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Updated Aug 01
Updated Aug 01

Meet your Posher, Alysia'marie

Meet the Posher



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♡Hey guys I'm Alysia'marie●Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, kate spade, Calvin Klein, Coach,&& Express●Everything I will be posting will always be new with tags or worn once, I have many many diffrent item's ALL purses authentic w/tags have a bunch of stuff I'm gonna be adding always open to offers and bundles if theres anything else you would like to know please message me♡Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too.♡
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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fashion_noveau Thank You for the Likes ☺️. We have similar taste 😊
Apr 23Reply
stylishalways @shauntealb yes we do love I have to add a bunch of stuff up and definitely need to shop in your closet 😘 we got the best taste 😉
Apr 23Reply
grandmatravel Thank you SO much for your rating of the earrings you bought. I hope you enjoy them for a long time.
Apr 30Reply
stylishalways @grandmatravel I will love and I'll be back they are absolutely stunning should have been way more then I paid
Apr 30Reply
lidaloo Hey are you still interested in purchasing any of the items that you said you were???
May 02Reply
prettyeasy4you You are an absolute sweetheart...♥️I’m so happy that you liked the dress! Thank you for your kind words!
May 05Reply
lidaloo Are you still interested in purchasing from my closet??
May 06Reply
sugarskullkiss Thank you for your purchase. I will have your item shipped out by tomorrow Monday 😊❤️
May 10Reply
stylishalways @igotorbs no problem ty
May 10Reply
blastfrompastnc Hey!! Don’t forget you made a bundle of things in my closet 😊
May 11Reply
sinystylin 🧵 Welcome & Happy Poshing 🎉
May 11Reply
marigasial @stylishalways hi I sent you a couple of gifts with your order. I hope you receive your order today and that you love it🙏🏻🌻💖please don't forget to give me a rating🙏🏻thanks!!!
May 12Reply
marigasial @stylishalways thank you for the amazing review! Im happy you loved everything!🌸💖🌻 yes I included the earrings as a gift but so sorry I forgot to include the backs😞I also included a plexiglass makeup/jewelry organizer as a gift 🌻💖
May 13Reply
May 17Reply
stylishalways @marigasial oh hunny dont worry about it I loves everything I just wanted to make sure u new incase it was an accident I absolutely love everything ir amazing love 😘❤
May 17Reply
marigasial @stylishalways I'm very glad you loved everything💖🌻🙏🏻
May 17Reply
stylishalways @marigasial I absolutely did and I'll be 🛍 again very soon most likely tonight 😘 I was very satisfied and feel comfortable with your items❤
May 17Reply
marigasial @stylishalways thank you🌻🙏🏻💖
May 17Reply
berric Hey thanks for the likes! I have tons of great items in my closet right now. Check out my bio for any deals I have when you bundle! Thanks and happy poshing 😁
May 17Reply
livingadream @stylishalways Thank you very much for such a sweet note 🥰 makes me feel so good when people are happy & satisfied! Thank you again sooo so much ❤️
May 20Reply
stylishalways @livingadream you are more then welcome u 1000% deserved it I feel 1000% comfortable buying from you and your an amazing sweet woman I was more then happy love 😘🙏👑❤
May 21Reply
mariavaldivi764 Hello!!! Most of my closet is 50% off except for Mexican crafts. And if you buy is over $ 20 I give you a discount on shipping and if it is over $ 60 the shipping is free.
May 23Reply
aysha_h hi there! I’m selling a super similar pair of black leather boots to the ones you liked :) please feel free to send over an offer if you decide you like them and if not no worries and have a great day 💕
May 25Reply
stylishalways @aysha_h do u have a size 9.5 or 10?
May 25Reply
aysha_h @stylishalways no sorry just a 9! But since they’re leather they will stretch over time so a 9 may work in these?
May 25Reply
matthewj @stylishalways thanks so much for the shares! ❤️😊
May 29Reply
stylishalways @matthewj np 😊 love I share all the time
May 29Reply
stylishalways @matthewj to for the shares
May 29Reply
matthewj @stylishalways cool closet btw.
May 29Reply
stylishalways @matthewj TY🥰same to you I just started I have over 500+brand new ite.s to put up gonna put up a lot tonight
May 29Reply
matthewj @stylishalways AWESOME!!! Looking forward to seeing your updated closet.
May 29Reply
cristinabeauty3 @stylishalways love your closet! ❤️❤️❤️
May 30Reply
drama_llama_ Hi there Alysia'marie! I just wanted to reach out, say hello, and invite you to check out my closet! I am happy to answer any questions and consider all offers, or offer you a private discount if you'd like to bundle :) have a lovely rest of your day and happy poshing!
Jun 04Reply
stylishalways @drama_llama_ ty so much 💓 that is so sweet I will definitely check it out i love to shop lol, thank you for such a sweet message 😘🥂
Jun 04Reply
stylishalways @cristinabeauty3 its not even half way done wifey you know that lol I love yours oh & love you 💋😘👑👑
Jun 04Reply
cristinabeauty3 @stylishalways 😘🥰😍 Thanks love! ❤️
Jun 04Reply
bre0114 @stylishalways Hi!💕 I’m having a 3/$30 sale on jewelry in my closet. Along with a 3/$25 sale on hair accessories. (there are listings explaining both sales at the top of my closet). I also have other items that you may be interested in like masks😷 (for adults and kids) and many other things. I’m willing to work with prices, just make me an offer. And if you like 2 or more items I can create a bundle for you making the shipping and price of the item cheaper. Stay safe and stay healthy!😊
Jun 16Reply
myaddedsparkle Hi! I’m My Added Sparkle, and I’d love if you could check out my closet, full of jewelry and accessories! Don’t hesitate to ask questions! If anything catches your eye, I have a 3 for $30 sale going on, or if you’re bundle is over $50, you get a discount and free shipping! Thanks, happy poshing! 🥂✨
Jun 17Reply
natalieeek Hey Girl. Love your saying u have posted. Super down to earth. !! Everyone should love everyone. We all breathe the same air. On Mother Earth!! But agree don’t worry what others think !! Love ourselves!! Have a beautiful day!! Natalie
Jul 03Reply
stylishalways @natalieeek ty love ur absolutely right morw ppl should be like us love ❤❤😘😘
Jul 03Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jul 11Reply
joni725 Hi Alysia Thank you for the 5 purchases!!! I will get them packaged up and go over to the post office either tomorrow or Friday. Once they are on their way you will be notified by PoshMark with a tracking number. There will be two shipments so I will send you the tracking number of the second package. Thanks again and have a good night, Joni🌷😊🌷💕
Jul 15Reply
joni725 Hi Alysia I shipped out both of your packages. The two L’ange tools are in one box with the Poshmark label on it in the puffer, pants, and belt are in a separate package sent thru FedEx. The tracking number is 178226499984. Again, I appreciate your purchases and hope you enjoy each and everyone. Stay safe, Joni
Jul 16Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi, I'm Cora. Thank you for liking my closet. If I can be if further assistance. Let me know. Have a Most Blessed Weekend 😎😎
Jul 16Reply
joni725 Hi Alysia Thank you so much for the 5 star rating and the nice compliment. I am so happy you are happy! I do take pride in my things (new or old). I’m sure you’ll look darling in everything. Thank you again for your purchase. Stay safe. 💕🌷😊💕
Jul 18Reply
chrysaliseffect Wow such an amazing review! Thank you!!! I truly enjoy providing a great shopping experience and will keep you updated if I get any of the brands you listed. Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 19Reply
stylishalways @chrysaliseffect no problem love if you get any makeup also or shoes if u add anything new please let me no and gour more then welcome you deserved that review ty hunny have a great night
Jul 19Reply
marigasial @stylishalways hi sweetie I sent out your package this morning 🌻I hope you enjoy it. I made sure I extra bubble wrapped your cute wine glasses so they arrive safe🙏🏻 thank you again for visiting my closet and purchasing from me. I will make sure I accept what I purchased from you as soon as I receive it so the funds are released to you.
Jul 20Reply
d_fashionbags Hello, come and check out my closet!
Jul 20Reply
mybagobsession @stylishalways Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. My name is Samantha. I am a Posh Ambassador so if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out. Happy Poshing!
Jul 22Reply
stylishalways @shelsley92 hi baby omg I just saw your closet 😍 😭 💗 💖 do u do bundle deals like if I was to buy a few mk is my favorite I sell the ones I don't use and I had to throw away a few u are selling coach is my favorite
Jul 22Reply
emeraldintent 🎉Congratulations on your purchase! Will mail it out first thing tmrw morning. Thank you so much! 😊🌻
Jul 23Reply
emeraldintent Thanks for the review! Glad you loved your purchase!! Enjoy your summer🙌🏽💕😎
Jul 29Reply
spreadlove HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Aug 02Reply
emeraldintent 🎉Congratulations on your purchase! Mailing out today. 🙂🌻
Aug 05Reply
fashion_noveau 💕Thank you for the continued Posh Love💕
Aug 05Reply
stylishalways @fashion_noveau always baby same to you i hope you have many sales ❤ ty for always showing love baby❤us 2 Queens need to stick together 👸 👸 I wanna buy a bundle im waiting for my new cards they transferred ALL my accounts from DC to the banks
Aug 05Reply
stylishalways @fashion_noveau out here waiting for my cards the 1st 1that comes in I wanna buy those 3 black bags and a bunch of other items wat a good price $800 I bought 1 from the store cost me $3,000 I was pissed when I saw it on ur page for 800 or 1k I still have the tags on it so might return it lol
Aug 05Reply
fashion_noveau @stylishalways I try to give a good deal. :). You’ll also get a 20% Bundle Discount when you purchase 2 or more items.
Aug 06Reply
queenbaby17 @stylishalways if you got some more Victoria's Secret packages together or in a set I will buy them from you😊💖
Aug 06Reply
stylishalways @queenbaby17 baby I have a hole room full of outfits pirfume sets im putting up some sets and outfits now i have over 150boxes of household supplies so I have a listing up that says please read the listing in my closet before you purchase bec ive gotten 4 stars because I fill the boxes i have over 100 nwt mk sets & coach sets wallets wristlets lv,mk,vercache sunglasses mk sandels brand new in box NWT
Aug 07Reply
stylishalways @queenbaby17 anything your looking for in vs & pink i have lol its ridiculous due to my job i dont have time but my job is why I get house supplies
Aug 07Reply
queenbaby17 @stylishalways. oh ok cool thanks💖💖💖
Aug 07Reply
emeraldintent Thank you so much for the rating! Glad you loved everything 😍🤩 I was definitely over here like, What can I send her that she doesn’t already have in her stock pile 🤔😅 lol. Take Care 👸 and hope to do business with you again!💕💕🌻
Aug 08Reply
stylishalways @emeraldintent I loved everything ❤ and we definitely will be baby❤👑us Queens 👸 💖 need to stick togather well deserved rating boo❤
Aug 09Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Alysia!🙋🏻‍♀️This is Alicia!😉 Thank you for Your 11 Likes. Made you a Bundle, please revise & feel free to “REMOVE” whatever you don’t want Today. Then, please make me AN OFFER! 😉 🤗
Aug 13Reply
elizabethmoeton is the human hair ponytail a wrap around .does it have the hair piece to wrap around and cover the Velcro?
Aug 17Reply
elizabethmoeton is the ponytail a wrap around and does it have more then one colm?
Aug 17Reply
elizabethmoeton hey I didn't see your offer on the it a wrap around.can you open it and put a picture up.and can you resend the offer?
Aug 21Reply
stylishalways @elizabethmoeton yes baby I sent an offer out its a hand made Brazilian clip in ponytail my hair stylist uses the claw clip and makes them from top to bottom i have everycolor i do have clip in and a few wrap around the 1 in 1 of these pics i have 1 ponytail extensions in its all different sizes i have 500 she made but I only use 50 out of them so gonna add alot up tonight and she made me wigs I don't use those so selling them all
Aug 21Reply
stylishalways @elizabethmoeton if u want to put it in a bundle ill make u an offer im putting up more tonight and clip ins
Aug 21Reply
elizabethmoeton I work slot and missed the offer.i like the wrap around ponytails 22 inch or longer.cant wait to see what you put up tonight.
Aug 21Reply
elizabethmoeton what is a clip in?
Aug 21Reply
elizabethmoeton is the clip on the one that has the hair that wraps around with the Velcro? because that's the one I'm looking for.
Aug 21Reply
olivia_pinho Hey are you still interested in purchasing?😊
Aug 22Reply
olivia_pinho Hey just letting you I messaged you☺️ your probably busy right now, but I set everything up for you so it can be ready to ship💗 thank you so much
Aug 22Reply
tjbrock3367 Good morning! Thank you so much for creating the bundle from my closet. I sent you an offer of $50 for all 7 items. Hope this works for you. If you have any questions please reach out. Thank you again and Happy Poshing! :)
Aug 22Reply
elizabethmoeton can you put a picture of the top of the Ponytailopened up so I can see it please ?
Aug 25Reply
uniquefashio433 Hi dear. i saw you are interested in disposable face masks. I have 50 pieces for $22. Offering you a $2 discount. If you are interested, you can send me an offer for $20 and i will accept it. Have a great day.
Aug 26Reply
stylishalways @elizabethmoeton its human hair im adding a bunch more i don't use these colors and the other 30 im putting up i dont like to open and touch it but this one i have it and had it dyed so ill put the pic up of the same 1 so u can see everything is there a certain angle u want me to get hunny?
Aug 27Reply
elizabethmoeton no I'm just trying to see what kind it new to the
Aug 28Reply
daisy_new_dukes @stylishalways Thanks so much for the 5 stars ✨ and live note!! I am so glad that u are pleased with ur purchase!
Aug 29Reply
avina1974 Hi 🤗 welcome to the best Poshmark App where you find varieties if you see something that is flirty 😍 for your eyes let me know nice day.
Sep 09Reply
ashtyn_2584 Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. I have a fun thing I like to do, which is for all my followers, if you choose 2+ items to purchase together, I offer a 15% discount. I also add plenty of other discounts, ranging from price reductions to shipping reductions, regardless of the number of items purchased. So feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Sep 10Reply
taylorccrouch Hello! I created an offer for your bundle! Don’t miss out! Other poshers have some of the items bundled as well!
Sep 21Reply
equalstyles Hi 👋🏻 just got another email from posh telling me to contact seller about my delayed shipment. I know you already told me it’s shipped Monday so I emailed them back with potential lost package or not tracking.
Oct 02Reply
maryclement24 Hey Alysia! Thank you for the like! Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to make an offer :) have a good day!
Oct 07Reply
stylishalways @maryclement24 no problem love & ty for the shares I would actually love to make a bundle
Oct 07Reply
stylishalways @equalstyles heyy hunny checking in have u received the package ❤
Oct 07Reply
maryclement24 @stylishalways okay awesome! I’ll go back & make a bundle offer for you then. Can you let me know which items you would like? :)
Oct 07Reply
equalstyles @stylishalways hey! Yes and I’m so excited! I will be able to open it in a couple of hours! ☺️ thanks for checking
Oct 07Reply
stylishalways @equalstyles I cant wait for u to open it
Oct 07Reply
maryclement24 Hey Alysia! I’m still new to Poshmark so I’m trying to figure out how to make a bundle for you. I’m sorry for the delay 🤦🏽‍♀️
Oct 07Reply
equalstyles @stylishalways awesome! Love the bag so much and thnx for The wallet!!! I’m doing The video now and I’ll comment with the info to find it in YouTube when I post.
Oct 07Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for sharing my listings! Be safe...Dorothy
Oct 22Reply
thelillyjoyce Thanks for following:) I am offering $2 off everything when bundled!! Just counter offer me your price. All orders go out same day:) stay safe xoxo
Oct 28Reply
poshspice1270 when will you be shipping out my items? I dNt wait to get them!
Nov 05Reply
momof2boys621 Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Welcome to Poshmark 😊Love your listings by the way!
Dec 13Reply
beclassybebold I love your items!👏👏👏♥️😃
Dec 14Reply
chi_k_boutique Hello, they are new,but they don’t have the box
Jan 10Reply
chi_k_boutique I’m sorry, he already sold
Jan 10Reply
chi_k_boutique It was sold
Jan 10Reply
mmdell11 hi there! just wanted to let you know I dropped all my prices and am having a big sale! all men's clothing to BOGO too! (:
Jan 16Reply
tweedydo2 🌻🌻On a cloudy,rainy day Sunflowers turn towards each other to share their energy let’s become the same flower in each others lives. Let us supporting and  empowering each other during their of despair. “So keep comforting one another with these words.” Isaiah 41:10 ” Do not be Afraid “ Jehovah’s creation has so much to teach us. The Bible is like a powerful light. We can use the Bible to show us how to make good decisions and to help us see what lies ahead. KEEP SAFE 🙏💕
Jan 19Reply
chi_k_boutique Hi, I’m happy to hear from you again!
Jan 19Reply
chi_k_boutique Of course
Jan 19Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Jan 24Reply
tweedydo2 I happy you received package 📦 💕
Jan 25Reply
dunnhunter87 🌺Hi! Thank you for liking and bundling some items from my closet! I see that you like the planner and notebook set too. Would you like me to add that to the bundle? I have 10% off 2 or more items, but since you bundled a bunch I can take off a little bit more off and give you Free Shipping (with added weight shipping is more, but I can cover that)!!! I’m open to offers or I can send you one to start. Would you be interested?🌺
Jan 31Reply
themis68 Thanks for all the shares and likes. Bundle and I can offer you a discount.
Feb 01Reply
rosell15 Hi, thanks for Bundling the Mund Walet, I sent an Offer, please advise if acceptable, thank you, ciao!
Feb 03Reply
rosell15 Please make a Counter Offer if you are still interested, Thank You!
Feb 04Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Feb 08Reply
pumpkn3 hello! sorry to bother you but I was wondering are you still interested in purchasing my 3 bundles and my Santa approved box all by BBW?
Feb 14Reply
classyt120 Hi! Sharing a little Posh love from Peabody! 💘💘💘
Feb 14Reply
dunnhunter87 @stylishalways 🌷Hi Alysia’marie! Thank you so much for the likes and bundling. Are you still interested? I tried sending an offer on the bundle, not sure if you received it. If you are still interested, please send me an offer and I would love to chat and see what we can do. I accept all reasonable offers and would love to get these items to you while I still have a discount on bundling. I hope you have a wonderful day!🌷-Stephanie 🥰
Feb 20Reply
leravaldez Hello! I would like to invite you visit my closet to find great deals! I have items that hopefully you may like. Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to you visiting my closet!
Feb 24Reply
officially_posh Hi💜 I'm Jennifer, a Posh ambassador. Feel free to check out my closet for authentic Chanel & Louis Vuitton listings💜💜💜Happy Poshing!💕💜💕💜
May 19Reply
jillwilliams140 Hi there💖. I like your motto on your first page. Very much! I have the Coach bag that you liked. Leather, horse hair and chain. It’s really gorgeous. A rare find, from what I can find a one of a kind piece. Probably a sample from a trunk fashion show. Let me know if you have questions. It’s honestly gorgeous. Jill💖
May 31Reply
eblboutique48 Hi beautiful I just like for you to check out my closet.
Jun 12Reply
deli126 Hi there, welcome to Postmark. Please check out my closet. I have so many great items! If there is anything in my closet you like, please let me know. I’m open to reasonable offers and you save big on bundles & shipping. 🛍😊
Oct 16Reply
m_acuna Hey posher , huge sale in my closet . Makeup , skincare, guess, Lululemon , vs pink and more . Some items $5. Come check it out 😊🛍
Mar 16Reply
cutehosiery @stylishalways Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 17Reply
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Last Active: Feb 27 2021

Seekonk, MA
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About the seller



Last Active: Feb 27 2021

Seekonk, MA
View Closet




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4 days

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