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Updated Feb 02
Updated Feb 02

Meet your Posher, Alexandra

Meet the Posher



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Two parts whimsy, one part woe. A real treat.
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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katzkoz Hi & Welcome to Posh! It's a very supportive & social community and if U have questions there's always a Posher to help U. Or... ...visit my closet & I'd be happy to help U. More questions? On anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me🌟
Dec 05Reply
mmdell11 Hi! I hope you are having a good day! K wanted to let you know I'm having a clear out closet sale if you are interested! & a 3 for $20 (or less) sale on certain items as well!! Feel free to check it out! I'm very open to shares, bundles and offers! Happy poshing ❤️
Dec 06Reply
bellefrancy PoshGreeting Welcome to Poshmark 💐💐💐I wish you all the best here making great sales💵💵💵..the community here is amazing..I’ll be happy to help if you have any question and don’t forget to Follow, like, comment and share other poshers’ listings Good Luck and Happy Poshing 😉 🌸FRANCY🌸
Dec 06Reply
sherlee21 Welcome to poshmark! This is a great community to be apart of. I have a 5 star seller rating. If you have any questions just ask or tag me. Feel free to check out my closet and follow me. I enjoy sharing other posher listings on posh as well. Bundle to save and offers welcomed 💗💗 Happy posting ☀️Wishing you much success on poshmark 😍
Dec 07Reply
redpianistsclst Thank you so much for your shares!! I greatly appreciate it 🌷. Happy Poshing!!
Dec 28Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there! 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jan 30Reply
2muchstuff3691 Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you’ll check out my closet and give me a follow 😘💕❤️
Mar 09Reply
elmarnel Thank you for your purchase! I'll get it out in tomorrow's mail!
Dec 01Reply
cheappineapple Hi! Still interested in the Mongolian jacket
Dec 13Reply
dazemarie Hello! For the holidays I want to offer you 40% off any item in my closet! Just bundle it and I will apply the discount. I will ship out the next morning. Happy holidays and happy poshing!
Dec 19Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Mar 28Reply
scanner5 Hi there. Wanted to let you know your “bundle” is coming from 2 locations- my daughter is shipping the sweater from Boston and I sent the rest from Detroit and paid for the shipping...I’m scared that the postal store shoved the 3 items into a smaller mailer so I want to apologize if that is the case...I had to pay a hefty fee for this - stay safe...
Apr 21Reply
daphneandmillie @scanner5 No worries, thanks for letting me know. I actually had to do the same recently on a bundle I sold. Thank you!
Apr 21Reply
lilmb3 you're a doll! thanks for the shares!
Apr 25Reply
daphneandmillie @lilmb3 Right back atcha. 😉
Apr 25Reply
katsklozetz Your closet is gorgeous !!
May 31Reply
daphneandmillie @katsklozetz Aww, thanks so much! That's kind of you to say. I'll be shipping out your order today. Be well. 😘
Jun 01Reply
katsklozetz @daphneandmillie Thank you ! I’m excited about them. Blessings for happiness and good health!
Jun 01Reply
bboopers54 Thank you so much for all of your shares very much appreciated. Wishing you and your family stay safe and healthy.
Jul 30Reply
beclassybebold I live your items!👏👏♥️😃 Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Dec 10Reply
popupshopnc So many cute things in your closet!
Dec 10Reply
daphneandmillie @popupshopnc Thank you, and ditto re: your closet! 😘
Dec 10Reply
meloco5 Congratulations on co-hosting a party! 🎉 If you’re looking for host picks, I’d be delighted if you consider something from my closet. 🦚 Happy poshing! 🦚
May 24Reply
deals2adore @daphneandmillie congrats on hosting tomorrows Sweaters and Tops Party. If you are still looking for host picks, I would appreciate any of my tops/sweaters being considered for host pick. 🌻 Thank you @deals2adore
May 24Reply
relli_2628 Hi and congrats on hosting! I hope you will check out my closet for a host pick. Thanks and have fun hosting. Wishing you many sales.🌸🌼
May 24Reply
grandview_shop Hello and congrats on co-hosting "The Best in Sweaters & Tops" tomorrow. I have some amazing items that might be a fit for a host pic. Please stop by and take a look! Have a great day!
May 24Reply
karlensclassics @daphneandmillie Hi Alexandra, love your closet! Congratulations on hosting the Best in Sweaters & Tops Posh Party. I'll be there, I just listed a few new items this week that fit the category. I hope you have fun, and make many new sales and followers. Happy Poshing! 🥂
May 24Reply
boggy_style Hi @daphneandmillie, congrats on hosting tomorrow’s “sweaters & tops” party! 🎉 I’d be honored if you would consider a host pick from my closet. 👚 Thanks so much for the consideration, see you at the party! 🤗💐💃
May 24Reply
chateaulux 🌴Congratulations on Hosting The Sweaters and Tops Party! I have lots of NWT sweaters & tops in many sizes to choose from. Please consider a Host Pick from my closet. Thank You for your consideration!🌴
May 24Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest
May 25Reply
cscape9 Thank you for hosting today’s party. Please feel free to check out my closet. Again thank you and have a great day.
May 25Reply
inspiredmmvibes 🌅Hi and congratulations on your BEST IN SWEATERS AND TOPS POSH PARTY !🧡❤️🧡🌟 Wish you the best of times in this party and speedy sales💫💫💫if you have time to look at my closet and consider a Host Pick from it, I will be so grateful ❣️Thanks and have fun !!!🌈🎉🤗🎉 @inspiredmmvibes
May 25Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳🙏
Jun 13Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Trending Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. My closet includes Aerie, Aeropostale, American Eagle Outfitters, Anthropologie, BCBGeneration, BDG, Boohoo, Brandy Melville. Charlotte Russe, F21, Francesca’s Collection, Free People, Garage, H&M, Hollister, Kendall & Kylie, Lucky Brand, Mudd, PINK, Rampage, Shein, Tobi, Triangl, Urban Outfitters, Victoria’s Secret, Wet Seal & Zaful. Thanks for considering.
Jun 13Reply
chateaulux 🌴Congratulations on Hosting The Trending Party! I feature several of these brands including, Free People, For Love And Lemons, VS and Vans. Please consider a Host Pick from my closet. Thank You for your consideration!🌴
Jun 13Reply
thisgirlmarlo Hi! Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s brand party! Drop by on your hunt for trending labels! ⚡️👚⚡️
Jun 13Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Jun 21Reply
jungae30 Hello posh neighbor, I made offer last night and hopefully you see this message I post. it will be nice if you have time to send out tomorrow. Thank you
Jul 23Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳🙏
Nov 18Reply
vmjohnson95 Hi and congrats on hosting! If you have time to look at my closet I'd be so honored! Thanks and have fun!
Nov 18Reply
slgkali1 @daphneandmillie 🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎 🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃 Woohoo!! Congrats on Co-Hosting A Party!! 🎉🎊🥳🎉🎊🥳🎉🎊🥳 Wishing You the Best of Luck ! 🤎🍀🤎🍀🤎🍀🤎🍀🤎 🦃🤎🦃🤎🦃🤎🦃🤎🦃 If you have the time & haven't found all of your Host picks, I'd love it you You have the time to check out my Closet for a possible Host Pick. 🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎🧡🤎 In the meantime I'll be right there rooting you on ! 🦃🤎🦃🤎🦃🤎🦃🤎🦃 🍀 Best of Luck !🍀 🦃🤎🦃🤎🦃🤎🦃 🤎~Hearts & Giggles~🤎 🧡~Happy Poshing~🧡 ~🦃Shari🦃~ 🦃🧡🦃
Nov 18Reply
relli_2628 Hi there and congrats on hosting! I hope you will check out my closet for a host pick. Thanks and have fun hosting. Wishing you many sales.🌸🌼
Nov 18Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Nov 19Reply
tribecca10q @daphneandmillie 🎊🎊🎊Many, many, MANY CONGRATS on what is sure to be a FABulous time co-hosting the upcoming party!!!🎊🎊🎊 Feel free to check out my closet if you have a chance!!! 😇😇😇 Fingers crossed that you see something you can pick for the party!!! 🤗💝💎👠🎁😁 Your closet is FABulous, btw. 😍😍😍 I just shared 50 of your amAHHHzing items and have TONS of qualifying items for this party! 💘💞💖💕💓
Nov 19Reply
ditooshop @daphneandmillie Congratulations on cohosting today's Winter Warm Up Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Nov 19Reply
dressscore Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! - Audrey
Nov 19Reply
lechateaugris Hi there…🦋🦋I see you are hosting a posh party today! 🛍🛍Congratulations on being selected as a host! I would love it if you would take a peek at my closet for consideration… TY…🌸🌸
Nov 19Reply
boggy_style Hi Alexandra, congrats on hosting tonight’s “Winter Warm-Up” party! 🎉 If you’re still looking for host picks, I’d be honored if you would consider one from my Posh-compliant closet. I just listed a bunch of new items that are perfect for holiday parties and other winter fun. ❄️🎄🧣Thank you for your consideration, see you at the party! 🤗💐💃🏻
Nov 19Reply
tiffanyl01 @daphneandmillie 🎉🎊🎉🥳🥳🎊🎉🥳🎊Congratulations on cohosting the Posh Party 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 If you’re still looking for some great host picks, I would be thrilled if you would consider checking out my closet. Thank you #PoshLove#HappyPoshing.🙏🏽🥰🎉🎊🥳🙏🏽🥰👏🏾🎊🎉🥰🥳🙏🏽🤗👏🏾🎉🎊🤗🙏🏽👏🏾🤗🎉🥰🥳🎉🥳🎊🎉🎊🥳🎈🎈🎈
Nov 19Reply
kylaraynerose Hi there!! Congrats on co-hosting today’s party 🥰 I’d be thrilled if you could check out my closet for any potential host picks 🤗 regardless, congrats again and have a beautiful night! @kylaraynerose
Nov 20Reply
cscape9 Thank you and congratulations on hosting tonight‘s party. Please feel free to check out my closet. Again thank you and have a great party.
Nov 20Reply
projectmode @daphneandmillie Hello!! Congratulations on hosting! I'm not sure if you are still looking for host picks but if you would be willing to check out my closet ( @projectmode ) I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully you'll find something that qualifies for your host pick. Thank you for your time. Have a great day and congratulations!
Nov 20Reply
paularochniak Hi! If you do not have all your host picks yet, I’d love for you to stop by my closet to choose something for your upcoming kids’ posh party tomorrow! I have lots of red items & Christmas listings from which you could choose. Thanks for your time & effort! Happy Holidays!!!🍀❤️🎄🥳🐘🥰🌈🌸🎉🙏🏻💐
Dec 04Reply
scottnlora Hi! I hosted my first posh party last night so I’m sure you are getting tons of messages! I just wanted to wish you luck tonight! I’ll be there. 💗😊
Dec 05Reply
frmrshopaholic9 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on Hosting tonite!!!👏👏👏 Hope it’s a total success 💕. If you would consider picking an item from my closet as your Host Pick, it would be absolutely amazing 😻 and I would really appreciate it 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Dec 06Reply
kelli_z Please consider an item from my closet as a host pick 🥰
Dec 06Reply
cutehosiery @daphneandmillie Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 28Reply
jakeandchey16 love your closet! do you happen to have a shop I can follow on macari as well ?
Feb 11Reply

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Last Active: Mar 02

Portland, ME
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Last Active: Mar 02

Portland, ME
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