Meet your Posher, Alexa
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Hi! I'm Alexa. Some of my favorite brands are Aeropostale, American Eagle Outfitters, Brandy Melville, Converse, and Forever 21. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

90 others
like this

Welcome to poshmark love!! let me know if you need any help! hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe even shop as well!!♡🥰
Sep 08Reply

Hey I’m having a HUGE SALE RN🌟 check out my CHEAP CUTE closet w items like BRANDY MELVILLE, PACSUN, F21, LEVI’S, ETC!!🤩you seem like you have a super cute style and these clothes are the best to be cool for school, work, and going out!!🕺🏼just a college cheerleader student and I’m literally just trying to get rid of everything so please help, i do OFFERS/DISCOUNT SHIPPING on bundles & prefer bundles!!☺️☺️LIMITED TIME EXCLUSIVE DEAL SO BUY NOW!🦋
Sep 19Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and love your MCR profile pic
Sep 20Reply

Hey Alexa! Thank you for the like! let me know if interested, if you bundle 2 or more items you get 15% off! HAPPY POSHING
Sep 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for the like. Feel free to make an offer or let me know if you have any questions/if you’re looking for anything else! ☺️
Sep 21Reply

Thank you for the 2 more likes!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Sep 21Reply

Hi Alexa, Thank you for the likes, feel free to bundle any items you like and I will give you a shipping discount 😊.
Sep 21Reply

Hi there - thanks for liking some great items in my closet! If you’d like to create a bundle, I’m happy to make you an offer 😉
Sep 21Reply

@ap1bookworm Thank you for much for the likes!! I just wanted to let you know that if you bundle 3 items in my closet, I’ll give you a 15% discount!
Sep 22Reply

Hi! Thank you for liking my stuff! I currently offer 15% off 2 or more items when you bundle. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions. I’m always happy to help! Wishing you the best of luck on making some great deals😋🌈☺️❤️
Sep 22Reply

Make a bundle from my closet and I will give you free shipping and 10% off
Sep 29Reply

Hi thanks for stopping by my closet. If you make a bundle, I can give you a discount or a freebie. Thanks.
Sep 29Reply

Your picture is so cool!!
Sep 30Reply

Hi, thanks for your "likes" on the MHA Keychain. If you offer $ 7, you take it! Nice day! 🌞
Sep 30Reply

Keychain: MHA, Special Offer! 🛍
If you offer $ 5 and you take it !!
Oct 10Reply

Thanks for all the likes! Let me know if I can help with anything 🥰
Oct 11Reply

Hello! Thank you for all the likes. If you would like to bundle anything together, let me know and we can make a deal!
Oct 11Reply

Love your pic. Very cool!
Oct 11Reply

Hi, welcome to poshmark and thank you for your like on the penguin sweater. If you have any questions please feel free to ask and happy poshing 🌺 🌸
Oct 12Reply

Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet! If you have any questions, please let me know 😊
Oct 12Reply

Hi Alexa. Thanks for visiting my closet and the like. Please let me know if you have any questions. Bundle your likes and make me an offer.
Oct 12Reply

Oct 12Reply

Hi Alexa! 🙋♀️Thanks for stopping by my closet and the like. I just wanted to let you know that I am offering 15% off with bundles of 3 or more and also accepting reasonable offers if you are only interested in 1 item. I am always willing to work with everyones budget. If you turn your likes into a bundle, I can give you a private offer. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy Shopping! And Thank you again! 😊🌸
Oct 12Reply

Hi 🙋♀️Thanks for stopping by my closet and the like. I just wanted to let you know that I am offering 15% off with bundles of 3 or more and also accepting reasonable offers if you are only interested in 1 item. I am always willing to work with everyones budget. If you turn your likes into a bundle, I can give you a private offer. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy Shopping! And Thank you again! 😊🌸
Oct 13Reply

😇 Thank you so much for your support! Whether you recently followed 👣. Or shared an item 🔁. Liked an item ❤.Or you added an item to a bundle 🛍.I truly hope you kome back by & purchase a piece or 2. Each piece is discovered w/ 💛& a fierce passion 4 fashion that fits well & makes us feel great! I kan't wait 2 take a look around your closet & share some items. I wish you the luck of many sales! We are Fashion Family so if you ever need anything, please reach out. 🤩
Oct 14Reply

Hi, Alexa, 🛍🧸
💥 SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOU 💥 "Plushies Chimuelo" $13. Make your offer! Only today!! 🎁🎁
Oct 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😊
Nov 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet. Feel free to ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Nov 08Reply

This profile pic just made my day! 💜 MCR
Nov 08Reply

Hi thanks for the like! If you bundle the leggings with another item you can pick a free item from my free item listing! 💕💕
Nov 08Reply

Hello Alexa, thanks so much for victims my closet. Glad you liked my T-Shirt. I have a few other anime items I will post soon. Keep an eye open. Happy Poshing!
Nov 13Reply

Hey there! I think I may have some items you’ll like, feel free to check out my closet!! 😄
Nov 13Reply

Hello🤩, I hope your enjoying poshmark, you seem super fun and cool so I just wanted to stop by and say I’m having MAJOR discounts so feel free to check out my closet, I have lots of cute clothes and I hope you stop by and see an item you like 👀💗🛍!!!
Nov 19Reply

Hey there! Feel free to check out my closet! I may have some items you might like! All offers considered! :)
Nov 19Reply

Thanks so much for liking my listing! Let me know if you have any questions! 💕
Nov 20Reply

Hi Alexa!🙋 I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have some stylish dresses and skirts from J. CREW, BANANA REPUBLIC, LOFT and more at GREAT PRICES. Feel free to send me an offer if anything catches your eye or you can ‘like’ some items and I will send you a sweet deal :)👗🎂. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great night. ~ Patti (If you like what you see make sure to FOLLOW ME on FB & Insta (mygirlbosslife))💐
Dec 10Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for the like! Just so you know my closet is buy one get one 50% off. Happy poshing!
Dec 17Reply

Anything labeled 🦋 is 4 for $20 in my closet!! Hurry before this offer ends!!
Jan 13Reply

hi! i’ve noticed that we have a similar style and i think that you would like my closet, feel free to check it out!💕 i also have lots of aeropostale, american eagle, and forever 21!
Jan 25Reply

@ap1bookworm hey thanks for the like, you're awesome!! im doing a closet closeout on bundles of 3 or more are up to 50% off. Moving and need to get rid of my stuff asap!! ❤❤
Jan 29Reply

Thank You for the Like; I’ve sent you a Private Offer 🥰
Jan 30Reply

Thank You for the Likes ☺️. I’ve sent you Private Offers 😊
Feb 01Reply

Thank you for the likes ❤️ please consider our special offer price 💰 we are also paying part of the shipping price 📦 this is a time sensitive offer 🕰
Feb 02Reply

thanks for visiting my closet ! I hope to see you back ❤
Feb 06Reply

Wishing you much success and fun Poshing 🛍📦📬
Feb 07Reply

hey !!
noticed you liked an item!
If you're interested, bundle 3 or more items to get 30% off!!🤗💓
Feb 10Reply

Sorry but I just have to say I LOVE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE 😍😍😍 Gerard way ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 14Reply

Hi Alexa! It’s great to meet you!💝
Feb 14Reply

@ap1bookworm Hello thanks for the like on the top.. I made you an excellent offer plus reduced shipping fees..If you're interested in this I will ship it out first thing tomorrow morning..Hope to hear from you soon and thanks for checking out my closet. Crissy 😊
Feb 14Reply

Feel free to make an offer 😊 I’m accepting all offers
Feb 17Reply

Hi Alexa! I noticed you liked an item in my closet, thank you for that!! I will send you an offer but I wanted to make you aware that I have a BOGO-Free sale going on. So if you get a chance please visit my closet, you may find some other items you like and get for Free and save on bundle shipping. Thank you again for the like and Happy Poshing!!💜🎉🤩
Feb 18Reply

Hi, I’m Christina. Welcome to the Poshmark Community! This is a GREAT platform for buying and selling all sorts of fashion, while getting to meet some really nice people. It’s a WIN-WIN! Don’t forget to SHARE and FOLLOW your fellow Poshers and you too will receive the same LOVE! Please let me know if you have any questions or need help navigating your new hobby. Have fun and Happy Poshing 😉🛍
Feb 19Reply

Hi- I’ll offer you a great price on all 4 of my pieces that you liked if you are interested
Feb 19Reply

Hi Alexa. Thanks for the likes. You can bundle, make an offer and save🙂
Feb 19Reply

🌟🌟Hi @ap1bookworm thanks for the 💖 on the NWT American Eagle top. Just wanted to let you know that I've sent you an offer with discounted shipping. I ship fast, either same day or the next business day. If you have any questions please let me know, I'm happy to help. Happy Poshing🌟🌟
Feb 20Reply

🎉Hi Alexa 🛍I’m Susan, 5 Star Rated Seller & Posh Ambassador. I want you to feel completely confident my closet for new designer items from Michael KORS, Free People, Anne Klein, Coach, Handcrafted Sterling Silver Earrings & more!🌟I’ve personally shop from top retailers only, as well as items from my own smoke free closet. Each item is top quality & authentic 🎉
Feb 20Reply

Hi Alexa, your artwork is awesome, great detail. thanks for the like in my closet. The blouse is so cute. I do offer any 2 for $12.50, with discount shipping. Just saying!!
Feb 22Reply

welcome 2 Poshmark 🙋 thanks 4 liking an item from my closet 🛍 im very flexible on pricing and i luv offers... so if ur interested feel free 2 make an offer on anything anytime 😀 happy poshing!
Feb 25Reply

Thanks for the ❤ of this pretty dress. Right now, I am having a Spring Sale. A 3/$25 sale or Buy 2 get 1 FREE on all items over $18. This dress is included in the 3/$25 sale. Feel free to check out my closet to take advantage of this great deal. Place 3 items that have a 🌺🌺 in a bundle, make an offer of $25, and I will accept. With bundling, you will also save on shipping. Help me clean out my closet. All purchases over $75 will get free shipping on either sale.
Feb 29Reply

Hiiii!! I’m listing some American Eagle, Loft, and H&M! Feel free to check out my closet and do some shopping! I love when people give me offers and bundles!
Feb 29Reply

Hi Alexa 👋 Thank you for stopping by my closet. I see that you liked the Broadway book. Thanks for the Posh love 🙏❤️. I offer 15% off bundles of 2. I’m running a March sale with many items listed 3 for $15 and a few at $15 Sale. Happy Poshing! 💖
Mar 05Reply

Mar 05Reply

Thanks for the likes! Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to make offers! Happy Poshing! 🛍
Mar 06Reply

Just lowered all my prices, I would like to invite you to come check it out!
Mar 08Reply

Hi 👋 Alexa
Happy Poshin 🤗
Mar 11Reply

I welcome offers!
Mar 11Reply

welcome to poshmark :) feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions! Happy poshing!!
Mar 12Reply

Hi!! Welcome to my closet! Feel free to look around and ask me any questions. My prices are super low, so it pays to bundle and save. I’m always adding new items, so come back and visit often! Follow me @pinkystorel
You get automatically 15 % when you add 2 iteams to your cart. When you add 3 iteams to you cart send me a message and I will give you free shipping. Thank you! 🍃🌸🍃
Mar 18Reply

Hi Alexa. thank you for the like!
Mar 18Reply

Hey there! feel free to make offers and bundles on anything in my closet! I give good deals! 🌹🌷🌷🥿
Mar 20Reply

Love, love, love your Posher Tile!!! You are Poshin' it!!
Mar 25Reply

Hello! I am having a closet sale of buy 2 get 1 free, buy 3 get 2 free, and buy 5 get 3 free! I am closing down my closet soon and could use some help getting rid of my items! Take a look to see if there is anything you like! Wishing your closet much luck and many sales!😊🛍🍀
Mar 27Reply

Thank you for the like on the Rock n REPUBLIC SHIRT feel free to make me an offer I consider all reasonable offers stop by my Closet anytime and Happy Poshing
Mar 29Reply

Thanks for checking out our closet Alexa!
Mar 29Reply

Thanks for the like on my shirt. Feel free to make an offer if you are interested.
Mar 30Reply

Hey, I’m Mary💋
Buying or Selling
New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile
Best of luck to you✨
Come check out my SALE babes😇
Apr 01Reply

Hello. Thanks for stopping by my closet. 💞🙂
Apr 01Reply

Hi Alexa, thank you so much for all the likes! I absolutely LOVE offers. If you are interested in any of them please don’t hesitate, or I can create you a bundle for all of them. Just let me know 💙
Apr 02Reply

thank you for visiting my closet and liking the skirt. 15% off bundles. have a great day and stay healthy and safe
Apr 02Reply

Thanks so much for the like! Feel free to take a look at the rest of my closet to see if there is anything that is of interest to you! If there is more, I LOVE to give bundle discounts to my customers! 🤗💜 Let me know if you have any questions! ☀️
Apr 03Reply

Hey send me an offer!
Apr 03Reply

Hi and thank you for your like and I sent a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
Apr 03Reply

Thanks for liking my listing. Add it to a bundle with anything else and I’m happy to offer you a discount. I’ll be adding more items to my closet later this week.
Apr 05Reply

Hi Alexa! I sent you an offer on the pretty dress😊
Apr 05Reply

Hi! Thanks for the like! I left an offer for you. Feel free to counter. I can ship it fast! 🙂
Apr 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💗💗 Hope all your fashion dreams come true!
Apr 08Reply

Hi Alexa! Thanks for liking my Vampire 1950 Twin set!🤗💕
Apr 08Reply

hiiii thank you so much for checking out my closet!! if there’s anything you’re interested in let me know so i can get that out to you ASAP!! offers are welcome!! 💗 happy poshing!!
Apr 09Reply

Blessings on liking pants listing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Apr 09Reply

Alexa beautiful pictures wishing you health happiness and prosperity. Enjoy 50% off your next purchase of $50 or more.( free shipping for $25 purchase) Expires 4/29/20.checkout the Poshmark videos on YouTube ,they are helpful in helping you to expand your business. l also wholesale purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 ,minimum purchase of $100.
Apr 09Reply

Good afternoon, Alexa!🌞 Thank you for stopping by my closet and ❤liking❤ the vintage Liz sweater, I have sent you an offer. I also do 25% off bundles of 3 and accept reasonable offers. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help! Thnx again and have a Blessed day!!!🙂
Apr 09Reply

Hi 👋 Feel free to browse and shop my closet anytime! Bundle with 2 or more items for a 10% discount :) Offers and counteroffers accepted!
Apr 09Reply

Hi Alexa
Thanks a bunch for looking into my closet and like 💐💌
Apr 10Reply

Hello Alexa! How r u? Are you the great artist that did the painting in your profile? Thank you for liking the gorgeous B. Makowsky bag! It's a pretty color chocolate brown and buttery soft! Please feel free to bundle it with another item for a 20% discount or make me an offer - I accept most! Stay safe and have a good weekend.
Apr 11Reply

Hi thank for your like fast shipping let me know if you have any question
Apr 13Reply

Hi! Thank you for stopping by and for your like 😁 I’m doing half off on bundles of 2 or more
Apr 13Reply

🙋 thanks 4 liking an item from my closet 🛍 i specifically carry brands like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Banana Republic, Guess, and Ralph Lauren. im very flexible on pricing and i luv offers... so if ur interested feel free 2 make me an offer 😀 happy poshing!
Apr 14Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I have a bundle sale going on 5 $10 items for $20. The item that you liked is part of that sale! If you like 5 items, I can create a bundle for you and send you an offer! I am a 5 Star Seller and fast shipper! I hope you have a great day!
Apr 14Reply

Hi and thank you for your like and I sent a nice offer back with discounted shipping!
Apr 14Reply

Hi, thx for Stopping by if you’re interested.. send me an offer. Happy Poshing!
Apr 14Reply

Thanks for the like 😁 Bundle 3 or more items and save 20% 💸 Go ahead and make me an offer 😊
Apr 15Reply

@ap1bookworm Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you like sharing with all of us. I can’t wait to see what your closet will have! I wish you many sales! 🛍👔👗💼👠👜👞😊
Apr 15Reply

Hey Alexa. If you bundle all, im willing to offer you a reasonable sale? Let me know whenever. Have a good day!
Apr 15Reply

Hi Kimberly !!
Just wanted to reach out & let you know that the Old Navy Top, Old Navy Leggings Bundle , and American Eagle top you liked, are now included in my 3/$20 sale!! That would be a total of $12 savings! I’ve added some goodies ❣️❣️
Apr 16Reply

* Alexa 😂 idk what my phone is doing
Apr 16Reply

Thank you so much for checking out my closet!! If there’s anything you’re interested in please let me know, offers are also available! Thanks again ❤️
Apr 18Reply

Hi! I have some LulaRoe items you might like!
Apr 19Reply

Hey! If you get a minute come check out my closet:)
Apr 20Reply

Hey! I saw you dropped a like on my listing for converse sneakers and if you’re still interested, I would 100% make a deal with you. Just make an offer or let me know! Thanks
Apr 23Reply

Hi there thank you for stopping by my closet😊 I’m taking reasonable offers if your interested in anything. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you💕
Apr 23Reply

hey! i love you mcr profile pic! i hope you decide to get the mcr shirt i have listed (:
Apr 24Reply

Thanks for the like! I'm currently having a buy one, get one sale on my entire closet with discounted shipping! If you're interested just make a bundle and I'll send an offer! 🤗
Apr 24Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 24Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark, thanks for visit my closet 😊
Apr 27Reply

hey, please check out my closet!! 🌷
Apr 27Reply

thanks for liking the hot topic beanie
Apr 28Reply

Hi! I saw you liked my professional fan girl sweater, and I wanted to let you know that I am dropping the price for whomever comments on the sweater first! Have a great day ! 😊❤️
Apr 28Reply

Hi, THANKS for your❤️ I’m always having 20%off 2+ items! Please stop by my closet as I’m adding new items all the time! Make a bundle to save on shipping! Happy Poshing 😘
Apr 28Reply

@ap1bookworm hello, Thank you for the like! Feel free to look around and make an offer or a bundle. There are three other Loft tank tops in a size large that fit almost the same as the medium. Make an offer if you’re interested! Thanks!
Apr 28Reply

Hi, I saw that you liked one of my items (garage long black bandeau) were you interested in purchasing?
Apr 28Reply

Welcome to posh! It’s soo much fun! Thanks for the like! Happy to negotiate ♥️
May 03Reply

Hey girl! I’m selling a really similar urban outfitters flannel to the one you liked and I’m accepting any offers! Feel free to take a look and send one over :)
May 04Reply

Hello, thanks for the likes. Feel free to send me offer or bundle for discount. Happy poshing :)
May 05Reply

hey fellow posher I seen you like a pic on my closet thank you feel free to make a offer or create a bundle
May 05Reply

Hi Alexa, I noticed you liked one of my items. I'm doing a moving sale and want to get rid of all my items. I'm open for bundle and offers.
May 05Reply

Hi! I’m having a 5 for $25 sale if you’re interested! I can also do 4 for $20, 3 for $15, or on some items 2 for $10! Let me know. If you’re only interested in the sweater, send me an offer and I’ll see what I can do
May 05Reply

Hey girl! I saw that you liked my black and white striped palazzo pants. I was wondering if you were interested in buying send me offer :-)
May 05Reply

Hey love your profile pic! And everything in my closet has to go so remember to stop by and make a offer
May 08Reply

Hello! Thank you for your interest in the sweater! Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you! 😃
May 10Reply

Hello! Thank you for your interest in the sweater top! Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you! 😄
May 10Reply

Hey girl! I’m selling a really similar green chenille sweater as the one you liked, and mine is also in the same size(mine is from urban outfitters)! Mine is also cheaper, and if you’d like to send an offer I’d accept right away ❣️
May 10Reply

Hi Alexa
Lovely seeing you again 💚 many thanks for your likes 💞
May 11Reply

Hi ! Thanks for liking the red sweater ! I accept reasonable offers!
May 12Reply

Hi. Thanks for like on blue silky shirt. It looks great with a pair if jeans ,shorts, or even a skirt. Can offer a discounted if interested. Stay well!
May 13Reply

Hi Alexa, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the Jolt camo & roses jacket. I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for it 😁
May 13Reply

Hi Alexa! I would love it if you could come check out my closet, I have lots of cute clothing. Have a great day!
May 13Reply

hello, i noticed you liked the shorts from my closet!! everything is 10% off and if you would like the price to go down please make an offer!!! shipping will be fast!! thnx for stopping by!!!
May 14Reply

Hey Alexa 🙋🏻♀️ I want to introduce My closet @Rosepetals3 to you! I have styles for everyone: Women, Men, and Kids. I love offers, and give major discounts on bundles+ Free Shipping🛍Check it out- I may have what you are looking for! ✨I hope to hear from you soon!🌹
May 15Reply

Hey love thank you for checking out my closet✨If you make a bundle of 3 things I can give them to you for $15
May 15Reply

Thank you for liking my item. If you bundle two or more items from my closet. I'll give you a private discount. Happy Poshing 😊
May 15Reply

Hey there!!! 😁 In my closet I have over a 100 items marked down to $7.00 🙆🏻♀️ 3+ items gets $4.99 shipping!!!
May 16Reply

Party Poison 😍😍😍
May 16Reply

Hi Alexa! It’s great to meet you!👍🏻🥰👍🏻
May 16Reply

Hi there ! Are you still interested in the beanies ?
May 17Reply

hey i’m emma! i would love it if you would check out my closet! 💕💕 willing to lower prices on everything!
May 18Reply

Hi! I’d love for you to checkout my closet. I carry lots of brands like Brandy Melville, Aritizia, Free People Lululemon, etc. I try to post a new piece at least once a day and accept most offers. if you make a bundle ill give you a great discount :)
May 18Reply

@ap1bookworm..Hi check out my bookstore.
May 19Reply

Hey queen you are a queen 💕! Come shop in my closet💚. Make a bundle of items and I’ll offer. Or you can make an offer and I’ll accept❤️!
May 20Reply

thanks for the follow love :) check out my closet for some pre loved summer clothes 😁
May 20Reply

hey thanks for the💓 feel free to check out my closet 💓💓💓💓😀
May 25Reply

thanks for the like!💗
May 26Reply

Hey love thanks for the like! Feel free to make an offer or create a bundle for a great deal!❤️✨
May 26Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
May 27Reply

Hi Alexa! Thank you for the like on the pj pants. Let me know if you have any questions and if you create a bundle with more than 1 item I will send you a special offer!
May 30Reply

hi! thanks for liking my clothes! I just want all of these clothes gone, so if you bundle I can give you the extra clothes for almost free😂
Jun 04Reply

Thanks for the ❤like! Happy Poshing!😀💄💍👗👠👜💰
Jun 06Reply

Thanks for liking my top. Feel free to make an offer if you are interested.
Jun 06Reply

Alexa I’m having a June Sale of 30% off 3 or more items with shipping discounts... I see you liked quite a few items...Happy Poshing 🍋💚🍋 Luckylemon. Aka Celeste
Jun 08Reply

Hey there If you bundle the 2 items you liked I can make you a discounted offer ;)
Jun 08Reply

Hey Alexa, hope you’re doing well :) Feel free to check out my closet💛
Jun 08Reply

Hi Alexa! Thank you for stopping by my closet and for the like! Bundle any 3 items and save 10%. Please let me know if I can help answer any questions . Thanks again!🤗
Jun 09Reply

Hi there! I’m selling a very similar striped short sleeve sweater to the one you liked but for less! I’m happy to accept an offer from you, so please send one over if you’d be interested 💕
Jun 10Reply

Hello! Welcome to Poshmark, I hope you can check out my closet. I'm running a sale and all items except my VS products are 3/$25! Come check it out. I will also review any offers made on my items as well!
Jun 12Reply

Feel free to buy shirt or send offer ❤️☄️
Jun 13Reply

hi there! I’m selling a super similar striped top from Zara to the one you liked :) I’m selling it for less and I’d also be happy to accept an offer from you on it!
Jun 14Reply

Hi! Thank you for liking the my chemical romance sweater!! Feel free to drop an offer or ask a question on it, if you’d like!☺️Im happy to help out!
Jun 16Reply

Welcome! :-D
Jun 16Reply

Thank you for liking my clothes. If you want to start making a bundle. I’ll give you a better deal. If you get 3 or more items that have 5/$25 or are $8 or less you can take each one for $5 dollars. 😀
Jun 18Reply

Love your profile pic!!
Jun 22Reply

thank you for visiting my page and liking one of my items! feel free to make offers, I am trying to clear everything out! have a good day <3
Jun 24Reply

Hi! Thank you for following me and checking out my closet! Feel free to add liked items to a bundle and I can offer you a discount! Have a great day!
Jun 25Reply

Hi, I noticed you Like many of my items, please Bundle so I can send you a discount on the price and shipping. Thx
Jun 25Reply

Hi! I discounted the jeans you like 20% and reduced the shipping cost if you’re interested. Have a great evening!
Jun 25Reply

hey girl! if you like that AE top, I can give it to you for 7 and 4.99 shipping! hope you're having the best day 🙏💕
Jun 27Reply

thanks 4 liking an item from my closet 🛍 im very flexible on pricing also a super fast shipper... so if ur interested plz feel free 2 Buy @ List Price and get (free 🎁 item) or Make Me an Offer anytime😀 happy poshing!
Jun 28Reply

Hi there Alexa!! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet 😊
Jun 29Reply

Thank you for visiting my shop🖤
Jul 01Reply

Hi! Thank you for checking out my closet! Let me know if you are interested in anything✨ I am totally willing to negotiate ❤️
Jul 01Reply

welcome to poshmark! feel free to check out my closet! I am open to offers!😁🎉🎊
Jul 02Reply

hi! i saw you liked one of my listings, i accept all reasonable offers, let me know if you’re interested in purchasing :)
Jul 03Reply

Thank you for the like I can discount items and do big discounts for bundles just let me know what price you are comfortable with and I will lower its price!!😊
Jul 04Reply

Hi! Are you interested in my shoes?
Jul 04Reply

Hi please see offer I just sent you for the tops
Jul 07Reply

Pick 💕5/$15 closet clearance!!
Jul 08Reply

hi! i saw that you recently liked some pieces from my closet and wanted to let you know that my entire closet is having a buy one get one 50% off sale! have a great day!❤️🌸
Jul 09Reply

Hi, I saw that you recently liked my listing. Feel free to ask any questions you would like. I am open to offers. If you would like to bundle any other listings in my closet let me know. Have a great day!
Jul 11Reply

Thanks for liking my listing! I’m taking 20% off bundle purchases and am having a red heart sale (any listing with a ❤️ is 5/$25!) come check it out!
Jul 12Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark, my name is Kelliann and I am a Posh Ambassador. This is a great site once you’ve figured it out! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help. A lot of your questions can be answered in either FAQ or Your Guide to Poshmark; both of these can be found in the @yourusername section, bottom right corner of the screen on the main page. Good luck and Happy Poshing! 💜
Jul 13Reply

Hi Alexa!
I noticed you like a lot of things in my closet and I wanted to thank you for stopping by :)
If you add items to your bundle, I will offer you an extra discount!
Jul 13Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Jul 15Reply

Hi! It’d be awesome if you could check out my closet to see if there’s anything you like!
Jul 16Reply

💙 items 3/20 in my closet. Great deal and great items. Check it out. Much appreciated!
Jul 19Reply

Hi! I saw you liked one of my listings! If you have any questions feel free to ask! I’m also open to offers/negotiation. If anything, happy poshing! 😊💕
Jul 21Reply

Make me an offer ! I’m willing to negotiate !
Jul 21Reply

Alexa, writhing is on sale and accepting all offers r😊🥰
Jul 21Reply

Hey thanks for the like! I have tons of great items in my closet right now. Feel free to check out my bio for any deals and free items I have when you bundle!
🌟2/$40 jeans
🌟10% off 4 items
Thanks 😄
Jul 21Reply

thanks for the likes! i’m open to discounting bundles and any offers if you’re interested!
Jul 21Reply

Hi Alexa, thanks for your like, great choice! Please feel free to bundle with other item to save, or make me an offer.
Jul 22Reply

welcome to Poshmark 💜
Jul 22Reply

Hey! Just saw that you had liked one of my listings! Doing an amazing deal! Put three or more items in your bundle and you will receive $4.99 shipping. All of my prices are extremely low! Happy poshing!😘
Jul 23Reply

Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet! if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! ☺
Jul 23Reply

Welcome to poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet if you’re interested. Thanks, good luck poshing! :)
Jul 25Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for liking the Floral dress. If you’re interested, I can do $4.99 shipping on the app M3RC*R1. Have a nice day❤️
Jul 26Reply

thanks for the like love!🤍 hope your staying safe. Feel free to add anything you like from my closet to a bundle for a huge discount
Jul 29Reply

Hi Alexa - I’m glad you spotted something that you like in my closet! 🤗 So you know I offer 15% off bundles and I’m currently holding a summer sale - 20% off bundles including a ☀️ item (including the shorts you like!). I also accept reasonable offers, so please feel free to browse and let me know if there’s anything I can help you with 💕
Jul 30Reply

Hi Alexa! Thanks for the like on my AE sweater! Accepting most offers 💜
Aug 03Reply

Hi Alexa. I’m a Poshmark ambassador and welcome to my community. I’m a complete fashionista!!! I used to work in television and Internet Media. I then adopted two daughters and started a Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets Of fabulous clothes, most still with tags on them. So shop, Bundle and save, safely from your home, and if you go out....wear a mask😃😃😃😃😷😷😷😷
Aug 04Reply

I love your closet. its got some real kick to it . if you'd be so kind, could you take a look at mine and also look at my YouTube channel called doc at the barn Snyder.
pleased look at it and subscribe . it has been designed to help us all in the same business . I thank you very much and again don't forget to subscribe . Happy poshering !
Aug 05Reply

hey there! just wanted to stop by and let you know that you might be interested in some items on my page including an LA Hearts Vest size Medium! Feel free to make me an offer :)
Aug 08Reply

Thank you for all the likes! If you bundle them up I can give you a discount and you can save on shipping!😎
Aug 14Reply

Heyy!! Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to check out my closet I have items from Victoria Secret, Aerie, Cupshe, Aeropostale and many other brands. Happy poshing😊
Aug 14Reply

Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have some super cute American Eagle shorts I think you would love! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕🌺
Aug 17Reply

Hey Alexa!💕 If you are interested, I have a moving sale over at my closet on items that will only be up for a limited time! I accept offers on anything you are interested in ☺️ happy poshing!! 🦋🦋
Aug 18Reply

Hi! I’m trying super hard to clear out my closet, I would really appreciate it if you could check out my clothes! Feel free to make offers or bundles! Thanks(:
Aug 22Reply

@ap1bookworm Hi Beautiful😃💐I’m Esther☺️Nice to meet you🤲🏻💓🤝If you have any questions or need assistance just let me know the fun begin🤲🏻😉I also extend a cordial invitation to my closet will be very happy to receive your visit🙌🏻If you like something from my Closet, pressing the bottom OFFER🤝or Just ask me! 😄EVERYTHING has an offer!unless it says firm price, we can negotiate in a bundle!👍🏻
All my item are being stored in a clean and sanitized before shipment😷
😃Happy Poshing 🛍Happy Discount👛
Aug 24Reply

Hi there Alexa!! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet 😊 If you like anything, please keep in mind that I usually accept all offers💕
Sep 10Reply

Hi! I would love if you could check out my closet. All offers welcomed, and I'm currently having a sale! Hope you have a great day❤️
Sep 16Reply

Hi Alexa! I noticed that some of the brands you follow I have in my closet. Feel free to stop by and check it out. I’m always open to offers and bundles. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing!
Sep 27Reply

Hello Love 💖 I would like to welcome you to Feel free & take a look at my closet. I am moving soon & all must go. I have many items for low prices 💖✨ Happy Poshing ✨
Oct 05Reply

Hello, my name is Sara I wanted to invite you to check out my closet I have many items at great prices.Dont like a price shoot me an offer I'm very flexible. Sending you Good Vibes 😊 Stay safe.
Oct 12Reply

Hello) How are you?
I would like to invite you to visit my wardrobe)
May be you will find there something interesting)
Thank you!
Hope to hear you soon 😉
Oct 16Reply

hey gorgeous !! come check out my closet !! i saw you’ve been interested in items like the ones i have in my closet !! i have brands like american eagle, nike, forever 21, pacsun, VS pink, etc. feel free to send me offers on anything you like !! i also have a 3 for $20 sale going on. anything marked with “3 for $20” can be added to a bundle and no matter how much the total is, i will give it to you for $20 !! have a great day🤍🦋✨
Oct 20Reply

Hi! I came across your profile and think you might be interested in some things I’m selling. Look through my page, bundle things up, and make an offer ☺️
Oct 23Reply

Hi! I’m trying to close my posh so I have a 3/25 on dresses 15 and under and 5/25 on tops 10 and under please check it out!
Dec 12Reply

Hi alexa❤️ check out my closet if you would like I have those brands✨
Jan 22Reply
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