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Updated Jul 22
Updated Jul 22

Meet your Posher, Alexis

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Alexis. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, CHANEL, Gucci, Burberry, Nike, Christian Louboutin, HERMES and Cartier. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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ladysnacks @marta1983 are you going to the game tomorrow
Dec 13Reply
ladysnacks Titans at Jets tomorrow at MetLife
Dec 13Reply
kylej Hi! Nice to meet you 🎉🎉🎉🍀
Dec 24Reply
ladysnacks @lisa11557 ☺️☺️ thank you! So are you!
Jan 03Reply
ladysnacks @kylej nice to meet you as well! 😉
Jan 03Reply
angrobb112 Hey I emailed you about my watch honey
Mar 08Reply
momo_lil You're so pretty !!!
Aug 18Reply
momo_lil Love all your stuff !
Aug 18Reply
ladysnacks @momo_lil thank you🙊
Aug 18Reply
momo_lil You're welcome !!! I also followed you on IG I'm your new IG crush 😘 lol have a great day !!!!
Aug 18Reply
bresamwel Lovely closet
Nov 10Reply
hunnie11 Hi, I just want u to know this watch has no extra links and that u a really aware that it is on the small side, I have very small wrist. Lmk if all is good and I can accept ur offer.
Mar 09Reply
zabasoutlet Hi how are you i see you are bundling lots of staff just wanted to let you know the big box will oy fit 4 dresses so you can't bundle more then 4 or I'll have to pay for the shipping
Mar 22Reply
a_dunas Hi 👋🏻 you sent offer for my cartier LOVE bracelet slim version. Thank you for your offer but price is firm on Posh. Off Posh we can do $2650 but not on Posh. Let me know, thx!
Mar 25Reply
ladysnacks @jamjizzle 🤗 thank you!!
Mar 28Reply
ladysnacks @beeiscute hi babes, what's your asking price
Mar 28Reply
ladysnacks @beeiscute thanks for the offer, I'm going to pass
Mar 28Reply
anne_phil26 Hi! I saw that you are interested to buy a cartier love bracelet, i can get one from my cartier dealer. text me if your interested
Mar 29Reply
lookitzhanh Hey did you end up buying that Cartier love bracelet from that seller? Something Johnson? Just wondering if it was the real deal.. thanks.
Apr 10Reply
ladysnacks @lookitzhanh hi, it appears to be the real deal but there are a few things that turned me off about it. First of all, I asked if it came with all the accessories and he told me yes.. emailed me and told me it only comes with a box.. if I want the certificate that's another $800 and an extra 2 weeks, there isn't even a screwdriver.
Apr 10Reply
ladysnacks @lookitzhanh We agreed to a price being I was purchasing 4... the price has now gone up another $6k+ AND I would have to send them to him to get them cleaned... 😒😒😒. IF I did decide to go through with it, who's to say that he won't keep them.. or that he will even be working there still. It just made me too uncomfortable.
Apr 10Reply
ladysnacks @anne_phil26 hi hun, sorry I missed your comment, are you still able to get them? Thanks
Apr 10Reply
anne_phil26 @ladysnacks yes i do. Please let me know what size you are looking for
Apr 10Reply
anne_phil26 @ladysnacks you cam call me at 9175841165
Apr 10Reply
ladysnacks @anne_phil26 what price are you selling for and which bracelet is it
Apr 10Reply
anne_phil26 @ladysnacks i only do this because you live in NJ. I can bring you to my dealer and you can buy it from there, I'm so sorry i cannot disclose prices here
Apr 10Reply
anne_phil26 I have a great feedback, however if you are hesitant to do it, its ok, just trying to save some ladies here money who wants an authentic cartier. Have a great day
Apr 10Reply
ladysnacks @anne_phil26 😮 ur awesome!! I'm leaving for a week of vacay but i will be in contact with you when I get back ☺️☺️
Apr 10Reply
anne_phil26 @ladysnacks ok no problem. Enjoy your vacation
Apr 10Reply
ladysnacks @lookitzhanh uhhh ur welcome
Apr 12Reply
ladysnacks @anne_phil26 email me hun
Apr 12Reply
anne_phil26 @ladysnacks just emailed u
Apr 12Reply
barriebailey Hello and Happy April 🌸 I hope you are enjoying your poshmark experience a much as I have 🛍 If you ever have any questions regarding my closet or want to talk to a fellow posher in general, let me know 👌
Apr 18Reply
jamargreen45 Hello Alexis im reaching out to you regarding the Chanel Clutch that you want to purchase. I sent you a Snap Chat message im Hotboy4343 on SC.
Apr 26Reply
ladysnacks @gg71 thanks hun. I figured because the listing didn't make sense
May 11Reply
mrscirino Hi, I would take your offer for the airplane broach but I wanted to make sure you know the broach is not authentic, only the camellia. If you do still want let me know and Ill accept your offer. Also if you didn't want the Camellia you could choose a chanel or louie hair elastic. Thanks..
Jul 09Reply
casbieharrell Hiii! I'm sorry, I can't accept that low on here. I can accept it lower via 🅿️🅿️ or even lower on google wallet. I'm not a scammer I promise you that., I am a reseller.. you can check out my Instagram @hqdesignerbags for credibility. If you see any bags you like.. all prices are negotiable :) feel free to text me 4805778326
Jul 19Reply
ladysnacks @casbieharrell I saw your Instagram... not sure how having an Instagram page with photos and no reviews gives you credibility 🤷🏽‍♀️. I offered my best. Thanks
Jul 19Reply
casbieharrell @ladysnacks just figured if you saw people's posts about us who have bought from us would help. I'd appreciate it if you didn't imply I was a scammer. Thanks!
Jul 19Reply
ladysnacks @casbieharrell I don't know if you are a scammer or not... I didn't see ANYONE who purchased from you.
Jul 19Reply
casbieharrell @ladysnacks Alright. I'm not going to fight about a sale. Thanks for your interest like I said.
Jul 19Reply
ladysnacks @casbieharrell I see you removed your listing... stolen photos 🙄
Jul 20Reply
bebega1 @ladysnacks hi have you purchased from marilny88 (posher selling Gucci)? She isn't responding and I purchased something from her. Wondering if it's a scam? If you purchased from this seller, what was your experience?
Jul 25Reply
ladysnacks @bebega1 hi hun, yes I did. Purchased a backpack 4 days ago, still awaiting shipment. She hasn't shipped to posh concierge yet
Jul 25Reply
ladysnacks @bebega1 she only started posting items over $500, 5 days ago. I don't think her items are authentic or that she even has them to begin with. But I'm safe either way it goes so I figured I would at least try to find out for myself.
Jul 25Reply
bebega1 @ladysnacks yeah that's what I thought. another buyer said she bought 3 bags that haven't shipped and it's been 3 days. I usually find when they stop responding it's a scam but we shall see. Let me know what happens and I'll keep u posted as well. Thanks!
Jul 25Reply
kuteklassykakes Hi the maddychanell closet is a scam. Posh keeps shutting her down but she opens a new closet. Pics are stolen from eBay listings. Safe Poshing.
Jul 27Reply
melounmh @ladysnacks you bought my Chanel bag but I don’t do any transactions through posh mark due to the high fees . If your still interested you can cash app me & send me your shipping information & I will ship out today
Oct 04Reply
quikstar1 Hi there..please email me about the LED purse Warren. Chandi at
Oct 04Reply
ladysnacks @quikstar1 you can’t just say it on he listing?
Oct 04Reply
rinochka You are beautiful and your closet is my dream closet 😍😍😍sharing it all , hope it sells soon
Oct 16Reply
ladysnacks @rinochka thank you so much!! Definitely in love with your closet. Your dresses are just gorgeous 💖💖
Oct 16Reply
rinochka @ladysnacks thank you 😘😘
Oct 16Reply
arbitrarilychic Girl. SO nice to see a fellow Giants girl. Ride or die ✌💕
Oct 16Reply
ladysnacks @arbitrarilychic ❤️💙❤️💙 great game tonight!
Oct 16Reply
arbitrarilychic @ladysnacks yes indeed! Your closet is gorgeous by the way. ✌💕😍😍😍
Oct 16Reply
ladysnacks @arbitrarilychic thanks hun!! 💖
Oct 16Reply
cfortuna1979 I am pretty sure I’ve seen these chanel boys listed before, i hope I’m wrong and you will receive them. I’ve seen few people not receive their bags. Just a heads up.
Nov 12Reply
ladysnacks @cfortuna1979 thanks, I️ doubt they are real but they will go through posh first.
Nov 12Reply
cfortuna1979 @ladysnacks yeah and she is asking when she gets her money, go look under her posh name where u can comment. My friend actually received fake. Went through the posh authentic service too.
Nov 12Reply
hypebeast_99 Hey. I got some nice hypebeast stuff in my closet. Hmu if u want anything
Dec 15Reply
piscesee Hello, thank you for your offer for the buscemi sneakers I want to let you know that I have worn this pair once so it is not brand new any more but just bottom is a little dusty, are you okay with that?
Feb 15Reply
jaxisthebest You look beautiful!!! I like your closet posh sister!!! R u a shoe junkie? Lol
Jul 07Reply
ladysnacks @jaxisthebest thanks sweetie, you can say that lol. Would you accept the $1400 through 🅿️aypal? Thanks!!
Jul 07Reply
jaxisthebest Hi beautiful! We r in a counter offer wat w the Chanel bag! Ok so the least I would take would be $1700. There’s so wear on the bottom that’s barely visAble. But it’s an $8000 bag. U can go to any Chanel boutique and have them send it to Italy for $100 and refurbish it looks like new! I don’t wanna let u down. Lmk your thoughts! I’m leaving for Cali Thursday. I’m free to ship mon tue or wed. So take your time and think about it. This is the least I have ever taken for a Chanel bag honey.
Jul 08Reply
ladysnacks @jaxisthebest hi sweetheart, I understand I am quite familiar with Chanel, that’s why I sent an offer immediately. Are you open to accepting the $1400 through 🅿️aypal? It’s the $1700 you are asking just without the posh fees. Lmk thanks!!!
Jul 09Reply
ladysnacks @jaxisthebest this is my 3rd time trying to get an answer
Jul 09Reply
jaxisthebest @ladysnacks I keep trying to message u and Poshmark won’t put it through
Jul 09Reply
jaxisthebest They keep saying beware of buyers avoiding Poshmark. I’m so sorry
Jul 09Reply
ladysnacks @jaxisthebest interesting is my email
Jul 09Reply
jaxisthebest Like right now I keep texting u acreadon and it pops up beware do not send
Jul 09Reply
jaxisthebest Anyway I cannot do that because they owe me $21,000
Jul 09Reply
jaxisthebest They said it’s lost and they picked up my Roche Boblais dining room table and chairs
Jul 09Reply
ladysnacks @jaxisthebest I’m so lost... what is acreadon? Who owes you $21k??
Jul 09Reply
ladysnacks @jaxisthebest I’m just looking for a yes or no reguarding my 🅿️aypal question
Jul 09Reply
jaxisthebest @ladysnacks no I cannot they owe me too much money:( I can hold it for u because I’m going to Cali for a week leAving fri until the next fri
Jul 09Reply
ladysnacks @jaxisthebest again, I’m confused... today is Monday. It’s ok I will pass this is too much confusion
Jul 09Reply
ladysnacks @100stitches thank you! What is B.B?
Jul 17Reply
ladysnacks @100stitches oh ok haha! Learned something new today ❣️
Jul 17Reply
ladysnacks @100stitches love surprises, thanks!!!!
Jul 17Reply
kfinney3 Hi! Any chance you’re interested in selling the Gucci ladybug diaper bag you recently purchased? I’ve been looking for one everywhere! Thanks!
Aug 20Reply
ladysnacks @kfinney3 hi hun, I’m open to selling it
Aug 20Reply
gabgonzgonz @ladysnacks Hi you offered me for a bundle of 2 Hermes Birkins I suggest for you to purchase 1first because I have a current special for new clients that all the Hermes bags I'm taking them to the Hermes boutique to get spad before I ship them out so they can be in there best quality possible. Please get back to me
Aug 21Reply
ladysnacks @gabgonzgonz hi, yes I read that on both listings.. I submitted an offer. Both purchases include box, duster and proof of authenticity correct? Thanks
Aug 21Reply
gabgonzgonz @ladysnacks sorry the gold hardware just sold on my eBay page
Aug 21Reply
ladysnacks @lolson22 hello, I can submit the amount of my offer through 🅿️aypal if that would help any.
Aug 22Reply
brad1191252 Thank you I'll have it ship out tomorrow morning so you can have it on Saturday
Aug 22Reply
kfinney3 @ladysnacks Omgsh! Sorry I just signed back in and saw this. How much would you want for it?
Aug 26Reply
ladysnacks @kfinney3 the previous owner said that she used it once but it did come to me in all the original hardware protector packaging. However, I haven’t used it at all. I originally wanted the pink one that I have listed and I found it the day after I purchased the red one, that is my go to diaper bag. Anyways I’m not really motivated to sell but I’m open to it for no less than a profit of retail value.
Aug 27Reply
kfinney3 @ladysnacks thanks for the info... I’ve been looking for it everywhere. I think the retail was $1350... would you do $1300?
Aug 27Reply
ladysnacks @kfinney3 retail was $1,490, $1,788 after tax. $1300 here would leave me with $1k sorry I would prefer to keep it for that.
Aug 27Reply
kfinney3 @ladysnacks would you do $1500?
Aug 27Reply
kfinney3 @ladysnacks the highest I will do is $1600 since it’s used. Please let me know if you’d accept that. If not, thanks for considering!
Aug 27Reply
ladysnacks @kfinney3 no thank you
Aug 27Reply
solepurposes Are you interested in yeezy boost 350?😊🙌
Aug 29Reply
kaywild4 @ladysnacks hey how do you scam on this type of app? Isn’t your money protected?
Aug 29Reply
ladysnacks @kaywild4 scammers always find a way.
Aug 29Reply
danielle121 I need your job because I’m loving your closet
Sep 05Reply
ladysnacks @danielle121 thanks honey 💋
Sep 06Reply
verdigrissf omg your closet is insane! welcome to posh and thanks for the shares earlier! xx
Sep 06Reply
danielle121 @ladysnacks your welcome hun
Sep 06Reply
ladysnacks @verdigrissf thanks hun XO
Sep 06Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my Manolo Blahniks!💕😊
Sep 07Reply
xylophonexl 💕 Wow I love your taste, beautiful closet!
Sep 07Reply
ladysnacks @xylophonexl thank you sweetie 💋
Sep 07Reply
ladysnacks @luxury18kgold thank you. I checked your closet, why are your items priced so high when they are replica?
Sep 10Reply
ladysnacks @luxury18kgold do you accept transactions through Poshmark
Sep 10Reply
ladysnacks @luxury18kgold thank you. I figured that’s where you found me originally. I also figured that it may have been the same situation since it took a couple of weeks for the seller to “pick it up” I feel more comfortable purchasing through posh using 🅿️aypal so that I have time to take it to my jeweler and get the true value, if it isn’t what she says, I can get my money back
Sep 11Reply
ladysnacks @luxury18kgold thank you. I appreciate it. The packaging is what made me really suspicious. And also how she has so many pieces for sale.. but some were in “storage” but also there is no paperwork.
Sep 11Reply
ladysnacks @luxury18kgold I definitely appreciate it.
Sep 11Reply
hank540i Hi, @ladysnacks would you take 1000$ threw p.pal to avoid fees for the Louis Vuitton avenue sling bag ? I just sold my backpack and I'm wanting that specific style bag
Oct 04Reply
ladysnacks @hank540i hi there. Thanks for you offer. I would consider 🅿️aypal, however my lowest would be $1200. Thank you
Oct 04Reply
hank540i @ladysnacks thank you for responding. I got 1100 if you decide you can take that offer.
Oct 04Reply
ladysnacks @hank540i thanks but I’m not in a rush to sell. You could pay $1400 here plus shipping or $1200 🅿️aypal. Thanks for your interest
Oct 04Reply
hank540i @ladysnacks ugh i really want your bag. Would you meet me in the middle at $1150 ? 🙂
Oct 04Reply
sk06863 @zz12 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Oct 13Reply
ladysnacks @sk06863 ☺️☺️☺️ thanks ladies!
Oct 13Reply
sweetyi40 Do you have the chanel espradillas size 6.5 or 7
Oct 15Reply
ladysnacks @sweetyi40 hello.... I do but they are not listed.
Oct 15Reply
sweetyi40 @ladysnacks I want a pair if possible
Oct 15Reply
ladysnacks @sweetyi40 i have the black pair with ivory tips and dark blue denim both in used condition. I also have pony hair loafers in used condition and dark blue velvet loafers in like new condition
Oct 15Reply
sweetyi40 @ladysnacks how much? I'm interested
Oct 15Reply
ladysnacks @sweetyi40 I will make a listing just so you can see them
Oct 15Reply
denimmunkies Wow what an amazing closet I can not seem to type as there are no words for the art you have!!!! Hands down the absolute best Posh Closet So Far I have found!!! Great job on the photos as well !!! Just wow !!!!
Oct 18Reply
ladysnacks @jeanfinder thank you!!!! ☺️☺️ I really appreciate it!! XOXO
Oct 18Reply
denimmunkies Well you are so welcome!!! Ok but you got to tell me what do you do???? Or better yet what I have to do to have a closet like that I thought my little walk in was nice especially when I got to place a vanity inside I am so extremely envious!!! Whatever ever it is you better be super proud of your self!!! Great taste I had to get out before I broke something lol Kudos!!!!
Oct 18Reply
ladysnacks @gmalo thank you sweetie 😘
Oct 19Reply
ladysnacks @jeanfinder lol, well I do a few things but it’s mostly my amazing husband who supports my investment habits 😂☺️☺️
Oct 19Reply
denimmunkies @ladysnacks thats amazing how did you get him to support your poshing mine is having serious issues with the time i spend
Oct 19Reply
ladysnacks @jeanfinder 🤔 I’m not sure. He doesn’t mind at all. I’m not on my phone hardly at all when we are together 🤷🏽‍♀️
Oct 19Reply
ladysnacks @jeanfinder but oh have almost 800 listings! Idk if I have the patience to list as consistently as you. I have sooo much that I need to list but I’m not really motivated. Posh doesn’t move much for high end items so sometimes it seems without purpose
Oct 19Reply
richera137 LOVE YOUR CLOSET!! :)
Nov 09Reply
gullprint Hi, Alexis! Like🎁
Nov 09Reply
ladysnacks @richera137 thanks hun💕
Nov 09Reply
ladysnacks @gullprint hello, thank you 😊
Nov 09Reply
fromrunwaywlove Hi there, we noticed that you were interested in Kenzo shoes. We currently have a pair available in your size. Check out our Posh Closet and let us know if you have any questions. Happy shopping 💕
Nov 16Reply
call2134789688 Hey can you contact me about your offer please
Nov 25Reply
call2134789688 @ladysnacks can you text my # can’t accept payment through Poshmark
Nov 25Reply
ladysnacks @call2134789688 is my email
Nov 25Reply
call2134789688 @ladysnacks I need your number
Nov 25Reply
ladysnacks @call2134789688 not sure why, I’m no longer interested.
Nov 25Reply
sestes4 😩 omg I’m O B S E S S E D with your closet!!!!! Your Poshmark closet & your actual closet 😂 #lifegoals 🙏🏼
Jan 28Reply
ladysnacks @sestes4 😘😘 thank you!!
Jan 29Reply
sestes4 @ladysnacks May I know what your profession is so I can work my ass off getting there? 🙊😸
Jan 29Reply
ladysnacks @raid_our_closet 🙈🙊 thanks!! 💕
Apr 13Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there Gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have never been worn and still have tags attached. Brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Moschino, Victoria’s Secret, Spanx, Anastasia Beverly Hills, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
May 14Reply
letzgoshop Absolutely Stunning! Love your closet 😘
May 15Reply
ladysnacks @letzgoshop thank you ☺️
May 16Reply
fashionqueen561 Happy Poshing Doll 👠💕 Hope all your fashion dreams come true!! 👠💕 Shared & Followed your closet!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
May 17Reply
hbbk2013 Nice closet!
May 21Reply
luxurysells14 You can email me
Jul 25Reply
ladysnacks @luxurysells14 email me,
Jul 25Reply
ladysnacks @linball134 hello! The last photo is what I have. However, my closet is currently on vacation mode because I am at one of my other homes. The only ones that I have with me currently are the lightening Gucci shoulder diaper bag and the pink flowers backpack. Neither one are are listed for sale
Oct 19Reply
linball134 @ladysnacks hi! Yes! The one in your picture! Please keep me in mind when you return home! Are you away from home for a long time? And what would you want for the red one?
Oct 19Reply
ladysnacks @linball134 yes, I won’t be back until early next year. I haven’t figured out how much o want for it being that is completely unavailable. Make an offer and we can go from there 💕
Oct 21Reply
emmamichelle91 Hi! I've been looking everyone for the little fabric multicolor chanel that you sell here and on tradesy! It is still available? I just had some questions about the damage. And i'd be interested in 🅿️ if its easier!! Thank you so much.
Jan 31Reply
ladysnacks @emmamichelle91 hello, my Tradesy closet is on vacation mode and that bag isn’t listed in my poshmark closet because it’s actually at my other home.
Jan 31Reply
emmamichelle91 @ladysnacks ok no problem, it’d be interested if it’s still for sale and you’d be able to ship it out before April (that was the date listed on Tradesy) thank you so much for your response! If you’re selling it, would you say it’s still wearable w the damage out outlined? And are you flexible at all on price because of it? Thanks again
Jan 31Reply
ladysnacks @emmamichelle91 I won’t be able to get it before April, I only have the matching cuff with me that’s listed in that closet. Honestly, the bag isn’t damaged, it’s in great condition as the photos show. Only the slight discoloration on the yellow of the bag. You have to be extremely detailed on that site or buyers are able to actually wear and damage your items and then return them and claim the item wasn’t as described.
Jan 31Reply
emmamichelle91 @ladysnacks ok gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. Well I will check back in in April. Thanks!
Jan 31Reply
ladysnacks @emmamichelle91 no problem at all. Also, it’s not small. It’s more of a medium. It’s listed on this listing in the fourth photo in the middle so you can see the size compared to my other medium bags. If I happen to take the trip before April I will contact you. Thank for your interest hun. Take care XO
Jan 31Reply
itsaluvstory Her dear. If your interested in the blue suede Louboutin’s, I can give you an awesome discount💕
Apr 13Reply
itsaluvstory Hey! I can give you a discount on the Louboutins you liked if your interested 💕 lmk!
Apr 26Reply
hillmill61 hey Tex, come see our natural gemstone sterling silver designer jewelry!💎
Jun 04Reply
sd717 Hey!! feel free to checkout my closet 🥰
Jun 16Reply
janinag62 Beautiful closet! Good luck with selling 😊💕💕💕🌷💕💕💕
Aug 18Reply
zazzy777 I just want to spend the night on the floor of your closet!!!! (not in a creepy kind of way) 😁
Sep 12Reply
ladysnacks @zazzy777 lol thanks! I appreciate it 💕
Sep 13Reply
loopie4 Great closet ✨♥️✨
Sep 15Reply
maddylouzmama06 Your closet is incredible! 🤗💕
Jun 12Reply
cutehosiery @ladysnacks Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 18Reply
debonairdeals Thanks for liking the Burberry and the Gucci shoes. If you’re interested, make an offer or bundle em! I’m not firm on the prices and usually work out a deal. I also ship same day! Thanks… your closet is AMAZING btw… geesh!
Mar 02Reply
luxury_peach Beautiful closet 😍☺️
Mar 18Reply

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Last Active: Feb 22

Southlake, TX
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Last Active: Feb 22

Southlake, TX
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