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Updated Jan 06
Updated Jan 06

Meet your Posher, Alanna

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Alanna. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Ships to: United States

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thing2and3 Hi Alanna, thanks for checking out my closet 💐 welcome to Poshmart 💐 if you have any questions let me know and I'll help you.
Feb 11Reply
shophopgal The pair u liked is sold but I have an even nicer Tiffany pair. Did u c that one
Feb 16Reply
millz2016 @solskyad hi doll! Thanks for your purchase unfortunately it got sold earlier this morning which i have posted on another site and forgot to mark as sold. I do have the blue one and can throw in a free item for the inconvenience. I apologize
Mar 02Reply
millz2016 Pls lmk soon as you can so i can ship it. The other set im offering is the dolci edition as well & smells awesome. However, if you truly prefer the one you ordered i can get it for you and have it shipped by Saturday. Either way you have an option. Thanks in advance
Mar 02Reply
pamelajudy1 Thank you for your purchase. You are going to love ❤️ these beautiful earrings. I will ship first thing tomorrow.
Mar 05Reply
51twenty Thank you for your purchase. Your order has shipped 🛍🛍
Apr 03Reply
bestbuycloset @solskyad Hi I'm Cindy!🙋🏻 Welcome to Poshmark Feel free to reach out with any questions! Happy poshing💓 👖👕👚👙👠👡👢👒👛👟🕶👓👜💄💍
Apr 07Reply
trishtam Hi Alanna! I hope you are having a wonderful time Poshing! Please feel free to @ me if you have any questions on how to get your closer started. Happy to help/share.❤️🆕
May 01Reply
ashleycolwright Hey, Alanna! My name is Ashley; it's lovely to meet you! Hope you are enjoying Posh as much as I am! Happy Shopping!!
May 01Reply
ally_marc Thank you for sharing
May 02Reply
poshermrtz Welcome to Poshmark 🌺
May 24Reply
marievivala @solskyad Hey! Thanks for the purchase. I wanted to let you know that I will be shipping on Tuesday due to the weekend and holiday. Thanks for your patience!
May 27Reply
dragonflybtq Hi Alanna! Quick question. I'm on my way to the post office with your package right now! Being that you live in New York also you should get this package very quickly. Have a great day and thanks for your order! 🙄🌜☄
Jun 26Reply
dragonflybtq I'm so happy you like everything!!!!!! I wasn't sure about the gift bcuz you don't have a picture but I took a gamble. I'm not a gambler though so I'm really happy you like them!!!! 🤗🤗💖
Jun 28Reply
shengross2016 Hey Beautiful, thanks for peeking in my closet..feel free to bundle and send an offer..happy poshing:-)
Aug 23Reply
alma4posh Hi Alanna, This is Alma! I am so sorry I didn't send the wrong top! I just looked for the top you purchased and I do have it here. I am so sorry not sure what I sent you but purchase something else, make an offer if you'd like just so I can have your shipping info and I will ship this free. I apologize. This was an accident, truly sorry dear.
Aug 24Reply
alma4posh Alanna, bundle it so I can make you the offer
Aug 24Reply
winkiebelle101 Hey there doll, my closet is going to be closing soon. Accepting most offer, feel free to make me a bundle offer, i ship next day
Aug 26Reply
the_hopeful1 Thanks so much for your purchase!! And stop back by anytime...Im always listing new things. I'm actually listing a few jackets and some shoes real soon that I think would go great with that dress!! Maybe u will think so too!! Thanks again. 😊
Aug 27Reply
jacanderson23 @solskyad let me know if you're interested in the lulu jacket!
Aug 29Reply
the_hopeful1 Hello again! I just saw that you received the dress thank you so much for your rating hope to do business with you again sometime soon.😊
Aug 29Reply
alma4posh You're welcome
Aug 31Reply
martinigirl27 💐WELCOME TO POSHMARK💐 I'm happy to help if you have any questions getting started 💐 Happy POSHing 💐
Sep 14Reply
sapp12 Welcome , thanks for the like
Sep 15Reply
md8232 @solskyad hi. If you want, I can cancel both orders on the pants and bundle them together for you to purchase. That way it saves you the extra shipping! LMK
Sep 23Reply
solskyad Sure
Sep 23Reply
lightbrownround Hi Alana I shipped the pants out on Monday. I work and was not able to make it to the post office so I sent them fed ex. Sorry for the inconvenience. I can send the tracking #if you like.
Sep 28Reply
aprilthomen Thanks for the like. Please let me know if I can be any assistance
Oct 19Reply
beachykeenbtq hey girl! Since you were a great customer I just wanted to let you know about a special I have going on if you buy a Mystery box (2-5 pieces of designer and name brand clothing like Lilly Pulitzer, Free People, VS Pink, Marc Jacobs, Tory Burch, LuLuLemon, LuLaRoe, Kate Spade, etc.) you are entered to win a FREE Kat Von D palette just for purchasing the box. Please check out the listings the top of my closet if you’d be interested. 💌
Oct 29Reply
sarahia78 welcome to poshmark
Nov 05Reply
shopwitheileen Welcome to Poshmark! You are going to LOVE shopping in my fabulous boutique! These fabulous finds sell very quickly... So if see something you love ... grab it right away or shoot me an offer! 😉Please let me know if you have questions as you are shopping! Custom Bundles save you money 💸 & shipping 📦! I'm always adding new goodies… So shop again soon and often! 😉 Happy Poshing! 💗
Nov 06Reply
msshocker11 Thanks for purchasing those sweet sandals! I hope you love them as much as I did. They are just so cute!! 💙💛
Nov 21Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Nov 25Reply
saundrazim @solskyad hi Alana wish you luck here at Poshmark I’ll be back soon to see your closet too have fun and thanks so much for your like💕💕🏍
Dec 05Reply
amypposhcloset Hi! I saw you liked a pink velvet dress and I’m selling a beautiful one! Please feel free to check out my closet, and have a great day! 💕
Dec 22Reply
mel77380 Thank you for looking at my closet...Have a few looking at the VS turquoise set...I had panty posted and found bra just posted a few 👀❤️.
Dec 28Reply
sarahtennis @solskyad Hi! Thanks for liking the Enzo wedges! Just wanted to let you know I’m willing to go much lower in price on them. I have bad problems and no longer where any type of wedge or heel, so I’d love to see someone make use of them 💕🌷 Open to offers on them 🎀 Thanks for checking out my closet!
Dec 29Reply
roxannelou If interested in buying now, I will lower price to save you on shipping
Dec 31Reply
jody73 @solskyad, hi, and welcome!🌷🌹🌸🌺
Jan 04Reply
amythecrafter Hello, thank you for the like 😊💕
Jan 09Reply
donnak777 Welcome to Poshmark and my closet!
Jan 22Reply
kshinn Hi Alanna, I sent a counter offer on the VS top. I can ship out today if you accept the offer in the next hour before I leave for work. It's a super cute top! 😀
Jan 26Reply
kshinn I also have a couple other VS tops & dress listed if you wanted to bundle and save 15%.
Jan 26Reply
kate727235 Hello, I just wanted to take the time to give you a personal invitation to my closet ! I have brands like coach , Victoria secret, MK , Nike , tarte , too faced and more ! I'm also very open to offers if u are interested in any item . Thank you! And have a great rest of your day/night.
Feb 07Reply
rosepetals3 Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet, I have tons of sales and accept offers✨ I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Feb 12Reply
heatherregules Hi Alanna! Thank you so much for your offer. It's all yours! It is lovely. I'm so pleased for both of us😀! I will ship first thing in the morning! Blessings!
Mar 09Reply
heatherregules @solskyad Hello Alanna :) thank you for the 5 star rating! I really appreciate it! I know you will enjoy your new treasure :) Blessings!
Mar 12Reply
sheneisha29 Welcome to poshmark.
Mar 29Reply
moongoddess7 Hi love! Thank you so much for your purchase! I will have it out to you first thing in the morning ❣️❤️
Apr 02Reply
moongoddess7 Hi again, Just wanted to let you know I'm getting ur order packed up now so once the mailman gets here off to you it will go! xoxo
Apr 02Reply
kimberly_smith Thank you for the like 😇😊
Apr 04Reply
moongoddess7 Hey love, u have me on the edge of my seat over here wondering if u liked ur purchase! & if you looked inside and get ur free gift!! xoxoxo I hope you love it & I look forward to ur review! xoxox
Apr 06Reply
moongoddess7 Hey there, I just had to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating & your Awesome ❤️ Love note❤️❣️ You really made my day, stop back sometime because I literally have 1,000's of items to still post❣️ Much Love❤️ ~Amy (moongoddess7)
Apr 11Reply
moongoddess7 Hey there again love, I'm getting ur package ready now so it will be on it's way to ya very soon!!
Apr 14Reply
parisianlights Hi. I shared some other bras with you and if you bundle I can offer a discount plus you pay only one ship fee for all items in the bundle
May 03Reply
sonnyangel @kimberlyfemenia hi there! Thank you for your purchase. I hope it’s ok but I’m in Colorado. I will mail the dress next Saturday. Thank u for your business.
May 26Reply
solskyad No problem, Saturday is fine. Thanks!
May 26Reply
parisianlights @sonnyangel hi. Sorry I think you tagged the wrong person about the dress.
May 27Reply
shaysselections Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉 I noticed you have a thing for Victoria’s Secret! I just listed a VSX sports bra NWOT size 36C if interested! Hope you are having a beautiful day today 🦋💗 Check out my closet in your free time hopefully you will find something you like 😊
May 28Reply
aclothingwindow Hi Alanna! I just saw you accepted the two offers I sent out yesterday. Thank you!! If you would rather only pay shipping once, I could create a listing including both pieces for you to buy at the discounted price and then cancel your original orders. Just let me know soon! I'm shipping this morning. :)
May 29Reply
clydster You must be a cat lover. too! The Haviannas are soooooo cute, I'm just really pale and yellow is not my color. I'll send them out in the morning. I hope they're PURRfect! Too much cat humor? 🐱🐈❤
Jun 11Reply
tracygarrett Welcome to my closet
Jun 21Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your like ❤️💕
Jul 01Reply
27angie10 Hi! 🤗 I see you liked one of my listings. Please feel free to create a bundle and offer me whatever you feel is fair and, as long as it’s reasonable, I will accept your offer and include a FREE item of your choice with bundles of over 2 items! Have a blessed day! 💕
Jul 01Reply
dawnwilson3 @solskyad hi, I’m on vacation till 12th, I will mail your package when I get home , thank you very much .
Jul 04Reply
crystalkat83 I had to cancel your order because I noticed there is some kind of ink, or something that bleed a little color onto the top. I found a dry cleaner that said she can remove it. The suit is new so I don’t know what or how it happened, but I apologize for the inconvenience. I can’t send it in good consciousness. If you are still interested, you will be the first to know when it is in pristine condition again.
Jul 13Reply
pandada Happy poshing Alanna. Feel free to check out my closet when you have a minute k. Have a wonderful weekend 😘😘☺️
Jul 28Reply
akorbz26 Hi Alanna, welcome! 💕
Aug 03Reply
poshshopstyle hey there! i just started and i'd love if you could visit my page! you can always find cheap and name brand items in my closet :) feel free to make bundles for great discount! happy poshing!
Aug 09Reply
mailllle Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Aug 10Reply
chixxa33 Hello😊and thanks for stopping by.. feel free to browse around and see all my great items in my closet...I offer a discount when you bundle 2 items or more....if you have any questions please feel free to contact me... thanks again 😁
Aug 12Reply
styledbylhei Welcome to Poshmark, beautiful!! Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet as well! I give big discounts on bundles! ♡
Aug 13Reply
glojeanpierce Thanks for checking out my closet. Now is a great time to turn your likes into an offer because I have dropped all my prices and I have a bundle special available: buy any item in closet and get a second item 50% off. 🤗🤗🤗Happy Poshing 🛍️🛍️
Aug 14Reply
ellifritt10 Thanks for the like! I have BOGO FREE on my entire closet! Just add to a bundle and I’ll send you an offer! 💕
Sep 05Reply
ginaarceneaux Hi! I’m shipping out your sweater this morning! I hope you love it:)
Sep 10Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Sep 21Reply
dallaslady01 Thank you, sweetie, that pink nightie is adorable, I will ship it for you, today. Welcome to Poshmark💗💕🌹
Sep 22Reply
willzunikcloset I see u like the Sandals make a offer of $10 and they yours
Sep 25Reply
redbudhollow Hi! Did you like the shorts? 💐
Oct 05Reply
aovintage Check out my closet
Oct 30Reply
open24x7 Thank you for purchasing "best Jeans ever". They will ship tomorrow with a little gift of appreciation.
Nov 02Reply
cornershop_23 Thank you for your likes I am open to offers and bundles. If you bundle 2+ items you will receive a 5% discount plus a private discount from me with $4.99 shipping! Happy Poshing!! ❤️🎉 EVERYTHING under $50 is 2 for $35 or 3 for $45 with $4.99 shipping!
Nov 06Reply
open24x7 I am happy that you liked the jeans. I hope to see you again soon. I always include a little gift with everything I ship so you always get more for your money 😎
Nov 11Reply
jakesheart Hello ☺️💕 Happy Holiday I wanted to come by & day I hope you are having a fabulous time in a Poshmark & I’m having a preXmas sale today & it’s 30% off 3 or more 🌸🌼💕🎁🌸🌼 leaving posh 😊💕! Xoxo Adrienne 💕😊
Nov 13Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, Michael Kors, Hanky Panky, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 18Reply
blackbearrepub Thank you for your purchase...I'll get that shipped asap!☺💕
Nov 19Reply
bkass0308 Hi! I am new to Poshmark & honestly loving it so far! 🤗❤️💕🌸I have TONS of retail experience and awesome deals on my page- I worked for Armani Exchange and Nordstrom for 8 years! I ship all orders same day or next day if later in the evening! Please check out my closet-I offer a discount on bundles! Let me know if you have any questions! Thanks so much!!
Dec 04Reply
inspire_style Hello! Hope your posh experience has been going great 😊 If you'd like to check out my closet, I have brands like PINK, LOFT, Vera Bradley, Lucky Brand, Lilly Pulitzer, Converse, Torrid and more! Happy poshing 🛍️🤗
Feb 07Reply
wbates0806 @solskyad --Hi Alanna! Thanks for your purchase! I am mailing out your PJs today. I have pink or blue, do you have a preference??
Mar 23Reply
freddielou64 Hi Alanna, I'm fairly new to Posh I just stopping by just say hello and wish you the best poshing and lots of blessings
Mar 28Reply
divinetrends Hi, I have a Longchamp Purse that you might be interested in! Check out my closet! 😄🛍
Jun 14Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Alanna!🙋🏻‍♀️This is Alicia. Thanks for following my closet. I’m following you, too!🤗 Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐 Please feel free to Buy, Make Offers OR put ❤️ on your “Likes” and I will Bundle for you & reply with my Lowest Offer! When you Bundle 3+Items from my closet, you Get 20% OFF!🤑🤑🤑BTW, I’m a Posh Ambassador, so ask me any questions!💕
Jul 02Reply
msleslied1 Hope u r enjoying & having fun shopping here while creating new affordable wardrobe items...buying 2-3 things from the same closet (bundling) gives u the savings of only one shipping charge...I’m offering an auto 25% off all bundles..Might want to check it out...thank you, Leslie...Happy Poshing. Have some fab Frye clogs
Jul 14Reply
sbc1955 Hiii There❣️🐱 Your goodies will go out first thing in the morning!! THANKS😉🐈
Jul 16Reply
jojomall Hello doll, It's an honor to meet you‼️Please pop in & check out our closet. We've got all sorts of goodies we'd love to make a deal on from women's clothing, maternity to a huge selection of kids and baby items🥰 New, Newish & Always Worthy Items. We are a Mother & 2 Daughters Fashionistas Closet with 6 Grandchildren so lots of variety👠👠. Feel confident in your purchases with us because we are a top rated seller. We hope your having a really great day‼️ HAPPY POSHING🌈💜.
Jul 20Reply
prelovefiola Hi Alanna❗️My Name is Fiol feel free to visit my closet , if you like something,make me a reasonable offer💛💐🛍
Jul 23Reply
livviesmom213 Hi there! You’re Kat Von D ships out tomorrow morning 😊
Aug 08Reply
livviesmom213 typo
Aug 08Reply
princessthriftz hello lovely! ✨ just wanted to stop in and say id love if you stopped by my closet to check out my listings! let me know if you have any questions beautiful! 💘🌻 happy poshing! 🖤💋
Aug 13Reply
cheyxm Hey girl! I’m so sorry about the late shipment for your blush but it will be shipping out today :)
Aug 15Reply
lilychicago Hi there Alanna! I see you've liked one of my items and I'm hlad you like the look of my closet! Feel free to let me know If you had any questions and don't be scared to make an offer! I always appreciate being able to help buyers add new items to their closet! 💖
Aug 25Reply
marshastyle19 Hi, Alanna! Thanks so much for your interest in my closet @ marshastyle19. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks again.
Aug 26Reply
luvmee40 30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept.  This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Nov 02Reply
fortysecondplac 🍂🍁Thank you for shopping 🛍 my closet, I'll ship your item tomorrow!🍂🍁
Nov 11Reply
fortysecondplac Correction: I'll ship your item on Tuesday...USPS closed Monday!🇺🇸
Nov 11Reply
solskyad @2xaboutique Sounds Great, thank you!!
Nov 11Reply
fortysecondplac 🍂 Thank you very much for the 5🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟s. Please check out my closet whenever you have time. Have a good evening! 🌇
Nov 15Reply
goldengood Thanks for the like! If you are ever interested I always accept reasonable offers. Have a great night
Nov 16Reply
lilychicago Hey there Alanna! Thanks for the purchase! It will be shipped out be Tuesday! 💖
Dec 16Reply
lilychicago Happy delivery day! Whew! We made it! 🎉🥳🎉 Your just-in-time-for-Christmas delivery will arrive today!
Dec 21Reply
lilychicago Happy delivery day! Whew! We made it! 🎉🥳🎉 Your delivery will arrive today! Enjoy the new edition to your wardrobe, be sure to rate it if you love it, and have the most amazing holiday if you celebrate! 🌟
Dec 21Reply
germanpompom Hi Alanna Thanks a bunch for looking into my closet and like 💐💌
Dec 29Reply
rmbrinck Thank you for purchasing the beautiful dress! I will get it shipped out tomorrow. You will love it!
Jan 08Reply
mr_gs Hey there! This is a kindly message. I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items, so I think some of my listings will meet your style. There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me! Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like. All the best for you. :)
Feb 09Reply
gemineyeblu hi.. I apologize I am just seeing that you purchased the skirt from me I will send it out today.
Feb 20Reply
jda13_ Hi! Hope you are having a nice week I just wanted to let you know that I accept any offer so you can check my closet I’m sure there’s going to be something you might like :))
Feb 25Reply
tj_giftshop Hi Gorgous! Thank you for visiting. Please let me know if you have any questions.🛍🌷🎉😘💝 Happy Poshing!🛍🎉🌷😘💝
Mar 12Reply
fashion_nympho Hey love! I’m having a Bogo (buy one get one free) promotion! Just choose two items by adding them to your bundle & then I will send you an offer for both items! Happy Poshing! 🌸💜💜
Mar 22Reply
mhilt0013 Hey, I’m Mary💋 Buying or Selling New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile Best of luck to you✨ Come check out my closet babes😇
Mar 30Reply
rileejessee Hi. My name is Rilee. Please check out my closet, as I have a 5 for $25 bundle going on right now with any pair of shoes or clothes. I also have designer brands on my page such as: Louis Vuitton, Coach, Lululemon, Nike, Adidas, The North Face, American Eagle, Ulta Beauty Makeup, and so much more. Most of my stuff still has TAGS!!! Make an offer because they go quick. Happy poshing🤩💕
May 11Reply
sheilabiddle Hi, if you would like both VS yoga pants bundle both for one low price $25+ shipping.
May 17Reply
08642lisa Hi there I would love it if you could check out my Poshmark💖✨
Jun 10Reply
faithvalido Th anonymous for the Star’s! Have a lovely rest of your week!🌸
Jun 11Reply
faithvalido Wow, autocorrect did a number there. I was saying thank you so much for the ⭐️’s!!!
Jun 11Reply
kensgems hey hun, feel free to check out my closet, I add new things regularly and am always willing to discuss deals!
Jun 13Reply
sheeleyr Thank you so much for stopping by 😊 Lots of Specials 😉 Please feel free to ask any questions thru your bundle. Happy to help if I can 🤗 Have a great day and Happy Poshing.
Jun 21Reply
solianim Thank you for checking out my closet and thank you for your purchase. I will be shipping tomorrow morning. Take care ! And I hope you visit my closet back again soon! Always remember to bundle to save even more.
Jun 28Reply
olibechar2019 hi Alanna thank you for the purchase I just want to let you know that the package was dropped yesterday at the post office . you purchased was done during the weekend and the post office was close Saturday due to the holiday. the label says priority mail 3 day shipping
Jul 07Reply
olibechar2019 Hi Alanna I do not know if you are getting my messages . the package was dropped yesterday . due to the holiday the post office was closed Friday and Saturday . sorry for the inconvenience .
Jul 08Reply
jasmine_hart Greetings and welcome to posh! If you have any questions or would like advice on buying and selling I’d be happy to help :) I’ve also got a ton of different brands like free bird, stone cold fox, Kate spade, Lulu’s, Zara, J crew, Reformation, Alice & Olivia, Anthropologie, Free People, and more if you’d like to check out. Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing :)
Aug 02Reply
new_chicvintage Hi Alanna! Please come visit my closet when you get a chance! I have Levi's, Wrangler's, high waist jeans/shorts, vintage, western, boho and a lot of unique items for men and women. Happy Poshing!
Oct 19Reply
otradiogirl Thank you for your like on the Lacey top! I offer a 20% discount for bundled items of 2 or more. I also accept all reasonable offers! ☺️
Nov 08Reply
eilinaar Thank you for the purchase! I'll ship it out Monday.
Nov 21Reply
robbieschmidt Thanks for liking my top from my closet. Have a great day 😁👚
Nov 22Reply
marshastyle19 Hi, Alanna! Thanks so much for your purchase! I appreciate it & hope you will shop my closet again soon. I am shipping it out today. Thanks again.
Nov 23Reply
brianna_harpin Please accept my order when you can looking to purchase something myself
Dec 06Reply
mama_of_8 Thanks so much for your purchase! I’m taking to the PO this morning !🥰
Jan 25Reply
rosemastellone Hi Alanna, Best of luck on PM, buying/selling, making new contacts and having fun. Enjoy browsing by closets and finding good deals. Inquiries are welcome so let me know if you have concerns. Much success and happy poshing. Stay safe,🌹
Jan 26Reply
shoesandoutfits Hello! We noticed you liked some products elsewhere that we have a much better price on. For the next 48 hours we are offering 20% off any single item or 25% off bundles for a once a year Valentines Day Sale!! Hope you come take a look! We list new SEXY products every day!! Happy Poshing
Feb 10Reply
poshpussycat Hi and thank you for your like and I sent a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
Feb 15Reply
poshpussycat Hi, feel free to make a counter offer on the Victoria's Secret pj set, if my offer was too high, thank you!
Feb 15Reply
jkress7 @solskyad thank you for the top ⭐️ rating! I really appreciate it! And just so you know, my big closet moving/clean-out is in process. I have dropped my prices, but for all offers that come in, I have been reducing them even more and/or reducing shipping! Stop by and see if there might be something else you’re interested in! Don’t hesitate to make me an offer!
Feb 19Reply
tammyserea @solskyad Hello, My name is Tammy and I want to welcome you to Poshmark and say thank you for liking this item. I am from Texas and have been on poshmark for about 7 years and love it. Some of my favorite brands are Ralph Lauren, Fossil, Brighton and Abercrombie. I do accept reasonable offers and please let me know if you have any questions or need any help. I hope you have a wonderful day and Happy Poshing! 🎁🛍👒👗👚👠
Feb 28Reply
littlepeachxo hi i’m having a huge sale! everything is under $10 + discounted shipping! and all bundles are 50% off.
Mar 29Reply
papito1920 Hello Ms.Alanna , Thank you so much for your Purchase, We will take to the Post Office Today. Enjoy your item once received. Hope to see you soon again shopping with us. Thank you again. Have an awesome day from Papito1920-Alma
Apr 09Reply
papito1920 Hello Alanna, Thank you so much for your time and the positive feedback. This is very much appreciated. Enjoy your item. Hope to see soon shopping with us at Papito1920. Thank you again for supporting our small business. Stay Healthy and Safe. Alma
Apr 15Reply
tpollard97 Hi! Thanks for the like! It gets discounted shipping for a few hours with closet clean out , so if interested it’s a good time to purchase! I sent over an offer😊
Jun 06Reply
juliebethf Hi There please check out my closet, if you like something send me an offer, thank you 😊
Jun 18Reply
es_closet55 Thank you so much for your purchase, I’ll mail it this afternoon:) have a nice rest of the day!
Jul 15Reply
petitegrrl Hi, I have your jeans all packaged and ready to go, but we’re under a tropical storm warning and flash flood watch, so it might be delayed a day getting to the post office. I just wanted to let you know! Thanks again for your purchase ♥️
Aug 22Reply
rebabilly05 @solskyad thank you for your purchase sending it out today 💕
Sep 13Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely🌸 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals ! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Happy Poshing ❤️❤️
Dec 07Reply
aminacarmina @solskyad, hi Alanna, I was packaging the coral silk camisole for you when I noticed several little rents that I had never spotted. I suspect they were tiny and unnoticeable when I listed and put the item in storage, and somehow as things shifted around they got bigger. My apologies! This is totally on me, so I will go ahead and cancel the sale. Again I'm so sorry to disappoint.
Jan 30Reply
teenie024 hi! if you're still interested in the items you liked posh is having free shipping for 1 hour only today!
Mar 19Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Dec 24Reply
abbynewtqn hi love! hope ur enjoying ur time on poshmark n having a great night ! i have a lot of y2k, faerie, coquette and hippie pieces listed on my closet! they are from brands like unif, victoria’s secret, urban outfitters, abercrombie & fitch, brandy mellieve, pacsun, forever 21, nike, converse, etc! i’m also having a bogo sale right now, but anything in my closet get free shipping and a 20% discount on anything else you’re interested in! have a great night and thanks for checking me out 🩷🪽
Jul 16Reply
cumbiacar2 Hi! welcome to postmark! This is a great place to find anything you'll need at an incredible affordable price! I hope you visit my closet, I have a little of everything👗👔👜👞👢🩰🛍🩴👒💄💍📿🩳👖. If you like something from ny collection, just bundle ALL your likes, and I can send you a great offer with an extra shipping discount.💰
Nov 01Reply
cumbiacar2 Hi! welcome to postmark! This is a great place to find anything you'll need at an incredible affordable price! I hope you visit my closet, I have a little of everything👗👔👜👞👢🩰🛍🩴👒💄💍📿🩳👖. If you like something from ny collection, just bundle ALL your likes, and I can send you a great offer with an extra shipping discount.💰
Nov 01Reply
obaoba @solskyad Hi, Alanna! I’m Ana. 👋🏼 Please stop by my closet periodically. I list items for women, men, children and also for the house every other week. A free gift is included in every package!🎁
May 26Reply
gracegboutique 💖 🦋🍭🌷 A Special Offer Has Just Been Sent To You On That Great Item That You Liked ! 🤗🛍️ Grace G Boutique @gracegboutique 🦋🍭🌷 💖
Jan 26Reply

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Last Active: Mar 30

Painted Post, NY
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Last Active: Mar 30

Painted Post, NY
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