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Updated Jun 26
Updated Jun 26

Meet your Posher, Allen

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Allen. One of my favorite brands is J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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wisppers2016 Welcome to Poshmark happy poshing if you have any questions feel free to ask I’m Posh Ambassador and happy to help 😃
Dec 09Reply
kattozzi Shipping your MICHE PURSE first thing Tuesday. Sunday + Holiday hours Monday at the post office slowed me down!
Dec 31Reply
barneysbargains Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark where the shopping 🎁 is always fun 👗 & the selling is easy💞 For men's items please ask me about my other closet! Ask for anything you're looking for but don't see! Both closets are always 100% Posh compliant! I'm an avid "closet sharer" - I hope that you'll return the favor! Sharing is caring! Watch for the parties 🎉that get posted to your feed daily & post to them. You get greater visibility that way! HAPPIEST POSHING💞 
Jan 01Reply
r_goodman @racull12 Hi!! Welcome to posh! Feel free to check out my closet for awesome deals on Lululemon Athletica, Coach, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, Louis Vuitton, Ferragamo, & more!🎉💃🏼🛍 Add to a bundle in my closet & see a special price from me to make your closet more fabulous!🎉
Jan 02Reply
crystal_goblet MICHE shell bags have been super marked down in prices . Please be aware that poshmark still have to incur fees. Price listed on every MICHE bags shells are the lowest and eat offer I can give . Condition wise they are all excellent and perfect condition. I already lost from marking down each MICHE bags from original price of 55 each to 13. Take it or leave it
Jan 05Reply
monikens Hello, I’m Julia. Whether you are buying or selling, I would like to welcome you to Poshmark😊. Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing posh love for the necklace.
Jan 23Reply
divadeals2day G’morning. Thank you for your purchase of the two belts. I’ll ship today & will message you when dropped off at the Post Office. Enjoy your day. 🌹
Jan 29Reply
divadeals2day Hello! I’ve dropped the package off at the Post Office. Enjoy your afternoon.
Jan 29Reply
racull12 Hi,...Thanks for accepting my offer on the 2 Betsy Johnson belts ! And thanks too for the quick shipping !
Jan 29Reply
racull12 I am in another transaction where it has been 19 days and still no shipment with this other seller,....( the seller had mixed up 2 packages,...I sent the item I got by mistake , but this other seller says they don't know when they can ship what was suppose to be shipped to me , due to they have anxiety issues ),... OK, sorry , too much information,.. Thanks again !
Jan 29Reply
racull12 oops ,...I meat to say the other BUYER, ( that was sent my order by mistake ), does not know when she can send to me, due to her anxiety issues,...( not seller ),...
Jan 29Reply
divadeals2day @racull12 G’morning. Thank you so much for the 5 star rating on the Betsey belts. I really appreciate it. Have a fabulous day.🌹
Feb 01Reply
aa_boutique Thank you for your like ❤️ I will send you a private offer and you can let me know if you are interested 💕 happy 😊 poshing
Mar 07Reply
annmobley Thank you for ur purchase I will send it out tomorrow 😀ND thank u again
Mar 11Reply
annmobley Thank you so much for the comment plz stop by again
Mar 18Reply
j_davidson81 Thank you for liking my closet. Bundle 3 or more items for a 50% off discount
Jul 13Reply
j_davidson81 I am glad you liked your purchase. Your offers are accepted here anytime!🤗
Jul 19Reply
owlcanyonoutlet Hi, I am out of town through Thursday. I can ship your item Friday. Will that be ok?
Aug 06Reply
rajeous Thanks for stopping by my closet and liking my Miche Shell, if still interested I will sell it to you for $35, for some reason the system is not letting me do the price drop offer. So if you would like it, just put offer in at $35 and I’ll be happy to accept. Happy Poshing😊
Aug 10Reply
texanlady Welcome to posh mark 🙋‍♀️ And thank you for the like😊
Sep 20Reply
taylorlvsrobert Hello! Thank you so much for your purchase🛍 I JUST left town yesterday and won't be back until Sunday night. I will get this in the mail to you first thing Monday morning. So sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience!
Oct 11Reply
pamperedpavers @taylorlvsrobert hello, thanks for checking out my closet and starting a bundle, I wanted to let you know that I have about 15 more Demi shells that I’ll be adding to my closet- probably tomorrow- just in case you wanted to check those out as well. I’m downsizing my personal closet 😬. Thanks again 😁
Oct 19Reply
jakesheart Hello .. My initials AS as well ! 😊 Happy Holidays to you & Happy Poshing! Im having a fantastic sale like most stores but cyber fun! Any 3 items take 25% plus ! Pleased to meet you hon! Xoxo Happy Shopping 💛🛍🎁& a very happy Poshing season as well!!! 💛❣️ Adrienne!!!
Dec 02Reply
sophystakated1 Are you interested in the item from my closet
Feb 21Reply
racull12 Hi,..Thanks for the reply. I generally collect the longer necklaces made by this brand,... I have even joined necklaces in this brand together to create long necklaces to wear them layered. I do love this brand of jewelry . I was very lucky to obtain a bunch of brooches that were the Glass Works ones, I got them on eBay for crazy low prices, averaging about $11 per brooch I think,. I still can't figure why the seller was selling so much Glass Works so cheap,..
Mar 05Reply
racull12 Sorry to hear that you are injured,.. That is so kind that you care for senior dogs. Years ago we adopted a stray cat that ended up having a lot of health issues, which were not cheap. But we never had any regrets , regarding adopting him, as he was a really incredible cat. He was very dog like and super smart. The cat lived for 8 1/2 years with us, before he passed away, and we felt so blessed to have had him ! OK, sorry to ramble on,.. Thanks
Mar 05Reply
racull12 I am still figuring out Poshmark myself,.. I just noticed you have a pic. of rabbits too on your home page ! I am a huge fan of rabbits. I had a cage-free, litter box trained mini lop for 7 1/2 years. She too had health issues. A Vet. told me her issues most likely came from being taken away from her mom too soon which gave her a weak immune system.
Mar 06Reply
racull12 ,...But , anyway, I adored my sweet rabbit, and she was super smart too. She literally tried to pushed around our adopted stray cat , even though she was a 4th of his size,...( it was quite funny ),... When people came to my home they were always surprised with the rabbit as she was very outgoing. I think it is sad that a lot of people have no clue how special rabbits can be, if they are given love and freedom !
Mar 06Reply
phoenixwardrobe Hi there, would you like me to send you a bundke offer on the Miche purse charms that you liked ?
Mar 09Reply
vicksfinds Hi WELCOME to Poshmark!😀
Mar 19Reply
winnfritt All items are buy 1 get 1 half off or buy 2 get 1 free. Orders of $25 or more will receive a pr of silver plated filigree earrings.
Mar 23Reply
seinart Hi ;-) We sent you an offer for the Erica Lyons Red Heart Necklace (1 Left!) you liked. We have more Designer Jewelry and other Rare Brand Name Merchandise. If you bundle 3 to 4 items we'll Offer you 15% Off + FREE SHIPPING! If you bundle 5 or more items we'll offer you 20% Off with FREE SHIPPING! Love to ship you some of our Gorgeous Jewelry! ❤️ Best, Unique N Chic Boutique
May 07Reply
lanadoherty Thanks for liking ..offers are welcome
Jun 08Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda, Buying or Selling..... New to Poshmark or Been here awhile..... Best of Luck to you.....💖 💋Jewelry Makes the Outfit**Stop by💋
Aug 07Reply
pegofold Hi! Thank you for your purchase! I will have it in the mail tomorrow. Have a great day!
Aug 25Reply
pegofold Hi! I mailed your package and it's on its way to you! Have a great day!
Aug 26Reply
bearden2 Hello Thank you for the like let me know if you are interested in any thing in my closet.. I am having a huge sale this weekend
Sep 22Reply
kamikundu Welcome 🙏😀🌺😘🎁☀️
Sep 24Reply
rockermia @racull12 Hi Beautiful Posher 😃🌹👋🏻I’m Esther☺️Nice to meet you!! 🤝I invite you to visit my closet🤩 I have Great Deals 🛍 Please Feel Free to ask and let me know if I can help you with anything💐 Happy Poshing 💕💕💕
Oct 06Reply
luv4harley Hi hon..if you bundle 5+ items you will receive 30% off your total..hope to help you soon...
Oct 21Reply
asavage01 hi there! 30% off + shipping Bundles of 2 or more items from my closet ♥️
Nov 30Reply
wiseone552 Hello thank you for visiting My closet, I am sorry i took so long for your request the Necklace measure 28 " long.
Dec 06Reply
chicfashions4u Hi Allen, I have sent you an offer on the great 70's jewelry!
Dec 21Reply
styledbylhei hey love!!(: i sell lots of brandy melville, champion, university crewneck & many other branded items! hope you can check it out and even shop as well!!🦋💛👼🏻
Mar 26Reply
idbeads @racull12 🦋👋🦋 I hope you are enjoying Poshmark. I love finding that perfect something. Check out my closet for unique findings and if you decide to become a seller I’d be happy to send you my Seller Welcome Tips message. Let me know.
May 01Reply
giselle748 Hello, welcome to Poshmark. Im also fairly new as well, thanks for the following. I will be sure and check back with you when your all set up.
May 10Reply
brianna_lusk Thank you so much for the like on my Park lane necklace! I have a ton of vintage Park Lane jewelry pieces listed in my closet, so feel free to check them out and let me know if you have any questions!
Jun 08Reply
styleplanet Hi, thank you for the like on the belt,  it's a great choice. Maybe consider browsing for other great sale items in my closet, and bundle all of your likes when you're ready
Jun 13Reply
kinkeadtrade Hi Allen! You liked a longer necklace in my closet. If there’s anything else you would like to bundle with that necklace I’d be glad to give you an offer. 🎁
Jun 16Reply
cholascloset Hello and thanks for showing my closet some ♥. I welcome offers and bundles if you can't live without the belt. Hope to hear from you again ~ XoXo
Jun 23Reply
nicolecasey865 thank you for stopping by my closet! If there is anything I can assist you with or if you have any questions please feel free to ask! Have a fabulous day!
Jul 02Reply
dina_fiore Hi Allen! Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for checking out my closet! Have a wonderful day! 👋👏😊❣️
Jul 12Reply
hauteresale Hi Allen, I see you started a BUNDLE with the vintage silver tone necklace in my Closet. Would you like me to make an Offer now or will you be adding an item to the Bundle? LMK, please, I am delighted to work with you. 😊🙏🏻
Jul 24Reply
auri322 Welcome to Poshmark. It's a great place to find that something you've been looking for. I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet, maybe you'll find something you would love to have.
Sep 12Reply
Sep 21Reply
lucas813 hi you like three pieces in my jewelry this is my name's page name is Lucas813. I have a lot of things listed a lot of jewelry and I only have two signs mixed in there so I don't know if you saw but all the jewelry is BOGO anything under $100 is buy one get one free of lesser value! So if you buy something for $20 anyting 19 and under is free that you pick out for ex.
Sep 21Reply
otradiogirl Hi thanks for your like on the Miche purse! I offer a 20% discount for bundled items of 2 or more. I also accept all reasonable offers. ☺️
Sep 24Reply
msgd hey there thanks for stopping by my closet ❤️
Sep 27Reply
arbinkley69 @racull12 if you want both the sells I can make the other Shell $13 as well let me know if you still interested and ready to buy so I can change that one.💕
Oct 03Reply
elke14 Hi Happy Voting Day 😊 thank you for visiting and liking please please make an offer if you would like ...most importantly have a great day 😊😊
Nov 03Reply
19mouse Hi Allen, I’m out of town for the holiday and return home in a week. I’ll be able to ship your bracelet. I hope that’s ok. Sorry for the late shipment.
Nov 25Reply
racull12 Hi,.. Just in case you did not receive the other message I wrote you ,.... I wrote to say that a delay is no problem. I love this style of bracelet that I purchased from you ,...( I already own it , with other colored stones, etc. ).
Nov 30Reply
racull12 Hopping you will still be able to mail this bracelet,...( I assume you will , as your message was 5 days ago and you said you would be able to mail it in a week , etc, a full weeks time has not passed, of course ),..
Nov 30Reply
racull12 My only concern is that Poshmark may cancel the order , if too much time passes. But, hopeful if that were to happen I could then be able to re-purchase it,... OK, sorry , I am probably over thinking things,... Sorry to ramble,... Thanks !
Nov 30Reply
racull12 Hi,... I am writing you here , again, in case you did not get my messages that I wrote you. I was so hoping that you would be able to ship the bracelet that I purchased from you ... I was fine with a delay , but then as time went on, I was worried if I did not take the refund from Poshmark , I might end up out of the money I had sepnt...
Dec 07Reply
racull12 oops,...last word , in the last message, was SPENT,...( as I was worried I would be out of the money I spent , if I did not take the refund from Poshmark,...),...
Dec 07Reply
racull12 Anyway, what I wanted to say , is that if you are able to send the bracelet , in the future, I would be very happy to re-purchase it from you , if that would be possible. I really did want this bracelet. Please let me know if you would be interested in re-selling it to me,.. Thanks
Dec 07Reply
lillybelles56 Hi Allen, I am new to PM and noticed you sent an offer for the Victorian revival bracelet but I must have missed it. I have sent you an offer. Please let me know or counter offer or however this works. 🐾❤️Thank You
Dec 07Reply
kywass66 Hi, I would love for you to stop by and check out my closet! Let me know if you are interested in anything or make an offer!
Feb 02Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Apr 19Reply
lanadoherty thanks for liking
May 07Reply
edunc22 Hi, thanks for taking a look at the Crocs clogs in our closet. If you're interested in purchasing for $20 please leave me a comment & then I'll drop price & you'll also get the reduced shipping Posh is offering today.
May 09Reply
lanadoherty thanks for liking 🙂 items 15 and less are 5 or 25
May 19Reply
zebra37577 Hello! Thank you for the like on the blue glass bracelet and earring set. Please feel free to make an offer.
Jun 06Reply
milene2013 Hi dear the necklace with your like missing two bronze metal can’t even notice
Jul 30Reply
nyfashionstore Hi! Can you check out my closet if you have any time :) I am accepting almost all offers :) thank you for your time, have a great rest of your night
Aug 09Reply
pm2790101 offers welcome
Aug 14Reply
jodyert thanks for stopping by and taking the tie to like the Betsey Johnson star necklace. all offesr are appreciated
Sep 05Reply
lillybelles56 Hi, long time my friend! I think of you every now and then. You were one of my 1st buyers! We had many great conversations I enjoyed and you made my PM experience so wonderful. I will never forget it! I hope you are doing well.
Oct 16Reply
catnbug Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy an amazing shopping experience! ☺️ I encourage you to shop my closet to get bundle discounts or make an offer. Happy shopping! 🛍️💕
Nov 15Reply
cortneyure I added new pictures of the amathist necks
Nov 16Reply
bleusjewelry Hi thanks for the follow i sell jewelry i have a sale 20 percent off 3 items check it out,again thanks again
Dec 08Reply
marciashown I have dropped the price as low as I can go plus I've listed with free shipping. I would love to make you an offer but I dropped the price in case someone wanted it for Christmas. I paid more than what I listed years ago. I want to thank you for looking at my items though and wish you a Merry Christmas 🎄
Dec 21Reply
janiebfl2 Welcome to the Poshmark community where there is a spirit of togetherness and friendship that is unlike anything else that you will ever experience! Here’s to lots of sales for you!👋🏻🎉
Dec 21Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Postmark Ambassador. I’d like to invite you to drop in to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items including china, seasonal decor, books, CDs and DVDs, video games, clothing, plush toys, jewelry and religious items. I’m happy to consider all reasonable offers and remember to bundle multiple items to save on shipping. Hope you’ll have the time to check out my closet and I’ll check out yours.
Dec 22Reply
laurafay Thanks for stopping by and happy new year!
Jan 02Reply
jensspend Hi, thanks for liking my belt!😎
Feb 14Reply
jodyert thanks for returning to my closet and liking theBetsey Johnson Star with Red white and blue stones again. Hoping you make an offer this time
Mar 04Reply
cocovalli 🌸Hi Allen , How are you? Thank you for liking my necklace. Looking forward to helping you. Have a beautiful night.🌸
Mar 22Reply
lucas813 hi you liked the stars silver bracelet on my page and I marked it down to $10 plus all jewelry under $100 is bogo buy 1 get 1 free of lesser value so you can get anything $9 or less and I marked down so much jewelry for the sale so you able to find something you like for free!!! so it is way worth your while! look around and see if you like something alot for $9 or less or you can buy higher and get this
Apr 22Reply
luvcoachgal7 Good morning 🌞 thank you for visiting and liking betsey johnson jewelry 🤩feel free to make a bundle and send me your offer! I always respond to reasonable offers and ship fast 👋🙏
May 09Reply
msdccloset Hi, question for you…I saw on another listing that you are an expert on Muro welt boots! ❤️❤️ I have a pair that I will list, very unique, I can’t find another one like these! Calf hair/platform/lace front! They are AMAZING! No box was included…they have a 6 inside so I’m assuming since they are unisex, it would be a men’s 6 and a women’s 8 right? Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks so much,happy Poshing! 💕💕💕
Jun 21Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 29Reply
mzpitty1 BUNDLE 2 OR MORE ITEMS 👠👜🥻👗👒FROM MY CLOSET AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 💰. PLUS YOU GET TO CHOOSE 👀 A FREE GIFT 🎁👍 FROM LISTINGS IN MY CLOSET MARKED "FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE" 💋💋😁 I will make you an EXCELLENT DEAL if you make a Bundle!! if you have any Special Requests LET ME KNOW.. Color, style, garment, accessories, sizes....I have a ton of things I haven't listed yet.
Jul 13Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 07Reply
mawmawd78 Good morning, I notice you like my Vecelli Bag, I have an offer of $16 right now for linkers.
Sep 26Reply
mawmawd78 Good morning , I noticed you liked my necklace of hearts , I have reduced the price a little in offers to lockers.
Sep 26Reply
carla_buck Just wanted to say hi and welcome you to Poshmark,have a look in my closet I’m sure you’ll find something you like .🌺🌺
Oct 24Reply
silviasstuff Hi, I looked up the tracking on the bracelet, there seems to be some type of delay at the destination for delivery , please let me know if you receive it, thanks
Nov 19Reply
silviasstuff Hi, not sure what’s going on with the bracelet the tracking shows that it has not been delivered yet but is still in transit, I’ve been following the tracking they sent me a message that said it was delayed, never had this happen before , usps at their best, I guess 🙁
Nov 21Reply
silviasstuff Hi, I just spoke to usps because I didn’t understand why it’s been in Vegas so long, they told me that they sorted the package to the incorrect zip code therefore it’s finding it’s way to the correct post office that’s why it’s been rolling around Vegas, sorry for the delay…
Nov 21Reply
mazyodc Hi, I'm Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, puzzles, books, arts and crafts, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you bundle two or more items (up to 5lbs per bundle). I hope you'll take a peek at my closet - all offers are welcome.
Nov 23Reply
silviasstuff Thanks for the like from my closet, I appreciate it! Let me know if you need additional details.🕊🙂
Dec 22Reply
peeps_boutique Hi! I have a lot of vintage jewelry and accessories including Brighton available in my closet. I offer discounts including on shipping on bundle orders. (2+ items) I hope you give it a look and follow if interested. Thank you! ❤️🙏🏻
Jan 26Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing new year deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉🎉
Feb 15Reply
hillhouseshop Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Apr 02Reply
southofmary Hi Allen! Thanks for liking the vintage bracelet and earring set. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day!
Apr 03Reply
barbiedull0707 hello happy poshing. if you like Sterling silver jewelry please check out my closet 😁. I wish you many likes 👍 shares 🤗 and sales 🥰
May 04Reply
diane_labebas23 My Paparazzi Jewelry are 3/$15. Thank you for visiting and liking my product. Stop by to purchase product anytime 🥰
Aug 14Reply
poshpussycat Hi and thank you for your like! I sent you a nice offer back with discounted shipping!!
Nov 02Reply
thillbill Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Feb 11Reply
bentolhoda06 Everything 3/$24 !! Happy Poshing! 💕💖💖💖
Jul 28Reply
smregan14 Thank you for checking out my closet! Also, thank you so much for liking my items! If you are interested in purchasing let me know. I can make you a private offer on these items. If you see anything else you like in my closet, you can create a bundle. Then I can offer you some great deals! Just let me know! Thanks again! Sarah
Oct 15Reply

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Last Active: Mar 01

Las Vegas, NV
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Last Active: Mar 01

Las Vegas, NV
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