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Updated Jan 29
Updated Jan 29

Meet your Posher, Aimee

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Aimee. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, PINK Victoria's Secret, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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adoreposh Hi Aimee, you ordered a mini skirt from me a while ago. It says It has not been delivered yet. Have you cheched with the post office? Or poshmark?. Pls let me know. Thank you!
Mar 21Reply
aimeetowell @danazco hi there! I haven’t seen it yet. The usps tracking shows it’s in Arizona maybe? Do you have a way to follow up on it?
Mar 21Reply
adoreposh @aimeetowell ok. Let me check. I though maybe they forgot to update the status or something. It has been almost 3 eeeks. I am sorry for that.
Mar 21Reply
aimeetowell @danazco yeah I keep thinking it will just show up one of these days and it hasn’t.
Mar 21Reply
adoreposh @aimeetowell :( what is your zip code?. I cannot see the address information in Poshmark anymore.
Mar 21Reply
adoreposh @aimeetowell Thanks Aimee, I will go to the post office this afternoon. I emailed them already. Will have a response by tomorrow. My apologies again for this delay. Have a great day! :)
Mar 21Reply
adoreposh @aimeetowell Aimee, the package is not at USPS Tucson. This is their response “Your package was scanned Dead Mail / Sent to Mail Recovery Center by the Memphis, TN post office. This occurred on 03/15/2019. To obtain your package, you will need to sign onto: WWW.USPS.COM / HELP and click on "Find Missing Mail" to generate an online search request. Once this is done, the search request is matched with the items at the Mail Recovery Center and they contact you once they locate the item(s).”
Mar 22Reply
adoreposh @aimeetowell I have requested Poshmark to refund you the money. I am so sorry for this. In the meantime I am going see if I will be able to recover the package.
Mar 22Reply
aimeetowell @danazco great thanks!
Mar 22Reply
littlenorthbird Thank you for your purchase! This will ship tomorrow. 😊
Apr 20Reply
littlenorthbird Thank you for the 5 star rating! I’m glad you were pleased with your purchase. 😊
Apr 22Reply
mywisteriaporch @aimeetowell Hi Aimee, Thanks for your purchase; you are my first Idaho sale and I've been doing this for nearly 2 years! Welcome to Poshmark; the best buying and/or selling online site. Feel free to ask for help as you embark on this new journey. We all want to help you achieve success and we are glad you are here! Congratulations! doriepennington at gee mail dot com if I can be of any assistance! Dorie 🎅🏼
Nov 25Reply
mywisteriaporch Hi Aimee, I am so sorry to report that I cannot find the White House/Black Market top anywhere. I have 4 clothes racks plus a large closet and for 2 hours last night and again today, I have searched and searched for it. I did not sell it or it would not have come up in my Poshmark closet. I can cancel the sale or if you can find anything else, up to $20, I will be happy to substitute.
Nov 25Reply
mywisteriaporch If you do, DO NOT PURCHASE it, just let me know and I will send it instead with the same label. I am very embarrassed about this but even more, I know you are disappointed. Please let me know your thoughts; cancel or substitute? Thank you :-(
Nov 25Reply
aimeetowell @mywisteriaporch :-( drat. Let’s go ahead and cancel it then. Thanks!
Nov 25Reply
mywisteriaporch @aimeetowell I'm very sad, but I cancelled it. As I said, if I find it, I will let you know. Thanks so much, Dorie
Nov 25Reply
aimeetowell @mywisteriaporch hi dorie! Thank you so much for sending it!!! Can I pay you somehow? I don’t know how to un-cancel the order.
Dec 15Reply
mywisteriaporch @aimeetowell No, my treat. I have lost another item, and while looking for that one, I found yours. Enjoy the top; sorry I didn't have time to package it nicely; I usually do. Thanks for your nice note. Merry Christmas! Dorie 😊
Dec 16Reply
sharonbilger hi Amy I've been trying to get hold of you Tupac Mark but it doesn't seem like you're getting my messages the T-shirt had fade marks on it when I packed it up so I sent you some other items and offered to refund you your $8 plus the shipping I have sent three messages to find out how much your shipping was so I can refund
Feb 05Reply
sharonbilger I wanted to know the best way to refund you as it takes so long to Poshmark and how much I owe you I wrote a note inside to explain that that was fade mark on the back of the purple sweatshirt so I added items for free but I wrote to ask you if you would like the money and the shipping back please let me know
Feb 05Reply
sharonbilger so I can take care of this for you once again apologize didn't even see the fade marks on the back till I packed it up but the other stuff is yours to keep for free as a gift and then however you would like to refund please let me know how much it is with shipping that you paid
Feb 05Reply
sharonbilger if you want to do the refund through Poshmark tell them how much I owe you and I can put it in my account whichever is easiest and fastest for you I apologize about the miscommunication
Feb 05Reply
aimeetowell @sharonbilger hi Sharon! I just thought I got someone else’s order. Thank you for the considerate gifts! I tried to leave positive feedback but I don’t know what Poshmark is doing or how to sort it out now.
Feb 05Reply
sharonbilger hi Amy I just wrote to them again asking them to help me get your money back the handbag and the earrings were free gift so I think you thought it was the wrong box but they were yours to keep but like you said if you're in any way unhappy please let me know how I can refund you hopefully they will get back to me soon
Feb 05Reply
aimeetowell @sharonbilger again, thank you! I’m totally thrilled and don’t need a refund. Sorry for the confusion!
Feb 05Reply
sharonbilger @aimeetowell you're so sweet Amy so sorry about the confusion please keep an enjoy everything I don't think and I Poshmark understood my messages lol
Feb 06Reply
aimeetowell @sharonbilger yeah same I thought we had it handled. I’ll message them and see if they can stop the refund since I’m not shipping items back. So sorry for the confusion!
Feb 06Reply
sharonbilger @aimeetowell no worries Amy if they do I'm not worried it's all good as long as we are all good that's all that matters thank you for being so sweet
Feb 06Reply

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Last Active: Feb 15

Boise, ID
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Last Active: Feb 15

Boise, ID
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