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Updated Apr 15
Updated Apr 15

Meet your Posher, Allison

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Allison. Some of my favorite brands are lululemon athletica, Tory Burch, Free People, J. Crew, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

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2girls2122 Hello, welcome new poshers and seasoned poshers.....😀. ..We are 2 cousins that share a closet. Please take a minute to stop in and take a look. We have sizes 0 to plus... 👗👚🧥👖👞👠🥿🧣👛👓Accessories..Makeup..... Send us a like.. Bundle for savings... We'll send a private offer....most offers are accepted. Have a great day💕💕
Mar 31Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, 😀 make me an reasonable offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings, Have a blessed day!
Mar 31Reply
soriag Thanks for visiting my closet! Do let me know if you find anything you are interested in, I offer bundle discounts too 😊
Apr 01Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME I PRAY WE ALL TAKE CARE😇BE KIND😇AND THOUGHTFUL OF ONE ANOTHER🥰LET US BE MINDFUL OF EACH OTHER🧡LOVE LOVE LOVE🧡BE BLESSED AND SAFE🧡
Apr 02Reply
iranybrito Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success and happy poshing 🌎🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Apr 03Reply
lamorfashions Hey! Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate the follow! 😊 Just wanted to let you know we are currently running a sale: 50% off everything in our closet!!! We carry tons of items including a huge selection of boutique jewelry. Bundle your items and an offer for 50% off will be sent to can send an offer for 50% off and it will be accepted. Discount shipping on bundles $25 or more!! Don’t miss out! Sale ends Monday April 6, 2020 @ 11:59p. Let me know if you have any questions. 😊
Apr 03Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Apr 04Reply
amiller8997 @ltbbalance of course!! You have an awesome closet!!
Apr 05Reply
acookie96 Hey Allison! Feel free to check out my closet, I’m open to offers! If you see something you like please don’t hesitate to liked the item and make an offer or purchase! Happy shopping and stay safe :)
Apr 10Reply
merlekb Hi Allison, thank you for following my closet. I had a chance to visit and share your closet too. Do hope I get a share back. Stay safe and happy poshing!
Apr 10Reply
bellanatalia818 Hello Allison my name is Natalie! ❤️ Best of Luck to you on Poshmark! It’s a lot of fun! I’ll check out your Closet now and share!! Check out my Closet when you get a chance! Follow Me & I’ll Follow You! 👍🏼 Happy Poshing!
Apr 10Reply
tannyaustin @amiller8997 Thanks a bunch 💐🌺🌸🌻🌷 for the follow 💃🕺
Apr 16Reply
ohusoneedthis Hi Allison! I’m Julie! Love your closet!!! I like Lilly a lot!!! But I’ve grown a bit; unfortunately, and I This I would maybe need a n 8 in now!!! My jeans sizes are all messed up!! Now I wear from 26 to a 28. But it depends on fabric and brand of jeans!!! But in dresses I’ve jumped up quite a bit Please feel free to take a look at my clothes. I’m trying to add some new listings each day! I think I may do jeans today or shoes!!!! Thsnk you for following!!!
Apr 24Reply
ringelw Heyyyy my closet is full of Abercrombie and Fitch, Nike, hollister, Aeropostale, Puma, American Eagle, champion, H&M, Vans, Adidas, Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, and Old Navy! I also have juniors things. I’m trying my hardest to sell everything. Please make offers !!Hope you can find what your looking for! Stay safe happy and healthy!
Apr 24Reply
myday529 Hi Allison, thanks for following me. I'm having a 50% off bundles of 3 or more item's sale if you would like to cruise through my closet and see what you like. Have a great night.
Apr 25Reply
rileighh__ Hey! I have a lot of great items I think you’d love in my closet! Come check I️t out :)
May 17Reply
chanel13 Beautiful styles! Love the purple romper! Blessings😇
Jun 22Reply
amiller8997 @chanel13 happy to give you a good deal and I’m open to offers 😀
Jun 22Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jul 17Reply
succaforstyle Thank you so much for all the shares!!! :)
Jul 19Reply
cuppuccinolatte @amiller8997 thanks for all the shares!! ☺️💕 wishing you a wonderful day!
Aug 04Reply
brasskeybtq Thank you for all the shares!!! Have a great week!
Aug 16Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Aug 28Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Aug 31Reply
camillehshea Congratulations on hosting a Poshmark party tomorrow. I hope you have great success and many sales. If you are still in need of a Host Pick, please consider selecting an item from my closet. Thanks so much 😍😍
Mar 21Reply
palmbeachvibe Hi! Congrats on hosting the best in Sweaters and Tops Party! 🎉 Wishing you speedy sales and follows! I'd love it If you could check out my closet for a host pick. See you at the party!
Mar 21Reply
needfulthyngs Hi Allison! 🎉Congratulations on hosting the Best in Sweaters & Tops Posh Party!🎉 Would be grateful if you could swing by my closet while considering Host Picks. Thank you, wish you good luck, and see you at the party! 👍 🎉🎈💃🥳
Mar 21Reply
jenniibee Hi!👋🏻 Congrats on hosting! 🍾I have a ton of items that would make great host picks if you’re still looking. Happy Poshing✨
Mar 21Reply
dianahadit_ Hey Girl 👋 CONGRATS on HOSTING! I was hoping you could consider one of my items for the party. I would appreciate the support💕
Mar 21Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Mar 22Reply
musicgirl06 Hi, and a huge CONGRATS🥳 on your hosting tomorrow! so excited! If you have time, please come over to my closet...just might find something worthy of a 🌟host pick!🌟
Mar 22Reply
thisgirlmarlo Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s category party! I’ll be there sharing my tops and sweaters! Have fun!
Mar 22Reply
glitznglam8888 Congrats on hosting the Best in Sweaters and Tops party!! 🎉🎉 I would really appreciate if you would consider my closet for a host pick. 💃💃 Thanks so much for your consideration and have a blast!! 😊😊💖💖
Mar 22Reply
mrandmrsi ✨CONGRATS✨ On Hosting the BEST IN SWEATERS & TOPS POSH PARTY!! If you have time would love it if you can check out my closet! Thanks so much!!! See you at the party!!💕💕
Mar 22Reply
luluslatenight 🥂Congratulations Alison🍾on hosting the 🥳Best in Sweaters and Tops Posh Party🥳. Can’t wait to party 🎉with you. I left you some 💜share love💜and I’m following you 🏃🏻‍♀️(not in a creepy stalker kind of way🤣). Please 💜share the love💜 with my 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️PFFs, they have awesome closets too. Thanks for considering us for a Host Pick. @theposhypeacock @ohheyitsray @missharleyangel @808dragonheart @vampirestyles @pbnv Linda💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 I’m having a GREAT sweater sale right now!
Mar 22Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Best in Sweaters & Tops Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event.♥️
Mar 22Reply
adrineiman Congratulations on hosting! 🥳🎉🎊 I hope you have time to visit my closet and find a worthy host pick! 🥰 Thank you and happy posting ❤️
Mar 22Reply
ditooshop @amiller8997 Congratulations on cohosting today's Best in Sweaters & Tops party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Mar 22Reply
zoe_posh_shop Congrats on hosting the best in sweaters & tops party! Please stop by my closet for potential host picks. I have some great sweaters & tops listed.
Mar 22Reply
huntersthrift Congrats on co-hosting! If you are in need of potential HPs, please take a look at my closet.
Mar 22Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳🙏
Mar 22Reply
cjnwa Congrats on hosting today's Best in Sweaters & Tops event! You are invited to check out the few tops in my closet in consideration for HP. Thanks! See you at the party! : )
Mar 22Reply
myhacker456 💚💚💚💛💛💛CONGRATS ON YOUR HOSTING!   CHECK OUT MY CLOSET FOR A HOST PICK!! 💚💛💚💛💚💛💚💚💚💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💛💛💛
Mar 22Reply
adornedlovely Hi 😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Sweaters & Tops Posh Party! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a fabulous party & day. Thank you 🤍
Mar 22Reply
bizzyjenn Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Sweaters & Tops Posh Party! I hope you will consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick!
Mar 22Reply
jsj40 CONGRATS on hosting! Excited about party today🤗! If you have time, would you kindly check out my closet as my 👚Dept Could REALLY use some P😍SH L❤️VE THX so much for your consideration, jill @jsj40
Mar 22Reply
wishuponastyle CONGRATULATIONS on your party‼️🥳💞🎉🎈🌸🤩💖 💫💐🎊❣️🤗 I would greatly appreciate if you would consider featuring my closet @wishuponastyle for a 💖Host Pick!💖 Sending you lots of love 💓and wishing you a Successful and Spectacular party full of Sales!! 🎉💗🛍💐💚🌼💜🥰🌸✨❣️🛍🌈🌹💙💥🤗🧡
Mar 22Reply
rachelbtu21 congrats on hosting today's party! please consider my closet for a host pick :)
Mar 22Reply
vintageracegear Congratulations on hosting today!!! 😄🥳🥳😄😄
Mar 22Reply
julius17 WOW! CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING! That is sooo cool!! If you can, I would love if you could check out my closet to see if I have anything worthy of a host pick! Thank you for your time and have an amazing day! @julius17☺️✨
Mar 22Reply
inspiredmmvibes 🌅Hi and congratulations on your BEST IN SWEATERS AND TOPS POSH PARTY !🧡❤️🧡🌟 Wish you the best of times in this party and speedy sales💫💫💫if you have time to look at my closet and consider a Host Pick from it, I will be so grateful ❣️Thanks and have fun !!!🌈🎉🤗🎉 @inspiredmmvibes
Mar 22Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳Congrats on hosting the Best in SWEATERS & TOPS party! I’m so excited-I have tons of new listings! 👚 👕 👔 Please ✅ out my Posh Compliant closet; I’d love a Host🏆Picks.🎈I’d be over the 🌙 moon to be featured. TYSM . See you there. Tricia
Mar 22Reply
bkmsmith @amiller8997 Hello, please feel free to check out my closet for the best in tops and sweaters posh party. Thank you and Happy Poshing!!
Mar 22Reply
shopfablooks Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Mar 22Reply

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Last Active: Mar 09

Arlington, VA
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Last Active: Mar 09

Arlington, VA
View Closet




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