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Updated Oct 07
Updated Oct 07

Meet your Posher, Alissa

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Hi! I'm Alissa. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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sayurinita @bissa2 Welcome to Poshmark🎉 please, check out my eclectic closet a variety of kids, women & men clothes👔🕶👜💄👗👠
Sep 22Reply
debbysunshine Thank you for your purchase I will get it wrapped up in the mail tomorrow have an awesome weekend
Sep 23Reply
bissa2 @debbysunshine thank you! I am excited to receive your package!
Sep 23Reply
debbysunshine Thank you for your kind words enjoy and come back anytime
Sep 25Reply
dazzling101 I'll get out to you today!! I'll be including some business extras - Thank You!!
Nov 16Reply
bohemian__grace I love your closet, if I ever need jewelry I'll be sure to check here first!!
Feb 03Reply
bohemian__grace @bissa2 Oh my goodness, I am so sorry about the boots!! Those were my mom's and hadn't been worn in a couple years 😕 I had no idea. I will mail you a refund for those on Monday!!
Feb 03Reply
lisarbell1601 Thanks for your interest and all the shares!! I have another outstanding offer that includes the Anthropologie sweater you like. I am happy to discount it and the other items.. but until I know what happens with the other offer.. I can’t go any lower.
Feb 16Reply
bissa2 @lisarbell1601 thanks for letting me know!
Feb 16Reply
bissa2 @tavasue thanks for suggesting! I picked some up at the store!
Feb 16Reply
lisarbell1601 @bissa2 just trying to be fair to all!!
Feb 16Reply
bohemian__grace @bissa2 Oh good!! It works wonders 😉
Feb 17Reply
bohemian__grace @bissa2 How did it work?! 😀
Mar 08Reply
bissa2 @tavasue the parts I glued are staying, now there are some new parts that have loose. More glue here I come. I am determined! 😍 they are so comfy
Mar 08Reply
danifancy @bissa2 Hello🤗 If my counter offer does not work for you, please send me back any counter offer😇
Mar 30Reply
danifancy @bissa2 Hello again🤗 If you are still interested, I will accept your first offer😇
Mar 30Reply
vals_closet_ Hi Alissa! I noticed you liked a few items and wanted to let you know that I give a discount of 20% on all bundles. Also when through bundling I can send you a private offer. Just let me know if you have any questions. Thanks and happy poshing 💕
Apr 09Reply
cherieito Hey there, thank you so much for your offer☺, I countered your offer & hoping this meeting In the middle works for us both. I have some free things just waiting to be mixed with your wardrope👚👠🛍if you purchase please leave your top size including Victoria's Secret bra size, I have an overstock I'll give u if I have your size. Thanks
Apr 22Reply
cherieito Hey Hun, I don't mean to bother u but I was wondering did you still want the Joe's & seven jeans? Someone just tried to buy them & I talked them onto buying the other Joe's sz30, they're still looking@yours tho, let me know as soon as possible☺K
Apr 22Reply
bissa2 @cherieito I bought them. Bra size 36 b
Apr 22Reply
cherieito @bissa2 thank u for shopping my closet. Oh good bra size, I'm sure you'll be pleased with your gift🙋‍♀️ I'll mail everything first thing in the morning 📫📮🎁💌
Apr 22Reply
molly8645 Thanks for all the likes. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Happy Poshing!!😊
May 18Reply
themodexchange Hope You're Having The Best Posh Experience Possible !! I Gave You A Follow So We Can Stay Connected ! If you happen to see anything you like, on MY SIDE of posh, send an offer !! I Look Forward To Your Response ! Happy Poshing! ☺️
Jun 25Reply
zoewilmont Just a quick hello! I am finding there are so many lovely closets out there to look through. I hope you will take a minute to view mine; happy Poshing!
Jul 13Reply
sweete_threds Thank you for sharing my listings! Appreciate the posh love!
Dec 09Reply
recca722 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ ✨Hi there! Congratulations on hosting ✨ a Posh Party!! 🥳 ✨ ✨Come on over to my closet when you ✨ get a chance 💫 ✨ It’s color coordinated ✨ & easy to search through if you’re ✨ looking for a particular colored item😉 ✨ ✨ Good Luck hosting ! Can’t wait to do ✨ some shopping 🛍 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Feb 10Reply
zoe_posh_shop Congrats on hosting the best in shoes party!!! Please stop by my closet for potential host picks. I have a ton of great shoes listed.
Feb 10Reply
Feb 10Reply
erinmcgg congrats on hosting! i would love to be one of your host picks! let’s party!✨
Feb 10Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Feb 10Reply
edweezy_ Congrats on hosting the Best In Shoes Posh Party! Please consider my closet for any host picks. Thank you for your time. ☺️
Feb 10Reply
spreadlove CONGRATS ON HOSTING!! I shared a bunch of your items and followed you. Id be grateful if you’d check out my closet for a host pick! No pressure though! Thank you!
Feb 10Reply
blingoriginals Hi! Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow! I just posted a direct link to your Poshmark closet on Instagram as well as telling everyone about the party! I’m looking forward to sharing many of her closet items to my followers, Tumblr, and Pinterest! If you could kindly consider me in my PFF@jenimadedesigns (who has the flu🤢 4H Peace, I would be grateful! Thank you so much! Have a great night and eat a lot of chocolate!
Feb 10Reply
lightlyused_nwt Hi, I'm a new posher (1st post Aug 2020), 7 sales, ~3380 followers, & 1 well-photographed pair of shoes available in my closet. Thank you for your consideration!
Feb 11Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Feb 11Reply
myhacker456 💚💚💚💛💛💛CONGRATS ON YOUR HOSTING!   CHECK OUT MY CLOSET FOR A HOST PICK!! 💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💚💚💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💛💛💛
Feb 11Reply
pamelasandra46 I’m sorry to bug....I was invited to the show Posh Party, which I RSVP’ed. But I can’t find where to look HOW to add what I have. Would you mind a quick tell?? Thank you in advance. Pamela
Feb 11Reply
wishuponastyle CONGRATULATIONS on your party‼️🥳💞🎉🎈🌸🤩💖 💫💐🎊❣️🤗 I would greatly appreciate if you would consider featuring my closet @ms_ari for a 💖Host Pick!💖 Sending you lots of love 💓and wishing you a Successful and Spectacular party full of Sales!! 🎉💗🛍💐💚🌼💜🥰🌸✨❣️🛍🌈🌹💙💥🤗🧡💕
Feb 11Reply
crp60 🎉👞👢Congrats on hosting the upcoming Best in Shoes Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event. ♥️👠👟
Feb 11Reply
luluslatenight Congratulations Alissa🍾on cohosting the 🥳Best In Shoes Posh Party🥳Can’t wait to party with you. I’m following you🏃🏻‍♀️ (not in a creepy stalker kind of way🤣)and left you some💜share love💜 Please 💜share the love💜 with my PFFs they have awesome closets too.Thanks for considering us for a host pick. @theposhypeacock @ohheyitsray @cuti1959 @missharleyangel @808dragonheart Linda💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 I have NEW LISTINGS
Feb 11Reply
asitrujillo @bissa2 Hi - congratulations on co-hosting! Have fun 💟Feel free to check out my closet for a potential Host Pick. Sending lots of POSH LOVE❣💝 , best wishes 🍀 🌟 and hopes for many sales 💰💳💸💲 headed your way! All the best to you, 💛 Becky 💛
Feb 11Reply
ditooshop @bissa2 Congratulations on cohosting today's Best in Shoes party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Feb 11Reply
bissa2 @pamelasandra46 you can add things as soon as the party is live. Poshmark doesn’t allow you to add ahead of time. ❤️
Feb 11Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳🙏
Feb 11Reply
jessybookbinder Hi! I can't wait for the party today, and congrats on hosting!! I'd love for you to check out my closet for a host pick! Let's party 🎉 🎉 🎉
Feb 11Reply
michele1084461 @bissa2 🎉Congratulations on co-hosting my favorite Posh Party- “Best in Shoes” 💕 I have a (Posh Compliant) closet full of 🆕 and Like🆕 shoes and would be honored if you selected a pair as a ✨Host Pick✨ Thank You! 😘 @michele1084461
Feb 11Reply
gladiosa Congratulations on hosting today’s SHOES posh party! Cannot wait. I have shared all my available shoes to my closet and hope you will consider picking one of my items as a HOST PICK! In return I will share your closet with my awesome followers 🎉👏☺️😊😉
Feb 11Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Shoes Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you & Happy New Year!
Feb 11Reply
gladiosa Congratulations on hosting today’s SHOES posh party! Cannot wait. I have shared all my available shoes to my closet and hope you will consider picking one of my items as a HOST PICK! In return I will share your closet with my awesome followers 🎉👏☺️😊😉
Feb 11Reply
rachelbtu21 congrats on hosting today's party! please check out my closet to consider for a host pick! TIA and good luck :)
Feb 11Reply
czeiss04 Hello there! Congratulations on hosting the Best in Shoes Posh Party today! Please feel free to check out my closet for a potential host pick! I will gladly share your closet with my followers! Thank you and good luck on today’s posh party! 🌸🌼🌺
Feb 11Reply
cvaldez1335 CONGRATS on hosting a POSH PARTY!🥳🥳🥳🥂🍾 Please check my closet for a HOST PICK.🥰🦋💖🦋💖🤗💃
Feb 11Reply
healths4u Congrats on hosting the party! I’d appreciate it if you post one of my items as a host pick 🎉🎊🎈🎉🎊🎈
Feb 11Reply
nice_matters11 🌵🙋🏻‍♀️🧩 🌵Congrats on Hosting! 🌵I Just Liked, Followed 🌵and Shared your 🌵Beautiful Closet 🌵Keep Safe & Healthy💕 🇺🇸Happy NEW Year🇺🇸 ❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙 🌵❤️🧩Monica in AZ🧩💙🌵 🌵🧡🧩🌵💚🧩🌵💛🧩🌵 Spreading Autism Awareness
Feb 11Reply
jsj40 CONGRATS on hosting!! Excited about party today🤗💃. If you have time, would you kindly check out my closet as my 🥾👠Dept could REALLY use some P😍SH L❤️VE THX So much for your consideration, jill @jsj40
Feb 11Reply
shamusluna hi, congrats on cohosting a posh party! i would love it if you would kindly consider choosing one of my items as a host pick! 😊
Feb 11Reply
jillianchristia Congrats on hosting today’s party!! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? Thank you so much!! 😀😀❤️❤️👍👍💙💙☺️☺️🌸🌸🎉🎉💐💐🎈🎈💜💜😎😎😃😃😄😄💝💝😍😍🤩🤩🎊🎊🙃🙃🔥🔥😋😋✅✅😁😁😘😘🌟🌟🤞🤞🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻😀😀
Feb 11Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 ITEMS MUST BE Listed $40 OR LESS;))) Bundle Multiples & Save $$$$$ Accepting All Offers Thank you for your interest;)Come back and your next purchase can be 50% off or more if u bundle multiples ;))) SALE ENDS Feb 28 2021
Feb 11Reply
shopfablooks Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Feb 11Reply
akd507 Congrats on hosting this shoe party. Check out my closet. Would love to have one of my shoes showcased as a host pick💕
Feb 11Reply
msbetty99 Congratulations on hosting! Please consider my closet for a host pick. Thank you 😊
Feb 11Reply
mimisoamazing Hi, My name is Mimi. I have a variety of items to choose from. There is something in my closet for everyone! Most items have never been worn or only worn once. Also have a few boutique items. I am doing a massive declutter so I am adding items daily & everything must go! OFFERS WELCOMED ON ALL ITEMS ! So be sure to check periodically. Thank you 🤗
Mar 26Reply
cybra111 Hi! do you have a "Fisher of Men" bracelet? thanks!!
Apr 22Reply
cutehosiery @bissa2 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 22Reply

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Last Active: Mar 02

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Last Active: Mar 02

Huron, SD
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