Meet your Posher, Alexis
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Hi! I'm Alexis Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

Hello Sandra We denimmunkies (plus sz & mens) & denimjunkies (All reg sz's 00-12 & xxs-xl) just stopped by to introduce ourselves so thriled you joined
regardless if you are a seller/buyer be prepared to have a lot of fun!
denimmunkies just celebrated her 1YR as a seller
100k follows
$50K sales
co-host 2 parties
denimjunkies just made PM Ambassador her 1st month
ALL items in both closets 20% off +disc ship STOP BY!
Rock Revival
Miss Me
Big Star
Silver Jean Co.
Sep 01Reply

🤗Hi I’m Val & welcome to PoshMark! I would like to personally welcome you to a place of endless possibilities to make great money & friendships! A place for unique purchases to be made & sold! Don’t worry about being perfect, just GET STARTED! Please read the Do’s & Don’t(s) on what you CAN & CANNOT sell! Make sure you’re knowledgeable of Policies & Procedures! If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Best wishes & infinite success!
Happy Posh’n & Enjoy Shop’n🛍
Val, PM💞Ambassador💃🏽
Sep 01Reply

Welcome. Happy Poshing!😍
Sep 02Reply

Thanks for your purchase & rating 🙏. Happy Poshing!
Jan 14Reply

thanks for the share!🤘🌻
Jul 25Reply

hello alexis!!! if you are willing and able to keep this offer for me until Monday (that's when I get paid) I will gladly take them off your hands. it could come a bit sooner like sunday night but either way I would greatly appreciate it...
Aug 29Reply

@antramirez1770 I don’t know which item your interested in
Aug 29Reply

@alexisplace the 501 black levi's 👖 I will bug you on Monday and then you will be able to make a decision then... thank you for your time..
Aug 29Reply

@antramirez1770 ok
Aug 29Reply

Hi Alexis,
Hope you receive this message. Somehow I waited too long to rate you on the second Elvis ornament which I recently received. So—-I am giving you the five stars now along with my thanks. Sorry I missed it.
Jul 10Reply

@susan_breedlove Thank you for rating me. I am glad you liked the ornament.
Jul 10Reply

@alexisplace 👍🏻
Jul 11Reply

Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items including china, seasonal decor, books, DVDs, video games, plush toys, clothing, jewelry and religious items. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers - and remember to bundle to save. I hope you’ll drop by my closet and I’ll visit yours too.
Sep 11Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
May 22Reply
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