 30Reply
a_chic_closet Wow, thank you so much for the shares! I love vintage clothing, but there's never any good places for finds around where I live so I'll be excited to check out yours :) looking forward to it!
Sep 01Reply
vintage_vampira @cee0621 hi! I actually am a little low on vintage clothing at the moment, a few pieces, but not much. Once upon a time, I had a lot of amazing pieces! Mostly now I have vintage jewelry and purses. But I'd love for you to visit my closet! And good luck with sales!!
Sep 02Reply
a_chic_closet Thanks! Well either way I'll be sure to check back:)
Sep 02Reply
divinesandy Thank you for all your shares I appreciate it.
Sep 07Reply
vintage_vampira @divinesandy my pleasure! Hope you get lots of sales!
Sep 07Reply
amoreperlamoda Love your style and kitties 🐱 too!!! My son’s allergic and it kills me!! Still wondering how that happened?!?!
Sep 08Reply
vintage_vampira @melliott110 cat allergies are common. Usually, allergies develop as a result of exposure to them... But some babies are born with allergies... Possibly genetic due to things mom was exposed to?
Sep 08Reply
vintage_vampira @melliott110 thank you for visiting my closet! I have so much fun on Poshmark! I'm getting older, but my heart is still all about fun and fashion... And cats
Sep 08Reply
lellowandpink Thanks for the follow! Have a good weekend and great sales! 🤙
Sep 14Reply
vintage_vampira @lellowandpink good luck to you, cute closet! happy poshing!
Sep 14Reply
vintage_vampira @carolinakab thank you! I'm a veterinarian and my original one was vampiravet, but I modified it for selling, lol
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 How are you hun thank you for all the sharings blessings to you
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 I had arthroscopic knee surgery this morning and I'm bored sitting around icing my knee, lol. Lots is time to share posh love! Good luck with sales!!
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira oh woww hope you feel better soon dear and luck with your sales to and ofcourse time to share lol🙏🙏🙏😊
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira i just started my first sale two days ago i was kind of exited lol just hoping to have plenty of more sales lol
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 That is SUCH an exciting event!!! I started this about 13 months ago, and I felt the same way! Now it's rolling pretty well. I think I'm doing about $1000/ month, but I put a lot of it back into inventory. I still get excited for each sale!
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 I love wrapping things up, and in keeping with my handle, I give a little vintage jewelry gift or sometimes not so vintage, to buyers who pay full price or at least offer enough that my profit margin can bear the extra overhead. I honestly think the trick is to increase your followers. I spend a lot of time "recruiting" followers from other sellers list of followers...
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 especially when I find sellers with over 100k followers, and that seem to have sold a lot of items. I figure that their followers might be "buyers"...
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira woww thats such a good thing to hear its like im starting from little amount of things sometimes i break my head figuring out how to do it but it takes time little by little lol
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 ye, it took me about 6 months to really get significant sales, I spent the first 6 months just sharing from the closet of EVERY posher in my newsfeed... Now it's impossible to keep up, I have so many, plus I'm always busy listing things or shipping things. I need to hire a secretary to just share my newsfeed poshers! 🤣
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 if you work hard at sharing poshlove, trust me, it works... You will be in your way before you know it!
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira i figure it would be a good thing ive bin doing that lately ive seen so many sellers with so much followers like wow i wonder that seller should be a good seller but i get confuse when i see it says on a seller that the are a posh ambassador
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira lol really they keep it you moving and busy i think you wil have to 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ive bin following and sharing almost all day lol i think im more into sharing then eating lol😂😂🤣
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 when you reach a certain sales level, and don't have any marks against you, they offer you to be an ambassador. I'm one. Some people put it in their handle, I don't, but maybe I should? Idk if you could tell that I'm one?
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 as an ambassador, you are supposed to sort of mentor new poshers... And it can involve more, but I haven't figured it all out yet. I'm going to poshfest next month, so I'm going to find out a lot more if what I don't know, lol. I'm always learning new things.
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira Seems like all I do is posh all day, one thing or another 😅
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira lol thats great😂😂and it sound good to become one
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira maybe the more sells just will let the money add up and maybe reach a good amount after some good sells
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 yes, I know you'll be great. I think that people who like to communicate, chat & share, and pack up a great package for your buyers are the most successful.
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 read the love notes I get from people, in fact, read love notes on a lot of poshers, it can help you to learn what buyers respond to, the kinds of things that a seller does that really pleases buyers...
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira lol yeah thats true because i made shore it goes with a nice thank you note and packed up real good and im always available for sameday shipping lol
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 I write notes to be as personal as possible to buyers, I try to let them know that they aren't just another number... Like, I ❤️ your little dog!
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 I try glean clues about what a buyer would enjoy getting as a gift from the type of item they bought from me, tee
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 oops that was an accident
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira lol thanks for liking the little spoil baby of the house lol 😂
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 anyway, I look at their picture, consider their age, read their self bio, I look at things THEY have for sale, if any, and I look at their pet pics, if any... Stuff like that, then I pick something I think would please them. People tell me I made them feel special, and that's exactly what I am trying to do!
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 we have 6 spoiled kitties! We don't have any doggies anymore... We used to have, but we are getting older and cats just fit our life a little better these days. I'm a veterinarian, I've been retired for 10 years, but I recently got re-licensed so that I can help a cat rescue I've gotten involved with...
Sep 19Reply
vintage_vampira @elpara809 be sure and keep my closet handy, you can ask me for advice or help any time!
Sep 19Reply
elpara809 @vintagevampira i shore will and thank you so much for the sharings again lol im going to take a peek at your closet lol...
Sep 19Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜
Sep 24Reply
vintage_vampira @05teddy11 hope you get lots of sales!!!
Sep 24Reply
carolann58 I love cats too I have 2 that I adopted from shelter l love vintage great hat Nice to meet you
Sep 25Reply
vintage_vampira @carolann58 yay! More kitty lovers!!! Nice to meet you! Thank you for visiting my closet and for the like and shares!
Sep 25Reply
vintage_vampira @ferrari_envy thank you! And thank you for visiting my closet! You have a lot of great stuff too! Good luck with your sales!
Sep 26Reply
annabrian Thank you for ALL the shares!!! I appreciate you more than you know ❤️
Sep 29Reply
vintage_vampira @annabrian A little sharing goes a LONG way! Good luck on your sales, and have fun poshing, I've been doing it just over a year and it's finally really paying off! Happy Sunday!
Sep 29Reply
kstall1015 @vintage_vampira you have fantastic style! i love your closet 🥰 thank you for helping a girl during the holidays! Much love!
Nov 08Reply
vintage_vampira @kstall1015 You have really cute things, I like the BCBG dress! Is there something else you'd like from my closet? why don't you make a bundle, then I can figure out which things off yours would make an even trade! I don't really want to make a habit of trading, I'm trying to build this into more of a business than a hobby, but I'll do one trade with you, gf!
Nov 08Reply
gantael you have a beautiful closet and it is so organized and neat. I hope you have a great sale day. I enjoyed looking and sharing. Posh love!
Nov 16Reply
vintage_vampira @gantael thank you! sometimes I think it is TOO organized ... if people don't scroll down, they don't see all that I have! I'm thinking about deconstructing it, lol
Nov 17Reply
vintage_vampira @gantael I am very slow at getting into people's closets to share, because I've been so swamped lately... but if I haven't shared your closet yet, I will do it after dinner! I glanced just now and saw lots of lovely things!!
Nov 17Reply
michposh_ I bought your dress because of your quick response and the message you sent me... excellent customer service all around! I know how much work goes into each piece and post! I absolutely love your closet and I adore vintage, I have some very cool pieces of my own that I love to wear! I’m very excited to get my package! Michelle
Dec 12Reply
vintage_vampira @michposh_ that's awesome, and good to know! I will be shipping it this morning also, and I'm glad you love vintage because I'm sending a thank you gift that I felt just HAD to go with the dress... my "signature" is vintage thank you gifts, lol!
Dec 12Reply
vintage_vampira @michposh_ Thank you for your rating! I just know you're going to look so beautiful in that dress! Hope you LOVE it!
Dec 16Reply
michposh_ @vintage_vampira The necklace is gorgeous, thank you! I’m hoping for a spring wedding!
Dec 16Reply
vintage_vampira @michposh_ awesome! that would be perfect!!
Dec 16Reply
pinktotoro hello. thank you for sharing my listings! Happy Holidays!!
Dec 21Reply
vintage_vampira @pinktotoro My pleasure! good luck with sales... happy holidays!
Dec 21Reply
williams7019 Go Wolf Pack!!!
Dec 21Reply
1wildone Super fun closet! Your Old Pink wrap skirt is way cute (wish it fit!). Have a great holiday season and happy Poshing
Dec 24Reply
1wildone Oh, just confirming, are Siamese and Burmese cats more talkative? That is what I remember and told my daughter yesterday. We love our cats!
Dec 24Reply
vintage_vampira @1wildone hi! thanks for visiting! I'm a night owl and work late, so I'm not awake yet... I'll get back to you soon!
Dec 24Reply
vintage_vampira @1wildone OK, I'm starting to wake up, lol! I do think Siamese are the most talkative... I've never been around Burmese much, but they're related, so... yes? My baby is a Balinese, I've had 4 of them, and while they are VERY talkative, it seems they are more conversational than just talking to hear themselves, lol!
Dec 24Reply
vintage_vampira @1wildone Nice to meet another cat lover! I have 6 kitties and love them SO MUCH!! Thanks for visiting, and yes, the wrap skirt is VERY cool! Too bad it isn't your size, it would be a great wardrobe piece! Happy Holidays!!
Dec 24Reply
1wildone @vintage_vampira thanks for the cat info! I dig cats. Staying with my daughter for a couple days in DC and I know her house mate's cat has some Siamese because she IS talkative but no sign with her pretty black coat an white mits. Okay and you too with the holidays, cheers
Dec 24Reply
vintage_vampira @1wildone ha ha ha, well I do think some non-siamese cats are talkative too... and my one Siamese is not talkative at all, lol!
Dec 24Reply
1wildone @vintage_vampira Okay, each cat and bread is their own personality
Dec 24Reply
vintage_vampira @1wildone yes, each breed has distinct personality traits, but each kitty is still an individual
Dec 25Reply
1wildone @vintage_vampira Yeap, makes sense. Here's to cats both wild and domestic in 2020! Caught a mountain lion on a trail cam behind my house! Exciting and a bit surprizing- thought he'd avoid being near people.
Dec 25Reply
vintage_vampira @c00kie_m0nster see the last pic in this listing? I received some freebies with something I bought, including a pink clutch type bag... I came into the dining room to find him surrounded by the packaging with a protective paw on the clutch and would not MOVE. It was like he was just in LOVE with that clutch! I had to take the pic...
Jan 09Reply
bboopers54 Thank you so much for all of your shares very much appreciated . Wishing you and your family a happy new year
Jan 24Reply
vintage_vampira @bboopers54 your welcome! hope you get lots of sales! thanks for sharing back!
Jan 24Reply
bboopers54 @vintage_vampira No problem that’s what we do to help each other out. Take care
Jan 24Reply
eleniluvs2shop Thank you for all the shares 🤗 ❤ Eleni⚘
Jan 24Reply
vintage_vampira @eleniluvs2shop my pleasure! hope you get lots of sales!
Jan 24Reply
eleniluvs2shop Thank you, likewise! 💞
Jan 24Reply
im2020 Thank you for Sharing my items....Have a great night. Ivy
Jan 25Reply
sleon382 Hi I'm Sheldon and it's nice to meet you.
Feb 03Reply
vintage_vampira @sleon382 Hi Sheldon, why does your profile say Janelle?
Feb 03Reply
newkirk9 Nice meeting you I’m jeff.
Feb 10Reply
vintage_vampira @newkirk9 If your name is Jeff, how come the closet belongs to a Justin?
Feb 10Reply
vintage_vampira @23direct Thank you for following me! happy poshing!
Feb 10Reply
newkirk9 I do the shipping for him. We’re business partners.
Feb 10Reply
vintage_vampira @newkirk9 ok, that's cool! There's just a lot of creepy stuff that goes on, lol! nice to meet you, good luck poshing!!
Feb 10Reply
newkirk9 Well thank you very much! We’ve been on Poshmark for a short time.
Feb 10Reply
newkirk9 Thanks for posting our listings as we will be adding more soon!
Feb 10Reply
vintage_vampira @newkirk9 It seems like it takes a while to build up enough followers to get regular sales... unless your items are very cheap, lol. I try to get a little more for my items than in a yard sale, so it took me a year or so to really get it rolling. I had sales but it was up and down. now more steady.
Feb 10Reply
vintage_vampira @newkirk9 the important thing is to "recruit" followers, by following lots of people so they follow back. when I broke 100k, it seemed to click a switch, lol. good luck!
Feb 10Reply
newkirk9 I hope we can sell a lot. We’ll be adding more items and more pics soon!
Feb 10Reply
spottedkangaroo Hi Adrienne, Thank you for all the shares! My daughters name is Adrienne Maire! We rescue as well!
Feb 14Reply
vintage_vampira @spottedkangaroo You're welcome! Good luck with sales! That's cool, not many people spell it like ours!
Feb 15Reply
sunsetcoast I love your closet, thank you for the follow and shares! 👍🙏💃☀️💖🌅
Feb 18Reply
vintage_vampira @sunsetcoast you have a really cute closet too! I enjoyed browsing through it! good luck with sales!
Feb 18Reply
worldinacloset Thanks so much for the shares!! Love your closet! 😊💕
Feb 23Reply
vintage_vampira @worldinacloset you're welcome! hope you get lots of sales!!! thanks for visiting my closet!
Feb 23Reply
worldinacloset @vintage_vampira same to you! 😊💕
Feb 23Reply
vintage_vampira @ppb1960 Hi there! Thank you for the sweet comments!! Aren't kitties the BEST?? I'm so glad to hear that your senior kitty is going strong! I'm retired now, but I've recently gotten relicensed in order to help a kitty rescue in this area. Poshmark income enables me to donate my time to them! Good luck with sales, and stay healthy! Remember the 6 feet rule!
Mar 14Reply
stephanml6878 Thank you for sharing my listings, you have great items also. Your cat is beautiful!
Mar 16Reply
vintage_vampira @stephanml6878 Your welcome! Good luck with sales! Thank you, he's my spoiled baby, Saki... 😻
Mar 16Reply
ellasaunt Thank you for the shares 😊💕. I returned the favor ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 22Reply
lnicole061225 Welcome 😊hi my name is Nicole and I’m a Posh Ambassador. Thanks for the follow. Please check out my closet/ boutique and let me know if you have any questions. I offer discounts on bundles and items over $15. I accept all reasonable offers and I’m a fast shipper 💕 Remember share share share follow follow follow🌹🌹🌹
Apr 05Reply
rosiegirlie stunning! happy poshing xoxo 💕
Apr 06Reply
sarahsposhshop1 Thank you for all the shares! Stay safe and happy Poshing! Sarah <3
Apr 06Reply
vintage_vampira @sarahsposhshop1 You're welcome! May you get lots of sales! Stay healthy!
Apr 06Reply
vintage_vampira @lorevers Thank you for your business!!! 🤗😍😘
Apr 06Reply
bigredbrit Thank you for ALL the SHARING!!!! Happy to reciprocate and share the POSH LOVE! <3
Apr 08Reply
vintage_vampira @bigredbrit my pleasure!! That's the best part of poshmark! Hope you get lots of sales!! Happy Poshing!
Apr 08Reply
sinsofcyn 🐑🕊🐦🐰🌻Thinking of You Adrienne and So appreciate your support and concern and prayers. Very sadly my father passed away January 26th, and my Mmom who is 90, living at home alone. I I usually stay with her 4 days and then come back home. my wonderful big Wally Dog is also failing right now. As his nose is dry for days. Be safe, stay HEALTHY..... at Home if possible 😍  🐶Getting Lonely??? .........please come VIRTUAL Visit when YOU......... need to Get Away 🐶   Cynthia
Apr 08Reply
vintage_vampira @sinsofcyn Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry about your doggie too... our animals are SO precious!! I'm sorry you are lonely, HANG IN THERE, it WILL eventually pass!! I'm kind of a homebody anyway, my husband and 5 cats and I, lol... we went into lockdown the second the first US case was announced. My husband has weak lungs so we aren't taking ANY chances.
Apr 08Reply
vintage_vampira @sinsofcyn for a smile, take a look at my post that says "Buy with confidence", see my kitties...
Apr 08Reply
jermielyn @vintage_vampira hi, thank you so much for all the shares!!
Apr 10Reply
vintage_vampira @jermielyn You're welcome! Good luck with sales!
Apr 11Reply
jbd_boutique I love your closet and your cats! I used to be a vet assistant. Now I have a pet sitting business (closed now due to quarantine) Blessings! 😻😻😻
Apr 15Reply
vintage_vampira @jenniferadowner Awww, thank you! That's awesome! I'm actually a veterinarian... I was retired due to health reasons for the last 10 years, but I recently got my license again in order to help a cat rescue. So I do poshmark for a living and donate my time to the rescue.
Apr 15Reply
vintage_vampira @jenniferadowner I've also done pet sitting in my past life, it's a great job!
Apr 15Reply
beaniedoodle Love your closet! You have a great eye for finding items. Happy to share your goodies!
Apr 15Reply
vintage_vampira @wdmuse Thank you so much!! I am a retired veterinarian, cat lover, and now I donate my time to a kitty rescue, but as a second career, I've discovered my fashion sense!! I love finding, refurbishing when needed, and selling beautiful items to wear and decorate with! I think I love it as much as practicing medicine!! 😃
Apr 15Reply
vintage_vampira @wdmuse And thank you SO much for all the shares, that's the best part of poshmark, the way we all help each other and the community love that lives here!!
Apr 16Reply
ktiffany2 Hi! Thank you so much for the shares!! Let me know if you have any questions about anything in my closet that you like! Your closet is super cute!! Have an awesome weekend!! :)
Apr 24Reply
fabulouskt Wow! Thanks for the shares!! 💙
Apr 26Reply
vintage_vampira @fabulouskt good luck with sales!!
Apr 26Reply
jkonecsni God Bless You Adrienne...
Apr 30Reply
vintage_vampira @jkonecsni why, what did I do? lol... Good bless you too, dear!
Apr 30Reply
jkonecsni ???Cat Rescue???
Apr 30Reply
vintage_vampira @jkonecsni OH!!!! Well thank you... I wanted to get back into my profession, but I'm just not up to the physical stress of working anymore so it was a perfect fit!
Apr 30Reply
vintage_vampira @jkonecsni and me luvs me kitties!
Apr 30Reply
aovintage You’re the coolest. Everyone shop her page 👏👏👏🛍❤️
May 02Reply
vintage_vampira @ashlynnefashion Thank you sweetie! You're awesome!
May 02Reply
hrpartonq Thank you for all the shares today! I do appreciate it! You have a fabulous evening! 👠👚👖💃🏻
May 07Reply
vintage_vampira @hrpartonq you're welcome! Good luck with sales!
May 07Reply
msundwall Thanks for all the nice shares. 😊 I returned the ❤️
May 15Reply
vintage_vampira @msundwall my pleasure! Thank you for sharing back! good luck with sales!
May 15Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 21Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 Safe is my middle name, lol! You do the same and good luck with sales!
May 21Reply
jrtexas99 Thanks Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 21Reply
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @1jkczar yeah, my mannequin sunbathes nude... no tan lines... wtf you talkin' 'bout, boy? I'll sic my Texan PFF on you!! 😂😂😂🤣
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 Hey JR, what's this Vegas dude talking about, no tan lines...????
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @1jkczar Thanks for all the shares!! 😘
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @1jkczar Oh, you must be talking about my vampirella alter ego, lol!
May 22Reply
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @1jkczar I added my own Vampirella pics...
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @1jkczar But don't get too hot and bothered, that was 7 years ago, I'm not that girl anymore, and I'm definitely married, VEGAS!
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 Hey JR, Check out my Vampirella Comicon photos I added...
May 22Reply
May 22Reply
May 22Reply
May 22Reply
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @1jkczar Here's the funny part... I was still in a wheelchair after surgery for a broken hip! I was just getting out of my chair for photo ops... Vampirella in a wheelchair! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @1jkczar the other funny part is, I was 53! I agree that was pretty damn good for 53!!
May 22Reply
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @1jkczar I think it's actually blood red...
May 22Reply
jrtexas99 Thanks Beautiful 😘😘😘 Very Nice 😋😋😋
May 22Reply
jrtexas99 let's go to Vegas 😋😋😋
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 thought you'd like that, lol. it was 7 years ago right after I broke my hip...
May 22Reply
jrtexas99 Poor Baby , I'll make You feel Better😋😋😋
May 22Reply
jrtexas99 can you talk Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 wow, I don't know how I missed these last messages... I'm sorry, I got to listing items and then I went to bed...
May 22Reply
jrtexas99 How are You Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 22Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 Been outside digging in the dirt...
May 22Reply
jrtexas99 is it Dirty 😋😋😋
May 23Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 more like muddy... let's not go there
May 23Reply
jrtexas99 😁😁😁
May 23Reply
jrtexas99 What's up for this weekend Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 23Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 nothing really, same old same old, hopefully getting lots of sales!
May 23Reply
jrtexas99 call me Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 23Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 call you beautiful?
May 23Reply
jrtexas99 @vintage_vampira can you call Me Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 23Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 You're beautiful 😘!
May 23Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 what are you up to this weekend?
May 23Reply
jrtexas99 talking to You All Weekend 😁😁😁
May 23Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 well, I spend most of my time sharing my closet items and other posher's items, so If I'm not very communicative, don't take it personally. I am trying to build poshmark into a significant source of retirement income, so, I pretty much work all the time. If you really think I'm special, you could help me out and share my items a bunch, lol!! 🤣
May 23Reply
jrtexas99 Alright , I'll leave you alone 😢😢😢
May 23Reply
vintage_vampira @jrtexas99 I'm not telling you to piss off, my friend, I'll chat here and there when I can, but yeah, it's hard to be chatting and sharing at the same time...
May 23Reply
jrtexas99 Alright Beautiful 😘😘😘
May 23Reply
erikakessler1 @jrtexas99 thanks for sharing
May 31Reply
janfast Hi Adrienne! Thanks for following my closet!😊
May 31Reply
vintage_vampira @erikakessler1 good luck with sales!
May 31Reply
vintage_vampira @janfast good luck with sales!
May 31Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my listings!🤗💕
Jun 01Reply
ladolcevita2020 Hello! Thanks so much for sharing my closet. More vintage to come. Take care!
Jun 16Reply
vintage_vampira @ladolcevita2020 you're welcome! good luck with sales! I'm listing some more vintage pieces tonight!
Jun 16Reply
cairn_grow I LOVE your closet! There are more than a few must- haves for me. Times are tough and I wonder how you feel about trickling my purchases. I don’t want to lose most of them And I chose a bunch! I
Jun 17Reply
cairn_grow Continued...also make some beautiful and unique jewelry using antique and vintage watch movements, faces, hands, jeweled winders, etc. I’m In the midst of getting my inventory back up and running after an hiatus. If you’d like to See for trade, please let me know ! Stay well and happy ! Warmly, A fella cat and animal lover.
Jun 17Reply
vintage_vampira @cairn_grow Sorry, I'm a late sleeper because I work late at night..
Jun 17Reply
vintage_vampira @cairn_grow I will definitely be glad to work with you however you need! I'm not really much of a trader, I am at that age where I don't need much and I don't go out and dress up anymore... but I can hold things for you,...
Jun 17Reply
cairn_grow @vintage_vampira Thank you so much! I’m 50 and maybe should know better, but I just love these pieces!
Jun 18Reply
vintage_vampira @cairn_grow have you started a bundle?
Jun 18Reply
cairn_grow @vintage_vampira nope. Dunno how. I will have a look see. 🌺
Jun 18Reply
vintage_vampira @cairn_grow oh it's easy, I do it all the time by accident, lol!
Jun 18Reply
vintage_vampira @cairn_grow on the listing there's a little suitcase, you click on that.
Jun 18Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 🥂🍾🌹!
Jun 29Reply
vintage_vampira @lillievonstoop1 Thank you for all the shares! Good luck with your sales!! 🤗💐🙏
Jun 30Reply
lillievonstoop1 @vintage_vampira Thank you too! Good luck with all your sales too ❤! ( I have a tarot deck of cards with Vampire on them) A gift from the artist that drew them 👍🏻🌹
Jun 30Reply
vintage_vampira @lillievonstoop1 cool! I first took the "name" when I was a practicing veterinarian... I'm a night owl, so I often worked in 24 hour places at night... and I'm an expert at blood collection, lol...
Jun 30Reply
lillievonstoop1 @vintage_vampira lol.... it's a great name!! I love it! 👍🏻❤
Jun 30Reply
vintage_vampira @lillievonstoop1 oops, I forgot, it's slightly changed... back then I used vampiravet... I still use it as a user name, but on here I changed it a little
Jun 30Reply
chickyparm1972 Hello Adrienne! Thank you so much for sharing items from my closet! That was so kind of you! I really enjoyed your bio pics and closet items!! Some of my favorite things are vampires and my 2 kitties so I’m definitely so excited to meet you! 🛍🌸👠🧛🏻‍♀️ Happy Poshing! ~Karen
Jul 17Reply
vintage_vampira @knadeau1972 Hi Karen! I love to go through and share things for people, since I'm not much of a buyer, I want to help out however I can! Thanks for checking out my closet, and for saying hi! Good luck my friend!
Jul 17Reply
aworldonastring Thanks so much for all the shares! Here’s to lots of sales! 🥂🎉
Jul 24Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you again for sharing my closet!! 🤗💕
Jul 28Reply
vintage_vampira @lillievonstoop1 Covid 19 is affecting sales for so many people... just want to help everybody get more sales! It's all about sharing!! Good luck!
Jul 28Reply
lillievonstoop1 @vintage_vampira Same to you luv 🤗💞
Jul 28Reply
earthbum Hi! Thanks for sharing a bit of my closet :)
Jul 28Reply
vintage_vampira @storebrandryan good luck with sales!
Jul 28Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for sharing. I have returned the Posh love. Stay safe and God bless.
Jul 29Reply
stefanielena A pleasure to meet you here on Poshmark Adrienne💞 thanks for all the shares😘 From one treasure hunter to another!
Jul 30Reply
vintage_vampira @stefanielena lovely to meet you! Good luck with your sales! I just got from sourcing... I got a bunch of great things! I'll be listing over the weekend!
Jul 30Reply
stefanielena @vintage_vampira Excited to see your finds🎉
Jul 31Reply
vintage_vampira @stefanielena I found some nice silk items... got some PJ things... lots of great skinny jeans... it was definitely a fun day!! I have to wash some of it, so I probably won't get a lot done until Saturday or Sunday. approximately what size do you wear?
Jul 31Reply
stefanielena @vintage_vampira I wear an XL top! Sometimes bigger😳 I shop mainly for handbags and jewelry and the occasional collectible. But I have a huge family including little granddaughters so I shop for many things! 😊
Jul 31Reply
vintage_vampira @stefanielena One thing I found is a Nick & Nora zebra onesie PJ...
Jul 31Reply
taurus_vintage Lovely closet! And cute kitties!
Aug 08Reply
vintage_vampira @taurus_vintage Thank you! Thank you for visiting! Your closet is great too! Love the Superman slippers...
Aug 08Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Aug 11Reply
vintage_vampira @spreadlove Nice to meet you Melissa! You have a cute closet, lots of great things! I'm not much of a buyer, more of a seller... but I do share people's things, so good luck with sales!
Aug 12Reply
ariasclothing Hi, thanks for sharing my listing. Happy poshing!!
Aug 13Reply
missshiny Hey there, thankyou for all the shares. you do have a great collection, I wish you tons of sales 😍
Aug 17Reply
kayelise949 🤩💕Ms. Adrienne ... I know you have tons of customers, and deservedly so, I just wanted to share this with you .... You were my first Poshmark purchase and I bought your pink w gold polka dots Juicy Purse, sneakers and a sequin tank top. I started selling items myself recently and you had wrapped my purchase so carefully and thoughtfully I have followed your lead. I said in your rating it felt like Christmas Morning! I literally just a a customer tell me the same thing! Thank you💕
Aug 21Reply
vintage_vampira @kayelise949 Awwww, that is SO wonderful! Thank you for sharing that with me! Your sweet note MADE MY DAY... my whole YEAR!! I'm so proud to be a role model for you, and I'm proud of YOU for paying the love and TLC forward, I know it will bring you lots of business!, And you will brighten the lives of LOTS of customers! I still do the same thing, even though I'm averaging a few sales a day, and it can be exhausting .. it is still a labor of love!
Aug 21Reply
vintage_vampira @kayelise949 I can't always gift vintage jewelry now, but I still include a little extra treat! Here's an idea you are welcome to copy... lol... I found a 99¢ store that carries 3 packs of those big professional emery boards. I got self adhesive gold glitter craft sheets on Amazon. I make a bling backing for one side of an emery board and stick it on, filing the edges to make it neat and professional looking.
Aug 21Reply
vintage_vampira @kayelise949 I gift it with the thank you card; it costs maybe 40-50 cents, and is a great little beauty gift! Good luck with sales my PFF!
Aug 21Reply
kayelise949 @vintage_vampira I’m so glad to be able to have shared that with you ... I know how ya feel, lol! I have a little collection of gifts I send but I’m about out! That’s awesome about the gifts you mentioned! I will check it out when I get home and measure those for you! You do make a difference 💕
Aug 21Reply
stephanml6878 your pics are awesome!
Sep 04Reply
vintage_vampira @stephanml6878 I'm humbled by that, coming from someone who does really amazing photos! 😅
Sep 04Reply
stephanml6878 @vintage_vampira Well thank you for that. Your cat is adorable! Cat lover also! Thank you for sharing my listings! I am happy to share yours as well!
Sep 04Reply
vintage_vampira @stephanml6878 I'm happy to meet a fellow cat lover!! Saki humbly (haha, he's never humble) accepts your compliment!! He's a blue point Balinese... spoiled rotten, but he loves to get into whatever I'm doing! Sorry to respond so late, I got involved in something, got busy for a bit! thanks for the shares!
Sep 04Reply
cheyanne_79 Hello there, thank you for all the shares . 🤗
Sep 10Reply
vintage_vampira @cheyanne_79 You're welcome, thank you too! Good luck with sales!
Sep 10Reply
my_friend I love your story! I'll be in touch.
Sep 15Reply
vintage_vampira @kat_cm the first two of the last 3 pics are inside the pants, you can see threads from wear the old hem was snipped out, and you can see the basted new hem. The last pic is on the outside, and you can't see threads like on the inside, but you can see a faint line where the fold of the old hem was.
Sep 28Reply
mamaw5172 Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my fantastic finds 🛍🤟🏻🚀🌴🌹
Oct 04Reply
lovetotravel425 Thanks for sharing my closet!! I appreciate it!!🥰
Nov 01Reply
vintage_vampira @lovetotravel425 You're welcome! Good luck with sales, cute closet!
Nov 01Reply
lovetotravel425 @vintage_vampira Thanks!! Your closet is FAB!!😉🎃👻
Nov 01Reply
vintage_vampira @lovetotravel425 Thank you! ❤️💐🤗
Nov 01Reply
evette212 ‼️Thanks for the shares, Posh sister‼️
Nov 07Reply
vintage_vampira @evette212 You're welcome! Thank you! Much posh luck and lots of sales to you my friend! I'll share more of your things tomorrow!
Nov 07Reply
xanadutn just went to facebook and "liked" the cat rescue. also made a small donation and sent invites to my feline networkers. thank you for DOING something unlike so many.
Nov 28Reply
vintage_vampira @xanadutn OH! You are SO fabulous!!!! Thank you so much! This rescue does the BEST work of any I've known about... last month they had an 8 week old kitten with PDA, a heart defect where the aorta and vena cava are connected with a hole so that clean blood and dirty blood get mixed... they raised the money for surgery for that kitten!!! Unfortunately, the odds are very bad and she did not survive long after surgery...
Nov 28Reply
vintage_vampira @xanadutn but at least they TRIED instead of just giving her a death sentence...
Nov 28Reply
vintage_vampira @xanadutn But they really do try to save every cat if possible. They are even treating FIP cats which used to be 100% death... now there is a treatment... it is being used in China, and studied at UC Davis in CA... they are getting the drug, not cheap, and actually SAVING FIP kitties! It's amazing!
Nov 28Reply
allisonmarsh165 Thanks for the follow!! I just wanted to let you know that I am having a huge holiday sale! All items with a 🌸 in the title are 3 for $13. All items with ❤️ in the title are 3 for $20. All items with 💥 in the title are 3 for $33 and Rae Dunn is 35% off when you purchase 2+ items! New items will be added every day. I also have plenty of items new with tags and mystery boxes! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing:)
Dec 08Reply
rahannahomar I LOVE your avatar ❤️!
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar Thank you! And thanks for checking out my closet!
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar Hey, we are true posh sisters... Cleopatra is my other alter-ego... I have a beautiful tattoo you should see... I'll add a picture of it here... I had an extremely vivid dream once, in which I was her handmaid... there were details that I could not have known, that turned out to be true. And, it was before I had ever really read or thought much about Cleopatra. Afterward, I started reading books on her & her life & was amazed how accurate my dream was!!
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar I just added it, check it out!
Jan 05Reply
rahannahomar @vintage_vampira OMG I just saw the rest of your pix, you're so awesome!!
Jan 05Reply
rahannahomar @vintage_vampira before reading that previous comment I definitely lingered in the pic of your tattoo, I love it!! I auditioned for the Real World forever ago and they said to write down an interesting fact about ourselves and I said that I have a sneaking suspicion that I was Cleopatra in a past life 😂❤️. I made it to the next round 🤷‍♀️ lol.
Jan 05Reply
rahannahomar @vintage_vampira POSH SISTER'S ❤️👯‍♀️❤️👯‍♀️!
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar Awwww, not so much... but I am pretty unique, LOL! Not too many people out there with my brand of crazy, 🤣!
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar You have a fantastic closet, and your kitty cat is beautiful!!!!
Jan 05Reply
rahannahomar @vintage_vampira anybody with a Cleopatra tattoo that beautiful is awesome!! 🥰
Jan 05Reply
rahannahomar @vintage_vampira thank you very much, I love your closet and that kitty is so pretty!
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar We truly are sisters from another time! My dream made me believe that I was Iras, her younger handmaiden. Cleopatra basically grew up with her two servants, they were close like sisters or best friends. At the end, they helped her commit suicide and they died with her.
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar In my dream, I admitted to her that I was jealous of her and Mark Antony, and I asked her if just once, I might lay with him, to assuage my lust... she slapped me so hard, I flew backwards and landed in all the pillows lining the tent... then I woke up and it all felt so real!
Jan 05Reply
rahannahomar @vintage_vampira WOW!! That's deep. You were just being honest bit she wasn't having it.
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar The feeling was that I felt closer enough to get that I could BE that honest... I felt more like a friend than a servant... and even though she slapped me down, I still felt loved by her and not threatened... and as I said before, at the time I knew nothing about Cleopatra or her life, so I didn't know what her relationship was too her servants or even anything about who her servants were. I learned afterward from reading about her handmaidens that were like sisters to her.
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar typos... I felt close enough to her that I could BE that honest...
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar The dream was even more deep than that... it was my responsibility to make sure that whenever Mark Antony "was in town", that he could "perform" in the bedroom, because they believed that it was through Cleopatra becoming pregnant that the river Nile would rise and water the land... so sex was more than just pleasure it was her job. So MY job was to "get him ready" for her... that's why I was so consumed with lust...
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar Later, I once had the opportunity to talk to an Egyptologist, and she told me that even that part of my dream was very accurate... I don't know how she knew that or even if it's true, but it was a really weird thing for me to dream! It's not something I would normally dream about, lol!
Jan 05Reply
rahannahomar @vintage_vampira WOW. I think that's definitely more than a coincidence, that's really deep. You definitely experienced some of that 1st hand at some point, if u ask me...
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar I felt pretty sure about it, and it's a dream that has NEVER faded away, I remember every detail. I got my tattoo after that, because I felt like I needed to make amends to her.
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar perhaps you and I have a long-standing bond!
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar When I was a very little girl, I had two gerbils, and I named them Antony and Cleopatra. That was back in the 60's... I don't know how I knew to name them that, the movie about her back then was not something my parents would have watched or let me watch... I was raised in a born again Christian household, and my mom was a prude, lol. I can't imagine it being talked about or anything!
Jan 05Reply
vintage_vampira @rahannahomar I was only 4 when the movie came out, and yet, I was enamored enough to name my gerbils after them... I don't know if I watched it or if I just saw or heard ads about it...
Jan 05Reply
rahannahomar @vintage_vampira perhaps we do have a connection! I've always felt particularly drawn to Cleopatra when studying history and as soon as I saw my cats eyes I knew that was her name. What a beautiful homage your apology has turned out to be 🥰!
Jan 05Reply
alyson108                 ✌😊✌ Hey there! Don't worry about my set prices, just add your favorites to a bundle or just click the 💙 on things you like and I'll send an AMAZING offer! 🏋️‍♂️💍👟👚👖👗👔🧢 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 I also have some random, unique and maybe even weird items 🔮👽☠😇🦄🐝 Come take a peek!🧿  Also clothing for all genders, ages and sizes 🥰 ☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮☮
Feb 11Reply
earthbum @vintage_vampira Thanks for the share 😊
Feb 18Reply
jeannie1964 Hi you had an Anne Klein Tote listed that I no longer see. Is it no longer available? Thanks
Feb 24Reply
vintage_vampira @jeannie1964 yes, it should be there! I'll find it and make you a bundle...
Feb 24Reply
ashxoxoley Thanks for following me✨ I just wanted to share that I always price my closet at low and fair prices I would want to pay. A ton of my boutique items are even $10 or less! My closet is a mix of my own clothes and my aunts so there is a huge variety. I am a fast shipper and always send a free gift with bundles of 3 or more items!
Feb 27Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Apr 27Reply
the_art_place Hi, we sell art & art books, looking at your profile I thought you might be interested in our closet, visit us.
May 05Reply
kcwilliams_ Impeccable closet!!! I could go overboard but I’m just buying to replace what was warm out or sold. You have so much to look at. I’ve only gotten through half. On the dress I had to report it to posh admin on how to move forward with the spots on the dress. You may get an email from them.
May 17Reply
vintage_vampira @kcwilliams_ Which dress, what spots??
May 17Reply
asavage01 Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet 💗 I have a continuous sale in women kids men & home. 5 listings for 15$ just look for 💌5/15$ in the title. Bundle 5 or MORE sale items = 3$ each for You! I donate 30% of my profits to 2 local non-profits on behalf of my daughter's girl scout troop. 💚 Have a Poshtastic Day.
Jun 10Reply
viko1029 Love your Lifestyle 🥂Thanks for sharing 🤙🏼😎. Love the tattoo 🍾
Jul 23Reply
smcuster Hello My name is Shawn and I got notification you began following my Poshmark Closet. Welcome and thank you for visiting. I certainly appreciate you for connecting and giving the opportunity to read and learn a little bit about you. Great closet! You can find and follow me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset as well where I created a fun introduction game once you begin following the account. May great success be on the horizon with you along the way! Glad to meet you. ~Shawn Marie
Sep 14Reply
vintage_vampira @smcuster Hi Shawn! Thank you for the lovely note! I wish you much success on poshmark! You have a cute closet, and it looks like you've sold quite a bit! Good for you! I don't get on Instagram very often, but if I find an extra minute, I'll check it out! Happy poshing!
Sep 14Reply
smcuster @vintage_vampira I appreciate you for taking the time to write back. I’m new to selling so been spending time learning and developing. When you’re ready to join me on Instagram, say hello. Ive been working to genuinely connect the two and find your support more valuable than you can imagine. Ive been developing a content schedule and welcome you to join that. Check my out, in the event you like what you see, join me. I need a Poshmark Stylist like you by my side. Shawn Marie
Sep 14Reply
chroigra Sexy vamp
Sep 15Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or better yet please please create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll gladly work on a good price with you
Sep 16Reply
vintage_vampira @sprinklesbaker Hi sweetie! You have a lot of fun stuff in your closet! Unfortunately, I'm not much of a buyer, pretty much just sell... But good luck with your sales and happy poshing!
Sep 16Reply
vintage_vampira @shashidb why THANK you!!
Nov 20Reply
polka5dots Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Dec 03Reply
vintage_vampira @polka5dots Just returning the favor!! Good luck with sales!
Dec 03Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , thank you very much to check out and following my closet. Just to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jan 22Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You’ll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you’ll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on an item that catches your eye🥰
Jan 28Reply
crazydadscloset Thank you for all your shares. Just read you bio. You are still ROCKING!!!!!
Feb 01Reply
vintage_vampira @cflo71 Thanks, Love!
Feb 01Reply
vintage_vampira @cflo71 Your closet is great! Love your descriptions, 😘
Feb 01Reply
badskippy Hey there - I saw your message thanking me for my passage, but I got a note that it was sold - I’m confused, did the purchase go through?
Feb 03Reply
vintage_vampira @badskippy It looked to me like it went though to you, yes
Feb 03Reply
vintage_vampira @badskippy Yes, I checked and you are the buyer. Sorry I took so long, I was doing a jigsaw puzzle with my mother in law... I left my phone in the other room
Feb 03Reply
watsonlilmommy @vintage_vampira hello how are you can you check out my closet an see if you interested in anything in my closet if so please send me a offer I would really appreciate it thanks
Feb 14Reply
watsonlilmommy @vintage_vampira thanks so much I appreciate it
Feb 14Reply
zardiva1 Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Feb 25Reply
vintage_vampira @zardiva1 Thank you so much!! I hope it affects sales... I may not be able to keep it if sales don't pick up😢... I hope your sales are good!
Feb 25Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! If I can ever help you, please let me know… Wishing you all the best and loads of happiness! 🌼🦋🌼 ...Lisa
Feb 28Reply
martigarren great closet. I will certainly be back.
Mar 03Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Apr 26Reply
ryanjohnsonw Thanks for following our store! We sell Premium Womens Jeans. Check us out!
Dec 05Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 23Reply
vintage_vampira @sandydallison May the new year bring you good fortune and LOTS of sales!!
Dec 23Reply
sandydallison @vintage_vampira thanks & you too a great year
Dec 23Reply
tigarose24 Hello Fellow Feline Friend! The world needs more of us! Keep it up and I will keep you in my “Likes” 😻 Love- — 🐅 🥀
Feb 17Reply
vintage_vampira @tigarose24 Hi!!! pleased to meet you!! Yes cats rule! Happy poshing!
Feb 17Reply
triplesquared Hi Adrienne, thank you so much for following!!
Mar 30Reply
txtinner Hi Adrienne, Hope you don’t mind, but I have shared your closet with several platforms with the hopes that you may be interested enough to look at what I’m doing. I’m building teams of individuals (with My Daily Choice) that want to use FREE platforms on the internet to make serious income. Happy Poshing, Dan Johnson (UBERDAN)
Apr 08Reply
cutehosiery @vintage_vampira Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 11Reply
vintage_vampira @cutehosiery Thank you so much! I have a lot more to list, some vintage, some not, some nwt, some not, some for the kitty rescue, Saving One Life, but pretty much anything I sell helps the rescue, because it enables me to donate my vet skills to them for free! Plus, I spend my own money on animals that I foster for medical care, and I can only do that because I make money here!
Jun 11Reply
vintage_vampira @cutehosiery I really appreciate hearing from people that like my eclectic closet! And I want everyone to know how much good gets done for kitties when they buy from my closet! Plus, I ship very fast, and I package things with TLC!!
Jun 11Reply
driftywood You’re an amazing vampiress, we have had 4 rescue dogs and 5 cats. We currently just have one cat. You’re doing a fine job by doing what you can. Our daughter is a vet tech and manages 3 vet hospitals in the Bay Area. Not an easy job, but certainly admirable. I’ll keep sharing, right now it’s all I can do, being retired &caregiver to my husband! Have a great day! 🦇
Jul 30Reply
vintage_vampira @driftywood Thank you for such a nice note! Your daughter sounds amazing! The world of vet medicine has certainly changed. I tried 10 years ago due to health problems, and I thought I'd never practice again. I finally stopped trying to die, but then had to have multiple surgeries for scoliosis. Poshmark became my sustenance. Then I found Saving One Life and they resurrected mine.
Jul 30Reply
vintage_vampira @driftywood Now director Carrie and her husband are opening a vet clinic and they have me a small slice... we open in maybe a month... it will be a new chapter. But I'll keep doing Poshmark and rescue work!
Jul 30Reply
driftywood @vintage_vampira that’s great, life is crazy and tough, but sounds like you’re on the right path! I hope it works out for you! ✌️🌸♻️
Jul 30Reply
vintage_vampira @driftywood Yep, it sure is. Thank you for reaching out, it made my day! Have a happy Sunday!
Jul 30Reply
maslowscrib Great closet! It’s so nice to come across another closet for a cause. Thank you for helping the kitties 😻
Aug 06Reply
vintage_vampira @necessityequity Awesome!! Thank you also, for all you do! One of the gals we've trained to be a vet tech is a pediatric nurse, and she just took to it like a fish to water! In fact, a lot of the items that are 100% for the rescue, were donated by her! Good luck with your sales, and keep up the good work!
Aug 06Reply
cooky2020 Thank you for following me ❤️ My name is Merrill. I’m a Poshmark ambassador and a 5 star seller. Never be afraid to like items, make bundles & offers. You might be surprised by what i will accept! Please be careful not to lowball too far, or I will be insulted. On most items in my closet I give 10% to 30% off. BIG SALE NOW, I took 50% more off select items! 🛍️🎁🛍️ I took home 15 bags of items from my cousin Cooky’s apartment.Need to sell my stock to make room for the new things👗👚👖🧥
Dec 29Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 🤗 thank you for following my closet and for the share 🐱
Jan 13Reply
vintage_vampira @marywilliams130 Hi! I just now had a little more time to browse your closet some more, it's cute! I shared some more🥰
Jan 13Reply
marywilliams130 @vintage_vampira Thank you so much for revisiting my closet and thank you for helping the cats in Arizona. I was raised my whole life in AZ . left in 2001 .
Jan 13Reply
vintage_vampira @marywilliams130 Oh, wow! That's funny... I moved INTO Arizona in 1999, a couple years before you left, 🤣! Where did you live in AZ?
Jan 13Reply
marywilliams130 @vintage_vampira was raised most my life in south PHX and then was still in PHX off of Indian School road and last place was in Glendale. on the west side alot has changed there I remember when Gilbert did not have much of anything.
Jan 13Reply
vintage_vampira @marywilliams130 Gotcha... Yeah, I'm in Mesa, North of Gilbert, but I work with the rescue down in Gilbert. I'm a semi-retired veterinarian, I got relicensed to help SOL... Now the director of SOL has opened a veterinary clinic to do low cost alters, and the full service hospital side will be open in a month or so. I guess I'm not so retired anymore, lol! Gilbert is very trendy.
Jan 13Reply
marywilliams130 @vintage_vampira your never retired when it comes to animals. I have been rescue here in tx in just my area for 15 yrs cats and dogs . my vet office sometimes takes kitten and put them up for adoption . unless someone in the office wants to keep one. I try to get all the female fix. but with my work schedule and no help it is hard. I use tcap. here in tx. you are doing a great job. I just wish more people cared. Tx is bad for dumping. dogs and cats. even puppies.
Jan 13Reply

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